Disclaimer: Don't own the Labyrinth...very sad.

"Ugh!" Sarah exclaimed, falling into her chair. "My feet are killing me. Why is it that men have the easy job?"

"I'm sorry, my dear," Jareth said, kneeling before her and rubbing her swollen feet. "That's the way of it, I'm afraid."

"Only two more weeks to go and I can return to normal," she said, wearily. Jareth rose and put his hand on his wife's very pregnant stomach.

"That's my Queen, always looking on the bright side," he teased. She frowned at him and rolled her eyes.

"I'll look on the bright side when you're eight and a half months pregnant," she retorted.

Jareth laughed at this and took her face in his hands. He brought his face in close for a sweet kiss.

Sarah smiled and returned it eagerly. After he went behind her to rub her shoulders, she said, "I feel like I'm as big as a house."

"You're not big, my love," Jareth lied.

Sarah snorted. "Ha! I'm as big as Ludo."

"You look lovely," he replied, honestly. He really did think she was beautiful. She had a glow about her from the pregnancy.

Sarah was about to argue again when she heard it. She groaned loudly. It was a summons and it was her turn.

"Stay here, precious," he said. "I can go answer it."

"No," Sarah said, stubbornly. It was her turn and she was all about fairness. She would go get the runner started and then go lie down for a couple of hours. She stood up and a crystal appeared at her fingertips. She threw it up in the air and when it came down she was dressed in her Queen garb. She wore a black, shimmering dress and an identical cape to Jareth's. Her hair was piled high on her head and she shone with all the glitter on her face and hair.

This was the third runner in a week. For a long time, there were very few runners. Sarah found out that she had been the first one in fifty years. People Aboveground just didn't believe in magic anymore. She and Jareth decided to create a project that would get people to believe again and it was working. They had penned a script about Sarah's trip through the Labyrinth and sent it to Hollywood. Working their magic, they made sure that it was produced. Sarah smiled when she thought about the premiere. Jareth kept grumbling throughout the movie. "I do not sound like that," he complained. Sarah had laughed. She thought they had done a really good job at casting and sticking to the script. made a very nice Goblin King. She even liked Jennifer Connelly's portrayal of her. Ever since the movie had come out, belief in magic had begun to return to the Above.

"I'll be back," she said, looking at her husband. She transported herself to a room in what looked to be a middle class house. A teenage girl stood before her, frowning.

"Where is the Goblin King?" she asked.

Sarah rolled her eyes. These girls all expected David Bowie to arrive singing sweet things and whisking them away. It was becoming annoying. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the King is busy. You'll just have to settle for the Goblin Queen."

"What Goblin Queen?" the girl asked harshly. She wanted Jareth and she would accept nothing less.

Sarah sighed, this one was going to be a problem. "I am the Goblin Queen, you silly, stupid girl."

"I don't believe you," the girl said.

Sarah became angry. This girl was getting on her nerves. "SILENCE!" she yelled. "You want proof, I will give you proof. You will not like what you see."

"Whatever," the girl said, rolling her eyes.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Sarah retorted. She pulled a crystal from her hand and threw it against the wall. It produced a blinding light. When the light had receded, Jareth stood there in his black Goblin King outfit.

"What is going on here?" he asked angrily.

"This stupid girl does not believe that I'm the Goblin Queen," Sarah explained. "She wanted proof so here you are."

"Do you dare call my Queen a liar?" he yelled. The girl began to realize that she may have made an error in judgment.

"I'm s-sorry, Your Majesty," she stuttered. "I just wasn't expecting anyone but you. There isn't any queen in the movie."

Jareth was the next to roll his eyes. Blast that movie! "The Queen was indeed in the movie, though she wasn't a queen yet." "Huh?" the girl asked, confused.

"This is Sarah, you halfwit," he said, losing his patience. "She became my Queen after the point at which the movie ended."

"That's so romantic," the girl sighed, ignoring the insult. "Congratulations by the way." She pointed at Sarah's stomach.

"Thank you," Sarah said. "Now I must be getting on with it."

"I'll see you at the castle, my love," Jareth said, planting a kiss on his wife's cheek. With a sour look at the girl, he vanished.

"Ok, now where were we," Sarah said, thinking. "Ah yes, I remember." She produced a crystal and began floating it from one arm to the next.

"What's that?" the girl asked.

"It's a crystal, nothing more. But if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams," Sarah replied.

"I would take it, but I need to get my little sister back," the girl replied.

"Jessica, don't defy me," Sarah warned. The crystal became a large spider, she pet it's head for a moment before throwing it at the girl. The girl screamed and batted it away. It turned into a goblin and scurried away.

"Please, I need my sister. I didn't really want to send her to the ," she cried.

"Oh, you didn't?" Sarah asked.

"Where is she?" the girl replied.

"You know very well where she is," Sarah returned. She pointed out the window, which now showed her home beyond the Goblin City. "You have thirteen hours to make it through the Labyrinth or your baby sister becomes one of us forever…such a pity." She faded from view and left the girl to make a go of it.

Sarah transported back to her bed and flopped down. She was asleep in a matter of minutes. Jareth came to check on her once and then left her to sleep.

Hours later, Sarah awoke and looked at the clock. "Damn!" she exclaimed and hurried to the throne room. She found Jareth sitting on the throne in his usual manner. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sleep so long."

"It's ok, my love," Jareth replied. "The girl gave up some time ago." "I didn't think she'd be able to make it through," she said. "Have you already found a family for the child?"

"Yes I did," he replied. "She's going to the Gaia kingdom."

