A Study of Don Quixote: Index II, Names and Subjects
Home: A Study of Don Quixote, by Daniel Eisenberg <http://users.ipfw.edu/jehle/deisenbe/Cervantes/StudyOfDQ.htm> A part of: Index to works by Daniel Eisenberg <http://users.ipfw.edu/jehle/deisenbe/index.htm> URL for this document: <http://users.ipfw.edu/jehle/deisenbe/Study_of_DQ/ASODQ_Index_2.pdf> Copyright © 1987 by Juan de la Cuesta–Hispanic Monographs Index II Names and Subjects ENGLISH TERMINOLOGY is used unless it would be misleading or awkward. I am grateful to Ellen Burns for many suggestions for the improvement of this index. Abadal i de Vinyals, Ramón, 50 n. 16 Alonso, Agustín (Bernardo), 30 n. 76, 48, 52-53 Abellán, José Luis, 13 n. 40, 15 n. 40 n. 21, 54 Achilles Tatius, 59, 90 Alonso, Amado, xxvi, 114 n. 20 Acquaviva, Giulio, cardenal, 10 Alonso Cortés, Narciso, 87 n. 26 Adams, Percy G., 80 n. 5 Alquife, see Amadís de Grecia Admiración, 105-06, 129, 135, 137-38, 159 n. 9, Alter, Robert, 80 n. 5 165 n. 37 Amadís de Gaula (character), 83 Adultery, 189 n. 26, 191 n. 36 chastity of, 119 Age Don Quixote's favorite caballero andante, 3, Cervantes', 125 n. 58, 144, 200 119, 146-47, 163 personal, 74, 84, 114, 125 n. 58, 144, 165 n. Amadís de Gaula (book), xxiii, 30, 31 n. 80, 34, 39a, 168 34 n. 87, 37 n. 95, 63, 71, 90 readers of Don Quixote, 184 continuations of, 7 n. 13, 132. See also readers of libros de caballerías, 8 Silva, Feliciano de Agostini de del Río, Amelia, 110 n. 2 Gaula understood to mean France, 63 n.
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