June 10, 2010 • Issue 751 • $1.00 Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995

“Your Island Newspaper”

Visit us online at www.islandclippings.com Tel: 705-246-1635 email: [email protected] Fax: 705-246-7060 Richard Whitten Barnes returns that the rich history of St. Joseph Island might provide some of to St. Joe the background for his next project! We’ll hopefully hear more With summer once again caressing our about this in the near future. Island, the return to warm weather has also In the meantime, Richard has graciously shared one of his short brought noted novelist Richard Whitten stories, ‘A Sailing Lesson’ with the Island Clippings. Although Barnes and his wife Marg back to their we have not previously offered works of fiction to our readers, ‘A summer residence near Richards Landing. Sailing Lesson’ is a story worth sharing. Perhaps the lesson it Although they officially live near Charlotte, offers goes far beyond sailing! North Carolina, the Barnes’ have spent their summers on or around St. Joseph Island for more than 50 years! We’re pleased to bring Part One to you in this issue. Part Two will follow next week. The Island Clippings featured Richard and his writing in our October 15, 2009 issue. At that time, his exciting first action- ‘A Sailing Lesson’ captures some of the essence of ‘cottage life’ adventure novel ‘The Faircloth Reaction’ had just been here in the North. Although set on the southern shores of Lake published to rave reviews, with his second novel ‘The Corydon Superior, the story could easily take place in the waters around Snow’ about to follow. Both novels were written right here on St. St. Joe. We hope you like it as much as we did! Joe! Thank you, Richard, for taking us all aboard the sailboat with And it seems that Richard has been busy over the winter, with Steve and Tommy! some exciting new work approaching completion. Rumour has it

A Sailing Lesson (Part 1) by Richard Whitten Barnes “T OMMY ! I’ VE CALLED YOU and her two children—Tommy and THREE TIMES , now!” his mother— younger sister, Martha—arrived at my daughter-in-law—admonished our summer cottage on the southern for the fourth time, actually. “I’m just shore of Lake Superior. finishing this game,” his answer. Looking back, I suppose a lot of the Sarah, my wife of forty-three years, tension was due to my disappoint - reached over to put a hand on my ment in, once again, my son Tom’s tensing hand, disabusing me of any absence from the summer’s activities. attempt at physically bouncing this Our times together at our northern fourteen-year-old’s rear end from the Michigan get-away were special. I sofa to the dinner table, where the was never so close to him as when we rest of us waited. It wasn’t the first were there. We communicated on a tense moment in the week since Kate different level there. And we sailed! Continued on page 2 David Nelson Sales Representative “Your Island Realtor” The Real Estate Stop 949-7867 • 246-2757 continued from page 1 A SAILING LESSON ... For the third year in a row, Tom was missing the summer. Two years earlier, he’d lost his job at a major bank, when it was absorbed by a larger one. He’d spent the first summer looking for another job, then last year and this, getting his We hTaoveu wraxiswto rPmsa frokr the fledgling accounting firm solvent enough to support his family. Cisco season ahead! I watched my grandson now, the image of his father, as he We’re the place for ALL of your bait & tackle needs. took his seat and stared at his potatoes. “Can’t we have Open 9 am to 9 pm, 7 days a week. mashed? I don’t like fried,” he pouted. “Just eat your dinner,” his mother said in her serene alto. I had the urge to grab him 246-2586 by the ear and march him to his room. Never mind that at his young age, he was almost my weight and strength. Sarah’s sharp glance dissuaded me. Dinner was th Saturday, June 12 Starting at 7:30 pm. completed in relative peace, Tommy’s sister leading the conversation in a recap of her day with the kids down the Jay Aymar shore. The hot ‘new country’ singer on his Cross-Canada CD Release Tour! After the dishes were put away, I stepped past Tommy—again Our Whitefish and Perch ‘Fish Fry’ dinners will be available too. engrossed with his hand-held game—to the deck. The weather had been wonderful all summer and tonight, the lake Don’t miss it! below me was like glass. My thirty-five-year-old Snipe sailboat swung slowly around its mooring like a patient pony, nodding now and then at the wake of someone’s distant boat. In the Hilton Beach Inn 246-0063 I’d bought her new, the year before I competed in the Snipe nationals, coming in a respectable fifth overall, with son Tom as crew, and was still in love with the feisty little boat. The cottage was built in the late 1930s, and purchased by my parents shortly after WWII . Growing up, there was hardly a year that we didn’t spend our vacation there, and I learned to sail on dad’s venerable Lightning. Then, when Sarah and I married, I was delighted when she, too, fell in love with our annual trek up north. Sarah was a willing crew and we competed in loosely organ - ized racing on Superior’s south shore. But when our young son Tom first got in a sailboat, I knew he was a natural. He was six when I bought the Snipe, and by then, already sailing his own pram. This year, I’d been sailing just a few times. The Snipe is a two man boat, and not safe to handle alone in anything but benign weather, at least for the older gentleman I’ve become. Lake Superior is rarely benign. It just wasn’t the same without Tom here. I stood on the deck, taking in the beauty of the lake for several minutes before returning inside to find Sarah, Kate, and Martha deeply engaged in a jigsaw puzzle; Tommy still at his game, thumbs working in rapid, practiced coordination. “That your exercise for the next two weeks?” I was immediately sorry I’d said it. Sarcasm with kids rarely has a positive outcome, I’d learned the hard way. “I guess.” was his predictable reply. He didn’t look up. His game emitted an infuriating, inane melody. I tried a different approach. “What are your plans for tomorrow?” “Nothing, really.” Page 2 “Well it’s your vacation. I suppose you can do what you want. ” That ought to get him. “Okay. ” The Power of Spring ! I retired to my chair and picked up my book, but it was no use. The Power of Spring ! Over the top of the book, I glared at my grandson who, obliv - The Power of Spring ! ious to my frustration, thumbed away at his game. “Tommy!” I waited until he looked up. He didn’t. “Yeah?” still engaged in • 60% reduced emi ssio ns • 20% reduced fuel con su m ptio n the game. “How is it that you never learned to sail?” I asked. • 60T% reducedhe emi ss io Pns ower of Spring ! • 19% mo re power whe n you n ee d i t • 20% reduced fuel consum ptio n • 60% reduced emi ssio ns T• 19% h mo ree power wPhe n youo n ewe d i t er of Spring! The question requiring more than a one or two word answer • 20% reduced fuel con su m ptio n • 19% mo re power whe n you n ee d i t caused him to stop, and consider. “I don’t know.” Three words. The Power of Spring !

Kate said from the puzzle table “We were never able to spend • 60% reduced emi ssio ns enough time here, dad.” Kate calls me dad. I liked it because I • 20% reduced fuel con su m ptio n • 19% mo re power whe n you n ee d i t like Kate. “Leave the boy alone, Steve.” Sarah, this time. “I’m The Power of Spring ! • 60% reduced emi ssio ns just asking,” I gruffed. “Tommy, it’s time you learned.” He • 20% reduced fuel con su m ptio n shrugged. • 19% mo re power whe n you n ee d i t

