ROTARY CLUBS IN CREAM AREA THE FIVE CLUBS’ CALENDAR 2013-2014 Issued 1st April 2014 There are five Rotary clubs in Cream Area of District 1090: Ascot, Bracknell, Crowthorne & Sandhurst, Easthampstead and Wokingham. The clubs have collaborated to produce this calendar so that we can avoid clashes of dates in the future and also so that we can assist each other when appropriate. Club Secretaries are asked to inform Dave Donaldson (Secretary of the Rotary Club of Bracknell) telephone 07748701346 of any errors, additions or deletions to the calendar and an edited version will be produced. It is intended to send the latest edition of the calendar on the first of each month electronically to Club Secretaries so they can forward it to their members as required. Rotarians are asked to contact the Club Secretary for more details about a particular event. Contact details: Ascot: Ian Valentine:
[email protected] Bracknell: Dave Donaldson:
[email protected] Crowthorne & Sandhurst: Margaret Finch:
[email protected] Easthampstead: John Fordham:
[email protected] Wokingham: Paul Buckenham:
[email protected] The Rotary Club of Ascot meets at Mill Ride Golf Club, North Ascot, on Wednesdays, first and third at 13.00 second and fourth at 19.30. For the year 2013 to 2014, Alan Clare is President, David Marshall is Treasurer, Ian Valentine is Secretary, Peter Batterbee is Speaker Finder. The Rotary Club of Bracknell meets at the Old Manor Hotel in Bracknell every Tuesday lunchtime 12.15 for 12.30 and meetings end at 13.30. First Tuesday: Fellowship, Club Council.