
---?! Dllll

==·VOl.======-:1.. ======-- HEATTLE. W'AMHINGTON TERRITORY. THUR.t!IDAY MORNING. MA.Y t:J. U~7n NO ~,;:. i

NEWII ITBII8. f.. CcUL CG~OJt .-l'!cln ioa. Jttt to Ap.fl SU.M.MO.N"S. The C!Jmer Mine HENRY E. HATHAWAY I »und jound Jilitipakk j 9'. co~meoced --o-- .... 18'11, .... lmPoda or "-' oc.il a& liiiit In the Dl8trlct Court of tho third Judicial Dl• :! :f ~ • Oper.&iODJ On Ta81day monung, Ule ;. COLLECTOR. Peas w•re In blouo111 in Wuco ,.._._...-.. roJJoon: .,.,.._iia,a,1,e -----ooc:=::><:~c:...::: ...==>----- lri- Salmon have commenoecl I'IUUiiDtr in Coos BtiT. 1 ,BOO toDa; trom lfount DI&Wo, -.. SE.JlTTLE, W.T. ain:s coBORN, }Oompl&iJitllledlaU... Oarfriend Judge J.G.Sw!UI,ofPort gpo Work bu com.. ncecl oB the 8110 IIDUB BaOWJI', ~USTDI .t.. BELL, •Le Columbia Bivar. -.: ...s - vui.,.,a-..r W.... 11.n. vo . l'laintitr, Count, of Kmg, ID Town11011d, hae just ~i..-ed a_...._ bllildiog'for the new griat mill on Y•~ ... tcma. :lhlrtq lbe .me "-:IO,llil ...... of ...a BROWN & BELL, ARTICULAR :::;ION onnr TO TROli>U.B tk,'T..,~?'· ~:J:'~i.~~~ Bion from Washington to prepare a aoJ. ler'a wharf. A Salem !riD bu alaupteretl 600 ...... , broacJtt tJoa Eapmd, ....t 2t,Oilt ._ Publishera and Proprietors, P Coll<..:tion o f Debt.. T.,..,. palct for nou- No 105, Aug. Term, 1876. lection of obJeCts for the · Cen&eDDlal ---~----- hoge the paal •aaon. tiaiio i.lllilftUL Of Clunberlud Olld AD.._ Ornca-bUP.i.TCU BtnLDL.. OS JAKEs ST&.E£T, ett.,l,BS8-of ..... ,_llld 1,71141 ,_ ot 1 ruidonts tree of ch•rge. The ( nitecl State.~ of .t1mel'ica se>td Grtdiltg lnternation,lll Exhibition, iiiDatraling 0vzBDVB.-Tlle &&eamer Ajax, from -o- The spelling m!Uila atmck Eugene 111e-...... , -~· Coos BaJ' Ia uow q-. TJ:B~IS: "'El.. ~- B.. To THOMAS AXDEIISO:<~. Defeuclant. the genius, character and habita of the San Francisco to , is two days City, OD the 20th of April. ed u SlO 1W &oil ID iJIM iaJitteti BeUill.lidJ Sialie Oop70ne Year.... 00 ... 00 00 .... oo.f3 00 Indians of this Northwestern cout. omdue, and much &nsiety i• felt at " .. Six Mouths ..•..•..•. •...... 2 00 WAY'S READY RELIEF vo~~~;!E.~~~~~ b~';.~t':~Su.i~o:~; Ic Is expeetul Jadgf' .Taooba will pay Ill;. "* .. &O; A~an . ot llO@tO Mt Olld 11 1 1 1.'brctJ •• •• .• ••...... • . ~ 1 00 RAD' 'Uln'"' 'l'H'' WOR"''f PAIN" the above named plnintitr, in tho Di•trict Court Arrnngement.lare made by our Govern· Portland for ber aafety. L1 ..., a -risit to Walla Walla m the flrllt of WeJJmston, (VIIIis trict of the TeiTitory - B.. DiulloDd IIIJd otber l(ounl DIUJD eoa1 te Ia rroou ~x~w':J:; ut ...t.,o. ~.i~r:~f~r..~"w~~;~u:,, i;~';:j.~'t ~:~c.:!{,:! men& wilh tl!e D~minion Government ClP" Tlle 'bark !conium hauled along· P..t.l'.t.BLE L'IVAJU.UJLY n! ADVANCE. :t.; 8 Jrlay. eseJuivel)'aled tor IIWam pllr))Oitl hJ flldart. after re:t


'· •


agailm be penou ~barged witll brib· bot are liable to diaeolotion at ally mo· LoiiJIO•,U.y 1--Tbe U11ita Catulica i .. m-ben~ the Legialafare with io- men&. Aa-tio11a thua eontinning of Bome OOIIItaeDia ill bitter terma 00 tat to ioll-ce1Leir Yotes. to be .abjeo\ to the aupenision of GoT• ~e iulaiJa&ioa of lhe Prince of Wales I I~ YOY WANT I ! :::ft!AH BROWN : : : ~:- : EDITO VICIPI7811, llay 1.-The Aaeiatanl eria-l oiBaia1a. ' ulleed of tlae Older of Kaaooa iu Gnat

!>ea111..., W. T., ..,. .. · 187~ ~ I'GI&mutft aDder the Jaw, Paler Casey. Tile piOP8f&)' et-Tenlli ta DOt to ba B!'llaia aDd cleolane that the act ideoti• Y W h J }w.v R • d ~EWSPAPEBSUITOBr• .,_.nMre u• five U CLUiiiQLY TO '!'118 D.W.W -.sm. ....peel. Cauae, dillohargo or old ~batWUlllelemporariiJ ado- leaA.acU..PioU&tmtiiiiD with J1u.. • ?Ur ~te or , ewe~} . epaJre .eeUy newspaptrs plltlli~d hi PJ.Tm· CIIJC&OO, .A:prll 30.~- Tbe tol~ I~ w!lite o'-ll:a. amoug them young Peter ~~ainhlend by ... Slate. . .• om-. . Ill First-CJass manner,· Send it to : '<. The Standard, the oldest nn!-mo•t i t the gTeat 111'8 at O.bii:OIIb are uot c-y, wlloM plneea are being llled by ~· JlaJ1.-A portion or C'-1.-• Btepheua, the aculptor of the unfiD· : rosp rons of tl1 e five, estimates the en- known, but it is still estimated io the uegroee.b7 POIItmaster Pease.. forces ou the frouller of Nnarre haYe lahed Wellington Ia 8t. Paal'a Catha- ~ • G. J A 1M[ X ::&1. 0 N. ••e nmount of locnl od .-erli~iog divided neighborhood of $2,000.000. Two meo 1 Nn You,May 1.-~e Untled State& J'eT?Ite'l. They demaud peaee and acJ, drat, died last week. It 11'&8 tbe simi!. I , I ,\ruong them at less thnn $600 per an· · were killed by fdlliog walls, IUld far Hotel at Saratoga W811 sold under fore- hes1on '" Duu Altonzo. ui17 of names a11d profeuion which Jed · 80 IF ·YOU WAN~ muu-$120 a piece; ancl ""S" : "'At lenst as kno•·n these were the onlJ fatal cae- cloaore. today for f400,000. LoNDON, Ma7ll.-French aod Euglisb to lhe eTeolog papers of Saturilay of ------~ t hre!)- f:n~rtba qf the free church and unities. T he ~~afea or moat or the buai· Cardtoal HcCloeky, the l'apal Am· guoboata are ordered to the bmll:a of the ••tb of Edward Bowing Stephena, To B~y a Good Watch, Chain or Choice Article,, of Jelvelry, L'l.!:i!s !!._d_yertisiug fonud in our ooln'llns oess hou~~es are still io the rnioa and all baasadon, aome Bishops and a noDJber· Kewfoundland to prevena threatened A. B. A. Go to W. G • J amie&OD. . is pl11ced there by business ruen whose iusnrnnce oftlcee io the city baTing been of clergy of this diooese, left f.,1t Boaton t rouble between the fisberm~;n of each ------ames han never appeared io ou• ad- de troyed, the amount of insurance is to...day where Biehnp Williams witl be nation Uiia nmmer. Newell Harding, a JODog farmer of ' "ortisU!g columna, " TJ>e aggre~te yet9 uuknown. railed to the dipit7 of Arehbishop. E . B. Stephen, the acolptor, ia dead. ~ county, California, ia io penooal NO TEB:MINUS··z ireulatetioo of the tlve p11pere io the Som~rtwo hundred families are uid Csrc.lGO, May 1.-Tbere ia trouble Forty-one bodiea have been tall:eo dltlool&y. Be wn~le t.M:Il to Ohio that ' o"·n doea not cxce~d 200. at $600. The to be in ueed of .....wa- from the aoticipated at Aapiowall. It baa been from the mi11e at Eaal StaJrordahire, " theu ia plenty of girla hear ill Cal­ f6cal job :work ;ioes not oet O\'et $800. public, and the Commou CoDDCil of deemed adviaable to aeud a nuel of killed by the explosion Jeslerday. Moat ifomla, bG&DOt one o:lhem ia worth Bell ~-· - ?cluai~e of the cost of atook. Tbns. it Oshkosh last ni&ht appropriated $2,000 war to that port at once; and !sear Ad· or &hem.lea~elarge families. Room for • 'II'Urll:iilg 111&11; all they lhiuk 4D4 ---~~, ~- wtll be seen tbnt the five uewspaper for their relief. mira! Mollan7 baa been instrocted to PDDL&TO:C vu Ulii&TILL&, Ogo. Kay of ia IDe D,_ and rnuaing with other - --- .. hm t d · b ·~'>000 t "- 1 b 1 1 u G men. Time ar Tary dull in Califnmia est " b us eo s enve ut ;-. rom· There is a determination expreued ..eep a Telae t ~re aa on~ u necea· .- ou. rorge La Dow, Congressman tbc-eitizeua of tb9 to,m, for the suppOI't among the bnstoess men who were burn· aary. elect died this momiog at two o'clooll: at present." Since the arriul of &be ' !i' f ·1· · · 3" · · d" f h Cleavelaod Plandeala with Farmer Bar· 9 ve arut tes, nggrP(;O.tllill ~ m tvid- ed out to rebuild i~mediately, though Nxw You, Hay 1.-Gold closed at o r eumatism of the heart. 1 ' b t !' ttl d 11 h bl L •• 2 s r ding's oommuuication, timea are livelier Jchwahrhtr "u~. & @is. ru. - n a 1 o o'·er one o nr a 1 e ow to the towo Is a ·TerJ severe 15X @ 15:V.: Stocks doll and etead7. oKDON, w.ay .- t . .,amea Hall, at ..__ , U __ __ _ ,.