Swindon Old Town Partnership of Churches Anglican - URC - Methodist Est. 1969


War tears lives apart. Love can piece them back together. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 11-17 MAY

One in Christ - Together in Mission

Partnership website: www.swindon-otpc.org.uk Your Contacts BATH ROAD METHODIST CHURCH Minister: The Revd. Mark Barrett, 147 Drove Road, SN1 3AQ Tel: 529263 e-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.bathroadmethodistchurch.org.uk Weekly news items: [email protected] CHRIST CHURCH with ST. MARY’S, Cricklade Street St. Mary’s, Commonweal Road (off The Mall) Vicar: The Revd. Canon Simon Stevenette, The Vicarage, 26 Cricklade Street, SN1 3HG. Tel. 529166 e-mail: [email protected] Curate: Revd. Norma McKemey. T. 845917; [email protected] Revd. Daphne Hardwick. T. 693721; [email protected] Web site: www.christchurchswindon.co.uk Weekly news items: [email protected] Friends of Christ Church: c/o The Parish Office PARISH OFFICE: at the Community Centre, SN1 3HB. Tel. 522832 e-mail: [email protected] Usually the Parish Office is open Monday-Wednesday 9.30am-4.30pm Thurs morning, briefly, about 9.30 am after Morning Prayer. Thursday evening 5.30pm-7.30pm, Fri 9.30am-4.30pm, Sat 10am-12 noon. COMMUNITY CENTRE: Manager Chris Smith, T.617237 or 07582 305760 email: [email protected] IMMANUEL UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, Upham Road Minister: The Revd. Robert Jordan, 152 Drove Road, SN1 3AG Tel. 513039. email: [email protected] Church Secretaries: Liz Gleed, Tel. 721364. Anne Farrow, Tel.490672 email for both: [email protected] Web site: www.immanuelurc.org.uk Weekly news items: [email protected] LAWN COMMUNITY CHURCH, Guildford Avenue Minister: The Revd. John Roe, 6 Donnington Grove, SN3 1HD. Tel. 485082 e-mail: [email protected] SALVATION ARMY: The Citadel, Devizes Road. MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTOR: Mr. Eric Sparkes, Tel. 530997. email: [email protected] MAGAZINE EDITORS: Mrs. Diana Swann, 58 Sandown Avenue, SN3 1QQ. Tel. 529897 e-mail: [email protected] Mrs. Margaret Williams, 39 Sandown Avenue, SN3 1QQ. Tel. 421102 e-mail: [email protected] PARTNERSHIP COUNCIL: Co-ordinator: post vacant Chairman: Godfrey Room, Tel. 610010; Treasurer: David Bevan, Tel. 336667 PARTNERSHIP WEB SITE: www.swindon-otpc.org.uk Partnership Letter

The Manse, 152 Drove Road

Greetings, I have just written the words “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever”. They are the opening and closing words of Psalm 118; so yes, this means that I have just completed the first version of the sermon for Palm Sunday, but I am aware that when you read this, Easter will be over. But is that the way to put it?

To tell you the truth, this is one of my fears - that after the Lent time preparing to celebrate Easter, then it will be over until next year. What a frustration that would be, a frustration even for God (if you allow me the metaphor). Did all that we undertook during Lent mean that the Bank Holiday in April brought the closure of Easter? There is a poem by a very famous Spanish poet that says “The rich return to their riches; the poor to their poverty and the priest to the mass”. A cynical vision some would say, but is it? During our preparation for Easter we studied the report of the Public Issues Committee, “The lies we tell our - selves” and considered the role of media and our preconceptions and under - standings about poverty, and tried to read through the lies that are before us.

Now that Easter is finished, will we come back to these issues? The good thing is that towards the end of the month we will celebrate the closing of the Lent Studies at an evening service at Christ Church, but the issues will not be ended...sadly they will continue for quite a time yet. But it is up to us to remember, it is up to us to keep the truth of God alive and share it, and challenge the reality that surrounds us with a different vision.

This different vision is the Easter vision, one we just cannot let drop off our radar. Easter has not finished, the hope proclaimed in the Resurrection is the hope we live by each day, it is the hope that will question our preconceptions, our prejudice, our ways...and will lead us on the way Jesus prepared for us. Only this way can we truly proclaim Jesus to be the way we want to follow, the truth we are called to share and the life which is life for all.

May the power of the loving Spirit of God keep the Easter message alive in all of us, now and forever. God bless you and keep you in such a promise, and in such a hope.


