B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . G. W. NOBLE PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, -WILL SELL-

JO H N C3-.I3;OI j 3 ^ E E B - 5 0 0 M E N ’S S U IT S

TERMS, S1,50 PER YEAR From §5.00 to $10.00. PAYABI/R IH ADVAHGS* tmuMiiutMiEHam oamrnoi. VOLUME XXIV. BUCHANAN. BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1890. The suite from §8.00 to §10.00 are all wool OFFICE—In Record Builrtlng.OafcStrect and fast colors. ■'NEVER TROEBEE IROBBEE UNTIL Monday night came. That was the Customs of Heligoland. How to Destroy Moths. TROUBLE TROUBLES YOU,” night o f the bachelor’s german, but I - is n B 'w Close all the windows and all doors stayed at home aud talked to mother. In Heligoland marriage cancels every BT A..E. tl. other engagement, so that there can be Business Directory. Then I played euchre with her fora leading from the rooms about to un­ Plow Shoes! PlowShoes! no breach of promise brought against dergo treatment, open wide each draw­ And if you want a motto while, and we managed to have a yery a man when once he is married. So SABBATH SERVICES. enjoyable evening. er and closet, and hang the contents To aid your pathway through honest are the people that doors and SE RVICES arc held every Sabbath at 10:80 Next morning mother met me at the over chairs or upon a clotheshorse O o’ clock *, at., at the Church o f the “ Larger This life o f double trouble windows are never locked; when house­ brought into the room for the occasion. For mo as w ell as yon, table with smiles, and about the best d o p e a l s o . Sabbath School services immediate- holders leave home they leave the door y idler the morning meeting. Prayer and confer* Why then I offer this one, breakfast I had eaten in a long while. Take a piece of gum camphor, as large Neater Dress Shoes, $2. race meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial key where it can be reached by any one as a hazel-nut for an ordinary room Although it is not now: “You must imagine that your wife t tvUatiou ia extended to all. seeking, admission. The fisher-girls (as largejas a for a room 20X16, It’s pever trouble trouble, saw to this breakfast;” she whispered. To be found only at -uSJ37- •2 td a bait the hooks and carry them in a large put it in an iron pot'and place the lat­ O.O. F —Bnchanan Lodge No. 75 holds its . Until trouble troubles you. Going up on the street car that 2 S sera i- i wooden basket filled with sand to the ter within an iron pot or upon an iron t , regular meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, on B g.CR p morning, who should get on but Miss each Tuesday evening. ►CS 2 P F7 Perhaps you think this motto fishermen on the beach. This is by no stand. Set fire to the comphor. It Intended for the few. Beaufort. I bowed to her gracefully, means a light burden; yet they may be G. W . NOBLE S. deposited her fare in the nickle box, burns very fiercely, so set it at a safe m & A. 31.—Bnchanan Lodge No. 68 holds a Who lead a life of pleasure seen cheerfully chatting with their distance from furniture or hangings; P .regular meetin"3iondayeverdngonorbefore Far different from you; and was about to sit down by her companions as they march onward when I happened to think of my imita­ the middle of the room is the best CO M E AN D S E E . the fu ll moon in each month. If so, you are mistaken with woollen shawls over their beads. We have opened many Fall Stocks of tion wife at home, and walked to the place for it, unless this be directly un­ OF IT.—Buchanan Grange No 40 meets on I say it is not true, The streets hear English names, but • the second and tonrth Saturday o f each Dress Goods, but never before have we rear end o f the car. der a chandelier, in which case it can e I say you gain by waiting the natives have their own names for nonth, at 2 o’ clock p. st. opened such an attractive stock in style Until trouble troubles you. “Married men have no business talk­ be placed more toward the side, as the them also. Heligoland has a small Some Snap Shots. and price as this. ing to the young ladies,” said I to my­ heat is apt to injure the gilding or O.U. W.—Buchanan Lodge No.9S holdslts Those troubles In the distance prison, but those in power seldom lock bronze. The dense smoke soon perme­ How to catch fish is a study. How A . renter meeting the 1st and 8d Tuesday even­ Though looking dark and bine, self. any one up, as they do not care to board ing o f each month. All-wool Serges are found with us at Miss Beaufort looked at me rather ates ever nook and corner and suffo­ to lie about it becomes natural. May change to other colors tne prisoner. There is also a small 37}£e, 30e, 75c and Si a yard. They are queerly, but saidnothing.and I thought cates every insect that inhales it. Ca­ Conscience is that Within us that .*i A- L -W m . Perrott Post 2*0.22. Regular very desirable mid we have them in such May take another hue; cottage hospital ready for use if neces­ nary birds or goldfish are to be carried tells us when our neighbors are doing It , meeting on the first and third Saturday A t any rate look brighter the car never would get up town, veniug o f each month* Visiting comrades al* new colors as Chateau Gray, Old Mauve, Thursday was my ever ing to Call on sary, but patients are few and far be­ from the room before beginning opera­ wrong. rays welcome. Malvoise, Crisp Gray, Old Bed, Yalcoiue Upon a nearer view. tween. There is also a poorhouse. Here tions, and as soon as the camphor be­ Whatever may happen to P. T. Bar- So troubles in the distance Yene, and I forgot to send her an ex­ poor people live rent free. The plan VtTOMAX’S RELIEF CORPS, 7Vm .Perrott Poet Mode, Fiova Brown, Paris Mud, Cflisie cuse. Friday, came a note from her, gins to burn the operator may leave num in the next world be can’t say Should never trouble you. adopted is for parents and children to go VY X o. St. Sreetines held regularly, in Grange Green, Cloud Blue, Bordeeomp Be i. which mother took the liberty of open­ the room, as, provided she has taken that he has had no show in this. Hall, first aud third Saturday o f each month. Admitting that yonr sorrow before the magistrate, when the former ing, as she thought I would not care, the above precautions, there will be They say Mr. Powderly never smokes. M. KNIGHT, At. In, (Homoeopathic.) A 0-4 Cashmere at 12}{ and 25 cents. Seems all that you can bear. resign any little properly they may no danger of the fire spsading. The He must be the smokeless powderly we . Office and residence first door south of and she felt like representing my wife M And thoughts o f the to-morrow in the desk. It was a tender missive, possess to their children, who in their camphor will burn from a quarter to bear so much about nowadays. Rough Bros. Wagon Works. Henriettas at all prices aud In all the Fill yOU with deep despair; turn promise to find them in . and somewhat surprised me when I half an hour, but it can be extinguish­ If a man should take as much inter- RS. HENDERSON & BRADLEY, Physicians new shades. Why not let hope triumphant, When the husband dies the wife takes saw it. But what could I do. Mar- ed at any moment by placing over it a terest in bis work as he does in bis D and Surgeons. Office in Opera Honse Block. Drive all your cares away? his property, and at her decease it is Residence Xo WlFrontSt.,onedoorWestof Perry Every color of 54-ineh Dress Flannel at tied men have no business getting ten­ stove lid or the cover of the pot. Let sport there would be no need of abol­ The sun m ay shine as brightly equally divided between the children. Fox’s. Calls answered all hours o f day or night. 40, 30, 60 and 73 cents a yard. der notes from young ladies. Inas­ the smoke remain in the room about ishing poverty. One always in the office. R. Henderson and W„ J. To morrow us to day. There are no horses or donkeys on half an hour, then open the windows Investigate a man closely who talks Bradley.' much as I had contracted to carry out All-wool 54-inch Belgian Suitings, goods mother’s plan for two weeks, I left the Heligoland, for they would be useless wide leaving them so all day. A fter a a good deal about a lack of opportuni­ there; but there are eight cows and f i L. BAILEY, Homeopathic Physician and worthjSl, for 47 cents. Ask to see them. note for mother to answer. She is a few hours’ airing the traces of smoke ty and you will find a shoemaker who I T . Surgeon. Oilice and residence in Imhoirs about thirty sheep tethered and ­ very truthful woman, but in answering will be scarcely noticable. All the wants to become president of a bank. hlocb, Bnchanan, 3Ueh. - Scotch Goods, in rough cloth effects, are MY IMITATION .WIPE. ed, the milk being considered superior the note she prevaricated. rooms can be treated thus in succes­ -«+i the tony things. We have them in cheeks, WHYl YOUR LIVER to that Of cows. The police force num­ 2[. WILSOX, Dentist. Office, first door north She said that I was very sick, and as sion or all at once, a care being taken o o f the Bank. Charges reasonable and satis- plaids and boucles. ber three. The coastguard consists of No Love Lost Between Them. J I had just adjusted my tie, taken up a natural consequence Yene called that to guard against fire.—Harper's Bazar. action guaranteed. five Englishmen, who are not permit­ Beautiful line of Novelty Suits, with my hat and was pretending to leave, afternoon to see me, but I was up town This is how a parson tookTeave of S. MEAD, Manufacturer o f Lumber. Cus plates showing Ivon* to make them. ted to act as constables. There are his parishoners in a town in the far YonwHl Itavo SICK HEADACHES, PAINS when the door slowly opened and my and mother had to invent another Progress of the Niagara Falls Water M . ton Sawing promptly attended to on short mother came in. also sixteen active native coastguards, west: aotice. Bnchanan. Mich. IN THE SIDE, DYSPEPSIA, POOR APPE. story. Then mother had to come all Pow er Scheme. “Dearly beloved; Our parting does 130 pieces Plushes, almost ail bright TITE.fooIHstless and unable to got through “Goiug out, are you, Tom ?” said she. the way up town so as to keep me and sixteen in the Teserve. "When your daily work or social enjoyments. Dub there is a wreck the whole island claims Prof. Coleman Sellers was made con­ not seem hard to me for three reasons: II. 31. Brodriclv, M. D. colors, at S3 cents to close. Usual 30-eent Trill bo a burden to you. “ Y es, ma’am.” from coming down town my usual way goods. Other Plushes at 50 cents, “ Where, to another party?” for fear Vene might catch us. the salvage. Most of the inhabitants sulting engineer of the Cataract Con­ You do not love me; you do not love Graduate of the St. Lonis, Mo., Homoeopathic are behind with their rates, but they College, and Member of the Royal College of “ Yes, ma’am.” I laughed a good deal at mother, and struction Company, some six months each other, and the Lord does not love are never prosecuted, for when a set­ Pnysieians o f Ontario, Diseases of Women and We have so many attractive styles of “That makes three this week, doesn’t Vene did not find us out, but the so­ ago, and is now in In consul­ y ou. If you loved me you would have children a specialty. it, Tom ?” tling takes place after the season is tation with some of the most promi­ paid me for my services during the CONSULTATION FREE. goods that we cannot call special attention ciety reporter of the paper met her.she to them all, but should like to have all the “Yes, ma'am. We’re hurrying toget told him I was sick, and the next day over what remains is left, in hopes of nent engineers, constituting a commis­ past two years; you do not love each Office over Treat ,fc Godfrey’s hardware store. being recovered next year. The debt­ Residence in John Graham*s house, Front street. ladies come mid see them, for we have got through. Goin’ to take Miss Beaufort all of my society friends came.around, sion to decide upon p ans for utilizing other, otherwise I should have more Dav or night calls promptly attended to. the nobby goods and can furnish you with to-night, and then I’m done with the ors are engaged to work on wrecks,and the water power of Niagara Falls. marriages to celebrate, and the Lord among them Miss Beaufort. does not love you. for otherwise he a dress that you will always remember ? 5 i i Jolly Club’s parties,” Mother-met her rather coldly, but in­ then old scores are wiped off and the Of this international commission Sit with pleasure. TF1H enro yon, drive the POISON out of Mother, somehow or other, did not vited her to stay awhile. balance handed over to them. The na­ IVm. Thomson is the President; Prof. would call more of them to Him, and tout system, andmofee you stronsf an J well* tives only are permitted to rent small Sellers represents Am erica; Prof. Mas- I should have more funeral services to They cost only 25 cents a box and. may sate seem to think Very much of what I “I suppose Mr. Silver is almost worn BBT BUM your life* Can he had at any Drag Store* said, * out with so much going out,” said the potato patches, which are much valued, cart, ; and Theo. Tourit, Switz­ conduct.” the government reserves most of the — a n d —— AS*Bewaio of Couxtebeeits made in St. Louis.*®* “Tom, I wish you would get married,” young lady. erland, This Cataract Construction His parishioners did not press their she said with a troubled face. “I be­ “ He is much better,” said mother, laud for its own purpose. Company has secured a laige area of pastor to stay.