Diocese of Bristol

ROLE DESCRIPTION For Vicars, Rectors and Priests-in Charge

Role Description signed off by: (/ & HR Officer) Date: **/**/201

To be reviewed: (date) Initially after 6 months and thereafter bi-annually, Post holder’s Name:


Role Title (as on licence) Priest-in-Charge

Name of Benefice Swindon New Town

Archdeaconry Malmesbury

Deanery Swindon



To play a distinctive and purposeful role in creating communities of wholeness with Christ at the centre, advancing the mission, Church and Kingdom of God, by:

 Sharing the “cure of souls” with the Bishop and exercising spiritual leadership as part of a team  Leading the Church in mission and encouraging it to grow in commitment, partnership, influence and numbers  Releasing the energy and gifts of the whole people of God  Exercising a pastoral, sacramental and teaching ministry within the Church and community  Celebrating the diversity within the churches of the parish as a strength and a blessing, whilst fostering the sense of unity for which we strive


1. Leadership in mission  Lead the church community in setting and holding its vision for mission and growth  Ensure the parish responds to the Diocesan Growth Programme and contributes to, and implements, the Deanery Strategic Vision and Objectives  Encourage and build partnerships between the parish and local charitable organisations which share the parish’s aspirations, continuing to work closely with the Swindon Foodbank, Broadgreen Breakfast Club for the homeless, and the Swindon Street Pastors  Strengthen links with local ethnic communities, building on current initiatives to integrate Goan church members within the worshipping community, and continue work with the Harbour Project for refugees and asylum seekers  Revive the partnership with the primary school located in the parish

2. Team leadership and ministry development  Lead the churches as part of a ministry team, providing support and line management as required  Identify, encourage and develop gifts for ministry in the parish, working with and building on existing lay ministry and initiatives  Help to foster vocations and encourage the development of licensed ministry, being ready to supervise licensed ministers appropriately

3. Leading worship  Lead worship thoughtfully and confidently, placing the celebration of the Mass at the heart of the parish’s life  Work with others in planning and conducting a programme of worship that inspires and challenges, and that makes full use of the Church’s liturgical resources  Encourage greater participation in the riches of Catholic devotional life, so that all are able to partake fully of the sacramental life of the Church

4. Encouraging discipleship  Preach the good news of God’s Kingdom in a way that encourages the development of mature faith, adapting style and content for different occasions and purposes  Work with others to ensure opportunities for learning that develop faith and strengthen discipleship, leading and facilitating study groups, at Lent and as required  Meet the particular spiritual needs of children and younger church members and prepare them for Confirmation  Challenge church members to give generously as a response to God’s generosity and to further the Church’s mission

5. Pastoral care  Work with others to identify pastoral care needs and develop appropriate structures and skills to respond to and meet those needs, building on the lay pastoral groups already engaged in ministering to the sick of the parish  Ensure that appropriate support is offered to those in need of pastoral care, including baptism and marriage preparation, care to the sick and dying, bereavement, and individual support and visiting  Build on the parish’s existing pastoral involvement with the Kings Court Care Centre.

2 6. Administration and parish organisation  Ensure good communication within the parish and relay relevant messages from the deanery, diocese and national church.  Work in collaboration with the Churchwardens, PCC and DCCs to ensure effective organisation and Godly Stewardship of the parish’s resources  Play an appropriate part in the administration and organisation of the parish, in collaboration with the churchwardens and the parish secretary  Affirm and abide by national, diocesan and parish policies and legal requirements  Raise the profile of the churches in the local community, ensuring people in the locality know what the parish has to offer

7. Ministering in a wider context  Play a full part in the life of the Diocese and Deanery, including Deanery Chapter and at Deanery Synod  Be open to additional diocesan responsibilities (e.g. training roles, synodical representation etc)