BAPTISMS We welcome into the family of the Church

CHRIST CHURCH Mar 30 Annabelle Margaret Gatherum

MARRIAGE We wish joy and happiness to CHRIST CHURCH Mar 15 Craig Maddock and Melanie Court Jamie Hall and Kimberley Gray Apr 5 James Egerton and Hannah Lane

RENEWAL OF VOWS Mar 29 Bruce and Judy Young

DEATHS We extend our sympathy to the loved ones of:

BATH ROAD Mar 17 Clifford Cardis, 86 years

CHRIST CHURCH Mar 10 Raymond Buckland, 89 years Mar 10 Philip Winterborne, 82 years Mar 11 Dennis Reynolds, 91 years Mar 21 Eileen Trickett, 93 years Apr 2 José Lace, 84 years Apr 3 Audrey Goodenough, 91 years Apr 4 Irene Fisher, 57 years

2 Sunday 4th May to Saturday 31st May at Bath Road Methodist Church

FM LAME H OF F LAUNC 0 pm For one month ay, 3.0 4th M hurch only, don’t miss it! unday odist C S d Meth th Roa n us! at Ba and joi Come

Friday 16th May, 7.00 pm - FLAME GRILLED at Bath Road Methodist Church Question Time Style debate with Rob Buckland MP, Angus MacPherson, Police and Crime Commissioner, Mark Dempsey, Labour, Stan Pajak, Liberal Democrat and , and Acting . Chaired by Mark O’Donnell of the BBC. Free entry. Come along with questions for the panel. Doors open 6.00 pm, Questions to be in by 6.30 pm.

Saturday 31st May, at Bath R 7.30 pm oad Method Local ist Church talent, inclu - Closing c T ding Gilmo oncert. he greatest re and Jaz guitar duo z! Tickets £ on the circu 5 to includ it. e light refr eshments.

For details of programmes and to listen to a video clip of The Revd. Mark Barrett and Bishop Lee chatting about Flame, visit our website: www.flamefm.co.uk Facebook and twitter links on website

3 4 Bath Road

Congratulations to Charles Vince Charles has recently successfully passed a voice audition to become a founder member of the RSCM Residentiary Choir. He will be singing the services in Wells Cathedral from the 4th to the 10th of August. Visitors are of course welcome at these services. Bath Road Choir is very pleased and proud of Charles’ achievement and also very grateful to him for sharing his musical gifts with us week by week. We are especially thankful for the extra time he has given to teach us ‘Olivet to Calvary’. J.R.

170% rise in numbers turning to foodbanks in last 12 months Trussell Trust foodbanks have seen the biggest rise in numbers given emergency food since the charity began in 2000. Almost 350,000 people have received at least three days emergency food from Trussell Trust foodbanks during the last 12 months, nearly 100,000 more than anticipated and close to triple the number helped in 2011-12. There is probably a myriad of reasons for the increased use of foodbanks, eg the credit crunch, resulting in government cutbacks and stagnant wages, large increases in food and energy costs and the complicated state benefit system. At Bath Road Methodist Church the congregation is pleased to support the Swindon Foodbank. However, after discussions in our housegroup, we have decided go further by writing to our local MP, Robert Buckland to ask him to: 1) Consider why foodbank use is increasing. 2) Encourage the Government to set up a review into spiralling food costs. 3) Ensure the welfare state is the last line of defence against hunger. 4) Persuade all those entitled to claim state benefit. 5) Challenge HMRC to tackle tax fraud robustly. If you feel motivated to act, please consider contacting your MP. Both, Robert Buckland, Swindon South, and Justin Tomlinson, Swindon North, can be contacted at either 1 Milton Road, Swindon, SN1 5JE or the House of Commons, , SW1A 0AA


It seems hard to believe that it was over 19 years ago that the Revd. Ava Berry came over from Texas for a year, as part of her ministerial training and to help bridge the gap of 2 years between the sad death in post of our Revd. John Ducker and the arrival of the Revd. Tony Barnes.

Ava’s time was memorable for us all. Very short, at just under a year, but very sweet and a time of spiritual growth for us all, including Ava, who returned home to become Texas’s first female Minister in Throckmorton.

Some of us stayed in touch with Ava over the years and she is now retired and living in Washington State, close by her children Robie and Beth and grand - child Lily. We must have been a good experience, because she and husband Bob are breaking a return from an Eastern Mediterranean cruise to visit Swindon and elsewhere. She will be arriving on Friday 13th June and leaving on Thursday 19th. Her wish list is rapidly filling up. Following a Saturday morning visit to Avebury Manor, which was closed when she was first here, Gill and I are ar - ranging for an “At Home” at our home, 14 Mill Court, Old Mill Lane from 2 pm to 5pm on Saturday 14th June. Hopefully, those of you who are able, will take this opportunity to come and see her. On Sunday 15th June, we expect both she and Bob will be at the Partnership Birthday service at Christ Church and then I will take them on to Oxford for sightseeing and possibly evensong in the New College Chapel. On Monday we are taking her to visit our previous Musical Director David Gibbs and Joy in Sussex, via stopovers at Jane Austen’s house, Chawton and the pretty South Down’s village of Selborne and it’s lovely church. On Tuesday, she will be meeting up with her friend the Revd. Diane Daymond at Cheltenham. Diane will be known to some of you as a previous minister in our Circuit. For Wednesday, we plan to visit Worcestershire and the lovely church at Great Witley. Then, sadly, it will be time for them to pack and return home. Eric and Gillian Sparkes


We were all saddened to hear of the death of Clifford Cardis, a long-serving member of Bath Road Methodist Church Choir and also leader of the Ecumenical Choir for a number of years. Clifford, who was 86, died after a four-year battle with cancer.