—Vanity Fair. rv5RY“p5uSH“ “ lieve you would stay at home more.” “but I do not tbihk he will go out for land (several square miles) on the Ni­ Rose & Ellsworth, “Well, I am awful tired, mother, and several weeks. I think I shall keep R e lie f o f the Idiot. agara Biver, beginning a mile and a Having recently erected an P erfumes th e Breath. Ask for it. half above the falls, and all rights of Offerings to the Gods. - completely worn out.” him at home.” Dr. Lannelongue, an eminent special­ RJEHUHG BROS., - Pittsburgh, Pa. “ Then why don’t you quit it?” “I am so glad,” said Miss Beaufort, way for carrying a tunnel under Niag­ Cocoanutdayis celebrated in most Improved Briek and Tiling Kiln South Bend, Ind. ist in the Children’s Hospital, Paris, ara Yillage to a point below the falls. parts of during the full moon in “The best reason in the world, “not that you are going to keep him at has just succeeded in the effort to give I am now prepared to furnish, the mother. I am neither engaged nor in home, but that he is not going out so The general plan is to construct a tun­ August. On that day numbers o f nuts intelligence to a poor little idiot. The nel about 27 feet in diameter from a are thrown into the sea as an offering 0 love, but I’m willing to be both,” much. I am getting so I fairly detest child, a little girl four years old, had a SIX & WLKINS N, It was getting late so 1 started, after point below the falls to the upper limit to the Hindoo god. Occasionally one ZE3si?*S.«»iBs: society.” deformed head, only about one-third this, but the sad look on my mother’s • Here was a woman who had my of the secured property. The tunnel meets with deformed nuts, consisting the size of an ordinary little one of her will have lateral branches at a depth o f the husks with small nuts haying the market affords , aim face set me to thinking. My mother mother’s views, and they both, there­ age. She never smiled, never took no­ of about 100 feet from the surface,into no kernel inside. The natives attribute is the best woman in the world, eyen upon,1' had a confidential talk, and tice of anything, and she could neither if I do say it myself, and I felt worried pleased each other mightily. which will be sunk numerous vertical this blighting to the tree-frog, which, FIEST-CLASS TILIN G walk nor stand. The doctor became shafts at the point where power will about her. the was right. I was out Then she asked mother to call on her convinced that the condition of the by smelling the flower, can prevent the be required. A system of surface can­ from ranginginsteefrom two toelghtinches. BUY AND S1L BEIL ESSIE. nearly every evening. This evening at mother, and this mother did. creature was due to the abnormal nar­ coming to maturity. a reception, next time at a ball, then Meanwhile I was staying at home als will bring the water of the river to ^ “ Caiiandsee my brick and get prices J . L . rowness Of the head, which hindered the heads of these shafts, and its ac­ a theatre party, and so on. every evening, and.was getting pretty the natural growth of the brain. About A Large Tree. HENRY BXOBGITT. NEL1CS,; M ICH ., M O N EY T O LOAN*. Of course I could Well afford it, for tired of it as the two weeks were draw­ tion on turbines at the lower ends of the middle of May last he made a long the shafts will develop the power, es­ Among a boom of logs at Leamy & a large or small sums, atlow rates, on Improveo my salary as cashier at Hart’s was a ing to a close. narrow incision in the center of the Wishes to call the attention of the farms only. liberal one. But—I wasn’t saving a •‘Don’t you think a man ought to timated we believe, in the aggregate, Kyle’s mill, on False Creek, Vancou­ skull and cut a portion out of the left at about 3,50,000 horse power. The ver, is a tree cut into four 24 foot logs readers of the R egObd to the fact cent, and my own home folks never take his wife out once in a while?" COTJXTY OFFICE BUILDIXG, side of it, without injuring the “dura amount of water diverted for this pur­ taken from one tree, which is one o f saw me except at the table. Even poor said I to mother. mater.” The result of this Operation that he is prepared to supply all con­ old patient mother was complaining. “ Why not?” said she. pose will be a small fraction of one the largest specimens o f the Douglas Twice Daily Line of Steamers Between 50y BERRIEN SPRINGS MICH was something astounding. In less templating building or using But I was having lots of fun. There “Then I’ll take her to the theatre per cent of that going over the falls.— fir that has ever been in this province; than a month the child began to walk. Stevens Indicator. whose record for giants of the forest is Benton Harbor, S t Joseph and Chicago. was that Beaufort girl. She was a fine to-night.” So I bought a couple of re- Now she smiles, interests herself in one. Could dance any dance, talk about seryed seats in the parquet for Satur­ world-wide. These four logs were re­ everything around her, and plays with spectively 84 inches, 76 inches, 70 inches The new and elegant steel side-wheel steamer LUMBER anything, and make you have the finest day night, and mother, who represent­ a doll. A tolerably bright little child Across the Water. “ CITY OF CHICAGO;” placed on the route June INFALLIBLE CURE time in the world. ed my wife, went with me. and 60 inches, and in none of them 5, and the favorite and fast steamer “ Pi RITAX," Iu any manner, from a large stock, KEPHART’S has taken the place of the idiot. An American findsit difficult to accus­ will rnn on the following schedule uutil further Then there was Yene Wright. She We had hardly taken our seats be­ was there a knot or other defect, 'The notice: at prices that defy competition. would take in the base ball with a fel­ fore I noticed that they wrere adjoin­ tom himself to English as it is spoken total number of feet of lumber thgt Leave Benton Harhorat t iv m . and St. Joseph low, go rowing, skating, anything for ing those o f Miss Beaufort and her. Spontaneous Combustion of Hay- in London. What we call crackers here can be cut out of this tree is 28,614.— at 4:20 p. at., daily. are called , and suspect that this Leave Benton Harbor at 8 p, to. and St. Joseph fun. Then Yene had money. That mother. My mother was highly pleas­ A fter a series o f very careful experi­ Victoria 'Colonist. at TO a. in. daily, excent Sunday. ITCHING PILES was an important item. Why shouldn’t ed when we changed, seats so that 1 sat ments, Prof. Cohn, o f Breslau, has is strictly correct. What we call shoes H E H A S Leave Chicago, from dock foot o f Wabash Ave., are here known as boots, and what we daily at 9:30 a. in. amt 9:30 p. m. Also, leave Price. 50c. and $1.00 per Box. ^ I tackle Miss Yene on the subject of by Miss Beaufort, and my mother sat found that the heating of damp hay to The largest grain elevator in the call boots are here known as bluchers. Chicago on extra trips every Saturday at U :30 p. matrimony ? by her. a temperature sufficient to cause the world was built at Minneapolis Junc­ in., and Sundays at 10 a. m. FOR SALE BY There is one shoe called the higlilow, Boat tickets Van be secured o f yonr R. R. agent. “ Thomas, old son,” said I to myself,” We went home together that night spontaneous combustion of it is due to tion in 18S6. The building is 336 feet Freight and Passenger rates lower than all rail. “Yene is the one.” and laughed and talked % good deal. a fungus. He first studied the heat­ because it runs high from the heel up long, 92 feet wide, and 175 feet high. Try this new lake and rail ronte, and enjoy the back o f the ankle, and is cut low in M. E. BARMORE. But Yene, somehow or other, did not I think mother told Mrs. Beaufort generating action of Aspergillus fum i- I t has storage capacity for 2,000,000 luxury o f a lake ride one the finest steamers diktat FROM $1.25 UP. front. Our druggist is here a chemist, on the western lakes. DR. E. S. DODD & SON. exactly suit the case, and my mind re­ what we had been doing, but I did not gatus, which has the bad reputation of bushels o f grain within its walls. Dur­ J. H. GRAITAii, Pres. verted to Miss Beaufort, Miss Beau­ many of the other practietioners re­ J. S. MORTOX, Secy, and Treas. And, for the quality, they are cheaper hear it. I know that several days heating barley in the course of germi­ ing its construction the carpenters and fort was smart, pretty, stylish and later, after my two weeks of married nation aDd of rendering it sterile. taining the old spelling—“chymist.” than yon can buy at any other yard KIDNEY | joiners used over 6,500.000 feet of lum­ suited better, but I knew nothing life Was over, I went to call on Miss Through the effect of the respiration What we call ale is here known as hit­ ber of all Muds, besides thirty-two IM orm a 3 & CoSSegiate BLOOD ter . Wnat is here kno wn as hash in the State. W e mean this, em­ about her financial standing. This was Beaufort. W e had a pleasant time to­ of the little germ, that is to say, carloads of nails, which if packed, i k a V a& LI VER I we should call a stew, and what we an important matter to me in those gether, and just as I was about to through the combustion of the starch would make the enormous amount of DNSTITISTE, phatically. A large lot of Hemlock $1.00 A BOHLE, SIX FOR $5, T R Y IT T O -D AY call hash is here known as a mince. days. leave, the old lady came in. and other hvdrocarburets which the 10.000 common kegs; the best calcula­ piece stuff for sale at retail, at whole­ Meanwhile the coupe had neared “ I forgot to ask you, Mr. Silver, what diastasic ferment converts into maltose In England our overcoat becomes a tors say that the actual number of Benton Harbor, M idi. The fact that Kidney vest, and our drawers become panta­ sale prices. Miss Beaufort’s. I had never; been you thought of married life?” said she. and dextrine, the temperature is raised nails used in the mighty building will disease m ay not Be sus­ there before, and to my surprise found Miss BeaufoTt looked horrified, but I by about 40°. The heating of the loons. It is said that when George W. Fail Term Opens September 1 ,1390. Childs, of Philadelphia, was in London, fall but few, if any, under 20,000,000. pected because it has it to be a very unpretentious house. I laughed. germs to more than 60 ° occurs only The engine used is capable of handling Diplomas in all courses—Business, Kindergar­ a number of years ago, he walked into confess I was disappointed. 1 expect­ “Mother has been telling on me, has through the intervention of the A sper­ 175.000 to 200,000 bushels o f grain per ten, Music, Alt, Teachers, Academic, Collegiate, GEORGIA PlYE no symptoms o f certain a haberdashery and seeking to appear Elocution. ed to drive up to an elegant mansion, she?” said I. gillu s, Which acts as a ferment. Under day, or enough'during the year to equal Advanced methods, earnest teachers, fnil cours­ character as its oum, should ho an be ushered into a fine reception room ‘ She has,” said she. to be a native, asked to be shown the es, thorough drill, have won lor this institution ------AND ------these conditions it reaches its greatest the combined products of the State of by a seryaut in livery, and there await “ Well,” said I, “during the two weeks development and produces its maxi­ styles in silk waistcoats, “Jeeins,” the reputation o f being one o f the most vigokocs incentive to the exercise o f great care cried the proprietor to his assistant, Minnesota and the two Dakotas, Two high class satoons ix the west. the coming of Miss Beaufort. Then I I was married, I read three good books, mum action. In this state it rapidly hundred and fifty cars have often been Recognized by the leading t'niversities. step this Way and show this Hameii- that the disease be not fastened upon expected to make a bold dash for her gained four pounds in weight, and burns the bydrocarburets.—La Petite loaded at this elevator in ten hours. Address lor Catalogue and other information, heart—propose, and possibly be accept­ can gentleman our flowery weskits!” G. J. EDGCUMBE, A,M.,Ph.D, youhefore you know it. If your system Saved eighteen dollars and thirty cents, Revue. 