10.9.2020 A9-0148/90 Amendment 90 Jens Gieseke, Markus Pieper
10.9.2020 A9-0148/90 Amendment 90 Jens Gieseke, Markus Pieper, Christian Doleschal, Angelika Niebler, Ralf Seekatz, Peter Jahr, Andreas Schwab, Markus Ferber, Axel Voss, Ivan Štefanec, Christian Ehler, Lena Düpont, Daniel Caspary, Rainer Wieland, Dennis Radtke, Sven Schulze, Sven Simon, Siegfried Mureşan, Traian Băsescu, Norbert Lins, Christine Schneider, Christophe Hansen, Petri Sarvamaa, Marion Walsmann, Riho Terras, Michael Gahler, Andrey Kovatchev, Pascal Arimont, Tom Berendsen, Tamás Deutsch, Andor Deli, Pernille Weiss, Antonius Manders, Edina Tóth, Andrea Bocskor, Daniel Buda, Stefan Berger, Niclas Herbst, Lukas Mandl, Marlene Mortler Report A9-0148/2020 Nikos Androulakis Amending Decision No 1313/2013/EU on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism (2020/0097(COD)) Proposal for a decision Recital 10 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (10) In order to have the operational (10) In order for the Member States to capacity to respond swiftly to a large-scale have the operational capacities allowing emergency or to a low probability event them to respond swiftly to a large-scale with a high impact such as the COVID-19 emergency or to a low probability event pandemic, the Union should have the with a high impact such as the COVID-19 possibility of acquiring, renting, leasing or pandemic, the Union should continue to contracting rescEU capacities to be able to have the possibility of supporting the assist Member States overwhelmed by acquisition, rental or leasing of rescEU large-scale emergencies, in line with the capacities by the Member States to be able supporting competence in the area of civil to assist Member States overwhelmed by protection and with a particular attention to large-scale emergencies, in line with the vulnerable people.
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