-eek •ncb- not one-fourth lhe amount one, especit.Ily as it ls less tbao a year Miss Ida Greeley, oldest daughter of LivArpool, Will' burned lo-Wly, Tbe lou In Yuba city, ~ould ·respect{ltUy inform the Public that:they are requtredfor their support. To barely siuce two hundred buildings were the late Borao GretJley, was marriP.d to• is eettmated at $150,000. Out of oae buodred men 100 ru sttll to be found at the old stand, and with a i'U".Jslst, therefore. ibeso printers and bnrned there. day "'Col. Nicholas Smith of Coviug- Tbe report of tb~ death of Stt>pheos, 118awat, JOU will lad DinelJ·fiTe worry- p,ublisb P.ru must contribute three times MILW.lUKJt:E,Aprii30.-Tbe Sentinel"s loa. Ky. the Sculptor, ia premature. He is •till iog tbemaehea ioto low spirits aod in- LARGER STOCK OF GOODS "" much to the support of the town ns Oshkosh special says that aa 1et uoth· Boarox, April :I.-The collli4!Cration linog digestion about trotablea that will aenr tha:n ever; Cf!nsisting of a full line in euerythin~ re­ hey recieve from it. How could Olym- ing i• deftoitely_kD011'11 or the 1-or canmooiea aod ioTtetitura of Archhiah- BEBLIIi, :r.r.y 2.-Au address to Em- come. qu.tred by eitb.er Mechanics, Farmers, Ship-build­ pin sustain it•elf without the print~rs? the iusuraoce oompauiN. Foremost up Williama to.:ay W8ll immell88. The peror WU!iam· praying for bia II&DCtion ~!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~ &!Dong th11 losen ataoda the Home of n-Catholic Cathedral in this cit.. u.. and paiiDIIage for an Imperial German 00 TO ers, Miners, Hotels and Restaurants. Our assort- 81 1 1 08 8 Ihn: WE .l Bm:~-rs >'uto!>G Us?-We New York. whose lo• will pro>bably traotad an immeose crowd, aod tbough•., h"b"li to be h ld 1D. 1878, is ill cir- meJ'tt in ~ · co""ny the followin "'" from our citv• co- reach .,.,100,000 : lEtoa e~f Hartford.l80," the eapacilJ oflhe building ia oult {,. colau·oo t"n th1"a c1"•Y·' J. SULLIVAN'S . E:>Oporary of Saturd,&y last : Kl.'lo8 TO J · A ril o• DB.Y Q.C)C)D.S. OLO:x::ELXbfG- 000; North America of Philadelpltia, 000, there were fully 10,000 penoos N, !lomatca, P .....-Bam - FOR YOUR . '"There is nnnuderstnndiug between ors of ao alu · t 11 J _~:~o Lewis and Wiugard that. if the $70,000. Londou and LiTerpool & Globe surrounding it. m1ng oa ore au reached Bananas, are j"ar s7,tperior to any ever..offered in the Territory; f~rmer will remove L . 13. Audrews and $60,1.100; andjange from there to $2.• W.a.&BlNGTON, Kay 1.-.J, it M08nor here from Por& an Ptince. Thel"lt haTe nrpoint the lnUOI''e tillioum here to tho 500. Tbelosa is now eatima&ed at f2.• baa beeo appoiot.id Internal RsTenoe b.eo some disturbances at Pon Apaison Cauliflowers, and as to PRICES, it is simply absurd to argue C' ~rkship of this D1'strict, b~"~ -• ·It keep •500 •000 • ,..," th a bo0 • *950"' • 000 aosurance.· Guager 'or \"••ht"ogtoo' Tem"tory. North aide, -•nd the Br•"ti·,.....·'- Consu 1 aa' Green Peas, that we · · Lo}l·is:ptuticnlar friecd in office there. •' "- lted d nd ' 'These Clerksbips, under recent Con- The general feeling to-day among those RocBDTa.B, N.Y.: April 30.-During sao an wou ed. The commmder Rhubarb, CAN BE UNDERSOLD. gre•~ic nal nrucndments, will hereafter 'interested is hopeful. The h88T1 mer· • galA last eveuiog. bar&e kden with of the Bntisb guuboat wished to bom· Onions, b elt ~e most lncrativo and important chants nre willing and able to rebuild ironllre:boood frcm Ontario 10 Char- bard the town immediately, bot waa Celery, eppomtments. tod b' e made iu the Terri- al1 of the bustnees· bousea destroyed_ lot• -· ab·-d--- -> ._... ;. •np~_. to prevented by tbe wODD ded CoPll u1 , wbo t~~y . nu t etr tspositioo, aside from • ·- - .....,...... ,. - - ...... - baa · • ed Cabbage, . -. o.ny ' !mobd htrnffi ckiog, wiU have to be Contracts hev., already been IDMe for be lOIII with t per&OIUI. IInce ann at Kioga&on 011 the New Potatoes OurJobb;,n1 Departmentbetn!J of the best selection, mao<> with due regard to the fitness and reb&ilchng. 'l'be nneyol'll are at work The Leighton iroll worka a1. Eaa1 gnllbu.t Rwallow. M•Y'· competm&c7 of tbe appointees, and to fixing the precise bouodariea of Iota and ..,_... bl d 1 Commodore L7ona baa 1e11t a &team, ~ c-••elalstreet. we would cordially invite Country Dealers to give polilioaJ COD6isteoc~· on the pari of tbose _.,...eater were OWn OWD; 018 SSQ,• f Judges. or tbetr official scalp.• will ere in many cases the debria is being re· 000. er o war to Port ao Prince to demand · h us rL call, to assu,re them that ottr Prices •compare Ion!! be'C!au,..lioo in our su •..,re mo Court meTed. Sballtietl are being erected m ao explaoatioo aod iademnity for tho ·- " Nzw You, AprilliO.-Gold closed at 00t d b Ph e) & Wa dl mg .' WP.ll with San Francisoo~ room among those0 of' the many other all parts of the burnt District for tem- rages, no er t e penal;y of immedi• ps 15 small.meo wb!l have heretofore consti- porary use. lS%@ Y.· ate retaliation llpoD tlie towz: of Fort au tu._ted our Judiciary." Among the pa118engers overland for p.J80n "for the iosult to the British 11 • .:.. Wholesale Dealers in The City Council leal enning extend- C!llifornia laat night were Kr. and M-. -.. Onr pnst succes.• in business opeal;.~ vnlum ~~ re;-ariliu" our mode of dea'inJt. li • · 10· 2 Our neighbor is 6crnpnlously neutral ed t b e fir e mite a quarter o, a mtle Simonton. ~- SnA~~.t.B, - G a., ..a.ay .--A 101t· oconr- We are williug to let Public Opinion decide whether we ::re worthy of ?atruuage upbn political issues. but only radically the direction from which danger always !!d io Darien oo Friday night. occasion- Beef, Pork, Mut- pnrtisan "·here persrmnl interests nre tbrenleus. Louisvn.u:, April30.-Vice President ed by negcoa atlempling to l't!acue a mag- or oot. intohed. The moth·e tbat actuated this 'l'be city iR fnll of inaurance adjuster& Wilson arriTed herto to· day and during istrate, who had betlnarrested ooa beDCb ton, V eaJ, V egeta· nssault upon the Judichry of \Vnghing- nnd it i" reported that ooe oompany baa the day receiTBi m"DY calla. He goes warrant. About 20 abota were fired, tQ.D Territory in general, and two o: the · · il to Fmnllfort to-morrow and from there wonndi01t the SberiJf, two whites aDd a Call a1Ul examine our Goorts before pu rchasin9 t::Jroe sitting Judges in particolar, it is all us claima adjusted an ita checks to Lexington to visit John C. Breeken· negro. bles & Live stock. written for the amount of the loss.- elsewhe1·e, aiul remember not necessary to rffcr to. We only • ridge. He will remain in Lex.ington Nxw YoRK, May 3.-Gold closed at 00 Comparative good order preTails. BUD· ice it for tbe pm-pose of sa,·ing that the over Sunday and a tart from there on 15". "WTE .HAV_E BUT ONE PRICE. • dr~ds of men now idle will be employed Work Oxen kept for sale. Barrelled premises are without the lellllt shadow hiY western trip through Colorad:> and The :Ff•eoing Post says the steamer Beet aod Pork constantly on htmd in moving the debria from the ruins i-.. Gity of Hartford, wben pasSlog through & of foundation in truth. to o'lr certain California. and at prices to suit tbe times. . SCHWABACHER BROS. CO. a few days. ST. Paur., April30.- Dispalches from Enst river this morning, ran into and k oowledge. No snob bnrgain cr "bn.f- ·.L'be vaults of the banks were opened Patronage respectfully solicited. Ap- various pointl say the r~ceot cold ~.11psized a scow on which were Captain ficll:iog '" in judicial nppoiotmeuts as today and everything they contained ply to the SEATTLE MARKET, corner weather h811 dtBtroyed &be young gt"nss ­ Cnsto, his wife and four children were !hat so po"itively stated, we were in a wns found io a remarknbly good at'itEf of Commercial and Washington Streets hoppers 1\Dd the general belief is that drowned. pbllltioo to know, wns ever entered into, preservation. Senttlol, W. r. Ang. Z1 1874. there will be no more trouble from the will I.oewisl Jis n ot the m•n to bg bnl· Long Branc)t. Clnelaod, who sailed for Europe io the mcrnioQ: destroyed Ole extensive tannery be p romptly att<:uded to. iied or 'badgered into an appotn~ .Judges Broob and Dick in their steamer Zenia a week ago, for the ben­ Se&Ulo, W. T ., April21,1875. and saw mtll of T.b.oroe, \Vabon & Co :uent mot approved by his judgment. ehargea to the gTDDd jury in North Efit of his health died at sea. Mr. Witt at Point Leyden, Lewis coooty. LoU: B.Kh be &od Judge Wingard have bere­ Carolina, deciRred that the crimiual was largely interested in the R. B. en­ 'W'. T. BAL1:ou., $200,000. l!SO men are thro11'11 out of features of the cinl rights bill were terpriiiiS of the west. 8.rYe,-er a•d ED.gtaeer tGIOI'e beeu.assailed by clique combina· -A.'"D-- employment. UDCODBtitotional U DO. Jaw could aay Laa .. LocatiDif A.lfeat. tiona aSHtJming to reprGsent lhe Repnb-. Sr. LoU18, M ..y 3.