34tC Principal. c ed or declined by the time the party besides paying mother my Wife’s board Here they call a street car a teem; here is run down without any apparent dis­ was over. and a ticket to the theatre.” too, an elevator is a lift, and that Fueilleton. ease, you will be safe if But not so. A little lady with gray “And who were yon married to?” Difference in Sponges. is right. What we call a telegram is There lived in the City o f Worcester hair opened the door, and 3he was in­ here called a telegraph; it will proba­ A man who could crow like a rocester, CALL AM) SEE ME. you suspect the Kid­ asked Miss Beaufort. There are a great many people who But ae he grew old troduced to me by Miss Beaufort as “I forgot to look,” said I. 1 hurried cannot tell the difference bet ween “ Tur­ bly never be determined which of He often canght cold, neys and begin prompt mamma. Miss Beaufort was ready home to see who my wife had been. these usages is the better. And then couldn’t crowas he ureester. J, L. REDDICK. key cups” and common reef sponges, —Law rence Am erican, treatment with the her­ and waiting, so we Walked out to the The envelope was just as 1 had placed and tliey are astounded at the differ­ coupe. it in my desk drawer. ence in price. They are asked eight A P aradox. “I do my best work at night,” said a' AT THE bal Guaranteed Suc­ “Mr. Silver,” said she, “ don’t you I tore it open and there was the dollars for what they think they can Two persons may be born at the newspaper man, think there is a great amount of snob­ “So cessful name of Miss Beaufort. get just as good for twenty-five cents. same time and die at the same time, do I,” remarked a burglar, who .1 bery in society, and lots of downright “ Well,” said I; ^mother made her an There are sponges from Florida called overheard. foolishness?” and one live one hundred days more Manufacturers’ Sale RoomDr. J. T, % imitation wife, now I will try to make sheep’s wool, which, in the opinion of than the other. The explanation of The latest Parisian novelty intro­ “Well, yes,” said I. her a real one.” many buyers, are as good, although Would inform the citizens of Bnchanan and sur­ “For instance,” said she, “ here is an this riddle turns upon the familiar duced into New York is the “bal­ rounding conntry that all who want hia KIDNEYl And so I did. much cheaper, for all practical purpos­ fact that a person who goes round the let barometer.” It consists o f the fig­ oi BLOOD elegant coupe that you haye brought es as the silk ones. They are used for me, and yet the party is not two world toward the west loses a day, ure of a coryphee on a thick card, with IhlWl&UVERl Thick Skinned. mainly for washing carriages, although blocks away.” .while the person who travels in the this inscription beneath: “Rose, rain; $1,00 A bottle, SIX FOft $5. TRY IT TO-DAY The distinction of being the thickest- they make a good bathing sponge. opposite direction gains a day. We lilac, changeable; blue, fine weather.” A Complete Stock of all This certainly was very refreshing. Beef Sponges come from Cuba and I had actually squandered five dollars skinned quadruped. belongs to the In­ will suppose, then, that the two men in The skirt of the dancer is made of kinds of dian rhinoceros, whose hide has a Nassua. Turkey cups from around the question were born at the same in­ some gauze material,, saturated with a to have this coupe for the evening, and islands of the Archipelago. Sheep’s M i c h i g a n knotty or granulated surface, and is so stant it St. Louis, from whence a trip chemical solution which is sensible o f she was not pl-ased with it. I know wool and reef shonges come in ten, Yene would have enjoyed a ride in it. impenetrable as to resist the claws of round the world may easily be made every change in the weather. ------(Ventral the lion or tiger,the sword, or the balls twenty, and forty pound bales, and the once a year. One of them goes always “Mr. Silver,” said she to me again, finest of the former, known as Bock Chimneys, to be safe from fire and '"this is the last party I am going to of the old-fashioned musket. So stiff toward the west, the other toward the draw well, should he not less thhn six­ Made or endorsed by himself, can obtain them at and hard is the skin that were it not Island goods, sell wholesale at from east. One loses a day every year, the any o f the this winter,” teen inches inside and built up from divided by creases or folds the animal two dollars to three dollars per pound. other gains a day every year. When “Well, why?” said I. “Aren’t you The turkey cups are sorted at London the cellar. Use good brick with clay, Buchanan Drug Stores. going to take in the German Club ball imprisoned in its armor could scarcely the men die, at fifty years o f age, one instead of mortar, up to the comb. move. It is manufactured into leather and Paris into three qualities: and sent has seen one hundred days more than and the others ?” to us in bags. They are sold by the Plaster it inside with clay mixed with ' “No,” said she, “Mamma hasn’t the of great strength and durability, and the other. salt. Top with* the bast brick well For Fall and Winter Wear. targets and shields are made of it that piece. . Y o u G a n , money; she can’t afford it. Mr. Silver,” and laid in cement. Do not let wood are absolutely proof against darts or SOO cases of rubbers, over she continued, “can you really afford Irish Moss. come too close to the brick, and don’t sword strokes. The skin of the hippo­ shoes anti felt goods. to spend so much money on society ?” Not O rig in a l. This edible, or rather drinkable, sub­ let the stovepipe come nearer than BAST. I looked at her. There was honesty potamus runs that of the rhinoceros eighteen inches to the ceiling. 20 cases of men's boots, in very closely as regards thickness. Chinese men of quality consider it stance is gathered around Cape Cod, in calf, kid and stogy. LEAVE BUCHANAN. fairly shining out of her pretty eyes, beneath their dignity to invent their Massachusetts. It is combed off the even if she wasn’t very polite. S o l When dried it is also used for shields, 10 cases o f boy's and Mail, N o, 4...... 10:03 A. M which are highly prized by the natives. own jokes. When they go into society rocks beneath the sea, and carefully Forty-five Years Bondage. youth's boots. BY TRADING AT Kalamazoo Accommodation, X o. 8 ...,. 8:07 P. M answered her honestly. each carries with him a collection of carried to the shore where it is dried Atlsmtie Express, No.10...... 1:25 A. M “Ho, Miss Beaufort, I cannot! I Gents:—For forty-five years ! have 20 cases of boy's misses’ bon mots and smait repartees, obtain­ in the sun, packed in barrels, and sent WEST. haven’t saved a cent this winter, and I Needed Legislation. been afflicted with blood poison, liver and children's shoes of all ed from various sources, and when h.e to the brewers to form an important and rheumatic difficulties. Part of the kinds. get a big salary, too. It seems idiotic.” thinks the time has come for him to element in beer, and save malt. This LEAVE BUCHANAN. “ Well,” said she, “I have met you out She had gone away and left her time confined to my bed. My blood was IS cases o f ladles’ glove, Kalamazoo Accommodation.Xo. 13.... 7:52 A. M. chewing gum stuck on the back of the make a sage remark he turns over the sea farming yields seventy-five thou­ badly diseased. Six bottles of Hib­ MaU, X o . 11...... 4:30 P. M. so frequently,I feel quite well acquaint­ leaves of bis common-place book till sand dollars annually, and as no fenc­ calf and pebble goat, button Pacific Express, N o, 9 ...... 4:30 A .M . ed with you, and I expect I have been sofa, and it was perhaps unfortunate bard’s Rheumatic Syrup did me more and lace. he lights on a suitable passage, which' ing or Manuring are required, and no A. F. Peacock, Local Agent. a little impolite,” that her little brother saw it. ‘ It was good than all. the other medicines I he gravely points out to his neighbor. "tax on the land, it should be quite an 10 cases of ladles* dongola O. W. RuaorES G .P A T . A. “No,” said I. “I am glad that you certainly grotesque of him to carefully have taken. My friends have used i t . The latter reads the passage with equal independent kind of industry. kid buttons. take that much interest in me.” dig out its inside, fill up the cavity with and in every case it has proven a won­ gravity, whereupon he selects from his 5 eases of ladies* slippers o f Then we changed the subject. I had red pepper, carefully plug up the hole derful remedy. I have known of some St. Joseph Valley Railway. own stock an appropriate rejoinder, all kinds. a splendid time at the party, and en­ and put the gum back in its place. It Too Much Competition. wonderful cureB of dyspepsia and «** which he shows the other with a bow. 14 eases of ladies’ fine don­ On and alter Monday, May IS, 1890, trains will joyed Miss Beaufort’s company very was little short of calamitous that her neuralgia. Mbs. M a r t B id dle, rnn as follows: beau should call just at that moment Both then smile solemnly, and, after In some places washerwomen have gola kid buttons. much. I found her level-headed and found their legitimate occupation al­ Mitchellville, Iowa. South Bend, Ind. a. m. p. in, in the evening when she had put the .many compliments, resume their con­ Hibbard’s Bheumaic' Syrup and Plas- Leave Berrien Springs______6:50 6:20 bright, i f she was too frank. most gone through the introduction of These goods are now m stock and by Their prices are away down this Spring, The next day 1 told mother about it. gum back in her mouth again. He versation. tei s are remedies of great merit. I be­ next week we expect 350 easesmore of our Arrive Buchanan,. . - ____..... 7:40 7:10 could not understand her demeanor. machinery. A greater part of the and will please yon. They will be unusu­ T,fta.vft T5nr»h3Tmn...... 8:10 She said that she admired Miss Beau­ lieve they have no equal in the cure of fall stock, winch will make one of the larg­ ally low during March, and right now Is: a 10:10 He'does not even yet comprehend'why city of Troy is devoted to the manu­ Arrive Berrien Springs.____ _ 11:00 9:00 fort for her common-sense, if she The Methodist church at May ville, rheumatism and all blood diseases. est steclcs of boots and shoes that ever came splendid time to secure some of the best she" danced and shrieked, and finally facture of engines, whizzers, starchers to the city for oney&oe house. hadn’t seen her. Then she referred N. Y ., is raising its debt of $600 by and other machines of the steam laun­ D r . H. R kitchakd, Druggist. bargains of the season. We have some­ FEED McOMBER, Gen’l Manager. again to my getting married. ran out of the room. There is no ques­ keeping a summer boarding bouse at MiichellVille, Iowa. For prices annquality of our goods we thing like 2,000 pairs of Ladies’ and Men’s tion that the bill now upon •>the legis­ dry. The most interesting machine is invite you to come and see us. W e can “Suppose,” said she, “ that you pretend Chautauqua. One member of the the whizzer, which dries clothes in one The spring is the time to take Hib­ Shoes, good5styles and regular sizes that we lature providing for the killing of all church had charge of the bouse during bard’s Bheumatic Syrup for the blood. save you money in foot wear. A call Will must close out and they must go (every, for a week or so that you ate married, thousand revolutions a minute. and see bow it goes,” hoys between the ages of 8 and 13 July, and another is in care of itdunng For sale by all druggists. Prepared convince you of the fact. pair) this month, If we lose money on them. ¥M . OSBORN, should go through;—Merchant Travel-^ '—"We are giving away to our customers an . “An imitation wife,” said I. August. The waiters are the belies of only by The Charles Wright Medicine We are selling splendid Kid Button Shoes lev. A Canny Scotchman, oil painting, 14x22, with a guilt frame, or at §2.00; other dealers will charge you “Why not,” said she. “I will write Mayville, who have volunteered for the Company, Detroit, Micb. your choice of a good: era yon work, any one §2.75 and §3.00 for shoes not so good. You the "name of a young lady on a card, service. Two n.ew ones come every In escorting some ladies from a dance, of your family. This is at will find our prices on all the best wearing seal it in an envelope, and you can lock An Eccentric “Slycoon.” week, and the others go borne for a a Glasgow man found a diamond hair­ shoes proportionately low. it in your desk. Then let us suppose In Illinois a small cottage just at the rest. Extra volunteers do the work on pin in the bottom of the cab and hand­ MissFlora A. Jones, South Bend, Ind, W e have been selling shoes since 1852 to that you are married to her say for two edge of a recent, cyclone was moved by Sunday. The cook is the only paid ed it to one of the ladies. The owner Have just purchased a bottle of your the people of Northern Indiana, and of weeks. During that time I want you the wind thirty or forty feet without servant. Eyen the provisions are con­ advertised, and the young woman who “Blushes”, of Arend, Cor. Fifth Ave. lauiietnrers Sale Boom, Berrien county, Mich., and this year we ----- ALL KINDS OF----- to act just as if the lady .were here in injuring the structure materially. The tributed, and plenty of young men are had taken it from her escort received a and Madison Street. I f your own in­ 127 \V. Washington: St., expeetto sell to more of them than during person, and your lawfully wedded family was scarcely aware of the ready to do the heavy work and pro­ reward of ten pounds. Then the young dividual blushes are as nice as the any previous year. We have the Shoes and wife.” movement, but coals were scattered tect the belles,—Lynn Bee. man applied for a share of the money, preparation of yonrs, I don’t see why they will be sold at Bock bottom prices. REPAIRING “Whose name are you going to write from the grate upon the floor and there and, she refusing, he carried the ques­ you cling to your “Miss!’