“It would be nice if you let grandpa teach you, Tom,” his • 60% reduced emi ssio ns mother chided. I’m pretty sure that translated as humor the old • 20% reduced fuel con su m ptio n • 19% mo re power whe n you n ee d i t guy . Tommy rolled his eyes at her. “I guess.” I was not deterred. I’d show this kid a thing or two. I grabbed a pencil and pad from my chair side table, plopped down on the sofa next to him and began scribbling. “Okay, the first thing is to learn is Husqvarna 235 34.4cm 3/16” MRSP 299.99$ $249.99 nomenclature, then the points of sailing, then….” Husqvarna 240e 40.0cm 3/16” MRSP 379.99$ $299.99 And so it went, with me showing off how much I knew to this Husqvarna 440e 40.0cm 3/16” MRSP 439.99$ $399.99 fourteen year-old, all the while pontificating on the virtue and Husqvarna 455 Rancher 55.0cm 3/18” MRSP 499.99$ $449.99 purity of sail over power. It went on for too long. Finally, Sarah Husqvarna 460 60.0cm 3/18” MRSP 669.99$ $549.99 put a stop to it. “That’s enough! For Pete’s sake, save it for tomorrow. Now, who’s ready for dessert?” Professionally proven outdoor The next morning was a clone of the day before, except for the power equipment. warm south breeze that rippled the lake just beyond the moored boats along the shore. We’d finished a late breakfast. FREE d eluxe “What do you say, Tommy? Want to put your newly found FREE d eluxe X- TOR Q saw b ox knowledge to work and sail that little beauty down there?” He X- TOFREER Q saw d eluxe b ox looked out at the waiting Snipe. “Guess so.” Never one to waste X- TOR Q saw b ox words, that boy. By 11:30 a.m., it was already a hot day. We trudged down to FREE d eluxe our dock and rowed the john boat out to the Snipe. Often, on X- TOR Q saw b ox + = a hot day like this I would sail with my life jacket off, but FREE d +eluxe = within reach. Today, as an example to my student, I made sure X- TOR Q saw b ox = we were both wearing them. We tumbled into the sailboat. + Offer avai lable until July 15th, 2 010 ww w.h usq varn a.ca Immediately, I began pointing out various items on the boat, Offer avai lable until July 15th, 2 010 FREE d eluxe quizzing the boy for their proper names. He didn’t do well. OfferOff awevrw a aviwlaai.lhabbulese q un vuatinlr Julyn ta.cail 15th,July 2 01015th, =2010 X- TOR Q saw b ox Last night went in one ear and … well, okay, I thought, he’ll www ww.wh u.sh+q vuasrnqa.cavarna.ca remember better out here. Offer av+ai lable until July 15th, 2 010= We got the jib and mainsail up, and the rudder shipped. ww w.h usq varn a.ca

“Alright, Tommy, I want you to crawl forward and unclip the Offer avai lable until July 15th, 2 010 painter from the buoy.” He complied. “This rope?” I heaved a ww w.h usq varn a.ca = sigh. “It’s a line. Boats have lines, not ropes. Remember?” “I KENTVALE + guess,” he mumbled, and we were under way. The Helpful Place SSales&Serviceales & Service Offer avai lable until July 15th, 2 010 712KLineRoad ww w.h usq varn a.ca 712 K Line Road RichardsLanding Continued on page 4 Richards Landing (70(705)246-2002www.kentvale.com5) 246-2002 www.kentvale.com Page 3 continued from page 3 “Let’s call it a day,” I called, after seeing diminishing returns A SAILING LESSON ... We ran before a soft southern breeze that quickly freshened as had set in. Tommy glumly stared at the distant shore. The we cleared the wind line of the shore. Soon, our wake was wind had picked up, veering to the southwest. I noticed the bubbling joyfully. I let Tommy take the tiller right away to get sky darkening in the west, as well as significantly larger seas. I the feel of things, again going over parts of the boat—boom decided to stay on our starboard tack, even though I knew vang, downhaul, dagger board settings, fairlead positions. It we’d have to tack again to get home. It was a serious mistake. was rewarding to see a bit of enthusiasm in the boy’s face as The closer we got to shore, the higher the swells. he worked the helm. If he wasn’t absorbing my lectures, he Finally the time to put the boat over to port had come. I seemed to be having fun. wished we’d done it sooner. “Ready about!” I yelled over the “We’re really far out, grandpa.” He was right. I’d been going wind. Tommy looked at the lines in his hands. “Okay, I guess!” on so long, I hadn’t noticed how the wind had picked up and “Helm’s alee!” He ducked as the boom went over. He scram - driven us well north on our broad reach. “Better let me take bled to the high side and set the jib. A huge wave hit us on the the tiller, now. We can practice tacking into the wind on our port side, throwing green water over the gunnel. way back.” We traded places as I handed him the jib sheets to “Good work!” He didn’t respond, as he dealt with the icy cold work. of Lake Superior water. Now the wind was really starting to Events started going downhill from there. Tommy had been blow. We were hiked out, fighting to keep the boat upright, fine, as long as he was steering the boat. Once I demoted him while water sloshed in the boat’s floorboards. to crew, and began issuing orders, his brain stopped working. We stayed on that tack for several minutes, but the wind was “Drop the board a bit,” I said. “The what?” He looked left and reaching gale strength. The waves were making it almost right. “The dagger board—right in front of you!” impossible to gain any westward progress. I decided to tack He fumbled with it, despite our having practiced earlier. once more to the south, and beach the boat somewhere down “Okay, now, ready about!” I waited. “I said, ready about!” wind of our cottage. Nothing. “Are you ready?” “Yeah!” “Then say so!” I grouched. “One more time, Tommy!” I yelled. “Ready about?” “Ready!” “I’m ready!” Sarcasm dripping off the word. I could barely hear him over the wind and spray hitting the I pushed the tiller over. “Helm’s alee!” He wasn’t ready. The sails. I threw the tiller down hard, just as a wave punched our Snipe’s boom, though mounted higher than most small boats, bow, drenching us again, and preventing the tack. I tried came over hard, clipping him smartly on the noggin. “Ow!” again. This time the boat came around, but another wave hit He gave me an accusing look. us on the starboard side. “Sheet in!” I ordered. The jib was flapping gaily. He was still Before I knew it I was in the water. I surfaced, frantic, and Report from rubbing his head. Finally he pulled, but on the wrong sheet. looking for the boat and my grandson! There! I saw the boat, East Algoma/ “Which rope?” he asked. “No ropes, remember?” I instructed. somehow still upright, galloping away downwind—out to sea! It was soon out of sight. OPP “The leeward one.” Continued next week Now he was really confused. “That one!” I pointed, not  helping his self-confidence a bit. The boat settled down to a nice port tack. I decided, that since practice makes perfect, to Two people are out sailing when suddenly a hand tack again. It was a near mirror image of the last fiasco. The appears in the sea. more we sailed, the more Tommy’s brain refused to func - “What’s that?” asked the skipper, tion—for, aft , windward, leeward, port, starboard, boom “It looks as if someone is drowning!” vang, hiking strap—up, down! “No,” explained his crew, “It's just a little wave.”

NOTICE OF CHANGE Arlene Labelle All ratepayers of the Township of St. Joseph are advised Esthetician that the Council meeting regularly scheduled for Wednesday June 16 HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED to Wednesday, June 23 at 7:00 p.m. • Manicures • Pedicures • Facials • Waxing • Massage • Hot stone therapy • Make-up • Retail Council Chambers, 1169 Arthur Street Gift Certificates for all occasions! All Council meetings are open to the public. Carol Trainor, A.M.C.T. Wed. - Fri. 10 - 6 pm • Sat. 10 - 3 pm Clerk-Administrator MARINER ’S COVE 9027 Hwy. 17 • , ON [email protected] 705-785-3647 Page 4 Fresh Bread Baked Daily Island Insight L A N Special Order Cakes S D Dessert Trays I Pastries Hot Lunches THIS WEEK , WITHIN A 24 HOUR PERIOD , eight people were involved in two Light Meal Menu collisions where seatbelts or the lack of seat belt use, played a pivotal role in the Pizza & Wings Soup & Sandwiches outcome. My condolences go out to family and friends who are suffering the after - math. Personally, I am truly shaken by these circumstances knowing that seat belts OPEN 7 AM TO 8 PM DAILY would have made a difference. 7 DAYS A WEEK • 246-0282 On May 31 at 11:30 pm on Highway 11,Temagami, a 15 year old girl, not wearing her n’s Dr seatbelt, was ejected from the van she was in and died on the roadway, her 16th are eam birthday mere minutes away. The driver of the van crossed the center line and K collided with a transport truck and died as a result. The other passengers, also not n B Hilto each wearing their seatbelts, a 13 and an 18 year old, suffered serious injuries. Fortu - nately, the driver of the transport was wearing his seat belt and was not physically at the Waterfront Centre Gifts, greeting cards, gift wrap, injured. He did everything he could to avoid the oncoming van, but the crash was jewellery, used books and souvenirs. inevitable. Kodak photo kiosk! 10 to 5, Wednesday - Saturday 246-7700 On June 01, at 3:30 pm on Highway 17,Thessalon, an 18 year old driver attempted to pass a transport truck on the right, lost control and rolled the vehicle. One of his two Call Denise 542-9215 passengers, a 65 year old who was unbelted, was ejected from the back seat. Both passengers in the vehicle were seriously injured.

