B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . G. W. NOBLE PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, -WILL SELL- JO H N C3-.I3;OI j 3 ^ E E B - 5 0 0 M E N ’S S U IT S TERMS, S1,50 PER YEAR From §5.00 to $10.00. PAYABI/R IH ADVAHGS* tmuMiiutMiEHam oamrnoi. VOLUME XXIV. BUCHANAN. BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1890. The suite from §8.00 to §10.00 are all wool OFFICE—In Record Builrtlng.OafcStrect and fast colors. ■'NEVER TROEBEE IROBBEE UNTIL Monday night came. That was the Customs of Heligoland. How to Destroy Moths. TROUBLE TROUBLES YOU,” night o f the bachelor’s german, but I - is n B 'w Close all the windows and all doors stayed at home aud talked to mother. In Heligoland marriage cancels every BT A..E. tl. other engagement, so that there can be Business Directory. Then I played euchre with her fora leading from the rooms about to un­ Plow Shoes! PlowShoes! no breach of promise brought against dergo treatment, open wide each draw­ And if you want a motto while, and we managed to have a yery a man when once he is married. So SABBATH SERVICES. enjoyable evening. er and closet, and hang the contents To aid your pathway through honest are the people that doors and SE RVICES arc held every Sabbath at 10:80 Next morning mother met me at the over chairs or upon a clotheshorse O o’ clock *, at., at the Church o f the “ Larger This life o f double trouble windows are never locked; when house­ brought into the room for the occasion. For mo as w ell as yon, table with smiles, and about the best d o p e a l s o . Sabbath School services immediate- holders leave home they leave the door y idler the morning meeting. Prayer and confer* Why then I offer this one, breakfast I had eaten in a long while. Take a piece of gum camphor, as large Neater Dress Shoes, $2. race meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial key where it can be reached by any one as a hazel-nut for an ordinary room Although it is not now: “You must imagine that your wife t tvUatiou ia extended to all. seeking, admission. The fisher-girls (as largejas a walnut for a room 20X16, It’s pever trouble trouble, saw to this breakfast;” she whispered. To be found only at -uSJ37- •2 td a bait the hooks and carry them in a large put it in an iron pot'and place the lat­ O.O. F —Bnchanan Lodge No. 75 holds its . Until trouble troubles you. Going up on the street car that 2 S sera i- i wooden basket filled with sand to the ter within an iron pot or upon an iron t , regular meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, on B g.CR p morning, who should get on but Miss each Tuesday evening. ►CS 2 P F7 Perhaps you think this motto fishermen on the beach. This is by no stand. Set fire to the comphor. It Intended for the few. Beaufort. I bowed to her gracefully, means a light burden; yet they may be G. W . NOBLE S. deposited her fare in the nickle box, burns very fiercely, so set it at a safe m & A. 31.—Bnchanan Lodge No. 68 holds a Who lead a life of pleasure seen cheerfully chatting with their distance from furniture or hangings; P .regular meetin"3iondayeverdngonorbefore Far different from you; and was about to sit down by her companions as they march onward when I happened to think of my imita­ the middle of the room is the best CO M E AN D S E E . the fu ll moon in each month. If so, you are mistaken with woollen shawls over their beads. We have opened many Fall Stocks of tion wife at home, and walked to the place for it, unless this be directly un­ OF IT.—Buchanan Grange No 40 meets on I say it is not true, The streets hear English names, but • the second and tonrth Saturday o f each Dress Goods, but never before have we rear end o f the car. der a chandelier, in which case it can e I say you gain by waiting the natives have their own names for nonth, at 2 o’ clock p. st. opened such an attractive stock in style Until trouble troubles you. “Married men have no business talk­ be placed more toward the side, as the them also. Heligoland has a small Some Snap Shots. and price as this. ing to the young ladies,” said I to my­ heat is apt to injure the gilding or O.U. W.