Present Cllr. Stuart Tarrant Chair Cllr.T Cllr. David Parkin Cllr.P Cllr. Tony Virgo Cllr.V Inspector Greg Elphick GE Sergeant Loran Rivett LR PC Lucy McDonnel LM PCSO Debbie Rimmer DR Fiona Heston - BFC FH Wendy French – BFC WF (minute taker) 18 residents

Item Details Actions

1. Welcome & Introductions Chairman, Cllr. Stuart Tarrant welcomed everybody and thanked them for attending. Cllr.T introduced the police and representatives from Forest Council to the forum attendees.

2. The Neighbourhood Consultation Process The Neighbourhood Action Group, or NAG, is a group of volunteers, made up from a cross section of our community, who plan and

organise work activities to take forward the actions identified by residents as priorities for work. Each year at these open public meetings, NAG asks it’s local residents for their opinions and views on local issues that matter to them. Both the Neighbourhood Forums, local Resident Associations, Neighbourhood Watch Committees and local Ward & Parish Councillors have been able to give a good picture of local issues that are important to our residents and help it to set it’s priorities for the coming year.

3. Progress Report on the Last 12 Months Cllr.T gave an update on NAG activities during the last year. At the Neighbourhood Forum last year issues were raised and after subsequent discussion various priorities were chosen to focus on during the year.

These priorities have been:

- Countering excessive speeding in the area and seeking

permanent solutions

- The Green Environment, particularly working with local schools - To assist in the reduction of Burglary Non-Dwelling These issues were addressed by Cllr.T in the reverse order: Burglary Non Dwelling. Household burglary is continuing in various parts of the area with 5 in the area recently. Police have been quick to act and have increased their patrols in the hotspot areas. Non dwelling burglary has increased with break-ins at Locks Ride Pavilion and Riding stables in the Maidens Green area recently. This type of burglary is happening more regularly and the police have responded with helpful communications to residents in affected areas, listing various precautionary actions. The Green Environment Cllr Parkin updated everyone on progress around the green environment.

• Engaging with TVP in the community payback scheme (an operation where low-level offenders are given tasks to do as part of their punishment). This has involved clearing ditches and litter picking in the south of the parish and clearing

overgrown footpaths in the north of the parish. The Community Pay Back Teams have given 400 hours of their time in the last 12 months. Other projects such as painting are in the pipeline.

• Working with Paul Craven Head of Maintenance at Winkfield and Cranbourne Parish Office the NAG have engaged with 4 local schools who have chosen trees and planted them. It is hoped that understanding why they are planting trees and feeling partly responsible for those trees that they have planted will encourage the children to respect the environment. • Working with the local schools on litter picking to keep areas around their own school free of litter. Some of the litter problems come from passing traffic. Cllr.P has built up a good relationship with Heads of the schools. By educating children at a young age and keeping the momentum going throughout their school life it is hoped that this will instil in them a sense of

responsibility with regards to litter.

• Helping families to appreciate and value the environment by being involved in the Parish Annual Cycle Ride and the Annual Footpath Walk. The former saw 167 people registering for the 10 mile course, including many children who received a medal at the end. The Footpath Walk in November is a great way to promote exercise and not only brings the community together but also ensures that the footpaths stay open for future


• Working with the schools and parents to actively encourage their children to engage in activities to help the green Environment. Excessive Speeding Although there was no BFC consultation in the current year, previous BFC resident consultations recorded that excessive speeding in the Winkfield & Cranbourne area was the highest resident concern for over 50% of respondents and that it was getting worse. Thames Valley Police have continued with their work with the camera van parked in various key locations and there is a continuing exercise by Bracknell police in monitoring various places to which attention has been drawn to the Neighbourhood Action Group. For example, Hatchet Lane came up for special speeding consideration but the results have not been convincing that there is a major problem. Police activity has also been evident on Fernbank Road. It is clear that there is a need for permanent solutions as the police are not available at peak and night times. There is also general agreement that road signage by itself does not reduce speeding. Working with BFC, some progress has been made and the following updates have been made available by Neil Matthews from the Highways department at BFC: • London Rd/ Fernbank Rd Traffic lights. At last year’s Forum meeting a resident raised the issue of speeding down from the Ascot Roundabout towards Bracknell and jumping the traffic lights. Cllr.T was pleased to report that BFC Highways Dept had installed equipment to reduce this problem. • Brockhill (B3022). “...further speed management measures are proposed for the Brockhill section of the B3022 within the current financial year”