-The steamer St. --o-- (lardware, Groceries, lican party of the Territory, and both WoliCESTEn, Mus. April 30. - Dougll\8 men are socially equal. Luke sank iu tbe Missouri river last EJtt.IJ:8 DESIROUS OF PREEMPTING have be_en trinmpb:mlly vindicated by Wooda, near West .l$uttoo, are on lire. P or Homesteading tande can d..:> so b)" o p­ 'Csrcaao, April 30.- A Washington night at St. Clarcs bridg~ . Four per­ vlying to h im in pcn10u or at th;s otUce. the endorsement of the Administration, Seven hundred acruR nre already burned speci•l says illdications are tha~ the SODS miSSIDG. Tt'rMM C&sb . April16.t::J'75-lm. Winfls and Liquors, a large ·mllj->rity of the bar of both over. grand jnry will indict Wm. S. King. Mrs. Doran, wife of John Dwan, a rx}litical pnrties and by popnlnr sex:ti­ ?lh!l-cHisTm, H. H . Aprii30.-Ao ex· WasmKGroN, April30.- IoternaiReT· railroad man of KOLnMS City or J efferson GEO. H. WHITE Flour and Fe~d. ment. Th ~y er~ neither . this citJ, extentling along tb11 line of the preseut year are over two aod a half 8, were lost on tbe steilmtr St. Luke, TUMWATER,.W. T, SUOAP fEA, TOaACCO, COf"FE, ETC., the Manchester and LawreoCA Railroad millioDS greater &han the corresponding aud six or sev~n deck passengers aro ·.Are ' cont.mu.~lly adding to their Stock on band to meet Se<.lroB l.hcraBLL - We have quite to Londonderry. A conatrnctioo ·train p•riod lllSt yenr. suppolled to be lost, bot their Wlllles .-.TOnK !ID"T BY EXPRESS PROlfl'TLY lately, been in receipts of documents with 8 gang of meo left here tbia after· No bufliu!SS of iwportance was traos­ f\ the increasing demand of the tmde and Cllnnot be llscertained. Y Y atlcntkU to aud retu.rued C. 0. D . mrl S addressetl to us persol\nlly. under the noon to fight the fire. Many milee have actea at the cabinet meeting to-day. Nxw YonK. May 3.-Tbe Captain and the public generally. . fmuk ot Senator lllitch&ll , of Ort-gon; been 'lurned over and immense damage It is understood that dnring its ses­ pilot of the C.ity of Hartford, wl>icb was a e&urtesy which we feel bound to nc- will be done if the flo.mes are uot check­ sion to. day the grnnd jury of this Dis­ Notice. in the collision on East Rivertbi• otter_ Price List, not higher than Sa.. ~ FranciSco jobbintt prioo. know!P.dge, coming frllm whatevEr ed. The ftre in the woods ia still rag­ trict had under eonsideraLioo tbe evi­ HE .unm,u. HEEilNG OF THE STOCK­ noon, are both nrreRted and locked np lwlolt l'>l ol tbe !!leaUie Goltl and "II• source. Or.r renders are aware that in ·iog. Eight hundred acres have been dence of various alltged libels pub-­ T Io'tt!ight added. 'u def:.nlt of ~5,000 bail to await the •erCompany will be held atth• Cowpauy'• alluding to Mr. 1\litcbell's p revious life burned onr. The loes thus far ia np• lished in the New York 8_. against olftce to Beaut". W. T .• May 4th, 18i5. -.obeu a inquest. board or 'l'ruiitecs for thu ensuing )'ear will be EXAMINE. nnd bi~tory we b:n-e spoken of him in wards of $1;),000. Haney's milia and urions citizens in \V•ahiogtoo, and elected. A. i\IACliL"iT~ SH , CALL AND &:crct u-y. terms of censuro ,.-hicb the facts fullv a number of dwellings are io imminent espe~ial17 ex.·GoY. Shepperd, who, him· HalOLron<, Ont.,. May 3.- The con­ SeatUe, W. T., Apr1126, 1874- ld. WarehOuse and Wllo.rf adjoining landing. justified. As we were actuated by "n~ danger. self appeared as a Wllu8811. It ia said secration of Dr. Fuller 811 ftrst Bishop motives of penonal or J>nrty malice, we on apparently good authority that a of &be Diocese of Niagera, took placeJoo hav~ nothing to extenuate or take bllck. Cstcaoo, April 30.-A Topeka dfa. prewntmetd 11'811 agreed npon, but lba& Saturday. There w811 a large attendance LABORERS WANTED STORE AND OFFICE, <.-OM.MERCJAL STREEl That be views the ·matter in the ltllme patch aaya 32 chief• and bead men of the indiclmeol will not be brought of Bishops from all parts of Canada and &E.A.T'TLE -vv. light, is manifest bJ ' his voluntarily the Cbeyeune prisouerawereirunedmd into court for aome days. the United States. Thfl clergy were al· :NUKBER 01' L.UIOREBS CAN FIND A perma~~C>Dt employment aDd prompt pay­ opemog personal aommnnication with sent to Fon Sill on the 25th inst. to be SaCB&lOlCTO, April 20. - Yesterday so present in Jarga numbers. The Epis­ ment. at from 1:10 to 100 a moDth, with board, by applytns at tlle TacIBEN, ACKERSON k Co. attempting to jnstify the ootoriou~ last Hummer. train &tmck a cow aod W811 ditched. A eminent Tisitlng divines. Tocoma, A,ritll, 1875, CltA'ft'FORD & HA.RRINGTON,, errors of hi ~ earlierlif.,, bisruore manlv. DETiloiT, April 30.-DiapBtches tbill brakeswan onmed Both and a telegnph MoliTBE.U.. o. , Kay 3.-The rinr c ... AGENTS FOil TBB instincts recognize the wrong and incite morning •BY tba& there is" report that from G eorgetown named is clear of ice to Quebeo. Ocean vee. biJD .the pmpose o£ condoning, by a tae ice in the Jlackinaw Straits ie well Farm for Sale ! to Bock were killed, and Sweeney, the eels are all expected up tomorrow. 'tllll'flll · nnd honorable Cl!l'eer in the broken, water being io sight in all di­ engineer, seriously injured. - - o-- M.! A GOOD FARII FOR S.\LE ON THE tlir~ore, i DBtead of seek tug to justify rectiooa and the be drifting through IJaLt:rn: May 3.- The steamer Al­ E .Snohomish Rtver, ln Snohomish County, The Secretary of the Treasury has re­ m'rl!~te himself by an arbitrary the straits. It is thought ateamers can hambra from Bo•ton went ashore at W. T ., two mile& above Snohomish City, con­ e:r:erci!le of a power 11·bicb nooe but ge&through the North channel without queett>d Tre&~~urer Spinner, in compli· Cape Snble on Sunday aftenaoon dur· lloting or 140 ...,..,.., one-third cl~ aad In aoce with the terms of tbe third section mMdow. WW cal this y...ar about toadi"es nod Lio'escn ers bow to wbeo much difficulty. iog a thicx fog. The p11818ogers and of the act to provide for the re:Jumption O.e -·-ore- eC B•F· £~ated with pereonal merit. That Of the 18 ftshiLg boats tbal left St, mails wue lanJed ftafely on the Island, A Good Hoose, Bam and Orcbard oo of specie paymenl, to cause leg"! tend­ !lr.1 Htcbell, con s1dering hi• age end Joseph yesterday.th;·ee haT& not return· where the passengers relllllioed 'today. the premises. Steamer& land a' the ers to the amount of t1,175,140, to be oppo~ni1iea. js a mo.n of pr•eminent ed, and with their crewa, 11 meo, are Tile nssel is probably a totallusa, door. !lllhdrown trom the auilable currency aloi.lity, all.wi!l acknowlcdga. That he supposed to be loat, u a hcaTy gale Cmcaoo. Ma7 3.- H is rumored thal TIU.., WAiftlltee Deed. of the Treaaory, and rechem and des. ia o • r tpe most indu&trioos, active preTailed. Lt. Geo. She•idan is about to be .aar­ 1fT For Terms, adolreao • J . N. LOW. troy the same; bei11g 80 per ceot. of the Bnohomiab Clt;r, W. T . atid 'lloef~r Senators Oregon ~ ever ried to Miss Rucker, a daughter of Geo. h nd, few, it''anf. will deoy. That hill Nzw You, April \M).