Born in Nilgiris in India, Clifford moved to the UK in search of work after India was given self-rule and he found it difficult to find a job after qualifying as a mechanical engineer, as they gave all the jobs to the Indians. Cliff, being an Anglo-Indian, could not get a job in the airways, for which he had spent three years training, and his sister told him he had better go to the UK. Marie and Clifford met when he moved to Bombay to study an apprenticeship and joined her church, soon becoming conductor of their choir at the age of 19. He was a very musical man, and was noted for his very deep, bass voice. That love of music continued throughout his life and he became a regular competitor at the Swindon Music Festival. One year he won, but they did not have a trophy. He said to the organiser, “where is my trophy?” They said they did not have one, so Cliff and Marie donated a trophy to them, and the next year he won it! Clifford was a multi-talented man. He was a former lecturer at Swindon College, secretary of the Swindon Croquet Club and a talented musician. Anything he did he excelled at. He had so much integrity and will to do well. He deserved all the kudos he got for working so hard. That work ethic was needed when Clifford came to the UK to discover his qualifications were use - less, so he enrolled at King’s College London before taking on night classes at Swindon College. The only problem was they did not accept his qualifications, so he had to start from the bottom and work his way up again. He got his certificate after studying at night school in Swindon College for three or four years. He came to Swindon to work for Vickers in South Marston, which is now the Honda plant, and got a job straight away. His teacher at the college ‰

7 was so impressed that he recommended Clifford went into teaching, and he decided to do just that. Clifford’s son Kim, 57, remembers a man who stuck by a moral code and loved being around people. “If he said he was going to do something he would do it no matter what,” he said. “He was a very punctual person, because his view was that if you were not on time you were showing disrespect to the other person. He was very hospitable, and loved having lots of people round. When he was entertaining it would not be long before he got on the piano. He was an enormously talented person, and could sight read any music as soon as it was put in front of him. “The other side was his professional life. Local industries would come to him if they had a problem they could not resolve. He was always willing to help people. He used to organise all the kids round the garden and we used to play cricket or rounders.” Clifford had fallen victim to prostate cancer in 1996, and had an operation which bought him another 14 years, but the problem resurfaced in 2010. As Bath Road people will know, before Clifford fell ill, he and Marie lived in a bungalow on a third of an acre, which he had helped to build. He got in a JCB to dig the foundations, and being a teacher he had eight weeks off for the summer, so he was able to assist the builders. Our thoughts and prayers are with Marie, son Kim, daughter Dawn and their families.

Methodist Church to join major national credit union The Methodist Council has agreed to become a partner to the Churches Mutual Credit Union (CMCU). The CMCU is an alliance between the Anglican churches in Britain, the Church of Scotland and the Methodist Church in Britain. Methodist Connexional Secretary Doug Swanney said: “The work that credit unions do is essential in helping people to access low-cost, ethical loans and savings accounts. Getting on board with this movement fits perfectly with the values of the Methodist Church and we are excited about the opportunity to enthuse people about the work of credit unions and to make their benefits available as widely as possible.”

BEST BIRTHDAY WISHES go to James Carr, 15 on 30th May

8 Immanuel

LENT STUDIES We have now completed our Lent Studies. Both in the Chapel and in the Atrium you will find a display with some of the issues we dealt with during our five week study to give you an idea of what we were considering. And then....? As a result of discussions in the Immanuel Lent Group, where the study this year is of poverty and its causes, we recognized that poverty is not only over - seas but also on our doorstep. We think that one immediate and direct way to reach local people in need is to increase our support for Threshold Housing Link and Swindon Food Bank. We are suggesting that the first Sunday in each month is designated 'Store Cupboard Sunday', when non-perishable items of food - tins, bottles, packets etc,- can be brought to church and placed in the box in the chapel.

The first SCS was Sunday, April 6th and there were a fair few items in the box after the service. We hope awareness of this and donations will rise over time.

Evening Worship Questionnaire

Evening worship is an important part of our congregational life at Immanuel. Our Partnership Council, at its meeting on October 21st, 2013, asked us to consult with our congregation regarding the future development of evening worship. At present, the Sunday evening acts of worship at Bath Road Methodist Church, Immanuel URC and Christ Church all have small congregations. It has been suggested by some that we might meet together more regularly as a partnership for evening worship, as currently happens in August, to make better use of resources, whilst also deepening our mission, ministry and worship. The worship committee has been looking at alternative ways of worship, including evening services, but it is important also to have the views of the congregation and in particular those that attend evening service. We would therefore value your feedback on this and your thoughts on exploring wider possibilities for our evening services. A questionnaire has been devised, which the congregation of Immanuel has been asked to complete. We will be interested in the results and will report back with our findings in due course.

9 Christian Aid Super Soup Lunch Lindsey and Liz would like to thank everyone who supported their Super Soup Lunch, soups courtesy of Di Swan and Liz Gibney. It was a great success, with an amazing £230 being raised for Christian Aid. Thank you so much!