In less than a day, two people are dead and five others are in hospital with serious, Household Cleaning life-altering injuries. A tragic and heartbreaking reality. Beginning and End of Season Cleaning “U HAVE IT MAID WITH US” As of June 1, Provincial Police North East Regional 2010 totals are 16 fatal FREE ESTIMATES collisions and 21 people dead. This time last year, we had 9 fatal collisions and 10 Environmentally Friendly Products people dead. So far this year in the North East Region, there have been 248 personal EMAIL: [email protected] injury collisions and 1,565 property damage collisions. Last year at this time, 336 and 1,964 respectively. Hall’s The Ontario Provincial Police will continue to maintain its high visibility and focus on impaired driving, aggressive driving and seat belt compliance. We will be driving Ice Cream that message home through the assistance of local media, public education and joint 24 Flavours of enforcement operations with our partners. Each and every police officer is deter - Ice Cream mined to make a difference. RICHARDS LANDING Some people say that a $240.00 ticket is a steep fine for not wearing a seatbelt, but 206-0423 having a young person die instead of blowing out a birthday candle is a much steeper price to pay.

Please, wear your seat belts and make sure your children are safely buckled in. 1611 P Line, St. Joe Island (at 10th) Inspector Mark Andrews, Highway Safety Division Covering all your glass and renovation requirements ... Ontario Provincial Police, North East Region • Residential • Commercial • Automotive (705) 475-2620 • 1-888-310-1122 New Windows, Doors & Siding, Glass Repairs Thermal Units, Mirrors etc. 246-1999 Cell: 945-1999

HAZARD TREE REMOVAL CHICKS N’ at the LADDERS Kaitlyn Jacobs & Allyce Holden • Professional Young Entrepreneurs Waterfront • Certified Centre • Trained Phone: (705) 206-4923 lower level in Email: • Experienced [email protected] Hilton Beach • Local Custom Painting and 10-5 Thursday to Monday Call Matt at Preliminary Cottage Cleanup Extended hours on Fridays (705) 542-9951 656 B Line Road • St. Joseph Island 246-7202 Page 5 ISLAND TOUCH Jayne Pateman Injured in Mrs. Mac’s THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE 246-0123 Car Crash ISLAND RESIDENTS ARE SADDENED and Mon - Saturday - 11 am - 8 pm Andrea Young, RMT concerned for the Pateman family of Richards Sunday - Closed 246-1433 Landing, following a serious 3 vehicle collision Day and evening appointments available in Laird Township last week. Gift Certificates Tastes like Home BridgeLink Medical Centre Richards Landing Well-known former Central School Principal But it’s Mrs. Mac’s Jayne Pateman was seriously injured when her distinctive yellow Chevrolet Cavalier was struck by an eastbound SUV on Highway 17 at 1615 20th Side Road, St Joseph Island the Bar River Road intersection, near Echo PHYSIO AND FITNESS Debbie’s Hair Hut Bay. The SUV, unable to stop in time, then collided with another eastbound vehicle. All take control of your health No Referral Required 971-4620 three vehicles were reportedly demolished. A full service family salon offering Linda Hyndman, Registered Physiotherapist BridgeLink Medical Centre only th2e4 fin6es-t 0ha4ir 5pr7 oducts. Jayne remains in Sault Area Hospital with [email protected] serious injuries, with husband Bill constantly Debbie Campbell - Owner at her side. The OPP are continuing with their investigation of the accident. Wessell Firewood KENTVALE Processed Hardwood Firewood The Island Clippings wishes Jayne a speedy The Helpful Place and full recovery. We’re sure that the Pateman SalSales&Servicees & Service 712712KLineRoad K Line Road 246-0334 family will be in the thoughts and prayers of RichardsLanding the entire community. (705)246-2002www.kentvale.comYou must see this 122 year old Delivery Available General Store Any Questions Regarding Services Please Call Kevin or Katie OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE 246-2002 www.kentvale.com YOUR BUSINESS! They keep our local economy THE TREFRY CENTRE COMPUTER healthy and make SENIORS & DISABLED Persons PROGRAMS • Repairs • Tune-up publishing the Island • Meals on Wheels • Virus removal Clippings possible! Serving the needs of • Transportation the Citizens on the • Set-up • Training North Shore & • Adult Day Out St. Joseph Island • Home Maintenance • Wired and Wireless Networks For more information call 705-246-0036 email: [email protected] CALL GEORGE 246-2112

David R. Porter, CMA Published weekly by Rod Wessell Heather & Brian Fox MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING HOW TO REACH US: & CONSULTING SERVICES and Son Waterfront Centre, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0 By email: [email protected] for all your accounting needs • Septics • Road Building By phone: 246-1635 • By fax: 246-7060 By mail: The Island Clippings, 5285 5th Side Road, Personal • Business • Farm & Corporations Bookeeping • Financial Statements • Business Plans • Lot Clearing R. R. 1, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0. Income Taxes (E-file) Call 246-2811 Days or Or simply use one of the Island Clippings boxes Phone/Fax (705) 246-3153 Res. (705) 246-3460 evenings and weekends conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners or the Hilton Beach Post Office. Off-Island Subscription Rates: $65. per year plus tax.

KENT’S COR The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for PEST MANAGEMENT INC. damage arising from errors in advertisements beyond the 246-1234 N amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of Serving the North Shore and Sault Ste. Marie Monday to Thursday the ad in which the error occured. There shall be no liability Government M.O.E.E. Licensed 6 am to 8 pm E for non-insertion of any ad. Cost for ads may be adjusted from Locally owned and operated Fridays 6 am to 9 pm time to time due to price increases of postage, paper and ink. AL MCBANE , P RESIDENT Saturday 8 am to 8 pm R Ads cannot be copied. The editor reserves the right to edit, 1-705-759-0282 • 1-888-670-BUGS (2847) Sunday 8 am to 7 pm revise, classify or reject an ad. Articles submitted do not Email: [email protected] S necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL VISA/MC/Debit/ATM Page 6 RECIPE CORNER Where, when and Sue Chuipka’s Chicken Wings how to retire should 2-3 pounds chicken wings, tips removed, not be an accident. drum and wing separated 2 tsp. oil There’s so much to think of when considering 2 tsp. lemon juice your retirement. By making the right decisions, 2 tbsp. soya sauce you’ll be living better instead. At Investors Group, our commitment is to help you manage 1/2 C. brown sugar your money through all the financial events of your life. If a comfortable retirement is on your 1 1/2 tsp. chili powder mind, we can help. Keith Eddy CFP Make sure chicken wings are placed in a single layer in pan. Take the first step. Ask for your free copy of Division Director one of these popular life event reports: Investors Group Pour mixture over wings, making sure they are well coated.  Retirement Lifestyle: The Ins-And-Outs of (705) 759-0220 Cook uncovered 45 minutes to one hour at 375 degrees. Turn Retirement Properties ext. 255 during cooking. When sauce starts to thicken, they are done.  Having Grandchildren: It’s More than Yummy! Champagne and Cigars Thanks Sue!  Retirement Countdown: 5 Years To Go – And Counting We are always on the lookout for new recipes. Don’t forget to send send yours in if you have some to share! Keith Eddy CFP. Division Director Investors Group 246-3924 or e-mail at  [email protected] Investors Group Financial Services Inc.

Restricted Fire Zone Update ™Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. MP1147 (10/2007) Effective June 4th, the Ministry of Natural Resources has lifted the Restricted Fire Zone across much of Northeastern Ontario. It remains in place however, for the areas south of Wawa, including the districts of Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury Your Island Garage and North Bay. The area remaining under restriction is bounded by Lake Building Expert ... Huron and the French and Mattawa Rivers in the south, the Quebec border in the east, from Latchford to the Montreal River in the north, and the Lake Superior shoreline on the Shell includes west. Labour & Materials The Restricted Fire Zone covering our area will therefore 24’ x 28’ ...... $14,784 remain in effect until further notice. 26’ x 26’ ...... $14,872 28’ x 30’ ...... $18,480 plus taxes Ask us for pricing on other sizes!