- Specie ship· additiolll\l circo!.tion iuued to banks April 12, 1875-2m. RnckEfr of his staff. Senatotial career, tbua far, bas beeu ment to HaTana to-da7 W8ll $!:19,WO, during April. A killing frost visited a large part of marked by fewer nets snbject to uofa· Spanish. LoNDON, :Uay 1.- The new Aleuodria the Northwest on Saturdny night. vorable criticism by his cou•tituents WILLXKSB&BRS, Pa.-Ofticer Reibes-­ Palace, erected oo the aile of &be stmo· LoNDoN, ll.. y 3.-The Carliat Com· ~~~~~osil of almost nny of his- COf!!· seoea, shot by Lbe Cooaela yi!llterday, tore of the aame name recently burned, mittee h"• received telegTBms reporting was opened b7 tbe Lord Ma7or to-day IC-E peen. . i~ ia lmUimple JUIItice to say. In died tbia moruing. great victories by Don Cat'loa' forces io the presence of thotasands of people, ~ii.ao;e of pnbli" and· pr ivnLe venality, New You:, April !10.--0lllcer Char­ under command of Saballo at Breda nolwitbstanding the rain. chlo.rity is a"n ebessity to the mllintatD· lic!t,late Police Commisaioner and Pru­ Lerida and Santa ColorDI\. King Alfon­ ariCe o£ the "social org:miza&ion, and we tdent of the loog lalaad Railroad, died so's forcet~uumbered 40,000 men. They Wholesale and R etait Dealer t.,., m.Dot 90 s:n·agely VJrtnons as to make to· day. BJJBLI!f, May 1.- Dr. Fall!, Minister IS IN ORDER NOW losl 5 chief officers at Breda and 350 Mr-, .)H&cbell an E''lCOption to the geae.-al . of Pnblic loatructioo, at lhat plACe. --0..__ Foreign and DoDJ.estic ~ines, OIUB&, April 311.- The followitlg is introduced a bill in the Lower doo•a of men at Santa Coloma. rnle;iri vitow of the fact that be is doing ~ Pip!,r can keep all!h-his lJOWer to atone for pas& delia- just receiTed by Geu. Rugglee from Cap- the Diet to-day, pronding for. the sup• Another victory for the Carlists nuder you Cool, qwoeiee, and wo are disposed to throw tain Strambnrgh in Wyomiug: pression or religious orders in Pl'll&llia, Castello is reported from Aragon. Gov~ Brandies, ·Whiskeys. t!Ji'~ntle of charity over his past and A amall party of Indiana atole stock The bill relates to the adminiStration nf emmeot troop• are Bnid to ban los& all . E TO., ·]! 1'0., ETC. on Big Papogie. They were followed the Catholic Church sod plllllled a thtrd their artillery and many prisoners. The Eureka Bakery, jtldge and spenk of l:ia public acta for , Alfonsoist General De Late wns killed. the• rnture'as of fin;t ir.tent. giving him b7 citizen• and a ftght ensued. Two msding in the Cb8Diber to-da1. The COliUll!BCL\L 8TBEET, .BEAT'l'LE, W. T., Seattle, T- · · men: were wounded aod three lodi&Dil bill proTides that all religious orden BELODADK, May 3.- M. Shicken, late WK. JlnaNB&v~~:a; PaoPlliKTOD, No. 15 Commercial st. W. ~q•I _l' credit for the good he does and killed aod the atoek reeaptured. The ahall be excluded from Prussia. Exiat• Ru811iao Diplomatic Agnt in Senia. DIIIALD D< amenable· to pnbhc criticism fo~ his Craclten. Brad. Candleo, General po'b1i nets. No friend of his ought to operator at ,Julesburg nporta that .75 log orden are forbidden to receiYe . new who Iitts been appointed Miuilter to Groeerin, Ete., Etc. Genuine Cutter Whiskey always on Band• . 41lm'~d llior~ . no enemy ia JUStified ill Indialla er-a the Sou&h Platte this memben aod their aecret o~nisation Wltlhington baa left for that cit7 di· February 0,1870. . moming, tweoty.ftTe miiea Wee& of moat be diiiOOiltioued within aixmontba red. ~·~54 -- • .Juleaburg going North. IIIler th' --of thte bill. A partial HENRY LOHSE Pioneer ~rug S.to~e 1 Dum'.tN, :r.lay 2.-Subacriptiona to the ,Jtd to r:.:: at Ci&)', Naw OllLIWIS, May L - Tlte city de- exceptionr;;;de in fuor of rellgk.u rod.~ p~ fond for defrayiug lhe u~ of eo· Plasterer, Brldl; .I&J'er ...... _ Head oC Conunercial st.,. Seattle, "''' ' '1"­ W. T ., a few men who have aioce be- faulted oo th• interest and bonds ma- bodin engaged in Ute work ofiMlucation .A.. leltaiDiat!llhe .&merican rifle team UD'- LL W0&K U. liY LII(J: DO!Ut: AT BEA. ·- ·:Ha.-..tl;1e~ "K.elly. Pr<)prie~r. c~ ilomewhnt nobd, such u Grant, tnrilll 'lo day. rile Louiaiaoa LeTee which m&J prolong their exiatence four oonable rate&. OUDt to a -siaerable -· ~ number A Wholesale and Retail Dealer in 11ft •Presid"?lt of the United Sta&n, company also laile4 to pay the intereal Jear&· OrdeN JeR. lll1 noidaK:e 00 llocoud atreet. ofhaaqutaand escuraioua han' .._ opptlltlell#olon. !low iu lh!> U. S. l:iouatc. Tbe Graud Juiy reported m~e billa sick ma7 cooLioue &heir organization, I


8 ....,. iffatld .lli$pat(h. l'KLWfO li.&.TCB:=n;;;-.pelling fe~;;;-Hr~~. R. ~- Graves, I; A. S. P., 5; W.,. BUSINESS NOTICES ~"'H tiT 1!!! struck our town on Tuesday enning, Me,anbauer, tOO; C. k H., t; P. L . ------­ Notice tu Contractors ! J. F. MORRILL, the fin& ma&eh taking plaee at &be H . Healey, Tnlalip, 13; C. ~bore, Suobo-' OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE Cll'Y. E. Church at thaUime. Qaita a num· mlab 1. Tbe Hoa. 1ee1oeta.,. of tbe lnler!OI' 11M •P· Wholesale and Retail Druggist, -U., W. T., Ma;r 8, l&T&. ber were J•~u&, and Judge Lewis was Freight to .niT& by the aelloouer po1Dte4 tbe. ~ u a Committee to 011o poria lead ~ espeDdltwe or ao apt>ropriatlon Conun.ercial Street. Seattle, 'V'V. T • called to the cheir. Oar local, Ed.·H. w. H. He;,er, 12 days ou&,'llow due: of $3,2'1, TS, made by eo_. ror farnlture, 17" There is 150 tons of freight ou carpenter tll1d I11UOI.l """'llJid material, pUDC. Brown and the city elerk, W. R. An· P. k Y., t pkgs; F. Broe., 14; J. F. H. Inc. plaoter'ID8. &Dd otber wortr: neeeo;l&l'J' for Sign-"•CITY DRUG STORE.'' Y..W'• wharf to be •hipped br the drewa, were selected to act aa Captains. & Co., 4; s. B. & Co., 1.061; C. & H., ~~::'~ ....r of the Capllol buUD~. P:ropri.~:r. book and soon the ranks began to thin 125; M. R. M., 4; H. L. T., G; E. H., wlllee on or before tbe llov or 12 o'ctoctr: lll., Wholesnlc and l.'l.ctall Dealer In out. We retired on "paradigm." In a 28; J. F. Dllmon, 1; l. H. McPhee, 1; oa Tae84ay0 •• ll4tla tla.r ot'lllay, A. UaCKilaRY. -The machinery for the D, 1815, a&whleUlmeoaldbiclowiUboopca­ Drugs. Medicine~ Per:f'Uinery; Et-c. short time our side was ·au down, lPaV• A. Robertson, Seattle Coal Mines, 3; f'd publlcl7 by oald eommll""- In thl! olll.u of uw ~teamer building in Bell Tewn, the -...,. 'of WuhlngtoD THrtlory. Tbe arrived on the Loa Angeles. ingtwo(Dr. Freelandand.Mr.Andrews) W. & !11.,1; J. 8. Anderson, 5i T. H. following I• a general -..eat of tbe work on Mr. Andrews' side. Is. 5; c. E. KP-ading. 1; W. A. & Co., 7; contemplaled by tbe committee to be done: t• To u LA.UNd F. Dyer, 1; R. lliggina, 30; Hall & ...... A llood end ...-..t!al fotmdatloil of brick or Str. North Pacific... a& BeU_Town, belongin~ to Driggs & words were selected from newspapers Graves, 17; G. in diamond, 40; 8. IMPORTANT, Endorsed by the R. lfedical profesaion. Da. WK. HALL'S olol18 for the wb~le bulkllltg, &lootho buUdiD!! will, we informed, be lannched of one malo cblmDeJ fJom lbe ttrOUDd lo the True. are and magazines. After ablnt hal! an P. A., 17, c. lf. T., 5; A. W. H. t. J. BAI.e.ul .FOR Tlll!l LUNGS corea ,, , ~. aDd OIICb ~~- M 111111 be Deceu&rJ', aDd oa s.&.rclay om. hour of this, and no one do1vn, the c & Co 36· E 0 IS 2· F F H lot· Coughs, ·cold• and Conaumption, and tbe plaolering (three cooato, llard 6nillll) u( lhe Judge decided to return to the apellilig ~:c. A~der:wn·, i, 1111 dtseues of &he ThToa& and Cbet~&.-­ maiD chamben, Ubnry,haJJ, Teatibule aud com­ Muium.