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Dash1.Looksgreatinmothra.Pdf 6DEI >ook M=I JOFAIAJ troff -ms -mpictures|lp -dstdout|ps2pdf En LK?E@= 5=nI >O JDA =KJDoH, KIEnC = LAnoLo 6DEnk2=@ : ! 6=>lAJ HKnnEnC JDA 'BHonJ oFAH=JEnC IOI­ JAm. 4An@AHA@: $- - '.4ON6 'BHonJ.oHC 6DEI EI = MoHk oB BE?JEon. N=mAI, ?D=H=?JAHI, Fl=?AI =n@ En?E@AnJI AEJDAH =HA JDA FHo@K?J oB JDA =KJDoHߣI Em=CEn=JEon oH =HA KIA@ BE?JEJEoKIlO, =n@ =nO HAIAm>l=n?A Jo =?JK=l FAH­ IonI,lELEnCoH@A=@,>KIEnAIIAI,?omF=nEAI,ALAnJIoHlo?=lAIEIAnJEHAlO?oEn?E@AnJ=l. M16/++/2K>lE?,om=En 9FRONT FREQUENTLY QUESTIONED ANSWERS Those who can do, those who can’t write and those who can’t write make ezines. ߞ 5=FAMKllAn@AH ACHTUNG! 6DEI @o?KmAnJߣI 5647+674- ߞ =n@ IomA oB EJI 6-:6 ߞ EI Fl=CE=HEzA@ ߞ BHomJDAO2-N*5,.)3 ACHTUNG! 601515NO6)52)+- ACHTUNG! 1nBoHm=JEon FHoLE@A@ >O JDEI @o?KmAnJ m=O >A oKJ@=JA@ oH jKIJ Fl=En MHonC.7IAOoKH>H=En.NO4-.7N,5. _sl’s info is incorrect. ߞ =nJD_N i really hate the openbsd content in the fqa ߞ =EjK 0 − Introduction to Plan 9 .-9D=JEI2l=n'? ..-2l=n'EInoJ7N1: ...-2l=n'EInoJFl=n'FoHJ ... -2l=n'EInoJ1nBAHno .. -2l=n'EInoJ=FHo@K?J ..!-2l=n'EInoJBoHOoK . -9DO2l=n'? . .-9D=J@oFAoFlAlEkA=>oKJ2l=n'? . ..-9D=J@oOoKKIA2l=n'BoH? . -9D=J@oFAoFlAD=JA=>oKJ2l=n'? . .-9D=JEInoJEn2l=n' . .!-9DO@E@2l=n'ߣI?HA=JoHICELAKFon2l=n'? . ."-9D=JEIJDA@A=lMEJD2l=n'ߣIMAEH@lE?AnIA? . .".-4E?D=H@5J=llm=nD=JAIJDA2l=nNEnAlE?AnIA?EH?= . .". -6DAo@A4==@JD=JAIJDA2l=n'lE?AnIA?EH?= ! ! . .".!--LAHOonAD=JAIJDA2l=n'lE?AnIA?EH?= " .!-.KHJDAH4A=@EnC .!.-2l=n'F=FAHI .!. -M=nF=CAI .!.!-9A>F=CAI .!."-*ookI 1 − Introduction to 9front .-9D=JEI'BHonJ? 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2l=n ' EI = HAIA=H?D oFAH=JEnC IOIJAm BHom JDA I=mA CHoKF MDo ?HA=JA@ 7N1: =J *All L=>I +omFKJEnC 5?EAn?AI 4AIA=H?D +AnJAH +54+. 1J AmAHCA@ En JDA l=JA '&I, =n@ EJI A=HlO @ALAloFmAnJ ?oEn?E@A@ MEJD ?onJEnKEnC @ALAloFmAnJ oB JDA l=JAH LAHIEonI oB 4AIA=H?D 7N1:. 2l=n ' ?=n >A IAAn =I =n =JJAmFJ Jo ALolLA IomA oB JDA I=mA E@A=I JD=J EnBoHmA@ 7N1: EnJo JDA AH= oB nAJMoHkEnC =n@ CH=FDE?I. 4o> 2EkA D=I @AI?HE>A@ 2l=n ' =I =n =HCKmAnJ BoH IEmFlE?EJO =n@ ?l=HEJO, MDElA oJDAHI D=LA @AI?HE>A@ EJ =I 7N1:, onlO moHAIo. .Hom The Use of Name Spaces in Plan 9: % 2l=n ' =HCKAI JD=J CELAn = BAM ?=HABKllO EmFlAmAnJA@ =>IJH=?JEonI EJ EI FoIIE­ >lA Jo FHo@K?A = Im=ll oFAH=JEnC IOIJAm JD=J FHoLE@AI IKFFoHJ BoH JDA l=HCAIJ IOIJAmIon=L=HEAJOoB=H?DEJA?JKHAI=n@nAJMoHkI. .HomJDA intro(1) m=nF=CA: 2l=n ' EI = @EIJHE>KJA@ ?omFKJEnC AnLEHonmAnJ =IIAm>lA@ BHom IAF=H=JA m=?DEnAI =?JEnC =I JAHmEn=lI, +27 IAHLAHI, =n@ BElA IAHLAHI. ) KIAH MoHkI =J = JAHmEn=l, HKnnEnC = MEn@oM IOIJAm on = H=IJAH @EIFl=O. 5omA MEn@oMI =HA ?onnA?JA@ Jo +27 IAHLAHI; JDA EnJAnJ EI JD=J DA=LO ?omFKJEnC IDoKl@ >A @onA En JDoIA MEn@oMI >KJ EJ EI =lIo FoIIE>lA Jo ?omFKJA on JDA JAHmEn=l. ) IAF=­ H=JABElAIAHLAHFHoLE@AIBElAIJoH=CABoHJAHmEn=lI=n@+27IAHLAHI=lEkA. 6DAJMomoIJEmFoHJ=nJE@A=IEn2l=n'=HA: ߦ FHEL=JAn=mAIF=?AIA=?DFHo?AII?onIJHK?JI=KnEGKALEAMoBJDADEAH=H?DE?=l BElA IOIJAm ߦ BElA EnJAHB=?AI B=mElE=H BHom 7N1:,
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