Download BALMNH No 08 1984
Bulletin Alabama Museum of Natural History BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM NATURAL HISTORY is published by the Alabama Museum of Natural History, The University of Alabama. The BULLETIN is devoted primarily to the subjects of Anthropology, Archaeology, Botany, Geology and Zoology of the Southeast. The BULLETIN appears irregularly in consecutive ly numbered issues. Manuscripts are evaluated by the editor and an editorial com mittee selected for each paper. Authors are requested to conform generally with the Council of Biological Editors Style Manual, Fourth Edition, 1978, and to consult recent issues of the BULLETIN as to style for citing literature and the use of abbreviations. An informative abstract is required. For information and policy on exchanges, write to the Librarian, The Univer sity of Alabama, Box S, University of Alabama, University, AL. 35486. Numbers may be purchased individually; standing orders are accepted. Remit tances should accompany orders and made payable to The University of Alabama. Communication concerning manuscripts, editorial policy, and orders for in dividual numbers should be addressed to the editor: Herbert Boschung, Alabama Museum of Natural History, The University of Alabama, Box 5987, University, AL. 35486. When citing this publication. authors are requested to use the following ab breviation: Bull. Alabama Mus. Nat. Hist. Price this Number: $6.00 NUMBER 8, 1984 Description, Biology and Distribution of the Spotfin Chub, Hybopsis monacha, a Threatened Cyprinid Fish of the Tennessee River Drainage Robert E. Jenkins and Noel M. Burkhead Department of Biology, Roanoke College, Salem, Virginia, 24153 ABSTRACT: Jenkins, Robert E. and Noel Burkhead, 1984. Description, biology and distribution of the spotfin Chub, Hybopsis monacha.
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