Weather Dittribntloo THEDAILY Today «• Muqr. taAqr, H* h tht tt*. 1M0t,~ 24.350 eMfcr, lew la the Mi. Tomorrow, ( Red Bank Area j Mr. Mgh 1> DM ML Saturday, Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. fair warm. Se« waattrtf, pafe 2. DIAL 741-0010 • a • • '• • .. : MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS

Unut dally. Uanlur IHMutft Ttiiir. Uvrni Clus Pwtap VOL. 88, NO; 33 Pild tt X«d Hi£i ttfil jnmhnt MdJlic Office*. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE, U.S. Downed by Red Missile SAIGON (AP)-A U.S. Navy flight returned safely, and the aircraft missile. A U.S. Air Force U.S. reconnaissance planes There w»s no Indication cans was to be a reserve force. At about the same time, U.S. Viet Cong out of this natural plant raiding North-Viet Nam pilots reported, the fourth plane FC Phantom jet was shot down have located five other missile whether the Viet Cong would But U.S. authorities made plain informants said, the Viet Cong highway from Cambodia into Viet wi« reported shot down by a sur-Vas downed by a surface to air about 40 miles west of Hanoi sites encircling Hanoi, but mili- stay and fight or follow their they would be ordered into ac- made a new mortar attack on Nam," a U.S. source said. "We face to air missile today.' missile, the spokesman said. on July 25j and the Pentagon tary spokesmen have raised .he usual tactic of melting away in tion if the Viet Cong launched the Due Co camp. Some 30 have enough forces there now to An American military spokes- He added thai no enemy air- attributed this to a surface to possibility that North Viet Nam the face of a formidable enemy. a major counterattack. rounds of 60mm fire landed about try to do the job." ' man said the plane, one of four craft were sighted in ..the area air. missile. . also has mobile launching units. U.S. troops of the 173rd Air- No Contacts 300 yards short of the camp, Pulled Back A4 Skyhawkj, was downed about and-no, other groundfire was re- Two days later the Pentagon The missile launchers are as- borne Brigade and the 2nd Bri- A military spokesman said they reported. But some U.S. advisers who SO miles south-southwest of Ha- ported except that which hH theannounced that Air Force jets sumed to have been installed by gade of the 1st Infantry Division there had been no reports of For months the Viet Cong has have been in Pleiku for several , nol in aft area outside the range plane. The weather was reported had bombed the missile site from Soviet technicians and may be were flown to Pleiku Tuesday further contact with the Commu- dominated Rt. 19, the strategic months believe the main Com- of known antiaircraft missile clear. which the Phantom had been manned by Soviet personnel. arid Wednesday to back' up a nists since around noon, when east-west highway crossing the munist force occupying the Due «iti« In Nottt Viet tittn. No parachute was' setii, the downed as well as another site. ,In the ground war,' U.S. andVietnamese relief column which U.S. paratroopers drew small central highlands from Qui Nhon Co area may have pulled back This spokesman would not elab- spokesman said, and the missing It said one site was destroyed, Vietnamese forces in the central reached Due Co last night. The arms and machine-gun fire from on the South China Sea to the into Cambodia because of the orate, but it was believed this pilot was presumed.killed.. the other damaged and three of highlands mobilited for big opera- camp'30 miles southwest of Plei- a village 15 miles east of Due Co. Cambodian border at a point five massive show of force on the ,ytndi6ated the missile w*i find It was' the second reported the attacking planes were shot tions; against the Viet Cong ku had been under siege since There were no casualties, he said, miles west of Due Co. government side. Mfrom a mobile unit. downing of ah' American. plane down by conventional ground around the embattled special June 3. and a patrol entered the village "We have been waiting for The American paratroopers ~ The other three planes on theover North -Vietnam by an anti- fire. • • forces camp at Due Co. The chief mission of the Ameri- and found it deserted. weeks for permission to clear the (See VIET NAM, Page 3) State Insists on Reasons for Open Exam Middletown Police Issue Unresolved TRENTON — The Middletown police-chief exam, to be Deputy Chief Walling and Capt. Woodward, new captains, Opt. Luker has been on the force 17 years, Capt. Schanck, Idmiaiitered by the state • Civil Service Department,- could Kenneth F. Luker, William B. Schanck and Joseph McCarthy, 16'/4 years, and Capt. McCarthy, 11 years. be opened to all police captains in the township, but municipal will compete for the top police post. WALLING OPPOSED officials will have to convince the state examiner mere is Richard C. Darling, state Civil Service personnel super- On the local scene in Middletown yesterday, Deputy Chief luffldent reason for the move. visor, told' The Register yesterday the powers of the chief Walling said he opposes the idea of opening the chief's exam Under general Civil Service regulations, a promotional examiner are broad enough to open the test to all five men. to the newly-promoted captains. «xam is open only to men'Who have been one grade below He said, however, that before a decision is made, the "I'm definitely against it," he commented, "Why shouldn't for a period of at least one year. . Middletown Township Committee must formally apply for an I be?" " For the post of Middletown police chief, this would apply open exam, by resolution, and in addition show that there There was some indication from local officials that if the toly to Deputy Police Chief Raymond T. Walling, whose per-, is good reason to have the regulation waived. deputy chief strongly opposes the open-exam concept, it may nuuient' rank is captain, and Capt. William W. Woodward. In point of length of service in the department, the three be dropped. The designation of Mr. Walling as deputy chief is, by new captains rank below Mr. Walling and Mr. Woodward. (See POLICE, Page 3) Township Committee resolution, "temporary.": His present authority'as acting police chief is based, on tiiis designation. Although decisions on the matter ha,ve not been finalized, and the door is being left opw-for a two^man test^ the Middle- Severe Blow to Keansburg Program town Township Committee Monday instructed its attorney to- ask Civil Service if its regulations could be waived so that three newly-promoted, police captains would be eligible to take thfrexam for police chief. -.' • , If the test is opened, It would me»n that in addition to . Drop $3 Million Project KEANSBURG - The bor- In a letter to the agency, the made clear to the builder. that Mayor Leonard S. Bellem ough's, urban renewal program firm said that it was withdraw- this was not the case and that said he has two prospects who DISCUSS FIRST LADY'S VISIT — Gov. Richard J. was dealt a severe blow yester- ing its proposal because of "con- the beach was not part of the approached him last week who U.S. Water Crisis Hughes ch«ti yeiterday with President and Mrs. John- day with the announcement that flicting information" it reported- project and would have to re- are interested in submitting pro- a proposal to develop the ly had received from officials on main open to the public, posals. . son. They discussed the First Lady's planned visit today beachfront property in the Grand- Grandview area has been with- Mr. Blum said he felt the real Mr. Blum reported that the to New Jerjey. (AP Wirephoto) Team Is Activated drawn. view Urban Renewal area. reason for the contractor's Robert Chuckrow Construction . C.. Bernard Blum, executive Mr. Blum said representatives withdrawal was his failure to file Co., New York, b interested in director, said Jack W. Blumen- of the firm had been misled by additional data requested by the submitting a proposal. WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal water crisis-team heads feld. Inc.,. , has de- certain business people that Housing and Home Finance The firm has constructed First Lady's Escort into the drought-stricken Northeast today to begin laying out cided not to enter into a con- beachfront property in the area Agency, Philadelphia, Pa. several large motels on the west i. systematic program for solving an acute water shortage. tract to construct'a $3 million was part of the renewal pro] Officials did not seam too coast, apartment projects along Secretary of the Interior Stewirt L. Udall and:U, Gen. W. motel-apartment -complex on theect. concerned about the develop- the eastern seaboard and a high- F. Cassidy, chief of the Army Engineers. hHdftj*t«am which 17-acrett The

James MdDavitt, son of Mr. SUMMER ind Mrs. Thomas McDavitt, Mill- MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION brook Dr., celebrated his ninth birthday Aug. 4 at a pool party. Convenient Offices Throughout Monmouth County They had refreshments at Mac- Donald's Restaurant and attend- ed a movie at the Town Thea- SME SALE! WEEKEND SWA F8iHr)"3r NG MATCHING ARM CHAIR IN MJBBY TWEED! SPECIALS V i GREENFIELD Premium Quality BARRET CRABGRASS CANADIAN BLACKTOP KILLER PEAT MOSS SEALER Kills Growing Crabgross. Driveway Is impressed Four Time! Prevents Mere From Not Affected Sprouting, Kills By Gas Or Otl Broadleof Weeds Reg. 4.25 Reg. 8.80 7 SOFA J*« CHAIR i •H Large Bale S j em FROM OUR FENCE DEPT. OTTOMAN, SALB PKICED FENCE POSTS General Utility Wire PLAYPEN WIRE torn, aad kack (wUmat aa« aVnpif Extra Heavy 5' High 2'x4' Mesh 48" High Fence In your playpen. Heavy Ggune Guarantee! Non-ellmbabla

100' Roll 36" High Reg. $27 99 100' Roll 99 18 Reg. $28 19 FROM OUR SAKRETE DEPT. Concrete Mortar Sand Play : Black Mix Mix Mix Sand Top 90 Ib. bag MWWJWWH 80 Ib. bag 80 Ib. bag 80 Ib. bag 80 Ib. bag SBCTETAHT 1.55 1.70 1.70 1.10 1.75


RENT A POWER RAKE •'V Removes mot and thatch, but does not injure the lawn. A necessary piece of equipment which should be used in preparing a new (awn; as well as recon- RVGGEDLY HANDSOME SOLID PINE TABLES, BEAUTIFULLY ditioning an established one. Lawn counselors advise using the machine now CRAFTED AND FINISHED WITH SKILL AND LOVING CARE! before fertilizing and seeding, i mi Mardr tablet Ucc then, Inn each a ivaom maker, anaDr camBand afamxt your choice • Also Available • Rotorillers • Seeders • Spreaders • twiee Ike prlee. BM C M. WHITNEY hu pnrelmed then noit «dr«nugeon«ly for its fonr- •tor* chain and his made the lavinga available 10 Ton! Chooaa haDdtome Step Table, lenjthy AND MANY OTHER NECESSARY ITEMS! Oxktail Table, itttelj Commode End Table or practical Lamp Table. Beat carefully in mind that tbe delightful nral durm U enhanced bj the fart that men "We k itmir Solid Pine! (Thb ia th« third IJunam offered thew tabaaa; tho flrat *• *aea mn Trick MIIMU '38 aod we expect the M

BECKER hardware OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. SAT. TO 6 P.M. • USE THE C. M. WHITNEY CONVENIENT PAYMENT PLAN "helping people with lawn problem* for over 66 years" 197 SHREWSBURY AVE. (cor. Catherine St.) RED BANK Route 35, Oakhurst Route 22, Union Route 17, Lodi Route 17, Paramus V/i Miles South of Eatontown Circle 4, Opp. tha Flagship on the No. Side Corner of EsswrSt. next to ModeU'f OpeB Dolly OBd 8 dm 6 ffl x Just North of Ridgewood Ave. Phone 747-04A5 ^ - p - 531-1400 MU 7-0022 HU 9-1222 OL J-M44 f St., FreehoW, etlehnttd THE DAILY REGISTER Thursday, Aug. 12, it SSth birthday Aug. S at the Belford Modest Gain Freehold •me ol Hi jon-ia-lsw and The 10th birthday of Michael Mrs. WvMlam C. Errickson, 3! ighter, Mr. tod Mrs. KenaetJi Mr. uA Mrs. Rjlph Ciiazzo, Mr. And Mrs. Jade Pretty, Pi Thompson, son ol Mr. and Mrs. bnument PI. had is guests last y. Main St., of Caiazzo's music tchooi, Ctnter\ tinker Ave., have returned etU 1 Is Recorded eek her son-in-law and daugh- spending several wetiu tourin Successful larold Thompson, Bayview Ave., St., on Aug, 8 attended t cock-j as celebrated Aug. 7. ^Present :er, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jor-j England, France, Germany, M were Mr. and Mrs. George By Market ;ensen and children, Dean and Mr. and Mrs. George Evans taii party in the Sheridan-Atlan- tria and Switzerland. They vl ind daughter, Cora, West George Thompson and family, Kathleen NEW YORK (AP) — The stock Vie, Wes&wood, Mais. tic Hotel, New York, sponsored Ited Mr. and Mrs. William Lyri! nd Mathew, Mrs. Loretta Smithl ., spent last week touring Lan- market moved into the plus col- ster County. Pa. by the U. S. Music Corporation. In Garmisch, Germany. nd the hosts, Mr. and Mrsum. n with a modest gain yester- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flana- George Thompson of Point Pleas- 1 day for the first time this week. .an, 7 Phyllis Rd., were hosts at Roger E. Spear By ROGER E. SPEAR ant, who gave the party at their dinner party Aug. 7 honoring home. The market was ahead through Q) "I paid $30 per share yl this situation, but I would nol out the session, but faltered ier father. James Murphy, Hunt- 50 South Puerto Rico Sugar switch to Giant Yellowknife—a around midday, came back to topington, L. I., who celebrated his lew Jersey l\af tonal Miss Marilyn Renton, daughter ts earlier gains and then fell 79th birthday, which is now down to 10% I neet small gold producer—which is al of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Renton, income and had thought so very speculative. Share earn back somewhat on profit-taking Hopping Rd., celebrated her 17thnear the close. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bez switching into Giant Yellowknifi ngs dropped 18 per cent in thebirthday Aug. 6. Present were —Established 1889— Mines. Would you approve of thi 'irst quarter of 1965, failing to Brokers said investors were en- nson, Barkalcw Ave,, Freehold Misses Kathleen Taylor, Janet nd Mr. and Mrs. William Ecker- (FanrMrly Aibary Park ft Oeten Orava lank and or have you another suggestion?' cover the present dividend, andl Blomqulst and Ann Rosewitz. couraged by a report that econo- G. 0 they will probably be down foi mists were more opti- me, Howell Township on Aug New J«rt«y Trait Company el Loaf Itaochl A) It is unfortunate that yoi the full year. mistic about the business outlook attended a reception honoring Mrs. Helen Perry, Main St., ames Skidmore, Brick Township paid a top price for a specula I advise you to switch to At because of an Increase in defense has returned from a 21-day tour spending. They also mentioned a lewly elected national presided tive stock which was run up laschison. Rwy., yielding a well-se- of the Western states. Her desti- year and in early 1965 when th< rash of dividend increases as a af the Jaycees. The affair hosted cured 5.1 per cent. nation was , Calif. iy Gov, and Mrs. Richard J sugar outlook was better. You Q) "I am in my 20's and have stimulating factor. THE ONLY MAJOR BANK company's major operations an Business news has been good rlughes, was held at Morven, thi $2,000 whi* I would like to in- Peggy Gullman, daughter of ;overnor's residence, Princeton in the • Dominican Republic, am vest in a growth stock. I had in right along, but it hasn't had any to call this a risky area is to 6i Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gullman, AT. Bezanson and Mr. Eckerline mind King's Department Stores, Main St., celebrated her 12th marked effect on the market un re presidents of the Jaycee in MONMOUTH and OCEAN guilty of gross undorstatemem but would welcome another sug- til the turnaround yesterday. The last quarterly dividend pay birthday Aug. 5, Present were diapters in their towns. gestion." A. S,Peter, Pam, Paul and Regina Steels, motors, rubbers, mail or- ment in July was at the rate o A) I like King's and many ol der-retails, farm implements, only 40 cents annually. tollman and Linda and Robert .he other discount merchandisers Morrell. A pool party was held. electronics, airlines and drugs Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Kanetzk. COUNTIES I believe you should get ouwhich have been showing strong paced the advance. jjnd son, Ludwig, Five Podnts Rd., Colts Neck, have returned growth in a relatively new field, The 13th birthday of Thomas Changes of most key issues OFFERING I am one of those who believi were fractional, but a few ranged! ifter attending the Bee Keepers Minor, son of Mr. and Mrs. convention held last week at the hat the better discount compa- was celebrated to a point or so. nies are here; to stay, and thai Thomas Minor, University of Maryland, College Aug. 9 at a family barbecue. The The Associated Press 60-stock »ark, Md. they have a definite place in oui75th birthday of James Arvanitis average advanced .6 to 328.4 with SATURDAY society. also was celebrated at this time. Industrials up 1.2, rails up .6 and King's is a relatively, small op-Presen' t were Mrs. Arvanitis, utilities of< .4. The youngsters In the Heritage eration; no Iong-tenm growth rec- William Arvanitis, Christine and The Dow Jones average ol 30Homes development will hold BANKING HOURS ord has yet been established, and Craig and Maryanne and Edward industrials rose 2.5S to 881.47. II jarnival Saturday from 2 to INTOtm with there is, of course, some elemem Minor. lost about a point in the final i.m. for the benefit of the Great VKMch, whm m***ml kr a of speculation in such a situation. half hour of trading. r Freehold Hospital Fund, Inc. ONE STOP However, conservative estimate! The affair was held at the honr Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harney Standard &.Poor's 500-stock in- for ALL place net at $2.50 per share foi entertained over the weekend for of Ronnie Feldman, 9 Lawrenci 1965, which at current levels in- dex, representing 85 per cent ol BANKING SERVICES Mr. and Mrs. August Kaleta aiid the value of all stocks listed on PI. dicates that King's sells for onlj family, Airman James Kaleta of tyi times this year's earnings, the New York Stock Exchange, Loring Air Force Base, Maine, gained .26 to 86.13. •Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fula Bank where you get the most—with safety-— I believe that you are thoroughly and Susan and Gus, at home. haber, Adelphia Ed., had a: justified in buying these shares. Of 1,337 Issues traded, 684 ad-guests Aug. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Val {Mr. Spear cannot answer al! The ninth birthday of Robert vanced and 427 declined. New entine Kalis*, and Miss Carol Ko- ONLY ONE mail personally but will answei Etzkorn, son of Mr. and Mrs196. 5 highs numbered 39 and new Iowa 18. isz, Yonkers, N. Y.; and Mr. at all questions possible Jn his col-Robert Etzkorn, was celebrated and Mrs. Car! KorczynsJd anc 8 Convenient OUT OF FIVE umn.) Aug. 9. Present were Mrs. Ed- Volume swelled to 5.03 million daughters, Madga and YoU ward Crosby and children, Ed- shares from 4.7 million Tuesday, Freehold. Offices persons over age 65 can ward, David, John, Mary-Jo, Prices rose on the American ew Jersey i\ational depend on their own re- Authority Sues Paul, Raymond and James, Mrs.Stock Exchange, Volume climbed Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sputer sources for a financially Robert Young and children, ta 1.63 million shares from 1.33 0 Prospect PI., have as guest! &L3u6 k Mont Ward 774.5100 the firm has only four men orGeorge Phillips and Ricky Ket- •12 » Nat Blsc N Canh Re« PIWIB tend me a copy of your the job this week. chow. A luncheon was held Aug Babcock W 36% Nat Dairy bulletin, "Only One Oul of I." 10 in the Shore Point Inn, Key-Ball * Ohio 32 Nat Distill a new Club 14 Shop tor our I understand Itiera II no cfmrge I Conviction on the new charg* Bayuk Clg 13% Nat Gyps or obligation. can bring jail terms to the deport. Bell k How 33 «i Nat steel fendants. BcndJx Ml* NY Central NAME „ Beth Steel 35% Nla M Pw William Etzkorn, Jr., son ol Boeing TOW Norf Jk W youngest customers ADDRESS Borden 4314 No Am Av Need Money? Sell those things Mr. and Mrs. William Etzkorn Borg Warn 4B Nor Pac is leaving Aug. 13 to.attend Day- Brlyuwk Nw«t Airlln you really doitftaHeed with a Btiey Eri» l Norwich Ph Daily Register' Classified Ad tona 'Beach Citei' Oaytofoa Bulova Outb Mar Case- JI Owena 111 8, 9, 10, IT, '12.T3.T4 Call now. Beach, Fla. Cate? Trae Pan Am Celaneae Param Pfct s. cues & Oh Penney JC Chrysleer Pa. Pw*Lt at one price, Cities Sv Pa RR Coca Cola 7S% Pepsi Co 77' Coif Pal 30 y, Perkin Elm 59 57.95; [Coium Ou 30 % Filler 5BU Com! 8olv 30U Phil II Gori- Bdli- 43-u- Phlll-Prt-... AUGUST [Con* Can Pit Steel 14 .Coop Besi t Pub Sv E*(} Corn d 52 Pullman Corning 187K RCA m kerrfngbon* suit. Pre-Season C m Zell Reading Co Cruo al 24 % Repub Stl CurtlM Wt Revlon Ui»d to be, when your boy'eirta.r»w Deere , 39ir%% Heyn Met Del ft Hud 321* Rey Tob Dent Sup 26* Rob Controls 26« Dour Alrc 47 M, at Joa Lead 42% ii« 12, you paid a size 20 price. Dow Chem KM 81 Reg Pap 34 •ALUMINUM Drew Ind "% flffara Rneh 67H Du Pont 235 Shell Oil 65V. Npv^ after a year's close work Dud Lt 3Z% Sinclair 5914 Bait Kiwt Smith AO 30K End John 28% Socony WINDOWS Erie Lack Sou Pac with trie top manufacturer of boys Firestone . 43 W Sou Hy FMC Cp 6914 Sperry Rd Ford Mot 52% Std Brand quality clotKing in trie country, INSTALLED Gen Accent 20 \i Sid Oil Cal Oen Cigar 32 V. Std Oil NJ Gen Dynam 42% Studebaker Oen Elec IO314 Texaco we've shifted price ranges tn Gen Fds 81S Tex G But Gen Motor* M% Textron Oen Pub Ut 3514 Tldtwal Oil suits, sportcoats and some outerwear Windows ~ TeliEl 41% Transamer 88 Oen Tire 23% Un Carbide s* Gft Pac Cn tin Pac 581 Gillette B* Un Tank C 41*. to break at 14. Important for Glen Aid U* Unit Alrc ,S3!4 Goodrich United Cn 5 58 Dorothy Kaplan, and divided he: Pa I*1/] neck, 32 to 35 sleeve, In 1 vid Danovitz. The will was dated trust for Maud M. Wilkins to pa. Oct. 14, 1957. the net income to her during hei lifetime. On the death of Maui three styles:;. .. ..'.... S M. Wilkins the trust terminate! Jailed Trio and the principal will be pa: *.. Button down collar; white, blue, linen s over to Wilson Mendenhal or maixe. . % Freed By Brazer. The sum of $10,000 was left to b. Button down collar; multistrlpes, S Pauline Mitchell. Wilson Men Judge Ascher denhall Brazer receives $50,000 predominantly blue, gray, olive or wine s FREEHOLD — Three ,men The sum of $5,000 was left tc H an her sister, Emily Brazer Ford; 1 ientenced to six months in the O.n white grounds._ • • S idea ! pips for Monmouth County jail July 7 fo: Linda Vanderveer; Benjamii ute in we Hi; sprinkler disorderly persons' convictions in Ford; her niece, For; Neptune were released yesterday. Dart; her nephew, David Ford c. fab collar; white, blue, linen or mafze. "'§ lysrems on lawns, gdi and her cousin, Paul S. Alday Monmouth County Judge Ed eourtss, parlct, oamps; for Sr. ward J. Ascher reduced the terms -'}.':•• ' •' •. • § livestock feed and watering to 30 days, which expired yester Her cousin, E. Marie Lorimei lines; drainage lines. Light, day, on grounds that the sen and another cousin, Claire S. II. 1.50 ttt $Mm .6 for 6.25 § Gmbb, each receive $7,500. • flexible, easy to install and ;ences by Magistrate James R, Laird had been excessive. The The sum of $2,000 is to go ti Long staple combed cotton, shrink controlled, || join. Will never rust or cor- hree were Elwcod Hicks, West Ethel Kuhn, Louise MacDonaid rod&. Made of virgin poly iide Ave., Red Bank, Clayton and the amount of $1,000 is to gi Mickens, Shrewsbury Ave., Red to Stella Martin Kelly, William smooth taped nsclc and shoulders. = ethylene. All popular sizes. Bank, and James Washington Creamer, Marie Cavanaugh __j - •••• - - - - • • • •" ' »_j. Other types of pfasfic pip« seiin. Frances Knapp, John Braze Reinforced one-pi«ce collarette of 83%' s available for industrial Hicks and Mickens were con- and Lynn Brazer. Catherine Smyth Brazer was applications. icted of attempting to elude po- cotton, 17% Dacron polyester. s lice when halted for interfoga left $25,000. ion at the Neptune High School The executors were directed ti Sizes S, M, L, XL in our popular three-packs. fj§ grounds, and Washington, of fail pay $250 quarter-annually to Sui ing to give a good account of W. Crook and Sue Ballinger. limselfe The remainder of the estate Hicks escaped from Neptune was left to Wilson Mendehha" III. 11.95 Shetland iwtdter 9.90 J MINER SUPPLY CO jolice July 8 when being escort- Brazer, her nephew. id into the county jail, here, but Bequests of personal propert; surrendered later in the day. A went to her sister, Emily Brazei Crew or V-Neck pullovers, 85%'Shetland wool, »: harge of escape is pending Ford; her nephew, Wilson Men SOUTH OF THE KRUPP Grand Jury action. denhall Brazer; Catharine Smjith 15% camel hair. Two-ply for extra wear. =~- Brazer, Joan Brazer, Lynn Bra- zer, Nancy Ford Dart, Davic Katural camel, burgundy, blue heather, || Ford, Mrs. Frances Knapp, Ga brieJJa Robertson, Anna Lot ord, Jean La Boyteaux, Louise' ' green heather. S, M, L, XL ' M MacDonald, Margaret Hunt- er, Pauline Mitchell, Lillian Rud- of and Sue Coope, IV. 7.95 n»w Korotron chinos 3 for 17.851 SIGNS REQUESTED OCEANPORT — The Board of Education last night agreed tc Smooth slim styling and sharp crease are 1§ isk Borough Council to plac igns in the area of the Com permanently heat set, never need ironing. § • ' • ', s munlty Center warning motorists v of the congestion of school-aget' Preeuffed.' Sand or olive. s

children during the coming • ''•••' - • ' ss£ - school session. The board wil •... ,;!. •-.•:.• . . m: maintain a classroom at the cen- :er during the 1965-66 sdhool V. 35.00 rawhide l.arhtr jacket ... 27.901 New Jersey Bell year. Ranch jacket or genuine rough finish leather, f§ J. Krldel's Corner natural tan, has warm man-made buff fleece puts emphasis en lining. Sizes 36 to 46. - knits, a delightful new group by VI. 39.50 twMd tportcoan 28.75

Jonathan Logan Handsome muted herringbones and hopsack 3L blazers in our classic 3-but+on, center vent . model. Tones of brass, putty or mist blue. 1 The colors are TWj^nwfSt^iuiiy»"«na •«Tro~iongs

2 trimmed in navy, VII. 13.95 wonted flannel slacks .... 11.75 § navy Trimmed m Slim cut, plain front dress slacks. 1 cranberry, oxford Charcoal or Cambridge gray, olfve, black, H trimmed in scone. char brown. | Tops, 11.98 to 17.98. | Skirts, 11.98 and 14.98. VIII. 75.00 traditional vested suits 64.90 | Slacks, 14.98. Oxford weave sharkskins and cheviots, | Flip-He shift, 29.98. cut and color toned to reflect the preferences H Nancy collar shift, of college men.

H black or beige, 26.00.

H Have fun.

J.ftilkt IROAD AND JkOKT S KID MNK, NJ. • fH MIM ...if$tettmti f IKOAD AND FRONT ITIIIT* ' " NK, N.J. • SH I-I1M< TOE DAILY REGISTER 2 Research Men Picked For IFF Kurtz Heads Citizens For Hughes Unit NEW YORK - Dr. Ernst Pakistan, and Rutgers Univer- search. He has authored numer- TRENTON - Democratic Sttte Kurtz, who is 36, stated M if directors of the American Can- KEYPORT, N. 4. Hieimer of Rumson, vice pres sity, where he was research as- ous technical papers. Chairman Robert J. Buridnrdt "griteful for this opportunity to cer Society of Sussex County. dent of research and develop sistant while doing post-graduate Dr. Bledsoe received his BS has announced (he ippoihtment serve Gov. Hughes. While it !• The newly appointed chairman FURNITURE CO. • ment, Internationa! Flavors am work on his doctorate which he In Chemistry from the University of N. Tilt Kurtz of Newton as against the policy of the Jaycees las been active in the VMCA WEST to officially endorse any political Fragrances Inc., has announce* received in 1965, Prior to his of North Carolina in 1960 and his chairman of the Citizens for uid various fund raising cam- 2*4.0111 doctorate from the University of Hughes. candidates, we do encourage ac- that Dr. Braja Mookherjee ant work at Rutgers, he was a bio- jaigns. He also served with the Oklahoma, where he majored in "We are pleased Mr. Kurtz has tive participation in politics by Dr. James 0. Bledsoe have bee chemist for the University of tew Jersey Tercentenary Com- named to the research staff n organic chemistry. He has hadaccepted the position," uid Mr. individual members of the organ' Dacca and served as a research nisson. Kurtz is a 32nd degree the IFF Union Beach research extensive experience in the study Burkhardt. ization." chemist for the Pakistan Council vlason, tnd development laboratories. of terpene chemicals derived The new leader has been a of Science and Industry Re- from animal sources. The Citizens for Hughes will Dr. Mookherjee was educate! member of the Jaycees for nine atrry out a door bell-ringing at the University of Dacca, Ea years. He was vice president and East rampaign In support of the gov- president of the state Jaycees ernor in his re-election race New Monmouth and national director from 1963 Keansburg igainst GOP rival Wayne Du- Open Mon. and Fri. evenings HU 9 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Max Constable City in the fall were made. Mrs. to 1964. David Kane, ion of Mr. and nont, Jr. and son, Brian, of New Zealand William Gannon, Libby PI., will Mr. Kurtz, is a Navy veteran were guests of Mr. and Mrsb.e the next hostess. Mrs. William Kane, Carter Ave., of World War If and the Korean The place to go for the brands you know James McCaffery several days celebrated his eighth birthday conflict. He is president of a drug last week. A party for 41 guests Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cunning- Aug. 7. He is visiting relatives concern and a real estate invest- was held for them in July and on ment corporation. He is past ham, Lawrence PI., and Mr. andin Allentown, Pa., and is ac STORE WIDE SALE! Aug. 4 another party was held president of the Newton Chanv companied by Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mr. and MrsMrs. . Albert Murphy, Veronica bet of Commerce and is current- McCaffery. Mr. and Mrs. Rory PI., are vacationing in Quebec, Benjamin Mizeski of Lyndhurst. ly a member of the board of — SUMMER — Shanahan of Toronto, Canada, Canada. who were also visiting here sev- A baptism party was held in erat weeks, were among those the fire house, Aug. 8 by Mr. CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS present. Mr. Shanahan showed Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson, and Mrs. August Brehm. Their films on the Antarctic. Mr. andWoods End Rd., are entertain- twin daughters, Elisabeth Ann WHY PAY Mrs. Constable and Mr. and Mrs. ing Mr. and Mrs. John Borie of and Teresa Ann, were baptized MARKED in St. Catherine's Catholic We Carry a Shanahan were also guests-of Miami, Fla., for two weeks. ME. and Mrs. James L. McCaf- Church. The sponsors for Eliza- MORE? Full Line of frey of North Brunswick. beth were Mrs. Lester Messina, DOWN Mr .and Mrs. William Gannon Avanel, and Andrew Goodman, ZU/ Union City, and for Teresa, Miss Dutch Boy Paints Mary Eileen McCaffery is and family spent last week va- cationing at Long Branch Island. Maryellen Kilroy, Jersey City, SUITS spending several weeks with Mr. and tester Messina, Jr., Avanel. Monmouth Wallpaper and Mrs. Mathew May of War- 55 V. DACRON AND 45 V. COTTON RES. 45.00 NOW 34.00 wick, R.I. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tentative plans for a bus ride 55*/. DACRON AND 45% WOOL ,-RES. 55.00NOW 44.00 Brown, Eldridge Ave., enter- and Paint Co., Inc. to the World's Fair in the fall DACRON AND WORSTED !-REG. 59.9$ NOW 47.60 Members of the Woods End tained William Picken of Kilmar- were discussed at a meeting of 20 WHITE ST., RED BANK Club attended a movie in Rednock, Scotland, recently, and the Rosary and Altar Society of 50'/. DACRON AND 50 V. WOOL RES. 65.00 NOW 52.00 Bank, August 5 in place of their spent a day at the World's Fair. St. Catherine's Catholic Church, REGULAR, LONG I SHORTS Mr. Picken, who is on a three 747-1129 meeting. Plans to purchase tick- Aug. 3. The next official meet- weeks' vacation in the states, ts to attend a show in New York ing will be held Sept. 7. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. SUCKS SLACKS William H. Brown, Sr., Union. MIDDLETOWN Sheryl Anderson, Orange, WASH 'N WEAR DACRON AND WOOL * Conn., spent three weeks with Route 35 and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munday. Mew Monmouth Rd. 2 PAIR FOR 17.99 Brown spent two weeks in Ocean 2 PAIR FOR 25.00 REG. 11.95 REG. 15.95 City. Bobby Dodd is only the third WOOLWORTHS man ever employed as head foot- New Shrewsbury ball coach at Georgia Tech. In 23 Monmouth Street Two Youths his 20 years at the Atlanta Insti- at Route 35 tution, Dodd has compiled a rec- Shrewsbury Ave. JOHN DANIELS RED BANK 'ANNUAL AUGUST Jailed In ord of H9 victories, 59 defeats MEN'S and STUDENTS' CLOTHING OPEN WID. * Ml. TILL • Bedding Disturbance RUMSON — Two youths were jailed by Magistrate William I. Riker Monday night on disorder- ly persons charges. Terry Crowell, 18, of Northvale Miss Monmouth County, 1966 Pageant Ave., Little Silver, was sent to SALE the county jail for 10 days for using loud, abusive and profane language. He was also fined $6 AUGUST 13 and 14 at 7:30 p. m. 'or falling to exhibit a driver's license, (20 for failing to report an accident, $20" for destroying — Sponsored by public property in the local jail cell and $25 for resisting arrest. Harold Connett, 20, of Atlantic Hotel, Fair Haven, received a 10-day jail term for using loud ioii shopping center and profane language. He was fined 550 also for resisting ar- rest. This pageant will be conducted according to the rules The charges stemmed from a of the National Miss America Committee . • . minor accident here July 10. Capt. James Shea and Patrolman Philip Duffy made the charges during investigation of the acci- y&f EVENING GOWN competition dent which, they charge, was not t'V "...... •.-"'" reported. XeV TALENT competition Holmdel & SWIMSUIT competition Rev,_and Mrs. Thomas H. Mc-_ NaMy, minister of Holmdel Fed- PERSONALITY interview of erated Church, has returned from Stock up at this low price! a vacation to Bridgeton, where FIVE FINALISTS they visited Mrs. McNally's par- rots, Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth jririer. Rev. Mr. MoNally al- MUSLIN SHEETS so spent two weeks as chaplain MASTER of CEREMONIES will be First quality, sturdy cotton mus- with the National Guard at Camp Drum, N. Y. LEE STARNES, who has the popular lin sheets are made to with- morning radio show on WJLK, stand wear and tear-to tale Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Schumach- many washings. Strong, rein-' ;r of Main St. have returned Asbury Park forced hems. Always a good buy from Caracas, Venezuela where they spent several weeks on bus- JUDGES: -now they're even better. Hurry iness and vacation. They also in and save! spent time at the Island of Cu All judges are nationally racao. 81x108" Flat or Full Fitted _1.97 72x108" flat known personalities Reg- 44c Pillow Cats or twin fitted. Named Manager RS5 MUSIC: will be provided for two-hour * Fu" 72 x °O" show by full orchestra "ELM' BLANKET V-^.'.i;i'vl-»*'1-'."';":.' .v CROWNING: *$WI Winner will be crowned Saturday, August 14, 1965 GUEST APPEARANCES: Special guest appearances during rermission Reg. 3.99

i soTtniuBy 04% rayon arlcT T\ . 6J nylon blanket is bound AWARDS '*•? in nylon; washable. As- sures lightweight warmth. iArFIRST PRIZE—$500 scholarship, official Miss Your choice of handsome decorator colon. America preliminary crown, official Miss Monmouth County trophy and other valuable gifts.

