Anderson's New Reaidence on Wood Running out Jo'ijiiii--.Lliui--.- -..,Th-E Oo U D Noto-R of • I Ore Throot, Dilllcnlt 0 Or the Luoga

Anderson's New Reaidence on Wood Running out Jo'ijiiii--.Lliui--.- -..,Th-E Oo U D Noto-R of • I Ore Throot, Dilllcnlt 0 Or the Luoga

---?! Dllll ==·VOl.============ -:1.. =========================================================================================-- HEATTLE. W'AMHINGTON TERRITORY. THUR.t!IDAY MORNING. MA.Y t:J. U~7n NO ~,;:. i NEWII ITBII8. f.. CcUL CG~OJt .-l'!cln ioa. Jttt to Ap.fl SU.M.MO.N"S. The C!Jmer Mine HENRY E. HATHAWAY I »und jound Jilitipakk j 9'. co~meoced --o-- .... 18'11, .... lmPoda or "-' a& liiiit In the Dl8trlct Court of tho third Judicial Dl• :! :f ~ • Oper.&iODJ On Ta81day monung, Ule ;. COLLECTOR. Peas w•re In blouo111 in Wuco ,.._._...-.. roJJoon: .,.,.._iia,a,1,e -----ooc:=::><:~c:...::: ...==>----- lri<Lof ~be Territory of Wasb.lngtoo, bol.lln(l ll'l'&h of April. ' I Co., Oregou, on the 23d of ApriL toni; boa BeWnp.m BaJ, J ,NO ~: .._ ~ &VZ&I TlltiJtaD.A.T liOL~O Office ,..ith W.M.York, Attorn<y-at-Law ~:;:~:!o~hK:;:{.K!'t!;~';j ~~=!:~.;. .th. IMDUBbmmTiotc.l.'l'TIUCCDDnUL, ----·---- -<>- Salmon have commenoecl I'IUUiiDtr in Coos BtiT. 1 ,BOO toDa; trom lfount DI&Wo, -.. SE.JlTTLE, W.T. ain:s coBORN, }Oompl&iJitllledlaU... Oarfriend Judge J.G.Sw!UI,ofPort gpo Work bu com.. ncecl oB the 8110 IIDUB BaOWJI', ~USTDI .t.. BELL, •Le Columbia Bivar. -.: ...s - vui.,.,a-..r W.... 11.n. vo . l'laintitr, Count, of Kmg, ID Town11011d, hae just ~i..-ed a_...._ bllildiog'for the new griat mill on Y•~ ... tcma. :lhlrtq lbe .me "-:IO,llil ...... of ...a BROWN & BELL, ARTICULAR :::;ION onnr TO TROli>U.B tk,'T..,~?'· ~:J:'~i.~~~ Bion from Washington to prepare a aoJ. ler'a wharf. A Salem !riD bu alaupteretl 600 ......, broacJtt tJoa Eapmd, ....t 2t,Oilt ._ Publishera and Proprietors, P Coll<..:tion o f Debt.. T.,..,. palct for nou- No 105, Aug. Term, 1876. lection of obJeCts for the · Cen&eDDlal ---~----- hoge the paal •aaon. tiaiio i.lllilftUL Of Clunberlud Olld AD.._ Ornca-bUP.i.TCU BtnLDL.. OS JAKEs ST&.E£T, ett.,l,BS8-of ..... ,_llld 1,71141 ,_ ot 1 ruidonts tree of ch•rge. The ( nitecl State.~ of .t1mel'ica se>td Grtdiltg lnternation,lll Exhibition, iiiDatraling 0vzBDVB.-Tlle &&eamer Ajax, from -o- The spelling m!Uila atmck Eugene 111e-......., -~· Coos BaJ' Ia uow q-. TJ:B~IS: "'El.. ~- B.. To THOMAS AXDEIISO:<~. Defeuclant. the genius, character and habita of the San Francisco to Portland, is two days City, OD the 20th of April. ed u SlO 1W &oil ID iJIM iaJitteti BeUill.lidJ Sialie Oop70ne Year.... 00 ... 00 00 .... oo.f3 00 Indians of this Northwestern cout. omdue, and much &nsiety i• felt at " .. Six Mouths ..•..•..•. •. ..... 2 00 WAY'S READY RELIEF vo~~~;!E.~~~~~ b~';.~t':~Su.i~o:~; Ic Is expeetul Jadgf' .Taooba will pay Ill;. "* .. &O; A~an . ot llO@tO Mt Olld 11 1 1 1.'brctJ •• •• .• ••. .. ....• . ~ 1 00 RAD' 'Uln'"' 'l'H'' WOR"''f PAIN" the above named plnintitr, in tho Di•trict Court Arrnngement.lare made by our Govern· Portland for ber aafety. L1 ..., a -risit to Walla Walla m the flrllt of WeJJmston, (VIII<on'ftl' le~Pd) at ln~an. lllogle X umber 00 ........... 