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All questions of the Law are to be decided only by appeal to my writings, each for himself. There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt. 9FRONT FREQUENTLY QUESTIONED ANSWERS ACHTUNG! 'BHonJ@=IDm=nK=lEIMHEJJAn>O=n@BoH'BHonJKIAHI. Those who can do, those who can’t write and those who can’t write make ezines. ߞ 5=FAMKllAn@AH ACHTUNG! 1nBoHm=JEon FHoLE@A@ >O JDEI @o?KmAnJ EI 7NO..1+1)L =n@ m=O >A oKJ@=JA@ oHjKIJFl=En94ON/.7IAOoKH>H=En.NO4-.7N,5. _sl’s info is incorrect. ߞ =nJD_N ACHTUNG! 6DEI @o?KmAnJߣI 5647+674- ߞ =n@ IomA oB EJI 6-:6 ߞ EI Fl=CE=HEzA@ ߞ BHomJDAO2-N*5,.)3 i really hate the openbsd content in the fqa ߞ =EjK # 0 − Introduction to Plan 9 .-9D=JEI2l=n'? ..-2l=n'EInoJ7N1: ...-2l=n'EInoJFl=n'FoHJ ... -2l=n'EInoJ1nBAHno .. -2l=n'EInoJ=FHo@K?J ..!-2l=n'EInoJBoHOoK . -9DO2l=n'? . .-9D=J@oFAoFlAlEkA=>oKJ2l=n'? . ..-9D=J@oOoKKIA2l=n'BoH? . -9D=J@oFAoFlAD=JA=>oKJ2l=n'? . .-9D=JEInoJEn2l=n' . .!-9DO@E@2l=n'ߣI?HA=JoHICELAKFon2l=n'? . .!.-9DO@E@2l=n'ߣIKIAHICELAKFon2l=n'? . .!. -9DO@E@+1)CELAKFon2l=n'? . ."-9D=JEIJDA@A=lMEJD2l=n'ߣIMAEH@lE?AnIA? $ . .".-4E?D=H@5J=llm=nD=JAIJDA2l=nNEnAlE?AnIA?EH?= . .". -6DAo@A4==@JD=JAIJDA2l=n'lE?AnIA?EH?= ! . .".!--LAHOonAD=JAIJDA2l=n'lE?AnIA?EH?= " . ."."-24)15-.O4'.4ON6ߣ5*OL,)+61ON4-:L1+-N51N/ .!-.KHJDAH4A=@EnC .!.-2l=n'F=FAHI .!. -M=nF=CAI .!.!-9A>F=CAI .!."-*ookI 1 − Introduction to 9front .-9D=JEI'BHonJ? ..-+EHno . -OnMD=JIOIJAmI@oAI'BHonJHKn? .!-9DOmECDJ1M=nJJoKIA'BHonJ? .!.-NAM.A=JKHAI .!..-NAM2HoCH=mI .!.. -NAM0=H@M=HA5KFFoHJ ."-1I'BHonJHA=llOBHAA? .#-0oM?=n1DAlFIKFFoHJ'BHonJ? .$-9Dom=EnJ=EnI'BHonJ? .%-9DAnEIJDAnANJHAlA=IAoB'BHonJ? .&-9D=JEIEn?lK@A@MEJD'BHonJ? .'-+=n1KIA'BHonJ=I=@AIkJoFIOIJAm? .-9DOEI/EInߣJ2Ho@K?J:En?lK@A@? .-.EnA,MDAHA?=n1CAJ'BHonJ? ..-MEHHoHI ...-'BHonJ.EIo % ... -MAH?KHE=lHAFoIEJoHO 2 − Getting to know 9front .-9A>2=CAI . -M=ElEnCLEIJI . .-M=ElEnCLEIJ)H?DELAI . -OJDAHKIABKlm=ElEnClEIJI .!-M=nK=l2=CAI .!. -0oM@o1MHEJAmOoMnm=nK=lF=CA? ."-4AFoHJEnC*KCI .".-;oKH>KCHAFoHJ57+K5 .". -0oM@o1CAJmoHAKIABKlEnBoBoH@ALAloFAHI? .". .