Salisbury Cathedral and its Willis Organ 1876 Having listened recently to music by Bach, Liszt and Cesar Franck, played by Richard Seal on the Salisbury Cathedral organ, (Richard was organist there from 1968-1997), I would like to share his words about the organ and the building in which it is sited. “The perfect stylistic unity of Salisbury Cathedral, in its splendid setting, makes the building one of the most satisfying to behold. It ponders no questions, it poses no problems, and it is complete, as if the vision of one man was completely fulfilled - a vision that reaches us today. “So it is today with the magnificent Willis organ. Built in 1876, this master - piece sounds today much as it did then. Unfortunately, this cannot be said of many other organs of similar vintage, for with changing tastes, organists and builders have often tried to ‘update’ and ‘improve’, with the result that the original conception is often completely obscured. “But no man can ever ‘improve’ a masterpiece. None would dream of updating a Rembrandt, modernising a Michelangelo or improving a Stradivarius. The work of genius should be left intact for mankind’s benefit.” Peter Read

Heard on regional television news on 17th April..... * From BBC Oxford South: A church in the Oxford area had to cancel its Good Friday Passion Play as it was refused permission by the licensing team leader at the city council who said she did not appreciate that it was a religious event. The newsreader commented that perhaps she had in mind a different meaning of the word.

* ITV Meridian News visited a Church of England Primary School to ask the children what they knew about Easter. One little girl was very knowledgeable but a young boy argued with her, saying that “Jesus couldn’t have died on Good Friday because if he did, why was it called Good Friday?” That’s a very logical thought.

10 Christ Church with St. Mary’s

Choral Evensongs

Christ Church Choir will be singing cathedral style Choral Evensong at Christ Church on Sunday evenings five times during the remainder of 2014. The dates are Sundays 11th May, 8th June, 13th July (at 4pm), 12th October and 9th November. Except for July, the services take place at 6.30pm.

The Anglican service of Evensong is a combination of the monastic services of Vespers and Compline. The services begin with an introit sung by the choir, often accompanied by the organ. The choir leads the congregation in singing three hymns during the service and the psalm(s) set for the day. The psalm is sung to Anglican chant, an evolution of plainchant, with four vocal parts and organ accompaniment. The choir sings a composed setting of the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis. These vary greatly in style, depending on the composer. Then follow the responses, again composed by various people and varying in style. After these the choir sings an anthem. The service concludes with a piece for solo organ. Details of the titles and composers of the music to be sung and played will be published nearer the time.

Tim Eyles, the Director of Music at Christ Church, sometimes conducts the choir and sometimes plays the organ. Everyone is welcome to attend the services, for which there is no charge, but a collection plate is available for donations towards the work of the church.

Christ Church Choir has recorded three CDs. Copies are available at the services or from the Parish Office, or the website: www.christchurchswindon.co.uk

Cathedral Evensong - coach trip with Christ Church Choir On Wednesday 28th May, the choir will be singing evensong at Winchester Cathedral and again we would like to hire a coach for this visit, if enough people will come along to support us. Evensong is at 5.30pm and the coach will leave at 1pm, returning by 8pm. Likely cost will again be £10. All are welcome to join us.

11 King Arthur's Quest - a challenge for scouts and guides As part of her Queen's Guide Award, Kara-Jane Senior is organising a trip to places connected with the legend of King Arthur. To fundraise she has created a challenge badge called King Arthur's Quest which includes a variety of activities based on the legend, which are suitable for Guides and Scouts . Badges are £1 plus P&P. Please email Kara-Jane for the badge pack and order form: [email protected]

What is SACRE? Are you interested in how children and young people are taught RE in school? Do you believe excellent RE teaching and provision is important in every child and young person’s education? If you answered ‘yes’ to either or both of these questions then you will be inter - ested to learn about the work of SACRE. SACRE is a body, required by law, set up to promote RE in schools in the UK. SACRE stands for Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education and is made up of faith representa - tives, members of the teaching profession and councillors. Swindon SACRE, which is part of NASACRE (National Association of Standing Advisory Coun - cils on Religious Education) meets four times a year to discuss a wide range of issues with the ultimate aim of promoting RE in Swindon schools. At one Swindon school children were asked about RE and its importance; Children commented that they enjoyed and valued the first hand experiences they were given in RE such as visits to the Sikh Temple and local churches. Children also recalled many creative activities which helped them to develop understanding such as art work, role play, diamond 9 activities, asking ques - tions and creating powerpoints. “I learn that we are all equal even though we have different beliefs.” “RE has helped to make me ready for the future.” RE is important to the children of Swindon. If you would like to support SACRE, or are interested in finding out more, please visit www.nasacre.org.uk or e-mail Katy Staples (Advisor to SACRE) [email protected]

12 Cricket: Inter Church Cricket Sixes Bank Holiday Monday 5th May at the United Churches Cricket ground, Sevenhampton

The Christ Church team is being coached by Nitin Shinde from Mumbai Cricket Academy and is being captained by Stephen Shinde from the Commonweal School. If you would like to play, please contact Nitin and Stephen: [email protected] Tel: 514881 Do come to cheer us on from 10am. Our vicar, Simon Stevenette is President of the United Churches Cricket team.

Visit of Martin Palmer - Sunday 11th May We are delighted that BBC broadcaster Martin Palmer, son of Derek, who was Vicar of Christ Church 1969-1977, will be spending the day with us on Sunday 11th May after doing the Clare Balding Radio 2 programme from Bristol. Martin will be preaching at our 10am service and will be taking part in Search - light and Choral Evensong services. Martin is Secretary General of the Duke of Edinburgh's Environmental Charity ARC - The Alliance of Religions and Conservation.