Douglas F. Grady Uftf FIRST RUNNER-UP—$150 cash prize, official MIDDLETOWN - Douglas F. m Miss America preliminary trophy. Grady, 47 Virginia Ter., has been appointed merchandise manager tttVSECOND RUNNER-UP—$75 cash prize, official of commission finishing at the Pepperell Manufacturing Com- Miss America preliminary trophy. pany, New York. The announce- ment was made by John J. Mor rffr MISS CONGENIALTY-Special award trophy. an, vice president in charge of sales. ^TALENT WINNER—Special award trophy. A graduate of Lowell Textile Institute, Mr. Grady joined the BEDSPREAD CAMP BLANKET company in 1960 as a salesman. AT SWIMSUIT WINNER—Special award trophy. He is married and has three chil- dren. Winner will compete in Miss New Jersey 3.9g «#.# / 4.77 SUPERVISORS HIRED contest of 1966, who will compete in the OCEANPORT — Mrs. Joan Schiavone of Itaska PI. and Mrs. MISS AMERICA PAGEANT! ground, Iww, full size. Grey, green, blue. 60' x 80". Gloria Filippone of Seneca PL, both here, were hired by the Board of Education last night as An Official MISS AMERICA Preliminary Pageant sponsored by 52 BROAD ST., RED BANK playground supervisors during lunch periods for the 1965-66 I TOUR MONEY'S WORTH MORE AT school year. Need Money? Sell those things you really don't need with a shopping center 4 WOOLWORTHS Daily Register Classified Ad. Sail now. week, Runuoo't boyi' ttun lott THE DAILY REGISTER Thursday, Aug. 12, 1965-4 DAILY CROSSWORD Victory Park twice to Fair Haven, 12-4 and Youth Credits Conipanion 2.BeeO* 4, After tmaihing die windshield, participation in the affair y»*ter- a.Cnek(ot 1.MU. 1 The gitii' ttaro remained un- rear window, and a side window day. Mr. Gifford Instated that Toner 4. Broke Pfet Show defeated by trouncing Fair Ha- For Coming to His Aid of the Grifford car, the gang left. young Carmody's role in tiie In- bwad ven, 21-1, and Oceanport, 19-1, cident be recognized. «.Bcala 6. Plait SEA BRIGHT - "Jf he wasn't 3each line on Ocean Ave. The ' Name Not Given 6.Ajulstant Mary Finnerty, Gena Finnerty, there, this other kid and I would beating started when Brent ap- 10. lariat Is Held Sharon Toynbee and Jean Brad- In a statement to The Register 'Gary risked his lite to keep 12. Subside 7.UtUe have really got it." proached the other vehicle and esterday, Sgt. Carmody admitted my son from being hurt much 13. Biblical child RUMSON - A pet show was ley continue to pace the hitters. This was the statement of Brent demanded to know who had spit the special event offered by the Miss Toynbee has been the star that his son was with Brent and worse than he was — possibly 8-Holly. Gifford, 19, of 111 East River at him. Jimmie, but said as far as he blinded," Mr. Gifford said. U. Conjunc- wood 'Rumson Recreation Commission pitcher with five victories. Rd., Rumson, who, with James Police said three and possibly knew, Gary "did no more than Mr. Gifford is the man who, tion. hopeful in the sixth weeK of its sum' The boys" basketball team, Thompson, 18, of Hubbard Ave., P. Crew tner program at Victory Park. four youths in the other car nyone else would have done." found guilty recently in Eaton- 11. Stir up 32. Greek paced by the scoring of Mike River Plaza, was beaten Friday tloa night on Ocean Ave. tacked Brent and the others with For this reason, and because town Municipal Court of failing to 18. Right-hand 15. Sword 28. Indian epic poem Prize winners were: Delaney and Bill Mullen with 21 yield at a stop street, insisted on Most unusual pet—1. Jon Mar-and 20 points, respectively, de- baseball bats and broken bottles. Gary wasn't hurt, the sergeant page Instructors of 33. Sums up Young Brent was speaking of said, police did not release his his innocence and elected to Sd 18. Location Bolivia 35. Chums tin's mouse "Hide;" 2. Bruce feated Little Silver Recreation Gary Carmody, 18, son of Police serve three days in the county 20. Eskimo 30. Volcano 38. By way of Higham's guinea p;g "RosooeV 64-53. Rich Glassey of Little name to newsmen. 19. Hawaiian Sgt. John Carmody of the local John A. Gifford, father of Brent, jail rather than pay a. fine "for knife food 31. Capital of 39. Sack 3. Bruce Higham's turtle "Rum- Silver led all scorers in the game force. Corps' Vacation J& Electrified 20. Grape Bulgaria 40. Sick pelstiltskin;" prettiest pet— ;old The Register about Gary's something I didn't do." with 23 ;»ints. "They held Gary and Jimmie In particle 1. Tom Frischia's Cat "Gomer;1 •jtj22, Birdaaa H the back of the car," Brent said Bible School Wf a class 2. J. P. Kennedy's canary "An yesterday, "but Gary got out r S3, Gesture 0 gelo; 3. Phil Malecki's dog anyway and came over and "Snorkle;" best trained dog—1, Bible School 3T. Hautboy 'A 5 picked me up. He carried me on Starts Monday > 28. Period r Beth Thompson's collie "Dorie;' his shoulders about 50 feet down 39. Immedi- 2. Tom Dooley's poodle "Pepei" Completes RED BANK — "Discovering % • the street out of the way. They With Christ" will be the theme NOW! 4'OFF ON ately 3. Cindy Higham's toy collie were hitting him on his back all SO. Former iJ of the Vacation Bible School to tt' ft "Lassie." Best behaved pet—1 the time," German Nora McCue's Pekingese "La- Final Week be sponsored by the Red Bank at&te Brent said that when young Corps of The Salvation Array, 20 84. Half an em it dy;" friskiest pet-1. Bill But- MATAWAN - Vacation Bible Carmody rescued him, he was ler's dog>"SnuMy." School of the First Presbyterian Riverside Ave., beginning Mon- BUITONI SAUCES SS.Footlllce %$ down on the ground and bleeding, day. put if IF Arts and crafts supervisor Wal- Church has completed its second with a youth coming at him with M. Ancient ter Spillane has scheduled a week Classes for' 5-through 16-year- IT and final week. broken bottle. . olds will meet daily from 9:30 87. Competitor of felt, reed and "nic nac" craft. Picked Him Up BUITONI SfcJTorked i%t Anyone Interested in the The theme for study was "The to 11:30 a.m. through Friday, JUITON IT SI Gary shoved the youth away, ITALIAN 41 Step* over VA planned trip to the World's Fai Bible," and the offering received Aug. 27. •fence picked up Brent, and took him out Capt. William.jjones, assistan HARINARA MEAT W B" must make reservations with di was used to purchase a Braille of harm's way while Jimmie, now 0 rector Bob Olshan by Tuesday. Bible. officer of the corps, will be the , . assumed u » also out of the car, picked up a SAUCE SAUCE |f! name w Buses will leave Victory Park Mrs. John Eisenger was direct club and held the other youths director. Mrs. Raymond Swif •^ 45. Comfort '// at 8:45 a.m. Monday. Aug. 23. tor of the school. Mrs, Richard off, Brent related. will be registrar. Matthew Rid 44. Happy w V/ Summer awards will be pre- Craig and Mrs. Rosa Gobel were After the incident, Brent was ing will be in charge of refresh 44 sented at the next community the secretarial staff, Mrs. Theo- treated at Monmouth Medical ments. BOWK dance, Aug. 27, at Victory Park. dore Mack and Mrs, Frank Bar- ' Volunteer teachers are Mis LWcric enter, Long Branch, for cuts In athletic contests 'or the raco supervised the kindergarten of the scalp and shoulder and re-Louise Flannigan and Miss Lin- department, assisted by Mrs. Er-leased. Jimmie was admitted to da Johnson, nursery; Miss Edith ling Fjeldheim, Mrs. Arthur Ken- the hospital in fair condition with Frazier, assisted by Miss Sui ny, Mrs. John Larkin, Mrs. Nor-a possible concussion, but was re-Jean Woolley., beginners;. Mrs, THE 400 ANNUAL AUGUST man Lunde, Mrs. Floyd Trim, leased Sunday. Brig. John Fahey, assisted by and Michele Dunyak. The incident occurred when a Mrs. Grace Jones and Miss Pam- BUI TON Mrs, Don Young was in charge carload of youths allegedly spit ela Schmidt, primary; Capt. Wil- IUITONI liam Jones, assisted by Mrs, MUSHROOM ~£u VI OITAMJ of the primary department, as- at the three boys and made de- I MIATLSM SAVE FROM sisted by Mrs. Robert McLuckie rogatory remarks, police said. James Howell and Timothy am SAUCE0 Thomas Johnson, juniors; Mrs, 3PAOHETT1 and Mrs. Charles Cookson. The three youths chased the SAUCE 0 other group in Brent's car, over- Gustav E. Schmidt, teenag 20% TO 40% Mrs. Curtis Herb supervised class. SALE the junior department, aided by taking them near the Monmouth Miss Connie lsley. The junior high classes were supervised by Mrs. Edgar Blair assisted by Mrs. William Downer and Mrs. Howard Wolverton. Teenage helpers were Karen Naven, Linda Van Note, Theresa Walling, Katfoy Linden, and Dot Buy 4* Buckridge. Mrs. Ellen Durkin cared for Buy 16* nursery age children whose mothers were teaching. Get the idea?...Get Rev. Chester A. Galloway, pas tor, led the daily songfest. Mrs. Gordon McGee was pianist. jl/M? fto>N£ BUITONI Need ivfoney? Sell those things Originator of prepared sauces in Italy, France and the U.SA PROCESS you really don't need with a Daily Register Classified Ad. Call now


»••••««•<•••«*«•••••••««+••••«•• ••••*••• • • Englander* FIRM COMFORT SEAL' Sleep QUEEN

H«rt l» an entirely new kind of inntnpring mattresses with an antirely new kind of com- fort. No coil feel. No sdga sag. OJJii^ grade steel coils totally encased In luxurious urethane foam. Handerafted to Insure quality that's unequalled any- where at this price. You couldn't pick a better time than now to buy a Chevrolet! Plenty of beautiful driving weather ahead, and your Chevrolet dealer is making allowances for your old car that are Englander' even more beautiful. Come drive a great deal. COMFO-FOAM Comparable to other mattresses selling SLEEP QUEEN for $59.95 A FULL 5" THICK You'll know tha difference at first touch— it'i softer, mora cushiony than regular ur»- thane foam. And there's plenty of deep-down $4095 firmneis for luxuriously relaxing support and twin ir comfort. It'a eaiy to handle ... flexible ,. . non-ellargenle and won't sag or crumble! hrilsin Beautiful quilted cover. ChmtbMttau n»ttre4M9 e» beat tpring SportCoup*. Now's the time to get a No. 1 buy on the No. 1 cars.

117141 ROUTE 35 at SUNSET AYE! WANAMASSA, N. J. CIRCLE CHEVROLET COMPANY SHOP DAILY 'TIL 9 P.M., SATURDAY 'TIL I P.M. 325 MAPLE AVENUE RED BANK 741 - 3130 10—Thursday, Aug. 12, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER. jng mom (Mewalki science, $5,500; Joseph Judilde, Requested police guard* from Michael Balzaraoo, bus driver, I ior high school pupils, one mile; Mr. Germtn uii Jack Sweitztr, driver education,. $5,500. the township fpr e!enjent»ry tni $3,250 a year. I high school pupils, two xA a township manager, had promised Retained Dr. Gloria I. Jannuc- high school crossings. _ Received notice students going half miles. the township would do all it c( for $5,000 as school psycholo- Assistant* Hired . , the following schools will be g School Athletic Fields couW. gist to replace "Dr. Stanley to Need Money? Sell those thijli Hired Ellsworth Alden as cusr bussed within these distances: Other Buainesi Sprung, who resigned. todian at $3,900 annually; Joseph you really don't need f Oakhurst School, a half mile; In other action, the board: Authorized applying for an Gambino, custodian, $3,900. a Daily Register Classified Ad. emergency certificate for Mrs. Wanamassa School, a hall mile; Bids Taken in Ocean Township Awarded Evelyn L. Thompson, year; Hildred Sexton, custodian, Call now. a special transportation contract Ruth Tepper, elementary schoo! Ocean Township' School and jun- $43,053; Laurino Co., Inc., Lon $3,800 a year; Thomas W. Allen, OCEAN'TOWNSHIP — Seven fore the next meeting. Action de- of $946.82; Shore Restaurant librarian. Branch, $45,355 to $67,943; Luja maintenance man, $4,200,annual- bids were received Tuesday by pends on the amount of budgeted Equipment Co., a .$4,012 contract the Board of Education fonclear- Constructing Co., Inc., Sout monies left for the athletic fields. Authorized application with ly; Miss Helen Fine, as board for plastic, china and silverware; county superintendent to use sub- office secretary, at $3,350 annual- ing, grading and seeding high Plainfield, $28,895 to $46,880 The board awarded Al Koenig service contracts to low bidders school baseball and football Thomas G. RuBsomanno Con Construction Co., here, a $1,600 standard classrooms in Oakhurst ly; Miss Helen Engle, clerk typ- Breyer Ice Cream Division for School (two basement rooms), ist, $2,650 annually. fields. trading Co., Inc., Long Branch contract to install sidewalks ice cream, Fisher Baking Co. Wanamassa School (six basement Retained for 1965-19G6 Dr. Don- OiNtiJhQj u R N ITU R E These fields would be between $22,900 to $38,960; Big Top Land along West Park Ave. near the and Continental Baking Co. for rooms; one large divided room), ald W. Bowne for $2,400 and Dr. "Creator! of Fashion (or the Home" the new high school south of scape Contracting Inc., Avenel high school and sidewalk going bread and baked goods. S south toward the Dow Ave. Ocean Township School (cafe- Helen Jones for $1,400 as school West Park Ave. and the Ocean $21,465 to $45,61)0; Robert N. 140 BROAD ST., RED BANK. 747-40O0 Township Elementary School, Nani, Inc., Trenton, $29,990 t school area. Received resignations from Ed- teria). Mr. German said since the' physicians; Dr. Robert S. Moray ward Harrison, social studies board had not approved his pro- for $600, Dr. Lawrence Jacobson Dow Ave. $47,490, Parkway Landscape Co. Jack Okun, former Planning teacher; Ronald Stewart, science posal for box lunch service to for $300, Dr. Irving Medoff for Submitting bids ranging from Metuchen, $41,220 to $74,800. Board chairman, asked why for- Visit our Complete: teacher; Christine M, Farry, provide use of two rooms for Just $300 as school dentists; Edith partial to complete work esti- Power to Act mal bids on this job had not board secretary's clerk. science and art the board policy Sdhmidt as school nurse at $4,- mates were Thomas Nicol Co., All bids were turned over t been taken. Marshall Conklin, Contract Department * Fabric Dept. Vl Inc., Farmingdale, $33,963 to committee with power to act be. Hired Miss Sandra Isaacs, so- would be followed. But the cafe- 400 annually. board secretary, said six infor- cial studies, $5,500; Miss Sandra teria would be available for art mal bids were taken and this Hired Robert J. Rockhill, bus * Decorator Department Giilemprian, foreign languages, half a day due to one less sched- driver, $3,250 annually; John M.| was the lowest. He said the board $5,500; Mrs. Shirley Judikic, uled class. st had power to act if sums were Feeley, bus driver, $3,250 a year; REEDS JEWELERS 31 YEAR under $2,000. He also said this was the only way to insure com- pletion of work before school » AUGUST DIAMOND VALUES opens. Contract Change A high school contract change order was authorized to provide 1,281 for additional draping to shield auditorium audiences from stage light glare. This brings to $3,144 the contract granted Irv Ackerson Studios, New York. Original budget figure was $6,000. Payment of $22,429.50 due Free- hold Electric Co. on its high schooj work was ordered paid. But a remaining $5,000 payment was withheld pending building MONEY BACK GUARANTEE and grounds inspection of the work. BUY THE EASY In reply to Mr. Okun's ques- GIANT RED TAG SALE ions, the board indicated it REEDS WAY" would soon seek bids to com- CASHIER WILL DEDUCT AN • NO MONEY DOWN jJele a horseshoe driveway front- • IS MONTHS TO PAY ng the new high school on West • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • Poy Weekly or Monthly 'arle Ave. Mr. Conklin said this ;ork though originally planned lad been delayed by gaining ti- LARGEST SELECTION REEDS JEWELERS le to all lands in that area. OF DIAMONDS IN Edward German, school super- CENTRAL JERSEY 40 Broad St., Reil Bank EXTRA 25 ntendent, was asked to follow From $39.50$ 1999.50 717 Cookman Ave,, Asbury Park Open Wed. & Fri, Nighti ip requests that township offi- OUR REGULAR LOW, LOW DISCOUNT PRICE ON ALL REDWOOD SETS AND CHAIRS, QHAISES, cials do something about install- ALUMINUM CHAIRS AND CHAISES, LAWN SPRINKLERS, BAR-B-Q GRILLS, HAMMOCKS AND STANDS, PLAY GYMS, FAMILY SIZE AND KIDDIE POOLS, FILTERS, POOL LADDERS, SLIDES, New GENERAL ELECTRIC SURF MATS, SWIM FINS, INFLATABLE MATTRESSES, REPLACEMENT PADS. AND FANS Refrigerator - Freezer! WITH RED TAGS WHILE THEY LAST. EXAMPLES , „_ A _ 1M IfcJfcJlMI PADDED FOLDING • 3 pC- 6 ""• ALUMINUM REDWOOD SET 1499 CHAIR £24 Reg. 19.99 . ReS. «.99 V T. If?." TobU with 2 benches, stained, \ Comfort curved bock, nvinibl* foam 2"ltoclu X cushion. only 28"*$ ROUND REDWOOD UMBRELLA GRILL TABLE 1ft" Rag. 4.fT Reg. 24.9* HI™ Aluminum (

Cartridge load camera outfit*. In- clude* film, flashbulb* and bat- teries. ' R008K IHOOei 1UU FULL NO DOWN PAYMENT-Easy Terms! At 2 Guys SIZE ADULT Kodak Modol 150 Auto-Wind, Carry COM Kodak Modol 300 SLEEPING BAG Electric Ey« 4 lbs. fibre filled. Scenic lining, heavy duty, LIMITED QUANTITY waterproof bottom, side zipper. REG. 8.97 MANSFIELD "ELECTRIC EYE METER" LINEN DEPT. — SAVE 60c ON EACH 8MM MOVIE FINE QUALITY LUXURIOUS YOU NEVER DEFROST the Refrigerator Section CAMERA TIER Other most-wanted features include: • Full-Width Zero-Degree Freezer holds 85 up to 91 lbs. of frozen food on long term basis • 2 Mini-Cube Ice Trays sit under package shelf for easy removal •Full-Width Porcelain Enamel Vege- 24 table Bin holds 9/10 bushel • Butter Compartment • Deep Door Shelf for CURTAIN SETS %• gallon milk cartons '& tall bottles •• 3 Cabinet Shelves (1 slides out) Trigger-action plitol grip. Fait f 1.8 loom Urn. Contlnaaut zoom viowlindw. Built-in Cheeu from lh» matt toautifal ttlic- • Magnetic Safety Doors open easily—close silently, securely • Protective ^Mittr-Motlc Electric Eye, tion* of Challh, Cottoat, Embroldulet Door Stops prevent damage to door, adjacent cabinet, wall • Coppertone ««d printl. 36" Unsjtht.- Of White, 1NrtStoTiE«Vt*m» *Mtninrara Retail flirt ILLUMINATED AAO You moy onJer the model shown through us, your franchisee! G-E dealer. Sea current display, prices, terms. SLIDE SORTER 27 For #126, #127, 35mm Reg. illdei. Now adit and 1.87 vj«w all your tilde* BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP ot one*. 1 1 W» rtitrvo tho right to limit quantities Not rwponilbU for typocropnlcat ffrorg. 46 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK TEL 741-4310

OPEN WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS Open Dally 9:30 A.M. 'til 1C P.M. Sunday* 9:30 A.M. 'til 4 P.M. Free Parking in Rear of Store Entrance on White Street Parking Lot •For Salu Allowed by Law NOTE —WE SERVICE! EVERYTHING WE SELL MIDDLETOWN-RT. 35 DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketthum THE DAILY REGISTER Thuaitf, Aug. 12, 1965-11 TODAY'S BUSINESS MIRROR: Man Pleads o Innocent In Accuser in Traffic Case Fined $25 The Dangers Fire Case Citizen's Summons Backfires DEAL — A citizen's summons FREEHOLD - Vincent Com- must drive defensively. Two lo of Worthley St., Red Bank, pasano, 18 Nevada Dr., Hazlet, backfired on Martin F. Slater of wrongs don't make a right." $12; Harry N. Toomln of Walnut Of Rising Costs pleaded innocent yesterday in Elizabeth yesterday in Municipal He admonished Mr. Slater that St., Neptune, $15: Joseph Strollo of Woodrow Wilson Homes, Long Monmouth County Court in a be Court when he was himself found even if, as he claimed, he felt Iited arraignment on an Indict- that he was observing the speed Branch, $11; Arthur Morris, Jr., guilty of careless driving and of Sewal! Ave., AJbury Park, $11; By SAM DAWSON ment for conspiracy to set fire limit and that Mr. Salzman had D*WWD fined $25 by Magistrate Harold Steven Becker of Bendermere to tlie Airport Plaza Shopping no right to go faster and over AP Builaeis Nevw Aoalyit trusted to the letdown expected Halpern. Ave., Interlaken, $11, and Thom- Center, R » r 11 a n Township, take him, Mr. Slater's duty was NEW YORK (AP) - Rising earlier, could bring on as infla- April 12, Mr. Slater caused a citizen's as R. Barrett of Fifth Ave., As- tionary turn that would nullify to move over to the right of the bury Perk, $9 suspended. retail prices on food and other Compasano (ailed to appear summons, to be Issued against much of the gains. road, as provided by law. A warrant was issued for the consumer goods or services Juljj 30 when his arraignment Jack Salzman of Wallace Rd. for Other defendants fined yester- arrest of Robert C. Scott of Cor- worry many families today. In addition bo more spending first was scheduled and a bench careless driving. Mr. Salzman, In day, all for speeding, were Louis lles Ave., Neptune, for failure to Busjfittimen and manufactur- because of Viet Nam, these warrant for his arrest was is- turn issued a similar summons Garcia of Garfield Ave.,, Elber- answer a speeding summons for ers {>P at the steady climb in scientists cite the increased out- sued by Judge Clwkson S. Fish- against Mr. Slater. on, $25; Robert W. Brown of the second time. costj of first one and then an- lays Shaping up as various gov- er. Three witnesses testified that North Fifth Ave., Long Branch, Qther industrial material. ernment programs looking to- Appearing before Judge Ed- for more than a mile along Ocean $11; Thomas Wlckham of Branch When Denny McLain of the De- And the future holds still ward the "Great Society" build ward J- Ascher yesterday, he Ace.. Mr. Slater drove his car Rd., Oakhurst, $12; Ralph J. To-troit Tigers struck out the first up steam. more troublesome possibilities. was released In (5,000 bail at the extreme left edge of the maino of Cleveland Ave., Long seven batters he faced in relief One is the threat of still high- So far, the price advances for trial in the fall. traffic lane In the center ot the Branch, $13, plus $10 for con- June 15 he tied the American er production cosrts under new haven't been too alarming. The Compasano was the owner of road, preventing Mr. Salman tempt of court in not appearing League record for relief pitchers labor contracts that might set increased cost of living is real the Airport Plaza bakery where from passing despite numerous when summoned; William R. set by Ryne Duren of Loi An- off general price Increases in enough to families trying to bal- the fire which damaged two blasts of Mr. Salzman's hors, Mclntyre of Heck Ave., Neptune, geles in 1961. Boston was the basic industries. ance their budgets. But there stores broke out. Indicted with Magistrate Halpern reported. $13; Viola J. Salerno of Belmar opponent both times. And another is the effect of has been no runaway. him were Vincent J. Cannsra, 51, Mr. Salzman testified that Mr. Ave., Oceanport, $12; Steven more government spending for of 83 Hazlet Ave., Hazlet, and Slater kept going very slowly as WIshnastsky of Eisele Ave., Industrial price gains have ^wW'ftjPFOONTUKB AJy/WBWW) AMtf Ort ml'' Sell Fast! The Dally Register the Viet Nam war w(hen the Charles Monte, Belleville. if to turn left, but never turned Wanamassa, $12; Sandra De Car- been in such things as metals. Classified. economy already was at a point Cannara has pleaded innocent left, nor did he pay any atten' This increases the cost of manu- that some thought dangerously retail sales up almost every and "is free in $5,000 bail. Monte, tion to Mr. Saliman's horn. facturing many Stems that con- near to overheating. month. burned in the fire, has not yet sumers and industry use. But Septic Tank Finally, Mr. Salzman was able The dollar volume of retail been arraigned because he con- Tiiig gradual rise in prices, corporate profits have been so to pass the Slater vehicle on the sales set a record in July, Some tinues to be a patient at Colum- botlhVt consumer and industrial good, and competition still so lelt, he testified, and proceeded levels, has been cited by gov- say the cut in exolse sales tax Plans Studied bus Hospital, Newark. Into Allenhurst, where he sat keen, that most manufacturers inspired more buying. But the ernment economists as one rea-have been able to absorb the MIDDLBTOWN - Township down to lunch with his wife and son they ttiink more inflation tax was included in the prices of PLEADS GUILTY higher metals costs without Health Officer Dr. Marc Krohn child. Isn't a clear and present dan- most items before the cut. Since FREEHOLD - Herbert raising the price tags on their said yesterday that plans sub- Mr. Slater, apparently upset by ger. these price tags presumably Stryker, Lohsen PI., Belford, finished products. mitted by James Manuel, owner the incident, followed Mr. Salz Another reason for confidence were lowered in July, the dollar pleaded guilty to carnal inde- man into Allenhurst; Magistrate volume of sales of all goods of the Pancake House, Rt. 35, forcency yesterday. He will be sen- has been the belief, widely held The chief worry now is that correcting septic tank conditions Halpern said, where he called in and out of government, that would imply much greated buy- tenced Aog. 27 by Monmouth Deal police and had Patrolman the policing powers of competi- at the restaurant are being the economy was due io take a tion might be lessened. They ing of consumer items than just County Judge Edward J. Ascher. Ray Mazza Issue a careless drlv. studied. breather, postponing inflation could be if the Viet Nam wara hunt for tax-free bargains. ing summons to Mr. Salzman. TIME* problems, grew large enough to put a But for all their worrying •He said the restaurant will be Sanitary Inspector John W. Mr. Salzman thereupon re- But more private economists, premium on some goods and about what might happen — given every opportunity to cor-Greenham advised the Board of turned the favor. •specially in banking circles, materials. And competition Wibat forces may be feeding (he rect its malfunctioning tanks and Health that he had given the Finding Mr. Slater guilty and are sounding warnings today might be less of a brake -on Ire of future inflation — all butthat there are no present plans restaurant 10 days to start cor- dismissing the complaint against Chat any sizable climb in eco-prices if consumers continue in a few economists admit that the to close the place. rections or the place would be Mr. Salzman, Magistrate Halpern nomic expansion how, as the spending mood that sends danger still lies in the future. Earlier this week, township closed. said, "In this day and age, one » LAST 3 DAYS Sensational Sale for Prown's 40th Anniversary

enjoy the beauty of COUPON SAVINGS Save Now 8» UfUITE COMBINATION "James WW •• I I E ALUMINUM Window Shade MonroeIF WINDOWS u Sale COMBINATION AT YHE I WITH THIS COUPOM! ALUMINUM STORM i SCORN LOWEST Scallop and Fringe WINDOWS PRICE EVER WINDOW SHADES Nover before eouW you buy beautiful white 44 aluminum windows at thii special low price. INST. OPT. Now baked acrylic finish, can't chip, blister, crack or peel. Whlft, waihable, on your • FULLY WEATHERSTRIPPED • Triple Track rolltr 17 to 36" wide on the tvm inch on your roll- • CLEANS FROM INSIDE 44 o Fully Weathentrlpptd an. No limit'Ml 8/14. o E-Z Tilt-Clean from • TRIPLE TRACK 11INST.OPT. lnsld«. Mln. 6. MIN. 6 WINDOWS

"BEST BUY" —WASHABLE SUMMER NEW YORKER 1 Save $0 00 White, slxei up to 36".' Reg. 3.50 on your roller. Two Glaii—One Screen All Framing—Storm Automatic Closer 30-32-36 Wide—80 MINT THIS COVPOH mmmsm II1IV ^if Ti/v uiIUI\AUI ru i nee TfinWWTf JIWIWK STEEL i SPECIAL GROUP Complete with roller. Wash- Vudor Porch Shades Red Devil Ceiling White CORE |able, free ring pull, 36" wide. Mod* la U.S.A. Lamps and Shades No cutting. No limit 'til 8/14. Flint Perch Roll-upi DRASTICALLY No-Drip 33 FOLDING Crata. Stock on hand Mly REDUCED «.79 Value 3 DOOR! THIS COUPONS J^fflLMi^WMiM^ Curtis Latex white l"i S-SLAT HEAVY VINYL OVER PORCH STEEL MAKES A VENETIAN BLINDS 217" ROLLER! 7" ROLLER VERY STURDY DOOR Plastic tape, nylon cord, ROLL-UP and HEADS very washable. Reg. 3.99. R.g. 95 TRAY SET > for .59 17".36" wide ( 54" and 64" Long SHADE 49 FOR 30* 32"xB0" NO LIMIT With Coupon WIHi Coupon 'TIL 8/14 Good thru 8/14 limit 4 'Ml 8/14 o White • Beige • Grey M e Wood Grain SALE raWITH THIS COUPOCOUPON ^jpjs BASSWOOD • VOLT 6'PEEL BAMBOO ROLL-UPS QUART TURPENTINE TRANSISTOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES REGULAR 59c A1{ PORCH BATTERIES Reg. 1.19 88c 6'x6' Reg. 2.98 2.22 LIMIT 2 TIL 8/14 Ol SOUPY SALE 1 ffimmmf$mm LUNCH KIT & BOTTLE ., 2.98 SHADE Reg. 1.98 1.39 7-X6 Reg. 3.50 2.50 500 SHEETS Reg. 2.49 1.79 NOTEBOOK PAPER 98* '1.00 OFF JUMBO Per gallon of name brand paint, interi- FOAM RUBBER 32 BROAD ST, RED BANK or and exterior. See the signs in the DELTOX REVERSIBLE RUGS ' Hi ft Tamil t E-Z Chart* store. PILLOWS 8'xlO' Reg. 20.95 10.98 • Vnccveni D«lly mi let. I A.M. • 1:30 P.M. £'x9' Reg. 19.98 9.99 • 14" wife • 4" ttilcfe 1.44 PROWN'S WtAmrfay «rf FrMir 'HI » P.M. 12—Thursday, Aug. 12, 1965 THE DAILY PECISTER Fined J55 each for operating TO ADDRESS COMMISSION | PARKING BAN Ctrl without licerues were Leo MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Dt.[ MONMOUTH BEACH - State Boch, Roselle, Mrs. Nina Oda- Edgar G. Rex t& the Agricultural Highway Commissioner Mhvight bash, Rt. 35, Laurence Harbor, College of Rutgers University wilt R. G. Palmer has ruled t^re will Fine 27 Drivers arftl Ernest C. Townes, Bayonne. address Ihe Shade Tree Commis- be no parking along Ocean,Ave. Fined varying amounts on the sion tonight at 8:30 in here at any time. Ocean Ave., same charge were Russell Cally, Jr., Newark; Victor Sisolak, township hall. Dr. Rex, chair- recently taken over by the state, In Matawan Township Perth Amboy, $20 each; Mrs. man of the state Board of Shade now is a section of Rt. 36. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP-With for failing to appear when scheA Dorothy Brown, 85 Andover La., Tree Commissioners, will evalu- a three-week span since the last uled and $5 for costs. this place, $30; Mrs. Dorothy ate the need for, tree and shrub Need Money? Sell those things session of Municipal Court here, —Nicholas A. Falcone, New Solaway, 26 Ithan La., this place, plantings in the township. The you really don't need witi 4 Magistrate Lloyd D. Elgart had ark, for doing 60 in a 50-mile and Benedict J. Smith, Jr., 8 public is invited. Daily Register Classified Ad. • a packed house Tuesday night. rone. Asking consideration be- Hawthorne St., Cliffwood, $10 The jurist levied fines and cause it was his first offense, the each. court costs totaling $660 on 27 defendant was confronted wit Mr. Smith also was found motorists. Driving privileges o two previous convictions for dis guilty of passing a stop sign five persons were suspended for regarding traffic signals. He wa and was fined $20. fined $15. 30-day periods. Howard R. Brown, 85 Andover In the only criminal action — Anthony F, Caprio, Nutley, La., this place, was fined $15 Thomas J. Morio, 84 W. Prospect for doing 60 in a 50-mile zone, for' permitting an unlicensed Ave., CliffSvoodrj paid a $50 fine He, too, was fined $15. person to operate his car. Augus- and received a one-year sus- — Michael J. Miller, 552 tus J. Underwood, Marjorie St., pended jail term for assaulting Thompson Ave., East KeanSburg, Cliffwood, paid the same fine Patrolman Thomas Wallace, for doing 75 in a 50-mile zone. for permitting his 11-year-old Mr. Morio was instructed to He was fined $30. son to operate his car. Mr. Un- report regularly to Rev. Joseph Fined As Careless derwood admitted that his son GETS PLAQUE — William S. "Dutch" Gundakor, left, president of Gundaker Central Stranno, assistant pastor of St Fined for careless driving often drove cars and farm equip- Mofori of Belmar, 'u presented a plaque in recognition for winning the Chrysler ment for him but agreed that Joseph's Catholic Church, Key- /etc: Corporation Quaifty Dealer Award by S. F. Hodgson, Ohrysler Motors Corporation port. — Joseph J. Lawlor, 250 Broad the practice will cease. Newark regional sales manager. Mr. Gundakor is ons of 18 Chrysler dealer* so A second charge of assault and St., Keyport; Miss Dorothy Cam- Others fined were Oliver E. battery, filed against Mr. Morio, eron, 61 Ivy Hill Dr., this place; Curley, Newark, $15 for fictitious honored across the nation and tha only dealer in rha Newark area. by his wile, was withdrawn. He Jeffrey R. Coleridge, 326B Cross plates; Mrs. Agnes P. Neeves, paid $10 Jn court costs in that Rd., Matawan; Robert T. Kelly, South. Orange, $10 for driving case. 30 Broad St., Manasquan, and without a registration in her The defendant, represented by Darvis H. Simms, First St., Cliff- possession; John Watson, New- Keyport attorney Sidney Sawyer, wood, $15 each. ark, $30 for following too closely; was granted suspension of the J, T. Scarpiha, Elizabeth Donald P. Jenson, Colonia, $20 Jail term because of a spotless $20. for passing on the right, and record prior to Tuesday night's —Louis Perreira, Greenvale, John M. Moff, Hopelawn, $10 for charges, the magistrate said. Ohio, and Richard Peterson, 519 disregarding a traffic signal. 4 Licenses Revoked No. Concourse, Cliffwood Beach, A charge of careless driving Convictions for speeding $25 each. Mr. Peterson lost his igainst Mrs. Charlotte Lanrberti, brought license suspensions to: license for 30 days because of 10 Cross Ave., this place, was — Alexander J. Gallo, 126 :hree previous convictions. dismissed. Patrolman James Maples St., Cliffwood, for doing — Hermie B. Davis, Coco Williams testified that her car 40 miles per hour in a 25 mile Beach, Fla., $40. His license was nearly ran me off the road." 1st UIITHSUY rone. It was his fourth traffic suspended by the state Motor He stated that it was a man conviction in recent months. He Vehicle Bureau for failing to riving the car, however, and was fined $15 on the charge, $5 appear March 30 as scheduled. ie was unable to pursue it. He ssucd the summons after a look- Diamond Solitaire—Sweet and Simple! ip on the license number, Joseph A. Corrado, 46 Nevada FOR THE ENGAGEMENT Dr., Hazlet, was acquitted on A splendid way to say 1 grounds of reasonable doubt. He Lorn YOB"— her diamond in •as charged with going through SALE M'HTII 11II! a serene 14K gold setting. red light. Now! $146 Pay Monthly. » Boy Unhurt dramatic Early American grouping MIDDLETOWN — John Durlno, 12, of 6 Louise PI., New Mon- by Hr^er & Son... nouth, was unhurt Tuesday •hen struck by a hit and run car m Main St., Port Monmouth. MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER 65 BROAD ST. Mrs. Daniel Durino reported to Cape EATONTOWN RED BANK Mlice that her son was riding Open Monday thru Friday Mgbtii <>ji.-n Wed. A- Fit. his bicycle just off Rt. 36 when he ivas hit. (odder EAST ORANGE MILL END SHOPS Now yon can choose lasting beauty, the authentic charm, the master craftsiftamhijujf Early American designed as expressed DRAPERIES in our new "Cape Cod" collection.


Draw Draperies Included

Clwest from the largest variety of decorative < drapery fabrics in New Jertay. From them our workroom will make up your draperies FREE (63" or longer) . . . beautifully custom-tailored to your specifications. You PAY ONLY FOR THE FABRICS.

OPTJIAR "Cape Codder," ruggcuiy constructed of selcctedWdVootl

i =~£^_"zz.^z__i .....^ _*'"*^. ,7 UUIBHC„ .. U. ji.nn j^auOfut^sdleueauiiiux m Maple. This vetBa- YnnT" CllOlCG tile group oifWrn^nuinruBapTrTTel^yluTu^ SOFA & CHAIR BEDSPREADS ... or stack piecen to conserve space. You can interchange pieces to suit your wall . . . personal arrangemenU The ideal bny for children's room, family (4 Cushions) room, den or matter bedroom. w from • Overlooked Seams 2 for! Features Include genuine $ Westinghouse "MICARTA" mar-resistant wood grained to 62" BUY ONE-GET ONE FREE I plastic tops . . . easy-pull, • dovetailed, center guided UPPER GROUP TWIN SIZE ONLY ] drawers , . . dust-proof in- A. HIGH POSTER BED 49.88 ! teriors . . , exquisite ex- CANOPY BED, complete ...63.00 • Threw and Fitted Styki • Prints and B. CHEST, 3 drower 47.26 terior styling accented with Solid* • Delun

