|Mploymentmore Elustve Tbi ,, .Summer., Greet the Pope
:!' : . , . ,:: ,. ;,,.:,.....,~, ~:. ,:-... :..,,. .: ,= ,,. , Legislative Library , , ~' ..... .~'i,..'", ;!..:.~ "~.:,~.,,::, ~--~"j+~": -;..!/' '," :~ !;~ . - Parlimen~ Buildings Victoria, B.C. V8V-IZ4 Comp. .... ~ : /, tr~,~.','~t;: , ~. ,:~,,.~;.:~" '~,~ ~a C " ~ , ' " , ' -*, ;~ ~ " * " ' '. : " '}. , ,' : ~ ~ 'i! ~ '' .... Servingth'e~.;, , Qll :;. .... • Northwest./' ~ ,<t " :. I II : i ::.~;:•~L,::, !, • Monday/MayT, 19M ..,:: :~-" ~.i~,'" ,'~:. '= ~':. ' ,, - . i cents ' stablis " 8 ' "' ; World bankers search for cure tO I global debt cris,s NEW' YORK Renter) -- world will have to walt until glol~/ central bankers began debating economic recovery has taken rob{.. long.term cures for ~e global debt Feldatoin, however, ~ said the crisis today as offidals preparing currant series of meetings are/~- for the London summit of the seven ' tended to bring about an emil}' leading industrial democracies said "intermediate" solution to the crisis they, too, were reviewing the issue. affecting developing countries, Officials from 29 central banks, v/nich together owe foreign, mostly monetary agencies and~commercial western, creditors about $700 billion. banks'arrtved in New York on DIVIDES OFFICIALS Sunday for talks over the wisdom of Diplomatic ,sources and some imposing harsh~;sustedty !mm.: : ~:l~agan a~.ation officlala said on debt-plagued coimh'l~'4fi"Eetm~n'. !U;S, polieym~ are divided own" for help from the Intematlonel the necd for a new strategy to handle Monetary Fund. the debt crisis. .:;. Recmt riots over such IbiF-style While Feldatein, Voleker and New policies in the Dominican Republic York Fed President Anthony claimed 50 lives and !eft:m0re than .~l~m0n ar¢~0Pe~ to ideu for new 200 people inj~.'; :~ i ! "::~i;i !.10ng4~.m cures, theU,S, ,Treamry Western diplomatic sources have Department is'sticking to its current said that with the debt lame firmly "case-by.case" approach.
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