"LET the REDEEMED. of the LORD SAY SO..." TESTIMONIES of SAVING GRACE Welcome to the Spring Edition That Make up This Redeemed Congrega- of the Heartcry Magazine
74 JAN - MAR 2013 THAT GOD’S NAME BE GREAT AMONG THE NATIONS "LET THE REDEEMED. OF THE LORD SAY SO..." TESTIMONIES OF SAVING GRACE Welcome to the Spring Edition that make up this redeemed congrega- of the HeartCry magazine. With the tion? The psalmist informs us, they are budding of a new season comes the “from the east and from the west, from yearly reminder of God’s renewing work the north and from the south!” in the creation that surrounds us. With As you flip through the pages of this in mind, we desire that this spring this magazine, it is our hope that your magazine be a reminder to you of God’s hearts would be lifted up in Psalm-107- renewing, redeeming grace, not simply type praise as you encounter truths as it is pictured in the world around us, and testimonies of God’s never-ending, but as it is gloriously portrayed in the world-encompassing love. You will find, lives of men and women across the first, an excerpt from Paul Washer’s globe who have embraced the Gospel second book in the “Recovering the of the Lord Jesus. Gospel” series, The Gospel Call & True In Psalm 107, the psalmist Conversion. Second, you will read testi- writes, “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for monies from all over the world of God’s He is good, for His lovingkindness is ev- continual redemption of sinners through erlasting. Let the redeemed of the Lord the preaching and proclamation of a say so, whom He has redeemed from crucified, dead, and risen Savior.
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