Home Improvements [email protected] Mark Henderson 246-2110

Page 7 To view virtual tours of these properties and many many more visit realestate.ca dallas

3125 Third St. Hilton Beach 3810 A Line Road, St. Joseph Island 763 Lakeview Rd. Echo Bay 3173 Haight Rd. St. Joseph Island 1744 Lewellyn St. St. Joseph Island St. Joseph Island. Across from beach Cedar chalet features 3 bedrooms up Located on sheltered in land lake, open Located in Richards Landing with town Quiet country living only 25 min from SSM. and beautiful full service marina. 3 and 1 on main. Main floor laundry room, Open concept home with newer kitchen, concept 3 bedroom bungalow with vaulted water and sewer. This panabode log oak hardwood floors, fully finished base - Bedroom home with large living room patio doors off dinette and garden doors off cedar ceilings. Many updates including home features walkout basement with ment, 2 full baths. Oversized 2 car with vaulted ceilings and large gas fire - newer windows, roof and siding. Master in law suite or large recroom and 4th garage has heated office and finished dining room. Large living room addition place. Beautifully landscaped double lot. bedroom and dining room have patio doors bedroom and second bath. Large yard playhouse. Several out buildings on this with vaulted ceilings and hardwod floors. Attached double garage with built-in to large deck. Useable waterfront with dock. with garden and shed. Views of the 10 acre lot include maple syrup shack Full basement, Large garage or shop with storage. Master suite has ensuite. water when leaves are off the trees. attached room for home based business. Only minutes from bridge. with all you need to make syrup. Shows like new. $184,500. $379,900. $119,900. $289,900. $229,900.

2972 Soo Mill Rd. St. Joseph Island 1277 Richards St. St. Joseph Island 1216 Gore St. Richards Landing Waterfront close to Hilton Beach & Two bedroom bungalow, with some 3104 Mark St., Hilton Beach 647b Lakeshore Dr. Desbarats Close to beach and marina. This four marina. 3 bedroom bungalow features newer windows. One block from Only 1/2 a block to beach and Usable waterfront in this 2 bedroom year old, 3 bedroom bungalow has over newer metal roof, most windows, beach or marina. Great as a summer marina. This 3 bedroom home has home. Open concept, vaulted ceilings, 1430 sq ft with open concept siding, kitchen, some flooring, over - getaway or year round home. Town tons of character with original beautifully landscaped yard with garden living/dining/kitchen. In floor heating sized garage with lots of storage. Wrap water and sewer. Close to school, woodwork. Hardwood floors, huge shed, woodshed, single garage, newer plus wood stove, huge master, walk in around deck. Cleared area at shoreline. hospital and shopping. 3 season porch, newer wiring and roof and heat trace cable. Newer closet and ensuite, with garden doors to Usable waterfront. Shared drilled well. $49,900. plumbing. Town water and sewer. Kitchen. Park your boat at the dock, hot tub. sheltered on both sides. $269,900. $169,900. $109,900. $234,900.

1163 Adcock Dr. St. Joseph Island 5284 Wierzbicki Dr. St. Joseph Island Lot 28-22 Anjigami Lake 135 Lakeshore Dr. Desbarats Breathtaking Landscaping surrounds 158 End Side Rd. Echo Bay Beautiful 3 bedroom bungalow with Beautiful views of Lake Anjigami from Waterfront overlooking Brown's Island. this beautiful cedar 3 bedroom home on Absolutely breathtaking views from this 2 many updates. Oak hardwood floors, this log cottage. Large lake with great Newer roof, oak kitchen, updated gas the water. Good sized guest house or bedroom log sided home on 79.5 acres. Open concept with newer family room addi - bathrm with slate floor and whirlpool fishing and hunting. (Dist 34+35) Good furnace and central air. Large garage shop has water and electricity. Beautiful road in or take the railway and get tion, finished in pine with vaulted ceilings. tub, newer wood stove, new huge wrap insulated and heated. Large loft area hardwood floors, large master suite dropped off. Property is over an acre. Full basement has been roughed in for around deck with sunken sitting area. above for future development. New with two sided fireplace, very open Insulated 2 car garage, large shed and Land is leased but loads of value in the second bathroom, hot tub, newer energy garden shed and gazebo at shore. concept. woodshed. Beautiful sand beach, great log cottage. Propane lights & stove. $279,000. efficient forced air furnace. Newer 60x40 for children. $259,900. timber framed barn. $299,900. $67,000. $259,900.

4121 W Line, St. Joseph Island On over 46 acres sits this 3 bedroom 288 Lane 12, Rock Lake 2032 Canoe Point Road Lot 3 Peter Lake, Echo Bay 3419 Hamilton Bay Rd. bungalow with L shaped living room & Spectacular views from this 3 bedroom St. Joseph Island - Scenic views from 160.50 acres of privacy with hundreds St. Joseph Island dining room. Hardwood floors cottage on Rock Lake. Newer wood this open concept 4 bedroom 3 bath - of acres of crown land around. Several 80 acres of field and bush features 2 throughout (need re-finishing). Full stove. front & back decks, good water - room home on Gawas Bay. Master with roads/trails, large pond with creek that bed log home with full walkout basmt, basement with wood stove insert in front with good swimming & fishing. ensuite, main flr laundry. Two car runs through the property. Just north of several out buildings, with separate brick fireplace. Drilled well, newer water Year round access. Storage shed. Take detached garage with bunkie, wood - Echo Bay off Hwy 638. Great hunting corrals, beaver pond with creek running treatment system & softener. Stream Hwy 638 north to Centre Line Rd and working shop and art studio. Sandy and fishing. Several island lakes close through property. Great for horses, or runs through property. Only 15 min to left on Finlyson Rd to Lane 12. beach, big dock, minutes from Hilton by. Comes with treated logs to build log hunt camp. bridge. Beach. cottage. $139,900. $129,900. $169,900. $499,900. $99,900. 2883 Green St. St. Joseph Island. 1960 Shore Rd. St. Joseph Island 3079 Hilton Rd. Hilton Beach Lot 44 Mamainse Lake, Batchewana Bay Waterfront. Beautiful sunsets, watch the 456 Pine Island Rd 200 feet of shoreline. On paved year Excellent retirement or summer home. Extremely private 246 acres of mixed ships go by from this large deck and pool. Large marina and beach mins. away. Excellent building lot on Pine Island round road, nice sand beach, newer hardwood with about 3000’ of shoreline immaculate 2 bedroom side split with main Newer kitchen, baths, furnace plus on Mamainse Lake. It is the only over 150 feet of shoreline and approx septic system, shed and guest floor laundry/office. Newer kitchen, large wood stove insert. Formal dining room privately owned piece on the Lake. 2 acres of mixed bush. New driveway bunkie. Cottage has character with sunroom with patio doors to deck. Large 2 large covered porch. Newer elec - and hardwood floors. Main floor master Lake is 100’ deep in spots. Good trout car garage with insulated shop on one side. in and 400 amp service. Sheltered trical panel. Faces west for beautiful as a family room with garden doors to fishing. 45 min north of Sault Ste. Marie. in-ground sprinkler system. Many waterfront. deck. Large yard. vegetable and flower gardens. $159,900. sunsets. Half log exterior. $119,900. $349,900. $199,900. $167,500. Lots Lot 9 Island View Drive, 2 Acres $24,900 Lot 2 Island View Drive, 1.17 Acres $59,900 Lot 3 Island View Drive, 1.14 Acres $59,900 Lot 7 Conc. 13 Base Line, 100 Acres, $84,900 Lot 58 Government Rd., 132’ frontage $11,900 Lots 131 - 136 Walnut St. Hilton Beach, 3 Acres $39,900 286 Hardwood Dr. Desbarats 5210 Wierzbicki Dr. St. Joseph Is. Private country setting with over 4 acres Waterfront. Walk the beautiful sand Hwy. 548 Lot 20 Conc. E, 82 x 115’ possible commercial $19,900 only 30 minutes to Sault Ste. Marie. 3 beach from this extensively updated 25 Ellwood Blvd. & 5483 Ellwood Blvd., 200’ frontage bedroom bungalow, full finished base - home. Newer kitchen, flooring, garden $139,900 ment, 4th bedroom, almost finished 5th doors to deck. Updated 3 piece bath 27 Ellwood Blvd. 130’ frontage bedroom or office. Newer windows, with sauna, in-ground sprinkler, over - 33 Ellwood Blvd. 123’ frontage $69,900 counter-tops, bathroom, fresh paint & sized attached garage, main floor $54,900 newer 3 car garage. Large shed plus laundry, large docking system good for 134 Pumpkin Point Rd . 151 x 249 other out buildings. boat and swimming. Lot 28 Pt. Pine Island Rd. 1.43 Acre$s 17,500 $259,900. $239,900. 13 Big Point Rd. 332' of shoreline $19,900 Lot 1 White Rd. 321 Acres $124,900 Commercial/Investment Prop$15e9,9r00 ty

