University of NORTH ANNUAL GIVING REPORT 2019 – 2020 MESSAGES 1 Harry Smith ’64 2 A Note From the President 2 Vice President’s Report SPOTLIGHTS 4 Legacy Initiative 8 Women of Influence HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 12 Lifetime Cumulative Giving 12 2019-20 Giving Levels 17 Courtview Society ENDOWMENTS 18 Endowed Funds Foundation Board’s MESSAGE

Dear Alumni and Friends:

It is my honor and of your heart, enable privilege to serve as our students, faculty, the chair of the UNA and staff to achieve the Foundation Board of greatness that is within Directors. In this role, I them. It is because of you serve with a remarkable that our enrollment and group of men and students are thriving! women, my fellow It is because of you that Foundation Board our faculty are thriving! directors, who are deeply It is because of you that committed to raising the University of North money to empower the Alabama is thriving! The University of North UNA Foundation Board Alabama to reach its full of Directors recognizes potential while leading you and all that you it to be the best choice a do…and we are so very student could make to grateful. begin or continue their Again, thank you for college career. your support, and please I want to offer my stay well. Roar Lions! heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you Blessings, for your remarkable generosity to UNA. Your Harry Smith ’64 gifts, while fulfilling the Chair, UNA Foundation philanthropic passion Board of Directors

2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 1 Vice President’s Report

a note from the President

facilities. Here, too, there is good news to report. Harrison Hall, the beautiful new home of the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions, is now open for business. Renovations that have transformed Collier Library into a preferred gathering place for our students. There’s also great excitement surrounding the restoration of Harrison Plaza, about which you’ll read more in the pages that follow. The timing of the return of our iconic fountain couldn’t be better as it will Dear UNA Family and Friends: help symbolize the renewal of UNA A lot has happened in the 12 months as this pandemic begins to lift. You’ll since our last Annual Report. In December, also read about Women of Influence, a portion of the Harrison Fountain Dear Friends, an initiative that is near and dear to collapsed. In March, COVID-19 was Like all institutions of higher Dena’s heart. It’s exciting to see what declared a pandemic. May brought civil education, the pandemic of 2020 has this group has already accomplished unrest over racial injustice issues. And in challenged us at the University of and what they plan to do in the future. June, our beloved Una passed away. North Alabama in ways small and None of this would have been James Lane Allen once said, large. We’ve been forced to adapt possible without the support of “Adversity does not build character, in all facets of university life. From generous donors like you. The it reveals it.” In the exemplary Spring course delivery to athletics and from scholarships you endow are essential 2020 edition of UNA Magazine, referring finances to student engagement, this to our enrollment success, just as your only to the pandemic, I wrote, “We has been one strange year. gifts were critical in the renovation of will overcome this for the same reason Despite these challenges, our Collier Library and the construction that this great University has overcome University – your University – is of Harrison Hall. And as for that work adversities for 190 years…because of the thriving and showing the spirit underway in the plaza, it is again your quality and character of the people!” Not and grit that has become our support of the Legacy Initiative that is surprisingly, through personal, national, hallmark throughout the last 190 making that possible. and global struggles, the collective years. Consider some of our recent Dena and I are humbled by your UNA Family has shown ourselves to accomplishments. Enrollment for Fall generosity and inspired by the heart be giants of character. I would like to 2020 set a new record with a total of you show for this University. So we note just a few of your many, many almost 8400 students, up 4 percent speak for ourselves as well as for the accomplishments during this past year: over Fall 2019. Also up this fall are faculty, staff, and students in saying our retention and graduation rates THANK YOU for all you do for UNA. • We had five different Giving – and that speaks volumes about We appreciate you! Days that resulted in 414 donors student satisfaction with the UNA giving 600 gifts totaling $256,033. experience. Roar Lions! • We were able to secure namings Integral to that experience is our for the Honors College, the Kenneth D. Kitts beautiful campus and state-of-the-art Culinary Arts Program, and one

2 University of North Alabama Vice President’s Report

of the Art Galleries…each naming ensuring the perpetual vibrancy of the namesake! • We were able to establish 26 new funds. • We were able to establish 29 endowed funds. • We developed Women of Influence, Funding the Military and Veterans Service Center, Funding the Presidential Mentors Academy, and The Legacy Initiative as fundraising programs. On behalf of the University, our students, faculty, and staff: Thank you. Thank you for sharing your lives with us, for giving selflessly and for having the visionary leadership to empower UNA, our students and our faculty to become all they are capable of becoming. The example you set by the lives you live truly inspires us all! I would also like to thank the UNA Foundation Board of Directors. Each one of you is so uniquely gifted, and we are blessed to have the opportunity to serve alongside you. Thank you for giving so selflessly of your time, talent, and treasure. You are greatly valued and appreciated. Finally, to the UNA Advancement Family I have the honor and privilege of serving with: There are not words to express adequately my deep admiration, appreciation, and respect for each one of you. You have thrived through every challenge, and your efforts are making such a profound difference for the donors we are privileged to serve and the students and faculty we are honored to empower. Thank you for all you do, but most of all thank you for being the remarkable people you are. Please be safe, and I hope to see you all very soon.

Roar Lions!

Kevin R. Haslam Vice President for University Advancement Executive Director, UNA Foundation

2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 3 The Heart of UNA Beats On

A fountain’s collapse spurs the creation of a new legacy initiative By Michelle Rupe Eubanks ’96 For the Annual Report

4 University of North Alabama 2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 5 Forgetting the pandemic and all of the ways it has changed life on the University of North Alabama campus, the collapse of Harrison Fountain at the end of 2019 perhaps set the tone for the change and disruption that lay ahead. UNA’s President Dr. Ken Kitts’ response to rebuild the iconic center of campus, however, was swift and decisive. It was clear that the landmark, often considered the heart of UNA, would be rebuilt, and along with the reconstructed fountain, the surrounding plaza would get a facelift as well. It became the task of Vice President for University Advancement Kevin Haslam to fund the initiative that would bring Harrison Fountain and Plaza back to its former glory, and thus, The Legacy Initiative was born. Haslam spoke about how vital this process has been as well as how clearly UNA’s alumni and friends have responded to the call to help.