—Buchanan Lodge No.9S holdslts Those troubles In the distance prison, but those in power seldom lock bronze. The dense smoke soon perme­ How to catch fish is a study. How A . renter meeting the 1st and 8d Tuesday even­ Though looking dark and bine, self. any one up, as they do not care to board ing o f each month. All-wool Serges are found with us at Miss Beaufort looked at me rather ates ever nook and corner and suffo­ to lie about it becomes natural. May change to other colors tne prisoner. There is also a small 37}£e, 30e, 75c and Si a yard. They are queerly, but saidnothing.and I thought cates every insect that inhales it. Ca­ Conscience is that Within us that .*i A- L -W m . Perrott Post 2*0.22. Regular very desirable mid we have them in such May take another hue; cottage hospital ready for use if neces­ nary birds or goldfish are to be carried tells us when our neighbors are doing It , meeting on the first and third Saturday A t any rate look brighter the car never would get up town, veniug o f each month* Visiting comrades al* new colors as Chateau Gray, Old Mauve, Thursday was my ever ing to Call on sary, but patients are few and far be­ from the room before beginning opera­ wrong. rays welcome. Malvoise, Crisp Gray, Old Bed, Yalcoiue Upon a nearer view. tween. There is also a poorhouse. Here tions, and as soon as the camphor be­ Whatever may happen to P. T. Bar- So troubles in the distance Yene, and I forgot to send her an ex­ poor people live rent free. The plan VtTOMAX’S RELIEF CORPS, 7Vm .Perrott Poet Mode, Fiova Brown, Paris Mud, Cflisie cuse. Friday, came a note from her, gins to burn the operator may leave num in the next world be can’t say Should never trouble you. adopted is for parents and children to go VY X o. St. Sreetines held regularly, in Grange Green, Cloud Blue, Bordeeomp Be i. which mother took the liberty of open­ the room, as, provided she has taken that he has had no show in this. Hall, first aud third Saturday o f each month. Admitting that yonr sorrow before the magistrate, when the former ing, as she thought I would not care, the above precautions, there will be They say Mr. Powderly never smokes. M. KNIGHT, At. In, (Homoeopathic.) A 0-4 Cashmere at 12}{ and 25 cents. Seems all that you can bear. resign any little properly they may no danger of the fire spsading. The He must be the smokeless powderly we . Office and residence first door south of and she felt like representing my wife M And thoughts o f the to-morrow in the desk. It was a tender missive, possess to their children, who in their camphor will burn from a quarter to bear so much about nowadays. Rough Bros. Wagon Works. Henriettas at all prices aud In all the Fill yOU with deep despair; turn promise to find them in food. and somewhat surprised me when I half an hour, but it can be extinguish­ If a man should take as much inter- RS. HENDERSON & BRADLEY, Physicians new shades. Why not let hope triumphant, When the husband dies the wife takes saw it. But what could I do. Mar- ed at any moment by placing over it a terest in bis work as he does in bis D and Surgeons. Office in Opera Honse Block. Drive all your cares away? his property, and at her decease it is Residence Xo WlFrontSt.,onedoorWestof Perry Every color of 54-ineh Dress Flannel at tied men have no business getting ten­ stove lid or the cover of the pot. Let sport there would be no need of abol­ The sun m ay shine as brightly equally divided between the children. Fox’s. Calls answered all hours o f day or night. 40, 30, 60 and 73 cents a yard. der notes from young ladies. Inas­ the smoke remain in the room about ishing poverty. One always in the office. R. Henderson and W„ J. To morrow us to day. There are no horses or donkeys on half an hour, then open the windows Investigate a man closely who talks Bradley.' much as I had contracted to carry out All-wool 54-inch Belgian Suitings, goods mother’s plan for two weeks, I left the Heligoland, for they would be useless wide leaving them so all day. A fter a a good deal about a lack of opportuni­ there; but there are eight cows and f i L. BAILEY, Homeopathic Physician and worthjSl, for 47 cents.
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