Energy Futures Øresund: Bridging the Gaps to a Greener Tomorrow

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Energy Futures Øresund: Bridging the Gaps to a Greener Tomorrow Energy Futures Øresund: Bridging the Gaps to a Greener Tomorrow Andronache, Veronica; Baumbach, Lea; Czunyi, Sarah; Figel, Tom; Firpo, Filipe; Hayes, Jordan; Kiryushin, Peter; Lopez, Mauricio; Mill, Adrian; Ross, Ian; Sipka, Stefan; Luka, Charlotte; Smith, Mary Ellen; Strenchock, Logan; Su, Meiling; Witter, Allison; Xin, Ouyang 2011 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Andronache, V., Baumbach, L., Czunyi, S., Figel, T., Firpo, F., Hayes, J., Kiryushin, P., Lopez, M., Mill, A., Ross, I., Sipka, S., Luka, C., Smith, M. E., Strenchock, L., Su, M., Witter, A., & Xin, O. (2011). Energy Futures Øresund: Bridging the Gaps to a Greener Tomorrow. International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University. Total number of authors: 17 General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal Read more about Creative commons licenses: Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Download date: 08. Oct. 2021 Energy Futures Øresund Bridging the Gaps to a Greener Tomorrow Veronica Andronache, Lea Baumbach, Sarah Czunyi, Tom Figel, Research Co-ordinators: Filipe Firpo, Jordan Hayes, Peter Kiryushin, Mauricio Lopez, Thomas Lindhqvist & Adrian Mill, Ian Ross, Stefan Sipka, Charlotte Luka, Mary Ellen Smith, Mikael Backman Logan Strenchock, Meiling Su, Allison Witter & Ouyang Xin Prepared for the Energi Öresund Project by: MESPOM Programme Master of Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University Funded by: “Energy Futures Øresund” is the final report on the energy system of the Øresund Region. It comprises a regional overview of the current state and trends of selected energy systems, discussions on potential technological solutions to overcome barriers and an analysis of the energy strategy of the island Bornholm. The report forms the basis for further strategic energy planning of Energi Öresund, a European Union INTERREG IV A funded cross-border co-operation between Danish and Swedish municipalities, energy companies and universities across the Øresund region. It is the outcome of intensive course work on Strategic Environmental Development at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University in Sweden. The authors are students in MESPOM, an Erasmus Mundus funded Masters programme, and come from 11 countries. Photo Credit: “The Öresund Bridge from Underneath” by Marcus Bengtsson, taken July 2007. Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.2. URL:Öresund_bridge.JPG. This publication should be cited as: International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics [IIIEE]. (2011). Energy Futures Øresund – Bridging the gaps to a greener tomorrow. Lund: IIIEE. ISBN: 978-91-88902-85-6 ©Authors & IIIEE, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: REGIONAL OVERVIEW 2 Introduction 7 The Øresund Region 11 Energy in Denmark 14 Sweden’s Energy Balance 17 Energy System in Region Hovedstaden 20 Region Zealand 23 Region Skåne 26 Copenhagen, Albertslund and Ballerup 30 Malmö Energy System 33 Lund’s Energy Strategy 37 Energy System of Kristianstad CHAPTER 2: OVERCOMING BARRIERS 39 Heat Energy Use in Buildings 47 Seasonal Heat Storage 54 Hot Water Circuit Products 58 Legionella in Low-Temperature District Heating 65 Long-Term Storage of Household Waste 71 Large Batteries for Energy Storage 76 Wind Co-operatives in the Øresund Region 82 Nordhavnen and Hyllie 89 Energy-Efficient Buildings 95 Cleantech Clusters Analysis CHAPTER 3: THE BORNHOLM EXPERIENCE 101 The Bornholm Experience 113 The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics 115 The Authors 1 CHAPTER 1: REGIONAL OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION The Øresund Region, Its Energy System Context & Key Terminology By Adrian Mill candinavia has been at the forefront of numerous academic, governmental and indus- S European energy policy development for try partners from both Denmark and Sweden. many years. The trans-regional Øresund region This report aims to provide policy-makers with in particular is considered a showcase for the an analysis of the energy policy and systems in implementation of renewable energy systems the Øresund region. To achieve this, the report [1]. This is exemplified in the “Energi Øre- is structured in three