6 University of North Alabama Q: Harrison Fountain was built on a foundation of giving. How way to honor a loved one or someone who encouraged them does that foundation continue with this initiative? on their journey, who is no longer with us. Every reason, like every life story, is beautiful and every bit as varied. The Plaza is A: The Initiative is built on the foundation of selflessness and quickly becoming this beautiful collage of life stories, forever giving for the greater good of the University, and it establishes memorialized. a legacy permanently etched in Harrison Plaza. These are traits that the Harrison family continues to exemplify to this day. It Q: How will the initiative evolve as we get past the rebuilding of was through Dr. Don and Laura Harrison’s vision and selfless the fountain? Where will we go from here? leadership that the Plaza and Fountain were established, a vision which blessed many during the past 17 years. It A: Once we have fully funded the restoration of the Fountain is this spirit that has inspired many of us to participate in and Plaza, we will move on to Phase II of the Initiative, which the restoration. The Legacy Initiative was developed by the is the 1830 Fund. The 1830 Fund is the University’s Annual Advancement team with the intent of giving everyone who Fund, with the monies being used for the greatest needs and wants to participate the opportunity to do so. Dr. and Mrs. emerging priorities of UNA as determined by the President. The Harrison initially made the fountain and plaza possible, and we subtitle of the Legacy Initiative is “Restoring the Heart of UNA.” want everyone who shares their spirit to have the opportunity to It has two meanings: in Phase I, the Initiative is about restoring do the same. the Fountain and Plaza, located at the heart of the UNA campus. In Phase II, the Initiative will be about the 1830 Fund, the Q: We’ve experienced so much success related to the larger lifeline to the continued growth and development of UNA. items as part of the initiative. To what do you attribute that success? Q: Finally, can you provide an update related to the giving days and overall advancement area for readers? A: I think a couple of things. First, this is a unique opportunity. All of the naming opportunities are unique to this need at A: Advancement will again have five Giving Days this year: this time, and they will be in the Plaza permanently. There are people who love this University deeply, and they want to be a • November 18 The Second Leo and Una Giving Day part of restoring such a significant part of it. There are also a lot • January 11 The Second Founders’ Giving Day of people who have secured namings to honor a loved one. It • March 9 UNA Giving Day is just special. Second, as noted above, we created this to give • May 18 The Second Athletics Giving Day people the opportunity to participate if they wanted to do so. • July 20 The Second College Giving Day With this, there are larger item naming opportunities from $4,000 per year to $500 per year. There are truly no insignificant As for an overall advancement report: We remain steadfast in gifts. It is about creating opportunities for everyone. our commitment to engage everyone, internal and external, and to connect them to UNA in whatever manner is most meaningful Q: This really is an opportunity to leave one’s mark on campus. to them. We genuinely value and appreciate everyone. The Why is that so important? Why does it resonate? Advancement Team truly believes it is an honor and privilege to serve and takes seriously the responsibility to reach out to and A: I think there are several different reasons this resonates so engage everyone. strongly with so many. For some, UNA signifies a choice they made which forever changed the trajectory of their lives. For To learn more about how you can give to The Legacy Initiative as others, this is the opportunity to acknowledge the love that well as to get other updates regarding the Office of University they found while on campus. For still others, it is a beautiful Advancement, log on to una.edu/advancement.

2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 7 Cascade of Philanthropy

Women of Influence a hallmark initiative for student need

By Michelle Rupe Eubanks ’96 For the Annual Report

It’s early in the morning, and University of North Alabama First Lady Dena Kitts and Office of Advancement Assistant Vice President Barbie Terry are already on campus awaiting the arrival of the first guests. The smell of coffee and biscuits permeates the first floor of Rogers Hall, where they will gather at a safe social distance, to hear more about Women of Influence, Dena’s hallmark initiative. Early on, there are moments when those in attendance want to greet and hug each other, as they normally would, as they would when six feet of social distance isn’t a requirement – but today, there are waves hello and nods of greeting. Soon enough, the few seats around the large dining room table are filled, and Holly Underwood, University Case Manager, shares why it is she’s there. “I work with students who find themselves in situations where they are unable to afford books, fulfill tuition payments or have utility bills in collections,” she said. “Often, Caring for the Pride Fund is the one thing that allows a student to remain enrolled at UNA. This fund allows us, as a university community, to support and promote student success.”

8 University of North Alabama 2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 9 The Caring for the Pride Fund is the reason is the true spirit of what education can be and these women, these Women of Influence, how it can and does change lives.” actually, are at Rogers Hall, are convened to hear The University is home to a number of how their contributions go to meet very real, first-generation students, and the experience very present, and often, very nominal, needs of of being away from home for the first time can UNA’s student population in both large ways present unexpected challenges, challenges that and small. go beyond meeting grade requirements. There And among the large ways would be to are a number of initiatives in place to help them ensure that the Caring for the Pride fund is succeed, but, sometimes, that success means robust so that none of these needs go unmet, but, getting a little additional financial help for things before we can get there, Dena said, there’s also like overdue bills or other unforeseen expenses. a process of discovery, a time to consider how “We’ve heard about students who just each of the women in Women of Influence want couldn’t make ends meet, and there was a $500 to help, even as we’re in the midst of a pandemic gap between them being able to stay in school and all of the uncertainties that go along with it. or having to drop out for the semester,” Barbie “Despite the pandemic – or maybe because said. “You know, I’m a first-generation student, of it – what we found is that women want and I know how education changes generations to help,” she said. “What Barbie and I have of families and the difference it can make. I learned is that when given the opportunity to believe the Women of Influence speaks to that.” help, women rise to that challenge. And then Of course, the Caring for the Pride Fund is they tell others so that it becomes a cascade of for all students, not just those who are the first in philanthropy with the student as the ultimate their families to attend a university. And Barbie beneficiary because they know that there is said there are a number of ways those involved money available to help them stay in school and with Women of Influence can be a part of the then graduate.” campus community and see their contributions As Dena talks about Women of Influence at work. – the women themselves, of course, but also “The great thing about that fund is that it’s the students who benefit – it’s clear that this for immediate use, so students just have to fill initiative is deeply personal. Her tone of voice out an application to take advantage of it,” she softens, and she gets a bit nostalgic. said. “But we hear the stories and we know the “I have a heart for our first-generation need, and the help comes from a place of care students because my mom was one, and, being and concern. The students recognize that.” a regional university in a more rural part of Those who benefit from the fund receive it the country, we see a lot more of them here at with no strings attached. It’s not a loan, but it UNA,” Dena said. “What we’re doing to support might inspire them to pay it forward once they’ve our students with the Caring for the Pride Fund graduated and gotten settled into a career.

10 University of North Alabama “When given the opportunity to help, women rise to that challenge. And then they tell others so that it becomes a cascade of philanthropy with the student as the ultimate beneficiary.”

“Then it becomes true philanthropy,” Dena there are plans for larger-scale events once the said. “Women of Influence becomes a way to pandemic abates and campus life returns to change people’s lives and that these initiatives normal. It’s critical that those who contribute that are funded matter.” see that, no matter the size of the gift, great Beyond the Caring for the Pride Fund, of things can happen, Dena said. which one-third of the monies generated from The voices of those who participate matter Women of Influence will go, there’s room to and will help determine next steps. grow. Members will vote on how the remaining “When we gave women the opportunity, two-thirds of the funds will be distributed so you can see the good things that happen,” she that needs among campus departments are said. “When we’re on board with something also met and, possibly, that could include like this, when we’re all working toward the experiential learning opportunities for students. same goal of helping our students with those The discovery process is ongoing; women are immediate needs, it truly changes lives – ours as still learning how to become involved. There well as theirs.” is time because there will always be a need Want to know more about Women among students. of Influence? Log on to una.edu/ While the gatherings have been small in womenofinfluence and learn how you can be these early phases of Women of Influence, involved.