ANNUAL LECTURE, Sunday 11th May at 4.00 pm We are delighted that Martin Palmer will be giving the first Friends of Christ Church annual lecture at 4.00 pm in the Community Centre on the Sacred History of Old Town, Swindon, followed by tea. We look forward to a wonderful occasion. All are welcome.

FRIENDS OF CHRIST CHURCH AGM Sunday 8th June, 3.00 pm in the Community Centre@Christ Church Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

13 Thank you from Trudie & the family:

Well, what can I say except a HUGE thank you for the wonderful send-off you treated me to last Sunday! It was a very special time of worshipping together, sharing a lovely meal and enjoying each other’s company.

Thank you for your immensely generous gifts. I’m thrilled to have my own home communion set and the picture print will be put up in my study to look at and remind me of you all. Grace is enjoying her “big girl’s” Bible and, together with Ben, they have both been in the garden playing and mastering swing ball. Thank you for their gifts and for Andrew’s tipple too!

My time with you has been a very special chapter of my life. I have been loved and supported by you all, and you have enabled me to flourish. It is difficult for me to say goodbye, but I know that I go on a wave of your prayers, love and encouragement. Thank you for all you mean to me and who you are. I will hold you in my prayers and love as each of us journey onwards in our walk with our Lord.

With every blessing in his great name,

BISHOPS’ VISITATION We are delighted that the 2014 Annual Visitations will be conducted by our two Bishops, Mike and Lee. We hope many of you will come along to hear their words of encouragement and wisdom as another cohort of churchwardens takes up office. - Thursday 8th May, 7.30 pm in Christ Church.

Come and try THE FRONT ROOM A social gathering for the unemployed Every Tuesday 12 noon - 2 pm Come and join us for food and a chat at St. Augustine’s Church, Summer Street, Rodbourne By the unemployed, for the unemployed

14 The following is an edited version (with most of the arcane technical details removed) of an article that appeared with the accompanying photograph in “The Ringing World” of 21 March 2014. It might also be of interest to readers of the Partnership Magazine. Ringing endorsements although no longer an active ringer) for their management of this long and complex project - often in frustrating circumstances.

The methods for the peals reflected the church’s ethos of “Connecting the Community with Christ”: Swindon Surprise Royal and Christ Church Surprise Royal respectively. Christ Church (not “Christ Church Swindon” as requested by the then chairman of the CCCBR’s Methods Committee - to avoid confusion with “Christchurch”) was devised by Jim Clatworthy and first rung here in 2006. A link between the two peals was provided by the use of the same composition on each occasion. Two peals were rung in Swindon to celebrate the new “Community The Centre was opened by Nick Centre @ Christ Church”: the first on Hewer, ’s sidekick from 30 November 2013 to mark the the BBC’s The Apprentice and (much delayed) completion (almost) presenter of ’s of the building before it was used for quiz. Nick was born in Swindon the first time later that day; and a where his family lived as near second one on 18 January to neighbours of the church. Not that commemorate its formal opening. anyone would have been aware of it The new centre replaces a previous from the edition of the Who Do You “temporary” building (allegedly with Think You Are? programme in which planning consent for just three years), he traced his family tree - when the erected in the late 1960s but still in producers went out of their way to daily use over 40 years later. Particular avoid the “S-word”, with cryptic thanks are owed to Stephen Grosvenor references to “near where Nick was and Mike Palmer (our steeple keeper, born in Wiltshire.” ‰

15 After Nick Hewer had ceremonially to produce a painting for the new opened the centre by cutting a ribbon Community Centre. Less abstract (assisted by his brother, Fergus, who than Morris’s Girl Selling Flowers - still lives in the town), a prayer of but in some respects just as surreal - blessing was read by the Bishop of Christ Church at the Heart of Old Swindon (and Christ Church parish - Town offers interesting perspectives ioner), The Rt Revd Dr . on the church and other local landmarks. For cynical television producers, and others who might think it unlikely that Christ Church’s vicar, Canon Simon Swindon has its own bishop - yes, Stevenette, was interviewed on local there really is (a very good) one. radio on the morning of 18 January about the new building and the day’s The occasion was also attended by events. His mentioning that “a members of the family of William special peal of Christ Church Royal Morris, founder of the local newspaper, Surprise [sic]” would be rung prompted the Swindon Advertiser, who was the following spontaneous affirmation buried at Christ Church. His monument from BBC Wiltshire’s presenter, had to be moved (at considerable Graham Rogers: expense) to allow access to the new building, and will form the focus of a “And you mentioned the peal of bells. “Garden of Reflection” (still a work in While I’ve got you in the studio, can I progress) on ground previously used just say to you - please pass on to for waste disposal. Morris had your bell-ringing team - we love on a cultural as well as journalistic interests , Sunday morning here, hearing the and his geological specimens and bells of Christ Church coming across antiquarian artefacts form a large part towards Broadcasting House. It of the original collection of Swindon’s sounds absolutely fantastic, and thank museum and art gallery. them for me please. I’ve sat in the car park here at BBC Wiltshire before William Morris was the great-grand- now, in my car, just listening to them. father of Desmond Morris, the well- It’s absolutely brilliant. Really good.” known writer and broadcaster on animal and human behaviour - also a But boosted egos were soon deflated surrealist painter, one of whose works by a mischievous aside from Nick is currently displayed at the museum Hewer - struggling to make himself in an exhibition of abstract pictures heard above the noise of the peal - from the town’s notable collection of that “When I was growing up the 20th Century British art. sound of the bloody bells used to drive me mad!” A timely remark Another artist, Laurie Plant, whose made in jest, but unfortunately re - work was show-cased in the museum’s ported at face value (without the ex - previous exhibition, was commis sioned pletive) by the Adver. ‰