"Good," she said. "I'm going to go back to bed. Big day tomorrow."

"Goodnight, precious," he replied. She transported back to the bedroom and changed into her nightgown. She climbed back into bed and slept.

Sarah awoke early the next morning and looked at her handsome husband lying next to her. She quietly got out of bed and got ready to start the day. She headed to the ball room and saw the flurry of activity going on. Balloons were being blown up and flown around the room. Cake and snacks were set on a table. Presents were magically appearing at regular intervals on the receiving table. She went over and shook one.

"Ah, Ah, Ah, precious," Jareth said, coming up behind her. "No fair peeking, you have to wait until everyone gets here." Sarah pouted. There were still two hours to go before the first guests would start arriving for the shower that Gelly had decided to throw for her. Jareth had reluctantly agreed to stay for it, knowing that he would probably regret it later either way.

"Sarah's just excited, Jareth," a voice said behind him. His wife's squeal of delight nearly deafened him. She ran over and hugged Val.

"You're early," she said.

"I know," Val replied. "I wanted to get a chance to catch up before you get overwhelmed with guests. You look wonderful Sarah"

"Thanks. It's been too long since I saw you last. Let's go into the Labyrinth then," Sarah suggested. "I'll be back before the party, I promise." She gave Jareth a kiss on the cheek and the two women transported to the hedge maze to talk.

By the time Sarah and Val returned, most of the guests had arrived. They all crowded around Sarah, wanting to give hugs and say hello. The Goblin Queen was escorted to her place of honor at the table and they proceeded to play all the usual shower games. Even Jareth appeared to be having fun. As the cake was being served, Sarah felt an odd sensation in her abdomen. Closing her eyes, she connected with Jareth through her mental link. I do believe it's time, my love. She saw him look up at her from across the room. In an instant, he was beside her.

"Are you sure?" Jareth asked, concerned. "Yes," she replied. "Our child is ready."

Gelly, Val, Irini, Alcina, and Lyndora all heard the conversation. They quickly assisted Jareth with getting her back to her birthing room and informing her guests.

Sarah screamed. It had been six hours and nothing had happened yet. The healer and midwife were present and tried to ease her pain. Jareth and Lyndora were the only other people in the room and each was holding one of her hands. Everyone else was waiting outside for the news.

"It's ok, my love," Jareth soothed. "You're doing good."

"Listen to Jareth sweetie," Lyndora said.

Sarah's face contorted with pain as another contraction overtook her. She was trying to breath as she had been taught, but she couldn't concentrate. The pains were coming on fast and hard now.

"It's time to push, Your Majesty," the mid-wife directed. Jareth felt his hand being squeezed like a vice as his wife bore down.

"That was good, precious. Another one like that," Jareth said.

Sarah stopped pushing and began to pant, sweat poured down her face. "I swear on everything that is holy Jareth, you will not be coming near me again."

Jareth flinched slightly and looked towards Lyndora. The Lunar Queen was trying to stifle a laugh. "It's ok Jareth," she managed to get out. "Every woman says that during delivery. It's normal."

The Goblin King seemed to accept this and turned his attention back on his wife. He felt her bear down again.

"The head is crowning," the mid-wife announced.

Epi stood in the cave, watching Sarah through his crystal. He was insane with anger and jealousy. She was supposed to be his wife. This was supposed to be his heir. He hated Jareth with every fiber of his being. The man did not deserve this life. It wasn't fair!

"I'll make you pay for what you have stolen from me," he vowed, throwing the crystal against the wall. "I promise this upon my last breath. Beware Goblin King! I will take back what is mine."

He laughed maniacally and thought about his plans for revenge.

"One more push, Your Majesty," the mid-wife directed.

Sarah took a deep breath and pushed with everything she had. Jareth watched as she delivered his child.

"Congratulations, Your Majesties," the mid-wife said, handing the baby to the healer. "It's a girl."

The healer handed the girl to Jareth, who looked at his daughter in awe. Her head was covered in a thick layer of black hair. Her eyes were blue as crystals. He was so engrossed in his daughter, that he didn't realize that Sarah had said something.

"Your Majesty, I must take the child from you," the healer said. "You still have work to do." Jareth handed the babe to the healer, confused.

"Huh?" he asked.

"It's not over yet," Sarah panted. He was very confused.

Lyndora took pity on the Goblin King. "It appears that you are about to have another one," she informed him. He looked down at his wife and realized that she was still panting furiously. He took her hand in his again.

Sarah began to push again, crushing Jareth's hand.

"I see the head," the mid-wife said.

Sarah let out a scream and pushed hard.

"One more," the mid-wife directed.

Sarah did as she was told. In one last push, the child was delivered into the mid-wife's hands.

"It's a boy," the mid-wife informed them.

Jareth beamed with pride. He looked down at his worn out wife. The healer gave the little girl to Lyndora and took the boy from the mid-wife to examine him.

"Both children appear to be very healthy," he announced. He placed him in Jareth's arms.

Lyndora put Sarah's daughter in her arm. Sarah looked over to Jareth and held out her arm. He placed her son in her other arm. She laid there, looking from one child to the other. Jareth watched his wife with their children. He couldn't recall a time, except for maybe the wedding, when he had been so happy. "What should we name them?" Sarah asked.

"How about Pistis and Erastos?" he suggested.

"Faith and Love?" Sarah asked.

"The two things that got us here, my love," he replied.

Sarah smiled warmly. "Pistis and Erastos it is," she announced.

~~~~The End…or is it?~~~~