2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 11 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Listerhill Credit Union Dan and Anne Howard LIFETIME Chester and Jenny McKinney Narendra Kanuru GIVING LEVELS CUMULATIVE Joe and Genia McKinney Srihari and Kamala Kanuru 2019-20 John and Jane Moody Harold and Tricia Lewis 10/01/2019 – 09/30/2020 GIVING LEVELS UNA Sportsman’s Club Steve and Sherrian Logan Phillip and Cathy Malone Rebecca Marsh PINNACLE CIRCLE C. N. MARTIN SOCIETY PAULINE GRAVLEE SOCIETY Annual Gifts: $100,000 and above Cumulative Gifts: $1,000,000 - Cumulative Gifts: Ronald and Louise McCoy $4,999,999 $100,000 - $499,999 Elliott Mitchell and Clark West Anderson Foundation Ms. Gravlee served as the first Dean Barry and Suzanne Morris Charles and Hilda* Anderson Mr. Martin is the first friend David and Ann Muse of Women from 1954 – 1973. A Joel* and Carmen Anderson of the University to donate National Geographic program of student life began to Terry and Susan Anderson $1,000,000 to establish North Alabama Bone & Joint Clinic David and Ann Muse emerge from the influence she had. endowments to benefit John and Glenda O’Connor John and Glenda O’Connor students and faculty. She later served as Dean of Student Nancy Opler Kathryn Rice* Life from 1973 – 1983. Tom and Jacquie Osborne Anderson Foundation Alec and Friedel Page Martin and Susan Abroms FOUNDERS CIRCLE Charles and Hilda* Anderson George* and Anne Petty Annual Gifts: $50,000 - $99,999 Anonymous Charles C. Anderson Family Steve and Sheila Pierce Anonymous Jon and Ashley Glover Foundation Kathryn Rice* Anonymous Steve and Sherrian Logan Joel* and Carmen Anderson Gregory and Tammy Risner Garry and Connie Barnes Elliott Mitchell and Clark West Joel R. Anderson Family Foundation Mary Rowe Brazos Sportswear Inc. Kenny and Peggy Sawyer Terry and Susan Anderson The Sak Family Bill and B.J. Cale Robert Young ARGUS Software, Inc. Kenny and Peggy Sawyer CB&S Bank City of Florence The Scholarship Foundation Stewart and Lisa Cink LEGACY CIRCLE Donald Harrison Shirley Self Coca-Cola Bottling Company Annual Gifts: $25,000 - $49,999 Charles and Shannon Martin Harry and Beth Smith Consolidated, Inc. Herbert Raburn Robert and Eva Steele Dennis and Betty Balch Rosie Cole Joyce Ann Robbins Bill and Rachel Strong Bank Independent Weldon and Delores Cole David Sunseri Rebecca Fesmire Constellium MS LLC T. S. STRIBLING SOCIETY SunTrust Bank-Tennessee Valley Calvin* and Carmella Gaskins Patrick and Becky Daugherty Cumulative Gifts: Walter and Elaine Teaff Jim and Sharon Harris Gail Doughty $500,000 - $999,999 Jane Terry Ben McClure John and Toni Drummond UNA Alumni Association North Alabama Bone & Joint Clinic A 1903 graduate of the University, First Metro Bank Mitch and Kathi Wade The Sak Family Mr. Stribling was the recipient of a First Southern Bank William and Linda Welborn Vinaya Sharma Pulitzer Prize for his novel, The Store. Kerry Gatlin Zhiting Zhang David Sunseri Neil and Ann Glasscock

Bank Independent Global Special Effects David Brubaker Jon and Ashley Glover

12 University of North Alabama Liz Moore Don and Susan Faint Ross and Lilia Alexander FOUNTAIN CIRCLE Annual Gifts: $10,000 - $24,999 Steven D. Moore Farris, Riley & Pitt, LLP Alfa Insurance-Chris Burgreen Timothy Morgan Bradley and Mary Leigh Gillespie Anonymous Martin and Susan Abroms North American Lighting, Inc. Good Samaritan Hospice of Madison, B. H. Craig Construction Co., Inc. Steve and Gaye Choat George* and Anne Petty Inc. Baptist Campus Ministries James Cole Steve and Sheila Pierce Thomas Greene and Deborah Bell Doug Barrett Weldon and Delores Cole Chris and Susanne Rallis Paseur Oscar and Mary Jim Beck Donald Harrison Robert and Judith Rausch Jerry and Tara Hollis Wayne and Peggy Bergeron Linda Kanipe Regions Bank Chuck and Heather Hunt Andy and Sandra Betterton Kenneth and Dena Kitts Tom and Claudia Ross Steve and Anna Lisa Jager Jeffrey Bibbee Carolyn Lovett Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Mary A. Kaduk Billy Mitchell Jewelry Joe and Genia McKinney Jason Thomas Paul and Donna Kittle L. O. and Grace Bishop Chester and Jenny McKinney Rusty and Gail Trapp Greg and Tonya Law Bond, Botes, Sykstus, Tanner and John Poloney and Deborah Bradd Jeanette Watson Listerhill Credit Union McNutt, P.C. Birmingham Harry and Beth Smith Anthony Zaccagnini Lockheed Martin Space Barbara Booker Kathy Luttrell Larry and Vanessa Bowser FLORENCE WESLEYAN GOLD CIRCLE Martin, Inc. Marsha Broadway CIRCLE Annual Gifts: $2,500 - $4,999 Bill Matthews Larry and Debra Brown Annual Gifts: $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous Harry and Nelda McCabe Terrance Brown and Tiffany Bostic- Derrick and Tamesha Mills BBVA Compass Bank Foundation Elaine Augustine Brown The Mosakowski Family Joel R. Anderson Family Foundation Sara Lynn Baird and Laurelie Rick Butler Network For Good Greg and Jan Carnes Gheesling Butler Cain and Andrea Hunt Randy and Pat Roden Richard and Linda Cater John and Ann Battcher Kevin and Lee Callaway Rotary District 6860 Create Architects, Inc. Brad and Kaye Botes Joe Campbell Gordon Ruggles Hugo and Viviam Dante Vince Brewton and Callie Plunket- John Cicala James P. Schuh Tracy and Lakesha Doughty Brewton Parke and Julie Cochran Ronald Seybold Jerry and Karen Duncan Pat Burney Vann Coe Mark Smith Carolyn Eck Mike and Patty Byers William Cole Tina Smith Kenji and Lillian Hamada Charlotte Carr Randy Coleman Allen and Christine B. Thornton Drew and Missy Hash CB&S Bank College Heights Foundation Foundation Dan and Anne Howard Charities Aid Foundation of America Genia Corum United Treating & Distribution, LLC Ann Hubbert John and Lynne Crabtree Charles and Cherion Crow Bill and Linda Vaughan Mary Johnson Blake and Julie Crain CSJ & Associates, LLC Tom and Mary White Rex and Leslie Jones Anne Tallman Davis Lynn and Diane Darby Jerry and Pam Kimbrough Paul and Stacey Demastus Ernestine Davis Bob and Deanna Douthitt PURPLE CIRCLE Kay Davis Harold and Tricia Lewis Annual Gifts: $1,000 - $2,499 William Locke John and Toni Drummond Chris and Stephanie Teichmiller Dynamic Security, Inc. Ronald and Louise McCoy Enterprise Holdings Foundation Abroms & Associates, PC E.A. Nelson Company Alan and Pamela Moore Chad Epperson Randy and Dana Aldridge