16 Part of the earlier footnote to the mentary) beer and hymns” service November peal might have been the following Sunday evening to use considered profane by some readers up the leftovers. (Not) the proverbial - but the new centre’s future role in “free beer tomorrow” (which never “providing proper toilets for the comes) - but being part of the Church church’s next beer festival” encapsu - of England, there will, of course, be a lates its focus on hospitality and out - collection! For a review of the previous reach to the wider community. event, see Maximus Bibendus’s Tickets are available for the second “Beer Matters” article in The Ringing Old Town Beer Festival on Saturday World of 7 June 2013. 17 May (buy early while stocks last), with the added bonus of a “(compli - BRIAN HARRIS

Choral Evensong at Christ Church Sunday 11th May at 6.30 pm

The Old Town Stitching Bee every Tuesday morning in term time. Venue: the Community Centre @ Christ Church 10.00 am to 12 noon (from 22nd April) £2.50 including refreshments Bring your latest project (or the one that’s been hiding away in the back of a cupboard, waiting to be finished!) It’s a chance to learn some new skills, get involved in projects, or just have the opportunity to spend a couple of hours stitching, embroidery, applique, patchwork and quilting …. plus making some new friends as well as catching up with some old ones. For more details contact: Nicola Stevenette 01793 529177 Pascale Philippe 01793 638672 Fiona Harpin 01793 496374

17 18 We had another great time at Messy Church on Easter Sunday, with friends old a nd new celebrating the new life we have in Jesus. It was a dreary afternoon outside but nearly 70 people came along to participate in a fun-packed afternoon of crafts, activities, worship and, of course, the famous Messy Tea!

We made Easter Gardens to help us think about the sadness of Good Friday and the joy of Easter Day and a book which told the Easter story. There was an opportunity to make a cross out of hama beads or decorate crosses by scratch art, mosaic shapes or with felt pens, to remind us of Jesus’s death on a cross. Some decorated eggs as a symbol of new life and of the stone that was rolled from the tomb. We thought more about eggs and new life, making Easter baskets, chicks and bunnies with googly eyes, clothes peg chicks and decorating Easter cakes. It was too wet to go outside but some enjoyed parachute games in the hall, which were great fun!

During our time of worship we thought more about Easter, through the things that we had made, and we listened to the Easter story. We sang two of our favourite Messy Church songs – ‘Lovely Jubbly’ and ‘Jesus is the Rock’ and shared in prayers. This was followed by an Easter Egg hunt before we joined together for a scrumptious tea. There was lots of excited chatter as we enjoyed each other’s company and pondered on our table top questions: What new life have you seen this month? What is ending and what is starting in your own life? As we left, each family was given a Fairtrade mini egg and an Easter Story book to take home. All in all an eggscellent way to spend Easter Sunday afternoon! Messy Church meets again on Sunday 18th May 3.30 – 5.30pm at King William Street School, when the theme will be ‘Who is the Holy Spirit?’ Please continue to pray and support Messy Church in whatever way you can, and if you would like to know any more, or even join the team, please speak to Janice Titcombe or Kathryn Read, Messy Church Co-ordinators, or your Church representatives. Thank you! www.messychurcholdtown.co.uk

19 The High Sheriff of Wiltshire Peter Addington CHARITY CONCERT FOR SWINDON CARES raising monies for ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY and SWINDON CARERS’ CENTRE at Christ Church, Old Town, Swindon, on SATURDAY 7th June 2014 at 7.30 pm featuring The Kentwood Show Choir, 50th Anniversary Tickets £6 Children under 14 accompanied by adults, free. Tickets available from Christ Church Parish Office in the Community Centre and the Swindon Visitor Information Centre at Swindon Central Libary Unreserved seating

OLD TOWN FESTIVAL LAUNCH Tickets are now on sale for the Old Town Festival Launch Party staged at Commonweal School on the evening of Friday 9th May, 7-10.30 pm. The theme is First World War Music Hall and tickets priced £10 include a Ploughman’s Supper. Licensed bar. Fancy dress optional - prizes for the best fancy dress. Tickets are available from the school’s Finance Office between 8.15am-4.15 pm Monday to Friday. Alternatively, call the Festival Hotline 07903 246955.