-In this citv on the :Jd 4; s.' 2; Y. G., 1: mittee I'OOIDO; cooi-NCtora to furnloih all labor book, which was done with di!llistroua Pod Townsend-78, Da. TOWNLEY'S TOOT'IACHE AN" andmal¢ala. inat., by Judge Webst~r: .Mr. L. B. ODYNE cures in one MINUTE. feb 16 effect. Mr. Andrews' side ag.UO vic· OIJmpia- 228. Carpetater Work. Park01r, of Whidby Island, to Mrs. Tbe erectiOD of a baUdlnll to be ued u a tor, Dr. Freeland b"ing the champion. St~iwoom=-50. How ro on 8r.I.KD'.l. Iron frames Qamby of Olympta. wood-houae, ~t• ucJ d oreroom, porU­ The Indies and gentlemen were then Pori Ludlow-G. and strong constitutions are oot the lot eo. cupola. porclt aud lh418tal' on tbe main of all. Bat the feeble need not dispair. Co.u... -There is now lying at Yesler's rnn~;ed against each olher and after Rnohoc.ish, 8. }:.~J.~ w~~~ • .!:!::':"ne.:.,0,.,1: ai~~;Mt: 87 adopUDfC &he right meaoa, they may _,. repolrsee.shel,..,., Joe.: - - Terry; and of the gentlemen, Professor iD tho Sealtia Pool Olllce for tbe week endlnc, &his end; and 'lfhile the apirituoaa tonica &lao, a picket fence onclotdna a ap.ce of three May 1st, 111'15: end nervinee usually administned ev•n· hundred feet oquare on tbe captlol grouulia; aJ. &cz.-The race on May-day of a Young and .Dr. Freeland. These four tually depreaa both mind and body, Da. 10, a 1!004 and mh•lantiat oldewattr: eiiJbt teet aingle dash of a mile between Coal were undonbtedly the best spellers prei• Amoe, W.B. Koore, BeD%7 A.. wide of·abou& 700 liQeal fee' iD I<'.DIItb, mon' or A.xtell. Job.Ja Kont, G. w~a·s CA.LtPOBNU VDIII!GU BITl'II:B8 1...... &.II labor u4 matorial to be rum,ahed b7 'Kine loe and Kitty Lyon was won by ent. Au exciting contest ensued which Drew•ter. Harr!o Pftyoat,ll[ary A. inY&Jiable aupply new vig<'r to the the eoratractor~~~. Barrett. Mrs. Richard QulDD, llemard trame, while they regulate enry ctiaor• the formar, beating th" latter a fsw feet. finally eodetl by Professor Yo11ng b..ing Clark, E E. RobiD.son, Ura. l. Jl. · Carpe&a. dered function. ap9 lm. About G85 yvd., more or leu, of oarpct!Dfl ~---- declared the victor. Donov ..n, M ichael Roper.Jamea PIONEER STAGE LINE, [I"' The Talbot Coal Company ~ave Do)•le, Arthur Renketl. J . K. ud matting; the principal part or tho car;>e~ After a vote of thanks to Judge Lewis, .Eng\ey, Mattbew Robertaoa, Adam iDg to he the -t article of ta-t..,. or three­ On Baio.brid..:-e Islo.nd. 410m111enced laying track nt tb~ir mine .lo"endle, John Reoeo,H.H. ply, of 1111"h t!Dd, po&&ero. and iD ouch quantity tLe meeting adjourned to meet on roes· • mar be agreed on by the Committee, to­ bona tlae bunkers t·~ the ri~er, a dis tance Frank. Charlie l!enoolo.l..,ob A. A STAGE CO.\CII toav.,. day evening next at th& same place. O"&bam, Tbos. Slit&. 'WUilam P. the lloor or tlle Library and of tbe Council tile PORT BLAK'&LY RARE CHANCE ctwnber and H0111e or Kel'f"""'lt&tivce w!lbln or aome three thousand feet. o,.voo, Thos. W. .!prar, Ru1101l HOTELe•ery Tul!lday No ndmissicn fee will be charged and Hat:, Oeo. B . Sbea, TiJo. t1oe bar; the matliDg to boo of the heel quall!J Thursdlly o.od B:otur- of C()CI» matiiDg, to cover the Soor of the lob- ti'" We are under obligations to the e>ery one iu invited. Hadllc r, J ohn Tuder, E . N. FOR INVESTMENT. day, at 9 o'clooll, .&. v., for Port llodison, re­ ------Hughes, Thos. R Tbomu,Jobn tuDing samcda7, Ia ning Fon l\tadilloD at 2, I" ~-,___ ~t;";,~•!,.v;:~:!"",';:.~: l!.':'~~;'Lu'tb;, purl"r of the Los Angeles for files of Hughes, lion . A.. 8. ~' haler, Wilber lu:reby olli!J8 llale 11. There Ia alsO a large. TnE E.."tcunsroN.-On Halnrday morn­ Holman, William \Vilcox. Wr. Tbe IUldenlgned for cupet!Dg and mat&lng requiled w be tilled, oew. late San Francisco papers. Also to Han!!On, Druls. Washburn. B. II. ed, place :I aud tacked t,. tbe oa&lsractlon nr tbe ing at 8 o'clock, in spite of the lowering committee, hJ the c >Dl.....,tor oome time in tbe LIVr.RY STABLE G110. Foster. the obliging wharfinger on Jordan, 'William L. Wallin~oford , l. THE GOOD Will AND ENTIRE STOCK aspect of the weather, the fine Steamer .Jon.. B, N B. Walker, lam,. mvulh of Septem'bor. 18'15. Contraclol'l) lo ope. Yealer'a wharf for ronny fal'ors. Jonson, llln. George Young,.&.. Z. OF A FLOURISHING BUSIIESi, clfr iD their bids the price j>er yard for eacll ar­ ~orth Pacific, having on l.oard about .Larsen, J . MciDtlre, Eit deYclop· aide-lampe, all •m.it•ble tor keroPene oil; alAO, ~---- cook. w&sh and iron and do general BeT.l. R. Thompson, p ,,stor of tile meats. They soon decided to procet'd len D.CW tabka of ll!e pattena now used 1n the . $500,000 house work for a small family. Wages, ALSO C•pitol; all of lbe fo...... ,h•ll articles to be pbced Presbylatian Chnrch nt Olympia, h ilS to the grounds aud by twelve o'clock whero required iD the Capitol building, on or CAPI1 AL STOCK. len for a visit to his old home in Nova $20 per month. Apply at this oftlce. abou& the Jot day of. Oowber nest, nearly everJ body was th ~re. The pic - --- ~~ ... - -- Scotia. A farewell reception wns gi veu PalaU104r. SEATTLEOOLD AND 811VER I uic grounds are a s fine as auy in tbe W ICE COLD SODA WATER at AIIO lb-. coats of good •·bile paint Oil the him by Governor nod l\lrs. Ferry, who Territory. being n largo tract ncnr the llorrill's Drug Store. AprillG wllolo ou lllibla aud lllariotl . worlr:Jllanlllle olyle: alto. tile palnt!Dg or tbe cleanPd out, level as n floor, and well inqton Territory, Kot:entber 6, 1874. t{)nle. Reeommended bJ' all Uae emS. r:;r The steamer L os Angeles will a»Sortment of Ladies Furnishing Goods oubrldc ot the wood.-boaee with three coata of s upplied with benc!es and tables. The TER~IS E~Y. white paint. • .JOD."' C:OL£1NS, President. n e n~ Pb161Ctana throacfloat the Unlteol sail to-day for Sao Fmucisco witb tl.t e 1\ntl F ancy Articles. Call sod see them State1, Steilacoom peop le hnd furnish ed an Cl,.artn~r anti Q...,.bblair• .JA&IES MeNAtJGDT, Vice Prealdeatr f ollowing freight from Seattle: Poh1loes. at lllrs. J ttmi•soo, Cherry street. Only reason for selling ill health. CleariDJr ODd grobhlag of a opaoe o!' :JOO feel ANGtl~ lllA.Cil'fTOSD, 8eemtar)', E vei'J' tamiiJ'IIhoald haTe 1& hi tb• 64. ! ~ tons; water pipes, 50 tons; oats, abundant supply of proYisious and a equ.ve within tbe contempJ•tcd enclosure, iD­ FBAI\'KLIN III4TTBIAS, Trea•are.. . liou•e. feb 12 E. G. FARNHAM. eladiDJt the reruD\':al of such trw• and onder­ 4-j tons; Tlllbot coal, H tons; snLdrie~. grent de31 oi it wtts left. A great many N'E\\"S ITEMS. growth as Nqu ired b y the GJm mHtee, level' og Bead eenllleDiel on eaeb bottle. Solionists visited the Iusnue the gronDd. removing the rubbish and the cut­ __..,...,...... ,.....____ The Assessor reports the population DOLLY VARDEN SALOON! tiDIJ and grueling of such potba as JDOY be Oapual Stock divided into Aoylnro, and wer e Ycry ho•pit .. hly re­ of The Dulles. Orfilon, at ?!5. deSJgn'tcd by the committe e, H, BPS'.l'BI1f ol: CO., SP~LLt X G EsTEIITHS:I!EST.-There will cic; ed by the Superintendent, Hill Har­ Fo.ll plaDo and &peelllcatlon of all tho work 10,000 Shares of $50 each.. Sole l"roprietors. ·be a spe lliu ~ m ~t c b at the ll.E.( White) T h•re i> talk of •larting an Al:!en Front Street, near the Pavilion contemplated to ~ done and mater£.) rcquirod ti18 Faol!IT ST., S..uf F'JLU(CIIICO, C..t.r. mon Esq., who Ly the ,·;nr , work ed to be furnished w ill be open for the iupection frnit dr!·er at work in Clarke ConntJ. LOCATION OF WORKS: church on Tuesday e.·ening.llay !th, at very hanl lo make the dny a pleasant SEATTLE, W. T. of all bldders in the oftiC<> of Robert G . SlllOrt, 7X o'clock. The luwyers, doctors, tlie Secretary of the Committee oo. and after one for the Seattleites . Soou after When people pnrchase bab7 carringeoo the 28th day of .~pril. A. D •• 1875. l!acb bid SKYKOMISH DISTRICT, S!'iOHIJ· ,.