2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 13 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Mike and Stephanie Elkins Northrop Grumman Corporation Elliott Insurance Jim and Sara Page Janyce Fadden Eddie Paseur Martha Farabee Ron and Jenny Patterson Joe Fields Patterson, Prince & Associates PC FILMFREEWAY Rodney O. Pennywell and Sybil First Southern Bank Cleveland-Pennywell James and Jamie Fitzpatrick George and Rudi Pillow Jeff and Kathy Fletcher Steve and Debbie Pirkle Florence Housing Authority Robert and Irene Potts Bill and Kelly Ford Prestige Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Fowler Marketing Group LLC Project XYZ, Inc. Katie Freeman John and MaryAnn Riddle Charles and Joann Gargis Jeremy Rogers Garnet Electric Company, Inc. Donald and Kathleen Roush Bob Gaunder Keith and Karen Rylant Timm and Debra Glass Ian and Nancy Sanford Jerry Godsey Stephen Seale Ed and Carolyn Gosa SEI Lakota Gray Shirley Self Shay Griggs Debbie Shaw John Haeger Johnny and Suzanne Simpson Mitch and Susan Hamm Simpson’s Collision Repair, Inc. Joel and Laura Hamner Gary and Debbi Smith Susan Harrell Dan Smith and Lorri Glover Jackie Hendrix and Debra Dombrowski Mark and Tina Smith Bill Huddleston Kevin DeAnne Smith Neva Huffaker State Farm Insurance Foundation Hugh and Patricia Huffman Robert and Eva Steele Brian and Jan Ingle Bob and Kay Stegall J. K. Johnson Mechanical Contractors, Bill and Rachel Strong Inc. Sonny and Jeanne Summerhill Steven Jacks Tatum Design Buddy and Sheila Johnsey Dennis Taylor Jean Johnson Shane and Angie Terry Carnette Johnson Neal D. Thigpen Aaron and Penny Joiner Dave and Jo Ann Thomas Steven and Becky Jones Evan and Jennifer Thornton Marion and Becky Jones Steven and Susan Tipler Gary and Trudy Karnes Will and Julie Trapp Kilby Laboratory School Alumni Lucy and Troy Trousdale Kilby School PTO Account William and Stacy Tucker Jeremie and Katie Kinney United Way of Madison County Ricky and Vickie Kirkpatrick Mitchell and Kathi Wade John Landers Charles and Bobbie Watkins Jacob Lane Watkins Johnsey Professional Group, Mark and Michele Linder PC David and Nancy Marbury David and Brenda Webb Robert and Kathy McCain Linden P. White Steve and Cynthia McClanahan White House Real Estate McCutcheon & Hamner P.C. Anne Wilson Skeets and Ann McGregor Elaine Witt Mary F. McIntyre Bill and Jeana Womelsdorf Katherine McIntyre Chunsheng Zhang and Guihua Li Jason and Heather McNeal Terry and Camilla Moore 1830 CIRCLE Buddy and Mary Ruth Moore Annual Gifts $250 - $999 Jordan Morgan and Amber Fite-Morgan Adolph and Sybil Abroms New Generation Foods, LLC Jim and Marian Accardi New Hope Church of Christ

14 University of North Alabama Betty Achorn Helen Coronel Tom Adams Larry and Mary-jane Creel Mel and Ann Adams Amy Crews Alpha Delta Chi Cross Point Church of Christ Clyde Anderson Arthur and Helen Dana Terry Anderson Jeff and Maray Daniel Liz Brown Anderson Darby Doors, Inc. Anonymous Shaun Davenport Anonymous Paul and Amy Davison Linda Askew Jerry and Charlotte Dean Rae and Jean Atencio Amber Deline Mike and Michele Aycock Sarah Dever Andrew Baer Gregg and Rhonda Dewalt Jeremy and Tracey Baham John DiCarlo Maxwell and Whitney Barnett Alan and Mary Dyar Richard Barnowsky Hayes and Soon Ellis Don Basenberg Bob and Patricia Elrod Larry and Melissa Bates Steven Emens Battelle Kay Fleming Chuck and Elaine Beard Florence Rotary Club Bucky Beaver Ted and Julie Ford Keith Benefield Tom and Maxie Foster John and Martha Benton Charlie and Kathy Fowler Better World Books Frontstream Billy Reid, Inc. Jerry and Jan Fulmer Daniel and Amy Bishop Gadsden Music Company, Inc. Mark Blackburn Bob and Beth Garfrerick Wilson Blair Michael and Cecelia Gautney Bond, Botes, Sykstus, Tanner and John Goode McNutt, PC Florence Michael and Donna Goodlett Alan Bostick Charles Gordon Peggy Bowling Brad and Amanda Green Kevin and Tanya Bradford Ralph and Dianne Grider Bradford IFS, LLC Edward Gumbart Will Brewer Terry and Susan Hall Bobby Brewer Clarissa Hall Briggs Tax Service Hall & Tanner Brink Apartments William and Theresa Hamilton Buddy and Sharon Brook Steve and Brenda Harrison Allen and Alicia Brooks Kevin and Kathy Haslam Charles and Nancy Brown Wendell and Kathy Hathorn Cynthia Burkhead David Hayes Billy Burnham Jeffrey and Jennifer Hibdon Steve and Deborah Butler Bobby and Carol Hill Bill and B. J. Cale Jeff and Karen Hodges Ronnie and Susan Campbell Mark and AnnaKay Holland Walter and Sharon Campbell Lynn and Tina Holland Carolina Biological Supply Mark and Brenda Holmes Chris Carothers William and Barnie Howell George and Sandra Carpenter HPS North America, Inc. Jim and Mary Clark Tina Hubler Stephanie Clark Jan and Lee Hudson James Cochran Zachary Huff Matt and Emily Colburn Huntsville/Madison County Alumni Club Jeff and Jennifer Collum Tom and Polly Hyatt Comcast Corporation Imayberry LLC Mike and Cindy Conlon Jason and Lindsey Imbrogno Kyle and Autumn Conrad John and Lynn Ingwersen Terry Cook Richard and Ann-Marie Irons Freddie and Jane Copeland Joe and Judy Jackson