chapters. The first pro- sund” project, a European Union (EU) part- vides an overview of the key energy policies at financed regional forum for strategic energy various governance levels that influence the planning commenced in 2011. Øresund region (Chapter 1). The second chap- Energi Øresund is an INTERREG IV A pro- ter analyses some of the key barriers identified ject based on the cooperation of 16 partners, by Energi Øresund project partners that im- including municipalities in both Denmark and pede progress towards energy goals (Chapter Sweden. Additional partners of the project 2). Finally, a case study of the energy system of include academic institutes and energy compa- Bornholm is examined (Chapter 3). The re- nies. The goal of the Energi Øresund project is mainder of this introduction will overview the to provide strategic energy planning across region and its energy context, and discuss some national boundaries, from both the supply and of the key terminology used. demand side. The project is divided into five activity areas [2]: Regional Overview 1. Integration of renewable energies into the ex- The Energi Øresund Project focusses on a isting energy portfolio, and connected needs number of key regions and municipalities in the for energy storage; 2. Energy demand of new urban areas and more Øresund region, located in the south of Scan- efficient energy use; dinavia (see figure on following page). For the 3. Creation of a cooperation platform and im- purposes of this paper, a number of national, proved communication between actors from regional and municipal distinctions are made to both sides of the Sound; highlight partners in the Energi Øresund pro- 4. Administration and coordination between ject that are the focus of this report. The Øre- connected projects; and sund Region contains parts of Denmark and 5. Networking and internal and external com- munication. Sweden. Within Denmark is the Sjælland Region (English: Zealand), where the capital The project is one of several focussed on en- Copenhagen and adjacent municipalities ergy transition in the Øresund region. As a Ballerup and Albertslund are located. These strategic forum, the project brings together municipalities, in addition to several others 2 ENERGY FUTURES ØRESUND THE ØRESUND REGION KRISTIANSTAD REGION HOV- EDSTADEN SKÅNE COPENHAGEN (SWEDEN) BALLERUP LUND ALBERTS - LUND MALMÖ SJÆLLAND (DENMARK) BORNHOLM (REGION HOVEDSTADEN) Constituent administrative boundaries within the Øresund region examined in this paper. (including Bornholm to the east), make up the Energy Context Region Hovedstaden (English: Danish Capi- tal Region). Across the strait in Sweden lies the Energy policy in the Øresund region is driven Skåne Region (English: Scania). Swedish mu- at four main levels: European, regional, na- nicipalities involved in the project include tional and municipal. At the European level, Malmö, Lund and Kristianstad. the EU has issued numerous directives, regula- tions and communications that pertain to en- The Øresund region has a long history involv- ergy, with commitments to reduce gas emis- ing both Denmark and Sweden. The Strait of sions by 20%, increase renewable energy share Øresund was used by Denmark as a source of to 20% and improve energy efficiency by 20% taxation in the Middle Ages, and the Skåne [4]. More influential on the Øresund region is region passed from Danish to Swedish control the EU-funded INTERREG programme, in 1658. Discussion regarding the construction aimed at facilitating closer integration and co- of a connection across the Strait of Øresund operation across borders in the region with a began around 1872, but it was not until June focus on sustainable development. The Energi 2000 that the current link between Denmark Øresund project falls under Priority 3 of the and Sweden was opened [3]. The Øresund programme. Bridge itself is indicative of the level of policy co-ordination between the two countries. Di- From the regional perspective, a committee verse policy instruments at various governance (Öresundskomiteen) was put in place in 1993 levels have been used to further integration and as a political initiative between Copenhagen regional development in the Øresund Region and Malmö in order to promote the interests of [3]. In this context, the Energi Øresund project the region. The main energy focus relates to
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