20 W__a_r_ t_e_a_rs_ _li_ve_s_ _a_p_a_rt_: ______Love can help piece them back together

‘The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and We’re with you, helping you to rebuild my deliverer...in whom I take refuge.’ your lives, and working for peace. 2 Samuel 22:2-3 Imagine what such an expression of For a growing number of people love would mean to people searching across the world, the horror of war is for the strength to cope with the a part of daily life. Right now, fuelled devastation of war, and how it could by the devastating violence in both help to drive out their fear, demon - Syria and the Democratic Republic of strate God’s love for those living in the Congo, the numbers of people poverty and show how much good driven from their homes by war is on the church is doing in the world this the rise. It stands at 42 million Christian Aid Week. people - an appalling statistic and a Together we can reach the 42 million stain on the conscience of humanity. people caught up in conflict and help We can’t turn our backs. We must them live a life free from fear. act now. The good news is that your church Could YOU provide the can make a real difference. Last gift of hope? year, a magnificent 20,000 churches £15 could provide blankets for across the country helped to raise refugee children to protect over £12m for Christian Aid Week. them from bitter night-time This Christian Aid Week (11-17 May) temperatures. we want to go even further. We want every church in Britain and Ireland to £40 could provide enough good get involved - whether by giving, quality and nutritious food for acting or praying. two refugee children for a month. Together we can send people living in fear this message: you are not alone. £150 could help us provide specialist emotional support for a child deeply traumatised by the horror of war that they’ve witnessed or experienced.

Be an instrument of God’s peace. Give, act and pray this Christian Aid Week. 21 COLUMBIA Nine-year-old Edile Beite Chaverra lives in Colombia in a humanitarian zone protected by international law. Here he is safe from the armed groups that killed his father. Photo credit Christian Aid/Matt Gonzalez-Noda

IRAQ Fifteen-year-old Rojan Wahid holds a fish caught from the reservoir that Christian Aid partner REACH helped her community to build. The reservoir allows them to have nutritious food all year round. Photo credit Christian Aid/Sarah Malian

SOUTH SUDAN Thanks to a cash grant from Christian Aid partner Hope Agency for Relief and Devel - opment, Madut Ayom Dong is building a safe, secure home for his family in South Sudan. When they first arrived in the country, they lived under a tree. Photo credit: Christian Aid/ Andrew Testa/Panos 22 King William Street School - Easter Service at Christ Church Passion, powerful, lively, fun are some of the words which spring to mind in describing the excellent presentation by the pupils of King William Street School during their Easter service at Christ Church. Parents, carers and friends arrived to be greeted with a hot cross bun and tea or coffee. Following the opening prayer and welcome by the Revd. Simon Stevenette, the whole school sang ‘Ride a Donkey’, introducing Jesus’s ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Two boys from Year 6 Leopard class read the Easter Story. Next we heard a very joyful song by the whole of Year 1, Tiger class. Year 2, Wombat followed that with a fun chicken song, using masks so that no one listening could doubt the theme of the song. Year 3, Panda class then changed the style of presen - tation with a very powerful dance with voice over telling the story of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection. Blue Whale, the Reception class brought us a song with actions about the Easter bunny. Lord of the Dance was the next song sung by the whole school. Year 5, Zebra class presented some very moving poems using the theme of the cross and Christ alive with us now. Another song by the whole school followed; Jesus has risen, tell everyone he’s alive. Year 4, Polar bear class showed their awareness of others using prayers for people around the world. “it’s not about the chocolate, it’s all about Jesus” The final song finished with the story of the crucifixion and resurrection. Simon reminded us all about God’s love for the whole world using the words of John 3:16. Throughout the whole presentation, there was a sense that whether singing a lively, fun song, or relating the message of the cross and resurrection, the children were wholly engaged in presenting the very best they could to those listening. A story which many would have heard so many times before was brought alive again by the enthusiasm and engagement of the children with the admirable support of their teachers. Lynda Fisher & Sue Jones Foundation Governors 23 OLD TOWN FESTIVAL EVENTS Tickets (except Choral Society concert) are available from the Festival hotline: 0790 324 6955, as well as outlets listed. May 9, 7-10 pm Music Hall with Ploughman’s Supper at Commonweal School Tickets £10 from Commonweal School finance office. June 13 , 7-10 pm Barn Dance with live band and burgers at the Community Centre@Christ Church. Tickets £12 from Christ Church Parish Office and website* June 20 , 7-11 pm Quiz Night at the Conservative Club, Bath Road. £1 per person at the event. June 21 , 7.30 pm Choral Society Concert: Songs from many lands, at Christ Church, Old Town. Tickets £10. www.swindonchoral.org.uk and the Information Centre at the Central Library. June 27 , 7.30-10.30 pm Beach party dinner on The Lawn, Old Town. Ticket price to be confirmed. Tickets from Festival hotline. June 28 , 10am-12 noon, Wood Street, Opening ceremony, Family Fun Run, Fancy dress, Waiters’ race. 10am-5.00 pm, Family Fun Day on The Lawn, with dog show, stalls, random run event and refreshments. 5-10 pm Band Concert on The Lawn - a free event. June 30 , 6.30 pm History and Mystery Walk starting from the Locarno Car Park, £3. Limited to 30 tickets, available at start of walk if enough left. July 1/2, 6.30 pm Pub walk starting from the Locarno car park. £3. Limited to 30 tickets, available at start of walk if enough left. This event to be confirmed. July 3 , 12 noon-2 pm, Paul Turner Piano Recital - Impressions of Claude Debussy. Food 12-1pm Music 1-2pm. Tickets £5 from Christ Church Parish Office and website* or on the door. July 3 , 6.30 pm Ghost walk starting from the Locarno car park. £3. Limited to 30 tickets, available at start of walk if enough left. July 5 , 1-4pm Young people’s entertainment at the Town Gardens Bowl - a free event. July 5, 4-10.30pm Entertainment by bands at the Town Gardens Bowl - a free event. *www.christchurchswindon.co.uk or parish office 01793 522832 24 Bath Road MOPS, 10.30 am in the Crossland Room May 1 Coffee and chat May 15 Coffee and a chat Christ Church with St Mary's Mothers' Union Wed 12 Afternoon group, 2.15 pm at the Community Centre: Antarctica with Aurea Hart Immanuel Women’s Fellowship, 2.30 pm in Immanuel Church Hall May 7 Members’ afternoon, Bring and Buy May 14 To be arranged May 21 Merrifolk May 28 Quiz with John Murphy

