The FranklinEstablished 1886 Pre## Volume 130, Number 48 Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Franklin, North Carolina 28734 $1.00 Macon’s 2014-15 budget approved Ryan Hanchett budget. A change in the Emergency Medical
[email protected] Services section of the budget will allow for the hiring of additional employees to staff Macon County Manager Derek Roland ambulance routes. received positive feedback when he proposed The total of the additions was $200,000 the 2014-15 Macon County operating budget and brought the total proposed budget to in May. $45,721,122. The budget as approved repre- Perhaps the most resounding roar of sents an approximately $1.4 million reduction approval came on Monday night when the from 2013-14. Macon County Board of Commissioners “I have to say that I liked this budget unanimously approved a $45,721,122 budget before we made all of those additions,” com- for the coming fiscal year. missioner Paul Higdon said. “But I understand “I know that Derek has worked extremely that is how budgets work and I still think hard to put this that this budget is budget together very solid and it and I think that have to say that I moves the county he has met the Iliked this budget in a fiscally sound goals that this before we made all of direction.” board set before The total edu- him during our those additions. But I cation budget first work ses- understand that is how for the county sion in January,” budgets work and I in 2014-15 will board of com- Commissioner be $8,462,291, missioners still think that this Paul Higdon which is the larg- chairman Kevin budget is very solid est departmen- Corbin said.