. I find it de­ - South Bend M . Gbmein and see us,as we can positively save • * on the card?” said I was danger o f a conflagration. The Condoling, tion to court. The court allowed him lightful. Will gladly reeommend it to youmoney. “Never mind,” said she. “I will write head of the family seized a bucket and five pounds. others. Yours Repectfully; ----- DONE AND-— my preference, and neither of us will hastened to the well for water; bnt no , Mrs. Avnoo—Bridget, the parlor F bed M . Smith, breath a word about this to a living well was to be found! The house had windows are so dirty I can’t see through With Marshall Field&Co., Chicago,HL T D.H. Baker &Bro., soul,” covered it; but the patriarch did not them. , Stencil Ink. Mr. Smith is not the onto one . who ALL WORK GUARANTEED, We agreed on this. Mother wrote notice this fact. Bushing back to the , Bridget—Wull; mum, I only jlst Use shellac 2 oz., borax 2 oz„ water finds “Blush of Roses” delightful, aa Thirty-two acrea,4J» miles northwest o f Bu­ South Bend, Ind. the name on the card and sealed it in house he excitedly exclaimed came from the front door, and beyant 25 oz., gum arabic 2 oz. Color with many gentlemen can testify, who hava chanan. There is a frame house, bam and out­ the. faces of Miss Fashion and her buildings on the place. About ' acres in orchard. N. B. Always look for our advertise­ the envelope. I knew it was Yene “Maria, thet was the doggondest sly­ fine lampblack, to desired consistency. purchased it from M. E. Barinore; young main, in the bay windy opposite Good vrmdmill. Enquire on thepremises. ment in every issue o B e c o r d . We In Henderson’s room, Front street, first Wright’s name, so I decided to imagine coon ever heern on. ' It Ues blowed the You may use terpentine and lamp- Did you ever try Luxury inafead of ' thur’s nothin’ across the way wort „„ _MRS. FREDEIUKA ABEDE. propose to keep yon f thed, regarding the door east of Trenbeth’s new building. that Yene was there in person, and so well clean off the lot; without even black with a little linseed oil, or even soap for your face? No..- Then try it prices of shoes. posfe we started out the week. leaving a stun to tell wbar it'war 1” glue and water with lampblack. immediately, it costs hut fifteen cints. A t the Democratic State Convention FROM BERRIEN CENTRE. and the Collar torn from the garment, To make paint stick to bright metal B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . held in Grand Rapids yesterday, the Lois, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Clark while he was busily engaged in sewing tin roofs, sand paper the metal. SPECIAL SALE Hand, died of infantum on up a rip with a needle and thread bor­ * Sick SeadAclic, following ticket was nominated: rowed from a fellow prisoner. Long JOHN C. HOLMES, Editor. Thursday, 4th inst., aged one year, two . L oose’s R ed Clover Pills Cure Edwin B. Winans, Governor; John was before the mayor yesterday when —o j t - months and one day. Funeral on Sat­ sick headache, dyspepsia, indigestion, Strong, Lieut. Governor; Frederick his case was continued until Friday. constipation. 25c per box, 5 boxes for TH U RSD AY.SEPTEM BER IX. 1890. Braastad, Treasurer; Geo. W. Stone,, urday at Long Lake, conducted by Rev. Mr. Carpenter came to the city this $1. For sale by Barmore. TSyl S. P . Fryburger. afternoon and swore out a complaint LADIES’, MISSES* AND CHILDREN’S Auditor; A. A.Ellis, Attorney Gener­ against Long for bitrglary. The man Singular that a roan with no money Republican State Ticket. al ; David Bacon, Com. State Land Mr. and Mrs. Heury Hess and Mrs. was taken before the mayor and bound to trouble him should have money For Governor, Offlce; J. W. McGrath, Justice of the David Crall are off this Monday morn­ over to the circuit court for trial.—#. troubles, JAMES St. TURNER, Supreme Court; Daniel E. Soper, Sec­ ing, for a visit with relatives and B en d T ribune. Pronounced Perfect by a Practical En­ Qf Ingham connty. g in eer retary of State; Ferris S Fatcli, Supfc. friends in Crawford county, Ohio. Mr. For Lieutenant-Governor, I have been a great sufferer from WILLIAM S. LINTON, Public Instruction; D. A. Hammond, Hess will attend the Regimental re­ Michigan’s Wheat Crop. rheumatism for seven years, and hear­ o f Saginaw county. * Member State Board of Education, union o f his old regiment, at Bueyrus, L ansing, Mich., Sept, S.—The MichU ing o f tlie success of Hibbard’s Rheu­ For Secretary o f State, John G. Mansfield, o f Three Oaks, Is on Thursday, lllh . gan crop report for September is com­ matic Syrup, concluded to give it a tri­ WASHINGTON GARDNER, a member of tbe State Central Com­ Miss Lydia Renter, of Dauphin coun­ piled from the reports of 621 correspond­ al. I have tested the curative proper­ -AT THE—----- o f Calhoun connty. ents. The average yield o f wheat, as ties of the mineral springs without re­ mittee. ty, Pa., is the guest of Mrs. James Peck. F or Treasurer, reported by thrashers in the southern lief from that or any other source un­ The next time yon come to Buchanan, JOSEPH B . MOORE, Mr. W. E, Peck, at this writing, is counties, is 16,84 bushels per acre; in til I tried Hibbard’s Rheumatic Sprup, BOSTON of Wayne county. Six months ago Democratic news­ getting along nicely, and hopes to be the central 16.82, and in the northern which has done wonders for me. I For Auditor-General, papers frothed ha opposition to "the able to get in a few days. His 14.53 bushels, which indicates a total can walk with entire freedom from pain, and my general health is much TIIERON F. BIDDINGS, new pension bill.” Later on they de­ wife also is much better. His mother, yield in the State of about 24,000,000 o f Kalamazoo county. bushe’.s, or an excess of nearly 2,000,000 improved. It is a splendid remedy for clared that “the silver bill will never Mrs. J. F. Peck, of Buchanan, was with the blood and the debilitated system . For Commissioner o f the State Land Office, over the crop of 3SS9. The quantity of F r e d H e r m a n , Engim e r Water bring: along1 yonr feet and have them JOHN G, BERRY, become a law,” and later still made him last week, and his sister, Mrs. wheat marketed in August was l,47l,- o f Ostego county. their boasts that “the McKinley tariff Rough, came Saturday. " 764 bushels. This is 7S9.671 in excess Works, Big Rapids, Mich. Sold by all,druggists. Prepared only AYe have decided, in order to open up For Attorney General, bill would be so riddled that its maker The following is a statement from of the quantity marketed in August Our fall trade, to give our friends and cus- last year. yield 25.91 bushels in by the Charles Wright Medicine Com­ BENJAMIN W . HUSTON, would not know it.” the school reports for the year ending toifters a grand benefit of a special sale of of Tuscola connty. the State. Com will yield about three- pany, Detroit, Mich.—5 Sept. 1,1S90: For Superintendent of Public Instruction, fourths o f an average crop, and this 47- Improved Order of Red Men—Indi­ fitted with a pair of our elegant ORR SCHCRTZ, During the absence of Speaker Reed, Male teachers, 5; number months per cent has been greatly improved by ans ordering pop instead of whisky. of Eaton county. taught, 22; amount paid, §809.75; aver­ recent rains, -and the yield will un­ last week, Congressman Burrows was doubtedly be slightly increased. The A Fortunate W om a n . Cloaks, Coats (and Jackets, For Member o f the State Board of Education, elected speaker pro tern. This is the age per month, §86.81-}- Female teach­ yield of winter will be about 20 Mrs. Mary L . Baker, o f Ovid, Mich, OSCAR M. BALLOT, ers, 14; number months taught, 64; per cent o f an average crop in south­ has reason to be very thankful. She Commencing fair week. Lot No. 1 em­ o f Allegan county. second time this honor has been con­ bracing an immense assortment of amount paid, §1,662.60; average per ern sections, 25 in the central, and 27 was a great sufferer from heart disease For Justice of the Supreme Court, ferred upon Mr. Burrows, and is one of for years. Was short o f breath, had month, $26, nearly. S. in the northern. The farm statistics EDWARD CAHILL, the highest marks of honor paid by the show that on May 1 there were in the Tmnary spells, pain in side, flattering, of Ingham connty. house to one of its members. State 396,883 horses; milk cows, 405,- faintness, etc. After taking two bot­ FKUJU: U AU EN . tles of Dr. Miles’ Jfew Heart Cure, she For Member o f Congress—Fourtlt Distric t, 675: other cattle, 363,519; hogs, 450,- Mrs. Gharles Butler, who has been 74S; sheep, 1,90S,254. Horses and cows says: “ I am better than for 20 years. JTLTTS C. BURROWS. ADDITIONAL LOCALS My mind and eyesight have improved visiting her brothers here for several have increased since last year and all from 2 to 12 years at the following prices: the others decreased—sheep to the wonderfully, C advise all persons thus From $1.00 upwards. Lot No. 2 consists H on. A l e x a n d e r H. M o r r is o n , the weeks, returned toher home in Lamoni, number of 26,725, The number of afflicted to use this great remedy." of an elegant line of Niutli Senate District Republican well-known citizen and politician o f St, Iowa, on Thursday. Barmore, druggist, recommends and Convention. sheep reported sheared ih 1889 was 1,- Joseph for nearly forty years, died at Mr. M. Q. Smith and wife Visited 944,197, and the pounds of wool 11,983,- guarantees it. Dr. Miles’ work on Heart Disease, containing varvelous The Republican Convention for the the home of his daughter, in Chicago^ Chicago this week one day. 49t. A t the same average, six and one- Ninth Senate District of Michigan, testimonials, free. 2 Friday evenirg, of paralysis, at the The lawsuit between John Ingles sixth pounds per head, the d ip of this lisses’ Coats and comprising the counties o f Berrien and year will approximate 11,754,844 Gold is protection in many cases, Cass, will be held in tbe city of Niles, age of t$S years. Mr. Morrison has and Wm. Malloy, before Justice Alcott, pounds. particularly in the case of a watch. running from 10 to 18 years, at §2.00, §3.50, in Berrien county, on Thursday, the been one o f the most active politicians was decided in favor of Mr. Ingles by §3-00, §3.50, §4.00 and §5.00. AYe are sure To Nervous Debilitated Man. 25th day of September, 1S90, at 11 a. the county has ever had, and held a the jury. you will find these the best values ever m„ to nominate a candidate for Senator State Items. If you will send us your address, we shown. large number of important and honor­ Mr. G. A. Blakeslee and wife, also will mail you our illustrated pamphlet in the State Legislature and to transact Dowagiac school district has 747 such other business as may properly able official positions. Always in the Mrs. W. A . Blair, returned home from explaining all about Dr. Dye’s Cele­ come before the convention. line oE the Whig ancljtepubliean par­ their northern trip, expressing them­ children of school age. brated Electro-Voltaic Belt and Ap­ JACKETS! By order of the committee, ties, excepting at the time of the Gree­ selves much delighted, with the salubri­ Owosso has over 150 d wellings that pliances, apd their charming effects so noted for ease and comfort. There L aw re n c e 0. F y f e , upon the nervous debilitated system, Cost over $7,000 each A good showing Z im r i L. Cooper. ley craze which he followed. H e was ous atmosphere that prevails in those and how thev will quickly restore yOu In this line for the ladies, we are show­ prominent in the work of building the parts among the islands in the straits. for a small town. to vigor and manhood. Pamphlet free. ing the best values in this city, embracing

' I m yyj'&z?: •’sy ■'* R et, M . L . Tressler and family- rer W e are pleased to announce that MR. A lfred Richards is in most B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . STATEMENT OF THE turned from Wisconsin last Friday* Miss Minnie Gardner, who was injur­ excellent spitts. A few weeks since CLOSING- OUT OUR STOCK OF he prepared a mushroom bed. noted by TH U RSD AY . SEPTEMBER 11, 1890. ed in the wagon works last week, is the R ecord at the time, and his expe­ CITIZENS’ NATIONAL BANK OF NILES, Miss B eeb e Oman, o f this village, is improving and expects to be in school SHOWINGCTmWTMYl INCREASE mni?l?ARF. m? OF BUSINESSHTTQTXrwOe SINCECTKrm? JULY,TTTT-vr 1886.-,««« ~ teaching school near Dayton, again soon. She had a closer call than riment of raisirg English mushrooms Entered at the Post-office at Buchanan, Mich.,? Muly IB, ’8 8 .1|3 M7 TSrr8 l j 7 ilF 'l8 7 7 S July 18. *89pJuly itf.W as second-class matter. ' X ------■ she cares to repeat. has proved successful. He has some LOANS...... — 883,682 94 S 97,180 : §129,852 <7 §151,51746 §159,896 33 TtjKKE is a little girl at the home of nice specimens, and as tbe bed is ex­ Overdrafts...... 3,1)4 09 2,384! 1,222 43 46150 28 59 U- S. Bonds ...... 12,500 00 12,500 < 12.500 00 12,500 00 12,500 00 lilt. Fuller, on Portage street, bo:n R e p u b l ic a n T o w n sh ip Cau c u s will pected to bear about six weeks, he ex­ Stocks and Bonds...... 2,050 00 2,050 ( 2,050 00 1,550 00 250 00 Ileal Estate...... 14.000 00 14.000 ( 14.000 00 14,000 09 14,000 00 St Friday. . be held Saturday to appoint delegates pects to reap a small-sized-harvest and CROCKERY & GLASSWARE Furniture and Fixtures,...... -.... 2,000 00 2,000 ( 2,000 00 3,513 45 2,740 51 Expenses and Taxes...... 745 79 5)3 ! 1,098 69 909 95 1,807 55 to the County Convention, in Berrien enlarge the plaut. There is nothing Premiums...... 1,507 82 1,507 ( 2,079 68 2,500 00 Redemption Fund...... 662 50 502 l 562 50 Oa p t . J. F. R e c k returned from Da- Springs, next Wednesday. As tins very inviting In the appearance o f the 562 50 562 50 r Cask and Duo from Bunks. 31,045 28 16,408 i 13,567 01 15,630 38 52,134 19 Jkota last Friday, after seeing that his convention is to nominate county things as eatables, but they sell in the TO MAKE ROOM TO ENLARGE OUR STOCK OF T o ta l..:: 18128,388 42 §149,035 i 76,654 00 8303,334 92 345,33007 Wheat harvest was duly taken care of. markets as high as $1.50 per Officers, you are all interested in it, and i 50,000 § 50,000 00 § 50,000 00 S 50,000 00" $50,000 00 should attend the caucus. pound, and are not light weight, eith­ Surplus...... 