2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 15 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Donald and Kathy Johnson Mark Olinger Larry Johnson Charles Oliver and Betty Ruth-Oliver Jeff and Tina Johnson Michael O’Rear Mike and Mary Johnson Larry and Osborne Clinton Johnson Waylon and Teodora Pace Linda Johnson Peter and Lisa Paine Bill and Sue Jones John Parnell Kenyatta and Felicia Jones Jerry and Gwen Patrick Macon Jones and Gloria Aday Jeff and Lisa Patterson Eva Jordan PCH Hotels & Resorts, Inc. Dick and Libby Jordan Jason and Holly Persell Kenneth Junkin Pet Depot Mike and Lisa Keehn Daniel and Vicki Pierce Bradley and Keri Killen Stanley Potter Killen United Methodist Church Bradley Pounders Jeannie Kilpatrick Danny and Rita Prince Ray and Rosemarie Koopman Prosouth Reality Lambert Ezell Durham, A.I.A., Judy Pruitt Architecture/Interior Design Chris and Andrea Ratcliff Mark and Janna Landrum Tim and Susie Ray Mike and Cheryl Lane Wayne and Lela Ray Mark Lawrence RBC Foundation Stacy Lee Rivers Reich Greg Lewis Darren Reid Burton Lewis Doug Reynolds Lewis Electric Supply Company, Inc. Eve Rhea Dave Llewellyn Terry and Christina Richardson Jay and Christi Lovelace Paul and Mary Riley Frank A. Luttrell William and Mildred Roberts Thomas and Courtney Maclin Barry Roberts Tom and Sadonna Magazzu Tim and Shari Roberts Kyle Mangum Joseph and Christen Robichaud Bill and Kathy Martin Roderick and Tina Robinson Robert and Ann Martin Foundation Robbie and Geoffrey Roepstorff Mason and Allison Matthews Bill Rogers Scott McCaleb Keith Rylant Guy McClure* Stephen and Brenda Sachs Blake and Jamie McDaniel Paul Saia John and Rosemary McGee Karran Sasser Mike and Nancy McGowan Jim and Helen Savage Jean McIntyre Matt and Amy Schmitz Michael McKenzie Fred and Gayle Shaver Madison McNeely Mike and Pat Shaw Grant McNutt David and Amanda Sherrod Stephen McVay James Shewbart Jada Mitchell Shoals Civic League Robert and Joan Mollohan Sherry Shook Angela Montgomery Wilbur and Queen Shuler Ann Moody Jimmy Simpson Cesar Morales Graham Sisson Timothy and Kimberley Morgan Justin Sizemore Dave and Sandy Morris Miles Sledge Maurice Mull Horace and Jeanne Smith NA Foodservice, Inc. Anne Smith Terry and Lisa Nichols Larry and Elaine Softley Nordson Corporation Corporate Giving Ryan Sonner Tim and Beverly Norris Ethan and Keri Southern North Alabama Audiology, Inc. David and Melanie Spencer Bill Norvell Jeremy Stafford Novartis US Foundation Rosalie Stephenson

16 University of North Alabama June Strickland Mark Sullivan COURTVIEW Jeff and Elizabeth Summerford Dan and Mary Summy SOCIETY Aaron and Ashley Sumner Established to recognize donors Shirley Sutton who provide gifts to the University Charlotte Tabereaux through their financial and estate Meggin Tallman plans. Sara Tate Holly Tate Marty and Susan Abroms Travis Tatum Judith Alsdorf Charles and Mickey Taylor Sara Biddle Walter and Elaine Teaff Marsha Broadway Adam and Barbie Terry Charlotte Carr John and Daryl Thompson Steve and Gaye Choat Jerome Thompson Weldon and Delores Cole Melissa Tiber Neil Glasscock Diana Tidwell Gene and Judy Hamby Tim Roberts Insurance Agency, Inc Jim and Sharon Harris Todd Tipton Dan and Barb Hendricks TMT America Cornelia Holland Tracy and Ellen Townsend Steve Jager Triple A Welding, Fab. & Mach. Co., Inc. Wes and Sharon Littrell Mark Troglen Milton Looney John and Cathy Trotter Bill and Monica Marthaler Marc and Linda Tucker Carolyn McCollum Todd and Didi Vardaman Joshua Mitchell Will and Jennifer Waldron Elliott Mitchell and Clark West Sam and Katherine Walker Clark and Eileen Mueller Jim and Beth Wallace George* and Anne Petty David and Janet Waller Steve and Deborah Pirkle Robert Walsh Mary Ellen Pitts Kay Wammack John Poloney and Deborah Bradd Mary Lou Ward Shirley Self Bud and Pat Ward Vinaya Sharma David and Christy Waters Deborah Shaw Paul and Donna Webb Sherri Stewart Stewart and Yodonna White Paul and Gina Stockburger Leah Whitten Aubrey Terry Christopher and Tosha-Paige Whitten Mike Thompson Jerry Whitworth Troy and Lucy Trousdale Phillip and Amy Williams Linda Vaughn Debbie Williams Mitch Wade Laura Williams Denise Watts Grant and Emily Williams Josh and Ginger Willingham * Deceased Charles and Elizabeth Willingham Chris and Tara Willis Paul and Beverly Windsor Dennis and Peggy Wingo Jerry and Cindy Witt Hollis and Sherry Wood Mark and Eve Yeates Connie Young Kevin and Martha Younkin Angela Zwissler