•NEW JERSEY STORES AT- 35, NEPTUNE jKKgg 137-B BROAD ST., RED BANK PARSIPPANY I NEPTUNE UNION PARAMUS FREE PARKING Route 22 BOUND 405 Itouten Open Wed. & Frf. Evenings Route 46 Route 35 (On the Center BROOK CO 2-6868 Island) U Mile DE 4-900O 776-5969 Next to Other Stores: East Orange, Morrlstown, Fair Lawn West of Flagship Route 22 Howard Johnson MV 8-3242 HO 9-0001 11 ml. north of Rt. 4 •W« ddiver to N. . Shore jjd mountain retort* THE toklVi REGISTER Thursday, Aug. 12, 1965-lS i Television High Ugh ts RIM (1) — Hie Muaitei*. (Repett.) to an entertaining show. Samantha. retches Youthful fana will probably laugh at the into her bag of tricks to solve her husband's . »lmpl« antic* of the cast. The plot is a (illy latest dilemma, and turns s Siamese cat Into one about Herman and Grandpa being mis- a voluptuous model. Those funny next door taken for bank robbers, and sweet Herman neighbors, the Kraviues, also account for i Is crazy enough to try to return the money couple of amusing moments. in the middle of the night. lt-11 (2)-The Defenders. "The Siege." 7:3S-to conclusion (11)—Baseball. The (Repeat.) A violent, implausible, but absorb- Minnesota Twins vs. the New York Yankees ing drama, tempered and enriched by its em- from Yankee Stadium. phasis on character development. Lawrence Preston is besieged in his own office by an " 84 (2)—Perry Mason. "The Case of the escaped convict who's certain Preston's Injured Innocent." (Repeat.) A real oldie, handling of his case was superficial and Vintage 1961, for tans. The innocent of the routine. Robert Redford is excellent as the title it a husband accused of murdering his furious young man bent on revenge If he Wife'*, sweetie, a sports car driver. The plot 1 can't prove his innocence, and E. G. Marshall is involved, the victim a real trouble maker, ts fine urging reason at the point of a gun. "D. i& Burger manages to blow his own 10:80-11 <9)-Ladies of the Press. Lord ; MproK case, and the faces of John Conte Caradon, Great Britain's Ambassador to the and Jess Barker pop up in the cast. United States, is questioned by Laura Berg- 'v 8:S0-» (7) - My Three Sons. (Repeat.) quist, of Look magazine; Ellen Lukas, of AUTOMOTIVE CENTER .'Mildly entertaining entry. When Uncle Charley Newsweek magazine; and Joyce Egginton at ,and Robbie Douglas go to a race track, they the London Observed. INSPECTION — Frank Sinatra, at a POW escapee mas- find a temperamental horse who won't run 11-12:50 (11) — Merv Griffin. Merv has w«ll unless Robbie is around to sing to him. quite a line-up of guests on hand tonight . . . qufrrading a* a Naii soldier, it (topped and inspected by It really doesn't matter that the plot isn't Eli Wallach and Anne Jackson of Broadway's a Gestapo agent in this scene from "Von Ryan's Express," very believable, because Andy Devine as "Luv," sociologist Margaret Mead, publisher America's Greatest Tire Values a 20th Century-Fox release in CinemaScope and Deluxe the horsfe owner is a plus. Hugh Hefner, singer Vi Velasco and comic 8:30-9 (13)—Aaron Copland: Music in the Howard Storm. Color now playing at the Town Theatre, Middletown. That's All American Tim 20's. Host Aaron Copland introduces guest 11:15-1 (7)-Nlghllife. Sports writer Jim- Trsvor Howard n also starred. . . . built for longer wear artists, pianist Luise Vosgerchien and clari- my Cannon, Dsve Garroway, wrestler An- and designed with your netist Felix Viscuglia, In a program of music tonino Rocca, singer Gilbert Price (from budget In mind. from the twenties. The musical selections are "Roar of the Greasepaint"), and the comedy Television Mailbag Roy Harris' "Concerto for Piano, Clarinet and team of Bob and Ray, add up to variety on * 100% Nylon Cord Strife Quartet" and portions of Virgil Les Crane's roster of guests. By STEVEN H. SCHEUER Question — Richard Chamber-] Tf"*ip6On's opera ''Four Saints in Three I1:SO-I (4)—Tonight Show. Johnny Car- Question — I am a fan of Les lain sang a song titled "Lilly * Power-Packed with Acts." son's fans will want to be tuning in for John- Crane's and I am very happy to Low" or something like that on New Polybutodltne 9-8:80 (7)-Bewltched. "Ling-Ling." (Re- ny's return from his moonlighting spree in see that he has been given a a "Dr. Kildare" segment titled! peat.) Another way-out plot gimmick adds up Las Vegas. (Colors "second chance," so to speak, 'Love Is a Sad Song" and V Safer, Stronger to make it. "ABC's Nightlife" is thought it was just beautiful. Who every bit as interesting as the •wrote it and is there a recording •k Cooler Running 1 of it available?-Mrs, G. N., "Tonight Show ' and it's nice to •k Smoother Riding have a choice if you happen not Lancaster, Pa. 1 to be a fan. Is Answer — The song Chamber- * Dollar for Dollar Tha Les Crane going to continue with Iain sang during the segment is! 5SSS Finest Tirt On Tlw titled "Hi Lili, Hi Lo," and it "Nightlife" from now on?—CM., Rood Today! East Chicago, Ind. was written by Helen Deutsch Answer — ABC has announced and Bronislaw Kaper for the SPECIAL II that LC3 Crane would continue movie "LMi," which starred Les- indefinitely as the host of the lie Caron. TTie song has been re- 12,000-Mile, 12-Month late hour "Nightlife" show. corded by many singers and is FREE Tihere's a plan brewing to move also available in instrumental Guarantee versions on a number of labels. the show to Hollywood in the Top • Quality ludpt * TIRE MOUNTING near future and Les Crane will Priced Safety Tim. Thty go along as host. Question — Who was the ac-l art tough, durafclt mi • WHEEL tress who played the part of they fatal* 100% Nylon frightened girl in the movie "The Cord. ROTATION Question — Was Guy Stockwell Red House" with Edward G. Rob- a co-star on the TV series titled inson and was Roryi Calhoun al- FLAT REPAIR 'Adventures In Paradise"? What so in this film?—JR. M., Saginaw, • 1,000 MILE TIRE was the other TV series in which Mich. he was a regular? Is he related Answer — Aliens Roberts wasll INSPECTION to another famous actor and the victimized girl in the chiller •what are his current career titled "The Red House," which plans? As you probably guessed starred Edward G. Robinson. I from my questions, I'm very in- Rory Calhoun had a featured || SPECIAL terested in him.— Under the aegis of John T. embarked upon a period of de- 1. ROAD HAZARD . . , i. TREADWEAR. OuaronUnJ *. LIFETIME. Owr* termined expansion, concentrat major colleges and universities 10 r tlormol TREADWEAR, Lovett and later of his son, throughout the nation and WHITE egalntl all Htied mliallonmtnl txctpHd. enfKtf for ftn llff of ing upon trees, ornamentals, ROAD HAZARDS except for In* number of months or Lester C. Lovett, the firm grew Wife's Wish, tin ogalmt at- shrubs, creepers, vines and abroad. The firm also operates BREAD r»pairabl« puncture, and mlln ipocwtdf whlcftmr and prospered. Today, it en- plants in Palisades Park and occun (Int. If triad vnart ftch In malarial compasses 1,500 acres in this flowers for the wholesale market. running floti. All adiutt- out during ttili pirtod, tiro The exigencies of war forced Vineland. mnls prorated on pur- will In replaced, cnarglug; workmamMp. township, Holmdel, Middletown, Orders Trial only lor the numMr of chase prlct pllll Killing the discontinuance of the com- months or mint used. Rumson, Fair Haven and Lit- FREEHOLD — Superior Court faxts. tle Silver. The business has pany's retail business in 194}, udge Elvin R. Simmill refused and it was never resumed. The undergone changes with the yesterday to dismiss an indict- changing times, but always has landscape department was ment in a husband-wife fight case dropped 10 years later. Put your ear in top shape remained firmly in family hands. n grounds that the wife was un ... and SAVE! Today, Lester Field and Alan willing to testify against her hus- •Lester C. Lovett died five years band. ago. The firm is managed to- 'Lovett and great g Rejecting the FM6mrSBiaiti5if John T. Lovett, are its president >f Monmouth County Prosecutor Alan and Lester Fieid7~Today7 ejkfl executive vice president, /incerit P. Keuper, the judge the firm does a business of ap- rSPectively. rdered Olma Croley, Sewall proximately $809,000 a year and John T. Lovett was 19 years Ave., Asbury Park, to stand trial deals mainly with evergreens, old when he made the trip to for threatening to take the life broad leaf evergreens including Red Bank from his native Penn- azaleas and rhododendron, shade t his wife Dorothy Croley, last COMPLETE BRAKE sylvania where he had been and flowering deciduous trees Sept. 29, in Asbury Park. BRAND NEW AUTO-LITE manager of a large estate and, and perennials. The Delaware OVERHAUL for a hobby, grew berries and "If the wife is unwilling to Nursery is still going strong, SPARK PLUGS (limit 8) flowers and practiced grafting estify," Judge Simmill' said, too. It has 500 acres and grosses and RELINE make her come to court and so 24' end plant culture. The founding approximately $400,000 a year. OIL FILTER ELEMENTS of his own nursery was the testify on the witness stand under Lester Field is carrying on For Ford ono M«rcury •U-Ui Chevy All American made cars.* ath." ilx 'SJ-'«; Dart ono) Lonar '!»•'«) realization of a cherished dream. another family tradition, too. He Valiant 'U-'tl; Plymouth ilx 'U-'ITi HERE'S WHAT WE DO: "All these years, while en- Judge Simmill said that there are is first vice president of the Plymouth eight '!!••«) Dodoe eight, 'it- 77* 'll; Dodgt ilx '«•!». gaged upon the farm or driving oo many cases where wives back New Jersey Association of Nurs- 1. Rebuild 4 wheel cylinders upon the road," he wrote a mt as complaining witnesses erymen, an organization his 2. Turn and true 4 drums. gainst their husbands in various BRAND NEW friend, "it was my constant wish grandfather once headed and of 3. Precision grind linings to fit and hope that I might engage ypes of cases, despite the ex- which his great grandfather was VOLTAGE REGULATORS 3" For all con, no •ichanae needed. drums. in th'e nursery business." pense and time the cases have the first president. Too quality. John T. Lovett named his :ost the state. Other officers of the company 4. Install bonded braks shoes on all 4 wheels. venture Monmouth Nurseries. It He said that the practice may are Fred J. Noble, vice presi- VAC. & FUEL PUMP TESTER the J. T. Lovett Com- be halted by forcing the parties to dent; Marguerite C. Ward, Fail, accurate check ol pmiiira and 5. Bleed, flush, refill brake in 1887. The following ppear in court and be subject to treasurer, and Mary Lippincott, tuctlon thowi whin repair* an needed. system. Eo»y te uw. Complete with tubing and 2" y Mr. Lovett bought the examination under oath. secretary. KNOW WHERE InilrurtlMil. 6. Repack front wheel bearings. Rumson concern wiiere he had 7. Check master cylinder. gotten his start, and merged it, YOUR'E GOING? TIMING LIGHTS 8. Check other vital brake with his own. The firm became Pretict ignition system. Detect troubM the Lovett Company in 1894, and with thle prtfocund nton felling unit. component parts. For ti II or 34 volt Ignition lyttemi. 2" Lovett's Nursery, Inc., the name -Get Theje Faster 9. Check grease seals. it retains today, in 1932. 10. Road test car. AMERON HEAVY DUTY At first, the nursery specialized With An Insured $ 11. All work performed by . - - 11————i^— in berries and small fruit stock Savings Account MOTOR OIL — 4 qts. bonded brake specialists. ... IS OUR Wharktr y*« com* la Fmraalrft Flneit erode virgin oil. S.A.B, welohtt. 1 for the retail market and the or moll yrar d*pa»lt, yoii'm Ml* 12. Guarantee for 20,000 miles. growing of berries remained its BUSINESS flat veer good moiwy Is safe. PRESTONE OIL MISER *Chrv«l«r product an M.M more. •pecialty for a quarter-century. Power braxei U.W ntora. An accomplished botanist, John Cult ell onuinwllffl/ Imnrovet onelM 4% ANNUAL DIVIDEND Bed Bank Hrfarmooa. T. Lovett developed several 57' prize-winning varieties, including COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY gaudy strawberry, which ruled Upmarket for many years and SAVINGS & LOAN thnCuUtbert raspberry, which MARINE VIEW ASSOCIATION J. M. FIELDS AUTOMOTIVE CENTER U BROAD ST, • RED BANK. N. J. wcr the most popular of all red Hlajway II, MIMtTtwi Hwy. U, Ariatrie HI«ilM* Off N DAILY raspberries (or more than three "When You Save Doe$ Make a Difference I? 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. He was the first nan 471-2400 291-0100 HWY 35. HAZLET Palette Talk Carving a Figurehead By ELEANOR MARKO yard, however, the loss will sooi home after hours, and sometime* gie Lang, U. Earlier Nancy Cord- The parting of an artist with be a vague memory as other Saturdays and Sundays. I dry, also 11, worked oa the same one of his created works is often large logs in all stages of size A graduate of fine arts at Syra- writ neW solidly in a vise. Bob- done with mixed feelings. Fo and development recapture their cuse University, with a master's by Lerner, «; George Lang, 4, his family it can sometimes be imaginations. degree In education, Nick Caivano and Tom Burnett, S, took turns a personal loss. Nick Calvano'f own imagina- is as relaxed at teaching as he iswaiting, for. the tools needed for Nick Caivano last week reached tion concerning Neptune, the in creating, say, one of his com- their log work. this familiar position at th god of the tet fa Roman my- missioned works. Regardless of "There are never any accidents their age, he hands them the completion of "Neptune," a six- thology, or Poseidon, as the with the tools while they are tools of his trade, and watches foot sculpture which moved Creels called Wm, fuMed the working," Mr. Caivano stated. from his home in Shrewsbury tc them go to work. This is just "They happen when they set the composition of the figure and what we saw on backyard level Ju new home in Bahrs' Landin its fluid lines. From the crown tools down," he amended, but restaurant in Highlands. at last week'i finishing of "Nep- added that these were minor of fish as a headpiece, every tune." Mayor John A. Bahrs of High- line flows down to the strong "trips" on the abandoned tool or lands, owner of the famous eat- hand holding the symbolic tri- Seven children (including the a "tit down," followed by a lec- ery at Bahrs' Landing where dent, and to the carved fish and two Caivano sons) worked with ture in putting tools away when ships throughout the history of shell! at the base. The six-gouges, mallets, straight edged one is finished with them. the East coast stopped be/ore foot work is curved so that it tools .or "any tool available" in The dexterity with which the • making the trip across the Nar- may be attached to any sailing the outdoor no-fee workshop with youngsters are handling the ele- rows and up to New York, com-vessel in the manner of an old its chipped wood lawn. Working mentary work of th* sculptor, missioned Mr. Caivano to d fashioned figurehead. It is 14 on a Tiki in applewood was Mar- such as removing the bark f ' "Neptune." It has joined the his- inches deep. The sycamore and preliminary entry Into the toric collection of photographs, wood is indigenous to the area, wood, Is complemented by the memorablia and paintings at the la keeping with Mr. Bahrs' ease with which they face the CLOSE the finishing.of "Neptune," by sculptor Nick Caivano, is given by his To Preach problem. restaurant and can be seen at concern with history of the / sons Philip 3, right, and Nicholas, 4y in the backyard workshop of .their Shrewsbury OCEAN GROVE — Dr. Albert All also have elegant plans the entrance of the main dining shore. hone. room. . Shirkey, pastor of the Mount for these dead limbs. This Idea to rekindle the fash- Vernon Place Methodist Church, Tom Burnett remarked that he It is a remarkable piece o ion of seafarers to attach carv- Washington, D.C., will preach at thought "Neptune" by Mr. Cai- fine art. ings to the bow of their boats Ocean Grove Sunday, Monday "is great," but that he wai and Tuesday. There are many reasons foi ii one that Mr. Caivano is in concerned that it was leaving the $300 In Awards in Aug. 28 Sh#w this piece's fine turnout. It has earnest about. To be fixed He has announced that his top- premises. He,himself.would like had nothing but tender, loving es will be as follows: Sunday to do something. "In fact that's BAY HEAD — A total of $300 The Beacon Manor Award for the. Grumbacher .artists material temporarily, or permanently, 1 care during its three weeks of these figureheads could move lorning, "For Such an Hour as what I'm doing right now," he in awards will be presented at $100 will- be given' for first place 3ward for third. . >' being "released" from the depth: gallery hoppers to the edge of This;" Sunday evening, "The Uni- said as he diligently wielded the the third annual exhibition of thein oils; Jenkinson Award of $25 The Eugenie Marron Award of of a sycamore limb. Aided by the waters, verse is Calling You!"; Monday chisel and mallet on a resistant New Jersey Cultural Center, 128 for second, and the Winsor & (75 will be given for first -prize sculptor's tools wielded by many evening, "Staying Alive to Life," sycamore log. Osborn Ave., opening'Aug. 28 and Newto"' n art materia'•l award for m sculpture. • ' »mall-fry permanent visitors in (See h6w one can get carried and Tuesday evening, "Master, The name of the composition? " continuing through Sept. 7, third. Receiving of works will be the Borden St. neighborhood, Mr "Frankenstein." away by Imagination?) Lift Me Up." Open to all artists, the show For watercolore the Alfonso Al- (Vug. 20 and 21 from noon to 3 Caivano (known to them as Uncle "Frankenstein?" will be juried for selection by Nick is known for his Ideas. Dr. Shirkey accepted an Invita- varez Award in memory of Carla i.m. at the center. Registration Nicky) has managed to complete He is a well-known exhibitor of Ion to speak here after the Camp Nick shrugged. "I let them do Schilli Maier, artist-teacher at is'three dollars for three paint- Alvarez Gaynor of $75 wiil be the giant work while surrounded paintings and sculpture, most fa- Meeting Association received what they want to do." the Long Beach Island Founda- ings. by these little people. His Iwomiliarly in religious theme. trord that the scheduled preach- There's just no telling "what will "NEPTUNE", six fool sculp- tion and the Tyler School of Tem-givea; the Wilenta Brothers tons, Philip 3, and Nicholas 4, continue to keep coming out His students at Neptune High sr. Dr. Hagen Staack of Muhlen ple University. award of $25 for second, and GREENWICH SJ*)W who regularly lent their weight ture in. sycamore wood by School, where he teaches art, >erg College, would be unable to from under the weeping willow to keep the log down as their Nick Caivano of Shrewsbury. NEW YORK — The annual^out- augmented by teaching at the ;ome because he is preparing to trees on Borden St. Dad worked freely on the com- loor art exhibition at Greenwich Guild of Creative Art, Shrews iccept an assignment at the missioned work, join their moth- illage and Washington Square bury, carry not only a deep re- forthcoming renewal of the Ecu- Sunday Reception for Mumford er.the former Lois Mustillo, and viU beheld Sept. 3-19. ipect for his interest In the crea- menical Conference in Rome. other friends in regretting the :iveness of each student, but also T1NTON FMJLS - A recep- collection of some 20 pieces for move of "Neptune" from their hey know that any problems Art Calendar tion for Holmdel artist Amos H. the first time, includes land- backyard to Highlands. WOODCUT DEMONSTRATION NEW SYLV/ hey have can sometimes be NEWARK — A demonstration OLD MILL GALLERY, Syca- DORCAS OF BAY HEAD. Muailfofd will be held Sunday scapes of many Monmoulh Coun- POOL. TREJ From the looks of the back-solved in "bull sessions" at his y Seymour Landsman will be more Ave., Tihton Falls, Amoi Bridge & Lake Aves., Wini from 3 to 8 p.m. in the Old MiHty scenes. H. Mumford, First One-man Smart, Freehold and Philip Gallery, Sycamore Ave., where Sylvan Pool iresented Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. The gallery is open from 11 Treat Ii a the Newark Museum, 49 Wash- Show, Reception Sunday, 3-6 Jordon, Brielle, Duo Show. his first one-man show is being a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for the dura- staged through Sept. 4. granular ngton St., on the subject "Wood p.m. Closes Sept. 4. tion of the show. that ut Printmaking." Chairman of N. J. CULTURAL CENTER, An alumnus of Boston Museum dissolves ' he art department of Arts High GUILD OF CREATIVE ART, instantly< 118 Osborn Ave:, Bay Head, School, Mr. Muntford is a graph- REPLACED EXHIBITION School of this city, he wiU deni- 620 Broad St., Shrewsbury, ic designer by profession. His making your Statewide Third Annual Exhibi- NEIWAKK '- In place of the pool swim- mstrate the printing process and Marjtrie Alexander, New Com- tion Aug. 28-Sept. 7. Receiving fine art woric, being shown in a the different effects which can positions, through Aug. 26. 34th annual N. J. State Exhibi- ready as Aug. 20-21. soon as you be obtained by varying proced- tion at Newark Museum, an invi- OPEN TO ALL ARTISTS chlorinate. ures. tational show of work by artists FIRST METHODIST .POET'S INN, Rt. 79, Mata- FORKED RiIVEiR — The Artwho won awards in the previous Pool Treat never leaves Mr. Ladsman has taught print- CHURCH, Oakhurst. Annual wan, Monmouth Arts Gallery, Center here will hold an art ex-33 annual events will be exhibit- laking in the Arts Workshop of Summer Fair, Women's Society a color or Group Show: Stamaty, Pier- hibition Aug. 22 through Sept. 5 ed in the spring. odor, doesn't ie Museum. He has studied at of Christian Service, Dorothy rakos, Grayer and Bachner, here in the Old School House, Rt. Young, paintings, Saturday, 10 irritate eyes lew York University, Pratt In through summer. Receiving for the event, open or skin. a.m. to 8 p.m. 18TH GREEN WORSHIP titute, the Arts Students League to all artists, is today and Sat- ST.: PAUL, Minn. (AP) — An nd the Los Angeles Art Center urday. ", SYLVAN nd with Ruth Reeves and Seong MONMOUTH MEDICAL FORKED RIVER ART CEN- inter-faith worship service, spon- POOLS Hoy. His work has been exhibit- CENTER, Bath Ave., Long TER, Old School House, Rt. 0, In charge of details for' the sored by the St. Paul Junior Art Show, Aug. 22-Sept. 5. Re- "Show are chairmen Edna T. Fee-Chamber of Commerce, was held 428 Broad New Jnss* Bel ^d at the Newark and MontclaiT Branch, Art Auxiliary Exhibi- Shrewsbury 747-2334 Museums. tion, through August. ceiving today and Saturday. rick, and Emily-Hilley Swank. on a golf course here.

ASBURY PARK ART EX- HIBIT, Aug. 10-19, The Rotun- rmi mmim is da, Ocean and Fifth Aves., Maurice Podell, Long Branch, ONLY PEOPLE MAKE A GOOD BANK art director. BELMAR SUMMER FESTI- FRIDAY 13th VAL, Aup. 21, Marine, Rt. 35. Ceil Grayer, art chairman. DOWNTOWN N. J. CHAPTER AAPL Sum- mer; Show, Warren Hotel, RED BANK Spring Lake, through Labor Day. HEAR 'n SEE, 60 First Ave., SALE Atlantic Highlands, First Ex- hibition: Maisel, Gallagher, deportments. Sullivan, Ahern, Straub, Mi- chaels, Stanbro, Ten Kate and Bruin, all borough residents. Honor Couple On Anniversary 45RPM ZA ZOOM MUSTANG KiEO BANK - Mr. and M«. Charles Zingale, 31 Hubbtrd TOY MOTORS Ave., WverP^ra, w«er» hontmed at a-surprise party tor their 2Stfc RECORDS FITS ALL SKATE wedding anniversary, 8 the party was given by *rir POPULAR BIKES «m-«n4aw and daughter, Mr. and BOARDS Mr«. Joseph Longo, and by their Only son, Fred Zingale, at-the Longo's HITS home, M Herbert St. here. Guests, included Mr. and Mrs. Salvatort Caliichia, Mr. and Mrs. Michael' Shirelli and Mr. and Mrs. Frank La Malfa, Brooklyn

Hampton, Mass.; Mr? and Mrs. Sam Famulary, Mr. and Mr«. ALUMINUM STURDY A First Merchants Bank Loan Josqft Sole, Mr^and Mrs. Paul Siciliano, Mr. »Sl~--Mrs. ;P*t BEST for any purpose! Longo, Mrs. Laurencina Longo, PADDED KITCHEN Miss Marie Ciaglia and Mr. and Mrs. Monte Geroni, all of Red CHAISE HMM fcnprovMMnts HMM Furnishings Homt-BayMf Bank. Tuition • Travel Medical - Beat Etc., Etc. Also, Mr. and Mrs. James Lo- CHAIRS [| "Hondo, Shrewsbury; Mr. and LOUNGE 'Mrs. John . Faimulary, Fair 4 For There are many good reasons for borrowing money. Even vith the Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Longo, most careful budgeting, there are times when an emergency or I Salvaitore Longo and Mrs. Bar- | bara LaManna, Keansburg, and major expense calls for more cadi than one has on hand. I Miss Rose Marie Palidora, Brad- | ley Beach. Every week Fir.t Merchants makes hundreds of loani. Why do no many people with money problems come to us? Because they know BOARDWALK EXHIBIT . that our Loan Officers are PEOPLE too, who live in the area we ATLANTIC CITY - New Jer- sey artists 18 years old and over serve, and have lots of experience in solving financial problems. may enter in the Boardwalk Art .4/ A / Whenever YOU need money for any good reason, just come in to Show silated for Aug. 29 sponsored the First Merchants office nearest yon. Low-cost bank interest rates by the city. * and conveniently arranged repayment terms are always available. iPrizee of U. S. Savings Bonds, 20" trophies and7 ribbons will be awarded in four categories: oils, watercolorj, graphics and sculp- PORTABLE ture. There will be a first, sec- ALL PURPOSE ond, third and two honorable mentions In each category. Pre FAN •entatlon of prires w»l be at 4 p.m. at Park PI. and the Board- TOWEL POLES walk., ..,'•'/ CHARGE IT Only eonvmtmh cottminm orricrs Entries may be in any med- Bin* • MiUHiu * Nartk likorj »«tk • r ium and entrants may display AT bUtl • Brl,t. « CUU NMk • ATM-N«»tt» Cllr any amount of work their lMeet «•*! Offiet: tOl MattUm Avt.. iiibury Perk of spact allows. NEWBERRYS fc»T»-l» w» FnllltlH »»i iKtemM Htun At All OffliM Entry blanks way be obtained Jttmsw rmnl hum iviUm, rutnl DfoHt IiuurmM CarpontUm from the director of the show Mr«. Geopgt. Mill, MS Nartli Montptliw Ave., Atkntic City. Meyer, asked Mr. Klarta when to tee Shrewsbury Ave. grow u plained the proposed plaai to flie THE DAILY Thursday, Aug. 12, 1965—15 Fine Youth | he might expect to receive the a commercial district and that board. ApartmentHouse Plan board's decision. new stores and remrxteling in the He said the applicant would Mr. Klarin said he hoped the area indicated a general agree- build six, 3'/rroom units renting •••• •••• to Crashed board would make public its rec- ment with their views. for about JIM per month. Each Opposed in Red Bank ommendation during the first Mrs.' Becker also emphasized floor of the two story building week in. September. would contain 1,979 square feet Into Mail Box the recent commercial redevelop- according to Mr. Shapiro and the RED BANK - About 30 objec- yard requirements of the zoning Mr. Furman told the zoncrs OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Driving ment of the area In voicing her building would be set back 35 tors turned out last night to tell ordinance, and Mr. Meyer ap- that it was his opinion that the i car that knocked down a mail- objection to the proposal. feet from Shrewsbury Ave., with the Zoning Board of Adjustment pealed to the board. zoning ordinance did not require box July 17 cost George Mazza, A petition signed by 75 persons the set-back area being land' they didn't want a six-family, two- At the start of the meeting, any specific side yards for the scaped. 1 17, 12 Brown PI.. Oakhurst, MO board chairman Maxwell Klarin business area on Shrewsbury urging the board to reject the ap- In fines and cost* last night (or story apartment house at 189 He also noted that.a 12-foot told the audience that the board Ave. peal was also presented. three traffic violations. driveway and a paved parking lot Shrewsbury Ave. would take no action on the ap- Interpretation Needed "We want to see Shrewsbury But Magistrate Vincent J. for eight cars would be included. peal last night because it was Mr. Corrigan responded by say- Ave. ae a business area," Mr. Agresti postponed hearings of ma- Joseph Meyer, 12 Broad St., The building would face Catherine had applied for a building per- without the services of legal ing that the requirements were Scotti said. licious mischief charges against Street. L^aT<4Rii^V>n^N not "clear-cut". Interpretation of "You will see a good business three youths riding witfi the juve- mit to construct the apartment counsel, but would hear the ob- the ordinance will be left to the district on the west side of Red nile July 17. The magistrate house on a 50 by 168-foot lot on jectors, discuss the matter with Need Money? Sell those things Wl COtfUt m its attorney, and issue Its deci- board's attorney. Bank in the future," he predicted. 1 Shrewsbury Ave\ Building in- wants Detective Sgt. Neil Tan- you really don't need with a tum, who now Is on vacation, to spector John Corrigan refused to sion at a later date. Shrewsbury Ave. businessmen Real estate broker John H; 1X0 Daily Register Classified Ad. mm testify so he ordered a postpone- issue'the permit contending the David C. Furman, Perth Am- Joseph Becker and Louis Shapiro, Ocean Township, also Hew Jersey BeU building did not meet trie side boy attorney representing Mr. Scotti told the board they wanted representing Mr. Meyer, ex- Call now. Xolftidering Mazza's impending US. Army enlistment, Magistrate Agresti accepted the juvenile's guilty pleas and fined him (15 tor careless driving, $25 for driv- ing an unsafe vehicle, $40 for leaving an accident scene. Patrolman George Gallagher ligned complaints against all SHOE RIOT! tour. ' ATLANTIC'S Oakhurst youths facing malici- ous mischief charges are Ronald YOUR CHOICE Stevens, Harnell Ave.; Bill Par- tusch, West Park Ave.; Hans Doering, Dover Ave. ' < little Bays' Sturdy ALPINE OXFORDS • Cuthlon crepe salts Rassas • Long wearing vinyl Garage Plan • Slici 3 to 10 Wenwn't and Team' Is Favored (ORE BOOTIES SHREWSBURY — The zoning II • Hack rubber idti board of adjustment decided last I • Otter or black night to recommend the borough I • Sliei 4 to 10 council grant a variance to Ben Rassas, Little Silver, allowing the construction of a new car and "get ready" garage on Haddon | -Ave. Mr. Rassas owns Rassas Broth-| trs Pontiac in Red Bank. He is seeking to erect a one-II itory garage on a lot with 212 feet frontage on the south side of H?Mm Ave. The building will onlJFte used for the storage of II new cars and preparing them for FABRIC SALE delivery. No sales or storage of used 1 *•& ears would be permitted under |[ " FAMWS WAHO CWTWS the board'* recommendation. The borough council can act on II gates. • Inatoti the recommendation at its Sept. 71| ! meeting. and iwmy w«» The variance approval also I calls for the erection of a barbed-1 Buy 2 yds. «* °*L wire cyclone fenoe more than six feet high. Under the borough's LOW. LOW SALE zoning ordinance, the maximum c fence height is six feet, thus | • necessitating the additional vari- PRICES «•* «« pie lot is located in the bor-ll „, addffioiMl ougn's business section. Mr. Ras-ll 99 las was represented by Red Bank attorney William t. Klatsky. 1 YARD for 10* •""»<» «,,*[„ "••» Case Asked No To Interpret Medicare FREEHOLD—Monmouth Coun- ty Freeholder Marcus Daly said II yesterday he has asked U.S. Sen. CD-I Clifford P. Case (R.-N. 3.) to pro- vftfe county residents with a full iqnrpretation of the federal |] Medicare law.. ,- "There are many thousands of II citizens of Monmouth County who I will be eligible," Mr. Daly said. "The measure is lengthy and complicated and the average per-II (on would be at«loss to make all proper evaluation." Mr. Daly is director of welfare LADIES' BETTER for the freeholder board. He pre- dicted that the Medicare law will have a "very heavy impact" in Monmouth in terms of additional care facilities for those who will || DRESSES receive benefits. # V««* 'n* •"* *•;• Out thiy gol I and 2 pc. ityUt In «v«ry Itivury fabric. «*.rn«l i«n«y«, Smith Given Dacron batitttt and mon. Styltt in- cludoj itiaatfii, shifts and ihirt waiiti. College Post Junior, miim, half liiei. Reg. Values to 10.88 3.00 RECORD EVERY SHIFT BUYS IN OUR STOCK ORIGINAL BOO VAIUE5TO

reduced to D©E« MILLER •™* Time Around MG FAMILY c Televlsioi, Shew MARTIMO

Frank M. Smith WEST LONG BRANCH-Frankll Thtst will go fosrt M- Smith has been appointed di- rector of student activities at || Hurry in for yours. Monmouth College. Exeallent (it* range. Mr. Smith, a graduate of Fair-1 COTTON leigh Dickinson University, sue-1 Joseph M. Yanchik, who|| : been named dean of men. VALUABLE COVPON CREW SOX 'A graduate of Kearny High II School, Mr. Smith holds a mas-1 ters degree in guidance and per-1 SUPERAMA CLEANERS #onnel from Rutgers University. I He has seven years of teaching • SUCKS • SHORTS •cd counseling experience in|| Ocean County. • PLAIN SKIRTS $ • SWEATERS WILL USE SPACE Slt»pt<» *2*. 3 for 1 OCEAMPORT - The Board ofll BEAVTIFVLLY CLEANED and FIMSHED Education last night agreed toll COUPON GOOD TODAY THRU SAT., AUG. 14 contract with the Octanport I Methodist Church and the Port-II «"ra\'Y»WiWto\;f(«\VM^ aupeck ChemlcaJ Hose Firejl Company for the use of space in I both facilities as classrooms for I CHARGE IT WITH t^k 1963-66 school year. HIGHWAY 35 & SHREWSBURY AVE., NEW SHREWSBURY "EASY-CHARGE" Sell Fast! Hie Daily Register I BRAND NEW 1966 HANDCRAFTED 11 COLOR TV BUILT BETTER r TO LAST £NJTH LONGER! 100% Hand Wired For Extra Qualify! No Printed Circuits For Extra Quality! No Production Shortcuts For Extra Quality! Extra quality in the handcrafted TV chasiil. Extra quality in Zenith's precision tuner. 125 qold contacts in Zenith's super Sold Video General Tuning System provides longer TV life and greater stability. Extra quality in the components and parts exceed maximum circuit load requirements. Components are not overworked, hence they last ; , longer.

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SECTION TWO THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1965 7c PER COPY Officials Play Hide-Seek With Poachers SANDY HOOK - It's now a The drag skiffs are capable of Sandy Hook State Park State game wardens have been for porgies, which purportedly trol, and Capt. David H. Hart, game of hide and seek with the doing 45 miles an hour. Superintendent Richard L. Riker, using sports fishing boats to bring J20 to $28 per 100-pound chairman of the state Fish and "porgie pirates." Lt. James J. Gaughan, group a deputy game warden and ma- chase the; netters because state box in New York markets. Game Council, that restricted Local and state Fish and Game commander of the Sandy Hook rine patrolman, said: patrol boats, used up to now in Area sports fishermen bemoan netting operations should be al- officials and Marine Police were Coast Guard, told The Register "I don't know what plans the Sandy Hook, are not fast enough. the fact that drag-netters are also lowed in Raritan and Sandy Hook mum last night on the subject of last night there's a possibility the state has in mind. But even if I When told of a Register phone taking bass and ruining bottom Bays. where, along the Monmouth state might use Hook facilities for did, I couldn't divulge anything. tip Tuesday that "to catch those life. They charge illegal netters Mr. MacNamara said Tuesday shore, a beefed-up boat and heli- the patrol equipment. Why help the other side." drag-netters, the time is about have cut their trolling lines and, that anyone arrested in the cur- copter will be stationed to pa- "But I haven't been contacted The state crackdown on drag- six in the morning," one area at times, threatened them. rent crackdown will be tried in trol against illegal drag-net fish- by anyone. I only know what I netting is a result of two incidents game warden commented: Leonard Nelson, president of the higher courts "because we ing. read in the papers," he added. last week. "We spotted those fellows. Two the North Jersey Fishermen's As- haven't had much luck in cases Lester G. MacNamara, direc- No Details On Thursday, a state agent at- boats were running alongside, but sociation, Belford, has stated his like this in municipal courts." tor of the state Division of Fish State Game Warden Matthew tempted and failed to arrest a they had no nets out. It's a organization does not condone il- State laws carry a penalty of and Game, said Tuesday that the Ferrigno, New Shrewsbury, stat- drag-net captain, and Saturday familiar decoy. Just one of their legal drag-neting, and will not sup- {500 for the first drag-netting of- 'copter and at least one high- ed," We're working on some- night the boat used,by the agent tricks to throw us off the track. port any Belford fishermen fense, $1,000 for the second, and powered speedboat would be thing. But you won't get anyone to was creosoted, reportedly in re- And they have a lot of them." charged with the practice. confiscation of the nets and boats, this area to outdistance talk about any details so these taliation by illegal netters be- Drag-net fishing,,is illegal in At the same time, tie is in for the third. Nets are worth illegal netters who are success- fish pirates can read it In the lieved by police to be operating New Jersey waters up to the two- agreement with Capt Newman about $200 each, and the boats up fully eluding state agents. papers." out of Belford. mile limit. Most of the netting is Mathis, head of the coastal pa- to $10,000. Democratic Councilman Assails Billiard Parlor Plan