1203 Gore St. St. Joseph Island Prime location downtown Richards 3080 Hilton Rd. St. Joseph Island 1195 Richard St. St. Joseph Island 1202 Gore St. Richards Landing Landing. Extensively updated building St. Joseph Island. Well established 137 & 141 Tancred St. SSM Downtown Richards Landing. Commercial Excellent location! Downtown Richards all wiring and 200 amp panel, windows, business. High traffic location on Hwy. Historic brownstone townhouse, building for lease or sale. Take over Landing on St. Joseph Island. Well refinished hwd. flrs. Main room is 548. Hilton General Store has LCBO with attached duplex, 7-8 bedrooms, icecream business or start a new one. approx. 1032 sq. ft. with 11 ft. ceilings. updated plumbing and electrical, Upstairs could be 2 bed apartment or office established restaurant, comes with Outlet, Lotto. Deli coolers and meat house behind. Close to Beach and Large deck at front with wheelchair counter, 2nd storey undeveloped – used newer windows and roof, convenient space.Newer deck and windows, close to access, office area and workspace off downtown location. marina and beach. or Marina. for storage. 3 bedroom home attached $139,900 $ 600 a $159,900.00 the main room. Parking out front plus to store for owner-occupied business – Sold separately plus utilities for main floor. 137 - $119,900 month out back. currently rented. $169,900.00 $249,900.00 141 - $179,900

1216 Gore St. Richards Landing $900/week 1462 Sailor's Encampment, $600/week 1615 20th Side Rd.$600/ WEEK 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, satellite tv, high speed Beautiful view of the shipping channel, Hunters welcome! 98 acres of field and bush, internet, centrally located close to beach and access to dock with fishing boat and canoe, beautiful hardwood ridge with road to back of marina. sleeps four. property. Apple orchard with fields.

348 abc Puddingstone Rd. Desbarats $1000/week 5268 Wierzbicki Drive $1000/week or $180/Night 1709 Russell St. $1100/week or $200/night 2032 Canoe Point Rd.$1500/wk Over 260 acres of bush, field, gardens, creek and Walk for miles down a beautiful sandy beach or So much to do not far to go. Privately placed Scenic views of Gawas Bay make this 4 bdrm, 3 pond. Over 2000 sq ft home with large games room, cuddle up in this 3 bedroom cottage with all the cottage in the heart of Richards Landing. Sand bathrm open concept home ideal for a summer wet bar and patio doors to wrap around deck. Log comforts of home. Full kitchen with dishwasher, beach, dock for large boats. Great for business getaway. Sand beach,big dock, minutes from cabin over looking pond. satellite tv and sun room. retreat or just a weekend away from the city. boat launch. Available year round. Re-creating a Future for Draft Zoning By-Laws the Norman family ON APRIL 16, 2010, Christine (Payne) Norman and her PUBLIC OPEN three beautiful sons, Cole (6), Trent (4) and Reed (2), lost their husband, friend and father, Tom Norman, in a tragic HOUSES accident while vacationing in Aruba. Due to his job, he had no life insurance. The St. Joseph Island Planning Board Norman’s Mom’s (Mothers on a Mission), a group of friends together with the Townships of St. Joseph, of the family, are planning a Pasta Dinner & Silent Auction at Jocelyn and Hilton and the Village of Hilton the Moose Lodge on Monday, June 21st from 5 – 8 pm, to Beach will hold two Public Open Houses to raise funds to help Christine keep a roof over her family’s review and receive public input on the draft heads, and to help her “Re-create the Future” for herself and new Zoning By-laws for St. Joseph Island, her sons. as follows: We hope to make it possible for the children to stay in their own home, until Christine is out of hospital and able to make Monday, June 28th , 2010 the important decisions that she will need to make regarding their future. 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm Tickets are $20, and are available at: at the Moose Lodge - 543 Trunk Road; Bath Solutions - 655 Second Township of St. Joseph Line West; or by contacting Mark at 542-9178 or [email protected] Administration Building, Silent Auction items can be donated by calling Mark at 1669 Arthur Street, Richards Landing 542-9178

and Donations can be made directly to the family at any Northern Credit Union to “The Norman Family Trust Account”. 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm For more information on the Norman Family please feel free at the to contact Christine’s brother, Kalin Payne at 613-218-2380 or Hilton Community Hall via email at [email protected]. 3050 Hilton Road (Hwy. 548), Hilton Beach The Norman Family and Friends thank you for your support!

Residents and landowners are encouraged to attend one or both of these meetings and to review and to provide input on the draft Zoning By-laws.