10.000 00 10.000 00 10.000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 Undivided Profits...... 2,288 55 2,511 29 3,224 94 - 3,639 07 4,336 01 Misses Emma Grover and IvaHender- er* W e will all wish Mr. Richards the J Dividends Unpaid...... 120 00 120 00 120 00 120 00 Circulation...... 11,250 00 11,250 00 10,750 00 11,250 00 11,250 00 Has moved into his new brick building on visited Mr. Halliday and family at Td e dry goods dealers in this place greatest success in his experiment. Rediscounts...... 2.500 00 on Front street, foot o f Day’s ave., tevensville. Saturday, returning Sun­ are getting in a larger and more com­ DEPOSITS.. 75,154 SB 100,039 06 128315 85 170,114 06 and has the largest stock of new ToE §149,03585 I8W6.654 00 §203,32492 day afternoon. plete stock of cloaks for the fall trade H u n t in g to n , Ind.; Sept, 6,1890. — .— - - Losr, somewhere about the depot, than is usual, this year. It would Mb . E d it o r :—While in your thriv­ FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC i seem that they either expect a severe ing town, a few days ago, the writer op. Friday last, a ladies’ long breastpin, Come early while the stock is complete. Now is the time with brilliant set in center. Please winter, or want to take advantage of and his family, together with a few to this office and receive reward. the excellent wheat crop. friends was invited to dine at the hos­ to buy cheap. SUITINGS, ------« » >------pitable home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. W e are told a new post-office has . L a s t Saturday Mr. Geo. Niles re­ Mathews, and I wish, in behalf of all been established between Bridgman ceived a beautiful floral anchor made present, to thank them for their un­ For Gentlemen’s Wear, and Stevensville, and named Living­ o f immortelles, from B. D. Harper, Jr., tiring efforts to make the day one of stone. /o f San Francisco, Cal., with a request unalloyed enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. that it be placed upon the grave of his Mathews possess the rare faculty of to be found in Berrien, county at the THE FAIR. Ison Charley. The tw o young men were making all their guests feel perfectly lowest living prices for good work. T he Coloma Courier editor is tickled over the prospect of having the Gr. R., qpth born in this village, are of the at ease. The day spent with them C. & St, L . R, R. touch, that town,when satqe age, and have been firm friends shall be set down in my calender as BUCHANAN, MICH. it is constructed. all tneir ilyes. one o f the very happiest. * H o r a c e G. W e ese, T h e Buchanan Windmill was award- / Mr. T h eo . Wooiasr. who has been x now arriving, of which * through a siege of typhoid feyeris able ed/he highest premium at the Inter­ t. -A l b e r t T om linson, one o f the old FOR SALE.—As I am going away I , FOR SALE.—A few high grade to be out once more. It reduced him national Exhibition held at Melbourne, pioneers of this county, died at hisbon will sell m y carriage horse very cheap. Shropshire buck lambs, and one thor­ to 110 pounds. ustralia, last year. The official cer- /Benjamin’s, three miles north o f Bu­ Enquire at the Coveaey farm, six miles oughbred bock. ion is ficale has just been received by the chanan, Aug. 21, 1S90. The deceased northwest of Buchanan. . F. R. HARDING. P e t e r K oolb, an employe of the Industrial Manufacturing Co. through was born in Garrard Go,, Ky., 1816. MRS. DILTZ. A full line of School Supplies, at Yandalia railroad at St. Joseph, had tnie Department of State at Washing- Was married to Lucinda Levil and Timothy Seed, at ^ BARMORE’ toqkThus Buchanan aiidjtier-pfoduets both legs broken by a bank of clay moved to St. Joseph Co., in 1836. Eight BISHOP & KENT’S. Best Cotton Bats, found at H. B. Buchanan Markets. caving onto him, Friday morning. aretfasorably kifdvm even beyond the children were born to them. 1S54 he CALIFORNIA SALMON, D u n c a n ’s, only 10 cents. f jT < limits^of our own country. moved to Berrien Go., Mich., where be Corrected weekly by Bishop & Kent. at Morgan & Co.'s, 10 cents a pound. A l H u r t ’s getting new Goods every M rs. B room, o f Hillsdale, and Mrs. resided until his death. He has been Hay—$0 @ SS per ton. Try it. %. day. Get prices before buying. ‘2 - LiST^^TBtterssarefiSining uncalled .a long and patient sufferer for many —14 c. Field, of Hudson, Mich,, are here for a G oto D u n can ’s store and look at II. E. L o u g h always does nice work visit with their sister, Mrs. M, T. for in the post-office at Buchanan, years. His great anxiety was to live Eggs—12c. their Corset Waists, They lead tbepi Youngs, Mich., for the week ending Sept. 9, ’90: to see his birthday, hut on Thursday, on any thing in his line. —8c. all. Mr. William Buchanan, Mrs. Mattie Aug 21, death came and claimed its H. B . D u n c a n has the best Towel in Salt, retail—§1.00 Brayman, Mr. Charles Hand, J. D. Dry Goods for Big and Little, Old town, for 20 cents. ^ “J —81.20 @ 80.00 per bbl., retail. T hree women are sueing Kalama­ own, and on the the 23d his remains Knapp, Mrs. Jennie Powers, Mrs. were laid to rest in mother earth, that and Young, at SAM HIGH’S. *yr —12c. zoo for 85,000 each for damages caused Do not buy your School Books until Thomas Price, Mr. Spencer, Miss Jessie being liis birthday. He leaves mourn­ Live poultry—7 c. by defective sidewalks. Buchanan Look at J. I mhoof’s advertisement you have called on me, / x-s, MAY BE SEEN AT— Swindell, Mr. William Borror, William ing on the shores of immortality three BARMORE./7 f' Wheat,— 00c. has beep “stuck” once, but it does not iu the Record, for we have Shoes to Oats ~85e. seem to make our walks better. J. Anderson, Augustine Williams. sons and one daughter. COM. fit all sizes of feet, Cheap for Cash. F u r n it u r e at bed-rock bottom ------«t »- ...... Corn—r>0e. J ohn Gr a h a m , P. M. Call before buying. prices, at AL HUNT’S.Tea, Chew “Frank’! at H o’clock' "i. Monday evening, Sept, 29. Blue Vitriol bought at R u n n e r ’s well The several to wnships, and wards o f On Wednesday next, the 17 th, the the county, the R ecord favors the Choice” fineeut. The best goods in the i ______------insure good wheat. the city of Niles, will be entitled to nomination of E. L. Hamilton, o f Niles, R e v . J. H . B u t t l e m a n left, Tues­ St. Joseph Valley R.-R. will run trains market, at TREAT BROS. & CO’S. representation in such convention, for that office. He is as bright and Ladies, my fall Underwear is com­ New and Second-Hand, day, to spend a day with his people, in as follow s: Leave Buchanan at S and D u n c an ’s store is the place to buy based on the Gubernatorial vote of stirring a young attorney as the county ing in. Come and look at them. 1SSS, as follows: Oceana county, before the convening 10:10 a. m. Returning will leave Ber­ Gauze Vests. The best iu town for possesses, and is not mixed up with H. B. DUNCAN. FIRST MSTRICT. of conference, in Muskegon. His fam­ rien Springs at G:20 p. m „ to connect only 10c. 2. 0 with M. C. It. R. trains both east and any quarrels by which he is likely to Home made . Made from our FOR ALL THE SCHOOLS, Townships. Vote. No. Delegates/ ily accompanied him. Ask for the Eiffel Black Hose, they BatnliriSge...... 369...... il* west. This will give delegates to the lose the vote of any whole township. Liquid Yeast. Try it. 7 g B enton...... 1320...... 33^ will not crock/qt/-' , Berrien...... 4tS...*------...... 12 Republican County Convention ample TREAT BROS & GO. And everybody who will come to buy, besides Hagar...... 229...... V T h e Niles Republican is of the opin­ BOYLE ifc BAKER’S. time in Berrien Springs and enable A m a n , whose name is given ns as © Lincoln...... 407...... ,..*.11 ion that i f Hon. Thos. Mars had allow­ Special price on ou r n ew Dress Oronoko...... 580...... 17 them to get home in good season the John Sedorias, employed as a stock An Organ for/rent. Rovalton...... 27t...... S ed his name to go before the Detroit Goods. CHARLIE HIGH. 2- Sodas...... 273...... 8 buyer by Major, o f South Bend, cut a . J. G. HOLMES. Pipestone...... 393...... 11 Convention he could have had the same day. Tablets and all School Supplies, St. Joseph...... 983...... 2 7 caper a few days since that marks him Come and see my Fall Flannels. We make the lowest price. WatertrUet...... 378...... 17 nomination for Lieutenant Governor. W h e n tbe democrats do not succeed, as a character who ought to he brought They are Coming in. / BOYLE & B A ~ SECOND DISTRICT. H. B. DUNCAN. or at least attempt to work up some up standing. He bought a lot of stock> Don’t forget that I still sell Pianos WAY DOWN, AT Xiles township...... 493.... .11 , Mrs. J o a n n a A l l e n and her sister, side-show, with some kind o f innocent north of this place, and hired Mr. New Dress Goods of all kinds. The Niles City, 1st Ward...... 208..., 6 Miss Maggie Donnelly, went, Tuesday and Organs. I f you contemplate buy­ ...... 215... . 6 looking bait banging at the door, just Decker to drive it to South Bend for best 54-inch Flannels in town for 50c. u « 3d .. ing either, see me before buying...... 241..,. morning, for a visit with theirbrotbers at the opening of a campaign, it is a 81.50 and expenses. A job well worth *■ «■ 4Ui “ ...... 310..., Look at them. ^ J. G* HOLMES. “ “ 51k “ 8 4n Aspen, Colorado, and expect to he sure indication that something is 83. When Decker had his work faith­ BOYLE & BAKER. Dodd’s Drug and Book Store...... 315... .. 9 DRESS-MAKING. OMfcamins...... 230..,. absent about two months. wrong. This time it is the patrons of fully done, taking him two days, this Try the “Angel Food”, at * yO Galien...... S3S... ” lO Lake...... 318.... ,11 Industry, which is being worked for fellow gave Decker twenty-five cents, 0 TR E A T BROS & CO'S. ^ Miss Elmira Burrus is prepared to do ThteeOaks...... 425..,. ,.12 T h e remark in the R e c o r d regard with the remarK that this made them dress-making in the latest styles and Weesaw...... 853.... .10 all it Is worth In the interest o f George A 59c Dress goods for only 37J^c, Save Money by getting Al. Hunt’s give good work. Call at her home on Buchanan...... m . . „ .S3. iag the carpet deal by the Episcopal L. Yaple for Congtess in Cass and SC. square, and because Decker did not double fold, at H Bertram!...... 328.,., Day’s Avenue, near the depot. church in Niles appears to have stir­ Joseph counties. One or two lodges have gumption enough to knock him CHARLIE HIGH’S. Total...... 29S Prices before purchasing 7— - red up the animals. The Star’s expl a- down and stand on his neck, that is all have been established in this county. New and complete line of , at Buy a Mason & Hamlin Orgau of J. By Order of the Committees nation of the a ffa ir is a brilliant com­ - ■ ■ ---- he has been able to get for his two L. A. DUNCAN, Chairman. TR E A T BROS & CO'S, H olm es; and g e t the very best there RpuGH Bros, are repairing the mill T*L. WltKIN'SON, Secretary* ment on the dead in the shell condi­ days’ work. When this man or bis em­ fis made. For 15 cent Fast Black Hose, that ——------► tion o f Niles business men, surely. flume, cleaning out the race, and tail ployer ventures on this side of the Republican Caucus, ace, and will put In a new penstock state line again, they may come with will not crock or stain the feet, go to~* rad a good turbine wheel. They have S.P. HIGH’S. ( The Republicans of Buchanan town­ A l a r g e delegation of Methodist the expectation of staying until Mr. Upholstering a Specialty. Repairing Promptly Attended to. ship are all requested to meet in cau­ ladies went to Dowagiac last Friday (not yet decided upon what use will be Decker is giyen a fair pay for his work. The best White Shirt to be found cus at rhe Engine House, on Saturday, morning to make a call on the family ade of the power when improved in The man who will take this kind of an for 50c, at H. B. DUNCAN’S ^ Sept. 13, 1890, at 3 o’clock p, m., to of Rev, S. L. Hamilton, returning in that way, and certain it is they will advantage of such a person is not the choose 23 delegates to attend the coun­ - I am always ready to make you the not's.allow it to remain idle and go to one that It will he safe to trust very ty Republican Convention to be held the afternoon. Mrs, W. A. Palmer, of Lowest Prices, quality considered. // 3d Door North of Bank, Main St. Buchanan, Mich. at Berrien Springs, on Wednesday. Sept, the parly, stayed over Sunday. ruin, as it has been doing, Buchanan far. S-P.HIGH/^ 17, at 10 a, ro., to nominate candidates may expect to see some manufactur­ F or Sale.