8. Self-discipline, spiritual discipline and own development  Give continual attention to own personal, spiritual and professional development  Participate in Ministerial Development Review and undertake appropriate Continuing Professional Development  Maintain professional boundaries  Develop and maintain a prayerful spiritual life with appropriate support networks  Follow a pattern of life that allows the personal, family and spiritual aspects of life to flourish alongside the demands of ministry


Parish Parish/Benefice/Team Leadership Team

These might include: Members of the PCC Deanery/Diocesan Churchwarden: Alastair (Sandy) Steele-Davis (V. Chairman) Churchwarden and Treasurer : John Bishop Deputy Churchwarden: Julie Emmett Diocesan Synod (2) Deanery Synod (4) and 12 other members

PCC/Parish Secretary: Karen Vermeersch Child Protection Officer: Shelley Jell Vulnerable Adults Officer: Pat Gordon

Management Team PCC Secretary Parish Treasurer S. Aldhelm’s Centre Manager: Pat Mortimer

Other churches in partnership / LEP / local area Churches Together in Swindon Centre Representative: Helen Watt

3 Retired Clergy and Priest Associates Fr Michael Berrett Fr Andrew Cooper Fr John Hawthorne Fr Robert Pitt Fr Alastair Stevenson Fr David Woodhouse

Specific Swindon Foodbank – Lee Thompson The Harbour Project – David Rowlands Broadgreen Breakfast Club – Angus MacPherson Street Pastors – Anna Soulsbury Swindon Day Centre – Phil Smith

Speculative Robert Le Kyng Primary School: Headteacher, Mrs Maran White Drove Primary School (on the edge of the parish, attended by many children from within the parish) ‘A’ Squadron Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Playsteps Day Nursery, Church Place Pilgrim Centre Broad Street Mosque Manchester Road Mosque The Moravian Church, Dixon Street Holy Rood RC Church

Supportive Bishop of Bristol, (when appropriate) Archdeacon of Malmesbury Area Dean Forward in Faith Adviser in Ministry Development Adviser for Ministerial Support Diocesan Officers and employees as necessary


Parish / benefice context The Parish of Swindon New Town sits right at the heart of the historical ‘Railway Town’ of Swindon and incorporates the churches of S. Mark, S. Saviour and S. Luke, and the chapel of S. Aldhelm, serving the town centre and the homes which were originally built for the families of those working at the Railway Works.

Swindon has a population of 180,000, with a broad mix of inhabitants of all ages and ethnicities. There are areas of affluence interspersed with those of great poverty and need. There are a number of major employers within Swindon, primarily within the financial and car manufacturing sectors. Most of the housing within the parish itself is terraced, built during the height of the railway construction era for which the town is famed. The population within the parish, c16,000, is rising steadily, with the appearance of new apartments in the town centre. The town centre itself is undergoing major regeneration.

We are an Anglican Parish in the Catholic tradition, which operates under Resolutions A and B of the Priests (Ordination of Women) Measure 1993 and has successfully petitioned for extended episcopal care under the Episcopal Ministry Act of Synod 1993. We are registered with the organisation Forward in Faith.

4 The parish is unique in that its three churches cater to the very diverse needs of their local communities, whilst offering a haven for those who feel led to worship in a traditional manner. Worship in the parish follows a pattern in the catholic tradition using contemporary language liturgy, with which the majority of the members feel most comfortable. Prior to the interregnum, mass was sung or said on a daily basis, in at least one of our churches. Special services are held for all major feasts and solemnities and joint worship takes place for many of these.

Our vision is  to continue to provide pastoral ministry and witness to the diverse population of Swindon New Town  to encourage growth and spiritual maturity within the parish, developing the talents of our members for the benefit of all  to continue to be known as a place where the Catholic faith is taught in all its richness  to work in partnership with neighbouring parishes for the strengthening of the faith and the enrichment of worship  to encourage children and young people to come to faith and participate in the life of the parish through Junior Church and youth activities  to strengthen communication between the churches within the parish