If you have questions or comments, THE TOWNSHIP OF ST. JOSEPH please contact: PUBLIC NOTICE REGARDING WATER USAGE Residents connected to the municipal water system are asked to be aware that potential shortages in the municipal water supply may occur due to extremely dry weather. Michael Jagger, Secretary Municipal water supplies may become depleted during drought conditions which St. Joseph Island Planning Board may pose a risk of shortages for domestic use and fire fighting purposes. All residents are asked to conserve water when possible, do not water lawns or P.O. Box 187 gardens during daytime hours, limit watering to evening, overnight and early Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0 morning hours, and only when necessary. Vehicle washing should also be limited. For water conservation tips in and around the home please visit: Phone (705) 246-2625, Fax 246-3142 http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/cons/3780-e.htm. Council and Staff of St. Joseph Email: [email protected] Township seek your assistance in maintaining water levels and appreciate your cooperation. Carol O. Trainor, Clerk-Administrator, [email protected] Page 10 PC Doctor SUN RISE—SUN SET! Glorious day will follow glorious day in this better-than- by George Skardis new 2 BR lakeshore home set amidst towering pines. QUESTION : My 5-year-old computer is running slower and ing Open concept slower. It hesitates frequently and on occasion locks up new list with new maple completely. This has been an excellent computer until now. It kitchen, modern has never needed any service. Any idea what is wrong? bath, main floor bedroom and ANSWER : Your 5-year-old computer is telling you that it large sleeping needs some attention. Ignore these early warning signs and loft. Huge wrap risk losing everything that you have stored on this computer. around rear The most likely cause for your current symptoms is an ailing deck overlooking the water. Use it for vacations and when hard-drive which should be replaced sooner rather than later. you're ready—your retirement home. $199,000 I have seen home and business computer owners struggle FRONT ROW SEATS! through hoping that whatever is plaguing that darn computer will clear itself up. Instead, the worst thing imaginable Soaring walls of happens. Your digital family pictures are lost. Computerized glass and business records are lost. Be grateful when there are warning sweeping decks signs. Not all computer hard drives nearing the end-of-life give you unpar - behave alike. Instead of slowing down gradually, hesitating, alled vistas of the and locking up, a hard drive can stop spinning completely. lake and north Gone forever. shore any season of the year. This 3 A hard-drive consists of metal platters. Newer hard-drives use BR, 2 Bath glass or glass-ceramic platters which do not expand and contemporary home on wooded lakefront lot features contract with temperature changes. The platters are coated flowing family areas, loft master suite with ensuite and with a thin layer of magnetic material which deteriorates over whirlpool tub. In a quiet enclave of fine homes it's a beauty time. Read-write heads move above the platters but are not in that must be experienced, available now at $265,000. contact with the platters. While the metal platters are spin - ning, a thin cushion of air builds up between head and platter ting surface. Accidentally bump your computer with sufficient new lis force and the head might strike the platter. This momentary 50 ACRES OF HAPPINESS! contact can result in damage and lost data. The platters and Mature hardwoods and sun drenched meadows coupled read-write head are sealed inside an aluminum box to prevent with wild flowers grace this natural preserve that’s dust contamination. presently home to deer, turkey, a curious fox plus other During operation, the hard-drive can be quite noisy. The plat - assorted 4 legged friends. This private place, just 10 ters rotate at 5400 rpm or 7200 rpm and produce a humming minutes from Richards Landing is a perfect spot to camp sound. The read-write heads are activated by computer or hunt. You can buy privacy for $55,000. instructions to move from position to position, rattling, Call for directions. clicking, and crunching away to themselves. Very loud, isolated clicks can be a sign of trouble. Carl Thomas Broker of Record Hard-drives can store an incredible amount of data today. The 705-246-8585 smallest drives have 160 gb (gigabyte) capacity. Check your [email protected] personal computer to determine the storage capacity of your current hard-drive. Go to My Computer. Right click on Local www.carlthomas.ca Disk (C:). Click on Properties to view details with a pie chart “Specializing in out of area Buyers!” displaying total space, used space and remaining free space. Manufacturers have stopped production for the smaller 40 gb or 80 gb hard-drives found in older computers. Does your Butkovich & Associates computer shelter an antique hard-drive? Office: 705-942-6000 Replace your faulty hard-drive with a factory fresh unit. Helping buyers and sellers for over 25 years Replacement hard-drives are available with prices ranging from $50 and up depending on the source, brand, and with practical experience in farm properties, capacity. commercial, residential, rural and waterfront. Page 11 A St. Joseph Island Museum Moment Hey I’m back. Did you miss me? Ha! Ha! The museum moved to St. Joe 27 years ago and were actively involved in weathered the winter well and is looking spiffy again. The many volunteer organizations. They recently moved back to bunnies are hopping, the birds are nesting, the deer are the Sault and are sorely missed by this community. Jim’s love checking us out but so far no groundhogs. of woodworking started 60 years ago and has continued to this day. He is planning to make some sheaths of wheat for The Log House has a whole new look, thanks to some new our display and I can’t wait to see them. artifacts and a lot of expert help from Bert and Rhonna. The medical display in the Church is much larger and more inter - We open on June 19th, six days a week. 9:30 to 4:30 daily, esting and last but not least the new display in the barn will closed Tuesdays. Come see all the new displays. be of much interest. A year ago Margaret Snider called to see Don’t forget! The first 10 people who come to the museum if we would accept Jim’s models of farm machinery, and we to get or renew their membership get a free prize, and 5 are were delighted to accept them. already gone. The prizes for members only are looking pretty Jim had two new tables made and their friend Tom Orr deliv - awesome this year. I haven’t firmed them up yet but as soon ered them last year. Well a week ago Graham and Norma as I get confirmation I will list them for you. For $20.00 single Schell arrived with all six of Jim’s models under Plexiglas and or $30.00 family you get a season’s pass to the museum, a what an addition to our museum! newsletter in the spring, a chance to win one of 5 great prizes for members only, and of course the good feeling you get for Jim and Margaret both grew up on a farm, Jim in Wood - helping us to preserve these 6000 artifacts. bridge and Margaret was a White from Bruce Mines. Jim worked in excavation for many years and Margaret taught Pat Fleming, Curator school first in Tarentorus and then in Sault Ste. Marie. They

2007 PONTIAC TORRENT TEE TALK Ladies’ Night June 1st AWD We had a nice evening with lots of winnings... 1st Place: Jane Moyle, Sue Breton, T.R. Barban, Line Webster with 22pts. 2nd Place: Norma Shell, Britney Stevens, Julie Stevens with 12pts. 3rd Place: Cathy Redmond, Judy Connell, Gloria Struk, Sandie Palandra with 7.5pts. SILVER • LOADED 50/50 draws won by Debbie Pritchard and Lynda Della Penta SUNROOF • LEATHER $17,900 Seniors’ June 7th PLUS LIC & TAXES Closest to Pin - Charlie Nelson, Bernie Crosby; Closest to 200 It’s worth the drive! marker - Jim Crosby, Terry See; Golf Balls - Margaret Lees Teams: 1st - Diane Tasse, Bob Riddell, Elgin Eddy; 2nd - Ross Reilly, David Cook, Cathy Redmond, Verne Carnduff; 3rd - John Gibbs, Bob Jerrard, Jane Moyle, Agneta Gotmalm 214 Main Street, Thessalon

842-2433 Page 12 Women’s Institute News The Clover Valley and Richards Landing Women’s Institute members enjoyed their outing on Tuesday, June 1st. The first stop was Mom’s restaurant for lunch and then on to the St. Joseph Island Museum for a personal tour by Curator Pat Fleming. I encourage everyone to renew their museum membership and visit the museum during the season to support this outstanding island asset. Pat, staff and volunteers are planning several events and are continually changing and improving the museum displays. We had an amazing visit and sent our thanks for all the hard work they do on site. In July, the Clover Valley and Richards Landing Institutes will $1849.00 join forces to host two events. The first is the Algoma North Shore District Women’s Institute International Picnic on Wednesday, July 21st , where members and guests will enjoy lunch and participate in a tour of the island by bus or boat. The second event is the Women’s Institute Quilt Show on July 30, 31 and August 1st. The Quilt Show is the fundraising event for both Institutes. Funds raised during the show allow us to make donations to the island’s local fire departments, the Children’s Library, St. Joseph Island Central School programs and the local Food Bank, to name only a few of the organiza - tions supported. We are always looking for volunteers for the Quilt Show so if you want to help out with set up, take down, the Tea Room, or greeting guests and taking their money, please contact Carol $329.00 Smith at 246-3942. You can volunteer for as little as 3 hours. We are also looking for quilts to display at the show!