• Winkfield Lane. “Results from the 7 day speed survey show typical speeds to be sufficiently above the Police enforcement threshold of 35 mph (for a 30 mph limit) to warrant

intervention. The proposal is to investigate the practicality of speed measurement measures, subject to prioritisation against other similar proposals....” • Braziers Lane crossroads. An outline traffic calming proposal, with the support of WPC, has been submitted to BFC Highways for consideration which would entail the introduction of speed calming cushions on Forest Road (but not sited outside residences) and Locks Ride, a weight restriction for vehicles turning into Braziers Lane and the moving of the 30 mph sign on Forest Road, North Ascot side, to before the bend rather than after it, where it is currently hidden in the foliage. • Winkfield Row / St Mary’s and Lambrook Schools. As reported previously archer strip recording by both the police and BFC has demonstrated that excessive speeding occurs on the B3017 outside schools. During the year a traffic calming scheme has been developed by BFC which has been supported by the local community involving the laying of speed cushions on the B road and humps on the unclassified section of Winkfield Row outside St Mary’s School. This has now been approved subject to final notifications and is likely to be implemented early next year. Cllr.T thanked Cllr Ballin for signing off the final approval for this. • Maidens Green X roads. The plan eventually is to have traffic lights at this dangerous crossroads but little progress has been made in acquiring the necessary land to enable it to be progressed. Cllr.T recommended to the Maidens Green Society that they consider a low cost cushion type solution as a short term measure. Accidents Cllr.T reported that over the past year there had been accidents at Maiden’s Green crossroads, Winkfield Row at the traffic lights, Brazier’s Lane and Hayley Green. The NAG are working tirelessly with BFC to find solutions. Lock’s Ride Play Area This project, primarily funded by government, has been a huge success based on the feedback of the many users. However the popularity of the play area has caused a parking problem at times and a noise problem for a few residents. Also, there has been a couple of anti social behaviour incidents. BFC, WPC and the vast majority of local residents are determined that this excellent facility will continue to be enjoyed by our young people.

4. Have Your Say One resident raised the concern that Crouch lane is still subject to speeding and nothing appears to be done about it. Heavy Goods TVP vehicles delivering to farms and stable in the area are a problem, coming through at speed. TVP agreed to look into this. There are problems with the traffic lights at the junction of London Road and Fernbank Road. The right filter is not working correctly. Cllr.T asked the resident to report this to BFC.

The Crouch Lane coordinator for neighbourhood watch was concerned that emails regarding local burglaries were not filtering LM through. LM offered to look into this. GE confirmed that Margaret Weber sends out the Ringmaster messages. Anyone wishing to receive these messages should contact Margaret on 01344 823488 or e-mail: margaret.weber:thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk. It was requested that Margaret Weber come to some of the neighbourhood Watch meetings. TVP to action this. It was pointed out by one resident that he thought the centre road lines at the Maidens Green crossroads were offset causing confusion to drivers. There is also confusion because there is a ‘stop’ sign on one side of the crossroads and a give way sign on the other. The resident thought that the proposed traffic lights could cause problems. It was hoped that the ‘cushions’ going down in Winkfield Row next

year may have a possible solution for Maidens Green crossroads. It was thought that signage could be improved at Braziers Lane crossroads. Cllr.T/BFC In the capital budget of BFC there is an item for considering speed measures for Brockhill. The NAG is going to follow this up and (actioned) residents were advised that they could also follow it up directly with BFC. Feedback on 02/11 stated that ‘Consultation on a proposal is

due very shortly.’

A resident asked if there was a blood doner van in the area as the one that used to stop at Lambrook School was no longer there. Cllr.V Cllr.V offered to confirm where the blood donor vans visit and when. It was

pointed out that a donor van regularly goes to Bracknell Leisure Centre and also sometimes at Tesco, . Cllr.T confirmed that the speed reduction scheme in Winkfield Row had been approved and that the only thing that prevented it going ahead would be if a Councillor opposed it, however this was unlikely.