00. .. .. .. .. • • U v u .;...;, u ot the Third Judicial I>is trict of the TeiTitory - B.. DiulloDd IIIJd otber l(ounl DIUJD eoa1 te Ia rroou ~x~w':J:; ut ...t.,o. ~.i~r:~f~r..~"w~~;~u:,, i;~';:j.~'t ~:~c.:!{,:! men& wilh tl!e D~minion Government ClP" Tlle 'bark !conium hauled along· P..t.l'.t.BLE L'IVAJU.UJLY n! ADVANCE. :t.; 8 Jrlay. eseJuivel)'aled tor IIWam pllr))Oitl hJ flldart. after re:t<liug tbis adverti..,ment oeed aUJ' ofKiug,Kitsap and ~nuhowish ,aua to onswerthe of Canada, Cor 10 ' ge 8wan &o &CCODI• side of ColllliiD's mill yesterday and baa The Tiger Eogine Comp!Uiy of Walla ond Inland oletlmen; the - COIIIID&Dda 18 IU.T£8 OP ,,DVERTISINGo llad.. · ay ·o~~~~~~~~l!. ~-~~!!, ~!~~-ry Fain. ~?~/:.~~~~ ~d~~·~~'!,~~~~\n :C~;a;:".!,"~1~; pany Dr. Powell, Indiu Co111mi88ioner commenced taki~og on her cargo of lum- bae Squo.rc oft2 Llneo. Jot $1 00 Walla are ~:GiDg to. give a ball on tbe 2Sudlbe ocreen~Dgat& - 21 pertoa-U... -.r lnsertioa ..... Hwu thetl<stondlo 0 11 you or ttts surumons. lr served within thb of the latter, in an e:spedition amoug ber. ·being prolem!d hJ llll&ll)' or the mille .,. IM "-ch ~ubeeqnent Insertion .. : ........... so 'reNiy and quarter'Jy ad¥ertirw.menta at the The Only Pain Remedy ..~~ Oounty or King; "'If """"" out of llul\ tbe Indians all along the c01&8t as- for· - first of Hay. oreore of _..,...y, Dlll'lll(l the lint qa- ot tbat instantly 8l0))8tbe mostes t·meiating painB, Count;r. but Ia thia.»ts:trict., wllhin thirty dayfl, north as Alaska. The Jadp ia a1ao LM boa.u., April 26.- 'Puaeagen __ allays iutbmatious. ant\ cures CoLgcitions. ~th,""" rWiM Wlthin sb:ty days, or judgwt'nt by de- "Too thin" is uot popular now aince t8n, U,S9t '-of V111eoanrlllaD• -'­ JOB PRil\'TL'II'G whether or the Lun~a. StomiiCh,llowelo, orolb t~!.,.";! ~ ~·:o~!f::_rou. acoorolng to inatructed to prepare a plaan or model of from the wrecked ~~teamer Ventura bave epelling school& 111'8 in VogtiA. "'TOO recel-at&ul'ruc-;I,IIOtoUOl~ -- - ~,.; 71310Dil of-:li,.U &-Juof Coos N. '"1'1 dNcriptlon done altho mo•t ......,n_ er glAnd:;~~~;· i'J ~e :l~~~~<;~· The said actiou io brought to reeover dam· an Indian lod~;e or temple to be ereeW arrived here, and cumplain of the e:sor­ diapbanoue" ie thf' Isteat rendering. JltiT: aDd 40,U2 tou or JfDunt Diablo. ..t. .,.._ Wentee. __ no matt<r how \'loleut or excrucl:<t'ng the poln ~~t:: ~~e r~:\~~ ':!~ ~:O::!,t~~~~:a~~~ OD the grounds of the CenlenuiaJ Exhi- bitanl cllaraea impolled Oil them bJ 1 1 J . D. Bowell, of Washington eonnty, pu1.1011 of the hro,..... abo-t.hal Coos Ba7 AGB:o.ITSa ~ee;~ll~~=::~';;tc~-~~:t ;~t~i~r:.~~:; &bot plaintiff wilh • pistol. Special refercDCe bition for the reception of Ind1au col- ranchen iD the ~icioity of the wreck. 18 Oreeon, owns a co • &hat baa broughl hal talloo otr ID quDttt,. &O per cent~ - OJ,., oo•• ....... Copt. Fnnt Tarbell way oWicr, that If you ran lectiona. F or his senices Judge Swan FINE BtriLDIMO, -A very subetantinl him Ave calve• In lf11a thau 23 montha. lfonnl Dl&hlo 11M ID.,._ 1 per -.: v­ 8tdlllo00Mil .