—I have a 4-horse power for county offices, and for the transat- One of Dr. Bailey’s horses Indulged ing industry operating in that build­ Marriage Licenses. tiem o f such other business as may NO. engine and boiler, upright, in gopd re­ in a runaway Saturday noon. He went ing before many months: .Geo. Wyman & Co. will offer for come before it. ------*-«-*<------11841 ^ R°ward, Niles. pair, for sale cheap. May be seen by on nearly every street and alley in Alma E. Tripp, sale on September 15th, about 2,000 B y O r d e r o f T p . C o m . calling at this office. o SOLID COMFORT T h e Niles Democrat is offered for Harry W. Adam Cloaks, at the ridiculous price of $2, town before he was stopped, when it 11351 Harry W Adams, Chicago. J. G. H olmes. sale at a bargain. If the other.two Minnie W. Cook, Kiles Township Republican Caucus. was found that neither horse or car­ 1 ■ $4 and $6. Misses’ and Children’s, publishers in that place will buy Frank . j Herman Fritz, St. Joseph. Go straight to S. P. H ig h’s, the Fair from 4 to 16 years, for $3 and $5. tage were injured. The Republicans of Niles township out, divide the plunder, close up the 0 \ Gusta Isenhart, Royalton. and Square place to buy. / 'L This will come the nearest to giving will meet in caucus, at tlie office of 13. paper and then shoot the first crank 113’ Ward Rhoades, Niles Tp. away goods that you have ever gotten D. Hamilton, on Sept. 13, at 3 o’clock J. E. F rench has been exhibiting Gertie Stoddard, “ “ New Fall Dress Goods now onU 9(111sale, who comes along and even hints at of us. p. m., for the purpose of electing il plows at the State fair, in Lansing, Louis E. Sides, S at Way down prices, at delegates to the County Convention to starting another paper in Niles, they 118S | -k°uis H Sides, Sodus, this week, the first work he has been Libbie E. Partridge, Sodns, CHARLIE II1GEi , Ladies’ Cloth Newmarket, Cloaks be held at the village of Berrien will have the printing business down Springs, Sept. 17, and for the transac­ able to do in several months. His 1139 j Bert A- Ellis, Wis. A good Organ for $50. and Jackets, worth $10 up to $20, to a point where it belongs, so far as i| Ann• Curtis, Niles, tion of snch other business as may friends will all be glad to know that J. G. HOLMES.ES. for $2, $4 and $6 each. W e think properly come before them. Niles is concerned.. nan j John H. Wagar, Chicago. We have enough to go around. Sizes Ed. is all right again. u 1 Lucinda Eiland, A regular 25c Goods you can selei(elect B y o r d e r OF t h e Com m ittee. ,, from 32 to 42 bust measure. A ccid en t—Tom Barnes had Ihe mis­ 1142 5 Geo. W. Sellmann, Chicago, for 15c, at CHARLIE HIGHr S 7 ‘ V"W m. H. K eeler, of South Bend, and ( Frances A. Walker, “ The Misses’ Cloaks are as good as R epublican caucus next Situruuv fortune to get the end of his thumb Miss Carrie E. Ashbrook, of Chicago, iijq J Jane Cornelius, Indiana. Plenty of Albert’s Black Ilote, war­ the ladies, the average is the same. smashed in the sanding machine in the I Nellie Donahue, Galien. .both well-known former Buchanan ranted fast black, at j / Take them while they last. Co u n t y Convention next Wednes1 new furniture factory, Saturday morn­ 11441 G_eo- Sullivan, Avery. H. B. DUNCAN S. day. .popular youug people, were granted a ing. The machine was being turned Mgry Roberts, Weesaw. The goods will be placed on exhi­ license to wed, in Chicago, on Tuesday. Edward M, Bucknian, SSodus. - We have Fast Black Hose from lOc bition Monday, September 15th. We by hand at the time, otherwise he 1X401 > - - — jTheir many friends here will wish Maggie M, Francis, Chicago. to 75c. Look at ours. j j do this that you may : look at the L ost.—A child’s Reefer jacket, blue would have been very likely to have them much joy. 11461 PeterFcter W. Rencha, Hagar.H CHARLIE HIGH. goods and try them on, etc., etc., be­ Please return to Mrs, Emma Estes. lost his hand. A s it was the entire ------«W-e>------Mabel E. Hendrick, fore the sale commences. nail was torn off and the flesh of the Every style of Stationery at B a r - Mr. F r an k M unson, who has been iynder part of the thumb crashed. Dr. m ore's, first door east of po3t-office. E. E . Calvin was here for a short employed by Ford, Johnson & Co. in Dowagiac Republican has been Sold Dodd dressed the wound. Tam says visit this week. Michigan City the past twenty months, by E. H. Spoor to Becraft & Amsden, Box Paper and Tablets, a t . f j this is the sixth time Dr. Dodd has has returned to this place and is em­ of that city. BARMOKE’S. trimmed his fingers. R e v . B artm ess has gone to attend ployed by the Industrial Manufacturing We will surprise you on the prices conference this week, at Bremen, Ind. T h e M. O. R. R. will sell excursion of Dress Goods, at V Co. Frank is not highly elated with Th e candidacy of Mr. W. A . Palmer *------CHARLIE HIGH'S. Michigan City, for Sheriff, casually mentioned last tickets to Chicago, from Buchanan, at Geo . B . M cN e il l , formerly of this i— -« a>------■ ■ $2.50, including admission to the Ex- Don’t forget that M o r g a n & Co. place, is building a new residence in week, we now mention unqualifiedly. Ch a r le y Sm onds was in Chicago posion, on the following dates: sell the best Groceries for the least Dowagiac, Ms present home. Mr, Palmer has served tbe people in Tuesday, and bought a new stock of Tuesday, Sept. 9, good for return until money. 4 the capacity of Deputy Sheriff, Under Monday, Sept. 15, inclusive. boots and shoes and expects to open at Sheriff and Deputy Mar­ T h e r e is no trouble about the ground Tuesday, Sept. 16, good for return until My stock o f Millinery for sale cheap. his old stand in Niles. One dealer in Monday, Sept 32, inclusive. being too dry since the rain of Sunday shal a number o f years, and always MRS. F. H. BERRICK. boots and shoes in Niles has found Tuesday, Sept. 33, good for return until and Sunday night with efficacy. It is conceded without It does tlie work iu hard ground. Tlie best is the cheapest. “hard sleding," and has just “packed Monday, Sept- 39, inclusive. Goods cheap for cash, at regard to party preferences, that he Tuesday, Sept 89, good for return until J. IMHOFF’S.^ his kit” and left the town. has proven one o f our best officers, as Monday, Oct. 0, inclusive. M rs. C. B ishop has been enjoying a Tuesday, Oct 7, good for return until 'Ladies, LooTi iff ere! Have you seen a deputy, and we should be pleased to visit by her brother and sister the past Monday, Oct, 16, inclusive.. our DongolaKid Button Shoes for only L ig h t n in g struck two trees in front week. see him receive the endorsement of the Tuesday, Oct. 17, good for return until $1.50, at J. I m hoff’s ? I f not, call be­ '■ ■■ ------of the house of Nathaniel Wilson, west Convention, next Wednesday, for the Monday, Oct. 30, inclusive. v ofBakertown, Sunday.. Mr. Wilson Good going only on trains Nos. 11 fore buying. ( T h is section has had rain enough office o f Sheriff. and 13, Mail and. Kalamazoo Accom­ A large assortment of new Fall Dress thus far this month to make up for the was sitting near the open, door reading modation, and return on trains Nos. 4 Goods awaiting your inspection. Call shortage of last month. at the time, and received quite a shock, * T h e R ecord is mad. We had trot­ as did also bis youngest daughter, who ted out County Clerk Potter as the and 8, Mail and Kalamazoo Accommo­ and see them, S. P. H IG H / 4' ■ dation, A. F. P eacock, Agent. / James. B est, who went from near was near by. proper candidate for the legislature on Everything in School Books, Slat* f? the Republican ticket in this district, Tablets, Etc,, at BARMORE’S.' / ( Dayton to Nebraska a few months -since, has returned. M r s . A n n a C., wife of Mr. F. A. and now the Republicans of the First Additional locals on second page. New Dress Goods for Fall, at / Schmidt, of Niles, died last Thursday district, at their convention in St. BOYLE & BAKER#. R ose & E llsworth- w ould like to afternoon, aged 51 years, and was bur­ Joseph Saturday, nominated him to Locals.______N ew Goods. Lots of New. Goods ied Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt represent that district. This is per­ call the ladies’ attention to their dress W anted.-—A girl to do general house­ this week, at S. P. HIGH’S / */ goods, See to-day’s advertisement. have been residents of Niles for thirty haps better for him as he is sure of an This cut is one of fifty styles we work on a farm. Remember, school commences Sept. i. i' ■■ —- years, and were amongthe best known election in that district, while here he f GEORGE BATCHELOR. shall ofler iu this sale. and most highly respected citizens of would have an adverse majority of 1st, and that you can get your full sup­ Geo . W t m a n & Co. are going to have Now don’t say you did not know that city. about 156, as shown by the election F or the best 50 cent Corset, g ototo/i ply of Books, at BARMORE’S./ / a mammoth cloak sale. See their ad­ we were going.to have a Cloak Sale. two years ago, to climb over. This is . S. P. HIGH’S.rs.l— Don’t you forget it. I have the best vertisement. 4* This will be the biggest sale we ever Tablets, Papeteris, Envelopes, I n this: Record w e publish the one of those rarities we have read Below will be found a list o f Cakes Underwear in town. S. P. H IGH ./ i AU*“ v half-column advertisement o f Challis, o s l M bs. E m m a E stes is enjoying a vis­ about in ancient history. A clear case in stock at Treat Bros. & C ’ _ Bargains in Lawns and light Sami Our Slack Silk Sale will continue. it by her sister and family* from Pitts­ Adler & Goble, the keepers o f the Bos­ o f the office seeking the man. W hite , Snaps, Goods, at BOYLE & BAKER’S, ton Store, in South Bend, These gen­ Note Books, &c., &c., go to burgh. Marble “ “ M rs, B errick is selling Millinery at We shall open anew department tlemen are wideawake business men, Miss M a g g i e H a s t i n g s , of Niles, is Fruit “ Brandy cost the balance of tbe season. for the sale of. Ladies’ and Children’s and tell their own story in this adv. visiting in this place this week. Mon­ Lemon “ “ Shoes and Boys’ Clothing, about J ohn Redden has gone out of the A desirable House and Lot for sale. If you go to South Bend to do your day she had quite an experience. She Raisen “ " Cakes, . September 20th. Good location and house in good re-* milk business, and now Buchanan has trading, you Will find theirs a good and Miss Belva Harris went to the “ “ Bread, but two dealers once m om pair. Enquire of store to visit. river to attend the baptismal cere­ Crumb “ Layer Cakes^ J. H ARVEY ROE. ' Barmore’s Drug Store. monies. When they were ready to re- . “ Pound “ COME AND SEE US. J ohn DeF ield, o f Benton Harbor, F . L . W il l ia m s, formerly editor of ' turn they got into a carriage, when the “ Drops, Cocoanut baffles, Have, you seen those Black* Henri­ was quite severely hurt by a runaway the dead Covert News, has an itching/ horse became frightened and ran away. Sponge “ Maccronies, ettas, at S. P . H igh’s ? They are The Bateman Fountain: Pen, guar­ last week. to re-enter the editorial fraternity. F t Miss Harris jumped at once, but Miss Jelly Roll, EggKissesV dandies. L„ Is “original” and his paper was Hastings was thrown under the car­ Angel Food, Doughnuts, H. B. Duncan’s is the place to get T h e school census of the city of GEO. W Y IA N & GO anteed equal to any in the market. largely quoted from by nearly all tbe riage which was upset, caught in the Frosted , Cup Cakes,- Silk Umbrellas. J Niles, shows that there are 1,222 chil­ papers in .the world* We invite him top and dragged a considerable distance, “ “ Choc., “ “ , Use that 25 cent Tea of B oardhan dren between the ages of 3 and 20 to come to this county and btty the huh fortunately sustained no serious Tea Rolls every evening at five Price $1,50. M. E. BABMOBE. years in that city. & W ehrle’s. Their 50 cent Tea beats South Bend, Ind. Niles Democrat and make a wad. injury. o’clock. ' ' . "■ ' 1 the worlds A Sew Way to Fish, CCSngKl Uff-nfifia "Shout thyviKue HE kno'wn ehgTneer§"5n tlie"755TL '“Yank" His Congregation X c t o i Deserted Him, England to Take a C en su s. Quite a novel mode of catching fish mink and otter sldns, the price went firmly believed in all the peculiar super­ A clergyman was lamenting the fact The bills for taking the census next was invented by a youth in Michigan re­ down a id now the animals abound in stitions to which railroaders as a class that Ms congregation appeared to he year have been published. For the most cently. the state again. So numerous have- pin faith. Two months before Ms fatal restless during his sermons, and de­ wreck he took his engine, No. 475, the part the arrangements are mnch the He was bathing, when he perceived in minks become there that they are get­ clared that many of the members of his largest on the road, out of the repair same as they were nine years ago. The the witter a little way beyond him a fish ting to be quite familiar with, country flock would get up right at a time when shops. On his first trip a wreckoccurred census day is fixed for Sunday, the 5tli of unusually large proportions swim­ people. Recently a mink, frightened by lie fancied Mmself most impressive and on the ciistem division, TMs cemented of April. The particulars to be asked ming along within a very short distance a sharp thunder storm, fled .out of a would leave the house. Ms half hearted faith in an unlucky Fri­ for in England and are the name, of the bank and rapidly approaching meadow, rnshed into a farmer’s dwell­ “ That’s bad," answered a young day. His engine needed repairs shortly sex, age, profession or occupation, condi­ him. As he saw the magnificent speci­ ing, and raced from . room to room until preacher, “ but I must say that I do not afterward, and was ready for the road tion as to marriage, relation to head of men of the sturgeon species the thought a hound caught him upstairs in a cham­ experience any such annoyance. -Not a again on the Friday previous to the family and birthplace of every person of seeming it without the usual imple­ ber. single member of my congregation gets night of Ms death ride, This time who abode in any house on the night of ments flashed across his; mind, and he de­ A still more remarkable incident oc­ up and goes out during services.” “ Yank” positively 'refused to go out, the census day, showing also whether termined to make one effort to secure curred in Hartford a few days ago. A “ You don’t say so!" the first speaker sa y in g an accident was sure to follow. any such person was blind or deaf and the "monarch of the lakes.” mink trotted right into the heart of the exclaimed. “ How do you manage it?” for Infants and Children, His fears were laughed to scorn by tbe dumb or imbecile or lunatic. The only As the fish approached the bank on city, among throngs of people on the “ 1 don’t manage it at all—seems to streets, and passed all kinds of dogs men collected in; the round boose, and new question to be put is one recom­ which the boy was standing the latter manage itself." mended by the census committee—name­ “ CastoHa is so well adapted to children that j Castorfa cores Colic, Constipation. prepared to dive, and before the sturgeon with impunity, and finally made his Sullivan took the engine. That his • ‘Don’t they complain when you preach t recommend i,t as superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, words were prophetic proved too true,' ly, where the occupier is in occupation known to me.” IL A. Ascbeb, JLD., Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- was quite opposite the youth gave a way into the back yard of a big store on a long sermon?” . gestion, and it would be impossible now to get of less than five rooms, as to the number H I Oxford S t, , N. Y . | leap, a plunge and dived beneath the Asylum street. In the yard men cor­ “Ho, I’ve never heard a word of com­ So. I Without injurious medication. nered him and tried to capture Mm an engineer to bike Ms engine out of tlie of rooms occupied by him. water. Ere the astonished sturgeon plaint,” One particular that was asked for at The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y, alive, but lie fought so desperately that Glenwood shops on Friday.