One of the residents present asked if the cricket at Locks Ride had been affected due to the new playground and he was assured by Cllr. P that cricket matches were still going ahead. Risk from sports at Locks Ride is low and only two sports fixtures had to move to alternative accommodation. Sports users were consulted and their worst fears were unfounded. Residents were concerned that the parking at Locks Ride was a big issue especially during the summer months. Cllr.P explained that the Parish Council did consult on parking before the building started, however it was decided not to go ahead with enlarging the car park as the Highways Department at BFC had advised that until the impact of the new playground was evident it was not a good idea to commit to that expenditure. Cllr.P explained that in June as soon as it was obvious that the playground was very popular the far end of the field by the existing car park was opened up. However this still did not stop some people from parking on the road and as they were not parked illegally no action could be taken. In readiness for next summer double gates will be erected from the car park into the field so that when the car park is full they can be opened to allow cars onto the field, giving cars plenty of room to turn.

Cllr.T thanked Cllr P for all his hard work with regards to Locks Ride playground.

5. Priorities for Action Those present were asked to write what they would like TVP and BFC to concentrate on to improve the neighbourhood so that they could be

taken into account when deciding on priorities for the next year. Early indication was to keep speeding and also look at mobile phone use whilst driving. Burglary was also highlighted and some noise from bars and restaurants. There was also concern that those delivering mailshots/newspapers etc are not pushing the item through the letterbox fully and therefore burglars may use this information to BFC ascertain if the house is empty. BFC to feedback to Democratic (actioned) Services who organise some deliveries in the borough.

6. Update from Police PC Lucy McDonnel is not currently in uniform as she is due to go on maternity leave next year and has been transferred to office based

duties. She will be going on maternity leave in March and until then remains the main point of contact, supported by DR. At present the local police are looking at reducing burglary non dwelling in the area and have been carrying out crime reduction surveys to advise how to improve security and urging locals to join Neighbourhood Watch. A dvd has also been distributed called Shutting the Gates that was a joint initiative between TVP, Surrey and Hampshire forces. The police would like to be informed of any non dwelling burglaries so that they can be recorded. Lead theft was also a rising problem and lead was recently stolen from Carnation Hall roof. A local resident had called the police due to the unusual noises coming from the hall in the early hours and although the thieves had left by the time the police arrived the car was eventually stopped and searched and those responsible sent to court. The police stressed the importance of reporting any unusual activity. BFC’s crime rate is down 25.4% compared to Windsor and Maidenhead at 16.2% and our detection rate is 22.4% against Windsor and Maidenhead’s 10.6%. There is a lot of activity in the area around speeding. Once per month the police are out with the speed gun and the speed enforcement van is regularly sited in the area: North Street, Forest Road, Longhill Road, Fernbank Road, Locks Ride, Brockhill, Winkfield Row and Carnation Road. PCSOs are also regularly using SIDs in the area, especially where access is difficult for the speed enforcement van and where the road is not suitable for a speed gun. Drivers who are caught speeding with the SID are sent a warning letter, but will not be fined. There have been no road traffic deaths since January and no

serious injury accidents. There were 9 minor injury accidents during the year. LM asked those present if they would be interested in taking part in an initiative to put 20mph or 30mph (depending on what their road speed LM was) on their wheelie bins as an extra reminder to drivers. There was a good show of hands. LM to action. There has been no recorded activity in drug dealing during the past year in the area, only some cannabis possession. Compared to other parts of Bracknel, the Winkfield, Cranbourne and North Ascot area has very few drug issues. GE praised LM and DR for their good work, they have a good grasp of what is happening locally and give a quick response to issues that are highlighted. He expressed concern that the community messaging was not always getting through to some of those who thought they were signed up to it. GE cited the local area as pleasant place to work and live. GE reiterated that LM was still doing 99% of her job and could be contacted as usual through the web or by telephone. Maternity cover will be sought for LM. Cllr.T thanked the local police team for their dedication over the past year.

7. Update and Comments from Council and/or BFC Ward Councillors There was nothing further to add.

8. Closing Comments Cllr. Tarrant thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45pm.