Mother to daughter advice: Cook a man a fish and you feed him for a day. But teach a man to fish and you get rid of him for the whole weekend. MacKay’s Island Pharmacy (9:30 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri) Convenient Drop-off at Hospital for after hour and/or Weekend Pickup We can provide your pharmacy needs ALL With fuel prices soaring, give us a try; You won’t be disappointed KENTVALE Messaging Service for Ordering & Call Back The Helpful Place Sales&Service Bring in oBr srhiodwg uesL tihnisk a Md aendd irceaceli vCe e1n0%tr eo,ff Rsuincghlasrsdes a Lnda ncedrtiinfieg d products Sales & Service 7712KLineRoad12 K Line Road 246-0650 “We go the extra mile for you” RichardsLandingRichards Landing (705) 246-2002 www.kentvale.com Page 13 (705)246-2002www.kentvale.com Friday Night Foods 2002 Ford Taurus, Matador “Air Flow” tailgate for pulling PERSONALS at the Legion Red, fully loaded. V6 auto, 5th wheel trailer. Like new! remote start, in great shape. $100. Fits older Chev truck. To Richard Laude, Twin Norm Tanguay will be 145,000 km. Asking $3,500. Call 257-0170 (Cell) Lakes: Celebrating 3/4 of a cooking smoked Certified. Call 246-7094 century of collecting. Happy Texas-style brisket as well Wrought iron Patio table set Birthday to a great father, as the regular menu. 2002 JAGUAR X type 2.5L (green) with 4 chairs. Like husband & grandfather. AWD, lots of extras. new. Call 257-0170 (Cell) Happy Birthday Opa from the Entertainment will be Call 246-1059 Nelsons, Trapanis, Laudes, provided by Disc Jockey ARTICLE S WANTED Macarees and all the grand - Body parts for front end of a Ryan Byrne. kids, Leif, Tess, Jake, Marah, ’93 Ford Escort wagon. $200. Garden bird bath. Old is fine, Jessica & Melissa. Come on out and enjoy Call 246-7135. And to Margot Laude: A touch good food and try your not broken. Call 246-2875 Misc office furniture for sale. older but always wiser. Happy 1 pair of 8 to 8 1/2 ft. rowing Birthday Oma, from all the luck on the meat draw! Oak chairs with fabric seat grandkids, daughters and son. $15. each or 6/$75. Office oars in good condition. Phone or leave message: 246-2866 Hope the both of you enjoy a steno chairs starting at $5. ea. sunny day and a sausage ARTICLES FOR SALE Slide out keyboard tray $3. cooked on the backyard fire. Typewriter table with casters WORK WANTED Love from all of us. $20. 36 x72 table $40. OBO. JD 335 Round Baler, field File cabinets starting at $10. Ceramic tile installation, GARAGE /YARD SALES ready, stored inside; Round File storage boxes good interior painting or other small Bale Hoop for silage tube; jobs. Call Buck or Terry at condition $2. ea. Also beau - 2945 A Line Road, just south pipe elevator; square bale tiful cherry wood finish dining 246-3657. stooker; 20’ Pontoon Boat of K Line. Friday, June 11: 12 room set with 6 upholstered with 40 merc. motor and to 4 pm & Saturday, June 12: chairs $1,900.OBO. LOST trailer; Danby portable air 8 am until 12 noon. conditioner 1200 BTU/H Call 248-2696 All Tribes Christian Camp will Remote control LCD display Silver bracelet at the Algoma BOSS Dr. Rhythm Drum be having their annual Yard & like new 2 yrs old $300. deliv - Trad Dance at the Legion. If Machine $100. Peavey Audi - Bake Sale on Saturday June ered; 2003 complete Harley found, please call 246-1240. tion 20 Guitar Amp $25. 12th and Saturday June 19th Davidson Wide Glide Front Call 246-1892 LOOKING TO RENT from 9am - 2pm (1065 Hilton end including windshield, Road). A great variety of items headlite, wheel and tire like Firewood, cut & split and Quiet couple, returning to St and yummy baked goods! new $650. Firm. delivered $70. a cord $60 pick Come support the Camp! Call 246-2088 up in Hilton Beach call 246- Joe’s for the summer, looking 3804. for a furnished place to rent. ANNOUNCEMENTS Inglis fridge with top freezer. We would be needing a place White. 14 cu. ft. Good working Rough-hewn spruce lumber: from June until the end of condition. Ideal as a second 2x4x8, 2x4x16 and 1x6, 1x8 Sept. Off the island is fine too, Strawberry Tea to be held fridge. $50. Call 246-1628 and 1x10 in various lengths, as far as Bruce Mines or from 11 pm to 2 pm on June up to 16 feet. Call 246-2323 13th, at the Legion Hall in 2002 Pontiac Sunfire. Good Thessalon. High Speed or Cell 542-4712 Richards Landing. Sponsored condition, 2dr, auto, air, internet a must. Rent max by the Legion Ladies’ Auxil - $500. Contact via email 184,000 km, new tires and Salton convection toaster iary, Branch 374. Soup, [email protected] brakes. Asking $2,500. oven and indoor/outdoor 5’x7’ sandwich and strawberry Call cell: 946-9745 rug. Call 246-0883 dessert available for $7. Everyone is welcome! 1998 Buick LeSabre 204,000 3-wheel Handicap Scooter, km, V6, grey 4 door, anti-lock new batteries: $500. Would the person who brakes, power seats, power Call 257-0170 (Cell) borrowed my scaffolding steering, power windows. please return it. Thank you! Certified. $4,800. Mark Henderson, Garage Call 246-1040 Plus.

BRUCE MINES INSURANCE wardlaw HOUR 24 CY MERGEN 73 Taylor St., Box 189, Bruce Mines, ON P0R 1C0 wardlaw E ! wardlawwarwardlawdlaw SERVICE FUELS Maintenance(ALGOM PlanA) Budget INC Plan. FurnaceFamilOyi l OO wff nRoad/Cleared & Op Dieselerate Gasolined BROKERS Ltd. Stove Oi lO il Furnaces&F ireplaces Oi lB oilers Water Heaters MaintenanceD Planelivery BudgetArea PlanALu FurnacetoImTatTic LDeliveryOi lEO fOf Road/Clear SenILio rCs DiscoO DieselMuntP GasolineANY StoveThOiel O Bil IFurnaceGGESsT &F ireplaces Oi lB oilers Water Heaters In Town! Meeting your Home, Auto Batchewana Delivery AreaGoulais Automatic Delivery Seniors Disco• Munatintenance Plan • Budget Plans MaintenanceMaintenance Plan PlanSearchmo Budgetn Budgett Member Plan Planof th e Furnace FurnaceOOi illO O fff f Road/ClearRoad/Clear Diesel Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Batchewana Canadian • Fu942-5766rnace Oil • Off Road/Clear Diesel & Gasoline Saul tS te .M arie Oi lH eat and Goulais StoveStoveOOi illO O iil l FurnaceFurnaceAssociatsiosn &&F F ireplacesireplaces OOi illB B oilersoilers Water Water Heaters Heaters Echo Ba y • Stove Oil • Oil Furnaces & Firelplces • Oil Boilers Searchmont Member of th e Automatic Delivery Seniors Discount Canadian Automatic Delivery Seniors Discount DDeelliivveerry y AArreea a Bruce MasterCard 942-5766VISA • Water Heaters • Automatic Delivery • Seniors Discount Saul tS te .M arie St . Joseph Is .Oi lH eat Commercial Insurance Needs AssociatMinesio n To ll Free 1-866-550-9912 Echo Ba y BBaatctchheewwaanna a 347 Lake Street FamilyToll F Ownedree 1-866-550-9912 GoulaisGoulais Bruce MasterCard VISA St . Joseph Is . Mo n- Fr i8 am - 5pm Mines To ll Free 1-866-550-9912 347 L&ake Street SSeeaarrcchhmmoonnt t MMeemmbbeer r oof fth thee 942-5766 Operated CanadianCanadian 347 Lake942-5766942-5766 Street Family OwnedMon. - Fri. 8 am - 5 pm SSaauul tl tS S tete ..M M aarrieie OOi li lH H eateat Bus (705) 785-3436 Fax (705) 785-3747 Mo n- Fr i8 am - 5Ecphm o Ba y AssociatAssociatio io nn www.wardlawfuels.com & Echo Ba y Operated