WIN ... — Firjt prize winners in Rod Bank Sidewalk Gets Wide Opposition Sale employees' costume contest are "Bunny" Mrs. GOP on Eatontown Site Borings EATONTOWN — Anthony J. Piccola's billiard parlor still Warren Crowe, flanked by'.lrv Rirrerman, left,!and her is not out of the woods. A petition signed by 127 residents opposing the installa- husband, Warren Croi/se. Minding' stars in background EATONTOWN-Bruce J. Man- wherein this council gave up release with photographs noting Mayor Herbert E. Werner an- gan, lone Democrat councilman, the corner of Rt. 35 and Broad the change was issued. swered Mr. Mangan: tion of a billiard room in the builder's proposed shopping "rs EtHen RH+erman. Group represented Abbey Men's Shop, took a swipe at his Republican St. for the land on the corner of Heating Possible "In certain areas, I would dis- center on Throckmorton Ave. was presented to Borough White and Broad Sts'. The wis- Council last night by Mrs. Vincent C. Festa of 36 Campbell Dr. Broad St. Winner* received prii«i from Retail Trade colleagues at- last night's Bor- "It Is true," Mr. Mangan agree with you categorically ,.. dom of that transaction is only ough Council meeting. added, "that the present tempo- The decision was discussed with Council held over action on the variance for-the establish- Board of Red Bank Chamber of Commerce. too plainly visible in the little Reporting as chairman of the rary borough hall would have to you, Mr. Mangan, and you voted ment recommended to it by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. wasteland that now takes up one building committee, Mr. Mangan be vacated, for it rests on the against it... Secondly, the archi Full consideration will be given the petition, as well as th» of the busiest corners in Mon said in part: r land .which would be used for tect was notified . . . objections of citizens who have stated their views in various mouth County. This land trans "I have learned recently that the ijew borough hall. However, borough meetings, Mayor Herbert E. Werner promised. fer, as best I can determine, has "You know that this has been you have authorized an expendi- this council examined a building Referring to a lengthy discussion last night on porno- already cost this community ap- under discussion. This is not new ture of $2,500 for more test bor- across the street . . . which can graphic literature, the mayor commented: proximately $100,000." to you," the mayor added. ings in the area of the proposed be rented for $200 a month. Rent- Mr. Mangan insisted that he "I would much rather have a billiard parlor under borough hall. Reading his prepared state- ing this building would permit us and the architect had not been proper supervision than a concern displaying girlie magazines." "I should like to make it clear ment, Mr. Mangan went on to to move ahead with construc- told of the decision to take addi- A variance allowing Chrysler Corp., Detroit, to park and that I did not, and do not now point out mat two series of test tion . . . tional borings. store new and used automobiles outdoors at its proposed approve of the expenditure . . . borings have already been taken dealership on Rt. 35 was unanimously approved. I also want to make clear I was under Mr. Mamer's supervision. "This council has authorized Councilman Joseph A. Kellenyi, a bond issue of some $550,000 fo: who said that he had been in- Also unanimously granted was a variance allowing Chun not advised of the decision to The borings, he said, "clearly in- W. Cleavenger, Jr. of 2 Meadowbrook Ave, to convert the dicate that the soil is substand- the new borough hall. This largi volved in the additional borings expend tht $2,500 and learned top floor of the Henry Allen Co, building on Main St. to an ard and will not support the . . ; sum has given many of our citi- perhaps more than other council of it only when I observed the apartment. workmen at the site. borough hail without ... pilings zens pause . . . And yet this members, explained that the firm council wants to spend, and in- hired to take the latest borings, Adopted after public hearing was an ordinance appropriat- "Neither did Mr. David Mar- (to) cost ... in the neighbor- deed has spent, more money to Joseph F. Ward Co. of Caldwell, ing $14,000 for purchase of a street sweeper and authorizing ner, the architect retained by this hood of $40,000 to $50,000." place the borough hall on land are specialists, while the borings $12,000 in bonds or notes for partial payment. council to design and supervise He also reminded council that which will not support it. made by Mr. Marner. were done . . . construction . . . (know of it has already decided to put the Councilman Theodore Zebrowski, fire committee chair- by ordinary civil engineers. this decision) ... new building farther back on the "Further, I question the pro- man, was authorized to purchase 10 more Plectron alarm 'Somewhat Appalled' site where the land is better, and priety of expending public monies It is possible, Mr. Kellenyi units for use of firemen and First Aid members. Mr, Zebrowski "Frankly, I'm somewhat ap- that design changes including a without prior discussions in this went on, that these experts may also received permission to buy a high expansion foam gene- palled at the course of events parklike area in front of the council chamber so that the citi- find a way to use the original rator for the fire department. leading to this decision to spend building on its new location were zens may know and evaluate the site after all with no additional Lawes Coal Co., Inc. of Shrewsbury, low bidder, received another $2,500. I need not dwell authorized. purpose for which these funds an expense. a contract for the borough's gasoline at 22.8 cents a gallon. on the initial land transfer In addition, he recalled, a news being used." Stating that he considers the Mayor Wemer adjourned the meeting with what h« site at the back of the land on termed "a happy announcement:" White St. and Throckmbrton Ave , "Eatontown has the eighth from lowest tax rate In th» as less desirable than the orig- county," he said. Adult Basic Education Plan inal location, Mr. Kellenyi added: The borough's tax rate is $2.59 per $100 assessed valuation. "I felt obligated to the town to explore the possibility," he said, adding that $2,500 "seems Is Endorsed By Rimison a small investment to give us a School Enrollment Up PLACE .. . — Second prize in Red Bank Sidewalk Sale final opportunity to put the build- RUMSON — With four "ayes" of eligible adults in order to anti-poverty program "is anothe: ing on the original site at possi- jostumo contest was won by twisters Pam Anderson, and three abstentions, the Board qualify for a federal grant. boondoggle. bly no extra cost." As Holmdel Grows left, and Barbara.Morre, representing Anderson's Music of Education last night gave its He said the 1960 census reports Board members Marion Krouse blessing to the adult basic educa- Councilman Robert B. Dixon HOLMDEL — Residential de- month in that capacity »t an an- 221 adults in this borough have and Malcolm D. Ware were ab- commented that the move of the tion program the Red Bank velopment continues to bulge nual salary of $750. less than a six,th. grade educa: sent. temporary borough hall to quar- Board of Education has under school enrollment here with an tion. Adult basic education programs ters across the street required Dr. Howard C. Pieper was rfr consideration. increase of 95 elementary school Mrs. Maratha Adamson, board are authorized by Title II-B of by siting the new borough hall on appointed school physician at $1,- In effect, board members gave students since school closed in 000 yearly. vice president; Marvin Broder, the Economic Opportunity Act, the back of the property would their Red Bank colleagues per- June, Superintendent of Schools William Q. Meeker and Donald popularly known as the anti-pov cost more than $5,000 in altera- Police Chief Joseph W. Phil- mission to list this borough as H. Victor Crespy reported last Hembling voted to approve Red erty bill. The programs are in tions and other costs—twice the lips was reappointed as attend- part of the area its classes would night. Bank's request. tended to provide basic educa- $2,500 being spent on borings. ance officer at $250 yearly. The serve. tion for persons 18 or older whose With new home occupancy oc- chief, recuperating from a heart A report on the latest set of The program being studied by J. Upshur Moorhead, board inability to read and write :urring at an increased pace ailment, will be up and around the Red Bank board would be president; Carlton Boll and English is an employment handi- borings is still awaited. in the central and southern por- by next month, according to his financed with federal anti-pover- Thomas Daly abstained. They cap. Mr. Mangan, somewhat molli- tions of the township the admin- son. Patrolman Bruce Phillips. ty funds. said they did not have enough in- Federal grants under fied, nevertheless insisted, "Let's istrator announced a change in formation about the program to get on with the job as planned A list of 17 substitute teachers Superintendent of Schools Fran- gram are made to the states, and loundaries for attendance in the was also approved. cis E. Hockey said the Red Bank vote on it. administered by the state de- with the park in front. Let's build two schools. board needs a minimum number Mr. Daly expressed fear that the partment of education. the borough hall." Indian Hill School, under the change, will draw students from a larger area than it did last Middletown Hembling On year. This, Mr. Crespy declared, School Land Acquisition is necessary to equalize enroll- Now Suing ment. If the boundary had not School Board been moved Village School would ave 533 students enrolled to- Developers In Rumson late. The new line has reduced FREEHOLD —The Middletown Being Studied in Holmdel his figure to 479 and has in- Township Committee has filed a RUMSON-Donald C. Hembling, leased Indian Hili to 488 from Water Way, was sworn into office suit for $223,804 against develop- HOLMDEL — The question of the proposed 74.9 acres could be 134. a savings of $112,000 if applica< as a member of the Board of ers of Willett Acres, Port Mon- how to acquire 74.5 acres of dedicated for recreation and open tions are submitted to and ap- The administration chieftain mouth, and the Continental Ca- space. He was asked if $4,000 per Education last night. laid he expects between 50 and land,. proposed for intermediate proved by, the state and federa r sualty Co. for reimbursement of acre is a fair estimate of the agencies. Mr. Hembling was appointed 0 more students will be enrolled and high schools here, will not costs of improvements in the de- cost of acreage being considered The drawback being considered ast month to the seat vacated by sy school opening. The popula- velopment. be resolved before mid-Septem Elliot W. Spatkes, board presi- lion explosion already has neces- . . . AND SHOW — Jay Cotenoff, right, and WiNiam for purchase. by the board is that Control of According to the-suit, the de- ber. Figures Undetermined the land will be in the hands dent, who resigned. sitated moving two classes into Lloyd of Goldin Men's Shop, were runners-up, winning Old Village School, previously veloper, Willete Associates, of Board of Education President He replied that both figures of the Recreation Commission Mr. Hembling will serve until ]Iil^idj javejLbondJoxi28LpM are undetermined so far and and not the school board. The he February school elections. used as an administration build: 1 =r=:= third spot in Red Bank Sidewalk Sale employees' costume John J. Landers disclosed last = mrar vofimseltirclsualty Co. as since negotiations for the land land will be leased to the board ine=^ias*=iis=cteSwmfT5e was tt night that utilization of state abandoned. surety, for installation of a sani- vuiu "Tamer ami aeveiopeaoy me Hockey, the superintendent of Mr. Crespy obtained authoriza- tary sewer system to serve 106 Space programs is being consid- not comment. sion. Mr. Fitzsimmons asserted schools, and its agent of record, tion last night to seek an addi- houses, plus streets, sidewalks, ered. Board members, Mr. Lan- that additional federal funds are O'Gorman and Young, to ar- Should the figures prove ac- tional first grade teacher for Vil- catch basins, monuments, signs, ders indicated, are questioning range for student accident in- Westlake to Represent curate, taxpayers here would net available for development. lage School. and trees, in accordance with ap- loss of control over the land as surance policies with a company proved plans. weighed against financial sav- which does not impose a $20 At present 58 first graders are ings. deductible clause. proposed to be divided into two : Having not completed require- goners in Plant Case Talent Show Precedes classes. When another teacher is ments, the suit filed by Town- He said a meeting of the board The board, which has acquired hired a third class will be formed. ship Attorney Vincent D. De NEW SHREWSBURY - Harry with the Township Committee and Mr. Westlake agreed that such a new one, sold its old refrigera "Witchwood is a prolific area," Maio contends, the defendants E. Westlake, Jr., chairman of representation would be unde- Joseph Seaman, auditor for both tor to the Blackpoint Inn for $25. Mr. Crespy quipped, explaining are liable for the reasonable cost Ihe Zoning Board of Adjustment, sirable from the zoners' point of bodies, has been tentatively set Band Concert Tonight Mr. Hockey reported that en- the large first grade enrollment. of the work. In addition the suit will represent the hoard in Su- view, recalling that the Zoning for Sept. 19. A decision may be RED BANK — A talent show will precede the concert by rollent when school opens Sept. 8 Tola! elementary school at- demands reimbursement for at- perior Court today. Board reversed the Planning reached at that time. the Red Bank Municipal Band at Marine Park at 7:30 o'clock will be approximately 979. There tendance stands at 967, he re- Board's original ruling on the torneys' fees and legal costs. The Zoning Board is one of the Want Proposal Studied tonight. were 983 students on the rolls ported, indicating it will surpass defendants named in a civil ac- Thecker plant. John A. Fitzsimmons, Recre- Slated for the talent show are the following acts: when school closed in June. the 1.000 mark by Sept. 9, the tion filed: in Superior Court Aug., Before his appointment last ation Commission chairman, last "The Mouse" Mouska.cers There will be approximately 87 first day of school. 3 on behalf of eight borough resi- night, Mr. Westlake turned the Replacement night repeated that body's re- (Sheila Harris, Linda Miller, Gwendolyn Gooding, Mildred kindergarteners, he said. The board approved admittance dents by Chester Apy, Red Bank Zoning Board meeting over to quest that consideration be given to Village School of Patricia Kay- .attorney. Kenneth Hiltbrunner, vice chair- Duncan, Kim Granderson, Donna Turkington and Brenda St. The board scheduled its next to the proposal. Under the com- Germain.) ser, seventh grade daughter of Hired For M'The action seeks to set aside man, and took no official part in mission's suggestion, only that meeting for Wednesday, Sept. 15, "Michael" Jonathan'Polonsky at 8 p.m. instead of Sept. 8, the Robert. Kayser, district reading Zoning and Planning Board ap- proceedings, abstaining from portion of land needed for specialist. The action was taken "Rangers March" Debbie Verneau and regular meeting night. proval of the Duncan Thecker veto on his appointment. present and future construction after recommendation by Mr. One Teacher Associates concrete batching Mr. Hiltbrunner also abstained would be purchased by the board. Raymond DiStefano Crespy. The administrator re- RUMSON - The Board of Ed- , plant on Hamilton Rd. It would from voting because, he said, he The remaining portion of the "Baby Love" . The Poncho's No Interference ported that he had studied all ucation last night accepted the also make permanent an order feels that counsel for the board tract would be purchased by the (Tony Meringello and Brenda St.' Germain) advantages and disadvantages of resignation of one teacher and EATONTOWN — During the restraining Mr. Thecker from should be provided by the mu- township under Green Acres and "Eight Days a Week" Red Bank Supremes the move before making his de- hired another. last several Borough Council operating the controversial plant nicipality on a regular basis. Open Space. (Teresa Goodrum, Renatta Goodrum and Btmadette Clemmens) cision. The girl had been attend- The resignation of Mrs. Judith and enjoining John H, Osborn, meetings, councilmen have been The board also moved to in- This land, to be used for recre- Clarinet Solo ;....„ Dion Parker ing Holy Spirit School in Asbury Cowburn, a sixth grade teacher, building inspector, from issuing plagued by individuals who feel form Borough Council that Mr. ation and open space, would cost "Supercalifragllisti&" and Park and is a resident of that was accepted with regret. Mrs. #< it proper to call out comments a building permit or certificate of Westlake is serving on a volun- taxpayers only 30 per cent of "The Name Gam« The Goodrum Family city. and criticisms, interrupting busi- Cowburn is moving to Washing- ocpupancy for it. teer basis, without fee.'If prep- "GoinV To The Chapel" and i the purchase price if state and "It shows," said Mr, Crespy, ton. ' aration of the board's case In- "Do You Love Me" Marie and the Vandellas ness being transacted. • An order signed by Superior federal approvals are obtained. "the confidence of teachers in The board hired Mrs. Susan A. volves more time than can 1 (Marie Gassin, Betty Gassin and Linda Melvin) Court Judge Gene R. Mariano In Raritan Township this meth- . Opening last night's meeting, the school district of their em- Lang., 32 Country Club Rd., reasonably be asked of .him on Clarinet Solo Jerry Parker insfrucls the Zoning Board, the od of acquisition Is being utilized Mayor Herbert E. Werner an- ploy. It adds a professional Eatontown, as a sixth grade this basis, the board will expect "Give Him a Great Big Kiss" The Poncho'* 1 Planning Board, Mr. Osborn, Mr. to acquire 10 acres of a 17-acre nounced that there is- a time set fringe benefit in the recruitment teacher at an annual salary of Borough Council to provide an at- site. A savings of $31,500 is an- "Danube Walu" Raymond DiStefano aside during the meetings for Thecker, and Michael J. Stavola of teachers! especially women. $5,400. torney. ticipated by that municipality. "Come See About Me" and remarks from the public, and that LL show cause today why re- In my opinion, it is an induce- Mrs. Lang is a ISM graduate Mr. Landers declined to com- "Stop in the Name of Love" Red Bank Supreme* he wanted no interference while fflint should not be ordered. ment to keeping good teachers." of Michigan State University, Rent a Power Rake ment on whether proportionately "Where Did Our Love Go" Sheila and the Robelles Council is transacting business. • Borough Attorney Milton A. There will be no tuition charge. East Lansing, wker'e she' re- To renovate your lawn. Becker higher savings might be realized (Sheila Harris, Brenda St. Germain and Mildred Duncan) Mausner, who. will represent the "None will be tolerated to- The board named Thomas P. ceived' a bachelor of arts degree. Hardware, 197 Shrewsbury Ave., in this township through the pro- Recorder Solo Mary Ann Devlne Planning Board today, declined night," the mayor stated force- Mahoney, 11 Woodland Rd., Haz- She taught in the Rowville, comer Catherine St., Red Bank. grams. • o. Rock and Roll Band The Blades to represent the zoners, as well. 747-O465.-Adv, fully. • , let, to the post of school psycholo^ Mich., school system'for, one He was asked if 40 acre* of Finale - "Side by Side" Cast, staff and audience None was. gist. He'll lerve two days per 18-TJmrsday, Aug. 12, 1?6S THE DAILY i?EC|STEH Oceanport PTA Testimonial Dinner Set Enrichment PrograMs For Retiring Assessor OCEANPORT - At the org* and maintenance of their own nizational meeting of the Ocean spring .bulb and small shrub gar- RAR1TAN TOWNSHIP - The Mrs.. Joseph J, D'Virgilio, Mrs port Parent-Teacher Association dens. This work would be cor- local Democratic Executive Com Edward P. Moran, Mrs. Joh Executive Committee, two proj- related with science programs. mktee will give a testimonial Nicholl, Mrs. George P. Resetei ects for the coming year were The second project is a display dinner honoring the former town- Mrs. Walter E. Sherin, Mrs. W tentatively agreed upon, subject table or case to be used in con- ;hip tax assessor, William R Ham Smith and Mrs. Joseph to Board of Education and PTAjunction with a cultural enrich- }reene, Saturday in Buck Smith's Trotta. membership approval. The meet- ment program suggested by Lloyd Restaurant, East Keansburg. ing was held in the home of theBelton, administrative principal of the Oceanport school system. Mr. Greene was promoted in president, Mrs. John Nagel. Executive committee members May, to the post of southern di- The board discussed providing Bride-Elect were introduced as follows: Mrs. visional manager of the New Jer- materials and equipment to, in- William Thomson, budget as sey Natural Gas Company and dividual classes for the planting nance; Mrs. Frank Falcon? his resignation as assessor be- Is Honored Mrs. Raymond Scullhorpe, Cafe- came effective July 1. CARTBRET - Miss Eiizabet' Christened teria volunteers; Mrs. Allen West Mr. Greene's stepfather and Ann Diercks, daughter of Mr. am FREEHOLD — Mr. and Mrsand Mrs. Martin Kammann, hos- mother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mrs. John A. Diercks, Sr., 90 Frederick Hahn, Sr., 14 Dougla; pitality; Mrs. James Layton, play, Leon, former residents of Middle Sixth St., Union Beach, was ho ground representative; Mrs. If you're age 16 to 20 Rd., Raritan Township, have ar- ored recently at a bridal shower Rd., Were hosts at a dinner Sun- Claude Lund, PTA publication; rived fiere from their home in The shower was given by hei day honoring their granddaugh- Mrs. Michael O'Bryne, safety and Miami Springs, Fla., to attend attendants, Mrs. George Diercks ter, Michele Danielle Hahn, in- health and Mrs. Ted Dotger, ENTER the dinner. sister-in-law, and Miss Marily fant daughter of" Mr"" . and Mrsschoo. l board liason. • Mr. Greene, who has served Ross, Staten Island, N. Y., 33 Broad Mrs. Diercks' home here. Frederick Hahn, Jr., Also, Mrs. Chartes Gulllaudeau, STEINBACH'S as assessor since 1959, was born way The infant was christened school'education; Mrs. Robert Wi- in Brooklyn and moved to Rari: The bride-elect will ,be marriei earlier in St. Rose of Lima Cath- tek, visual screening; .Mrs. Lewis tan Township at the age of four. Sept. 16 in Holy Family Cathol olic Church with,, JRev. John B. Nelson, ways and means;, Mrs. He was chairman of the Raritan Church, Union Beach, to Robe SWEEPSTAKES— Szymanski officiating. The godDuan- e Rdbison, procedures and Township Democratic Executive Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. An TENDER LOVING CARE for youngfter* whose homes have been temporarily dis- parents are Miss Therese Ehmanby-laws; Mrs. Frank Hulick, new Committee In 1950 and is a for-thony Ross, Staten Island. and Edward Spuler, Freehold. 1 members; Mrs. Elwood B^-*- mer president of the township Attending were Mrs. Dierck rupted is the objective of the • foster home program of Family and Children * Service. Also attending were Mr. and Board of Health. He is a member and Mrs. Ross; Mrs. Leon 01 Mrs. William C. ©ray of Maple JAve., Neptune, offers a generous helping of TIC to newsletter; Mrs. Joseph Br Mrs, Lloyd Burlew Sr., Mr. andprogram: Mrs. Norman Pi of the Veterans of Foreign Wars son and Mrs. Anthony Ross young Kenneth, who hat been placed with her by the agency. Mrs. Lloyd Burlew, Jr., Mr. and WIN A MUSTANG Post of West Keansburg, the Key-grandmothers of the bridegroom publicity; Mrs. Edward Wajtt and Mrs. Anthony Trezza, Mr. andMrs. Martin Connelly, room moth- port Klwanis, the Keyport - Mid-elect; Mrs. William Appelt, Mis: Mrs. William Chamberlain, Mrs. CONVERTIBLE! dletown Chamber of Commerce Peggy Sutton, Mrs. Thomas Mpu Charles Butler, Mrs. Victor Afo- nd the Monmouth County Asses- loughney. Miss Winifred MoDe A Helping ifiand in Emergencies ramov, Mr. and Mrs. Charles sors-Association. - mott, Mrs. Margaret Roger Mount, Miss Jane Tain, Mr. and LONG BRANCH - Family am ing ;family life and preventing other institution, shapes the per. • Honda Motor Bike Serving with Mrs. Warren on Mrs. Frank Genre, Mrs. Edwan Mrs. Charles Tain, Mrs. Joseph Children's Service is an agency family stress and breakdown. sonaiity and character of each Two Win he committee are Mrs, Edward Bailey, Miss Carol Mackese; Ehman, Joseph Ebman Jr., John whose main reason for being i To achieve these ends it finds individual, according to Mr. ikens, Mrs. Eugne Balestriere, Mrs. Anthony Giampopa, Mrs Connelley, Miss Eileen Connelley, • Surfboard to provide help in an emergency temporary foster homes for chil- Long, and the objective of the Mrs. Harold J. Conroy, Mrs. Jo-Charles Bailey, Mrs. James Ols Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bagley, Mr. Scholarships The breaking up of a marriage, dren when emergencies disrupt Family and Children's Service is nan Dinocola, Mrs, Patrick Me- son, Mrs. Jack Sutton and Mrs and Mrs. Roger Ehnian, Mr. and • Tape .Recorder sudden illness or death, a family normal family life, offers case to keep the family strong by Donough, Mrs. Mary C. Dugan, Henry GUbitosi. Mrs. Rooco Spano and Miss Mar- conflict or misunderstanding, work ^services and counseling t overcoming the problems that ilyn Hahn. ^_ To Douglass • Stereo Portable household disrupted by a con- troubled children and their par- lead to its disintegration. NEW BRUNSWICK, — Two fused teeenager or school drop- ents, as well as a marriage coun- Record Player Monmouth County residents, Lor- out, an older person beset with seling service for couples of all •na Priscilla Reith, Jr., of 7 LOSE WEIGHT! conoerns about his future — fo ages and a counseling service fo: Fifth Ave., Sea Girt, and Sfoeree all of these common family prob- unmarried mothers. Announce Engagements • Sony Portable TV F. Starrett, 775 Park Place Ave., lems the service offers trained In addition the agency wil Bradley Beaoh, have bten assistance and counseling to resi- place infants and young children, • Spanish Guitar awarded scholarships to ufrng- No mitter who you dents of Monmouth County. many of whom are unwanted, in ass College. .•* are you can lose adoptive homes, and will send and more, 30 prizes weight and you hava As the county has grown-in lopulation, demands for help hav temporary homemakers to man- Miss Reitih, daughter of Mrs, nothing to lost but Lorena Priscilla Reith, is a June in all! Physical Control for Better Living weight because wt soared. Last year the Board of age households and care for 747-9400 guarantee" it in writ- Directors initiated a building young children in emergency situ- ;raduate otf Manasquan High School. She was on the honor t; 111 I. Newman Springs Rsod ing! Interested? Call fund campaign to r^aise $45,000 to Itions. Simply anttr your Rill lank us (or derails nowl idd a wing to headquarters here Growing Need roll, president of Future Teach- (N«t t» A&P-Fret Porklnj) To date, a total of $24,000 of this rt of America Club, a member name af any Stein- In 1941, 41 children were placed goal has been realized. :hrough adoption; in 1964 of the Student Council, French bach store, bf partici- The' red brick colonial-style were found permanent homes. In Club, Drama Club, and on the :ta*f of the yearbook. She is the pating Ford dealer — wilding at 191 Bath Ave. houses 1961, 12 children received foster staff of seven professionally- lome care; in 1964, 123 young- recipient of a General Fund that't all you do! rained social workers headed by sters received this help. Four Scholarship. SEWING MACHINE + ;xecutive director James Long. pears ago, Family and Children Miss Starrett, June graduate Nothing to buy! Scale of fees is based on.the'abil- tomemakers gave a total of 3,> of Asbury Park High School, is Sweepitakei closes ty of the family or individual to 973 hours of work^4n county the daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. REPAIR SPECIAL pay and no one is denied service homes. Last year tKe total of Jamuel Starrett. She was a yjw- midnighT"Septemb«r secause of lack of funds. hours jumped to 18,118. iity scholar, a member ofH 18,; 1965. Only one • Singer • Weiringhouie • White, and Japanese Mokes Supported by Donations The family, more than any Kiwanij Honor Society, historian ipaneH the Future Teachers of Amer- • Adluit Machine Non-profit and non-sectarian. entry allowed per ica, on the staff of the school • Check tensions, FOR Family and Children is supported lewspaper, and a member of the person. Not open to LOOK balance ONE mainly by donations from mem- • Lubricate oil part* 45 Tea Talks De/bating Club. She also • partici- ers of the Board of Directors employees of Stain- • Install new Mtdle LOW pated in baotatball and hoekey. fund-raising projects of its six Miss Nancy L. Couch WHAT • Imped all wiring Mils Maty Ann Morton She received a Lansing P. Shield, lor lality PRICE ( auxiliaries, and grants and dona- bach Co., its .adver- , Memorial Scholarship, which • FREE till gf a machI2M tions from the County Board of To Open RED BANK — Announcement iEAST BANGOR, Pa. — Mr. t i s i n g -or publicity YOU GET V, while we Hrvlca Freeholders, the City of Long is made by Mr. and Mrs. Myron and Mrs. Jack L. Couch of this given to the sons and daugh- ;ers of living or deceased em- agents, participating Branch, and from individuals and E. Morson, 11 Mount St., of theplace announce the engagement charity groups. ' Season engagement of their daughter, of his daughter, Miss Nancy iloyees of tihe Grand Union Com- ' Ford dealers and their HECCMI SEWING MACHINE CO. The work of the service Is Miss Mary Morson, to Pfc David Lynne Couch, to Whitney Lock- pany or residents of counties in at ATLANTIC SUPERAMA. New Shrewsbury jased on the theory that there is DEAL—The Monmouth County John Miller, U, S. Army. He isman Beebe, son of Mrs. John which Grand Union stores arc lo- employees, the judg- no philanthropic cause more im Chapter of Brandeis University's the son of Mr. and Mrs. L, J. Howard^ Beebe, 230 Hance Ra., cated. ing group or their in> (ortant than that of strengthen- National Women's Committee will Miller of North Bend, Ore. Fair Haven, N.J., and the late launch its 1965-6$ season with A February wedding is planned. Mr. Beebe, formerly of New York -mediate-families. 'Tea-Talk-andTrsat" meeting* •Miss Morson,- a graduate of City, - ..- - Waistline ^J For all prospective members. Red Bank Catholic High School, Miss Couch .also is the daughter The first event is a dessert is assistant bookkeeper at the of the late Mrs. Clio Couch. She Printed Pattern GET luncheon to be held Monday at Navesink Country Club, Middle- was graduated from Pen Argyf 3 DAYS ONLY! 12:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs, town, and also is employed at Area Joint High 9chodl and from ENTRY s^O^n Morris Weiss, 5 Parker Ave, the Town Theater, Middletnwn. St. Luke's Hospital School of The second group will meet on Pfc Miller, a graduate of Marsh Nursing, Bethlehem. She is pre- BLANKS Thursday, Friday, Sat. Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the home field (Ore.) Senior High School, sently a general staff nurse at tft* of Mrs. Benjamin HochfieTg, 7 attended Oregon Technical Insti- the hospital. AT K*> \»± Morris St., Freehold. \ tute for a year and the Micro Mr. Beebe was graduated from ^ August 12, 13, 14 Wave Radio Repair School at the Hill School, Pottstown, and These regional locations have THESE J?ort Monmouth. He Is stationed Lehigh University in June. He been selected for convenience, in "Danangi Viet Nam. was s member of Sigma Nu fra- according to Mrs, Paul Waffenr FORD ternity and Lambda ,Mu Sigma feld, membership chairman. House Hunting! It's open sea- society at Lehigfh. He will enter DEALERS Mrs. Nathan Troum, president, son in the Daily Register Classi- the U. S. Army as a second ill speak on the function of fied now. lieutenant in January. study groups. A film, "Brandeis • Ww+ -Side &«rage, '65," depicting the university's de- velopment, will be shown. Asbury Park...Tom's Mrs. Ziporah Epstein, well Miss Diane Jacko Wed Ford, Matawan , . . known in professional theatrical circles, will lead the theater Cameron • Robers-on study group, scheduled to begin To Frederick Bodholt Co., Freehold ... Gi- about the second week in October. She will explore "The Theater of RED BANK - Miss Dian 1st was Rev. Florian J. Gall. ger Ford, Belmar... , he Absurd." Marie Jacko and Frederick Bru A reception was held In Lin- Kantor Ford, Farming- son Bodholt were married Sunda; croft Inn, Lincroft. 11x14 TALK ON PENCILS in St. James Catholic Church. The bride was escorted by her d a la ... Howard iath£r.__She_w.oxfi_an_-EmDirfi_A= flanaiquan Jacko, line gown of off-white silk linen, Birchwood Ct., New Shrewsbury, which, featured a detachable ... Kroll Motors, Long iear a *alk on it nrW-^rnTln the Molly and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bod chapel train. .Branch...Mount Eng- >itcher Inn. holt, 6 Cariton Dr., New Shrews- Wean Mantilla bury. lish, Red Bank... Lar- portrait of Col. Ralph Miller of the Her mantilla was of Illusion Salvation Army, Red Bank, will Rev. Ambrose Donehue, of the with Chantilly lace. She son Ford, Lake wood speak on his collection ot Franciscan Fathers, officiated al carried a missal and bouquet of pencils. the double ring ceremony. Organ- .... CorrK Causeway, spider pompoms, stephanotis and ivy. Manatiawlcen . . . your child Miss Charlotte Dhamy, Inter- Lakehurst Motors, la'ken, was maid of honor. She wore an A4ine floor-length Toms River . . . Point Portraits by gown of off-white silk linen. The JACK B. NIMBLE, INC. Empire waistline was accented Pleatant Motor Co., are with a blue velvet sash. Her Pt. Pleasant. headpiece was a matching velvet Nationally Advertised bow. She carried a white basket Newest casual look! See how Only HUFFMAN Jd BOYLE trimme'd with a blue bow, o waist is gathered in by belt that for wrapping, white spider pompons and ivy,. 99c slips thru a casing to tie softly FINE HOME FURNISHINGS ind BROADLOOM Go-Go handling and in«uranc« Peggy Jacko, at home, was in front. Make it in a Cool.crisp, lower girl for her sister. She cotton. Hi or low neck. wore a costume identical to the Printed Pattern 9256: Misses' "••> No appointment necessary. Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontoun — 542-1010 maid of honor's and carried the Entertainment Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Sizes 16 same flowers. Photographer will be on duty 11 A.M. 'TIL 9:30 P.M. takes 2% yds. 35-Inch. ALL 9 STEINBACH Complete selection^ finiihed Photographs to choox from- • not proofs. Best Man Fifty cents in coins for eac] Jeffrey Bodholt, at home, was pattern — add 15 cents for ea< STORES! best man for his brother. pattern for first-class mailing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK! Interior designs special handling. Send to Marian Friday, Aug. 13 Ushers were William T. Jacko, Limit: one per child-ages J weeks to 12 years. Children's groups taken 99t contempo house Jr., at home, brother of the Martin, The Red Bank Register, per child. . bride, and Gregory Bodholt, at Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., RED BANK home, brother of the bridegroom. New York, N.Y, 10011. Print The bride is a graduate of RedName, Address with Zip, Size and Style Number. • Bondsmen from 2 to 3 Bank High School and repeived BS degree cum laude from Discover the secret of a well- • King James from 7 Montclair State College. She was dressed woman! Discover 350 flat- a member of Kappa Delta Pi na- to 8 Luxurious custom up- tering, new design Ideas in our holstery, at modest tional honorary education soci- new Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog. contetnpo houia ety: Kappa Pi, national art so-All sizesi Coupon for free pat- prices. Few, il any ciety, and Mu Sigma sorority. tern in Catalog. Send 50c. ASBUKY PARK specials wishes will cost you extra!) And For the past two years she Paragons from 2 to 3 < the fabrics are breath- has bedn an art teacher at For- plete his studies at Florida State Monmouth Shopping Center taking. restdale School, Rumson. In theUniversity, Tallahassee. • Peter and Teddy from and Frl. 'til 9 fall she will teach in Augusta He also served four Raa Junior High School, Talla- 7to8 3209 SrniMt Avt. (Off Rr. 35) Asbury Park he U S. Air Force, , ^ Eatontown, N. J. hassee, Fla. Following a wedding trip to 774 • 7400 Mr. Bodholt, also a Red Bank Martha's Vineyard,., Mass., the High School graduate, attended couple will reside at 337-4 Pen- Monmouth College, He will com- iteli dr., Tallahassee. TOE DAILY REGISTER Manners for Moderns -11 Thursday, Aug. 12. 19(65—19 Saying Hello, and Goodbye, Is An Art Sea Bright By VIRGINIA WELDON KELLY or a person of "extremely high come closer and to know them.1 Demo Club James Farley, the former Post- rank in government. True, Easterners have really master Genera), is noted for his Introduce the single woman to never quite known what to think Plans Party affable manner when being intro- the married woman, unless the of their Texas President. The SEA BRIGHT - The annual duced and for knowing the names single woman is elderly. simple truth about him is that card party sponsored by the of thousands of persons. Introduce the young to the old. he's just friendly and enjoys peo- Women's Democratic Club of Sea The easiest form of introduc- ple. I have observed at parties tha Bright wilt he held in the Pen- tion is that in which you simply Mr. Farley — a famous man The woman who visits Wash- insula House, Ocean Ave., on say: who could wait for others to ap- ington, where she may meet dip- Thursday evening, Sept. 9. lomats, or who travels abroad, proach him — never hesitates to "Mrs. Jones, Miss Sinclair ir A fashion show presented by must expect to have her hand ask a person's name or to intro- Mrs. Jones, Mr. Somerville." the Highlands Boutique, 104 Bay kissed. The proper way of ac duce himself. He goes around It is proper to say, "Mrs Ave., Highlands, will be a fea- cepting this tribute is to extend .the room holding out his hand Jones, may I present Mr. Som ture of the event. Mrs. Robert the right hand at chest level, J§nd saying, "I'm Jim Farley. erville?" but this is not really F. Norton, club president, is gen- palm down. She should not do YAw do you do?" necessary. I think it sounds a eral chairman, assisted by Mrs. this, however, as if preparing to Witnessing this congenial per- trifle stiff. Grace Minaldi, co-chairman. chop wood. formance and the warmth with Never use the surname of your Men always stand when being Other committees and their which others respond, one read spouse when making an introduc introduced. It is all right for a chairmen are:—Table gifts, Mrs. ily understands the success and tion. Let's assume your name woman to remain seated unless Walter Johnson and Mrs. John popularity of this unusual man. to be Jones. You would say Introduce the young to tha a very prominent person is being P. Weir; fashion show, Mrs. Cas- "Mary, this is Mr. Truex" — TO OPEN NEW SEASON — Organization! of Congregation Beth Shalom, Red Bank, Introducing ourselves to other introduced. In general, if a num- tle Greer and Mrs. Joseph W. not, "Mrs. Jones, this is Mr. old. people, and other people to one ber of persons are to be intro- will open tha fall season with meetings next month conducted by new presidents, Stout; refreshments, Mrs. Edgar another, is something each of us Truex." Beanum, Mrs. Robert Keehn and is called upon to do quite often If you want to dress it up a 'bit duced, women should stand. Hyman Polin, far right, who heads the congregation, and Mrs. Sol Rodack, second Mrs. Jones, introducing another Leave-taking is more difficult in Mrs. Andrew B. Keating; recep- The modern rules are simple, you can add: "It's so nice to woman to Mrs, Jones, would say; a way than saying hello. Not tion, Mrs. J. Harry Robertson, practical, and as natural as Jim meet you" or "I have heard so from right, who will preside over the sisterhood. Pictured with them are Rabbi Henry "Mrs. Dean; my husband." because the words are difficult,, Mrs. Frank -W. Kirdiner, Mrs. Farley's smile. Here are the much about you from, my hus- Young people should always but because of the feeling so -Lteberman and Mrs. David Stein, retiring Sisterhood president. Congregation will meet John La Marche, «fr., Mrs, Law- main things to remember: hand." introduce their friends to their For some unknown reason, many people have that they are Tuesday, Sept, 7, at 8 p.m. and sisterhood on Thursday, Sept, 9, at 8:30 p.m. rence Clarke, Mrs. Wilton King parents in this way: American women have the idea being discourteous in abandoning and Mrs. Travis Thomas; cards ".Mother, my classmate, Joan.' that it is not proper to shake the other person. and tallies, Mrs. LiliiAi Grassin, "Father, Robert Devine." hands. They are mistaken. It is If there is nothing more to talk Mrs. Thomas Kuczala, Mrs. Ar- When introducing one person to always courteous and good eti- about and it is time to go, take thur Ragland, Miss Louise Doug- a group, however, don't try to quette to shake hands. Euro- direct action. New Shrewsbury Couple Plan las and Mrs. Alois Will; special sort everybody out according to peans of both sexes are accus- One man would say to another: awards, Mrs. Lillian Lutr, Mrs. age. Simply say: tomed to hand-shaking and con- "I am glad to have met you." John O'Brien, Mrs. Arthur Gres- "Mrs. Jones — Mrs. Johnson. sider a person impolite if he fails If he really means it, lie can ham, Miss Edith Smith and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Brlscoe, Miss Hart, to offer his hand. add in saying good-bye to either Winter Fun for Marlboro Children Helen Willan; door, Mrs. Wayne and Mrs. Neville." On the whole, I would say Eu-a man or a lady: Garland, Miss Erma Jenkins, When acknowledging an intro- ropeans are more demonstrative "I hope I have the pleasure of Mrs. Victor Larson and Mrs. NEW SHREWSBURY - A cut-sleigh and carved in it the nam the Speichers. duction, say: "How do you do?' than Americans socially, though meeting you soon again." George Betr; publicity, Mrs. Wil- ter sleigh, more than 100 years of the Speichers'. Shetland pon; Mrs. Speioher reports that she Americans of some sections are It is not proper for a woman to liam J. Darby and Mrs. Gloria Dawn. has almost finished the red leath- much warmer than those of express the hope of seeing a man old, is being restored to. take Quails; decorations, Mrs. John Mrs. Speicher estimates thai er upholstery for the sleigh. Her others. again, bul she may say: children from Marlboro State Hos- J. Picknally, Jr., Mrs, John S. Students pital dashing through the snow. Dawn has taken approximate^ grandfather's sleigh bells, also a Forsman, Mrs. John Kurta, Mrs. The Ambassadress of Luxem- "I've heard so much about you. 400 children on rides. Twice century old, are being restored Louis Sohuff and Mrs. Alexander bourg, Madame Heisbourg, men- I'm delighted to have met you." Mrs. Eugene Speicher, River- week she visits the hospital anc to add a ring of authenticity. S. Saharic. Of Dance tioned to me recently, "People in If she wishes to convey more dale Ave., spotted it in a barn the eastern part of your country than that by her tone and in at Hockhockson Farms, Scobey- takes them for outings on Buckie Mr. and Mrs. Speioher gave a flection, that is her prerogative- ville, and Robert Cook, Jr., own-a Welsh gelding, gift of Mr. party recently at their home for tend to be fearful and suspicious Wet the blades of your kitchen Keep Busy provided neither she nor the maner, donated it. Geraldine L. Thompson, Lirtcrofl 25 children from,the hospital. Mr. and aloof. They seem afraid scissors before using them for RED BANK — Three gradu- is married to someone else. After much paint scraping and which Mrs. Speicher trained. and Mrs. John Crowley, Tinton others will intrude upon their cutting up marshmallows. ate students of the Dorothy To- social circle, People from the (Tomorrow: Making calls.) sanding by Mr. Speicher, Herb In addition, Mr. Speicher mad Ave., assisted. land Dance Studios of Red Bank South, Southwest, and West are (copyright 1965 by Virginia Schweers of Tinton Falls made a pony wagon to hitch to Ga; They also were hosts this sum- are putting their talents to work not afraid and invite people to Weldon Kelly) a new mahogany front for the Blade, a Welsh pony owned b; mer to four children from the this summer. Miss Susanna Or- New York Herald Tribune Fresh Now in Little Silver ganic, Neptune, who received her Air Fund. first five years' training with Mr. Speicher is a supervising For the finest Mrs. Toland, is appearing at Ra- internal auditor at New Jersey in men's and boy'i dio. City Music Hall for the sum- Bell Telephone Company, New- . Don't hesitate to introduce mer before returning to Butler ark. sportswear yourietf. College, Indianapolis, Ijid., where she is majoring in dance. CHURCH CARD PARTY • Convenient Never hesitate at a social func- Miss Susanna Jeffery of Ocean Shopping LONG BRANCH - The annual tion/to ask another person's name Grove is studying in Germany. summer card party of the Ro- or to volunteer your own. This fall she will open her sixth » Lots of Fret sary-Altar Society of St. Jerome's When introducing members of season of teaching dance in Riv- Parking Catholic Church, West Long the opposite sex, introduce the erdale, N. Y. man to the woman. Do>it the Branch, took place Monday night Miss Janice Kerr, 19-year-old other way around only if the man in Hi Henry Inn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold THE © m happens to be a venerable per- Kerr,. Maple Ave., Red Bank, Mrs. Eugene Lucia was chair- son, an ecclesiastical dignitary, was recently chosen Miss Taffy man and Mrs. Bruno Torchia, Sport Shop Queen in Asbury Park. Miss Kerr assistant chairman. The commit- Little Silver Shopping Center SOLDIER OF MONTH is touring New England with the tee included Mrs. Joseph To- FORT MONMOUTH - Named Stanley Woolf Players appearing main, Mrs. Ernest Caprio, Mrs. Open Friday Evenings "Soldier "of the Month" for Au- ] "The Voice o! the Turtle." Joseph Allen, Mrs. Peter J. La- (Next to Sld'i Bootery) gust was Spl. 5 Robert W. Alex- Marca and Mrs. D. Fudge, Jr ander, son of Mr> and Mrs, Two junior students of the To- James T. Alexander of Houston, land Studios, Uail and Joy Ade- Tex. skaviu, seven and eight-year-old Miss June Wilson Miss Penelope Lattimer • An instructor in the Army daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Miss Trudy Ann Van Wych Miss Lise Mauer Signal School, he received a Adeskavitz of Shrewsbury, won certificate of achievement from a talent contest at the Desert Inn Col. Vernon L. Lewis. He also in Miami Beach, Fla., during Ten Young Women to Vie for County Title won a three-day pass and a $25 their recent vacation there. check. Mrs. Toland recently returned EATONTOWN — Ten county morrow and Saturday evenings on are Penelope Lattimer, Fair Ha ner-up, $75 in cash, and an off Spl. Alexander attended Baylor from the Dance Caravan Teach- jrils will participate in the Mon-the center's outdoor stage on the Lise Mauer, Red Bank; Tru cial Miss America trophy. There Mall. dy Ann Van Wyck, Eatontown; will also be a special Miss Con University, where ha majored in ers' Convention at the Roosevelt mouth Shopping Center's "Miss 24 BROAD ST. ||education. > ...... Hotel, in New York. City. Monmouth County" pageant to- The pageant's top winner will June Wilson and Ray Torchia, geniality Miss America Trophy, be*eligible for the 1966 Miss 'New as well as official Miss Americ Jersey Contest, which precedes trophies for the talent and swim the annual Miss America Pageant Candidates for the county title will be selected each night in th wards, Belmar, and Nancy Col- talent and swim suit categories 10-DAY FREE TRIAL! Bridal Shower The top winner will receive a Lee Starnes of WJLK will $500 scholarship, an official Miss master of ceremonies. In Freehold America crown and an official FREEHOLD - Miss Therese BARBERSHOP CONCERT Ehman, Douglas Rd., who will County, trophy. Also, her prizes ASBURY PARK — The fina marry Edward Spuler, Jr., will include gifts valued at $500 Prospect PI., Sept. 18 in St. Rose from the center's merchants. Open Air Barbershop Concert wil of Lima Catholic Church, was be hekfAug. 24 at 8:30 p.m. in honored at a bridal shower Sun- $150 in cash, and an official Miss the Asbury Park Bandshell Pa day at the home of Mrs. Ed- America trophy, aid second run ward Spuler, Sr., 10 Prospect PI. Miss Frances White, Jerseyville Ave., Freehold, was hostess. Attending were Mrs. Joseh Ehman, Sr., Paterson; Mrs. Ed- ward Spuler, Mrs. Norman Rio- pel, Mrs. Frederick Hahn, Sr., Mrs. Richard Shields, Mrs. James Brogan, Mrs. Theodore Hyers, Mrs. Charles White, Mrs. George Wanschura, Sr., Mrs. George Wanschura, Jr., Mrs. Andrew Mau Morris, Sr., Mrs. William Car- ney,' ivirsr JUIlir-rvayc^—i«ra= Shrewsbury. Mrs. Speicher plans to harness it to their Shetland pony, Dawn, and take setta Storer, Miss Marilyn Hahn children from Marlboro State Hospital on winter sleigh rides. Miss Janet Ray, Miss Peggy Ca ney, Miss Sue Wanschura, Miss LOCAL GIRL GRADUATES Karen Riopel and Miss Kim- berly Shields, Freehold. ilfew Exchange Student Miss Eileen White, daughter of Also, Mrs. Frank Kush an< Mr. and Mrs. Albert White, Hop-Miss Sharon Kush, Bricktown; ANNUAL SALE! ping Rd., was graduated from Mrs. Roger Ehman, Woodbridge; Ann May School of Nursing at Mrs. John Connolley and Misi Bon Bon MOHAIR Arriving From Brazil Fitkin Hospital Aug. 6. A buffet Colleen Connelly, Oakland; Mis; 40 grams. Reg. 1.29 supper was held Sunday night OOEAINiPORT - Ines da Fon- given by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jane Carney, Bakersfield, Calif.; by her parents. Guests were Mrs. Sister Mary Susan, South Plain La Mil MOHAIR leoa e Silva of Rio de Janeiro, Baxter of Oceanport shortly after Pearl White, Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Brazil, is expected to arrive this her arrival. Leonard Schneider, field, and Sister Mary Patienc 40 grams. Reg. 1.49 Hofman, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. JayAlpha. weekend for a year's study at president of the Shore Regional White and sons, Miss Helen Pat- Shore Regional High School. She American Field Service student erson, Mrs. Lillian Clayton, Bel- Bear Brand KNITTING WORSTED will reside with Mr. and, reports that a barbecue ford; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Clay- 4 oz. Reg. 1.59 Peter Bova and family, Portau- is also being arranged to welcome ton, Freehold; Miss Sue Taylor for the hairdo peck Ave., here", Ines. and William Woodall, Somerville; |j Bear Brand ORLON SAYELLE PLAYTEX Miss Charlotte Bova, who will John Jones, Americans Abroad Miss Charlene Miller, Fair Ha- for you ... 2 oz. Reg. 99c be a junior at the high school, chairman at the high school, has ven; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Max-1 announced that 14 applications will art as hostess and guide son and John Bonsanti, Trenton, have been received from Snore Bear Brand GERMANTOWN The exchange student will be a Regional students interested in 2 oz. Reg. 98c senior and participate in the grad- studying for a year in a foreign uation, i country. The committee is now • Bear Brand SPICE screening applicants. You An informal reception will be 2 oz. Reg. 1.09 BRAS SECURITY IS... Bulky's For The Coming Winter enjoy cool, stretch comfort . . . • Completely fireproof building e Bear Brand—2 oi. or your money back! • 24-hour desk and elevator service Call 747-3620 ;NUBBY FlEECf ...; Reg. 99c 79* • Night watchman portrait Buy any of these Playlo* Living Brai and tale 10 days to • Attractive rooms i* Bear Brand—2 el. LQtA VINCENT'S discover why 10 many women love them. If you don't: agree .if'i • Central location to town, to madt by us GIGANTIC .' Reg. 89c 07*9 : beach, to transportation the happiest bra of your life, just send BEAUTY SALON Pleytex with the sales slip for e full refund. • New larg* parking lor ol 15,00 e Bear Brand—2 oi. 32 Linden PI, Red Bank BIG SHCE Reg. 99c a. PloyrM Living Sheer Brp.wilh Stretch-ever® sheer elastic "A Home Away From Home" featuring . . . back and sides. Machine washable. White 32A-42C, Only 11.15 Air conditioned • Bear Brand—2 ot Latent Hnlr Kaahlonfl FOUR SEASONS Rag. B9e "D" sites $1.00 more. Shaheen's Quality Permanent Wavei 691 -Rue Studio Tinting In Privacy b. Floytex Living Stretch Strop Bra with adjustable, cushioned Artistic Hnfr Shaping Moderate Prices stretch straps, sheer, elastic back and sides. Comfortable accommodating Qarfield Qrant Hotel 35 sllvcrton ave. atmosphere Sorry, No Instruction on Sale Mdse. • All Sales Final • Machine washable. White 32A-40C. Only M-VS. Convenient Location "D" sites $1.00 mora. LON» IRANCH, N. j, FOR RES. CALL 222-3000 little lilver—741-0232 Ample Parkins Swedlih Manage Waih and Reset Win 1 Lincoln Court, Elberon 222-YARN (927») All bras with cotton HUM! nylon lac* cups.' / dtawtor of the race, Elliott Den- Wide-open Battle Expected mm of West Long Branch. In addition to these nine. Jade Burly Jack NuMaus is Heavy Mortland of Columbus, Ohio and In Walk at Long Branch Ron Laird erf Pomona, Calif., who »re currently touring Europe with Favorite in PGA Championship LONG BRANCH—A wide-open Bruce MacDonald, a three- the U. S. international t r a c week of rain that changed to battle for first place is in pros- time Olympic competitor, Ron team, have filed entries. Bot LIGONIER, Pa. (AP) — Burly tional Open championship, is the warm sunlight yesterday. The pect for this Sunday's National Daniel, second place finisher in may be back in the country 1 Jack Nicklaus was the heavy second choice. He previously forecast is for warm, cloudy wea- AAU senior 40-kilometer (24.8- the National AAU two-mile walk time to compete. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1965 favorite, slumping Arnold Palmer won In 1982. ther today when the first players mile) race walking championship at San Diego, and Alan Blakeslee the sentimental choice and de Other top candidates Include The event also carries the tee oH at 6 a.m., EST. to be held,,over city streets start- form a three-pronged threat from fending champion Bobby Nichols Tony Ltma, the happy-go-lucky Junior National AAU champion The tourney follows the usual ing at 10 a.rn. from the City Hall. Port Washington, L.I. ship designation. John Neville ol the forgotten man going into to- champgne kid, dangerous Billy The Long Branch Summer Festi- day's opening round of the VGA Casper and California'* quiet format, four rounds of 18 holes Jack Blackburn, Ohio Track , Wash., Bob Long of th( each, today through Sunday. The val Committee and the Long Club veteran; Bob Mimm, Levit Southern California Striders, Championship. man, Gene Littler. Then, too, Branch Jaycees are co-sponsors field will be cut to the low 70 and town, Pa., Olympian, and Ptiila- Brick Township walkers Bot Nichols, the 29-year-old Ken there's Sam Snead, the 54-year- of the traditional championship. ties after tomorrow's second delpWa A. C. youngster Regis Carlson and Keith Roberts, and tucklan who set the tournament old slammer who won It three times before the tournament went round. If there is a tie after 72 With Chris McCarthy of Chi- Dandar are also strong possibil' Eric Waite of Philadelphia are record of 271 last year, toured from match to stroke play in holes, an 18-hole playoff w(U be cago, the 1964 champion, fore- ities. the top Junior entries, the Laurel Valley GoU Club in 1958, and Hogan, the little Texas held Monday. going defense of his title to con- relative solitude in his final prac- New Jersey's leading hopefuls The course covers a full perim- hawk of another era making one Portions of the final two centrate on his graduate studies eter of Long Branch's bound- tice round yesterday, while Nick- are Belleville school teacher Ron of his infrequent tour appear- rounds are scheduled for net at the University of Chicago, no aries for its early miles and fin- laus and hometown hero Palmer television ABC coverage, 4^ less than nine walkers are rated Kulik, Monhiouth College student ishes around the shores of Lake drew the bulk of the crowd at nces. The course is In prime condi- p.m., EST, Saturday, and ' 3-5 as definite contenders. Ross Dennis of Oakhurst, and the Takanassee. the swank, secluded club in the p.m., EST, Sunday. rolling hills of western Pennsyl tion. It was spruced up by a vania. N0W-I35 STORES Nicklaus, the 25-year-old Mas- ters champion and winner of the last two tour stops — the Phila- Super Savings for THURSDAY, delphia and Thunderbird Clas- sics — was a solid 4-1 choice to FRIDAY & SATURDAY! win his second PGA title and break Palmer's tingle season 'V money winning record. 7 INCH Nicklaus now has $114,000 in official money winnings for the year, compared with Palmer's Circular Saw record $128,230 In 1963. First prize in this one — the exact amount will be announced Satur- day — should go about $18,000 to $20,000. "I've been playing very well lately, better than I have all year," big Jack said in > mild understatement. "When you're hitting the ball that well, It gives you confidence. I'm ready to make a try at it." Nichols, on the other hand, was strangely unconcerned going in- to this 47th championship of the Professional Golfers' Association. DANDY SANDY CARRIES THE LOAD — Sandy Koufax "Sure, it's a big one, because o-f the Dodgers carri»s a basket with 20 batebatit, sym- it's ours," Nichols said. But I bolic of the 20 games he's won for Los Angeles in 1965. don't think I'm aoy more keyed up for it than tor any tourna- SUPER SPECIALI The twifry lefty became tha majon' first 20-garrn winner ment. I found I get charged up AIMING FOR ANOTHER PLUM — Jack Nicklaui, whose of the year with a 4-3 victory over the Met* at Los if I'm in contention. That's official winning* *o far this year have g«n« pa Angeles Tuesday night. (AP Wirephoto) when the tension comes." BRAND Not so with Palmer, the slump- $125,000, plucks an apple from a tree everhangii ^ NEW ridden charger from nearby La- practice tee at Ligonier, Pa., where he will go after the" trobe and host pro at the spank- PGA title in the 47th ehampionjhip which g*h under Buzzie Bavasi on Koufax: ing new course. "There's no real problem in way today. [AP Wrr»photo) PARK PLUGS st $100,000-a-Year Pitcher getting the right mental attitude for the big ones, the Masters, the LOS ANGELES (AP) - Sandy Should Have 12 Starts Open, this one," he said. oufax is in line to become big Working every fourth day, he'll "I've been playing a little bet- Gilmer Giving Looney ague baseball's first JlOO.OOO-a- get 12 more starts this year. If ter. The putting was Improving jar pitcher. last week until I lost my concen- Los Angeles Dodgers general he won 11, that would lift him tration. And that's been the Every Chance to Play above the hallowed 30 mark. ONE GALLON FOAM tanager Buzzie Bavasi says problem, putting." TUNE-UP He's worth it and he'll get it." Sandy has struck out 267 in Palmer has won only once in (One Of Aperies) discipline," said Gilmer, a for- !is remark came after Sandy 231 innings this season. If he Vfi years and last week pulled BIXXMPIELO HUJLS • Mich. mer quarterback with a Texas PICNIC :ruck out 14 for his 20th victory out of the Philadelphia Classic flare for 10-gallon hats and cow- KITS goes the distance in his next 12 (AP).P.— The Joe Don Looney uesday night, a 4-3 triumph after a disastrous 43 on the back boy boots. • starts, he'll be pitching 108 in- story could very well be the story JUG ret the New York Mets. nine of the second round. o* the Detroit Lions in 1965. "We started later than "Sandy puts an extra 5,000 nings — time enough to better But he has at least a slight Coach Harry Gilmer is giving teams but we are going to push >eople in the ballpark every time his own National League strike- advantage in this one in his fa-Joe Don every chance to make harder, he said." "My system ie pitches," Bavasi said. out record of 306 set in 1963. miliarity with the course. He's it big as a halfback. isn't far removed from what the "He's fantastic on the field and At this pace, he may topple the played the hilly, 7,090-yard, par Despite I