FLOODLIGHTING Apr 9 To Susan, remembered every day. Love from Ron, Gillian and Mum. Apr 19 In loving memory of Sheila Maureen Lynn Clements on the 60th anniversary of our wedding which was held at Christ Church. May 1 Cherished memories of our dear parents, William (Bill) and Dorothy Ruck, on the second anniversary of dad’s passing. Fondly loved and missed so very much by Angela, Nigel and family. May 8 In loving memory of Norman and Nancy Rushton on their wedding anniversary If you would like to sponsor the floodlighting of Christ Church in celebration of a birthday, wedding anniversary, special occasion, to advertise your Company, or in memory of a loved one, the minimum gift per evening is £30.00. Cheques to be made payable to ‘Christ Church PCC’. Please write to the PARISH OFFICE, COMMUNITY CENTRE AT CHRIST CHURCH, SWINDON, SN1 3HB at least a week before the date of the floodlighting. GIFT AID: If you are a UK taxpayer and wish Christ Church to reclaim the tax, you may Gift Aid your donation.

ADVERTISEMENTS To advertise in this magazine, please contact Mrs. Diana Swann, telephone 01793 529897; email: [email protected]

Whilst care has been taken, no responsibility can be accepted for statements made by the advertisers, neither can we be responsible for any losses caused by any errors or omissions in the advertisements.


01 Thur 7.30 pm Bath Road Property and Finance in Upper Room

03 Sat 7.30 am Christ Church Men’s Breakfast

04 Sun 8.00 am Christ Church, 1662 Holy Communion 9.00 am St. Mary’s, Morning Prayer 10.00 am Bath Road, Morning Service, Mrs. Joyce Barnes 10.00 am Christ Church, All-age worship 10.30 am Immanuel, Holy Communion 11.30 am Christ Church, Searchlight 6.30 pm Bath Road, Evening Service, Revd. Mark Barrett 6.30 pm Christ Church, Holy Communion 6.30 pm Immanuel, Evening Service

05 Mon Swindon United Charities Cricket match at Sevenhampton 06 Tues 7.30 pm Christ Church Staff Team 07 Wed 10.30 am Christ Church, Holy Communion 08 Thur 7.30 pm Visitation by Bishops to Christ Church 09 Thur 9.30 am Commonweal leavers’ assembly in Christ Church

11 Sun 8.00 am Christ Church, Holy Communion 9.00 am St. Mary’s, Holy Communion 10.00 am Bath Road, CHURCH ANNIVERSARY, to include Holy Communion, Revd. Tony Barnes 10.00 am Christ Church, Family Holy Communion 10.30 am Immanuel, Morning Service, 11.30 am Searchlight 6.30 pm Bath Road, CHURCH ANNIVERSARY, Revd. Tony Barnes 6.30 pm Christ Church, Choral Evensong 6.30 pm Immanuel , Evening Service

12 Mon 7.30 pm Christ Church Standing Committee 14 Wed 10.30 am Christ Church, Holy Communion 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm Healing prayers at St. Mary’s 17 Sat 2nd Christ Church Beer Festival

26 18 Sun 8.00 am Christ Church, Holy Communion 10.00 am Partnership Confirmation Service at Bath Road 3.30 pm Messy Church at King William Street School 6.30 pm Bath Road, Evening Service, Revd. Mark Barrett 5.00 pm for 5.30 pm Beer and Hymns at Christ Church 6.30 pm Immanuel, Evening Service

20 Tues 10.00 am King William Street Bible service in Christ Church 21 Wed 10.30 am Christ Church, Holy Communion 25 Sun 8.00 am Christ Church, Holy Communion 9.00 am St. Mary’s, Holy Communion 10.00 am Bath Road, Morning Service, Revd. Mark Barrett 10.00 am Christ Church, Family Holy Communion 10.30 am Immanuel, Morning Service, David Perkins 11.30 am Christ Church, Searchlight 1.00 pm Christ Church, Holy Baptism 6.30 pm Partnership Service at Christ Church to reflect on our Lent Course.

26 Mon 7.30 pm PCC in Community Centre@ Christ Church 28 Wed 10.30 am Christ Church, Holy Communion

29 Thur Ascension Day 7.30 pm Holy Communion in Christ Church

OPEN HOUSE every Monday morning at Bath Road Methodist Church between 10.30 am and 12 noon. Come and join us for drinks and a chat.

COPY for the JUNE MAGAZINE by MONDAY 12th MAY, please. Contributions ahead of the deadline are always welcome. Please send to Mrs. Diana Swann, 58 Sandown Avenue, SN3 1QQ email: [email protected]

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