—Pittsburg could either escape or recover from the “ That is indeed singular. Your peo­ the last census and is now omitted, in they had to kill him.—-PhiladelpMa Times. consternation caused by the sudden dis­ ple must have been exceptionally well accordance with the committee’s recom­ turbance of the waters he was a prison­ Ledger. ______take Kciika Grapes. . brought up." mendation, is the “ rank" of each person. er in the arms of the youth, who could lUonntalns Full o f CJoltl. Lake Kenka first became noted for the “ No, I think not.” In the matters to be inquired with difficulty retain his hold of his “ Then yon must be one of the most Recent explorations of the Olympic cultivation of grapes on its shores. The into are the same as those in England, slippery customer. first vineyard was planted about 1856 on eloquent of men. Wliat is the style of except that the new one does not Telate The struggles of the now desperate mountains have been of great interest your preaching?” CHRONIC DISEASES to mining men. A geologist, who has the west shore, In 1861 another was plant­ to the number of rooms occupied, but is sturgeon were now pertinacious and “ Oh, rather dry, 1 mn compelled to 4 SPECIALTY FOR given some attention to the work of the ed on Bluff Point. The business proved whether any person speaks Gaelic only, nearly crowned with victory, though admit. I do not possess the faculty of exploring parties, says: “ I have exam­ very profitable, and the cultivation of or both Gaelic and English. Neither in they became almost entirely ineffectual, grapes extended until nearly all avail­ drawing an interesting illustration or of England, nor in Scotland, nor in Wales, 25 YEARS. and were rendered completely so by the ined many specimens from the Olympic, able land has been utilized. A t present throwing out a bright idea.” it will be observed, is any question to be I can give you many references in the city. Call and examine them . aid o f a companion o f the boy. who ran blit until of late they were of low grade grape land is valued at §100 to §300 per “ Well, well, I have never heard of put as to religion. Li , however, HI0HI6AH EEF£EEi!C33. BICEIGAK 2 Z .* £ m 3 S 3 . to Ms assistance. outcroppings. Recently, however, some /V acre and bearing vineyards $500 to anything so wonderful. And you tell the “ religious profession” of each person Chas. Johnson, Sturgis, Payne, Westfield, Ind., Their united efforts soon completed the extremely rich specimens have “been re­ me that no one ever gets up and goes Ulch.,'Nervousness, Geo. ceived. These new discoveries have ex­ §1,000, the latter price being that of tbe is, as before, to be asked for. Heart Disease; L L Sta­ victory over his stnrgeonship, and laid out?” Wyman, Klingor lake, ley, LaPorte, Ind.,hleed- ^ ' I llu str a ted cited a great deal of interest in prospect­ best Catawba vineyards. The present The other information to be obtained Mich., Kidneys; Mrs. ing of Lungs; W 1) Wool - him panting on the bank, a proof of the “ Yes, that’s what I tell yon.” Packard Hamer, Union ors in this region, and specimens are crop is very promising, and, in view of in Ireland includes the sex, age, birth­ cy, Homersville, Infl., triumph; of muscle*. “ Well, I don’t understand it at all.” City, HeartDlscase; Mrs Asthma; John A Peter­ v^- - <3tml©gue coming in rapidly. Hot long since I re­ the general failure of other kinds of place and OcCupatioti. However, there Sylvester Fellers, llo- son, Laporte, Ind, lungs; After resting a while from the fatigue fruit, grape growers’are expecting good “ Oh, it is easy enough to explain, I is a provision in the Irish hill that the duuk, Ml eh., Lungs; Jno. Dora Binomial), Cold ON APPLICATION caused by the combat under water they ceived one piece that was so rich that 1 am chaplain at the penitentiary.’’—Pitts­ Yost, Van Bnren, Inct., water, Heart; Mr. Lewis refused to assay it, as it could not possi­ prices.—Rome Sentinel, constabulary are also to take an account Kidneys; G W Thomp­ Big Timber, Montana x carried the sturgeon home, where it was burg Dispatch. of all such further particulars as by the son, "A,a Grange, Ilia., Hemorrhage of Kidney; f \(sQKMULLY Weighed, turning, the scales at just bly be a fair sample. It would have as­ Stomach and Liver: Mrs Mrs Calvin M a s te r s , The Expert in Danger. instructions of the lord lieutenant’s cMef seventy pounds.—Exchange. sayed over §100,000 per-ton. There could Dr* TVobb and Jay Gould. Edwin Tanner, Cambria, Frontier, Hemorrhage of not possibly have been in any locality The best swimmer at Newport was The abrupt manner in which Vice or under secretary they may he directed Mich.jHemorrhago: Sim­ Bladder: Orreu Hiller, \TifEFPffiW r$§ drowned a few days ago,and now a Hew eon Dutiu, Summerset Litchfield, * Nervous De­ 1 1 A Transpacific Cable* .any considerable quantity of quartz so President Webb treated a representative to inquire into.—London Times. Center, Liver; U P Ram­ l & # ' f : bility; Mrs A P Kelly, rich. I have long known that this dis­ York lady, a thoroughly skilled horse­ of the Knights of Labor who called as sey, Hillsdale, Obstruc­ Sturgis, Ulceration of I M & S c 'C H lU ia W L The Colonies and India, of London, Tupped a Volcano. tion otGall; Rate B Stew­ Month; S J Belcher, says that “ the breaking of the Austra­ trict was rich in coal and iron. I am woman, is thrown from her animal and mediator between the company and tbe art, Adrian, Stomach and Hudson, Dyspepsia; Mrs lian Cables and the consequent cutting now convinced that it hides vast treas­ killed. It is the expert in all feats of men has recalled the fact that all the Intelligence lias just reached here of a Liver ; Eva Parker , Bliss- 1 N Hiser, JonesvillP, B n m c R H achievement who oftenest comes to grief. field, Bright’s Disease; Scrofula; Libbie Van off of those colonies from communica­ ures of silver and gold. Numerous pros­ Webb hoys are disposed to be perempto­ remarkable phenomenon five miles west Clara Bacon, Addison. Yliet, Hillsdale, Loss or Mastery of a sport leads to contempt of tion with the outer world for several pecting parties are being fitted out, and ry in business dealings, even with older of Goodland, I. T., and about thirty Stomach and Liver: Dun- ftft I Hair entirely; Mand Hol­ Represented by CHAS. PKARS, Bnebanan ordinary precautions for safety,—Boston miles northwest of tMs city. Some time iel Mead, Kalamo, Vcrli- -ft I lis, General Debility, l,a- days emphasizes in the strongest possi­ hundreds of prospectors are already in and stronger men than themselves. go; Mrs AlbertSpaldinsr. j ■t -W C- Granse, Ind.; Fred My­ ble way the necessity of constructing an the mountains, which are quite easy of Herald. In tlie very older days of Dr. Seward since a white man named Charlie Good­ Kahuna, Kidncvs anti f t ; ers, , Abcess of ing employed an Irishman named Mikf? Liver; J Gould, School- .vfts ; Bladder: F M Gaylord, alternative cable across the Pacific ocean access.”—Tacoma (Wash.) Cor. St. Louis Keyoiid Her Keacli. Webb as a railroad man lie attempted a emit, Qatarili; Mrs. T A ; Vertotmiville, Pluritis; between British Columbia and Sydney Republic.______little show of authority with Mr. Jay Dulianey to dig a well on his place. A Hubbard. Silver Creek, - ■ Mrs Horace McKhtzie, The Summer Girl—Jack, please do Spasms; C II Cady, De- or Brisbane. The lesson will no doubt Gould, which that gentleman treated in depth of sixty feet was reached at Dowagiac,Micli, Internal Milos Upon Miles of Whales. something for me. noon. After noon Duhaney started Ciitur, Infiainmation of v;.; Growth; James Clasby, not be lost upon our Australian cousins. Ms dry, sarcastic Way, It seems that W. bladder; Gaylord Jessup, ft -Downgiac, Heart and Liv­ The officers and passengers of the The Summer Beau— With all my to go down to resume work. When and wife, Westfield, 1ml-, er; Mrs P D Peters, De­ It is said that her majesty’s government heart. H, Vanderbilt was just dead when his Liver and Inflammation catur, Skin Disease; Har­ steamsMp Veendam state that when the about twenty feet below the surface he of Bladder; Mrs. J W „ has decided not to share in the gnaran- The S. G.—Then do drive’ the flies son-in-law, Dr. Webb, in a business letter, vey J Myers, Three Riv­ . tee the companies require in order to ef­ vessel was at about latitude 45, longi­ called Mr. Gould rather peremptorily to screamed to Ms assistants above to haul ers, Lunas; James M usburii. Cancer on Face; S J Belcher, Hudson, Stomach and Liver; J L Willett, tude 41, on Saturday, Ang. 23. they passed from the front of my hat. They are Dover, Asthma; .T II Meyro, Oassopolie, Consumption. « fect the proposed reductions in the exist­ account, and presented Ms ultimatum in him but quick, as he was burning up. through the largest herd of whales that quite beyond my reach.—Pittsburg Bul­ 3srs f r e e . ing cable rates, and it was hardly ex­ a matter concerning some exchange, of He was pulled up in an unconscious con­ has been seen in the north Atlantic for letin. ______dition, ancl it was two hours before he Twenty-five vears devoted to tlio treatment of Chronic Diseases mid thousands ol patients enable me pected that it would do so* It might, business between the Vanderbilt and to cure every curable case. Candid in my examinations, reasonable In my charges and never encour­ many years. Professor J. L. Howe, of revived. age without a surety o f success. however, view with greater favor the Prince Regent Luitpold, of Bavaria, Gould roads. laying of the new line, and the subsidies Louisville, who was a passenger, said: has made up Ins mind to abolish the Dr. Webb’s idea was to hurry Mr. The poor fellow was literally blistered. d ) R . F\ p. B R EW E R , 135 CMcago Ave., Evahstoh, III. * the colonies are now asked to give for “ The passengers were all on deck en­ “ Passion Play” at Ober-Ammergau be­ Gould to a settlement. But Mr. Gould A coat which had been tin-own across joying the nnnsnal sight o f a distinctive * perpetuating for a time tke'monopoly of cause tbe business has fallen into the was not to be hurried, or even brought the windlass was scorched till it crum­ line of demarcation between tbe light Will be at Wiles, Mich, Bond House, on Tuesday, the 16th of September. •. .tile old line,, with assistance from Can- hands of some Viennese theatrical spec­ to a consideration of the case, and he bled to pieces. The rope was also burned bine waters of tbe Gulf stream and tbe until it fell apart. People of the neigh­ A * a d a and from the imperial government, ulators and is no longer sacred. Wrote a short note to Mr. Webb in dark green waters of the arctic current, which be simply said that his sorrow borhood are much puzzled over this would, it is believed, permit of arrange- Mackerel from the Pacific. “Seeing is Believing ■jf meats being made for the construction the line being so distinct that when one- over the death of Mr. Vanderbilt three Leak of nature, and many are greatly half of the vessel was in one current the A new industry which is springing up o f the Pacific cable, and probably insure or four daj-s before had been so poignant alarmed. Others take a more hopeful other half was in the other current. in Southern California is mackerel fish­ . a reduced tariff by both lines.” that lie was unable to consider any busi­ view, and believe that it is natural gas. “ Suddenly some one in the bow called ing, and is thus described by The Los, No scientific investigation has been Angeles (Cal.) Times. Last year W. H. ness with Ms son-in-law at present. It • Preserved In a Salt XUUtao;* out ‘There she blows!’ and all eyes were is probable that Mr. Gould has not heard made, but: it looks as if the internal fires turned toward a light spray upon the Maurice, a produce jobber of tMs city, of tbe earth are about to find an outlet CONSUMPTION c In. a salt mine near Jlermannstadfc, in started some men to catcMng mackerel from Dr. Seward Webb since.—Phila­ , _ which had for many years horizon. Soon more and more puffs delpMa Press. at that point in a geyser or volcano.— SCBTFi S C R O F U L A were seen, and in half an hour the off Catalina Island and salting them. Paris (Tex.) Cor. New Orleans Times- been full of water and was visited by About twenty barrels were put up, and BRONCHITIS And tourists on account of its great depth steamer was amid a surging, bellowing Iho Old Whaling Towns Picking tJp. Democrat. C O U C H S ever rr^.w. herd o f sea monsters, I would not at­ these, utilized as samples, made such a According to The Providence Journal, din’s o f old, a ^won­ and its repeating echo, a recent heavy favorable impression that it was deter­ Hay Pever Preventive. COLBS derful lamp!** A lamp rainfall raised the water to an extraor­ tempt to make an estimate as to their an interesting and gratifying disclosure mined to put up a supply for the trade Dr. William Thompson, of Fourth CURES Wasting Diseases explosi*'*' and mi** dinary height. Recently a number -of number,” said Professor Howe, “ but I of the census is that of the revival of the 8Yl]siNeM£HB.WmS£Y tMs year. The season’s pack already has avenue, is a hay fever victim, and suffers brea'vaV*:, waich dead bodies appeared on the surface, • calculated that the herd covered an area old whaling towns. The whale fishery W onderful Flesh Producer. gives ~ s*of£3 of about a hundred square miles.”—Hew commenced at Catalina, and it promises centers, where once the coming and go­ terribly about this season every year. brilliant W hJjc tight and they were taken out, with con­ to be very successful. The only trouble Before the lGth of August in each year Many have gained one pound o f S 5 candle siderable danger to those who undertook York Herald.______ing of busy ships gave a lively air of in­ Purer and brighter with the fishes is an embarrassment of dustry to the wharves and streets, felt he lays in five or six dollars’ worth of per day b y its use. than gas light, softer SMOKER SI the task. They were found to be the A long Siege of Euchre. riches. medicine. The fever was two or three Scott’s Emulsion is not a secret than electric light, bodies of Hungarian Honveds, SOO of the decadence of tMs fishery as an al­ more cheerful than iAn§T»BfSfl.raw-toLF« Some Pittsburg people had a great The schools of fish encountered are so most fatal blow, and in the decades im­ days late this year, but after calling on remedy. It contains the stimulat­ cither I That lamp is whopa fell in the battle of Viz Alma on game of euchre lately. It began in vast that it is impossible to draw a net Frank Calhoun to exchange notes, and the 4th of February, 1849, and instead mediately succeeding the fifties remained ing properties of the Bypophos- Queenstown, Ireland, and ended in Al­ around one, and as only a portion is in­ Sorrowful monuments to a great indus­ hearing him sneeze, Dr. Thompson be­ phites and pure Norwegian Cod €fi-The Rochester of being buried were thrown into the cluded in the sweep they get started on *53 iiiiiiirC iiii toona Tuesday morning^with only inter­ try’s decay. Now, however, they seem gan also. He has invented a device Inver Oil, the potency of both And with it there is no smolcc, no smell, salt lake of the mine. The bodies are so missions for meals and sleep on the a run like a flock of sheep, and the ma­ which he thinks will eventually save no hreten thlmneySt no flickering, no sweating, to he recovering their old time energy, being largely increased. It is used no climbing np o f the flame, no “ tantrums’* REQUIRED “ASICYoue BtOOIP, FOU I? well preserved that the wounds which steamer. The contestants were Charles jor portion escape. When a small school him the yearly infliction, but he didn’t and it is not unlikely that an inheritance by Physicians all over the world. nor annoyance of any kina, and it never caused death may be seen quite plainly. A. O’Brien and James Wilson on one is encountered the seining is more suc­ have it perfected in time for this season. needs trimming*. . Its founts toil reservoirs) Follow OiREGiioNS Glosel^ Two o f the bodies are headless.—Cor. of the same enterprise which character­ being- tough rolled seamless brass, with cen­ side, and George J. Lnckey and William cessful. This season’s pack will be from ized them in the past will Once more It is a padded steel spring, or clamp, PALATABLE AS BULK. tral draft, it is absolutely tisibrcafcable* London Hews: and as lfu* V'brld* French Drafts, Saddle Horses, baked by herself.” patch. English Shires, Wftflt-li Ponies, faith in banks placed some §1,500 in gold Not Eager to Save Life. starts out in the race of life against al­ l ”.-cc3 t h o B u tton , Belgian Drafts, Ponies, Bears in Maine. in tomato cans , and then buried the cans Every season regularly some event most overpowering odds—odds sufficient A Tale with a Moral. I : O p e n s Suffolks, Shetland I onks, A special six inch gun has just been French Coachers, o Holstcin-Friesian Urben Getehell, o f Limestone, Me., under the brick floor in Ms cellar. One happens on the Norman or Breton coast to discourage any ordinary or average Cleveland Bays, 'Cattle, made at the naval ordnance foundry at A v nc3^ witnessed a novel sight last week while day recently going to the Mding place which brings into relief the apathy and calf, but this calf is by no means an or­ . 1 «-0 .sr-uj-o— _ Ce2f-yAs*«H_v-- . .. Hackneys, Devon Cattle. 1 Ka toy nor Also, Dealers is Real Esiate. driving near that village. He came on he found that thieves had been there be­ indifference of the bathing box owners dinary one, and lie will probably make Washington, and the ordnance officers \ Suatrctb, feu*. a?eal2ca;iim! VJpeste‘8 lump in vicZtt can 6izo of No oilier Bstalrlidimeut In tlie World seven bears unawares, three of them full fore and carried off Ms hoard. when any of their customers have the bis mark in life. It would be an act of are tickled lialf to death over the fact //scienwirj \ s i ocliLfc burns ono offers sneh Advanlag s to the misfortune to he in danger while swim­ simple justice to see that tMs particular that it has been constructed in fifty-two 3^AMOfc| 1 | i5onx;tltiickiy re- 1‘Ued. B^*Ono Purchaser. grown and four cubs quite large. The Aa Electrical 'Time Stamp. Tr a d e m a iu i m j ivo ^ Tvnn* d la every ming. TMs time the perilous adventure calf is given more than Ms usual share days. Prices low. Terms easy. Visitors welcome old ones made for the woods, hut the Wall street is interested in a novel xrr c r t r s B s ___ I awn. Correspondence Solicited. Circulars free. of M. Edmond Haraucourt, poet and of rope on every possible occasion.—Se­ It is a small gun, as guns go nowa­ i’. rrs't trit’i .-a Sample and cubs had, their gambols out before they contrivance for registering the exact Cancers, Humors, Sores, Ulcers, Swellings, outfit end IC5D extra hfratemeeat preuald for &£ If POWELL BROTHERS, dramatist, is a case in point, M. Harau­ bastopol Times. days, and it wouldn’t be worth much Tumors, Abscesses, Blood Poisoning, Salt yoa v;rl:o erd this paper, will teilyeu hove Sprlnglmro,-Craw lord Co., Pa. followed. Urben says it was a nice time of the consummation of bargains. Rheum, Catarrh, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, to get oso XcrEOtbia^. Address Retail Department g? for defense against a first rate power. Roclicoter Lamp Co., 37 Barclay Etroet, Bes York. sight, .but Ms hair seemed to grow very It is always; necessary and sometimes court, while swimming lately, was car­ and all Blood and Skin Diseases. ried a long distance away from the shore Migratory Dee Keeping. But if such a power should attack iri It P rice, SI per Pint Bottle, or 6 Bottles for §5. rapidly, and raised, his hat from its usual vitally important to brokers to know the 1 lb. can Solid Extract $2.50-__. _____ place. The bears were seen by two by the current. An apiary on wheels is one of the latest Would take at least fifty-two days to J. M. LOOSE BED CLOVER CO.. very minute of the hour when a transac­ innovations in California. After the make another one like it. other persons,—PhiladelpMa Ledger. tion is legally completed. A t times the The waves were running high at the Detroit, Mich. time, and everybody gave the swimmer foothills have been pastured the bee And in fifty-two days from the declara­ FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. official quotations of some stock or other Convulsed His Neighbors. np as lost. His mother and friends who herder moves Ms bees to a Mgher eleva­ tion of war a foreign fleet would have change so suddenly and show such a .O C R N E W I An American “ millionaire,’' who has were watching him battling for life with tion, where the industrious insects gath­ bombarded’ New York and Boston and L great degree of variance that large losses er the nectar stored in the blossoms of Baltimore and Charleston, and sailed 'Gold Watch t taken a country vicarage in a west Mid­ and big lawsuits have been occasioned the surge begged and implored the .Worth § IO b . ------To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, ConsS- wild clover, chapparal and other plants, away again. In these days nations don’t !watch in the world. Pe— land county for two months: has quite by tbe inability of the contracting par­ owner of the bathing boxes to send out timekeeper. Warranted heavy, pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take a boat to the rescue. TMs, the man re­ and when these have been relieved of wait a year after declaring war before lSOLID gold hunting cases. convulsed his new neighbors by the mag­ ties to determine or agree upon the time [Bosh ladies* aud gent s sizes, tlie safe ami certain remedy, their saccharine matter the bees are beginning to fight. f'withr works---- ... and - a cost.---- e9 0£ nitude o f his establishment, to accom­ o f the receipt or cancellation of an order fused to do steadfastly, alleging that, as •qual value. ONE TEltSON in SHES’T’S-r’S modate wMch a large extra house has there was no chance of saving M. Harau- again moved to a Mgher elevation, The obvious moral is that we must jy cuch locality can secure ono to buy or sell. prepare for contingencies while there is together with our largo When I say Co re I do notmean merely to been hired. It. includes thirty servants, court's life, it was useless to run the risk where flowers peculiar to their region valuable Hacof Household stop them f o r .a time, and then have them re­ Because lie could not prove the exact time and opportunity.—Norwich Bulle­ — ^Samples. These samples, as well twenty horses, twelve dogs, four cows Of having the boat dashed against the yield up their sweets to them.—Monro­ ;----- —^LSthewBtcli, arc free. All the work you turn again. 1 m e a n A RADlCAii CUBE. minute of the receipt o f the counter, via (Cal.) Messenger. tin. eed do Is to showwhat we send you to those who call—your 1 have made the disease of and fourteen cats.—London Truth. Order from one of his customers a lead­ rocks. Li the meantime, thanks to his iends and neichborsand those about you—thatalways results strength and Skill as a swimmer, M, i valuable trade far us,whlch holds foryeara when once started, IANS UTS, BFISEFW os? ing broker three weeks ago lost nearly Almost as Dig: as a Bird* nd thus we ore repaid. "We-pay all express, freight, etc. After TTsetltcB ILE SMAlLXi 8£ze (4GlItticBeanstothe . A Boston caterer, who looked after the Haraucourt was enabled to get near the A young woman visiting the family of on know all, if you would like to go to work for ns, roa can §10,000 on commissions which he exe­ A few days ago a horse standing in am from $30 to $GO per weekjand upwards._ Address, bottle). T h e y a r e t h e juost co n ven ien t. F im N G SSCKHSeS, feeding of 7,000 veterans during the four foot of the cliff, where lie was thrown W. H. Moon, of Greenville county, S. itiu o n ^ ComB ox dtS, PorOaitd,Jttame* SnitL .<&2o Soar a ll -A-gcss. cuted on a day when the price o f the C., was standing near a post on the front of Peters’ feed store, on Central 5?-gsec o f either size, 25e. per Dottle* A life-long study. I w arran t my-remedy to days of'the Grand Army encampment, stock in which he was; dealing made sev­ by the surge on the shore, which he had avenue, pranced, about and then fell C uke the worst eases. Because others have has since been figuring, and finds that not hoped to reach again alive.—-Pall piazza, when the 8-year-old daughter of failed is no reasonfornotnowrcceivmc accre. eral sensational changes. Minutes of down. Men who hurried to the animal Send at once for atreatise anda F r e e Bo m l s Ms guests consumed 10,000 loaves of Mall Gazette. the house came up noiselessly from be­ 61& B a b tsTsflMsiletl for 4 cts. (coppers orslamps). time were many dollars of money in that discovered that a horsefly was sinking . o f m y I n fal lib le R esiedv. Give Express tread, nearly 10,000 doughnuts, two hind and playfully clutched her dress. I.F.SKlTn&G0.Matersof-