"TI8E OUAMNTEEf IVIHY PEr BOYS TIRE HAS A •EHEHAL Bob Kiinxe VMITTIN OUAMNIEE A9AINST All ROAD HAZARDS EXPERT Wheel •Alt PRICES IN MIIINOEK CAR USE. Damoj. will «lth"r bi li- PLUS TAX ON TIHC pdlrad wllhout chars.,.or upland with odlwtmml Balancing Available TWO TIRES ojqrm pro-Mid monthly bawd on |)» ptk. paid for Ed Golden tha tin. WHITEWAUS $4.00 Additional Par Pair AVIS Our Itw ratei (by dir, «Mk •r nwittk), Inclimi *ll «*•,•» 5 POWER FLASH 42 West Front St., Red Bank in* drapit IniuraaH, F*a- RENT A CAR hiring latnl 1nt»<|aU •< fully MAGNIFIER Phone 741-3440 TfiUCK RENTAL SERVICE •4i>lpp«d Car* * and »tkat Mat • Idtslfor Middletown General Tire Co Stamp & Coin OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 Rnr If ••!*., Man ll than . . . wIMi advance nunarial- Colltetonl MUFFLER INSTALLATION RT. 36 and AVE. D, LEONARDO RID BANK MATAWAN MM1_ M0NM0UIH • bamtnlng Mil HViMmaa ami W. H ot Jtrottimartotmt t ~~" Other 5tor»i In M«w Irumwlck, M#K Avi. aM hint* ft Wtfoji 291-9291 OPEN DAILY 8-4 OivtltfiMDI HMtt'l TrtBlon and Ptrth Amboy. McOtMW MtM "fiW MMIII » save a tingle point for the THE DAILY HEGISTER Thursday, Aug. 12, 1965-21 Against Germans Americans. The U.S. 400-meter relay team, Pqdgers Blank Mets 1-0, beaten by both Russia and Po- Mrs. Morrison's 106 is Low Net 9 land, finally learned to handle the U.S. Trackmen baton and scored its first vic- MIDOLErrOWN - Mrs. Albert In the nine-bole group, Mrs. >t Ending a Pitchers Duel tory of the international tour by Morrison shot a 106 Tuesday to Earl Stulz had low gross, M, and * beating the Germans in 39.5 sec-win first low net honors in Class Mrs. Francis O'Connor had low • onds. The Germans were clocked A of the 18-hole group's m?dal net, 41. ASSOCIATED PRESS subduing New York 1-0 for his bled the ball for an error. Chuck in 39.9. play tournament at tie Bamm : Playing against the New York first victory in 24 days. Hiller, however, came through In Lead, 6342 Fred Kuller of Garden Grove, Hollow Country Club, Barbara Mclntire, 1964 USGA Mets apparently can be as dan- Drysdale was working on a in Met style, bunting into a dou- AUGSBURG, Germany (AP) - Norpoth (13:47.8) beat out lit- Calif., stepped off to a lead over Mrs, Morrison also had low Women's Amateur golf cham- gerous as playing for them. four-bitter and protecting a 1-0 ble play. But it was only sec- Americans won eight of 10 events tle Gerry Lindgren (13:50.4) of Manfred Knickenberg, and Adolf putts, 34, pion, was the last amateur to - The Mets began to rub off on lead for the National League onds before Drysdale was in : and redeemed themselves in the Spokane, Wash., and limping Bob Plummer of Los Angeles gained Second low net went to Mrs. gain the runnerup spot in the • the I/JS Angeles Dodgers in the leaders when the Dodgers start trouble again. a wide lead on the second leg. sprint relay for an imposing 63-42 Schul, the Olympic title holder Gordon Smith with a 117. Women's Open. She was beaten eighth inning Wednesday night ed to fall into the Mets' pattern This time, Ron Swoboda lead over West Germany yester- from Dayton, Ohio, in the most Jim Hines of Oakland, Calif., who In Class B, Mrs. Edward Torre: - and Don Drysdale had to sur- John Stephenson led off the grounded one to second base but day at the halfway stage of their stirring race of the meeting. has had trouble with timing on had low net while Mrs. Charles by Mrs. Kathy Cornelius in the vive three errors and an I'll- Mets' eighth with a grounder to Jim Lefebvre let the ball roll two-day dual track and field the exchange, did his job well Kitzman was second. 1956 playoff. take-it-you-get-it routine before first base but Wes Parker fum through his legs for an error. meet. Schul Saves Point and permitted Anderson to finish Right fielder Ron Fairly, back- Also, a strapping 19-year-old Schul aggravated the achilles the job in style. ng up on the play, raced in —substitute, Don Shy of Pomona, tendon, first injured in the match Win and also fumbled the ball as Calif,, forged to the front after against Russia at Kiev two weeks House Hunting! It's open sea- o Strathmdre Swoboda took second. five tests in the rigorous 10-sport ago, halfway through the race son in the Daily Register Classi- T> Baseball Drysdale got out of that re- decathlon, with Bill Toomey of and jogged the rest of the race fied now. MATAWAN - The Strathmore volving door by retiring Johnny SPORTS CAR By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Laguna, Beach, Calif., a close w Bath and Tennis Club routec Lewis on a pop fly but the fire- second. " Duck's Nest Swim Club, 237-87 American League balling Dodgers right-hander By mutual agreement, each went in for another go-round at Round-up! in a dual swimming meet. W. L. Pet. G.B team placed three men In the Minnesota .... 73 40 646 - the start of the ninth when out- decathlon with only the two best .' Strathmore took 28 first places Baltimore _.... 61 48 571 8'^ fielders Lou Johnson and Willie scorers of each to count. The In the 36 events that were he! Cleveland 63- 48 .568 9 Davis played Ed Kranepool's third U.S. representative, Russ The relay events were cancellec Detroit 62 49 .559 10 pop up into a single. Hodge of San Jose, Calif., game- "•" due" to rain. Chicago 61 50 .550 11 Charlie Smith played Killer's ly competed with an injured right 1 New York 57 58 .496 17 role this time, grounding into a leg. 1965 MUSTANG coupe, white with Diving was held for the firs Los Angeles .. 51 61' .455 21'/doublepla2 y and Drysdale then Tom Farrell (1:48.8) of Forest red interior, 6 eyl., with stick shift. time for Strathmore and the winWashington .. 49 66 .426 25 got Gary Kolb on an easy fly to Hills, N.Y., and Blaine Lindgren HTfflR jraji took first and second places Boston 42 69 .378 30 end it. (13.8) of Torrance, Calif., led IACAVAZZI, NAMATH Girls X *nd under, 25-nwter treesty Kansas City „ 38 71 .349 33 Margin is Raised American 1-2 sweeps in the 800 7963 CORVETTE convertible, dark -1. Juiet Buchner . Time: :26.0. Minnesota at New York, N mer 226-5; giant David Weill of BRUNSWICK, N.J. AT JETS OFFICE. 595 Boys &-10 25 meter backstroke •— 1 Only games scheduled, a 5-2 victory over St. Louis, Gin FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO Howard Agnew (S). Time: :22.3. oinnati fell three behind after a Walnut Creek, Calif., with a dis- MADISON AVE,N.Y.O,OR SHEA STADIUM. Olrls 11-12 60-meter backstroke Friday's Games Barbara Montgaraery iS), Time: 7-2 loss to the Chicago Cubs and cus throw of 186-11, and John Boys ll-I'J 60-meter bacU»lrok« Chicago at Boston, N Pennel 6E Miami vaulting 16-1. Warty Bmlth (S). Time: :1!>.S. Minnesota at Cleveland, N Philadelphia stayed six games L HALL OF FAME CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. Olrls 13-U 60-meter toackstroka — 1. off the pace with a 5-1 triumph Harald Norpoth, Germany's IUB Varady (DN). Time: :U.L Washington at Baltimore, N Olympic silver medalist in the Tickets locally at Boyi 13-U 64-meter backslroke — Kansas City at New York, N over Houston. 325 MAPLE AVE. UnflgOf RED BANK Bruce Gardner (8). Time: :U.Z 5,000 meters, and Juergen Kal- O'DONNEU.TRAVEL AGENCY GlrU 16-17 60-meter backstroke — Los Angeles at Detroit, N Drysdale was locked in a BROAD STREET AND RECKLESS PUCE-741-5080 OPEN EVENINGS — 741-3130 Tina Hammond . Time: :N.o. San Fran 62 46 .574 1' the game's only run in the sev- Girls 13-H 50-meter breaatstroks — I Dottier McCrea ..Time: :3S.4._ against Johnson, who won his Durable, all-vinyl covers! Today's Games 10th game since joining Milwau- St. Louis at Milwaukee kee for an overall 13-6 record. Winners Get Pittsburgh at San Francisco, * Luxury puffs.. .The ultimate in beauty! The Cubs put it away against Raise in NFL Philadelphia at Houston, N Jim O'Toole, who now is 1-9, in Only games scheduled. the fourth inning when Leo Car- ELM — Plastic coated 77 Friday.'s Games denas let a grounder by Harvey liber covers. Decorator Kuenn slip through his legs for Playoif Bowl Milwaukee at Chicago drill doth skirts. Vinyl Cincinnati at St. Louis, N a two-run error and Ron Santo NEW YORK (AP)-The share singled home two more runs. 19 New York at Houston, N backs. Discount price. ' W>.> winning players have been Pittsburgh at Los Angeles, N Larry Jackson, tagged, for a • W^ full set Boosted fort $800 to $1,200 each pair of solo homers by Frank M SM most a Philadelphia at $an Francis CORONET — All vinyl far the National Football co,N Robinson, got the victory for an League's annual Playoff Bowl un- 11-14 record. trim, Jong wearing cov- der a new contract effective foi 77 ers. Choice of decorator the 1966 game. Joe Adcock, first baseman for full set Pete Rozelle, commissioner ol Four Giants the Los Angeles Angels, is the colors and styling. most cars the NFL, and Van Kussrow ol oldest player on the team. He the Miami Orange Bowl Commit 16 will be 38 on Oct. 30. »;•- te« and chairmen of the Playoff Out of Game Bowl, gigned contracts yesterday FAIRFIELD, Conn. (AP) - SEE THROUGH CLEAR PLASTIC COVERS MANUFACTURED TO THE HIGH- for the 196? game, which will be Coach Allie Sfierman of the New 11-Month Trout Rayco's famous CRYS- — ^ Ar TALclearplastic keeps H fl UK EST STANDARDS OF QUALITY played Sunday, Jan. 9. York Giants said yesterday that t#w 1 linebacker Lou Slaby, guard Dar- your car's seats show- • ••• AND IS GUARANTEED AGAINST The game matches the run- Season Adopted room new and lets their ner-up teams of the Eastern and rail Dess and quarterbacks Henry TRENTON (AP) - New Jer- beaut/ show through. full set DEFECTS IN MATERIAL AND Schichtle and Bob Timberlake PracticaL too. They 19mcstcaU WORKMANSHIP FOR AS LONG AS Western Divisions. sey fishermen will be permitted will not play when the National clean easily. nnumttUTiM While the share of each winner to catch trout during 11 months YOU OWN YOUR CAR. Football League club opens its of 1966 under fishing regulations goes up the loser's share will re- exhibition schedule against the main at $500. The net proceeds adopted yesterday by the state Green Bay Packers this week- conservation department's fish of the game goes to the NFL's end. Player Benefit Plan. and game council. One other change was made All have minor injuries. Tim- The trout season will begin NEVER A $|fciirf* FQ* INSTALLATION! In the contract. This concerned berlake, a rookie from Michigan, next year on Jan. 1 and extend / > to March 13. It will reopen on cases where two teams tied for may see limited action as a kick- |t second. Previously this was de- April 9 after streams are re- RAYCO ™: ctded by total points scored in er, Sherman said, but would not stocked and extend through Feb. ' the games played by the tying participate In violent action. 28, 1967. RELIANT teams against each other. MUFFLERS Under the new rule, if one team hasn't played to the Playoff Bowl before, It will go. If both teams LOOKS LIKE- ' have played in the bowl, the one which was in last will not go. If SOUNDS LIKE- neither team ever has played in Why does Imperial the game, the old points rule will THE MUFFLER •land. continue to be one of the world's THATCAME FOR MOST O leading whiskies? CARS Matson: 64-10'/2 WITH YOUR OAR

Matson, the human cannon "from JDfiN!JJ|TTHISJ.qWPRICE MISLEAD YOU! Rayco Reliant Texas ASM, won the shot put of an international track and field Mufflers are made of heavy, co ' last night with a toss of 64-11 Because knowledgeable Matson came to Europe two parable to the original equipment that came with your car! weeks ago with the United States people have a taste for teajn that meets tfie West Ger- Hiram Walker quality! man squad at Augsburg today and tomorrow but was-sent on a . S. S Scandinavian tour Monday at the >request of the U.S. State Depart- ment. 4-WHEEL BRAKE REL1NE VINYL CONVERTIBLE TOPS

Chevy TELL-TALE OIL SPOTS! Ford Oil spots undt-T your car or on youi Knr.'if.L1 floor can be ftnf Plymoulh ol tin.' [l.inj>f-'-si^ns ol c,t:t'Wi'< Comparts Lately thrtntcmrip, 12" WRITTEN GUARANTEE •NEVER PRICED IOWER! ON LININGS • Sturdy vinyl construction AUTOMATIC • Dacron stitched throughout Specialists will. Install quality lin- • Electronically welded seams ings on all 4 wheels, add brake • Won't shrink or mildew TRANSMISSION , .fluid as needed, road test car. • Custom fitted to your car .;. Includes Linings & Labor. • Resists stains and cleans easily Ctmi In for o FREE AAMCO MULTI CHECK. Absolutely no otllgotlon. Minor adjustment!' now may avoid ma|or i«. pairs lattrl EASY TERMS—1-0AY SERVICI FREE ROAD TEST LIFETIME 6UARANTES AVAILABLE WORLD'S LARGEST AUTOMATIC Just North of Eatontown dr. on Rt. 35 TRANSMISSION SPEClAUSTS- COAST TO COAST. STORE HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 9 RAYCQ AAMCO SATURDAY 9 TO 6 TRANSMISSIONS v Phone 542-1333 IUTOSERVICE 113 I. Newman Spring! ltd. R«4 lank—Call M2-2J00 mm WHET • K WOOF • 3H SIMM MKEK • tn lollrood Avonw Ajbury Pom-Call m-tm JKEWH KUIUlsrilS- HIIWIMLKJI m %jm. U. u^*y, Aug., 12, 1965 THE DAILY BfiGISTER IVIpg Lakewood, 7-6 Senators, Sox Split 5-2, Southern Playoff a/ Yanks Defeat Twins 5-4 13 and W in 10 innings; Cieveiand ASSOCIATED PRESS League one-hitter among Title to Freehold pitched in the majors this sea- blanked Los Angeles 8-0 on Al Lopez may have solved the son and all three have been Tiant's tfiree-Wtter and Boston FREEHOLD - Freehold James then , struck out to end enigma of Juan Pizarro's on- against the Senators. Held got whipped Baltimore 8-3. vrapped up tha best two-out-of the game. again, off-agaln fast ball but the the only hit off Cleveland's Luis Held rapped a single and two hree pott leason playoff series Washington Senators don't have Freehold took • J-l lead in the Tiant Junt 18 and Lock de- doubles, driving in two runs, n the Southern Mvijlon of the a clue. bottom of the first frame. Drown prived Detroit's Dennii McLain and WUUe KlrkUnd homered as d Carleton Memorlit Baseball opened with a watt but was Pizarro, mystery man of Lo- >f a five-inning no-hitter in a the Senators took the opener Leagua yesterday whm it edged forced at second base by Evans. pez' Chicago White Sox pitching •alnrev.lated gamn July 3. behind JeftJhander Pet* Richer*. Lakewood, 7-6* Jack Hilt singled and Greg Wal- staff, baffled the Senators with 5-Run Fifth Yanks Beat Twins Freehold had taken the series ling walked to load the bases and a one-hitter Wednesday night as Elsewhere in the AL, Che New The Yankees rallied (or five tpener on Monday by an. 8-3 (hen singles by Tom Brereton the Sox won the second game of York Yankees snapped first- runs in the fifth -inning, twotoi ount. and Pick Witt drove In the three a doubloheader 7-0. markers. place Minnesota's winning Bobby Richardson's aingle, ^) Freehold now has to await the The Puerto Rlcan southpaw, » streak at six by edging the erase a 3-0 Minnesota lead. Mel utcome of (he Northern Division The winners added another tal- 19-game winner in 1964, had ly in die following inning on Twins 5-4; Detroit swept s dou- Stottlemyre picked up his Hth ayoff», also a best two-out-of failed to finish in nine previous Brown's single and a double by rteheader from Kansas City 6-2 victory, tying losing pitcher Jim hree set, between the Radian starts and had won only one Evaru. Grant for the league lead. Hanger* and the Atlantic High- game — exactly two months ago Dick McAulitfe'j grand flam Lakewood evened the score in ands 4O9's, which wiU be con- against Washington — before Okay Kramer homer backed Jo« Sparma's tested this weekend. the third with three runs on an bis one-hitter. error, two walks,'* sacrifice fly pitching in the Tigers' first- A two-run rally after one out and a two-run error. Hrarro's ineffectiveness mys- For Exhibition game victory and Don Wert in the home ha" of the sixth in- " Lakewood'a final pair of tallies tified Manager Lopez until it DE PERE, Wis. (AP) - Green broke up the nightcap with a ng gave Freehold Its victory came in the fourth on two walks, was traced to a torn trlcep ten- Bay Packers offensive guard Jer- run-scoring single In the 10th TRAVILING YACHT CLUI — Commodore Ronald Jacobs, tending right, of tha yesterday. With Lakewood lead- Shelly Franklin's single and a don In Ms left shoulder late in ry Kramer was given clearance alter relief pitcher Jack Aker Fort Yacht Club commands a laction of hf« flaat at a raeent rendezvous. The Fort Club ing, 6-5. a single by Tom Mount sacrifice fly. June. He went on t9* disabled by his doctor Tuesday to partic- had hit two straight batten. and John Brown's triple quickly LaluweM (I) list for 30 days and the rest ap- ipate, in the exhibition game Max Alwis stroked, three hits is a r»rrd»i*out traveling cJub and hai won many prixti for targe** flaat attendance. . A3 n H parently has worked wonders. knotted the score. A sacrifice (ly Urrr Vtlin. against Nw York Saturday tor Cleveland, Including a three- Tha Fort Club alto won its second trophy at the recent National Sweep*takei Regatta tlni.K S 1 0 Evuii,rf Pizzaro's fast ball was run homer th»t «ntpped^a >y Butch Evtns sent Brown Frmklln.H 1 night, his first National FootbaM currying home with the clincher. Uym.Jb > Wtlllncll humming against the Senators. League game appearance since scoreless tt« in the sixth, Tlafc «n tha Niveiink River in Red Bank fer the largest number of dub boats In etten- Novajl,lt> S . Bnr«tmcr latter! Losers Threaten In 7th Belltrmi,ef 3 0 Wcodle Held, win had paced October, 1954. struck out seven and scatte;., dance. Hoxner.Tf S1 e 0 Hiilmin.o S-2 first-game ed three singles for hli 10th vie' lakewood mounted a threat in I Washington to a For the first time in summer i e l witt.n y g only nightcap tory in 15 decisions. lie 'top of tho seventh when it S » 0 L*on,p,Jb victory, got the training, Kramer donned his full Moih,r,Jb hih t — a lead-ofdff single in the The Bed Sox took a 4-3 lead ad two men on base. Richie Liovt.e Mount,p 1 3 nlform and said", "I might as fifth Inning. The only other Sen- over Baltimore on Rico Petro- dyers collected a broken bat iin 111 -eli find out right now what I Freehold Entries •a i ators to reach base were Don celli's three-run homer In the 100 0- can do; I might"a* well get the ;le to start things and, after two tJJ. 1.1 fourth, then nicked reliever Stu 3 1 8 111 I- Lock and Don Zimmer, on right start." Fourth Racing Day Sixth Race-Pace, Claiming, 1 mile-Purse 11,000 >uts, Bob Homer walked. Bill 23—Eviru. 3B—Brown, Novik. Miller for four runs in the sev- walks in the first and eighth, Kramer, who had been recov enth on six consecutive hits, Dally Doubles lit and 2d Events 5-Jo«y H V. Long 5.1 respectively. ering from a series of abdominal Including two safe bunts and Twin Doublei 6th and 7th - 9th and 10th 6—Del'a Charm A. Abbatlello 7-2 It was the third American operations, said the contact Jim Gosger'a two-run Woop *in- 4—Indian Champion W.Zandt 0-2 Freehold Results Freehold "didn't bottler me at all. I feel Ffrit Race-Face, Clilmlng, 1 mlle-Purie $1,000 H. Sowuh S-l 2-Indian Rocket [pinoii (Ztnai) -...iw »•« 4 - Port Time. J:WP.M. - 7-Mary's Flub S.OWsii 8-1 rlo Jertn (C.HOVIM) 3.40 loo iiture Hiravtr (M.illo) TOO Raceway 0n to Wichita' J-Mav«rlck W.Zeodt H 4M Knight V.Kachel 8-1 Also—Ourlc Pride, Jane Frisco, Wild- lr-Mountaln Butler P. Casey 10-1 •oo4 Lwira, Bardvell, Lady DUccyvtrr. Trackman's Selection* •V-KlniVoto C. Howard 3-1 JMD—Ftc«; 11,0001 1 m. Time 2.0*. t~Uayl\ni H.PaUadlno 4-1 J-Marry Parker I.. Puntollllo 12-1 [iteonl (Sotiuh) l.«O 3.» 3.«0 Thursday Drive is Aided 24-HOUR W.Hubbird 5-1 Also Eligible: rukM Todd ((Well) ... «.M 3.SO 7-Mr. Streak Kith Bandit (Zandt) !.« Maverick M. Martynlak Alia—Mr. BuUonwaod, Dutch O& t-Miia Mauawadox UAlotso S-l 4Mr. Tell Uuy Lind F. Jaeger olt, Chockayotte Guy, Zulu Quetn. TRUCK S-Reed'a Creed S. Joalofl 10-1 Vernon Mac leratehtd—Iavily Newport, HIJo'i 1 Mr. Streak By Businesses 4-CoM Spring Sam MTorok 11-1 «que>l. RED BANK - Five local busi "1-Trl.AMe G.Molnar 1*1 Seventh Race-Pace, Claim., 1 mile—Purse $1,000 DMbI< 3-1 PUd I1T.WI Senator Qua ness establishments have offered SERVICE 3IID—Trot, (1.000; 1 mi Time 2;M,1. Starmost Alto Eligible: 8-W. J. Counsel R. Munti S-2 •lula Bptclal (C.A'U'lo) 9.40 4.10 ISO 2 to accept donations to help send 'tppy Stringer (R.Jamti) 4.S0 4.20 Danny's Hldaway Frank Porter's Miss Alton D.Ward 2-Navy Blue W. Jacobs J-l teadfait (Zendt) 4.80 the Red Bank Tire Co. baselbal Crafty K J. Harriett 7-2 Alto — Right Sont, Clever Katny, Whir team to Wichita, Kans., to parti 7—Pegasus A. Thomas lack Lite, Salt Air, Mar Vern. S-l Splttlar cipate in the National Baseball Red Bank Tire Co. lecond Race—Pace, Cond., 1 mile—Purie $1,000 1—Sussex Senorlta F. DiGlrolamo 4TH-Pace; $1,000: 1 mi Time 2:09.2. 3 J-Sandy Marie A. Dixon 8-1 'rim Helena (P.Jonej Jr.) 4.80 3.40 2.60 Carlos Hanover Congress Tournament, of Cham- SHREWSBURY AVENUE 747-3404 I—Danny'a Hideaway M. Martynlak 5-2 Julia Cobb IHUEMll) 4.20 3,20 S-Kelly Boy P. Casey U-l Little Darlene P (Long) .... 3.00 pions. Open Monday Him Friday—8 to 6 p.m.{ Sot, to 3 p.m. 4-SanteU G.Molnar 7-2 Also — Beach Head, Bett« C, Lone- Bethelen 4-Clever BobbU Rae W. Page! 12-1 A committee has been formed C—Jarrettown Chuck J. Quiaa 4*1 ;mlgn, Hill View Pit, Noble MlM. Camden Star •-Chipper M W.Long 12-1 OTH—Pace; $1,000; l m: Tim* 2:10.1 4 whi<% is called the "On to Wich- 7—Prince Pence B. Long SI bbe Tonka (A.A'tkllo) 4.20 3.W 3.00 Pioneer Pick Abo Eligible: H. Hall [|>9 Clementine (Marrtnar) S.0O 3.40 ita" Committee, with h e a d - 1-Senator Que P. Hubbard 8-1 Wllla Quinton laptain'a Daughter (Cha>p'l) S.30 Jowen Discovery quarters at the Red Bank Cham- S-Ozark Red J. Shafer 8-1 Also — Adora's Blackbird, Cnlff Volstadt Stringer Bobby Star R. Hancock •|me, J U Minit, Llttlt Bur, ana4y ber of Commerce office, 5 Broad S-Starmost A. Abbatlello 111 [all Sprllt. 5 Put Put Putney «TH-Pac»: Ji.OOO; 1 m: Time 2:01.1. St. i-Roy C. Wollclen J.TathJIan U-l Eighth Race-Pace, Cond., I mUe-Purae $1,100 'adlan (T. qulnn) J.I0 4.M 2«0 Aside from the headquarters >zatk Dom Ifihafer) 4.B0 2.80 Indian Rocket donations may be left at Sher- Third Race—Trot, Claiming, 1 mile—Purie $1,000 7-Edens Apple B.Long S-l I'inatd aiar (J. Qulnn) 3.40 Sea Knight AHo — ••« T« Hlih, UoUnill Pile, 6 JeeyH wood's Sporting Goods Store, ; I—Dr. Spittler S. O'Nell S-2 S-PMtlme B.1JM F.Bavost 4-i Lulu, ahadydile Tom. DNF—Mr. Gordon. Broad St.: the O'Donnell Trave 4-Pflacess Hilda G.Uniftl 7-2 8—Carroll Norn J. Spanton 0-2 7TH-Pice: $1,200; lm: Tlnu 3:07. Navy Blue Agency, 144 Broad St.; Crate's t-Whiz H. Story *-2 S-Star of Gold G. Molnsr 5-1 Mr Corky (O'.Nell) ....10.60 4.0O 3.00 Sussex Senorlta Tmr Hermit (C.Abbatltllo) 3.10 2.M •T Beverages, 20 Bridge Ave.; g—Peter J. Tag £.Looney 5-1 1—Ray Creed C. Crook 8-1 FUJW Klni ic.Howard) 3.80 Pegasus C. Howard 1-1 2—Jimmy Wayne F.Jaeger 8-1 * 'lOr-Drlrt Alonr, Blue Cream, Fly* Leon's Cleaning and Drying, 68 S—Carlos Hanover Ins oooat, Chief Klcbird, Aldiln. Pastime Balios W. Gower 10-1 4—Rockmin M. Thompson S-l STH—Pace; *l.J00; I m: Tlmt 2:04.2. White St., and Red Bank Tire 1—Lucky Sue Nock'i Froety (Thomu) 5.«0 3,00 5.M Ray Creed J. Pollara 10-1 L. PuntoiUlo Co., Shrewsbury Ave., Shrews S-Misty Flight I—Fair Tomorrow 10-1 {Man 9amj>jon iHnbOart) 3.10 2.60 8 Star of Gold V. Manger U-l Atom rimt (Itarki) 2.10 bury. 7—Stormy Hour Alio— Bxmore, Brltht Froit, John D Also Eligible: . Ninth Race—Pace, Cond., 1 mile—Purse $1,000 Ncblett, Amoiaon't Eltlt, Ooldtn Oil- Duchess Joa Any fan who would like to Se Sam make the trip to Wichita with Darn Near Mine P. Hubbard 1-SeSame V.Kachel 5-2 «TH—Pace tl,»0 1 m; Tlma 2:09. 9 Topmost the team should contact Terry J—Symphony Bachelor B.Long 7- Worth OHn» (Myer) ...S2.4O 30.JO 10.W Fourth Race—Pace, Claim., 1 mile—Puna $1,0110 Model Way (H.Dincir.Jr.) I3O 6.«0 O'Donnell of the O'Donnell Trave 4-Duchess Joe T. Puntollllo 8-2 Initlnci Yates (Thomi>aon) 10.40 -1 /a Raw Hide Jim 8—Camden Star E. Mansfield 5-2 Alio—Dick's Brother, Podium, Ima'i Agency or Frank Porter of the 2—Topmost A. Abbatlello ., 5-1 Qal. Mailaml, Scotch Mote. III Susex Bearcat New Jersey Bill 2-BethelIen H. Sowash 1-1 Red Bank Tire Co. 7—Vera Quinton LAIouo " 8-1 10TK—Pace; 11.000; l m; McLean Byrd 7—Pioneer Pick H. Story 4-1 Rollon Gallon (Hubbard) «.» S.W 3.20 6-Jo Ann's Birthday E. Looney 8-1 Parky (A.Abbatlello) .... a.N 3.:0 - But Bet - 4-Vlcky Mebun UAIoaio S-l Rid Rocket (O'Nell) ...... 4.00 8-Dena Acres W. Zendt 10-i (-Kitty Ann Direct I.Lubar A1K>— Direct, Meadow FlHU, JOWEN DISCOVERY - 5th Race S-Frank McLean M-Torok U-l Duitr Prince, Llody'i Direct. Antl(ua. 1-Dolly Gatty No" Driver 10-1 IBS DOCBLE COMBINATION 4-1-M. 'AID fT.Oll.eO. ATTENDANCE »,J»1 1HE ANTHONY VONCORE 8—Thornapple S. DIGiroiamo 12-1 HANDLE niH.JK. MEMORIAL OMSSIC •-John D. McDonald N. McDonald Tenth Race-Pace, Claim., 1 mllft-Purse $1,000 Red Balk Recreation 15-1 MIDDLETOWN WOHENB CLASSIC W Wileos A Dillon M 10 DAVIDSON LIQUORS 4-rMcLean Byrd ... C, Howard 5-2 LEAGUE r • ' • w L. JUbreeht * WirSen 02 li "7-2 : 7-Ray Hide Jim M. Hubbard Buck Smith — .25^4 10 JUrlan'e 4300 CluB ,..22 M 2—Sara Z Ne Driver S-2 8-Janle Cash L.Lubar 8-2 Kubiriaji-Cyphtid J4 II "imftliMr * HoMrliiie n U Rid Bull Rooflnt ....1(1% 1514 amonfi Pharmacy - J« 1! «—Jowen Discovery M. Martynlak 7-2 8—Sussex Bearcat M. Hubbard 5-1 Twin Boro Rambler 19 IT Perry'i Trophlei 19 IT S-VobUdt Stringer R. James 0-2 S-Harlin Lassie M. Thompson 8-! Ifce Orate Cutter* .. IT 1) Hlddfttown Llnea ~".'~~Z.'' 18 Heel* * Trlpp i» 50 tr^jS'RARTftN'S 4-Buckihot Dale E. Ferry S-l X-BUlle M's Dream No Driver O1 Lawley Agency 18 IB Jruno * Actrre. „ _...'_ 15 31 Ulddtetown Travel Arency ....IT 19 P * M OleasKj J5 21 S-MlssMajesty'sUdy No Driver 8-1 I-4ULo's Request R. Hancock 10-1 Walker-Helnke 1«li 19! KiiB * Marx II 2« 1-Sutan Dean H. Sowuh SJ 2—Prince Allen S. Joslott U-l Otorr* Moore Construction lo 23 Zteek A Cleary ...- " 21 Also Eligible: " Jiaburt Hlddletown Na- tOO SERIES — Tom Skxmm 220, 1T5. 8-Second Fiddle No Driver 10-1 tional Bank 1 1J U 2(5'- US; Leo Zicek Ml, 1M. 20S - <32; 26 BROAD STREET 7-Put Put Putney E. Myer 12-1 Pointer Creed Klanlbutl Mlddletown Na- John Merrill 1», 110, 227 • SOS. RED BANK H. Smash tional Bank 2 .12 ' 24 HIOH OAME — Tom Blocum 245. 600 Club—Dorothy Kenner 114, 175, HIOH SEMBS — Tom Sloeum W. 20»—528; Alfreda MIcek ISO, 157, 1ST— HIOH TXAM OA1IX — Dlamonde FREE DELIVERY - 514: Betty Jacobien 141, 209, 202—662; Pharmacy 427. PHONE 747-3334 OR 747-3344 Wade is Aching Due for Physical Marlon ifoore in, In, 181—531. HIOH TEAM SERIESo — Penry'e 200 Club—Dorothy Kennar JOS, Bitty Trochlee 1111. RENSSELAER, Ind. *(AP) -, Jaeobiem 2M, 202. MO CLUB — Dodo Acern 212. Uo Jonee 300. Paul Atbreoht US, Sonny Quarterback Bill Wade will miss Aeerra. 221, Marv Pederaen 2M, BIU Army Call for Namath? »IITIDI.F.TOffN TBES. NITE Hile TIH. Oeorce Dillon 7». the Chicago Bears' opening Na- RCMHKB MIXED LEAGUE NEW YORK (AP) - Joe Na bama for the Jets, He needs a lajt Keanlburf, N. J. ^ A. H. 1 MAN CLASSIC tional Football League exhibition W L, COLD few more credits to obtain his Hlddletown Lanei. !ne -..2114 g\ rti. with the Redskins at Washing- math, the handsome, rich, bache- 1 Barlev'a Rietaurant Jfl^i 9 Cbnaolldated Fuel —....:. 4M.10 lor quarterback rookie of the New business degree. Boh Schmldt'a Four- _._1« 14 P&rrinl'e Teajn -«.. ton tonight with a pulled muscle, Half'i Cleanen -.15 15 McGratti'a Sqit^re Bair _. York Jets may be drafted into No Plans to Marry Prown's Store 14 IS Oslp'a Tavern - . owner-Coach George Hulas said Schwan ft Karpel, Bldrs 14 16 Harrlniton'j Team 4»».01 yesterday. military service In the near fu- The fun-loving star has no Carmine De Lucia Agency ....14 18 Cooper Electric —~ 4W.21 THOUSANDS OF BOTTIIS drrd, ture. plans to get married. H * H Oulf Servlcenter ,12 II Blue A: White Bua End Mikft Ditha, guard Fred Loula Ouerrlerl, Contractor 12 II Sculthorp Agencr nr.!454.01 CANS ON ICE AT ALL TIMIS. "I don't even have a stead; Dunn £ LandMca JO 20 J A S Plumbim __ ._ 449.30 Hageman, and rookies Brian The 22-year-old former Ala. Hlih Team "ieirlti'" —"" ilUdlitmra American Lumbttr 487.38 bama star has been called up girl friend," Namath told Davi Lanes 2139. ... UUUX8 — Ron OarhaM-IM. 201, Piccolo, Wake Forest haitbaok, High Team Gam* — 905—(13; Billy Kodrk(!i-3O3. 200. ZM- for a pre-induotion physical ex- Anderson of the New York Jour- Lanes 779. : 1:10. 11:15 1:31 4-News-MacNell, Presiman T H EAT R E.S-J 1—Low Of Llv*—Sirlsi J-News *-News-Floyd Kalber EATONTOWN MANASQUAN 4—Coll My Bluff-Some 5-Mlckey Mouse Clgb 11:111 VM ll_Newt-Martin O'Haro COMMUNITY- \LGONQUIN- -Ar Comfortably Air Conditioned * 3—Search for Tomorrow 1—Password—Game IJ-Wnofl Niw-CMIdren Von Ryan's Cipreu 3:00; 7:12; C13 Harlow 2:50; 7:05; »:M. 4—I'll Bet—Gome 4—Moffltnt of Truth—Serial 4:1» DRIVE-JN- 7-Fattier Knowi But 7-Wh«re the Action II n—Local Newi-John Tlllman Hariow B:1T: u:I3; OoM Nelinbor BR1EIXE WAGON WHEEL PLAYHOUSE II—Buckaroo K»-8uck Weaver %.» 4:» •>m 10:31. MOTOR-VUE- PREVUE 11:4] J-House Party-Llnkletter 7—Weottier—Ken Rabat LONG BRANCH Famlly Jewels 8:3!; 12:lSi Crack !r Minn Park, Mirfdhtowa 2-GulrJlno LJBUJ—Scrlol 4— Doctor*—Serial 11—Weottier—Vlvlon Forror the World 10:33. TOMORROW Tl—Dick Tracy—Cerluon 7-A Time for Ul-Sirlol *•» BARONET- RED BANK 12:3$ n—5 looraptiy—Documentary I—News—Jim Jensen BhtmndMh 3:30: T:00: 10:70: Me BRICKTOWN 9 P.M. 4—News—Ray Scherer III 5—Aitrobov—Cartoon Kile's Nivy joins the Mr Fore! 2:00; BRICK PLAZA- 7-Loeal News-Van Sickle I: (9. STARTS SATURDAY l:M 5—Newi MiriM* ot 1 •—Hy Gardner-Interviews Von Ryan'i Exprrn 2:00; T:20; 0:43 "LintE MARY 2—Leave It fo Beaver 7—News—Marlene Sander! FREEHOLD 1:00 Tl——Adventure POINT PLEASANT 4—Bachelor Farrier—Comedy IJ—Electronics at Work FREEHOLD- NmttlKIWBUUM SUNSHINE" 5—Carlooni—Children 2—To Tell the Truth—ronel . ARNOLD- 4-Ar.ottier World-Serial 445 Yellow Rolls noyce 2:10; 7:10; 11:30. 7-Rebui 7-Ntws-Bob Youn- What's New Pus.ycit 3:30; T:20j »:J5 11—Film—Cash on Dollvery— 5—Petsr Gunn—Mystery A5BURY PARK Aug. 12 thru Aug. 21 7—General Hospital—Serial 7:00 BAYHEAD Shelley Wlnters-W mlln. j_N,ws-Waltir Cronklle BARONET- 1:11 9—Keyhole—Dromo t-urm-Huntlty, Brinkley Zorbt the (Keek 7:30; 10:00. LORRAINE- • • Admission $2.24 and $2,80 5-Newi 11—Pioneer*—Drama >:U t-Sougy Sales-Variety LYRIC- Shenandoafi 7:10: *:lf). ' ' 1:» 7—Passpart 7—Documentary !—Newt—Douglas Edwards Yellow Rolls Royce 1:39; 7:35; 8:37. LAURELTON Phone 741.6073 2—As the World Turni 11—Yogi Bear—Cortoon DRIVE-IN- • Last 2 Days • 4—Lel'i Make A Deal 1:J» IJ-World History I S-FMm—The Magnllleertt Dope- 2—Edrje of Night—Serial MAYFAIR- Von Ryan's Express ' t:(Q; 13:20 T:» Wild on the B>ach 10:49. -"! hr., 25 mln. 4-You Don'i Sovl-Came I—Munsters—Comedy- Von Ryens Express 2:10; 7:35; 9:E0. 5—Cartoons—Children 4— Daniel Boone—Adventure XAVALtETTE 7—Young Married*—Sirlol PARAMOUNT- REX 5—Lawman—Western •—Film—Sliver Lode— Sound ol Music 2:30; 8:30. UVALLETTE- John Payne—»0 mln. 7—Jonny Quest—Oartoon Harlow 7:10; 8:30. HARRISON 1?—Cortoons—ChDdren , •-Film-Not of This Earth- ' ST. JAMES- Paul BlrcH—W mln. My Fair Lady 2:30; 8:10. SEASIDE 4:00 II—To Bt Announced "THE 2—Secret Storm—Serial IJ—Legtndi sf India COCUNGWOOD CIRCLE COLONIAIr- 4-Motch Gam* SHORE DRIVE-IN Whal'i New Pusaroat TiJO; |:IB. 7—Trailmaster—Weitern ll-«glrtoll-Yonk"" vi, Twin* YELLOW «:ii Von Rytn's Exprt.i 8:23: 13:00; Wild STRANIV- 4—News—Nancy Dfckercon t-Perrv Mason—Mystery tm the Beieh 10:40. Von Eyan'e Express 3:00; T:OD| 9:00 ROLLS- «:JO 5— Lieutenant—DranM FARMINGPALE North of Red Bank J—Sea Hunt—Adytntvrt 7—Donna Heed—Comedy FLY-IN DRIVE-IN- ROYCE" 4-Pllm-TII. Dark and Handwme 11—Museum Open Houif H.rlow 8:2S; 12:90; (educed HIGHLANDS Cesar Romero-W mln. Ab«nntm I—Celebrity Game LOEWS DRIVE-IN- 4-Hazel-Omedy Wmt's New Punycit 2:20; 7:20; 9;30. Harlow 9:25; 1:00: Qood Ntlthbor TOWHI 7—Peyton Place—Serial FRANK J-Fllm-Bltoer Than Lift- Sam 10:30. IJ—The Fall and Rise of the James Mosan—1 hr., Jo mln. I MinniMIDDLETOWF N House of Krupo—Documentary PLAZA- •7W02O VM 11:11 IINAIHA t-Hlm-tvat of This BarKi- Von Kyam Eiprm 2:20: 7:39; >;90. 7—Defenders—Drama Poul Ilrch-W mln. 4— Kraft Suspense- Ttieatre EAST BRUNSWICK 11:11 7—Jimmy Dean—Variety 4—Johnny Canon—Variety TURNPIKE- TREVOR TRKHOLD 13-Ntwt-Rotjert *>"< INDOOR-Von Ryan's Kxprnl 7:30: 10:11 11:10; Wild on Uis Beach 9:N. Banquet facilities i*mamv*y I}—Ingles Partf Todor ll-4eorts-»i)l»"Wol(l OUTIM)OR — Von nyan'e Bxpresi HOWARD 19 ROMI (My • rut Itai,: M 10:lt 12:JJ 1:90; lJilorWIld on the Beach 10:90. ASBURY PARK 542-0800 Daily doublt. 1,V) • Twin Coutlt. TotT. •—Ladles of the Preei 11—Passing Parade—NHbltt SAYRE WOODS 77HS«I 11:01 »:H SUIIli NXCi Perl Authority, Conselitialedi f—Newt onrl Weattier 3AYRE WOODS- HWY. 35 EATONTOWN Kmirkt futile Jmltt. •* CAMI IU Tpli. I—News—Jim Jensen bit 11 te HI. I. none 1231) NO 2-3100, 4—News—Frank McGee > \M Harlow 7:15 »:3S; Short iubjecle (Mlnori undir It not KmlllU.) 5—News 4-News onit Wealtter 7:00; 9:20, opposite Fort Monmourii 7— Fllm-Dongerous Charier— Wflutet 9 * 3} . Freehold, N. J. 7—News—Murphy Martin MENLOPARK 9—News—Wlngat*, Klernan Chris Wortlelrt-M mln. ll-Merv Grlffln-Voriely l:1» CINEMA- 11:10 2-News Von Ryans Express 2:00: 1:30: 7:10; 4-Weolh»r—Charles King 1:15 9:39. J—Film—Honky Tonk— 2—Fllm-KIss trie Beys Ooodbye- PERTH AMBOY Clark Cable—i hrs., 5 mln. ' Mory Marlln-1 hr,, 40 mln. AMBOYS DRIVE-IN- ^*tt EVERY FRIDAY, 5:30-9 P.M. ll:l! 4—Film—Strange Triangle— Slgne Hoiso—1 hr.. 20 mln. Cartoon 8:30; Von Ryans Express 4-Local News-Jim Horh 1:3); 12:31: Tickle «• 11:03. 7-Nlghtllft—Varlety 5—News orive-iN v-Sports-Clure Mosller 2:M MAJESTIC- LAVISH DINNER BUFFE" 2—Fllm-Wlvn Ntver Knew- Harlow 2:20: 6:05; 9:50: Olrle OH lbs Ctiorlle Ruaglis—1 hr.. 25 mln, Beach 4:32; 8:15. COLLINGSWQOD •••**•••••• 4:21 WOODBRTDGE mama Offering a sdtdion of 40 delldoui dliiics 1— Fllm-Lel's Make- A Mllllen- Edwnrd Everett Horton—1 hr., DRIVE-IN- Featuring. LOBSTER • SHRIMP • CRABMEAT 10 mln. Von Ryans Ixpresa 1:20: 12:15; Bat. * FRIDAY tla or the Villa Florin 10:30. * SMOKED OYSTERS • SEAFOOD SALADS • PRIME Mb- *SURF*SURF M9RNIN0) • HAM • TURKEY • COLD CUTS • SALADS • and the CM. LOUNGE 7-News 4:W School Board WONDBFUl PASTRY TABLE 2—Summer S«nit»ttr ' RESTAURANT > 4—Feature Film with our Home Baked Specialities 7—Prelect Know-Education r:W Wants New $4 JO per person TONIGHT 2-News and Weather > 4~Today EDDIE KING AT THE PIANO (Fri., Sal., Sun.) 7—Cartoons—Children "The Fobulous" > 7:1S Bids Taken* 5-N«WI 7-.M - The Board of Ed- NICKIE DON > 5-Survey of m» Arts ucation last night voted to''re- •:N 2—Captain Kangaroo advertise for bids for transport* S—Sandy Becker—rhUdren tlon of handicapped children to * QUARTEnVUMmtllEL \ l:li PHONE r Prmrf* Rceepffon S—Kino and Odle— -rtoons special classes outside the bor- NOW • 2 HITS ¥ FEATURING ) J.M ough. Bids will be returnable at f ViobM for atiy 46KJGJ? lY NcivtfiatcrMnUaUM AmcricanKouse 11—Laurel and HareV abb a r d meeting Wednesday -'CIEtORltQWRi tot r*teryeite« JACKIEHILL; Sept. 15 at 8 p.m. writhtJwftorybawdon 2—Love That Bob I—Comedy bUtribt«! FKEEHOLC NEW JERSEY ^ Oan llvd., Long Iraneh ' 4—pirrhday House—Children The Ed Shea Taxi Co., Sea•-nrive-iiM-- £ Your host, Pat —122-4412 > 7—Gale Storm—Comedy Bright, which was awarded a Nltcly From Dusk 11—Jack La Lanne—Exercise $1,100 contract to transport the ••••••••••• 7—News—Bill Owen' children, said its bid of $6 a day »:20 7-Gol« Storm-ContinuM was based on the belief all the STARTS TONITE! youngsters would be attending J—Jack Benny—Comedy £—Topper—Comedy classes in the Knollwood School, PLUS 7—Lene Ranger—Western - •Fair -Haven.- ,v ....:.„ II—Rocket Squad—Police CO^HIT f:S5 One of the youngsters will be «— News— Bon Wilson attending the Fair Haven school, lt:M JACK 2—News—Mike Wallace one will be attending classei in \** ^^^JilxUi^^a^iWUUJjggcv^^^^^ 4—Truth or Conseouences—Game Long Branch, and the other must LEMMON 5-Fllm-Tonloht We Raid Calols- Annobello—1 hr., M mln. be transported to Holmdel, Su- "GOOD JOSEPH EtfWNE^ 7-Fllm-Tlie AAelody Llnjers On- perintendent of Schools, Francis Joseptilne Hutchlnnn^M mln. 1-Code Three-Police E. Hockey.said. NEIGHBOR The company said the added C4RR0I1 B4K£R 2—I Love Lucy—comedy SAM" 4-What's This Songr-Game distances would double the cost. n—Star Theater—Drama The board will be reimbursed 1«:M 9—Farm Report for three-quarters of Uie cost by 10:55 the state. t—News—Edwin N-wman »-News and Wnltier I1-Carte«nsj-Chlldren 11:00 .• 2-Anily Griffith—Comedy ATLANTITHEATRE C ^-Concentration—Gome • Itictibifflls—Trl. 291*111) •-Family Living-Sociology ' 11:05 7-Newj-BIII Owen NOW • EVENINGS 7 and 9 11:15 1-Mack and Myer-Comedy Tl:20 76th Annual Fireman's Fair S—Wetropolltan Memo JAMES 11:15 SPONSORED BY ... 5-News STEWART 2-McCeys-Conwdy' 4—Jeoeardy—Gome S—Hall of Fun-Fred Hall T-Prlce Is Right-Came •—Fireside Theoter—Drama SHENANDOAH 1NGRID BERGMAN •1—Carroll Corbert-Chlldren TECHNICOLOR REX HARRISON *a«ifi taunt? MARINE NA VESINK THEATRE IIlBllMlls 87!fl751.— Winner 3 NOW THRU TUESDAY Academy Awards naroiust Anthony Quinn Matinee Daily at 2 U ASBURiSRIIRY PARPAK 11 WALT I "ZORBA the GREEK"


... MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE FAIR! NOW at Chlldnn Under 12 2:30 & Jl At All Tintw NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST FIREMAN'S FAIR 8:30 Ctwlet Rnsjnttf Stan Haw e* Sab —AM AT ANY— WALTIR READE . STERLING THEATRES ,2 , THE DAILY REGISTER AUTOS FOR SALE ' AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR BALE TRUCKS FOR SA1E IUSINESS NOTICES HELP WANTED FEMAtE HELP WANTED MALE ISM BUICK SPECIAL — rw 1MJ BUICK IX 8ABRZ Ifl»llK«l FUBNITURj; JIEMHISHIHO — Clbln CL&RK rttR BUS* BAL&& OFFICE— EXPERIENCED TK.WX 24-Thur«ky, Aug. 12, 196vta5 attvr n wsron. mu CHXvBoutrr — %-vm ttcx Permailftrjt pwitlon indtitfet. frocmt- OVER U - 1'ii **» SUrt, WO Rtduced. McCARtby ChevroltL Bharp. fl*due*d. UeCAiuhy Chevrolet. dition. Prlvau owner will itrraogt aijc-cyi>, «14Jit. WcCAJitty Ctu work; tcUizue* reiUfrcd. Ct-U 787- SI-U0L . C*J1 7«WJ»2 77IL Ing Mitt orderj, ms&iA&tnir>g xtcorda, SWUM. let. Sn-HOl. and i*rtim.rtnt periodic i^u«!n«« reporU, 1968 CADILLAC — Four-door Sedan de 18W FORD — Falcon Fuiurt, eiceue LARRY'S PAI1TON8 LOST AND FOUND condition. Asking 12.000 or best offer 1W1 CADlLiAC COWVIRTIBLE — 1M» 8TUDEBAKER - 12' Van, <*( light typing. Some related 'experfenci 1 Vllle Very good condition. All power. Black, A-l ihapc, all power, 12,100. door; iet» Ford, % rack: 1M7 rot AMD PAPER UANO1NO preferred. Five day week. 8:30 B*mSALESMA. N - To sell i"™ ™ '»•'- Muat sell. S25O or ben offer. Call Call 787-0(76 after C p.m. 842-3391. I/WT — Cataract lensa tyejlasse Call 787-M2I, alter t p.m. % rack, 8e« at 119 Avery Ave.. U>c 4:45 p.m. Please apply at Wheelocl terlau Jor Urge central I Ne1 w J«rl«y red case, between Rumson country after 8 p.m. 741-6387. 1961 DODOE LANCE 11 STATION WA< Branch. DRIVEWAYS, ROADS, AND PARKIN Signals, Inc., 273 Branchport Ave. lumber and millwork tfJ »' J"%J*H? Cluh. Rumson snd Fttlr Haven. Please 1963 XKE—Jaguar. White coup*. Ex- ON — Priced right. Call 1830 FORD MODEL "A" COUPE — LOTS — swept clean with our mobili Long Branch, N.J. tlve basis. Reply to "A.O." BM 520. H2-U00 Excellent running condition. Any otter 1987 OMC -^ Three-yard-body dam Red Back. call Rumson Country Club. Reward cellent condition. One owner. Low mile- over 1850. Call after 6 p.m. 8U-OO10. road sweeper. No lob loo large or to< MAID WANTED — Neat and person S42-3333. age Fully equipped, never raced. Sac. 1961 OLIMMOBILE — F» stalloi truck and inow-plow. Very rood cond •mill Reasonable, ratei. Cull M4-M2 able. For full-ttme duties. Sleep in oi tlon. 787-5528. MAN WANTED — As help1« on de- riflce it 8,300. 711-7309. wagon. Reduced. McCARthy Chevrolet. AUSTIN HBALY SPRITE — 1083, ex- or 8tt-0133. out. A private room with tetevisloi llvtry track. Must hav. drlv.r . llMn.«.- LOST — Medium Blind black and white 2911101 1 will be yours with Wednesday ant •hart haired male dost Skinny, nervous, 1956 CHRYSLER HARDTOP—Good rub- cellent condition. Ridto, heater, lui- 1957 FORD v-s — Pick-up. Bide ttoxei •BETTER LIVINO ' Prefer man with prevtom eiperlencs ber, upholstery, battery, bnkes, radio Eajre rack. Call alter 6. 842-0595. price »2»5. Call RemodellnB - Additions • Alteration Sunday off. Call 8424378 mornings o delivering appliances or (urnlture. Call friendly. Red Bank do* tag. Answers to CORVETTE—1954—CLASSIC after 6 p.m. Please call starting afte name "Boots." Reward. 172 River Rd. Excellent mechanically. Hurry. *185. OHIC2NAL AND REASONABLE 291-0553 Paneling - Plaster • Sheet Rock lor Interview. Albert Burdge 4 Bon, 5(2.1029. 775-0303. 1964 CHEVELLE HALIBU — Nlne-pai- Masonry . Carpentry. Wednesday. Inc., "A Clay, Red Back. 7«-OBM. 741-SMO. aenger station wagon, 155 h.p. itx, 1963 CADILLAC — Sedan da vlllB, air Call 291'LUS. DOMESTIC HELP — FJve day«, hours LOST — Fftmale collie. »Mft and white. 19S3 MDNZA — Convertible. Sharp standard. traiumUaJon, radio, lusgaEe MOTORCYCLES one to Btx. Reliable with reference DAIRY MANAGER rAtijwers to "Lassie." fUward, Cal conditioned, six-way seats, power win Reduced. McCAIUhy Chevrolet. carrier with factory-new guarantee. CLEAH CKLLABS. YARDS, OARAQEa flows. Reduced. McCARlhy Chevrolet. MULLER CHEVROLET, INC., Mato- — Have truck. Light hauling. Call after OtD 291*2026.' Experienced only. Opportunity to trow 747-0876. __ HEADQUARTERS FOR BMW'a — Tl 3 p.m. 7<1-2H»- with new dynamic supermarket, run 91-1101. MERCEDES BE.V7, — 1959. Eic»l wan. 568-8000. Rolls Royce of motorcycle* and to COUNTER GIRL — rountein, 8-2, si: days. Phone company henerita. good aalary. Apply 1957 OLDSMOBILE BS-Convertibie. Rood condition, low mileage, Becker A. 1965 IMPALA DEMONSTRATORS — Lainbrettas, the- Cadillac of mote FIBEPLACES A BPECIALlrY — Al Big W., SS Newman SprlnfJ Rd.. Red AUTOMOTIVE Ijotiy and motor. J20O or best offer. •" H. radio. 7752371. acootera. Boat, ski and Scooter Centei types of maaonry. CHARLE8 HOW&R 7U-00W Bank. See Mr. Robert Vignoll^ Call 787-4336. Savlng» up to J1.000. McCARlhy Chev- 75 White St.. Red Bank. Contractor. Call 7t7-«7B. AUTOS FOR SALE 11)55 PONTIAC — Hydromatlc. Six ne rolet. 291-1101. ASSISTANT TEACHER - For buaj EXPERIENCED — Two carpenters. Mn wilh pay and other benelits. 5420103 Blx-cylinder, standard transmission. Ex- hubs power steering. 12.000 miles, like 787-6307. after 6 p.m. Aflk (or Jim. cellent economy, fisy t" linndls, MUL- ni-w MULLER CHEVROLET, INC., 1905 CHEVROLET — Impala conver WINDOW SASH - CORD REPLACED cust-Navealnk area* $50 weekly. 291-041 Watawan. W16-R000. Ihlp, 327-V-8. Automatic, low mlleagi 1B63 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE— MOTORCYCLE — 196l DuclU. 125 cc Call LER CHEVROLET, JlfC, JMatawan excellent condition throughout, 741-3*611.Blue. Owner jrolnj? to Europe. $1,295. Low mileage, excellent condition S271 TELEPHONE SOLICITOR — No sell 666-8000. 747-1711. Call before noon. Call 741-4(118. Ing:. Saiary plus bonus. Call from youj BUOIiT ORPBR COOK — Excelli ' AU3TIN HEALEY SPRITE 1058 CHEVROLET — Two-door Impala EXPERT CARPENTRY WORK — Sp< own home, Call Friday, B to 12 a,m, CHEVROLET STATION WAOON — V-8, lull power. Cal] FORD 1957 — Fairlane, black two- 1961 CAPRI MOTOR SCOOTER 747-5069 year-round position, No phon« calla 1959 Power «u*ertng. brakes, radio, MONMOUTH MOTORS door SBdan, V-8, ntlck, good Urea. Ex- CALL dallzlng in finishing. Cabinets, panel heater. New tires. Excellent. Clean. Hwy. 35 cellent condition. 5664830. Alter 7 p.m. 842-163' Ing. etc, Oall 717-0510. YOUNG WOMAN — Over 14 Full Apply in person only, between 2 and 8 •41)5. 222-0674. 1963 PONTIAC. Catallna convertible, 11)63 CHEVY II. Nova four-floor sedan. and weekends. part-time. Counter Service. Bend re3um« automatic and power steering. Reduced. Reduced.- ATcCARlhy Chevrolet. MOTORCYCLE — 1064 "305" Honr! and photo to "8.F." Box 520. Red Bank. p.m. and a/ler 8 p.m. Howard Johnson 186i CHEVY II — Nova, two-door hard- . 2M-110I. 1957 CHRYSLER — *30O. Phone 9 to 5 dream In pink condition, many extras top Powerglide, radio, six-cylinder, McCARthy Chevrolet. 291-1101. 9(9-2554. 7 to 10 low mileage, can be teen at Holida EMPLOYMENT TELEPHONE SOLICITOR neduced. McCARthy Chevrolet. 2B1-11D1. 1958 CHEVROLET IMPALA — White 1058 OLDSMOBILE 88 — Four-door 741-0352. Inn, Kt. 36. West Long Branch, site HELP WANTED-FEMALE (CARPETS) — GIRL FRIDAY Eenaurant, Hwy. 35, Middlttown. convertible. Automatic, V-8. «75 or sedan, standard shift. Power steering, 5 p.m. S575. Experienced preferred. Wa>rrn friend); IBM PONTIAC STAR CHEIF — Very heater. Call 531-4696. .863 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE STA- personality, someone who enjoys speak ' rood condition, full power; new tires, best orfer._611-0308. TION WAOON — 1,200 mllej, standard BATCH MAKERS — tlo experience 1959 FORD — Four-door. Stick! Bod; HAIRDRESSER ing wdth people, never at a loss fo: neces3ary. After ahort trairring will re- WM. Cull ?.«.'"" ^_ TtfirTcoRVAirt COUPE — fladio. heater ransmfssion, alx-cyiinder. 25-montft OK MOBILE HOMES . Experienced, Five-day week. Closet words. Five d&ytt, pJu.t Saturday a-m., Ift52 PONTIAC Ca.ta.llna convertible, •ther extra.*/ 1.600 mlk-ii. OrlKlnu: anil ujjliulstery good. Tin's and engln guarantee. MULLER CHEVROLET Long Branch area. Call Mr. Adftina, ceive Ilbcrid hourly r«tta. Wllllnr to >ric« J2257. now 81757. McCARtny fair. "As la," *150. 741-2425. INC., Malawan. 566-8000. Mondays. Vlnrnar Half Stylist, Llttli work Jhlfts. Apply Atco Ceramics Corp. automatic transmission, power gtpennK, BUDDY TRAILER — 48x10'. Excellen Silver. N.J. 741-7780. 229-3333, 10 ELim. - 0 p.m. Hwy 35. Keyport. power brakes, radio, heate-r, *l,650. Chevrolet. 291-1101. 1959 CHEVROLET — Bel Air, blul 1H65 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA—Four iondltlon. Many extras including al 2S1-22I5. OPERATORS WANTED — For ne' REGISTERED NURSES — PracticaJ PONTIAC — Two plus two, 421spdan. , tour-door, six-cylinder, powei speed V-8, fully equipped, best offer. :onditloning. Call 787-7968. Healty Salon opening In Keansburg o nurses and aides needed. Apply Atlantic WANTED — HELPER — Experienced 1862 CltEVROLET, Bel Mr, wagon, r-.tpee'i. New car warranty. Wll steering, stick shift. Low mlleagi '87-3358. Highlands Nursing Home, 8 Mlddletown in bumper replacements Call 741-091Q., Inance. MUM sacrifice. Owner over whllewnlls. 747-2130. 1064 VINDALE 10x55 — with expand! Sept. 1. Call 787-1660, between 9-5 fo Russell Oliismoblle Body Shop, 100 New- ili-cyllnder standard, radio. Heduced, 1964 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE — Wall-io-wal) carpeting iq living root interview. Ave., Atlantic Highlands. McCARthy Chevrolet. 291-1101. man Springs Rd., Red Bank. 1959 STUDBBAKBR LARK — Four- Burgandy. Full power, air conditioned, and master bedroom. Kitchen wit CLERK-SECRETARY — For local p>v MCJ 1955 — TF 1500. Wire wheels, radio Ml CHEVROLET — forward control door sedan, like new. Call auto pllt*. New Urea. A real beauty. separate dining room, bath and secom eminent project, Shorthand and typin station wagon. Sacrifice. Reduced. Me 787-1127. See it today. MAURICE SCHWARTZ * bedroom. Furnished If desired. Whe: DRESS MAKERS APPETIZING MANAGER ar.d heater. Tor.neau cover. Good con- necessary. Benefits. Call 291-1444, fc Experienced only. Opportunity to jrow OltUm. Best offer. 747-8770. CAR-Uiy Chevrolet. 291-1101. SONS, New Jerijey'a nrlendHeat Dealer, new waa $8,000. Selling for best offe-l Interview. CHEVROLET 1664 — MaHbu convert- Ctiry»ler-Plyjnou», Imernatdonal Truck* Call 787-0476 after 6 p.m. OR OPERATORS with new dynamic Supermarket. Pull ible, automatic transmission, radio, 141 W. Front St., Red Bank. , RELIABLE WOMAN — For ironing on< company benefits, good salary* Apply AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE heater, power. Excellent condition. 10x50 FOUR—ROOM TRAILER — Pleasant, fulltlme, steady work. day a weak. Cadi between 5 and 8 p.m. Big W., 66 Newman Springs Rd., Phone after 7 pum. 741-2041. BIO W54 MERCEDES 300—Bert otter. Parfeot condition* Ca5 after A p,m. 201-1740 Bank. See Mr, Robert Vlgnoil. Call 264-6047. 1957 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE _ 741-7239 EATONTOWN DRESS MFG. FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER—With TREB MAN — ffixperleooal dimbvr? 301 cu. In. Standard shut, new top, knowlege of typing for small operation. For position of working loreman andk< Hrps, paint and rvgn. In mini condition 085 PLYMOUTH — Must sell tt> stUJe WANTED AUTOMOTIVE Write expedience and salary required salesman. Wag&s pliui comffnlaalon. C*U Best reasonable offer accepted. Cal •state. Used two months. Call between PHONE 542-3555 "AlK." Box 520. Red Bank. 787-6059 between 6 and 8 p.m. -8. 787-4605. ' WE PICK UP JUNK CARS — Usei DESIGN DRAFTSMEN — One for heat- I FINANCE YOU! parts for sale. Twlnbrnok Auto Wrec AVON BELLS IT SELF — Full oi SALES HELP — In Red Bank area. J PONTIAC — Four-door sedan 050 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE — All part time. Territorlcn open ror women General type store. Call 222-7747 or ir>fe. ventilation and air conditioning. Excellent condition. $295. Call power. Excellent shape. Best offer over ing. Call 747-0262 or 5(2-2235. who are Interested in having & good 22D-12C8 between 6 and 8 In tha evening One for plumbing. Three to five yearn' EVEN IF YOU HAVE 2 LOANS 711-0585 300. 747-5580. steady income. Experience unnecessary, experience. Call for Interview, 872-1538, lilf>3 C0RVA1K. spyder Coupe four- [961 SIMOA — Low mileage car, veiry Call Til-43*3 or write Mrs. JSfargarel KELLEY & MOilRlS, Consultlnj; En- Hjipnd. Reduced. McCARthy Chevrolet. 'lenn, over 30 tntlea per gallon. Good BOATS AND ACCESSORIES Gulotta. Box 190, Red Bank, HELP WANTED-MALE gineers. 201 1101. ul>ber, $425. 741-1184 attar 5. 1963 28' REVEL CRAFT CABIN CRUIS SECRETARY — Must have legal tx- MECHANIC — Mount English Sale MALK HELP OVER 21 — Steady work 1963 CHEVROLET IMPALA — TwoMERCEDES — BENZ — 1963, 220SE ER 210 Chrysler engine. Sleeps four perlence, salary open. Call Co., Ford Dealer, Red Bank. Five day with overtime, as helpers. Also main- CREDIT by PHONE door niirdtop. Hank will finance $1395 Coupe Here Is an original molor car Head. Galley. Many extras. In verj 747-3730 tenance m«chanic. Apply In pvraon, week. We pay hospital, surgical, and Estey Melai Products, 1 Catherine St., at J1I.60 a week. Call collect, BA J-7100 riven only 15,000 mrtles fn immaculate good condition. Cart be aeen Rt 2obfll' DENTAL ASSISTANT — In Middle pension. 741-8000. Red Bank, ONLY "THE COUNT" OF BRADLEY OA313 MOTORS, at. 9. Sayreville. condition. Black wiUi tan leather in- Marine Service, Se» Bright. *5,900. Fo town area. Experience not necessary, epior, automatic transmission, power more information call 291-3195 after A-O.", Box 620, ned Bonk. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC — Experi- YOUNG- MAN — Boma automotive and Creole! mlrodei, your credit Is oood end 1901 CHEVROLET IMPALA — White ence in , Chrysler products preferred. convertible, Mtlat sell, make offer iteertng. AM-FM radio white side- p.m. transmission knowledge msceasary. Must The Count Traitt Youl walls. Please oontaot Mr. Collins at EXPERIENCED SALESLADY — I Call Freehold Dodge, 46JOJ4. ba able to speak to people. OpportunUy NO CASH NEEDED Original owner. Excellent condition. 671- BENZEL-BUSCH, 28 Grand Ava, En24- - 195T5WEKS EXPRESS—Lapstrake children's apparel for fine «pec!aK 336K. 220 h.p. motor. Stand-up head, sink shop. Contact Mr. Wechaler, at 7*7 PLEASANT. BABY, OUTSIDE Sadei, to work for national orj^ntz&tlon. Ex- 300 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ood, W.J. Phone fi67-1400. stove, icebox. Sleeps two. Full: work. I>eaj era earrrf ng $3 com m IssJ on cellent working conditions. Write "A.8." CASH BACK FOR YOUR TRADE 1959 RAMBLER STATION WAOON - 4600. and up per hour. WirLte B&wleigh Dept Box 520. Red Banit. ______Four-door. Automatic. Low mileage. ,1963 BUICK LE SABRE — One owner, equipped with berth, Call 787-536 r 1750. Call after 7 p.m. $2,200. HOUSEKEEPER _ Live in. Permanent NJH-^lSC-1143, Chester, Pa. S42,>. 15 Ma-plewood Ave., Rumson. 5C6-8S47 pojllion. References required. One In 33' SEDAN CRUISER—Twin 118 Call M2-0306. MEN CHEMICAL LABORATORY 1IW CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE 11157 OI.PSMOBILE — Excellent condl» FilJtgship, 2-1. Both hull and englnea li Kerf, Ttaillo, heater, power-steering, 071- (on. New paint. Must ace to appreclaw. ext-'efleiit CWMIIUOII. Reconditioned ihli WOMAN — KtwwlftdK* of hookkeepin HOW MANX" HOURS DO YOU WANT TECHNICIAN U M2-3052. season. Wall-to-wall carpeting In lounge, and typing. Write experience anil ealax1 equipped galley, sleeps five. Will con expected for five-day week, to "B.A.,' TO WORK? 1955 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE — CADIL.LAC—1963 sedan De Vllle. White, Box 520, Red Bank. 988-0222 V-fi automatic. Good condition. Best r sider real estate property trade, $5,000, We guarantee three dollars Prefer 1-2 years'organic research ' ul1 powerl A real buy at $2,999. offer. Call 747-M89. Terms. 787-5500, The Klrwan Co. DENTAL ASSISTANT — Three days. experience or equivalent colics* Weekly Payments Rememberll If you HAUKIOE SCHWARTZ * SONS, New training, opening In research labo- '«CHEW SMI!) 1950 DODGE POtJn.DOOn SEDAN — fersey'fl Friendliest Dealer, Chrysler- Personable, local, young lady. Must per hour. work YOU can FIRST AND LARGEST SHOWING type between two olllcts. Own trans- Jnlimlted amount of hours. Make as ratory. Good advancement oppor- Impala Hdtp., DRIVE WITH Fins transportation. New tires. Motor Plymouth, Internationa! Trucks, 141 W. tunity. Full Powtr . completely reconditioned this month, 'ront St., Red Bank, 1966 MODEL TROJAN BOATS portation. Write, "A.Y.", Box 520, Redmuch as you wish. Must have car. [NO CASH D0WU1I flood brakes. Excellent buv for com Bank. This is not construction. Call 741-4019. Excellent company paid beneflti '45 MUSTANG J11.30 From 24"-42". Most models ready fo: Include profit aha ring. uter or teenager. $75, Phone eve< !HEVY,II — 1963. Standard transmla- CHAMBERMAID — Apply In pen* SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT - Hdtp.. Loaded •64 CHEVY $10.30 '42 CADILLAC $J.«0 lon, six. Power steering, radio and Immediate delivery. '65 CHEVY $11.30 nines. 842-1024. Holly Hll| Motel, IU. 36, West Keaj Must have mechanical experience. Over Iropalo 4 Dr. Hdlp. Hdtp., Air Conditioned leatw. $1095. Call 787-4363. FAIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS, INC. 1. aill after 6, 747-9728. Apply Personnel Dept., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Chevelle, Hardtop V-fl, Srarid. Trans. •42 PLYMOUTH $4.90 196* CORVArR MONZA — Coupe, auto- Foot of DeNormnndle Ave. '45 PLYMOUTH J9.M matic. Reduced. McCARthy Chevrolet. ,963 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTTBLE- Fair Haven 717-301 PORTER AND M!AHNTE NANCE — INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS 'MCADILIAC SJ7.10 Fury Hdtp. 291-1101. ExoepMona] car. AM-FM reddo. $1,395 PART-TIME WRITER Belvedere Sedan '42TBIRD $7.90 Tail after 5, 264-6439 THISTLE — Good condition, Intcrloi Steady work, with benefits. Must be '45 FALCON $8.90 Convertible, Air Cond. M)out three nlghta a week. Hours ap- sober. Phone 220-1415, 10 to t>: & FRAGRANCES, INC. Landau Hdtp. 1963 FORD OALAXIE CONVERTIBLE wooded, folding rudder, new mooring, proximately 8 P-m. to l a.m. Must 2 Dr., Automatic •o4 0LDS $13.20 Power nteerlng and brakes. Two extra 1955 RAMBLER (lacron sails, 51,000. Also used Wood SALESMAN — We are looking for a 800 Rose La. Union Beach, N.J. .10 VOLKSWAGEN — 1965. Low mileage;' 1858 IMPALA CONVERTIBLE — Red, 13' .MOLDED FIBBRCLA8 RUMABOU' and 6 p.m. ;ontractlng field. Will fully tram man 711-1M6. Bel Air, Full Power Vlllaoer 4-Dr. "88" Convertible xeDent mechanical condition. Call selected. Car necessary. Be bond able, low price, like new. — With 40 h.p. Mercury outboard. Elec- iEAUTIdAN — Must have experience willing to work evenings. Salary plus EXPERIENCED FLOOR WAXBRS — '64 CHEVY J1U0 Station Wagon '42 CADILLAC $9.70 671-2360. 872-0528 tric start arxl remote control. Fully Impala Hdtp.. '«CHEVY $10.90 vlth manager's llcenae. Apply In per-car expenses during alx-month training Ca.ll Sedan DeVllle, equipped, all accessories. J5OO. 741-f~~" Full Power Super Sport 1955 IJNCOLN — Need« iome work. on, Tony's House of Beauty, 81 Bright- jerlod. Increases commensurate with 26(-6Ml •U PONTIAC $10.30 Convertible Full Power »75. Call TRUCKS FOR SALE CHRIS CRAFT — 27' Corinthian. Sleeps m Ave.. Lone BrRnch. abiiity there after. Call 775-0703 for GE.YERAL liABORBR ^ Allao main* 747-0505 four. Dinette, galley, fully equipped. appointment. Evening Interview can be Catallrm Hdtp., '«] BUICK S9.90 •42 FORD $4.90 Two years old. Used 26 hours, phon VSSKMBLEKS — Experienced and In arranged. tenance helper who muat know nm Full Power LeSabre Hdtp., Galoxle, Full Power 1964 OORVAIR — Monza convertible. ATTENTION ALL CONTRACTORS iiperlenced. Uberal employee benefits •ough carpentry and masonry. Writ* Loaripacker— 20-yard Garwood on 1059452-4674. tDod worklnR conditions. Apply between •B.E," Box 520, Red Bank. •54BUICK 114.(0 Full Power '41 OLDS $4.10 Radio, heater. 12,006 mllei. Take, over Electro "Z25", '63 CHEVY J10.M ymenta. Call between 7 a.m. andInternationaa R 190. One only. This is a 24' CHRIS CRAFT — liipresa cruise and 11 a.m. and 1 and 4 p.m. The "98" Hdtp., Air Cond. y>roiksAl trade-In and exceptionally WAREHOUSE MAN — Apply In person. Convertible Impala, 4-Dr. p.m. 7il-4iU. "MINX." 175 h.p. Completely equipped. Lowan Controller Co... 26 Bridge Ave. MEN Little Silver Mike's, opposite KB sta- '41 IMPERIAL $5.90 clean. Call Stan, 747-0787, M. In the water. Good condition. Asking led Bank. •44 PONTIAC 113.90 Station Wagon --)' CHEVROLET — Impala convert- SCHWARTZ A SONS, 141 W. Front St., .lon. Little Sliver. Bonnevllle Convertible •61 CHEVY JI.BO Hardtop, Full Power J1.500. Will finance. Irwlns Yacht COMPANION — HOUSEKEEPER - UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY '61T-BIRD S7.K) ible. Whtle. Good condition, reasonable Led Bank. Works, Red Bank, IKORT-ORDER COOK — For luncheon- , '44 CHEVY $11.90 Impala Hdtp. mileage. Firm price, $930 531-OM3. Uare for semi-invalid woman. Two in !tte. Steady work. Call 747-88831 Impalo Cdnvertlbte '63 BUICK $9.99 Hardtop, Full Power .953INTERNATIONAL TRUCK—Model, 33' SPORT FISHERMAN — Twins, load. :amily. Six day week. Sieep-ln. 842-2721 jetween 8-10 a.m. or J-3 nm, I '44 BUICK $14.10 Skylark Coupt 1061 CHEVROLET BRO0KW00D — >13T>, good condition, dual wheels. ad. Must sell, Anldng $3950. Call 201. CALL Hwy 35, Holm- Riviera Hardtop '6) OLDS $11.10 Special plan for ser- Wagon. Reduced. Call McCARthy >rllone's Greenhouses, 787-7416. CASHIER WANTED TESTERS — Tralnie. Teatlnr lndtutrial vicemen, now take Chevrolet. 291-1101. el. 254-3430 '44 FORD $10.70 "9!" Hdlo., CHRIS CRAFT RUNABOUT — l¥i Ixperience necessary. Must bs able to 531-3200 :niur«] equipment. CLERKS — Produc- Galaxle Hardtop Full Power your car overseas Will take outboard up to 15 h.p. Just vork weekends. Apply In person: COM- lon, stook room and shipping. Expe'rl. financed anywhere MUNITY THEATER, EATOMTOWN. :nced or inexperienced, lilberal em> '44 CHEVY $11.M '43 MERCURY $0.6(1 AUTOS FOR SALE AIITOS FOR SALE repainted. $50. phone evenings, 8*2-102 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT — plftypft benefit-, Good worldnj condi- Super Sport Hdtp. Hardtop, Full Power In the world. Full time, espsrletietd only Apply in MUST SELL — Before school ,iarts. "BXPERIBNCBD WAITRESSES person, C 4 D Commuter'! Bervlce tions. Apply between S and U a.m. Windmill sailboat. Trailer and rtacroi 'ANTED — Must apply In person "enter, 47 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. and 1 and 4 pum. THE ROWAN CON- sills, $600. 747-2516 after 5 p.m. Shore Point Inn, Hwy. 30, and Holmde TROLLER, Co.. 23 Av«., Red OARDBNBR. AND HANDYMAN — ToBank. 10' PRAM :td., Hazlet. work tn Kumson, one day par week, With 3 h.p. Evlnrude. S150. Call after ULi. TIME, MEDICAL SECRETARY year round. Call B42-1166. after 7 p.m. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC—Tools and 671-0440 >r aasiatant—For Mlddletown office experience. Apply in person. BenetttB SPEEDY SEZ.. 3ood typing -required. Write "A.R.," Include hospit&llzauort and pension. M. 17" ECHO CRAFT — 50 Jl.P- Evinrudl 3ox B20, Red Bank. _____ ROUTE MEN SCHWAOTZ AND SONS, curysler-Fly. DISCOUNT CENTER INC electric, new canvas, trailer, watei mouth, 141 W. Front St., Red Bank. sklls and «4I equipment, JM0. 671-557' ROCTIO ASSEMBLERS — Ex- 'ULL OR PART TIME. STEADY perience preferred in electronic solder YEAR-ROUND WORK. NO LAYOFFS, RT. 35 (Cor. Spnngwood) NEPTUNE, N. X 18" OPEN INBOARD _ In water, 7 Ing, wiring, or spot welding. Apply BARN $102, CAR AND PHON( E RE- GUARDS h.p. Gray Marine, runs good. Boucht Hoa.gjand Instrument Co,, 65 Chestnut QUrRED CALL 462-1074. 'ull and part-time (or PINKERTON'S, larger boat. J3M or best offer. Call -t., Red Bank, between 2-4 p.m. Please EXPERIENCED FURNITURE MOVER ;NC. Good physical condition and ar- 787-4339 after 6. o not phoney - wanted for local moving work. Call for •est-fre» background. Auto amd tele- SAILBOAT AND SAILBOARD RENTALS UTCHEN HELPER — SH day week. Interview. Albert Buxge & Son, Inc.phon, e preferred. Steady employment. CLEARANCE — Used «'«Jlboats and Ipply in person, Brookdale Niirslng 24 Clay St., Red Bank. 741-0894. 3alary starts at 570 for ils-dsy »Mk, outboard boats. New LS-13, Sea Gull and lortie, Hwy 35, Haziet. with merit Increases. Uniforms furnish- Sea, Snark sailboats. )LD ESTABLISHED MOVING FIRM ed. Paid vacation and other benefits, MONMOUTH MABINA ias opening for trainee, Prefer man excellent opportunity for retired mlll- ALWAYS COOL PRICES WOMEN aver 30 with . prior truck drJvlns ex- ary personnel, 44) ./e;t St., Monmouth Beach. 222-3492 e will appoint two women over 30, perience. Call for interview. Albert CARRY CRAP ..SAVAGE Bat appearing, with'oar, to work local- iurdge * Son., Inc., 21 Clay St.. Red .. y in person jir phont..ft>r.- informa^ Boat TraLers •, five-day week, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. deliver- iank. 741-O8IH; Ion at oKice nearest you. 1M W. Front St.. 264-0430 Keyport. ig gifts to new mothers and explaining MAN — Pfl-rl-ttrae. Publisher seeking ON ALL OUR LIGHTNING — No-1358 — Excellent •arentg New Promotional Program, man to handle Interviews, on an ap- 170 Broad St., Rm. 120K, Newark. ssJlinj condition. Two sulU of lil •ermanent position. Names and ad-pointment basis, fn connection with a W2-3327, 8-5 dally; until 1 Sit Call after 6. 741-5035. ressea furnished. No canvassing. Sales iew educational program. Evenings, xperience helpful, but not neceasary. to 10; commission plu3 car allowance. 16 Bayard St., Rm. 208, New Brunswick. 1964 FORD V-8 .verage earningrs $75-$10O weekly. For !all Mr. Towers, 774-3487, between 8:30 248-0737, 9-9 dally; until 1 S»U 1964 CHEVELIC rsonal interview call 787-5816. imd 9 p.m. CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN V-8 MALIBU BLUE WATER MARINE ,?An Equal Opportunity Employer Automdic transmiulon. Twrnfoor hardtop. N WANTED — For Nursing Home. ANTED — Production workers. No Weekends. Vicinity Holmdel, For In- :xperlence necessary. Starting; rate, QRIDDLEMAN — Experienced. Steady Radio and healer. Special. Automatic transmission, AT MIHM BOAT WORKS Brmatlon call 747-2017 or.264-3Mfl. 1,56 per hour. Apply Stauffer Chemical Job. Call Radto, heater, power steering, $1595 "FULL 100% MECHANICAL MONMOUTH BEACH HAMBERMAID — Apply In person, 2., Lime Rd., Matawan. NEW AND USED BOAT SALE3 $1995 1 [uflt have transportation. Sunset Hotel, 'ORK—LIFT MECHANIC — Experi- 4DTO .toOHAmO — Must have, own rearaon »nd O'Day [wy. 35, Holmdel. _____ meed with leading fork lift firm. Pieas- GUARANTEE ON EVERY CAR Salllnc School ' dandtoora Steady work, five days. AN- 1963 CHEVROLET V-8 ,BGISTEItED NURSE — Or licensed .nt conditions, full Union benefits, -VERSON, INC., Newman Springs Rd., Sallboal Rentals. teady work. Call American Handling orner Broad St., Red Bank, 747-4S00. SUPER SPORT HARDTOP 1963 CHEVY II NOVA AT BILL LANZARO'S AUTO SALES" 229-5010 'ractical Nurse. 11 p.m. to 7 n. m. [qulpmrnt, MA 4-7977, nformatlon 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. River- IHORT ORDER COOK — Must bl BI- Automatic transmluiorir power TWO-DOOR HARDTOP rest Nursing Home. 31 Chapln Ave., 'RESSMAN — Heidelberg and Little iftrlencetl Cood hours and pay. Steady •leering, radio, bucket seats. Automatic tranimlsjion. — THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS— " •d Bank. Hant presses. Experience necessary. •ear-rqund employment. Apply m per- Radio, heater, Ilks new. 30' RICHAUDSON CABIN CRUISER 'UM/—TIME GENERAL CLERK — Steady tvcrl: for reliable man. COMion- . Palace Diner, 45 Monmouth St, $1995 1968; 125 h.p. Chrysler Grown engine MERCIAL PRES3, call 747-3611. ted Bank. $1495 1963 FORD GALAXIE four door tetjan, 6 cylinder, wlUi hydraulic reversing, Sleeps four; pply In person. Little Silver Mike's, enclosed stand-up head with sink and poslte RR station, Uttle Silver. CITCHEN HELPER — Borne experl- 'AINTDRS — Experienced only, t« standard transmi«ion, white. nca necessary. Information 10 a.m. to /nrk In Keyport area. Call 1962 CADILLAC vanity. Galley with sink and icebox, X OPERATORS — Openings during p.m. Fllvorcrest Nursing Home, 31 1962 CHEVROLET May be seen s-t Snug Harbor Marina to 11 and 11 to 7 shifts. Good op> Ihapln Ave,, Red Bank. 946-1275 SEDAN 1963 RAMBLER 660 Station Wagon, lix cylinder, Rt. 35, Keyport. Asking J2,ooo or pos- iortunlty for long-term employment, MALE ATTENDANT — 9:30 to 5:30 Autamotle transmission, power IMPALA V.» sible trade lor smaller boat. 212-770-3473 .11 T41-47OO. IAN WANTEP — Apply In person. Red Good wueg. Apply In person Brookihll steering and brakes. Four-door sedan. fluifoma+ie transmisvion, brown a^nd white. 8 a,m. to 4 p.m. :ank Spring Service, 791 Shrewsbury turalng Home. Hwy. 35, HazleL PBRATORB Singer Machines, ,, Shrewsbury, N.J. Electric wlntjowj. Automatic transmission. 30' RICHARDSON CRUISER — Sleeps teady work, Union shop. Little West 1/OOR WAXBR — Experienced. Pan- $2395 Radio, heater, power steering. four. {1,500. Call Ifg. Co., 225 Jefferson St.. Perth ILECTRICIAN — Muet be mechanical- Ime, full-time. Call 872-.U74 . boyi f inclined. Apply in person, Eatontown 741-3183 $1495 •elevJsion, fiO Hwy 35, Eatontown. BILL LANZARO'S 27' SHELTER SKIFF _ 185 h.p NewJOSMETICIAN — For northern lion- rOUNG MAN FOR DRAPERY AND 1961 CHEVROLET condition. 13600. In water. nouth county phairmacy having major PART-TIME WRITER FURNITURE WORK. Full time. LlcSnsi 842-1866. !ragranco and treatment lines. Must required. M. Sllbersteln, 21 MecHania SIX, TWO-DOOR 1961 CHEVROLET lave experience and attended classes bt three nights a week. Hours ap- 1958 ZOBEL SEA FOX SKIFF — 19' roxlmately 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Must St., Red Bank. Svdatv standard transmiulon. IMPALA V.s AUTO SALES Best otter over J25O. Can be seen at some major cosmetic companies. Heater. r«al economy, TWKioor tlordfop, power sleerlno. ila«ry will depend upon ability, degree lave car. Must live In Bayshore area. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER 334 Main St. 566-2224 Matawan Anglers Afarlna, Sea Bright. 222-2565, experience, and references. Send lame professional writing experience Call afrer six p.m. $895 Automirtic transmission. itter 6 p.m. esume to "A.B." Box 520, Red Bank. efjulred. PhonB 671-2250 between i 741-3575 Radio and heater^ 22' INBOARD — 145 Mercury engine, Ul replies kept confidential. .nd 6 p.m. $1295 with txallBr, A-l condition. S800. Cal [OUSEKEEPER — Permanent posl- lORDOVOX iOR ORGAN PLAYER to (More Classified Ads I960 CHEVROLET after 5:30 p.m. 264-3231. lon In good home for wdrkdng parents. ay in group. 261-4430, 1901 iUHRS — 27' Cabin Oraljer, 188 leP'ln, call 747-1102. alter alx. On The Next Page) NOMAD WAGON h.p. Radio, many other extras, Power steering, radio, heater* I960 THUNDERBIRD $4,000. Call 747-0980. Automatic transmission. TWO-DOOR 15' GLA.6TRON — Fiberglass, 1D6< Hardtop, outonatlc transmission. model, 65 h.p. Mercury. Fuly equipped, $995 Radio, heater, power itwrlna. elecf-ic starter, canvas canopy, sacrl. flee. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 741. $1095 4105. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY TRUCKS 22' ZOBEL — Hardtop sldtf wltli 10 h.p, Gray Marine engine, 200 hnur A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS 1 on motor. Motor and hull in excellent 1964 Volkswagen $1395 COMPACTS condition^ Rugged enough for offshore [Ishlng, more economical than an out- Pickup 1963 Corvair $1395 board. Price 51200. 264-3405. Keyport. 1963 Chevrolet $1395 Monza 4-speed BOAT CLEARANCE Adding Machines — Typewriters Entertainment Painting and Decorating 1 Vi Ton Pickup 1962 Corvair $1095 NBW 8 TO 12' ALUMINUM—Starting ADDINa MACHINES — Typewriters Tickets available for latest Broad- SLATE * BRVER at 36.9. sold, rented, repaired. Serplco's, 101 way Shows and Major Sports Events. Painting and Decorating lll~iIFG^25-jLD—EvlnnidfclrailerJ53IiIFG 5 JlBlJSdBKH4i^ 176 Monmouth St., Red Bank. Cab and Chasm 15' RUNABOUT—35 hvpv JOHnson-traile Fully Insured 741-4336 7I7-O3M S19S. 1961 Chevrolet $ 995 : 1963 Volkswagen. $1295 17' 1965 GLASTRON-55 h.P. Homellte Asphalt Paving General Contractors CARL B. JONES — Painting and Cab and Chassis 2-Door 19 hrs. $2,295. wallpapering. Fully Insured. For frte SCOUT 17' THOMPSON—40 h.p. 1963 Evlnrude GENERAL ASPHALT PAVWO INC. L. SMITH BUILDERS — Patios, al- estimate, call 747-3041. J1.125. Blacktop driveways and parking lots. teratlons. additions, garages. Cal] 291- $ 1960 Valiant Sed. $ 695 Call for free estimate 222-gm 1785 or 741-7330. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMB OR OF- 1960 Metro 495 IS' CRUISERS INC.—75 h.p. Evinrudl FICE with a fresh coat of palm or Step Van 4-Door SI, 305. smartly styled wallpaper. Complete SALES SPECIAL 21' THOMPSON-100 h.p. I/O Volvc Home Improvements renovations. Interiors and exteriors. 1960 Ford $ 395( 1959 Rambler $ 395 (Complete overhaul)—trailer $2,695. Auto Body Repair Spray or brush. For fres estimate Vi Ton Panel MANY OTHER BOAT VALUES HOME OWNERS—Contractor, altera. call DARRI. 264.0143. Member of 2-Door Sedan IN STOCK—Mercury and Homellte out EXPERT PAINTING and body re> tlons, additions, painting, masonry. A.I.D. Serving all New Jersey. BUY NOW AND SAVE! boards, Teenee trailers. pair. Moderate prices. McCARthy Small Jobs too. o91-971t. 1958 Chevrolet J695 Open Fridays till 9 p.m. Sun. 10-3 Chevrolet, Atlantic Highlands. 2M-O305. Vi Ton Pickup 1958 MGA $ 795 THE Roster VAN WINKLE MARINE Insurance Plumbing & Heating e US Hwy. 35 542-2342 Eatontown Auto. Transmission 1957 Chevrolet $295• ABILITY—SERVICE — Dependability PLUMBING — Heating and Bathroom V. Ton Rack BY INTERNATIONAL* MUST SELL — JUST REDUCED — when you Insure your HOME, AUTO, remodeling. Financing Arranged 16' Thompson, 30 h.p. motor, fully or other lines of Insurance through equipped. Excellent condition. S375. Cal ARMSTRONO AGENCY. 741-4500. CORRIGAN'S 1954 Chevrolet $295! NEW JERSEY'S FRIENDLIEST DEALER anytime, 7414146. « Ton Pickup i ; Ma,ny more to choose. 1ZI Oakland Bt Red Bank 74T-27M SAILBOAT — IT' Explorer. AJl fiber- Moving and Storage gins day oputs&n. Dacron Balls plus S Roofing, Siding and Inflation h.p. Johnson motor. AH llKe new. Sac- LIGHT HAULING - Furnishings, ririce l>300 refrigerators. Fragile Items. Will haul OLflEN CO.. INC. . Roofing. Siding £ '_JL ' 842-3501. anywhere. Call 542-1403. Insulation Installed and guaranteeguaranted 14' CROSBY — Flberglas runabout V»ars. 775-0705. cover, tiniler, 45 h.p. Mercury, caiv to M . 291*0 irols, Simltoard, 9'x8, O.L.K. Best of- Nursing Home SIDING - Alsco, Dupont Tedlar and fer. 229-5920. HOLMDEL NURSING HOME — Ac-Alcoa. Work guaranteed. FREE TOWINO credited [or skilled nursing home IS' CROWN IJINB — FlbcrElas boat, 1D3 E. Newman Springs ltd.. care. Hwy. 31. Holmdel. 016-4100. , PROWN'S 1958 Erlnrude motor, Just overhauled, Red Bank 842-2500 electric starter. In water. Trailer. Make 32 Broad SL Red Bank 741-7500 offer. Call 229-4430. Nursery Stock Auto and Track Rental AMERICAN- HOLLr - Named. 11.25 Rugs Cleaned-Shampooed a pot. HOLMDEL NURSBR1ES. BUSINESS NOTICES AVIS Bent a new car or truck. Low Newman Springs Rd., Holmdel. FLOORS CLEANED WAXED - Sk rates. Maple Ave.. Red Bank. 747- your home or office. Call 201-2437 Jir 0308. 774-5214. Dally 7 a.m.-10 p.m. appointment Work IniuKd/ Venetian Blinds Repaired Odd Jobs New tapes and cordi. piaillc or cloth Building Contractor MASONRY - Patios, steps. sld«walks, tapes. Stop lit today, HOUSE PAINTINO, carpentry, Res- Tel. Answering Servlco RED BANK HEADOUARTERS RDR BUILDER — New homes, room ad- ipnable Rates. 747-1582 or 721-6287. USED CAR LOT NEW CAR SHOWROOM PROWN'S ditions, basement and attic rooms, BE,?our,,">««'»ry. No need CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH • IMPERIAL 32 Broad Bt. Red Bank 711-7500 kitchens, garage, repairs and altera- Painting and Decorating h Ur W U St. 36 »i Monmouil) RrJ, Routj 34 VAiS * ° *™ " " INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS ATTICS, CELLARS CLEANED — XJarht tions. Herbert Jcigenrauch. 741-5201. WEST LONG BRANCH EATONTOWN haullnt;. Free esum&tea Call after 6 _.. H. HILL — Painter Interior and p.m., all day Saturday, Sunday. 7(7-3005. exterior. No Jobs too large or too S42-II26 542-1000 141 W. FRONT ST. RED BANK Diamonds Bought or Restyled small. Very reasonable. Cafl 320-1383. Wet Watch Repair OR0W1NO rjuKST Oall Ever Grt»n INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR paint- nm l CALL 747 - 0787 Landscaping. Alt phaats of landscaping " "" >'«. "pert mention to OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. >t us buy Uia diamonds you don't Ing. Also decorating. Our prices a» watches dunked In tub, pool or ocean. Op«n Daily 8 AM,»» 8 P.M. — Saturday '»il 4 P.M. Including malntflnance. Weekly, montlt- wear or 1st us restyls them for youchsaper this theirs. Call Muck Paint- 1/ or s«uon. T. InlermetolL 717-0811 personally. Rsmiilles, 3« Broad St ing Co. for free estimate. 74I-1B50. or 7S7-JJI0. azurtra?Kar BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE FOR SALE APARTMENTS COftWERCIAL REKTALS . TH£ DAILY .REGISTER Jhurt%, ku& 12, UKniRWBHID FOU H APART IXkXZ OR UdJt — VltVU. Rtusn- UXMT - Available f L. Oil abil. ButULbl* and toned tor ur busi- KEYPORT STORE ONLY 747/M77 ness. Tbree bfx ovtrhesd cloon. Amplt HOUSES FOB BALE HOUSES FOR SALE I SHELL SERVICE STATION 1BW UJXURY 2% ROOM APAKT. *rtlng area Call tlt-lTti. *XNT — rullr air. conditioned, sear RliD BANK — Hwr It, near MollI MONMOUTH COUNTY, N. J. IF YOU NEED FURNITURE • AND MONEY •Jl tnnsportatlon. 31 Leror Placa, Red Pltcacr Inn, one or two rooms, wKh Bank. Call 741-1063 or J47-5M6. parkxii fultaJble for proleulontj ol* BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME FOR LEASE IS A PROBLEM — VISIT FIELD FURNITURE TERRACE OARDBN APARTUINTB- Ice. 177 up See Crowtu Agency. 63 Unfurnlshed. 3H room, Auc. I occu- Riverside Ave., 741-403O. SPACIOUS GROUNDS JJJJ TW0-BA1 1TATI0N LOCATED IN PRIME RESIDENTIAL WAREHOUSE DEPT. pancy. Five room duplex, Sept. 1 oc- 2»000 £Q FT. LIOHT manufaotunnl K5lOHBORHOO5 D IN BBLFORD (M1DDLBT0WN .TOWNMU?, M.J.) cupancy. 7*1-4890. lofu fo.--lease Can be leased separate. lovely, modern Colonial home, located In the borough of Shrewsbury — p RED I.ANK - Brancn and MadUon ly, containing about S50O M. n. p*r i of New Jersey's tlneft residential comm unities. A perfect lr 4ealtne4 TKU STATION AVIRAO8S OVER 25,000 GALLONS A MONTH THE And Save! Ave.. spacious one tod two-bedroom floor. 7U-11O0 id well-bultt home. Large living room, dining room and nun parlor, two TEAA 'ROUND. garden apartment, starting at $110. Ap- rg§ Bcreen&d porchei. Kitchen and serving pantry. Secona floor contain* ply apt 24, Molly Pitcher Village Court 9.000 BQ. FT. — OROUND—FLOOR mr bedrooms, three baths, dretslng room and gunporch. Two servants' New — Used — Trade-ins — Floor Samples or call Mr. Sam Lom&zzo. 741-9115. FACTORY SPACE In Long Brandi. >omi with bath. Full, open attic and basement. Attached two-car garage. EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Call after 6 p.m.. 531-0700. II heat. Beautifully landicaped plot with unusual treei and ehrubbery. CALL -v Factory Cloia-outi — Return»d — Odd Stock TWIN GABLES - X RivejrilUe Ave.. NE STORE IN MIDDLETOWN SHOPJ e minutes to Red Bank railroad station and Garden Bute Parkway. Bui Red Sank on fiver. 3tt and frjur — Hwy 35. ^i mile nonh of Red Bank, •ansportatlon, schools and churches clomeby. Reasonable tsxei and malnte- rooms unfurnished, tire-room of Pee Next lo Pharmacy, Beautician, Phyal- mc« coats. An all-year-round home. Only 10-mtnute drive to the beach. SHELL OIL CO. Odd Beds Priced from $ 5 $10 DEPOSIT "41-2309. ;. 7H-5060. AT 1609) EXport 6-5537 Living Rooms $75 WILL HOLD . .. THREE ROOMS—Beautifully furnisher] OFFICE FOR RENT — 12px2O'. Lights, Sectionals $95 and clean Convenient location. Call Call Feist & Feist OR EVENINGS 741-S281, 7(7-8728. air condltlnnlns, heat all Included, 960 Bedroom Suites $« AND PAY AS a month. V. Arnont Building, 30 Linden Real Estate end Iniurance MR. TONNESSEN AT "•I., Red Bank. 747-M2O or 7*1-0321. P.O. Box 701, Eatontown Dinettei $25 LITTLE AS SUNNYBROOK (201) 542-4914 Inneiipring Mettrenei $19 $1.25 Weekly HOUSES FOR RENT Bunk Beds, oak or meple $3? APARTMENTS HELP WANTED MALE FOR SALE Odd Dreiieu 12* WYCKOFK RD. EATONTOWN pi to *1"5 Per 11 on in HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE J" CHOOSE FROM 10 LOVELY 2% roorna, (one bedroom) THJC SERO AGENCY QUALITY CONTROL WORKER—Pro- Four roomi, (two bedrooma) Mlddletown S12.O00 C«fc» control work. Experience not ner 40 YEARS Studio Cou'hei 4 Sof. Bed. 159 Cancelled and Uied furnletied-unfurnlsherl 67X-lfKK) HA Homes For Sale Three-bed rantn, two-story house. Oil ess&ry. Must b« dopendaWe and high It a. loriff time and we're proud of It Hollywood Bedl $39 3 Room Outfits heat. Low taxes. (1.1. no down. F.H.A- ichooi graduate. Apply ATCO CE- Sfive during our 40th Anniversary Sale. Free Heat and Hat Water WIL>S SKUDCT1ON «F KENTALd - S35O down. J100 monthly pays all, in- RAMICS CORP., Hwy. »5. Kcyport. Refrigerator $59 D.V-J *>— 117K Furnished and unfurnished. Jmtnedl' WHITE ALUMINUM norm and icreen 747-0100 5.2-3R23 ftte cccupencr- 8AMU1GL. T£1CH1£11 AS IS-ALL CASH-' cluding taxes, to all qualified buyer*. windows $11.44. Count the number you Odd Chain $10 Priced trom * 17&. DIRECTIONS: From Red Bank; Route AQENCY. Oceanport Ava., Oceanpart. 112,900 need and save BIO money NOW. 33 to.Wyckaff Rd.. turn left on Wyckoff 512-3500. Tnrpe-liedrnnra ranch. Gas heat, ex- AND MORE — LOTS MORE SAVE Up to 6ff% Rd., approximately 400 ft. to Sunny- NO FHA FINANCING pansion attic with dormer. V.A. no PROWN'S brooic Apartments. RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY — down, F.H.A. JiOO down. 5103 monthly MAINTENANCE ThrtR or four-hrfirnnm Fplll -IVi l^Rth 2 Fnmlly-.HI Full/in Bt. 3Z Broad Bt. Red Bank 741-7500 FREE DELIVERY For Appointment OCE ANPORT—V nf urnlihed 3 "A mom H EllrabteUi—?8,100. pays all to qualified buyers. FIELD FURNITURE and halh, second floor. l!*>at »ii[>plled. at Inched fc&rage. On lirge lot In 35-192879 166 Broadwny $15,500 MECHANIC KITCHEN CHAIRS RECOVERED - and call Call U7-mi days, 5129215 nlthti, after dletown. Call S91-ft«>0. E.R. 8NYDER * Keyport—J10.425. Three-bedroom, five-year old ranch, Dinette lets and bar stools, Monmotith 7-11 E. Fron» S». 6 p.m. CO., Rpiiltora, 135 First Ave., Atlantic 33-19MM 20 Appleton Ave. full basement, No down payment re- Dinette, 116 Monmouth Bt.. Red Bank. FREE. STORAGE 264-3020 Highlands. quired. Excellent opportunity In a new 741-8833. Keyport, N. J. RED BANK—Button Pitrk Apartments. Leonardo--$10,M», HOUSE — Six rooms, in MatAwan. 35-197472 832 E. Henry St. $1B,IK)O plant for & man preferably with Branch Avenue. 3 ft 3H room apart' Three-bedroom Colonial, recreation «omt iDdu»trial maintenance and FILE CABINETS — Gray steel. Tw. Op.n Monday and Friday — 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. meat. Rent Include! tii'utimiei except Near Btralhmore ahopjilng area. C LMf.n-J13.noo. electrical experience. Ability to read drawers, one with safe and storage. eltctrlclty. Call auperlntendent. T47-2685. venlent bus »ervlce to all points, north 35-193S55 238 Rockwell Av?., oom, laundry, low taxes, immediita ^ print* and ~ weld helpful. Good Excelem condition. 747-1442. Tuasday, Wadnaidey and Thuriday — 9 A.M. to » P.M. and soutti. 5S3-13*1, between 7 and fl:3« LIFK Branch—Si1,000. jccupuncy. •UrtJnj i&Ury, advancemeat, pita RAR1 RIVERFRONT HND — Three p.m. 352-006128 177 Stale Bt. ' $ NnKlti. REASONABLE Saturday — 9 A.M. to S P.M. rooms, furnished, all utLlltlei. 229-0618 Perth Amboy-H3,tHW. Four-bPflrDnm split, el gilt yean old, liter 6 p.m. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Four bed 362-00(910 1029 W. Fifth St. two lull baths, O,L mortagage may ba Is what folks call RED BANK LUU roonif, garage. Newer home. $175. Call assumed. Apply In perion or call BUR'S policy, and you will linS in SPECIAL TERMS TO: HIOHLANDB — Four roomi, after 5 p.m., 2»1-3DM. P]alnfleld-U*,500, 394*8700 to arrani* Interview. to on either small or larffl purchaiei. • World WYMENT AOENCY. Jerry windows, at a low, low price. Our 14R0 f)cpnn Ave., Sea Bright S42-0O0. BANK REPOSSESSION Qualified Parioiinel For Quality Orders 9 p.m. scopes together for easy installation famoui Jerry Aluminum storm end Weekly or monthly MM. NAUTILUS M0 Broad Loin Branch 22W717 Complete with fitting! except fUg. screen windows, triple track, only 3 for APARTMENTS. Ola! 642-0505, U""PILVER - Completely fur HA will pa/ rtaionabla and SKINDIV1NG EQUIPMENT — Com- 20" - $ CS|3(.B9 INSTALLED. That's REAL value. BEACON BEACH — Modern, Tlve-room niched hounc. Tliret beciroomK. twn VETS NO DOWN FULLER BRUSH CO. plete outfit, Including wet suit. 21V .. .,_ " $102 apartment, two bedrfir"Tn8. S125 plm a ths. All appliances. Near school, Call :ustomary financing and clos- A chance ot a lifptlme to huy two-year 711-3215 30" 4125 electricity. Call 787-M34. •Id. three-bedroom spilt, recreaiion Have opening! for fall and part-time PROWN'S ng costs. FUKNISHED COTTAGES — For rfnl oom. garage, a .very choice location. men and women. Earn $3 per hour. STILL $2 etc. up to 60'. See us on all kinds o 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-1500 RED BANK — Three rooms and bath, sewere, two blocks to bus. Bank hai interested, call 747-»«» or 787-3298. [lags, t>anners and pole acccmorlei Unfurnlnhed. Private entrance. Avail' __ acliool term. Teachers preferred, 352-O2SSH 9 Ouldrn at. Yei. wo still charge only $2 per win BABY CARRIAGE For appointment, cull 291-154*. Cllfrwood-J13,325. one left, will BPI! illrectly to you dow to Install our combination storm able Aug. IS. Call after A p.m. 741 at reduced price of $17,500, ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY RED BANK LUMBER CALL 5243 RED BANK — Three or four bedroom 3S-193IS1 lfl Lillian Dr., Kpert order A applicant our speciality. and Hcreen windows. Expert Installers HulPt—«1T,1OO. 33 Whit* St foirewflbury 747-34M that have the know how, too. Savel Corner Fearl and Wall Sts.. Red Bank HIOHIiAKt>3 — Furnished, large living home. Living room, kluhen, family ALREADY F.H.A. APPROVED 741-5500 TAPPAN <1A8 BAKOE - - • Purchased, room, bedroom, kitchen, bath. Private room. RH-rage. Convenient location. II6B 35.213J1S 30 Bylvla Terracf A rarp buy la youra If you hurry. O0UFL3S — To operate motel apart- PROWN'S ,The Low Overhead Lumber Yard but never used, $140. Call entrance, flrrt Floor. $70 plus uMUUe month. THK MCGOWAN AOENCY MMrllBlown—I1S.1M. Three-bpdrooni lovely ranch. One extra ment houae. Free furnished apartm«nt 671-2923. Rank. 747-3000. 3S-20TB51 8/9 Oak Hill Rd., large room In attic. All modern throush- Slum falary. Must be capable of doing 3J Broad St. Kjl Bank 741-T50O FRUITWOOD BIRCH CABINET — Wlttl 5(2 (M< Mldiiltlown—t.10,100. out. Very nlca location near every- aM maintenance. CftU .229-0200 for HIOHCHA1R — And four-drawer i antique copper hardware, 72" sink-base THRE&—ROOM APARTMENT — Sec-OCEANPOR1 T — Th ree-bedroom split 852-011127 1016 Orasimtre Avs. thing. • " • • appointment. Excellent condition Best Dffer. wltii bread-nx>x. 24" base. 42x30" ooun- MACHINERY FOR SALE ond floor, unfurnished. Centrally lo- level, l ^ bathfi, attached garage. Avail- Ocean Twp.^(l6,0OO 291*471 terbaoe vrilti Formica, top. Xftree wall- cated. Red Bank. All utilities, 741-12M. able approximately Sept. 5. Unfur< 352-010007 1 Ijocust St. ONLY $13,000 -•OHOOL BUS DRIVERS — For fall cablnou. Value: Over 1400. Asking 1204. nished. $160 per month. Security re- Old-Briait-JlS.gW. Vets no,down. F.H.A. only 5400 down. term. Apply In penon. It. HeifncH A BLUB Lustre not only rids carpets M4-51TO (JRAVELY TRACTOR EQUIPMENT — KEYPORT — Thre< big roomB and quired TEICHER REAL ESTATE KJ7 per month pays everyihfng. gone, Lintel Av#, West ICrtanstnirg of sotl but leaves ptfl» soft and lofty. Excellent condition, CO gallon sprayer, bath. On bay, center o[ town, Refrigera- AQENCY. 237 Occfuipurl Av«., Ocean- tor-freezer combination. All utilities, No Rent electric nhampooef, J1, Bhore CASH COUNTER rotary plow, slokle bar, large roller and port. 542-3500. ,5-21027. BEACH AGENCY Drapery * Upholstery, 1U4 Ocean 10', good oondltton. Make offer. cultivator. Original cost, (800. Reason^ children, no pets. Immediate occupancy Ave., Sea Bright. 284-1400. RENTALS BROKER 291-2300 able price. Phone 842-0610 between F. A, GEHLHAUS, REAL ESTATE 352-019878 ^ MornlnKslde PL, Port 1400 Rt. 35 Mlddletown, N. J, SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS and 7 p.m. MODERN FURNISHED 2H ROOM 291-0488 MoninouOi-llD.BW. 671-2727 YOU'LL NEVER YOU GUESSED IT APARTMENT with private entrance. 10 June St., Daily to S p.m. Bat. A Bun. to S p.m. '* Hot den of a. college degree are Invited On lovely grounds. Rent reasonable, LONfl BRANCH — Garage apartment. All payments are approximate and buy a quality storm and screen com Prown's has* the largest lelectlon of MERCHANDISE WANTED Uptown section, Unfurnished. Two bed- to adi their namei to the substitute bin at Ion window for any less. $3.4* 01 Rummer lurnlture, garden supplies, 222-3481. 352-0110,1 31S uX rJen«ch-^l!,325 subject to VA-FIIA approval. teaobtr Hit at Freehold Regional High WHITE ALUMINUM (11.44, during OUi moth preventatlves, awnlnga. Get In the rooms living room, kitchen, bath, School. This li an opportunity (or you 40th Anniversary Sale. mood today and be sure of the lowes PIANOS and musical Instrument Long Branch laundry room. Available approximately ,,,„,. 13 Hmt 8t. FOIl THE MODEST FAMILY — W« to me your edueition and b« & gervice prlcci for Quality merchandise. wanted. H. Tenzer, 306 Ualn BL, Lake- FORT MONMOUTH Sept 1, 1965. IM per month. TEICHEIt «•*"'•» Union Bnch-115,100 olfcr thin three-bedroom, on« bath, to children. For detalli, pleain write: wood. 30J-2190. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 281 Ocean J r Wederal Hoiialnjr. Administration, 10 STERLING THOMPSON PAINT SPRAYER — 1 h.p.; eander- Living room, kitchen, bath. Unfurnished lommerce Court. Newark, N. J WAITRESS OR WAITER grinder; cutting torch; regulators; er, J45. Call 284-0315. T41-19S9 after 5 p.m. Two blocks from public beach ilaphonp: 645-346S. Mlddlelown. N. J. 201-747-M00 EXPERIENCED ONLY MAHOGANY BREAKFRONT, $75-Hl(le- Science kitchen ' except for range and refrigerator. Im- CALL 872-1713 FOR APPOINTMENT hoses; nuts; bolls; pipe and electrical USED PIANO — To start beginner. One-site parking mediate occupancy. *135 per month. >RICE REDUCTION .... MUST And Aafloclfltes-ReaHors fittings. HL25. Call T47-O447. a-bed sofa, $06, Formica kitchen set, Must be cheap. Call Security required, TEICHER REAL ES- 1ELL. Four bedrooms, two baths, llv- JUST LIBTEI>! — Artistic rlnch horat, PBRMANXNT — Ctvurch orjanl*t-cho*r 530. Must sell. Beat offer. 747-OS33. 462-1730 nj{ room, recreation room, basement, included In many trtes. Plot 12S'l2O2'. WALLPAPER your room ror J19.70, ELMWOOD GARDENS TATE AGENCY, 28T Oceanport Ave. Foyer. Living room 21'xH1 ivlth Colonial director. Two Bunday senices. Man labor and materials complete. Frlce 240 Long Branch Ave. (Corner JoMne) Oceanporl. 542-3AO0. _^_____ .nri garage ... lor the family In preferred. Church of "Hie Holy Com- coven $ single rolls wallpaper and ANYTHING leed n( room, but on a low budget. ptinelefl fireplace. Formal (lining room. munion, Flair Haven. 747-1571 or 741*0183 you could imagine in window shades L 8upt. 229-50M RANCH HOME — Excellent urea. )nly $18,800. (and leave ths financing Deluxa kitchen, e-ltctrlo range, dlsri- naper hanger % labor. Larger rooms PETS AND LIVESTOCK Three bedrooms, fireplace, tiled bath. washftr. Breakfast area. Threa twin dliRhtly nighter. KLARIN'S, 26 Mon- right here, from a low priced plain MAS3AR-8ILVER mouth St.. Rod Bank. 747-3838. shade to a scallop and fringe shade In J176. 8CHANCK AGENCY, Realtor. 8 bedrooms. Two tiled baihs. Basement SITUATIONS WANTED - Female tha latest decorator colors and patterns." ADORABLE COLLIE PUPS — AKC Aabury Park 7TV4300 Linden PI., Red Batik. 747-0397. ' STERLING THOMPSON Ramerooin. Two-CHr garago All beauti- Registered. All colors, sable and white, Eves, and Sun., Marc Maasar. 631-2911 fully decorated. TRANSFERRED OWN- BiS SAVINGS NOW In stock, no waiting. We stock shades tricolor, and blue merle. Five weeks OCEANPORT — Immediate occupancy. Anrl Associates-Realtors BHIRT8 — Washed a.ivt Ironed In my to 72" wide. Llttln ur no waiting. RUMSON — UnfurnlBhed four-room Three-bedroom ranch. One-car attached ER ASKINO 531.000. STANLEY K. home. Will pick up and deliver. Call during our 40th ANNIVERSARY SALE old. Call 462-4221. bath, apartment on grourld floor. Ten- Mrfletown, N. J. 2O!.7«7-56Ofj DOWNS, Realtors, 8hre»-s.bury. 7JU017. garage. Unfurnished. $150 par month. tlVKR PLAZA—Two hertronrru, IHnch T8T-193fl. Lamp shades and lamps drastically re PROWN'S AIRDALE—Pedigreed, all papers. One anLs supply heat and utilities. Available TEICHER REAL ESTATE AGKNCY. TOUR—ROOM CO—OP — Oil Heat. riuced. Giant savings on Interior and to adult couple only, September 1. ?53 pe. Kxpanslon attic, large corner MEDICAL SECRETARY — Dictaphone. 32 Broad Bt. " Red Bank 7«-7M0 year old. All ehots. Good pet Needs 287 Oceanport Ave., Oceanport. 542-3500. Must sell. t exterior paints. Storm and screen win home. Best offer. 747-B77O. monthly on lease. JOHN L. MINUGH )ot. Excellent condition. Many extras. M2:Wf5 Wilhes part-time employment. An. rtows in white, at lowest prices ever. HAMMOND CHORD ORG-AN — Ebony owner, phone 842-15O0. _ • SEA BRIGHT — Four roomi In rlu. mmedlate occupancy. Principals only. town area. Call 787-0606. finish. Black tufted leather lounge chair POODLES — AKC reglitored, home- plex. Ideal for couple nr retired. Y;tLT :ll 872439H with ottoman, Botli excellent condition. bred. Sire a. Show dog, Very reason, LONG BRANCH — Uptown , steLlui. round. Phone 842-31M after 6 p.m. (More Classified Ads WOMAN WILL DO IRONING — In PROWN'S able. Beluie 8. WI1 8-9U1. After 5, Furnished Hrat floor apartment. Living IEW SHREWSBURY COLONIAlv-Ex own home. Reasonable prices. Call .12 Brnarf St. R-d Banlt 741'TJOO WE 8-2573. room, kitchen, two bedroom*, bath. Use LONG BRANCH — Center ot town. fellent condition Four bedrooms thre On The Next Page) 12 OAUOB PUMP JC HIQalNS SHOT- GARAGB SALE — Variety! Nearly of twr>-ea.r garage. Immediate nrriipan Immediate occupancy. Two-story dwell- ilthl, lirgo rooms, t27,50O. J<7-5380. i;:0NINO DONE IN MY HOME - AIM GUN, Argus aqualung and mask, mis. new boat otove, hook, canv&a, mesh GOING AWAY? cy. Ail vtfltUei Included. 1125 per ing, unfurnished except electric range, «pert alteration!. WIU pick up and cellaneous power tools. Call after 6 p.m. drop screen. Small oil stove, summer Boarding, bathing, grooming. month. TEICHER. REAL ESTATE oven, and refrigerator. 2M> bedrooms, deliver. 872-1813. 787-8307. rugs, garden tools. ChHd'a high chair, BRIGGSON KENNELS, 741-3310. AGENCY, 287 Oceanport Ave., Ocean* bath, living room, dining room, kitchen. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE large wooden wagon, etc. 96 BouLh pori. 542-3500. J115 per month. TCICHER REAL ES DEPENDABLE L.M>Y WANTS WORK DESKS (15 up. FILES, UD1« Chairs. St., Red Bank. PONY — Three years, untrained BEST TATE AGENCY, 2B7 Oceanport Av« OFFER OVER $50. Call LONG BRANCH — Uptown section. [or Thursday* and Saturdays. Call T41- addlnK machines, typewriters, office 787-6085. Oceanport. M2-35O0. 01S1 evenings alter 5:30. equipment, etc., at bargain prices. Mew B*urnlshed necond floor apartment. Ll or used. AAC DESK OUTLET. Ht«. NEW GUTTER PRICES Ing' roam, beiiroom. kitchen, t>ath. A MATAWAN — Four-bedroom furnlshei IRONING' 39, Oakhurst M1-3SD0. and they are lower—027 and 032 whit ABC K&NNfcLS utilities Included. Immediate occupan- house. One acre, trees. Secluded. Ni DONE AT HOME or mill finish.--Wet-have- gutter In stocl residential ares, 2&1-3885. 16'-21" and 3d'. All access or lea In For Gernrah shepherd and mlnlatu: cy. ~f90" p6t month'." "'TETCHER"KJC7.£I 141-6218 SEPTIC TANK stock. Fie a eatlmatea. Call today. collie pupa, where all breeding stocl* ESTATE AGENCY. 287 Oceanport Ave. WEST LONG BRANCH — Partially Septic tank—cesspool clogging can now la X-rayfirt and normal. Quality pups at Oceanport. 542-3500. rurnlshed bun-galow. Llvrlng room, two SITUATIONS WANTED - Male he prevented! why wait for trouble? PROWN'S reasonable prices. Inoculated, wormed, RED BANK — Available now. Nea.1bedrooms, bath, kitchen, Immediate One treatment lasts a ful year. Stop ID health guaranteed. Outstanding tempera- playground. Three-bed room apartment; ocoupancy, JJW per montti. TEICHE 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 ments. REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 287 Ocean- RETIRED GENTLEMAN WISHES and pick up FX today at 838-2504 unfurnished; two years old; redecorat- oltrlcul position. Payrolls, bookkeeping. BKBY ORAND. PIANO — ReflTVlshed ed; ground floor. Full basement; free port Ave., Oceanport. 542-3500. RED BANK LUMBER and rebuilt. Best offer. Call PERSIAN KITTEMS — heat, light, water, dryer. 1160 month. TU-1533. 747-2600 Cuddly, lovable NEWLY DECORATED — Three Wd Corner Pearl and Wall Red Bank and adorable. Call R4 2-3000. room split, wall-to-wall carpeting, dish- 741-5500 FISHER HIOH FIDBUTY CONSOLE 363-7509 iVi ROOM APARTMENT — In w«i: washer, den, playroom, large dining FINANCIAL The Low Overhead Lumber Yard — With auxiliary speaker, stereo 60 GOLDEN COLUE PUPS — AKC. Must kept garden type project. Nftwly dec- room, screened porch, patio with built- BA158INE3TTE, coach, play pens, Nip watt amplifier, tuner, Qsrrard change be seen to be appreciated. Six weeks orated. Located In belt »ectlon o( Red in barbecue. Mlddletown. $193 P*i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES with diamond stylus, eight speake Bank, $138 per month. Bee .superintend month. Call 871-9320. Nupa, strnlleri, waiben,... maternity Ampex (tfcreo tape-recarder. Excellent old, ftiotB, ©Ul 671-.M66. suiti, miscellaneous. 741-3266. ent. Apt. 54, Manor Drive. FOUR-BEDROOM RANCH — Beautiful PACKAGE UQUOR BTORE - Am- condition. Original coit, »l,C50. Se>t PONY FOR SALE otter over J3*. call 747-0190. Inquire at Brookdale Farm, * Iinoroft area, 9165 per month, Ifasa. BRUCE boy area. Ideal for couple. J19.M0 plui AGENCY, Broker. M2-4142. Hock- Call M9-0M7. HAMMOND Aik (or Mr. Hideout. WEST END CLUB LAUNDROMAT FOR BAUD — Call HANG? BOSTON TERRIEE — Male. 31 months. GARDEN APARTMENTS BTVU ROOMS AND BATH — Adults Sure we hang curtain rods, window Registered AKC. Needs a boy. Reason- Call •hades, Venetian blinds. Don't wait able. Call 2M-9386. Convenient Red Bank location. Parking 747-0473 " ' WMM. ORGAN weeks to have your window shades and marina. FOR QUICK BAUD — Luncheonette made. Bring in your measurements and BOX STALLS - Horses boarded. Oak fully equipped tor bu»lne«j right now. OF ASBURY PARK let our window shade experts maJce Kill (Mlddletown) area. Fenced pasture. No leaaa required1 WANTED TO RENT For further particulars phone Tacker's THE LARGEST ORGAN AND PIANO your ahade* while you wait 747-9360. Real Estate E»chan»e, 842-0243. GERMAN SHEPHERD — AKC, eight WE HAVE an overflow of bona fide BROWN & OVERTON AGENCY prospects lookint for two or four bed- BMPLOYUUNT AOENCY — Well ei- PROWN'S months, female, all shots. Owners mov- DISPLAY m Tnn SHORE AREA ing. SIO0. 747-M59. REALTORS rooms, Call us for fast action to have tabllehed Need personnel background 9 White St. Red Bink 741-2525 your homo rented, THE BERO » obtain State Ucensn. za-lW. NEW AND USED TWO 1965 CITIZEN—BAND RADIOS— AKC PUPS ©ALORE AGENCY, Rt. 3tt, Mlddletown. 