-6=kA=FDoJooBJDAF=nE?I?HAAn .". -M=kA=IJ=?kJH=?AoB=?H=IDA@FHo?AII .". .!-M=kA=FHo?AIIIn=FIDoJ .#[email protected] .#.-0oM@o1MHEJACoo@F=J?DAI? .#. -0oM@o1IAn@EnmOF=J?DAI? 3 − Hardware !.-5AlA?JEnC0=H@M=HA !. -KnoMn9oHkEnC0=H@M=HA !. .-1nFKJ,ALE?AI !. ..-ME?A !. ...-1*M/LAnoLo !. .. -KAO>o=H@I !. .. .-1*M/LAnoLo !. .-)K@Eo & !. -/H=FDE?I !. .-)/2 !. -1nJACH=JA@ !. .!-2+1-NFHAII !. .!-NAJMoHkEnC !. .!.--JDAHnAJ !. .!..-1nJACH=JA@ !. .!.. -75* !. .!..!-2+M+1) !. .!. -9E.E !. .!. .-*HE@CAANJAHn=l !. .!. -MEnE-2+1 !. .!. .!-MEnE-2+1-NFHAII !. .!. ."-2+1 !. .!. .#-2+M+1) !. ."-6=>lAJ,ECEJEzAHI !. .".-5AHE=l !. ."..-1nJACH=JA@ !. .#-L=FJoFI !. .#.-)?AH !. .#. -1*M/LAnoLo !. .#. .-6DEnk2=@ !. .#.!-6oIDE>= !. .#.!.-5=JAllEJA !. .$-,AIkJoFI !. .$.-AM=?DEnAI !. .$. -1CAl ' !. .$.!-5oAkHEI !. .$."-1*M/LAnoLo !. .$.".-6DEnk+AnJHA !.!-8EHJK=lM=?DEnAI !.!.-3AmK !.!..-1nIJ=ll=JEon !.!.. -2oIJ-1nIJ=ll=JEon*ooJEnC !.!.. .-MKlJE>ooJ !.!.."-NAJMoHkEnC !.!..".-LEnKN8,- !.!..". -OFAn*5,6)2 !.!..".!-9En@oMI6)2 !.!.."."-LEnKN6)2 !.!..#-)K@Eo !.!..$-/H=FDE?I !.!. -8EHJK=l>oN !.!. .--JDAHnAJ !.!. -)K@Eo !.!. .!-/H=FDE?I !.!. ."-KnoMn9oHkEnC8AHIEonI !.!.!-8EHJEo 4 − 9front Installation Guide ".-2HA-EnIJ=ll=JEon+DA?klEIJ ". -+HA=JEnC>ooJ=>lA'BHonJEnIJ=llmA@E= ". .-15OEm=CA ". -75*@HELA ". .-+HA=JEnCon2l=n' ". -+HA=JEnConLEnKN ". .!-*ooJ=HCI ".!-2AHBoHmEnC=IEmFlAEnIJ=ll ".!.->ooJ ".!. ->ooJ=HCI ".!.!-KIAH ".!."- LC=IEzA,monEJoH,moKIAFoHJ ".!.".-+D=nCEnCI?HAAnHAIolKJEon ".!.#- EnIJ/IJ=HJ ".!.$-?onBECBI ".!.%- F=HJ@EIk ".!.&-FHAF@EIk ".!.'-moKnJBI ".!.-?onBEC@EIJ ".!.-?onBECnAJ ".!..-@D?F ".!.. -m=nK=l ".!. -moKnJ@EIJ ".!.!-?oFO@EIJ ".!."-IOIn=mA ".!.#-JzIAJKF ".!.$->ooJIAJKF ".!.%-BEnEID "."--n?HOFJA@2=HJEJEonI 5 − Building the System from Source #.-9DOIDoKl@1>KEl@mOIOIJAmBHomIoKH?A? 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2l=n ' EI = HAIA=H?D oFAH=JEnC IOIJAm BHom JDA I=mA CHoKF MDo ?HA=JA@ 7N1: =J *All L=>I +omFKJEnC 5?EAn?AI 4AIA=H?D +AnJAH +54+. 1J
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