2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 17 ENDOWED FUNDS Campbell Accounting Endowed Scholarship ENDOWED FUNDS Carl Putteet Endowed Scholarship BOLD – Designates a new, fully funded endowment Carol W. Wood Academic Achievement Endowment (U) – designates an endowment in the University Caroline Morgan Neisler Endowed Scholarship ITALICS designates a fund that has not reached full endowment Carolyn Eckl Eck Math Education Endowed Scholarship Carter Ashton Wooden Memorial Endowed Scholarship (U) Abroms Family Endowed Scholarship Catherine Goode Moeller Endowed Scholarship (U) Adams-Nordin Graduate Research Assistant Endowment (U) Cathy Summerford Malone Endowed Scholarship (U) African American Student Endowed Scholarship (U) Celestine Martin Mitchell Scholarship (U) Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants Endowed Scholarship Central Alumni Endowed Scholarship Alberta Doss Gore Endowed Scholarship (U) Chadwick McFall Barber Endowment Alec V. and Friedel Page Endowed Scholarship Chairman’s Discretionary Endowment (U) Allred Dyslexia Scholarship Charles Edmund Carr, Jr., Memorial Endowed Scholarship Alyce Doss Brown Endowed Scholarship (U) Charles N. Martin, Jr., Scholarship American Legion Post 11 Scholarship Charles W. Richmond Endowed Scholarship Amos M. Wilbanks Memorial Garden Endowment Charlotte Hellums Endowed Scholarship AmSouth Bank Endowed Business Scholarship (U) Charlotte Y. & Albert E. Williams Memorial Scholarship Amos Wilbanks Endowed Fund Chemistry and Industrial Hygiene Scholarship (U) Ann & Dan Howard Lion Legacy Fund Chris Quillen Memorial Endowed Scholarship Ann & Neil Glasscock Cullman County Endowed Scholarship Clara Devaney Box Memorial Scholarship Ann & Neil Glasscock Endowed Scholarship Clark Warren Endowed Scholarship Ann & Trampas Whitaker Arts & Sciences Endowment Claudia Jeanette Marsh Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Carmen Burkhalter Claudia V. Ross and Tom Ross Foreign Languages Endowed Scholarship Athletic Endowment (U) Clifford & Bessie Soedt Endowed Scholarship (U) B. Vick, J. Parks, & M. McCarthy Endowed Scholarship Clyde “Sappo” Black Sweet Home Alabama Award Endowment Balch Endowed Scholarship Clyde W. Anderson Memorial Endowment Beatrice Reeves & H.M. Eck Memorial Endowed Scholarship Coach Ed Billingham Endowed Scholarship (U) Becky Grubb Memorial Scholarship (U) Coach Hal Self Student Athlete Post-Graduate Endowed Scholarship BellSouth Endowment Coby Stockard Brubaker Endowed Scholarship Ben Craig Professor of Geography Coca-Cola Dream Challenge Scholarship Betty and John Bostick Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Tom Cotton Coffee High School Alumni Endowed Scholarship Betty and Paul Yokley Beta Endowed Scholarship (U) Coleen Rebekah Persell Memorial Scholarship Betty J. Mullins / Festival of Trees Scholarship Collier Library Advisory Council Endowment Bibbee Family Endowed Scholarship Established by Linda and Bill Vaughan Bill Jones Family Endowed Scholarship Colonel Paul R. O’Mary and Jane M. O’Mary Endowed Scholarship Biology Academic Endowed Scholarship Country Radio Broadcasters, Inc. Endowed Scholarship Blackwell Endowment (U) D. Mitchell Self Memorial Scholarship Bobbie Hurt Endowed Scholarship Dan Hightower Memorial Culinary Scholarship Endowed by Rick & Rilly Elliott Bobby E. & Sara Irons Endowed Scholarship Daniel C. Harris Memorial Endowed Scholarship Bonnie Dell Treece Endowed Scholarship David Brian Williams Endowed Scholarship Books-A-Million / T.S. Stribling Endowed Scholarship David Muse Mathematics Endowed Scholarship (U) C.N. Martin, Jr., Eminent Scholar for Entertainment Dawn Corine Allfrey Scholarship (U) Camelot Residence Hall Endowed Scholarship Deborah Bradd and John Poloney Endowed Scholarship Campbell Accounting Alumni Endowed Scholarship Deborah Lee Shaw Alumni Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Walter and Sharon Campbell

18 University of North Alabama 2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 19 ENDOWED FUNDS Decatur/Morgan County Alumni Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Eleanor Parks Gaunder Memorial Endowed Scholarship Thomas, Alline and JoAnn Harrison Elise Christine Denton Memorial Endowed Scholarship Delony Family Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth Craig Hill Endowed Scholarship Delores and Weldon Cole Honors College Endowment Elizabeth Gaines Mann Alumni Legacy Endowed Scholarship Delores and Weldon Cole Honors Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth Gaines Mann Professor of Mathematics Department of Military Science & Military Veteran Center Russell Rowe Endowment Ellie Richardson Mitchell Endowed Music Scholarship Donald H. Patterson Endowed Scholarship Eminent Scholar Chair – Business Dr. Arthur Elrod and Ivy Jane Furman Elliott Distinguished Memorial Scholarship Emma V. Craig Geography Department Endowment Dr. C. William Foster Endowed Scholarship Entertainment Industry John Paul White Endowed Scholarship Dr. Das Kanuru Sheffield High School Early College Endowed Scholarship Eula Ethel White Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dr. Donald H. and Kathleen Roush Endowed Scholarship (U) Eunice & George Hoffmeister Endowed Scholarship Dr. Ernestine Davis Presidential Mentors Academy Endowment Faculty / Staff Development Endowment (U) Dr. Frank B. Mallonee Endowed Scholarship Farris, Riley & Pitt Program Support Endowment Dr. Freddie Wood Geospatial Nexus at UNA Florence Rotary Club Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dr. Jean L. Johnson Endowed Scholarship Frances P. and James C. Barber Endowed Scholarship Dr. John B. Rice Endowed Scholarship Fund Frances Sims McKenzie Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dr. John B. Rice Endowment for Music Francie Martin Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dr. Joseph C. and Elisabeth J. Thomas Chemistry Endowed Scholarship Frank Hughes Condon, Jr., Memorial Football Endowed Scholarship Dr. Laurentis Barnett Endowed Scholarship Frank Mosier Scholarship (U) Dr. Linda Sirten Lewis Endowed Scholarship Fund (U) Franklin A. Lenfesty / American Chemical Society Endowed Scholarship Dr. O. Oscar Beck Mathematics Endowed Scholarship Fred Hendon Music/Elementary Education Memorial Endowed Scholarship Dr. Paul Dubbert Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fred L. & Jane Hattabaugh Endowed Scholarship Dr. R. Keith Absher Memorial Endowed Scholarship Friends of Music Endowment Dr. Royal E. Knight Graduate Accounting Endowed Scholarship From Cubs to Lions Scholarship Endowment Dr. Thomas F. “Whitey” Hall Memorial Endowed Scholarship Gabel-Cox Endowed Scholarship Dr. Tom E. Moore Memorial Music Endowed Scholarship Gail McGouirk Bell Endowed Scholarship Dr. W. T. McElheny Memorial Endowed Scholarship (The) Gatlin Endowment for Innovation (U) Drummond Family Human Environmental Science Alumni Endowed Scholarship Geneva Hill & Martin & Mabel Cooper Posey Endowment E.B. Norton Endowed Scholarship George E. & Cora C. Broman Scholarship E.L. Culver Endowed Scholarship George H. Gibbens Endowed Scholarship Earl Edwin Carter Memorial Endowed Scholarship (U) George Lindsey Scholarship Eddie Frost Student Teacher Endowed Scholarship George Lindsey Cinematic Arts Endowed Scholarship Edd Jones Band Endowment George Merida Huckaba Endowed Professorship for Arts and Sciences Edith Hand Scholarship George Merida Huckaba Endowed Professorship for Nursing Edward Fennel Mauldin Endowed Scholarship #1 Gilbert R. Melson Memorial Scholarship (U) Edward Fennel Mauldin Endowed Scholarship #2 Gillespie Student Research Travel Endowed Fund Edward Fennel Mauldin Endowed Scholarship #3 Gladys and Basil Morris Permanent Endowment Scholarship Fund (U) Edward Fennel Mauldin Endowed Scholarship #4 Gladys Shepard Endowed Scholarship (U) Edward Fennel Mauldin Endowed Scholarship #5 Glenda and John O’Connor Endowment Effie Poole Sherrod Memorial Endowment Gosa-Lindley Endowed Scholarship Elaine Bailey Augustine Art Gallery Endowment in Honor of Chiong-Yiao Chen Grace Foundation Excellence Endowed Scholarship Elaine Bailey Augustine Endowed Scholarship Grace & Howard Roberts Memorial Scholarship Elaine Bailey Augustine Studio Art Endowed Travel Fund Grady Liles Endowed Scholarship for UNA Athletics Eleanor P. Gaunder Phi Kappa Phi Teaching Excellence Award Greater Birmingham Area Alumni Endowed Scholarship