-ministers, printers, teach srs and citizens must contuin • copy of tbts ach·crttgcment and three o'clock the grounds began to be over in Vuncouver. the &gisfer makes a l"t!!er to tt •s we11 as tho pl&DIJ aodspeciftcatloos MISH COUNTY, W. T. PionrA}r Variety Store, .t.t the DOLLY VARDD- sener&lly will take part. iu the huds ot the Sccrebry ot the Committee deserted and Ly half past 3 they were " stick-full" noltce of it. OFFICE : Atilwissioo, single person, 2;:; cents; }-Jt'.ines, &Dd must etate the price io United St.Atea car. ....,... all abo.1rd the Steamer. which then star- Prof. Yost, of Portland, a musician rencr. in writinl! ag welt u in fi:gtlft'B. Tbe SFnTLE, IW: T. . ! CommercialSt, 2doors from 'Mill, families of__ two or ___more,__ 50 c _ts. lion. Secrotur of the ID~edor acting 1D. beptember,18'15. Also 12,000 ftet of Silver Rifles in of the stenmer on the way back. Miss It is proposed to organize the old, or AND TJU; Further inatrnctiona as to tlbe manner of bid­ where a first~c l nss supper " "s proviclcd. ding and condition• or contract wtU be P""" Creek. I · ~---,_____ Katie Hall "·as the Uay Qoeen,and bo r~ rather revh·o the old Agricultaral So· BEST CIGARS 1~EATTLE, by the cow 1niltee or any w cm ber of c.he Mille - . 1 Pistols,.... A DIEn:nEsc.:.-The steamer :l.j.n her high rank with becoming dignity. ciety in Walla Wulla Valley. Coutractol'IJ will be paid at'kr lnopoct!oD &Dd ll 01\DER THAT THE PEOP LE OF WASll· . > tue the spcclaltico at this hon!M'. acceptance of t bc wor k by the Co!J\Drlttee and sailed from Sau F l'ltu c i ~ co on Satr.rdny. The crowners were 1\liss P enfield and I lngton :;I'errltory may help develop this vaal I Fu rniture, Steilacoom ia tror.bled b7 boys who, Rl:fiTH k JEWETT, I be ap1>roval of their our<:has ·ter, arriving at A.. toria on £riday, tb ~ Waklte$1 At al:.ont seven o'clock the steumer making the night hidoons 'l'o'itl..l their • SecretAry or the Territory, Cbalrmao, era the btneJit of $40 on each ohare. No ...aesa· .30th, aix days from San F rnnctsco. T he reached Seattle and the crowd dispP.rsed 'IIOliEBT G. STUART, a en t can be made u pon these 2,000 sburcs. uoises. Recetv,~r of Public Money.-, Secretary For th e assay of the quartz own ed by th e .steamer Los Angeles sail ea fro m . au to their homes nil well pleased with li!ABSRALL BLL'fN. . COmpany. tbe pu'bUc are referred t'o t he follow. Stoves, J. H . Fletcher, county assessor, re­ Olyu>J>is, 'W. T., Aprtl 2t , 1875-aplls-:Jw. ::Fraocin. po.r ton or 2,000 lb<.: FllB AND Ft.:STI\'.AL.--The ladies of St. $G per W"eek. No.1, Zephyr Lod:o-Siln r, $t08 4;1. Pictures,· Colniobia RivPr, 400 boBta, and 450 NEW SELECTIC'!il OF .'Johns P. E. Church of Olympia. will La.t :Jrd ,....,...... ,p•tl No. 2. 8eottle Lode-Silver, f.l3 41 ; Gold, 1'~ : Alarla• lnt.,utaeaee. Do- - Ute Load, nets, GOO feet long and 18 feet de~p. 'RaU....tl u.e~o. 7 per cent. Mirrors, .give a Fair nnd Festival on Wednesday, No.3, Northern Float-Siver. $th 8'~ . wece used. 2 !ios. 1 Uld 2 were knocked o«f the lode' bt . Mny~l9:h . All are cordially invited to PonT !.IAmsos, May 1. -Sail~d. bark me. JA.l.~ G . KEL LY, ARt>ayc r. 0~ set of Boat &rewa, Tl.te OrcgOil Granger has passed into .a ttend. Capt. W mil, of the stenmet Northwest. n~v A~~E ~~:'-ru:::;r· Stock BookA aro n ow open at th e oftlce or A. the h ands of 1\fe••rs. llrown & Stewart, coons MackiDto.b, Esq .• u..t Seattle. for 6Ubscrlption a lar.ge l"t of Plasterer's 'Favorite, ha\ e kindly consented to P or:T G.urnu:. May 1.-Sailed, bark to the 2,000 ohore• O( prdtrred DD•SSCI!Silble .change the boor of leaving on that of tbe Albany Democrat, who design stock, 'Powhattan. .l.lQ) ! Tbe OompllD)' gu:u-on:ec tbat the whole pro. Hair and Tools, Plaste.,. ·eyentng from 0 uu•il !1, so friends from extensive additions and improvements. Hospital Por.T DrscoYEnY, A.pril 30.-Sailed, ceed's or tbt:se 2,000 ~bares wm be MppiJed ex­ -do.wn the Sonud willl.tava an opportu· clus ively to the devdopement or said miiH'e, Paris by the barrel, OM brig Deacon. At a Government sale of condemned CONDUCTED BY G. A. WEED. Mt Dt that n ot a dollar or the same wi ll be used Co r lllit;;•of making the trip, attending the horses and mnlos, a& Walla Walla, the CLOTHING . &alaric6 of ofticen:o or ofl\ce Px peonses. Bujf'alo Skin· Coat. Stock b-1 "' su.U p urclt3£e%5, trom 'E'est.h·al J\nd ~~etnrning the same day. Su FnA-"crsco, April 30.-Arrtved, will i~ued animals brougbl, on II!> avtrage, fift,r --o-- COMMERCIAL ST., BETWEEN..:. Ollf' 1h&ft upwards. And mRI_lY otber New and brig Port Gamble; etca:ner P&cific, Vic­ The public are ren1inded tbot tbis iB a bome Seeoaa. dollars per bend. CO~SISTING ' lnTestment and should 00 encouraged. TuuTiln.-The},' nnny Morgan Phelps hnnd Articles too numerous to~ toria; bark lllilan, l'ort Gamble; bark OF IMAIN AND JACKSON, J OHN COLLL.'iS. President. A California paper states !bat hop~ of .Dramatic Troupe are billed for a per• Aureola. Seattle. ALL JAMES K cNA UGH'r, Vh..-e~Preait'knt. all or which will be 110ld cheap for CASH. SUTTLE, W. T. A.. )L\CKLVI"'SH . Serretary. J:IKJilance at Yesler's Hall this (Wedn•s· SailcUPEBIOB . and Paget Sound. It now appears thut steamer .Zephyr, 26; U. S. brig Faantle· Seattle, April 20th, 1875. callly, end the rooma 1108111 aod cltl>erfUIJJ rur. nlsbed. !llr, Harrington wns misinformed. The roy, 6; W. Clancy, 5; W. C., 57; Wad· A Gospel Ridga younker now sita on For fUrther piutlcularll applr either Ill penon ;.ll&eamship Los Angeles came into port dell d'; Miles, 20; W. G. Jumie~on, 1; the ragged edge of despair becaare he orr~~ t,uer&o , G. A, w~u~·:.··T. L. RE:n·~.-IG'S ;.on its advertised time, nud Capt. Howell Y. & M.,4. accidentally spelled down his Jimpson 1\LE, PORTER ..-reR .ns tb.. t her owners, as fnr as he S.t.."i Fni.scrsco, May t . -Sailed, bark bloom last 'fuesday night and Bbs ia­ .1ut01re, 'have not the least idea of drr~w· entine Wm. H. Gawlf'y, Port i\[a•lison; dignantiT mlttenedhim when theaehool ;ing off the vessel; on the contrary, they bark Antioch, Port Townsend; barken· broke up, and let an igJ>orant eon that U. S. MAIL STEAlER Jook forward to the time when il \\'ill be tine Harty, Port BlalteJ.:y. couldn't opell "olam" waltz away with ,to their interest to increr.se the service. her.-Ortom 9 to 10 o'ctoetr: ... •· an4 3 W ' P. • · ()ouall'J' orders tollcited. ·l!J:ed coal•field& on the belld water& of Frnnciseo. m11>es about,three weeks ago to \l eiaer Sailed, bark Miclas, San Franci!ll'.o. . valley, having started OQ. snow-Bhoes, the Puyallup, and on las& 'l'hursda7 re­ ICE CREAM. torneil, after an ab~ence of a week, ann­ FrPight landed ot Yealer's wharf for but belore he got through the snow got Conotant17 011 b&gd. opl11. browned and tired with a rough trip. the week ending Saturday, May 1st, aoft and he had to travel without the 'l'hey bring back acme very fine spect­ 1875, from the steamer North Pacific: BDOW·Bhoes, and in doing 10 froze his JDena ofconl, ,some bituminous, and otb s. B. & Co., 1,873 pkgs; L. R., 400; E. feet. His two large toea oo the lef& New Sta.ge Line ! er11 that according !(I every test yet made 0. Farnham, 9; S. Y. C., 13; 0. Brian, foot were badly frozen and he cal them --o- on them give e'l'idence of being anthrn• 4; W. & H. 1; Webster & Co., 250; off himself. .cite. In a Abort &ime the euet troth Gen. FraDk Guttenberg, 1; H. • & B., An Indianapolis paper l!lre or an Io- lrii1MI .!!!th~~ =..1'-!:i ioaYe Seattle eve.,. m01'1l1Ja& a& S)f o'clocll for will be learned {rom aourcea competent 400; Mrs. Paiue, 3; J. Collins, 1; Mn. diana Senator: "His chagrined look the .- Jo decide. Anyhow, lhe ntines are of A. BlackDJ&D, 1; A. C. Anderson, 1; M. when he clntchee that pointed beard to ...... , Talloe& - C:l,._.. Mia•.. A. 1; L. Mitchell, 1; Fraaenthal milk his brain, ~d they won't • give -.....msu.. - eftD.!Dg. "lut extent and enor.mons val a e. 'eon­ K., a. ABB.AV8, Bros., 8; Hall & Gravea, 1; 1. F. If.. down,' has a moll depreainglook to all T. 8COLET, ' Jerableaumbe,rs o.f .daims have beeu Proprlewra. ! •.-oated.-CUttrier. 1; Mrs. Jaruieaol!, 3; Ww. Clancey, 2; behoJd,n." l!oMIIe, AJ>rill!!, 18'15.