•..•• _ ....... -~ · •• ... Jacob Hoover. :a:;:.:.';: <;:'.'::,~~:::i.l!~~: coi.wr lllllllda, 17 per cat.: aDd l'lllltt loud, VIctoria, II. C ,, .,, ....... Cbarlos McCorm ick. RADWA Y'S READY RELIEF to appear aud answer the said complaint ao io to receiTc a month and hiS ex- brick 'oundatt'on has been an·d wtll aft'ord ID~tant Eai.e. abov .. ~nirt'd, the uid p laintift' will applr to ~200 a• . ftn•·sh~d., peio -'- PrJ.-rUle Port TO'Wll6Cnd. .. ........... Oeora;;~ Jlarthrop The Virtue 'M.ill in Baker City shut 40 U.. -~ ia ilii Iii .. lnll.ammat ion of the Kidneys. the Court for juugment a~ai ntrt you by default penses, and $3,000 is placed in hill Pon Dleco,·ery . ........ .... .. M. J\lcMabon the Cra!lle work is now being put up for down a few daya ago on account of 1876. Baobolll.l&b City •..•..•. , . •. .... E. e. Ferguson ·-matt'on or IthneftanuBo':~liso.n of tho Bladder· and for lbe relief dcmouded in the Oonoplaint. hands to be expguded iu the purchase noa.u.o. - Witnesl!i tbe Hon . J . R. Uwis, C. A. Anderson's new reaidence on wood running out Jo'IJIIII--.lLIUI--.-_-..,Th-e_oo_u_d_noto-r of • i ore Throot, Dilllcnlt 0 or the Luoga. { or Indian curiosities and specimens of ~~~~~:!,8~ ~ l f:!~F,f~~~thur.y':,~~ :Cb.':l Fonrtb Btreet. When completed the The weather ie ftne in Bater CltJ, Ore- public !ourn..I who faithfully perto­ Falpiwtion or the Heart. D. 1575. L . n. ANDREWS, Clerk. Indian art. Tbisinteresllng trua& could houae will b'l one of the finest In town. gon, and the miners fear the anow will Ius duty generally leada a toiJaoJDe Da.SAWTELIJMRstSAWTELLE, Mt D. Hytrtorlcs, Croup, Diphtheri~tarrh , lnftuenza. 0. D . E>lEliT. Fill's' Atty. apll not havt> lx>en.placed in more COm.(lflten& ail4 go otr with a rush e:l thile make a thankl- life. With a 4lnn pvpoM w PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Headache. ·rootha.che.Neuralpa, Rhcumatl8m. hands, and we have no doubt he will W On Saturday the scboor e\ild­ --o- - abort water season. do ~ual and eiabt jutleil he aro- Cold Chill>, Ague Chilli. NOTICE, make it one of the most attractive rea- •en of this city are to have an euarsion 0FnCE- 0n Commercial stn:-ct, oppoiile S. Tlle railroad iron ie be«inniug &o !UIIagoaie-ud mallea lif.U.. - P . Acdrt:w'fi H&rdwsre Store. Oftice b ours from The application or the Ready Relief to the -- llnres or the Great Exhibition. on tbe stsamer North Paeillc &o Steila· lOA, I(. to ' P. II. arri•e at Wallnla. There ill about 1,000 m1e1 of who, ll he wen enppil ia :'i~ ~!~~~~~~ :!~f~~ l'r difticnlry rusts To aU u:lt01n it may concern: ---... -- ..•- --- eoom and return. A large number of U&f llamv.•cE-On Third Sh·•et, one door Sooth T..-•nty clrops in half a tum&Jer ot water will 1117 HERE.\S TRE COl! MISSIONER OF' A ltnOID"J!:D ElnoJUNT -The Green tone of it in all The raila are 25bti to othv parallit would be -• lat. '­ of the Centml S.:hool House St:atU•.

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