20 University of North Alabama Greater Montgomery Alumni Endowed Scholarship Jennifer Leigh Sunseri Memorial Endowed Scholarship Gregory K. Engle Memorial Scholarship Jerry Davis Professor of Entrepreneurship Gregory Paul Risner Beginning Teacher Endowed Scholarship (U) Jerry Mills Endowed Scholarship H.A. Flowers Endowed Scholarship Jerry Moore Billingsley Memorial Scholarship (U) Hal Self Student Athlete Post Graduate Endowed Scholarship Fund Jessie Barnes Edwards Endowed Professorship of Nursing Harriet Linhoss Good Samaritan Hospice Endowed Scholarship Jessie Barnes Edwards Memorial Endowed Scholarship Harley T. and Ruth Kirby Huntsville/Madison County Alumni Club Jim and Sarah McCarty Endowed Scholarship Endowed Scholarship Jim and Sharon Harris Medical Missions Endowed Fund Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Willie Mae Jackson Harlon Hill Golf Classic Endowed Scholarship John and Ann Battcher Endowed Scholarship Harold C. and Peggy Nan Sisson Endowed Scholarship John and Gladys Gatlin Endowed Scholarship (U) Harriet and George T. Mueller Endowed Scholarship Fund (U) John S. and Gertrude M. Cassimus Memorial Endowed Scholarship Harriett C. Edwards- OnStage Endowed Scholarship for String Music John C. (Jack) Martin Leadership Scholarship (U) Harriett R. King Hufstedler Endowed Scholarship John Michael “Jack” Karnes Endowed Memorial Scholarship Harris Family Endowed Scholarship John T. Doughty, Jr., Women’s Athletic Scholarship Harvey and Joyce Robbins Endowed Scholarship John T. Willis Endowed Scholarship / J.S. Logan Scholarship (U) Hassell Scholarship (U) John W. & Mary Holland Endowed Scholarship Heart Health Center Scholarship Johnny O. Long Student Athletic Trainer Endowed Scholarship Henry Floyd Sherrod Endowment Johnston Industries Endowment (U) Henry Grady Richards Scholarship (U) Joseph A. & Genevieve C. Matthews Scholarship Herman and Mary Will Hicks Endowed Scholarship Judy Mosley Endowed Scholarship Hilda Mitchell Endowed Scholarship for the Arts Julia G. Doss Endowed Scholarship (U) Hovey Reed Endowed Scholarship Julie Haddon Matthews Professorship of Nursing Humana Hospital Florence-Shoals UNA Alumni Endowed Scholarship (U) Junior League of the Shoals (U) Huston Patton, Jr., Memorial Scholarship (U) Justin R. Allred Endowed Scholarship I.H. Chandler & V.C. Parker Memorial Endowed Scholarship Kamala Kanuru Endowed Scholarship to Benefit Helen Keller Hospital Employees Institute of Management Accountant (IMA) Lawrence H. Conwill Endowed Scholarship Karen Pressnell Duncan Endowed Scholarship Iva McCluskey McClure Memorial Endowed Scholarship Kathy Dickerson Scholarship (U) Jack Sellers Social Work Alumni Endowed Scholarship Kelley Houser Bigbee Scholarship Jack W. and Katherine J. Hoffhaus Endowed Scholarship Kenneth T. and Kay W. Sunseri Endowed Scholarship J.B. & Pearlie Mardis Goins Memorial Endowed Scholarship Killian Endowment for Long-Term Care J. Earl Romine Scholarship Endowment (U) Killian Opportunity Endowed Scholarship J. Noel Glasscock Endowed Scholarship Kimbrough Accounting Scholar Endowed Scholarship Jack H. Moore Endowed Scholarship L.L. “Bud” Smith Marketing and Management Endowed Scholarship Jacqueline Osborne Endowed Scholarship for International Students (U) LaGrange Eminent Scholar Chair James and Mona Whitt Endowed Scholarship Lambert-Ezell-Durham Endowment James E. Holland and James Randal Holland Endowed Scholarship Larry J. Nelson Memorial Speaker’s Bureau Series Endowed Fund James Eddie Frost Memorial Scholarship / Florence Housing Authority Lauderdale County Medical Auxiliary Nursing Scholarship James H. Tanner Memorial Endowed Scholarship Laura M. Harrison Professor of English James P. and Carolyn McCain Braly Memorial Endowed Scholarship Laura M. Harrison Scholarship (U) James Ray McCorkle Memorial Endowed Scholarship Leigh Crocker Haley Endowed Scholarship James Shelby Clem Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lela Reynolds Gaskins Endowed Scholarship by Colonel Calvin Gaskins James V. Jolly Endowed Scholarship Leslie Smith Jones Endowed Scholarship (U) Janice Gargis Myhan Endowed Scholarship (U) Lester R. and Jean A. Hallock Endowed Scholarship (U)