MasterCard VISA www.wardlawfuels.com BruceBruce MasterCard VISA SSt .t .JJoosseepph h IsIs .. Page 14 MinesMines www.wardlawfueTTo o lll l FreeFreels.c 1-866-550-9912o 1-866-550-9912m 347347 Lake Lake Street Street FamilyFamily Owned Owned MMo o nn- - FFr r ii8 8 aam m --55ppm m && OperatedOperated www.wardlawfuewww.wardlawfuellss..ccoom m Quilts! Quilts! Quilts! Wanted - Please RSVP to Neil or Request For Proposals: The Attention ‘Pistonheads’! Don’t your quilts - new, old, heir - Teresa on or before June Township of St. Joseph invites miss the first annual SWAP loom, large, small, hand or 17th. at: proposals for interior finishing MEET on Saturday, June machine made, etc - to [email protected] of the Lighthouse located at 19th, 8 am to 5 pm, at the display at the 22nd Annual or 246-2581. the Richards Landing Munic - Richards Landing Centennial Women’s Institute Quilt Show ipal Marina. Project. Grounds. Admission is free. to be held July 30 & 31st and Euchre Tournament - Legion Specifications and bidder We’ll also have a Show & August 1st at the St Joseph Br. 374. June 12th, Registra - requirements available at the Shine for any vehicle or Island Public School, tion 11 am to 12 pm. Games St. Joseph Township Office, machinery. Guess the time of Richards Landing. Don't start at 12 pm. Cost $10. per 1669 Arthur Street, Richards our motor ‘seize up’ and win a forget you can submit an entry person (singles). Light lunch Landing, ON. Phone 246- cash prize! The Legion Food to the Quilted Challenge and will be served. 50/50 draws, 2625, Email: Booth will be open all day! register for the Workshop. For ecuhre pots and loner pots. [email protected] Vendors: $15 per 20’ x 20’ info call Norah 246-1084 or 90% of money collected Submission Deadline: spot. All proceeds will go to Maria 246-2483. would be returned in prizes. Monday, June 14th, 2010 at the All Tribes Christian Camp Everyone welcome! 3:00 pm. Lowest or any Building Fund. For info, call St. Joseph Island Chamber of Retirement – The St. Joseph proposal not necessarily Joe Hendershott at 254-9219 Commerce: On Monday June accepted. or Gord Hawdon at 246-3636. 21st we will be holding a Island Central School P&T is dinner meeting / year end holding a Tea in honour of Mr. windup at the Tilt’n Hilton. Goulay on Friday, June 18  Plan on arriving around 6 pm from 2-5. Come and join us in to mingle, with dinner to follow wishing Mr. Goulay well. at 6:30. Our guest speaker is Regal - St. Joseph Island P&T A small town Doctor was famous in the area for always Mr. Jim Sundberg who will be placing our last order catching large fish. One day while he was on one of his designed and is hosting our on Thursday, June 10th then web site, which will be on taking a break for the frequent fishing trips he got a call that a woman at a display for review and summer. Please contact Kim neighboring farm was giving birth. He rushed to her aid comment. You will have an Coulter 246-2207 or Cynthia and delivered a healthy baby boy. The farmer had opportunity to discuss linking Schaafsma 246-3920 if you your website with the wish to order anything. nothing to weigh the baby with so the Doctor used his Chamber site and other advertising possibilities. fishing scales. The baby weighed 22 lbs 10 oz.. Visit Moose Sweats First! Kubota BX and B Series You are invited to attend the Maximize your tractor BX and B Series versatility with Kubota’s Save $200 performance matched Annual Tea & Fashion Show implements. Kubon anyo Kubotata midB mountX mower and B Series Saturday, June 19th and $250 on a loader*. MaximiBXze y&o uBr Series tractor versatility at the BX and B Series(except TLB’s) Financing KubotaBX BXand andand B Series BB Series SeriesBX andwith KBubo taSeries’s performance *Offers expire May 31st, 2010. 0% for 30 matched imonthsmple OACme ornts. Harmony Tea Room SaveSave $200 $200See your dealer for details. Maximize your tractor Save $200 Cash Discount* on any KubotaSave mid mount $200mower on anyon anyKubotaBX Kubota and mid midmountB Seriesmount mower mower BXversatility &BX B &BXSeries B &Series B withSeries Kubota’s on any Kubota mid mount mower BX & B Series 2 seatings: 11:30 am and 2:30 pm. Financingperformance matched and and$250 and$250 on a onloader*. a on loader*. a loader*. FinancingFinancing andSave $250 $200 on a loader*. Financing Tickets are $25. on(except any(except Kubota TLB’s)(except TLB’s) mid TLB’s) mount mower0%0%implements. for0% for 30for 30 30 (except TLB’s) monthsmonths OAC0%months or OAC or OAC for or 30 Cash Discount*Cash Discount*Cash Discount*months OAC or Sponsored entirely by Moose Sweats and $250 on a loader*. BX &Cash B Discount*Series (exceptB3200HSD TLB’s) B3030Financing BX2660 to benefit the Childrens’ Library *Offers expire May 31st, 2010. 0% for 30 See your dealer for details. months OAC or Cash Discount* For info & tickets call 246-2777

B3200HSDB3200HSDB3200HSD B3030 B3030 B3030 BX2660 BX2660 BX2660 B3200HSD B3030 BX2660 30 Calabogie Road, Echo Bay (705) 248-2208 B3200HSD B3030 BX2660 Fax 248-3170 email: [email protected] HOURS: 11 AM - 5 PM DAILY

Page 15 Classified Ads and Announcements The Island Clippings is pleased to publish personal Classified ting). Advertiser must resubmit ad each week. To ensure space for Advertising and Public Service Announcements, free of charge to everyone, please limit your content to a maximum of 50 words. Island residents, as a community service. Other than personal for Ads can be placed by: sale ads the announcement must be of value to the community. We Email to: [email protected] reserve the right to decide if the ad is of service to the community. or by phone 246-1635 (from 9 – 5, Mon-Fri) Ads or announcements for non-residents, businesses, or items or or fax 246-7060. services, to be sold for profit, as well as items valued at over Mail to: Island Clippings, RR1, Hilton Beach, N P0R 1G0 $1,000. will incur a nominal charge of $10. plus GST. We reserve O the right to determine if a fee is required. Or simply put it in one of our pick-up boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners and the Hilton Beach Post Office. Ads or announcements will appear in one issue, but may be repeated, to a maximum of three consecutive weeks (space permit - Deadline for all material is noon Tuesday.

WHAT’S HAPPENING ON ST. JOE FIREWOOD Top Quality Hardwood Friday St. Joseph Twp, Public Library - 6 pm to 9 pm Cut, split & delivered $70. /cord* Hens & Stitches, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10 am to 12 pm Hilton Union Library - 3 pm to 5 pm & Call Angie at 941-0215 7 pm to 9 pm - New phone number: 255-3520. * For Local delivery Island Cast-a-Weighs, Calorie Watchers, Hilton Commu - nity Hall (rear door, basmt) - 8:30 am Children’s Library - 6 pm to 8 pm Pat’s Lawn & Yard Care Friday Foods Menu available at the Legion - Tuesday 5 pm to 9 pm Grass Cutting CAPC Play & Learn Best Start Hub - 9:30 to 11:30 am, & Trimming AA Meeting, United Church (new addition, side door) - Free Methodist Church • Aerating 8 pm Cribbage (singles), Legion Hall - 7:30 pm • Fertilizing Saturday ($3.00 per person) 246-1042 Childrens Library - 10 am to 3 pm Quilting - 1-3 pm, Downstairs Hilton Hall except the 3rd Story time - 10:30 am week held at the Trefry Centre. Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm - Wednesday New phone number: 255-3520. Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm (Open to all seniors) Free pool all day in the Legion lounge Pool, Legion - 7:30 pm St. Boniface Roman Catholic, Hilton Beach at 4:30 pm. St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Jam, Legion - 4 pm to 6 pm Food Bank, United Church, Richards Landing (side door) - 1 pm to 3 pm Changes Hair Salon Sunday For Appointments Children’s Library - 9 am to 12 pm Holy Trinity Anglican, Jocelyn at 11 am. Story time - 10:30 am Please Call Free Methodist, 10th Side Rd. Coffee, tea and friendship Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm - 941-0802 at 10:30 am. Worship service 11 am. Julie Stevens New phone number: 255-3520. Island Bible Chapel, Richards Landing. Bingo, Legion - Doors Open 6:30, Early Birds 7:15 pm Lord’s Supper 10 am, Family Bible Hour 11:15 am. 246-0942 Grace United, Hilton Beach. 9:30 am. Thursday St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm and Harmony St. Marks United, Richards Landing. 11 am. 7 pm to 9 pm Monday Dr. Trefry Centre’s Day Out Program - 9 am to 4 pm Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm Children’s Library - 9 am to 12 pm (Open to all seniors) Story time - 10:30 am 3:30 - 5 pm The Calico Hen 60+ Exercise Program, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10:30 am Telephone: (705) 246-0875 Darts at the Legion - 7:30 pm Euchre, Legion Hall - 8 pm ($3.00 per person) Antiques - Art - Used Books Jewellery - Photos - Knitting Supplies Carpet Bowling for Seniors, Legion - 1 pm Dawn Tweedle - owner/artisan 1188 Richards St., Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0 Page 16