Deanery and wider area context The Swindon Deanery comprises of 19 parishes and is served by a Deanery Leadership team led by the Area Dean, the Revd Simon Stevenette. Swindon is one of seven Deaneries in the Bristol Diocese. Amongst our number we have a pioneer minister in Pinehurst, the Chaplain of Wiltshire Police and a Chaplain for Economic life in Swindon. As a group we are very committed to Swindon Churches Together and play a full part in Street Pastors, Swindon Foodbank, the Harbour Project for Asylum Seekers, The Filling Station, Christian Aid, New College and Swindon College, for example. We emphasise that ' we are the Deanery, we are the Diocese'. We do all we can to build up the ministry and confidence of one another as colleagues, friends, and partners in mission. We meet once a month from 10am - 12.30 p.m. for encouragement, teaching and sharing together. We also have social evenings and an annual retreat at Nympsfield Marist convent for two days in March. All clergy make Chapter a high priority and look to utilising all the gifts amongst us. In the coming months we are committed to working out the implications of our Diocesan strategy ' Releasing the Energy' at our local level, especially through-: • The Growth Programme (growth in influence, numbers, partnership and commitment) • Good Leadership • Generous giving • Ministry teams and deployment We look forward to welcoming a new colleague during 2013 learning from you and supporting you in your exciting ministry amongst us. A particular quote you might like to reflect upon from Abbe Coutrier a Roman Catholic Priest:

' If we are to unite we must love, if we are to love we must meet' What does it mean to truly meet with God and each other?

The Revd Simon Stevenette Area Dean of Swindon Vicar of Christ Church with St Mary's The Vicarage, 26 Cricklade Street, Swindon, Wiltshire SN1 3HG Tel: 01793 529166 Email:[email protected] 5 Diocesan context The is experiencing a time of change and growth.

Our purpose of “creating communities of wholeness with Christ at the centre” remains constant. We maintain our commitment to encouraging growth in commitment, partnership, influence and numbers in and through those communities – growth of the Church and of the Kingdom of God. But how we approach fulfilling our purpose and achieving our aims is changing.

This change in approach is articulated in “Releasing the energy”, the Diocesan Strategy 2010-2015 (www.bristol.anglican.org/ministry/strategy). The Strategy aims to ensure the Diocese is playing its part in releasing the energy that God has given to His Church to see His Kingdom come where we live and serve.

The Diocesan Strategy seeks to create a culture in the Diocese where growth is considered the natural condition of every believer, the Church and the Kingdom; where all ministers seek first to serve and empower others, releasing the energy of the whole Body of Christ; where interdependence based on trust and mature engagement is expressed; where decisions are entrusted to those best placed to make them; where generosity, grace and mutual challenge are encouraged and thrive.

It is in this context that we are committed to holistic growth across the Diocese, leadership development, appropriate decision-making at Deanery level and a new approach to Parish Share based on generosity, grace and interdependence.

The Diocese of Bristol is committed to playing a full part in the Church of England, as part of one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. In its ordained ministers, it seeks men and women who will live and articulate the Church’s teaching.


This section should provide relevant factual, quantitative information that describes the responsibilities and scope of the role on an ongoing basis.

Parish: One

Patron/s: Bristol Board of Patronage

The Presentation of the Benefice is Suspended (8th October 2012)

PCCs: One

DCCs: Three

Churchwardens: Two plus one deputy

Other authorised and licensed ministers: None

People employed by PCC or with whom the PCC has a work agreement: One Parish Secretary, five Bookshop employees, three Cleaners, one Churchyard caretaker.

Buildings: S. Mark’s, S. Saviour’s, S. Luke’s churches, each with hall, S. Aldhelm’s Centre, with chapel of ease, bookshop, parish office and hall. Plus shares in 5 other non-church properties.

Churchyard at S. Mark’s (closed)

Parish population: c16,000

Average weekly attendance: Adult 180, Children 34 (2011)

Electoral roll: 237 (2012)

Parish Share given [most recent year]: £62,223.00 (2012)

Resolutions passed: A, B & C

Pastoral reorganisation planned or envisaged: No