·,- . .• ..'1

. ~;. .... , -


ley who then walked oYer to the (Jar. Tile Preaideat haTing tendered tbe Horace Greeley'• daaghler Ida is to dina! and placed the cap on laia bead, a& poeition of Attorney General to lodge be married on Satarday morniagto Col.' PONY sALOO.N, Pioneer Variety Store, the liallle time addr-tag him iD Edwar~ Pierrepoat of New Yorl-, that Nicholas Smith of Covington, Ky., by Latin .. " Ementia taa." The Cardin• gentleman baa ..-pte.J. Cardinal KclCioeby. 1 KEPT BY" - al made a auttable reply, alao in Latin, The 8eere&ary of the Treasury in au~ Wa " ...... Pa.-Jfiuera al ~~~- • lEN. MURPHY. ¥ Commercia1St,2doonfromllill, t;XCL:OSIVELY TO TBI: D4U.Y DlSPA.TCD. aud, after intolling the Te Deum, pro­ .,...to au application from Fortland. ar'a worb JealeNAy Toted to resume Cor. Commenf.al and llaba Btneta, &ea.Ul.e ·"""(11fT. T ------ceeded to the Te&try aad put on the Oregon. for the free entry of a CUJ10 of work wben the buia of '74 ill granted. Oppoeite U. ~. · Hotel. NE\V . You, April -J7 .-Thousands of crimson robes of high otlee ud ll'etum. --o- speclators gathered at St. Patrick's Col. aagar from the SaDL.\CE TO VllllT•TO JUVE ed to tho altar while they eaug the re Kf&llhe to the elfect tbat • the trea&7.-... miners woagbt oat of tbe Black Hilla T the IoDer man replmlllled. THE UNDEn8IG1HID liAS thedral tl>is morning to witness the con· Deum. At the cl01e of the hJ11111, tbe Cllpn, ferring the BeJreta on Cardiaal MceJos­ cently eompleted between the Ha~iau bJ the miJitar)', paseed tbroogh here FOR SA~E: Cardinal ga" the ponW!cal beoedie• Gonmment aDd that of tbe Uaitecl teday. !Tbey wete famished fnoe U&na· ~ ky. 'Ih ere hils been an enormous d6· tion, the ceremoniee were eaded aud tbe .. WI- 8tatee baa uot yet been promulgated, portatioo to tbe Hi8110uri Valley .illliO· - Shot-duns.~ maud for tickets and uumbe"' who had nat congregation .,....a out of tbe auch entry cannot at p..-11& be per- &ion .. tbey were peanileaa. .llwa7• Oil hand. them found great difficulty in gaining . 1 Cathedral. mittecl. but tha& parttevlllhiug to eo· llesttle, W. T ., ·JPeblWI17 8th, 18TI Rijtes LoKDON, April ~~!),-Bullion In the an entrance through the crowd. The N.:w YD'l"K, April ?7.-Gold oloeed at te, mdrehandiee with the benefit of the streets in the immediate neigbborhocd Bank of EntJI&Dd baa decreased £36,000 15X"®~•. Stoeb active &Dd unaeUled. treaty, may protect their righta in tbe Pistols,'! were blocked with hn nrm beings all during the put week. · O!IUJU, April 'n.-Generel G1100k .... premises by proteH aud ap.-J in tbe ~ R.ABRAI~ ~ anxious to get a chance of seeing the Funtiture, anmed command of tbe Department of aeaal manuer. It Ia known, howe,.er, P.uzu, April 29.-Speeie in the Bank LIVERY S£ABLE, portals of the Church. The interest the Platte to-day. that tbia treaty as ra&illed by the Senate of France increased 5,800,000 Crana the Cor. Comatereial and WaebingtoJa St. Watches, manifested was so great thai represents· pro•idee tbal it elaall not go into oper­ put week. SEATTLE, W. T. CHICAGO, April ~.-A Washington tives from e-.ery plilt ot the Ullion were ation until the Jan required to carry it special aays: LaNDOw, April 29. ..:..A dispat11b to the 'T'Uiis Linry Stahle is in tbe oeDtre of Stoves, present. A number of Cront seats were into elfect shall b""e been passed by the ~ the city, IU!d to perao1111 desirous o The Ennlng Star aaya, editorially: Daily TeiP;p-apb from Berlin says the reseryed Cor invited guests; ao..1 among Congress of the United Sta&ee •. Al!pro­ Praaaian Go•ernment bnends to ignore baTing Bn¢..., Carriages, and spirited Tin-ware, "It is now said tha& the elforts to dis­ Raddle animals, CIUl find tbem al thie those seated there Chief Justice Daly, priate action or the Honse of Beprest·D· the letter of aympathy addll'e9sed by the place Secretary Delano &rille frnm 1 IIUble. Judge Donohoe. Dist. Attorney Plielps, taliTes is npected ne:d winter. Hard-ware, combined movement on the part of Sen­ Roman Catholic Bi11hops of Great Brit~ Hol'llell board.,r the lay or -week. Hon. "l't.omas :Uurphy and many other ain to those of Germany. 0\: ABRAMtl. well known citizens. tor Mitchell of Oregon, Ben Holladay, S•N FBANCIIICO, April 26.-The crew The PrDMian Die& has propered a bill Pictur.es,' At 10 40 the heal) of the proces-ion RuCua Iugalle and othera, who w&J'It of the wrecked steamer Vtntura are pre declaring the old Catlaolics entiUed to a DIA!tt:OD emerged from the vestry, the actJiytes hiru replaced by some one who will join paring a statemeut of their conduct on Mirrors, uare of the Catholic Church cemetaries Sea~le& WallaWallaH.R.&Tto. .- leading bearing the procession cross and them in securing I o a corporation al­ the Dight of the wreck, cLaiming they hne been wroogCully accolll!'d of oowar­ and revenues proportionate to their One set of' Boat &rews, tall tapers; then followed long lines of ready formed and in which they are in­ numbers u compared with other Cath· B.OC& clergy, who, nfter making genotlections terested, the Black Hills country. dioe and desertion of paaaeogers under l~t olios. a large of Plasterer's A•• -. before the high altar, passed down the LoNDON, April 27. - Paul BoYatoD their charge. •••• TH".Jil Office on Mill Street. next N~~:w You, April 29.-Tbe Timea Hair and Tools, Plaster centre aisle whic~ was soon packed. makes another attempt to swim the En• The ftfty-tlixth &Dni'faaary ofthe Odd door to Auditor's Office. When the snrpliced priests had all glish· channel. He will enter the trater Fellow's renoion to-day wu celebrated epecial from Germany reports that the Paris by the barrel, one at Cape Griaue&ol on the French c.:~ast by an excursion to Dadger'e par~, Belgian Mini•ter of lusticl' made an ex· SEAnLE, W. T.• taken their places, represeo~tives of Buffalo Skin Coat. -.arions religions orders in the diocese and push for Donr. The day appoint• Brooklyn. The pnbJi,, ~nerally joined plicit statement tbas the Belgian Court AU> OOIIJ'ANY ABE NOW AT WORJ: liP­ ~lld many other New and Second· began to emerge from the vestry in their ed is .May 22nd. in the picntc and many tho08&11da were is competent to take up proceedings S on Uoe road, and all ...., lllntecl to al4 ID the eDierprltoe b)' &o.kiDfl atook. Now Ia 11M u.e picturesque habits. WheA the proc'W.;, SA.-.;n:snEB, April 27.-The last act in present. The Oakland steamera, as against Duchesne and this statement to ouboc;ibo. band Articles too n11merous to mention, the settlemellt of the Gaeta• slf..ir will late u 1 P. •·• were crowded with excur­ has blphia Exhibition, states taken aDd nerytbing passed oft" pleaR­ S NOW PREPARED TO :BUILD that encouraging lett.ml bne been re­ ILu.u-n, April 29.-Several Teasels I Wban-es. dri~e Fonndationa for Te P.FREEMAN. again witoeaa. Boyw wi~h pictnretiqoe antly. Stone or Rrict Buildin(l&; driTe Pi}., ll:ay 26th, 1l;7-!,] BY liT COOKIIG APPARATUS~ uived from all pouts of France. lllany QVU . habits &Dd swinging censors, and dig· Hu.uu•. April 28.-Captain Gensral from Europe report seeing immense Trt~stlin g for Railroads, and to load Ves­ deputations Cxom melAJ manufactnters, nltaries ia purple preced"d the Bishops Valmauda baa ias11ed a proclamation znanli~lts of ice. Two of them were se_ls with Spar&, Piles or 'fimber, and the principal wme producers of the Gi- jammed in ice a number of Jays and wtll go to any pari of the Sound. and .\rcbbishops. The procession was olfering par41Jo to rebela who surrender Addftu, · 40,000 cloeed by the celebrant• oC mass, Bishop wnde and the merchants or Lyons have before lllay 30th, 1875. The pardoo ia much damaged. H. A. ATKINS. v1sited the Commission ..nd promised LaJJgblin of Drooklyll, Rev. Dr. Mc­ unconditional for all except deserters CHICAGO, April 29.-A special from If. B.~ ot Piln tu-rn~!!ie:J:od at tbe The track is lined with trains en route around them, soon succumbed to tbe ment and it is reported that the Go•· allar ste10s and was• was commellced. West, witb delayed paaaengera, n;aiJa fury of the tlawes. The nnall Creme o;rnment contemplates the establishment COOK INC At Coofiteron the Cardinal st: od up residences of the operatives at the mills CITY of a military post at Harney's Peak, in and freight. 'rbe llrst freight over the a.nd proceedoo to his throne on tbeGos· road since tLe breAk Ia expected here seemed sencd but to whet the appetite PARLOR .; pel side, he nloue or all the prelates case the country is thrown open to set• of the fiend. Families fled in blank die­ MARKET • tlers. saturday. present h nnng the past{)ral staff, which may, snrreoding evetything. Fir, meu BOX· Lo1m0x. April 28.-Tbe Varqnia of lllLL STREET, SEATILE. ' was carried by nn assistant officintiog CHICAGO, April 28.