2019 - 2020 • Annual Giving Report 21 ENDOWED FUNDS Linda and Richard Cater Nursing Scholarship Paul D. Kittle Endowed Scholarship (U) Linda J. Kanipe Endowed Scholarship for Chemistry Teachers Paul Risner Endowed Scholarship Lindsey Stricklin Memorial Endowed Scholarship Paulette Alexander COB MBA Endowed Scholarship Listerhill Employees Credit Union / UNA Alumni Endowed Scholarship Pauline E. Gravlee Leadership Endowed Scholarship Lizzie Hitchcock Cole Endowed Scholarship Phillip B. Logan Football Program Enhancement Fund Lodia & Ora Absher Endowed Scholarship Pilot Club of Florence Endowed Nursing Scholarship Loew Family Clinical Mental Health Endowed Scholarship Raburn Eminent Scholar Chair Lolita Barnes Endowed Scholarship Ramona & E.A. Nelson / ASMI Endowed Scholarship (U) Lt. Phillip Don Childers Memorial Endowment Scholarship (U) Raymond A. Azbell / Edd Jones Band Endowed Scholarship Lucas Terry Memorial Endowed Scholarship Raymond A. Azbell / Joe Groom Collegiate Singers Endowed Scholarship Lucille Coltharp Wilson Scholarship Raymond D. Boone (’62) Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lynne Burris Butler Visiting Artist Series Endowed Program Fund Raymond E. Isbell Endowed Scholarship for Academic Excellence #1 M.M. Striplin, Jr., Endowed Scholarship Raymond E. Isbell Endowed Scholarship for Academic Excellence #2 Major Dwayne Williams Endowed Scholarship Raymond E. Isbell Endowed Scholarship for Academic Excellence #3 Marcia Austin Memorial Scholarship Raymond E. Isbell Endowed Scholarship for Academic Excellence #4 Margie Rose Looney Endowed Scholarship Rebecca Kathryn Pearce Memorial ROTC Endowment Marigail McCreary Mathis Endowed Scholarship Reuben Warren “Button” Matthews Scholarship Marilyn Broman Tallman Visual and Performing Arts Endowed Scholarship Rhett Harrell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Marsha Broadway Endowment for Award-winning Children’s Literature Richard B. “Dick” Biddle / WOWL-TV Scholarship Marsha Whitley Hargett Memorial Endowed Scholarship (U) Richard Bates King Endowed Scholarship Martha Lou Benton Endowed Scholarship Richard Glenn Lentz Endowed Scholarship Martha Rose & Stanley Robbins Endowed Scholarship Rivers Starkey Endowed Scholarship Marvin A. & Grace Morrow Bryan Scholarship Robbins, Crews & Associates Alumni Scholarship (U) Mary Alice Young Endowed Scholarship Robbye Sue Bright Reep Endowed Scholarship Mary and Raymond F. Deeters Scholarship Robert D. Young Endowed Scholarship (U) Mary Earle King Endowment (U) Robert Francis Pinkney Permanent Endowment Scholarship Fund (U) Mary Eileen and Clark D. Mueller Endowed Scholarship Fund (U) Robert M. Guillot / Colonial Bank Scholarship Max Earwood Scholarship Rogers Hall Endowment Melva Moody Koonce Scholarship Ronald Hall and Maxine Johnson Hall Endowed Scholarship Michael B. Moeller Endowed Scholarship (U) Roscoe S. & Eva C. Tallman Scholarship Michael C. Gargis Endowed Scholarship (U) Rosemary Gatlin Vandiver Endowed Scholarship Morgan Loyd Memorial Scholarship (U) Ross Family in Memory of Marcia Ross Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship Morton D. Prouty, Jr., Memorial Scholarship ROTC Endowed Scholarship Muscle Shoals TVA Federally-Employed Women Endowed Scholarship (U) Roy S. Stevens and Lawrence H. Conwill College of Business Endowed Scholarship Muse Estate Endowment (U) Ruth Dacus Memorial Library Acquisitions Neil and Ann Glasscock Endowed Scholarship Russell Rowe Athletics Endowment Northwest Alabama Cancer Center Scholarship Sam and Nell Williams in Honor of Roy S. Stevens Endowed Scholarship Northwest Alabama Press Association Scholarship (U) Sandra Cowan Murray Permanent Endowment Scholarship Fund (U) Opler Promise Endowed Scholarship Sarah Edmundson Endowed Nursing Scholarship Ora Broyles Wilke Endowed Scholarship Sarah Jo Box Spearman Endowed Scholarship Osborne Endowed Scholarship (U) (The) Scholarship for Advancement in Sociological and Family Studies Patron’s Art Equipment Endowment (U) Senator Howell T. Heflin Endowed Scholarship Patron’s Art Scholarship (U) Sheffield Rotary Club Endowment (U) Patterson, Prince and Associates, PC, Endowed Scholarship

22 University of North Alabama Shirley A. Isbell Endowed Scholarship Fund for Academic Excellence (U) Walter D. and Elaine Teaff Endowment Scholarship (U) Shoals India Endowed Scholarship William A. Graham Endowment Scholarship (U) Shoals India Endowed International Scholarship William “Bill” Godsey Endowed Scholarship Shoals India Endowed Merit Scholarship William D. Johnson Endowed Scholarship Sneed Family Endowed Scholarship William F. “Bill” Gardiner Memorial Endowed Scholarship State Farm Eminent Scholar Chair William G. and Betty Jean Cale Scholarship State Farm Leadership Endowed Scholarship William G. Cale, Jr., and Robert L. Potts Presidential Scholarship to Benefit the Honors Program Stella Dyar Kelly Memorial Endowment Scholarship (U) William G. Cale, Sr., Memorial Tennis Endowment Steve & Gaye Choat Student Support Fund William Lonnie Davis Memorial Endowed Scholarship Steve Logan Family Endowment for UNA Athletics William Luckey Crocker & Jean D. Crocker Endowed Scholarship Steve Logan Family Leadership and Scholarship Endowment William M. Gough, III, Endowed Scholarship Steve Nesbitt Memorial Scholarship Endowed by Helen Keller Hospital Foundation William R. Strong Department of Geography Endowed Scholarship Steve Nesbitt TIEES to the Shoals Endowed Scholarship William Reese Strong Geography Education Endowment (U) Stewart and Lisa Cink Endowed Scholarship Willingham Award Student Government Association Endowed Scholarship Student Leadership Development Endowment Sunseri Speaker Series in Science Endowment Susan Brill de Ramirez Endowment Susan Kirkman Vaughn History Scholarship Ted Treece Endowed Scholarship Fund Tennessee River, Inc., Employees Scholarship Tennessee Valley Authority Retiree Association Endowed Scholarship Tennessee Valley Historical Society Scholarship (U) Teresa Carter Leonard Endowed Scholarship (U) Thomas M. Rogers, Jr., Memorial Scholarship (U) Thomas P. Murray Endowed Scholarship Thompson, Walter, and Littlejohn Endowed Scholarship (U) Tiffany Paige Ferguson Nursing Memorial Endowed Scholarship TimesDaily Scholarship for Journalistic Excellence Todd Foust Endowed Memorial Scholarship Tracy Doughty Endowment Troy Trousdale Family Endowed Scholarship TVA Muscle Shoals Chapter of the National Management Association Endowment UNA Alumni Association Distinguished Endowed Scholarship UNA Board of Trustees Scholarship UNA Collegiate Car Tags Endowment (U) UNA Memorial Scholarship (U) University of North Alabama Golf Program Endowment in Honor of Chris Burns & Alex Sloan University of North Alabama Shoals Area Alumni Club Endowed Scholarship Villard and Clayton Allen Balch Endowed Scholarship Virginia Bayless O’Connell Honors Endowment Weldon & Delores Cole Honors College & Nursing Endowment W.H. Mitchell Endowed Scholarship





24 University of North Alabama 691 FIRST TIME DONORS

1,905 DONORS IN 2019-20 FROM 45 STATES


The Honor Roll of Donors contains names of individuals who have made gifts to the University of North Alabama between October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2020. There could be several reasons that your name does not appear in what you believe to be the appropriate giving level—or not at all:

1. You made your gift either before October 1, 2019, or after September 30, 2020. 2. You gave more during this period than you realize: Your name may be in the next giving level. 3. You made a pledge instead of an outright gift. If you made a pledge between October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2020, but chose to begin fulfilling it after September 30, 2020, your name will not appear in this honor roll, which reflects only gifts received. 4. You are a corporate sponsor for Athletics and are recognized through advertisement opportunities.

If we omitted your name in error, we would like to hear from you. If you have questions or corrections, contact the Office of Donor Relations and Prospect Management at 256.765.4861.