-A. Washington for a time fought bra·;ely in the face of special says; Agent Elliott, from Alas· TaTiatock, Liberal, ill elec~d to l'arlia· Bishop. After incensing the !Utar three IDflDt from Bedfordebire without oppoo. terrible odds, bot were driven b~ck, FR£SH MEATS OF ··Au IUIDS. F. V. SNYDER. Proprietor -HEATINC ka, is here supervising tba printing of CORNED BEEF .t l'OBK. HAAil:l, • times he sat down with the Deacon and llition. step by step. 011e after another or the Sub Deacon . Bishop Laughlin then his last report. This report will con­ business baildinga on Maim Street were BA'JON ll.'D LARD. . -- firm the important positions which ex' The raee for the two tbonaaod guineas THE PllOPIIIETOJI OY THE rend IritritJt, recited Kyroe and inwned licked up, from Alsoma to ChRap, where BEG Ll!:AVEro~N70ii( THE PUBLIC STOVES, abo,te Harket. haTing entered stakes at Newmarket wu won by cam~ Uta& I han1 entered IJJtc ...... ,..,,...... cited so much curiosity in the scientific all of our principal dry gcods etores, I bolo ammt,'Daae ..d •W Apply 1111 c:aatciJOo ogical reasons the seals will never Jea..-e Gaand Master of the Unit~ Grand l'lanished and Stamped Sab Deacon. While Bishop Laughlin Lodge of M1190ns. at Royal Albert Hall cane. lllercbaots bad time to save but -:::!SarUclea or a ~r ~~Olf Choicest Meats & Vegetables read the Gospel the entire congregahou Alaska, ancl will always be a 110urce of little. A lew succeeded iu carrying a revenue to the Government. tolor qu.Uily. pal subject of discussion at the Cabinet B&BLDI', April 28.-Lt:gal proceert received by the Dlt.U.EBS 1!1 COPPER" WARE. Bishop Laughlin retntne,J to the altar "&tinllA&, April 28.-Lord JJobart, ling. Nothing worth mentioning "was BDUIBEITAL IBTIL Po.tmaster Geueml froUJ the Postmas­ Governor of tbiB Presidency, is dead. --o--'- wberP., after the onstcmory Dominos saved. News.,uper aud tel•grnpl:ic of· goo Roofing. Plumbing and ~~ ters who h1.ve been molested and of the A and oro>mplll' nttendtld m. · Yobiscum ond Oremns, be proceeded :o LoNDoN, Aprtl 28.-Sir Gillary Pigot Iicea shared the f11te of the surrounding BeDural nr8t-class house _- a reports of army officers. These docn read prayers nt the Off•. tory. The Pn!sne, Baron of the Court or Exche- buildings, Of the Northwestern office, chance for everybody to live ments substantiated moat of the dia· At the old stand, corner CommerciDI D eacon aud Sub Deacon then prepared quer, ditd to-day. owned by All•n & Hicks. a daily paper, cheap during the hard times. patches from the Mexican bord.,r. The and Mill Street, Seattle, W. T. the sacred vessels and bread and wine. An arrang~ment llaa been made bet· nothing Wl\9 ~~av etl. Tho Times, a £5!:" The best table and the Merc!Uldautes ')nam Dilesta was sung Postmaster General ahowed that several ween the leaders of the Liberal party in sprightly weekly, had also all the con­ of his officers have been killed. Goods delivered to any best rooms and beds of any during this period. The acolytes again Belgium and BIRmarck. The latter by '?eniencea of a first class office. The Secretary or State waniCested part of' the _City free oj advanced with censors anouw!elfc Oooob tor onltwp. · rn!ltle from. mo.ssed so tightly toget.beJ, and the very ginn to Cbenlier, a celebrated French quantity of lumber are destroyed. The et:.l.Jle prflpnmliou, cbietly the lllllive herbs foum~ on the lower. unusual spectucle wa& witnessed of bon· ?ffice department ou this subject. 1088 oPQD the whole can not fall abort Etc~ Etc, economiet of Birmingham tbie en11iug, rl7 8bcp. 011 Kill Binet, lleattle. ,_ SPRING AND SUMMER USE. raug~s of ll:c Si ~rra N e,·ada monnteins dreq.s stsndwg up during the consecra­ W&samoxoN April 28.-The follow· lohn Bngbt m1de 110me remarb on Cree of &wo millions, while it may reach le:U 17To wllkb tbe l'llblic atteoUon io tnwd ol c~lifo rnia . the n:edicinnl propartiea tioa. Towards the end of mass waa in­ ing is the letter of resignation of Attor­ trade, in the course of wblcb be said it double that amount. The soenes in tbe of which !\re c~t . cted the~efrom with­ o:lt the uso of Alcohol. The questiou trod!!ced the curious ceremony of giving ney General Willia.us and the reply of wu lndicaous for tbe U aited States to city bame deecription. EYerytbiag is the President: ~ s ~:h:uo~t dajly ns..~e.l, "What is the the kiss of peace. It i• not exactly a invite foreign manafaotnrera to compete ccn(usion; bondreda of familiP.S are Coal Tar! , c.mse of the uup:uallebd succesa .of kiss, but an inclination or heads togeth­ Department ollnstice, 011 ftDIII_ JING I!!. OALLOKIII!'OR $1. L.UWE QUANTI- at an nbibition when the proteclin ta­ homeless aud women and children are J r .\ w· ., tlee. b)' llpedal _.,,, at gmatly .... Yo.LG.\ lt nrrn:: ~~s? "~Oar llllSWer ~ er while the bonds rest on each other'• Washington, D. C., April22, 1875. lytng about the streets or eomiog around that th~y t"ercove the co.t •e o f tlise~ rilf pre'feoted them from competing in Ell:.!cuted in the higbeet ~le of tbe Art ==Wo=~=. ~~~ O.u Ltalft arms. "Pax wna given from oue to an­ The Presideo&. Sir:-1 hereby re­ nnd t ile r.niiJut r~cm·crs his hcnltb. American martell. in aevoh of placeft of shelter ·from the 'f hf'y nr~ the great b.!ood purifier and other Until it pas!cd along through the sign the office of Attorney Oeneral of the L CL t Pt.md .J IOBN 11. BLL"{OH!RJ>, At a meeting of the Town Couneil of chilly night air. The beaveas are lit up liB ll_.,es on lllljlil sOIIIIU. April h&, 1876. Snperiotoodont. a lite-giving princ:p!e, a r orfect Reno­ crowded sar.ctuary. United S&st.ea,•to take elfec\ on the 15th Kidderminater yl!lltel'day, the Secretary with tho horrid glare of Are, which Ia T mlor a!Jd In vigorntor of tho syst~IU · N ewr beiore in tho history of the worlol When mass was finished the intereilt­ proximo. I cannol dissolve our oftlciul of the Carpet Jlanta'-arer'a A..oeia­ yet bnming lleroely within the limits tms a medicine been componoded pos­ ing pari of the ceremony commenced. relalions witbou&·thanking you for the tion, stated tba& oarpet mau~fact.nrers to which it h1111 beeo conllned. A qua;;.;~mthe reost Phelps &- Wadleigh, se.~s i ug the· r l"mnrlml.Jie qnaJitiea of Carilinal McCloskey roso and knelt at wally acts of frienclahtp aud conlldence ILSEG.Ul BITTI!l!S in healing thellick­ throughout Lite Kingdom had decided fashionable Styles of type bor­ the right hand side of the allar. The with which JOn haYe honored me, and oot to send their products to the Phila~ Wholesale Dealers in rolic, :l'utritinu•. Loxntivo Diu- · b... VIElrlr&, April i tt-Violent demon­ free of charge. reti:. :S.>obtivc, Conuter-Irritat:t, Sa­ ArchbiEhop Bayley and in a loud clear Washingtou, D. C., Aprill875. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. bles & Live sto~k HoD. Geo. H. Williams, Attorney Gen• atntiona have been made againa& Don --o- HIRAM HOYT, ARTIST. ' d ol!H1· . .- lt -.l"<,' i~ ~ . c.u: ~l A. '1ti-BiliOUL voice read s passagd in Latin from Pius eral of the United btstea 'rHE ABOVE INSTITUTION HAVINO BEJRf R. o : •cBOl'ULD A!Conzn; who Is residing at Grata, tbe ptacecl OD & pUIDOIDeDI U tile OPPOBlT.: OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, IIEATTLE. &, c0., -bo· Drugglsta &: Gen. Agts.• San P!jpa to. his t"ene.rablis Crater, the Arch· Unlted Slale8 HoiJ))Ual ot liar'.- Pa~lent. OD Work O:ren kept for sale. Barrelled ..,__at.­ Dear Sir: In accepting ~our reeigna· mob attempting to dl!ll&ruy 1:.1a Yilla.­ Puget Sound, the Proprietor !Uta pleasure 1ft & em-. ot Washingtca md Char!IGIIIIC&,JL L · bi..lwp-of ~ltimo~e, setttng forth the IDDOUDCIDjl \llal DO paituJ or Will bf ~,B:..~~f~=-~lle~~~~t Beef and Port constantly on lwld ~ tion of the office of Attomey General of Tbe police were oalled opon "to p!otect expense t! •oaTE"''TKa...... aEDD.. «aT-• lila line wW be e•eouleclla-- &ood o&Jie at -. ee- reason wh1cb indu~ed him to confer the the u oiled IStatea, lo take elfect the 15th it and &e'feral riotere were arrested. = ':r';!;"!,.,~:,~ comtert and ralall.to. lila ~ Ql, . Cardinalate on Archbishop McClosky. of lllay, 1875. as tendered by 70nr let­ LoEDOII, April 29.-A special dispatch Thla Ia the W..e.t Gen•ral Boopltal north ot 8an Fraaclaco, OUid b)' tar lhe tnost complete 1a Patronage respectfully solicited. Ap- and at the close handed him the brief ter of 22nd April, allow me to espr­ from Grata to tbe Daily News eeya &loa& L'QnlpmeD&. II hu boea lllorollplj re4ttecl and ply to the .SEATTLE MARKET, eorner authorizing him to confer the Berrettn my apprecla&ion of the ability, zeal and rerornJllhed. - rto - •ral wud8 have OCCOilllllo­ Don Alfonzo was Insulted and bea!en ~n tor a bon& one hundred pa\lenlo Mid are Commeroial and WashingtOn Streets New Stage Line! on this .uewly elected prince of the eiJicieucy with • hich tbe trua& oonfided by the riotera, and tile poiiee bad to pecultarlr adapted tor cuea ftfllllrlllg tile mool Seattle, W. Ang, ~ 1874. .. canflll -..en& lllld _, llllpWYiaion .t r. -o-- Church. The Arcbbish"P baTing r.,.. Wall f'aperf to your cltuge 11M bplnr. r. ..lied tc -., ""' -.. Done t;O Order WM. llnNJ~BAuu, l'aoPBDTOa, Heatoe, Talbot aad Cb'Jiaer ...... General ~dam :Badeau, U. 8. Co1111n1 a& ..,.erlng trom _..._~Will ...... ,D Br niOAUIIlm thea nmmdered the Berreta to Jl.Roa­ Very respectlnDy, lila Bo.piW wllllont ._.. BetlllDing the oame eveniog. Lond.m, and Ill. Mary Eliza Nilea, :::' :::=Wde E. CALVERT CnebN, Bnad. Cuadlefo, General B • .lJIIWq, elti, wllo handed It to Archbishop Bay- U. 8. Grant. daughter of the late Miniater to Italy. TBOIIU T. IDNOJI, Jfill8areet, 2 De!., Etc. T. SCOUT, &eat&I,,W. G..,..., Pi&plilleta; 11 ,. ltlaDaciDc IIDrpoa 0o1. 22-u · Fobmary 6, 187o.