67t-100Q MODERN GULP SERVICE STATION Call ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—UnftimtihM Ui« our renui-purchss* plan 7S74D11 AKC Beagles, boxers, Bostons, chi- REFINED ELDERLY gentleman—De FOR LDA8E — Paid training; excellent huahuas, cockers, dachshunds, Pekes, four-room apartment, Heat supplied. ilres room, first floor, with meali deal to right man. Rt. S5, Keyportj. Cor piano* and organs. DANISH SOFA — New condition. Nlm Cali 671-9O1D. Write "A.K." Box K0. Red BanH HE MH», • to 5. weekdays. 26I-N3B pugs, poodles, shepherds, toy fox ter- From $12 per Month months old. Cost £129 aacrtilcs fo riers, Scottles, wires, Welsh, Irish FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT — All nights. »». 671.0017. setterl, large (election of cute cross- REFINED QUIET WOMAN — Desire; Open dally til 8 p.m. BU. Ill « p.m. year-round. Furnished. All utilities. Call furnished room with bath, shower, LUNCHEONETTE CONCESSION - breeds, Persian and Siamese kittens, 222-0931. or running water. In Mlddletown or Available In active bowling establish- kept red beauty. Fully povered. S17n. YOU SAVE MONEY Corner of Main BL * Mittlion Ave. RED BANK — Unfurnished apartment, Keansburg area. Write 'A.L." Box 520, ment. Good opportunity to proper patty. bringing In your window shade rollers CANINE CHATEAU Red Bank. Call MonmouA Lanes, 229-1114, tor and beet of all you aavs time. Shades Rt. 35. Eatontown 462-9699 three roams, bath, private entrance appointment. __ PR 5-9300 put on while you wait. Do It today. Open dally to 5 Bat., Sun. 10 to 9 parking area, yard. Good neighborhood RETIRED NURSE — Wants imal Evenings by appointment near shopping center. No pets. N'o cottage, yearly, or apartment with gar CHAIN LINK FENCING PROWN'S children. $100. 741-5384. den. Reasonable rent. 778-5315. Ltirge distributor has leftover from de POODLE PUPPIEB — Standard, AKC, MORTGAGES velopment. Oalvanlzed oha.ln-llnk ienc 32 Broad Bt. Red Bank 711-7500 five-weeks-old. black male find female, EATONTOWN UNFURNISHED HOUSE — Clean, mod Ing. Must Sacrifice! Installation and WE BUY AND 8E1,L ANYIHINO - one champagne male. Excellent back- em, good neighborhood only. Two bed FIRST AN1> *ECONW M.ORTOAQ1C3 terms arranged. Call 741-4700. Contents of homes, stores, estates, ground and temperament. 21B-EL 7- COUNTRY CLUB roomB, Refined, mldrilenged counle. Ref AVAILABLE — Edwin 8. Stark, Real cellars, attics, China, glassware, an. 3507. Pennsylvania. APARTMENTS * SWIM CLUB erences, Write "B.B." Bon 520, Red SltMe4 Mortgage Consultant Ml-0333 NEW FURNITURE SAMPLES tlques, art objects and all bric-a-brac Bank. Irwins open nights to 9 Ruscll's. 25 East Front St. 741-1603, AKC DACHSHUND PUPFIBS WAS NOW Call TINTON AVE. MERCHANDISE 1276 Gold and Blique 5-DWO mactimia UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY FUR- costs. The condition of the heating, wiring and plumbing sys- All makes new or uied. Quaranteid. THREE-PIECE LIVING ROOM SET mower. 1&63 W-bag cement and con- ELECTRIC LUXURY TBXH HffiAT * HOT WATER — Like new. J125. Call crete mlxeii. J165 lor both. Call 2M-872 NISHED room in apartment, Kitchen Low u |25. B»rplco'l. 10L Monmoutft between 6-9 p.m. lUcgei. Refined businMi woman. tems, at wall at the need for reroofing and repainting, all go it Nut to UwaTer. T47-MS& 7*7-1565 Renting Office on Premises. CANNON POINT 741-7787 into the maintenance and upkeep costs of any home. WE ARE 40 STEEL, TOO TIL: 5434654 LOVELY. CLEAN. BRIGHT BED-8IT- RENT A TV That's right—«ur $5.09 folding door Is TINO ROOM for lady. Kitchen privileg- year* old. Save during our Anniversary VILLAGE The smart home buyer will seek advice on tha many factors Fortanle day. week. BAYSHORJTj TV Sale. Triple track aluminum «tt>rm and plastic over steel, 31x80. A real buy. 2S9 SPUING ST. DIRECTIONS: From Red Bank, Heuta es. If desired, Call 671-HZ4. »» Church Bt., Keanlburg. 787-4100. screen combination windows 3844. $at)5 35 to Tlnton Ave,, turn right on Tin- LEONARDO — D Bay Ave. Close to which are invoked in the maintenance costs of a home. A folding rtoora $7.93. Qlaii bathtub en- PROWN'S ^ STUDIO ton Ave., approximately 1,000 ft. to beach, In new house with flower gar Cfluntxjr!CluhAntrtm£nuaBd &vrlm din^ftnft_roojn_iat_on« or two people Realtor is especially equipped to give this advice. His abijity_ dotes »id windows. Os.ll"Ms-ion Clijb. Kr e p.m MH671. PROWN'S SMALL REFRIGERATOR — Oood Con- Pr Ivate" bath arta^noiioiT^trise^sJ-aiz*- dltlon. J20. Call APARTMENTS KBANSBURQ-Cute, cozy, three rooms wajk-ln cio3ftta. Reirlgfrraton. 291-93S4. 32 Bronil Bt. ' Red Bank ' 741-7500 WE'RE SHOUTING 7(7-2124 from and bath, }7H plus utilities. Modern fom ing you judge whether or not a home is really a bargain. tbout our new, low priced white alu KENMORE WASHING MACHINE—10(34 TV — 21". New tube, used little. Alsr rooms and tile bath, $105 plus utilities minim storm »nd screen comblnatioi model. Admiral Imperial deluxe mortel g&a relrlgerator. Excellent condition $97 Chateau Rea.lty, 215 Carr Ave. Keana REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Window. It nil everything. 311.44. In refrigerator-freezer. 125-lb. freezer ca- Best offcrn. 228-0136. Flamnleei electric heHtlng and cooking, baira 787-5884. it>!latlon optional. Triple trsck E pacity. Will sacrifice both for »175. Call plenty of off street parking. HOUSES FOR SALE till, toe. That's right, only 111.41. any time, 787-07M. H1LC0 REFRIGEHJATOR — Freeze-i THREE-ROOM — Furnished or untur- across top. Formica and chrome six nlshed apartment. Central location. Jn^ WHEN YOU SEEK A HOME, BE SURE PROWN'S TWIN HEADBOARDS — HO each. I>lece kitchen Bet. Walmit douhle bed- MODEL PHONE 741-3953 quire at 122 Harding Rd., before 5 RED BANK Vanity table with bench, tto. Call after room set. All Items In very Rood con- ABOUT THE MAINTENANCE COSTS. 3J Broad St. tied Bank 741-750 5:30 p.m., 548-p371. dition. Best offer. Call 971-5382. STATEWIDE MANAGEMENT THREE ROOMS,— Furnished or tintur- JUST REDUCED 687-2700 nlshed. Nav€»!rflt>, Ava, Fair Haven Three-bedroom home in excellent con SALE Call 741-8281, ffp-9728. dltlon. Living room, dining room COMMERCIAL RENTALS SCREENS UVINO QUARTERS — For THREE AUi^BRICK — 3^ room kitchen, full bflspment. TSMB I28S. Fine LET A MEMBER OF THE WIDE WINDOW SHADES Tension, full aluminum frame or just *170 to JIM. Call modern apartments. Close to churches, location near high school. No f down up to 72" wide, for short picture wlrr the plain old accordion type, we have 747-9630 Bohools, shop ping. Illver fronl. Free for vets. Non vets $450 down. Call now dowe—|S.M. Msile while you wait. them all. Stop in today. parking, laundry facilities, $103 per we have the key. $14,700. The Me RED BANK AREA IIGHLANDS — Three-room apartment, month Includes heat hot water. Call GOWAN AGENCY, Realtors, 258 New PROWN'S furnished. All utilities. 872-089] 26 Nave- 842-3567 between 12-6 p.m. PROWN'S sink Ave., Hwy 36. man Springs Rd., Red Rank. 747-3000. OFFICE 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 32 Broad St. Red Bank 711-7600 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT — Pour CAMERA — Cannon FX; slngla lens TWO—BEDROOM GARDEN APART RUM SON CABINET SEWING MACHINE — Hoov- MENT — In Keanlburg. Atr connl- rooms to let. All buses Pun nearby e>rl vacuum, electric Iron, Mlxmuter, reflex; olose-up; wlde-tngle and zoom W) Harding Rd., Red Bank. 741-1790. Refurbished [k-e tiedroom holm. On telcphoto lens. Filters and esses List loned; heflt and hot water supplied. ml!/ located. Nicely landscaped. Price SPACE toaster, Ismps, record player, 741-4411. irlce: $550. Your price, 1350. CsJll Inquire Apt. IB, Hancock St. Avallabli BUSINESS PERSON — Or BIUKJI mm- now. - 52(5,100. A. FRED MAFFEO. Healtor MULTIPLE PIANO 671.0018. ily, modern three-room apartment with 56» lilvfr Rd.. Pair Hlvi-n, m-IOXS. Most modern olflcfci Like new. Blond mahogany. Call be- bath, unfurnished, all utilities, Walking tween fl-8 p.m. 831-0502. WALNUT DINETTE SET — China distance to town. 747-3630. HIOHT.ROOM CUSTOM COLONIAL— Juit completed. closet end buffet. Qood condition. $70. Four years old, 2'^ baths, fireplace Available for ACCORDION CLARINET GREEN GROVE FURNISHED APARTMENT - 414 Boreoned porch, convenient location Immediate occupancy. BUFFET rooms. UtfllUea included. -Conveniently $32,000. 741-2809. Principals only. Call 747-4804 WE BUY ANI> SHU. .inyUilni and located. Call 542-2GH0. Central Red Bask everything. Give ths highest prlcti IMMEDIATE POSSESSION — Custom Builniii Dlitilct IS.I1 William UU Furniture, Ioc. HW7. GARDENS FOUR-ROOM — Co-op. Colonial Oas, built Colonial. Plaster walls, all newly LISTING SERVICE ALUMINUM 15, ulddlatowD. 741-aiia Open nuliu electric, water, f69,6O. Down payment decorated. Fireplace. Wall-to-wall broad VENETIAN BLINDS til t p.m. HOLMDEL-KBYPORT AREA required. S42-9068. &|2-416o. loom In the 23' llvini room. Formal IDEAL Never nuts. Custom type. Bliei to 16" dlnlnc room and bat). Tiled, kitchen, HELP YOU PICK wills. Plastic tapes, nylon cords. HOT SUN electric ranftt, breakfast room. Tiled LOCATION Buiwood porch screeni Keep sun and $95 UP COMMERCIAL RENTALS powder room. Three twin bedrooms PROWN'S rain out. Nothing better made thin lied bath. Full dry basement. Laundry. THE RIGHT HOME fenulne VUDOR. Best on th« markat. 8WIM CLUB POH TENAKTB OFFICE - IDEAL FOR ONE MAN - Clrculitlng hot water oil heat. Breezs • Central Air Conditioning 33 BroaJ 8t. Red Bank 741-7M0 Operation, one mile north Red Bank WRY, two-car garage. Convenient to - • Belt Servict Xlmtor on Hwy 38. parking I pace, sign spice. Knoilwood Bchool and Kuraion Hlfh MOVING - Must sell. Bolalied. »30. PROWN'S fREB HBAT, COOKING OA9, Hot Call 747-4385 for appointment. • Prlvatu rarklng Bpic* TV, like new, S80, 11x12 rui, tlO. Many 12 Bread Bt. Red Bank 7U-7900 WATER AND AIR. CONDITIOmNO School. Low taxes. 1568. CALL TOtMr. EVERY MEMBER • Rent Henonabl* other Hems. Inquire 124 Wyekoff Rd.. U£iUHABL£ RIVER. FRONT »uu«- ABKINO 128,500. MAKE AN OFFER I Apt No. U, Batontown. Bunnybrook WINCHESTER SHOTQUN -- Double TV. and phone outUtl, 13 cu. ft. re- On first floor In the Tullir Building TFANLBY K. DOWNS, Realtor, Shrews • Inspect and Compart it ot barrel!. rlgerator, parking and walk-In storage Call 747-2440. " ury. Hl-1017. 7S7-556S acuities. Bpsclcui room!, lime closed. IS A REALTOR YOU'LL LOVE Walk to shopping plus, buses, ichooli. F YOU ARE INTERESTED—In • NEAtl LITTLE SILVER STATION — LIONEL TRAIN SET — EUctrlc, com- >rand new. modern office space, wall Three-bedroom ranch. Dining room. tne sight of k WHITE ALUMINUM plete, full scale, Outfitted tablet, many Kitchen with itlnlnj aria, filed 1H 747-1100 combination front door. Only 139.95. It icceaaorlei. Mutt sell, sacrifice. MS- DIRECTIONS: OarJ«n State Bill 117 located lr -Jie center ot Red Bank, con- LISTED ON PAGE 216 OF THE 5 3% east on 31 to Airport strapping tact ui for further Info mutton. THB mths. Basement. Screened porch. At- 54 Broie) Sh R*d Bank will brljhtm the front of your house. DGWSTRA AQENCY. 741-1100. Uched R«rsie. Well planted plot. Nur .NTIQUE8— Furniture, chlniu gilSAT' •laxl, turn lell. then two blocks to river. Taxes. 1470. 121.600. Owner anx- YELLOW PA6ES PROWN'S j»»J»l «P»rtrierit. Presn js, "•« *• - IWd Bask 741-7500 M., «tnltht itaU. Mt-lMt . Hed BtokT 747-5%. kit An., LIU1* illvtr. n?4tST THE DAILY REGISTER HOUSES FOR 8A£E HOUSES FOR SALE 26—Thursday, Aug. 12, 196: $(4,990 NEW SHREWSBURY — Income Freehold Plant Has First Quaint Cape Cod property consisting of two bunga- HOUSES FOR SALE lows. Potential rental approxi- Large family? Mother-in-law liv- mately $175 a month. Plot )00x ing with you? See this knockout HOLMDEL 150. Excellent condition through- of a home today. All spacious $700,000 Weekday Handle out. Offered at J16.500. rooms. Entire yard enclosed with cyclone fencing. Storage shed in JUST OFFERED MIDDLETOWN - Applebrook, Before that time, however, the rear of property. Low taxes. Ex- FREEHOLD - The first $700,- ty, a 4-year-old bay horse driven Thre«*edroom brick and fram Three-bedroom, Ii/ -bath rancher. chalk bettors were having a field 2 tras include aluminum storm 000 weekday handle in Freehold by Austin Thomas. It was the ranch. Living room (14x28') Colonial appointed gameroom day The Daily Double of 3-1 sash. Vets no down. Non-vets Raceway history featured the fourth win of the season for thi Fireplace. Hotwater heat. Base with wall-to-wall brick fireplace. paid $17.40 as Spencie ($6.40) won $490. third day of racing at the historic 43-yeaf-old Thomas, who recently . mcnr.. Approximately V/2 acres o! Full, dry basement. Oversized at the first race with Haleona ($4.60) landscaped ground. Asking $29,- tached garage. Excellent condi- Monmoulh County harness plan won the driving championships at outdistancing the field in the sec- 900. tion. Offered at $23,990. The Berg Agency yesterday afternoon. both Laurel and Rcsecroft Race ways. ond. Realtor A crowd of 10,591 wagered Practically New Four-Room Co- Nock's Frosty returned $5,60, Other favorites who won were WEART - NEMETH Middletown 671-1000 $704,374, topping the old mark of lonial. Two baths. Powder room $3 and $2.60 after pacing the mile Prim Helena ($4.80) in the fourth Family room, Basement. Two-ca Daily U, Saturday-Sunday JO-7 $682,150 which was established AGENCY in 2:06.2, the fastest eight fur- race,' Abbe Tonka ($4.20) in the garage. Carpeting. Nearly ai last year on August 10. In three REALTOR fifth and Nock's Frosty. acre of ground. Walking distance days thus far this season, a tota' longs Df the meet. Dean Samp- to grade school. Newark and New 102 WEST FRONT ST. PAUL P. BOVA of $2,019,676 has been wagered at son was second while Adam Time York transportation within tw was third. 671-2544 the pari mutuel windows at the Shepherd Club blocks distance. Asking $32,000, . 741-2240 $52.40 Winner REALTOR- INSUROR 113-year-old plant. 24-HOUR SERVICE TRADE YOUR HOUSE IN The Twin Double combination New Five-Bedroom Colonial The feature Bloomfleld Klwan of 4-1-2-2 returned $7,031.60 when Meets Tuesday Presently under construction en- Member of Red Bank BRAND NEW RANCH is Pace was won by Nock's Fros- Waiting lor a loving home owner to Rollon Gallon nipped Parky in a abling a purchaser to have the Multiple Listing Service MANASQUAN — The Jersey put the dreflslnga on; three bedrooms, photo finish in the 10th race. The privilege of selecting all color dining room, full basement. Baseboard Shore German Shepherd • Dog hot water heat. On large lot. Asking TD was featured by a $52.40 win schemes. Two baths. Powder only Sie,900. Club will hold its regular month- MIDDLETOWN RANCH — Nine by Worth Glenn, driven by Ellis room. Paneled recreation room Col. Galligan ly meeting on Tuesday, at the Basement. Two-car garage. One- years old. Three bedrooms, V/i Open 8 a.m. to 8:30 pin. Meyer, in the ninth race. Mfrnher Multiple Listing Circle fjaza Auditorium. acre plot. Only one of its kind baths, lovely dining room, all on WATERFRONT . . . .NATUHAL Recent member wins include available in this d&ireable town one level PLUS full finished base- WOOPED ACRE aurrounds this I Is Assigned ship. $35,500. ment. Gas two-zoned baseboard maculate .thrre-brdroom, IMI but...,, Bests Own Record Countess Heidi of Leonardo, CD, hot water heat. Aluminum storms COLONIAL. Formnl dlnin* room, large living room with fireplace, spotlee- MOSCOW (AP) - Tamara who received her second leg to- JOSEPH S. LANG, Realtor and screens. City sewers. Buy basrment, Bxl2 cabin under the treel To Fort Press, the Olympic champion ward a C.D.X. degree at a Staten Kftln 6t Holmde! now -at low price of $17,800. Bwlmmlnff, fishing and boating fror,, 946-4237 your own yard will make mis a family FORT MONMOUTH - Lt. Col. broke her own world record in Island show. She also placed Multiple Listing Memhcr dream comi true. Asking S34.D00. BELFORD — Four rooms, bath. John H. Galligan of 94 Helms the women's discus throw with fourth in Open A at the Flem- Finished attic with hide-a-way STERLING THOMPSON Dr., Eatontown, has been as- a toss, yesterday of 59.70 meters ington Obedience Trial and at the QUALITY stairs. Full cellar, gas heat. 87x And Associates-Realtors Burlington County Obedience MldtUelown, N. J. 201-747*8600 signed to the U.S. Army Signal (195 feet, 10 inches). 125'. Deep wooded yard. Asking is in this classic center hall Colo- FREEHOLD-LAKEWO0D AHEA School, and will serve in the Ap- Qualifying for the Soviet Trade Trial. She is owned by Carol d $11,500. Best buy. Four-bedroom colonial. Two nial, in one of the most sought plied Communications Division, Union Games in Moscow, she Phil McCabe of Leonardo; years old. 2% tiled baths, Ml cellar, SAIUNG IN THE ATLANTIC two miles off Caps May in after areas, so convenient to KEYPORT-One level three bed- Formal dining room, attached garage, Department of Command Com- hurled the discus 41 centimeter: Winaki's Nicolette won first in •> dishwasher. $600 down to qualified schools. Three lovely bedrooms room ranch. Living and formal buyer. No closing costs. Should be the Sears Cup area semi-final championship Tuesday, munications. (1 foot, 3% inches) beyond her Open Bitch, Winners' Bitch and l'/j baths, full basement, patio dining rooms, aluminum storms i. mil price SI8,800. are Monmouth Boat Club sailors Bob Held, at the tiller; A native of Concord, N.H., and old record, set in Moscow two Best Opposite Sex at the Staten and attached garage. Backyard and screens, one-car garage. City & Krupnick, Inc. a 1933 graduate of Concord High years ago. Island Kennel Club show. She is overlooks a beautiful lake. Extras sewers PLUS half-bath in master Dave Allen, mainsail and Tim Millhiser, on the jib, who &rokor$ School, Col. Galligan took his Miss Press set the Olympic owned by Ruth Couse of Sea Girt. include summer house and. dock bedroom. Price $21,000. Lnkftwood ran into equipment failure at the start of the third race One in a million. $34,900. rachelor's degree at Cornell in women's discus record at Tokyo Wil-Mar's Imperial was Win- BITTNER & CARTON Moving Out Of State in the Corinthian Yacht Club of Cape May Thistle. The 1941 and in 1962 received the de- last year at 187 feet, 10% inches. ners' Dog for two points at the HOt'MDEL RANCH gree of master of science in edu- She also won the gold medal in Bucks County, Pa. Show and LAWLEY AGENCY" 56 Main St. Keyport boys blew their first place standing later with a turn- 264-2916 On or Before Dec. 15 cation at the Virginia Polytechnic the shot put at Tokyo. was Best Adult German Shep- Established 1932 B3' ranch, three bedrooms, two Till! baths, porch, basement, two-car garaee, about in the second leg to recover a spinnaker pole lost Institute. From 1962 to 1965 he herd and won the Working Class Realtors . Iniurors •ii-acrr PLUS Holmdel'a low taxes, served at Istanbul as signal ad- IDEAL FIRST HOME !f>p fiill-neisfon schools, MortBagfe an- overboard in the moderately-rough seas. They logged at the New Brunswick Show. Wil- aumptlon. }2?,50O. 264-6358. 'iser with the Field Training Mar's Tzarina won the Novic Brlcfc srriTJraBf" Cape Cod. Slate foyer, 1-2-3-4 finishes in the six-mflfe races for a total of 7'A 18x14' living room, aeparaw utility CITY SEWERS Team of the Joint U. S. Military Bitch Class at llhe New Bruns- room, three bedrooms, den, two full hours sailing. South Jersey Yacht Racing Association won Mission for Aid to Turkey. 741.6262 baths. attiLched garage, wall-to-wall SAVE-RUr FROM OWNER wick Show. They are owned by carpeting. Owner outgrew thla quality Large eight-room flpllt level. Four bed- the berth to compete in the NofMi American Sears Cup William Saelzer of Englishtown. home — SACRIFICE SALE. JU,»». rooms, two full baths, garage, base- Col. Galligan lives at the Helms THE I/OW AGENCY, Jteaitora, 636 ment. Within walking dlstnnce of park Dr. address with his wife, the JUST REDUCED River Rd., Fair Haven. 7«-H77. and, school, Mirtdietown Town- final starting Aug. 30 at the American Yacht Club, Rye, Immaculate, Uiree-bedroom ranch on ship lU mlltB north of Red Bank. Call N. Y. former Miss Sheila McNally of deut-end «lreet. Large living room, din. Birmingham, England, and their Title to Belford lug area, modern kitchen, Bcreened-ln DUTCH COLONIAL M-om. porch, satneroom, lull bailment, at- Neat as &' pin. \2'x2pen Jam lly room-Wtchen with flre- tives in Rockwood, Tenn. ty. Main house has seven comfortable Vlace, children's games and TV, spa- the annual World Horseshoe suffered his initial loss of the rooms, thrffl bertroomi. Cottage ha« 4'A iloun formal dfnfnR room with fire- Fort Captain Tournament with a 32-3 record rooms, two bedrooms. Lovely tree ehaii- •lace. Enclosed parch and 40' patio season in the game. ed ground!! offer privacy to both homes. RAY STILLMAN, Realtor ggent ielbow room) for picnics and Mr. ind Mrs. Arthur Hatfield yesterday and became th,e first Both buildings in very sound condition. "Our 47th year" FORT MONMOUTH — Capt. Boetsch helped out his own , US Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury 7U-860O rties. BE SURPRISED at tMn value and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Belke Canadian to do it. F.H.A. mortgage of *2O,2OO available to teteA at J37.500. THE LOW AGENCY Neil C. Dempsey of 80 Helms Dr., cause by banging two hits and qualified buyers. $21,900. HALL BROS., Realtor*, 636 Rlvw Rd,, Fair Haven, and sons, Dale and Craig, spent Realtors, 813 River Jtd., Fair Haven. | COLTS NECK T4M477. Eatontown, was decorated at the Hohl pitched a total of 2,428 scoring twice. Shortstop Harry 7U-7686. the weekend in Wildwood. ingers in 2,870 tosses during the "Of course it's O. K.! KEW HOMES — 125,900 UP ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Four-bed- U. S. Army Signal School with Chevalier had four hits, scored J, D. ROCHE, Rtaltor room Ca-pe Ood. Tiled bath, city sewer- nine oak-leaf clusters to the Air 11-day competition. But his 84.6 "We'pe in distress, ain't mce and drove in three runs. RED BANK AREA — Attractive eight- jtmt Bridge Rd. Colts Neck 046-4M5 age, low taxes. Call 2&1-O816. Asking Donna Wagner, daughter of room modern ranch, near BChools, Multiple Lttttnff Service $12,800. Medal for distinguished service percentage was surpassed by two Ray MacLean also had two hits •hopping and transportation. Priced for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wagner, is l" quick salt 117,600. RED BANK — Two-family. High In- with the 197th Aviation Company runners-up. and batted in two runs, come. Low prlcf. Cln?*! to schools and spending three weeks at the blia line. Only $13,900. Call now. EL-iu Vlei Nam. BROWNE OVERTOIL AGENCY WHITS! STUGG0 HOUSE «- With WlcH Baptist convention in Camp WOOD A. ARMSTRONG A&ENCY, The* nine clusters were awarded REALTORS ahuttew, two-car jaraje. Excellent Realtor, &!ft Pronpect Ave., Little Sll- Lebanon. • Whit* Bt Red BanK 7U-2521 741-4500. [or flying in support of combat CONVENIENCE :ondltlon. Near hiRh ichool and down- IU3T LISTED — Transtfrred owner orces on .the ground in the COSTS NO MORE must sell quickly. Little Silver three- Philip McCabe, son of Mr. LOVELY RANCH — Well landnciped .own Red Bank, Very reasonably eniod from Sept. 4 to Dec. 22, AT YOUR large corner lot. Enclosed heated porch, aedroom split level In perfect condiLjon. and Mrs. Philip McCabe, cele- in' living room-dlrving room combinfl- 964, The3> were additional to five CUMBERLAND FARMS fireplace In living room, dining room, triced for quick sale, must' move :ion. ctpn, 2'^ baths, two-cur paraRe, brated his fourth birthday Aug. lull cellar. $21,500. 741-1136. larpe plot with treed. Carpeting. $23,000. e Had previously received, and STORE icon. Please call 741-2092 from 9:30 6. Guests included Billy Carver, INCOME RIVERFRONT — TMee hous- REDDEN AGENCY, Rcnltom. 301 Ma- he total of 14 signifies that he es, three acres. VH Leonard Ave,, Die AVP., corner Bergen PI., Rtd Bank. Susan and Linda Reese, Kieman Oceanport $4,500 Income plus vacani ,o 11:00 a.m. and 671-1104 from 2 41-0204. has wotl the Air Medal 15 times. waterfront land, approximate 700' road Miller, Bob Parker, Carol Jean frontage. J3D.BO0. Call 741-2233. p.m. to 8:30 p.m. IHARMING CAPE COD — TreB-llnert He lives at the Helms Dr. ad- ?aiT Haven ptrecl. Two tiled b^M'"<. and Lynn Blackwood, Robin dress with his wife Carolyn and EAST KEANSBURG — Two bfldroorm. Three bedrooms, formal dinlnjf room, Lundrigan, Lydia Kardie, Cathy, — Ltvfilif-Toom;" witfT'WBil-t(i--wa;t—carrot. enclosed brsewvay, Baaerpsnt, j.ttai: t their four—children, - Stephen, _8r B*t-ln kltchett, tile bnth. aluminum LITTLE SILVER HOWE — 12 years Karape, Lovely grounds. Asking (23.500. Patty;" Karen-and Jacqueline Mc- storms and screens, gooiace, formal dining roam. Spacious p.m. and on -weekend! for an appoint' RUSSELL M. BOItUS REALTORS, 6O0 WOWen'A _<)c)ubjes_ ShuSfleboard ment. • , tftcllen. Three bedrwjniB;. tiled • Ij&th; Merker, daughter.of Mr. and Mrs. River Rd., Fair Haven. 747-4532. Mem- Pull, basement playroom. Brick patio Tournament will be held Aug. 23, FOUR—BEDROOM BPLIT — 114 baths, ber Multiple L-lRllng Service. 28'xH1. Attached garage. Top nelghbor- John Merker, Atlantic Highlands, HARltQUlN 24 and 25, sponsored by the wall-to-wall carpeting, aluminum front ^AIR HAVEN — River Oaks. Four- iood. SEE THIS ATTRACTIVE HOME! was baptized in the Navesink Newly decorated. In MJadleUwn, 671- iSKINO $2\,m. STANLEY K. DOWNS, ledroom Cape O>4 Finished baaement, Ocean City Shuffleboard •Club. Methodist Church. Rev. Gilbert 0171. recreation room, darkroom, terraced Realtor, Shrewsbury. 741-1017. CHOCOiATH LITTLE BILV2R — Immediate occu- awn, trees, and patios, Ready for MIDDLETOWN — Colonial. Excellent Anyone interested in entering Fell, officiated at the baptism. pancy. Three bedroom ranch. Prestige mmedlate occupancy. Phone 462-4674. condition. Four bedrooms, 1H batiw, the tourney must do so by Aug. Sponsors were Mrs. James Wares location. Plot 125x375. Fully automatic CO-OPERATIVE GARDEN APART- 'amlly kitchen, p&ntr/ den, large 20x40 swimming pool. Call owner, 741- MENT — For Bale; one block from icre.ene& patio. Bar-B-Cue fireplace. 19 through a member dub. A of Jersey City and Leslie Merk- VANILLA 0053 or 741-1676. Broad Bt. buses. .Brick buildings, Veil landscaped. Basement. Carpeting. non-member may enter directly PI8,5(HI Available immediately. 671-T2&2. er, Jr. Guests were present from EXCITING FOUR—BEDROOM HOME pa, trees. Four room nnd hRth. with Horace Hager, State Tour- on lovely wooded lot. In excellent con- »85OO. Monthly charges of (81 includes RED BARN COLONIAL — Brand new Jersey City, Middletown and At- , dltion. Many extras. Sale price, J31.SO0. maintenance, heat, water and taxes. In W. Deal. Four bedrooms. Master nament Director, 620 Isham Cir- lantic Highlands. J.D. ROCHE, Realtor, Long Bridge Washing machine and dryers In corpo- ledroom sun-deck. Bank owner says sell Rd., Colts Neck, Multiple Listings, 8«- ration laundry room. Call IM-Zi'A'i. Tor $19,250. Murt be seen. GARRA- cle, Brieile. BRANDT, Reailtor*. 77<-76O0, 714 Sum- ,4955. FAIR HAVEN LAKEFRONT — Stately, Local fans may join this tour- Mrs. Edward Sheerer of Blake- TWO-BEDROOM CO-OP—J69 a month. tall tree*, nicely landscaped lot, dead- me.rfleld AVP., Anbury Park. ' All utilities except heat. Tiled bath with end street; patio area by l&ke. Com- HAZLBT — ColondflJ BpWt, thre* bed- nament through the Red Bank ly, Pa., spent two weeks with .. *hn half cream. 23* pinl] Four bedrooms, living room, lion. You ha tBitiJ Oakwood Rd., was celebrated Skim mifk....Kgal. 33< room, kitchen with pantry, bas AGENCY. Realtor, 8 Linden Pi., Red MANLEY ASSOC, INC. Aug. 5 at a family party. Mi- ftpinl tight «... I9< with play ^jK_ Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave., Bank. 74T-0397. JUICE lk^ lowering trees, Little Silver. 741-4500, sn-aa. chael recently attended the Boy Spirit heavy .... 29< Buttermilk quart |O( y ^n•^30^ after 7 p.m. HAZLET — Beven-room apllt. VJ WOODED ACRE LOT — Privacy HOWELL TOWNSHIP baiths, ga-rage, large corner lot. $17,400. Would consider problem Bite. Call 566- Scout camp at Forestburg, N.Y., HAIF MIDDLErOWN VILLAGE — 2^ypaT< naculale /our-berfrocm home on 10ft* 7B7-5KM. 8751 evenings or weekends. Colonial spilt, four inrKe bedroom.-!, corner lot In a beautiful, uncrowrir-d with Boy Scout Troop 227, Bel- h GALION 2',5 baths, foyer, family room, panels development, near parkway exit an THREE-BEDROOM RANCH — Nea IF YOU ARK HAVINQ TROUBLE Cumberland Farm* selHng yolir home, riverfront properly ford. >*•> < < den. living room, dining room, elcctri ntrance, full bdspmenl, two tile bath! Red Bank on dead-end street. Fenced estate, land, or hu*lneas, call HAROLD kitchen, two-car FK™KP. Plrturoaqu ent-ln-kilchen, paved drive arid nelllng In Inndacaned vard. $17,200. Call alter CONT. wooded lot. Extras, S2fi.!HKl. Call 671-965:1 nt FHA nppralaed vnJup of 514,990 5 p.m, 741-7075. LINDEMANN, Broker. Eatontown H2 MM down, FHA, now down VA U 1103. 16th year In Real Estate. 53 FRUIT INCOME PROPERTY — LonR nrnnoh iiificil htiyrr HOLLAND '< Two-family house. Recently rennvntcti LOTS AND ACREAGE Teacher Resigns Good location. One rnur-rnom opt. plu? FAtUIINGDALE REAL ESTATE -LEGAL NOTICE NEW STORE HOURS HOUSE DRINK laundry room nnd onp three-ronm apt Main St. FarmiriRdfllt Price, $14,700. Call days 222-8420. Ev Kb*r EK1B-30U LAKEFRONT PROPERTY In Oceanport hinRH. 222-4354. BUYERS* BEST RUY — Owner leav or li acre. Local area. IEMONAOI Ing Mate offers spacfou.i ffve-y«ar-ofi 222-7377. NOTICE OPEN MERE'S ONE with thrpe bedroom, homp, immaculaiP throughout. Foyer, TAKE NOTICE that application has OOEANPORT - The resigna- ODANCC lot with trees and landscaping, a gor living room, family dining room, mod FOUR ACRES — BtBt area, trees. COFFEE One of a kind, $16,700. J. D. ROCHE, been mndc to the Mayor and Council of tion of Mrs. Regina Sachs of r&lze rt^crcfltlon rontn. In fi rUrr n ren, <-rn equipped kitchen, 2^x17' fami'i thft Borough or West Long Branch to FRUIT PUNCH Priced li> imn M tm.OOO. APPLE riwim, inrRR II replace, pnnflfd den. Realtor, Long Bridge Rd., Colta Neck, Ocean Township, as a fifth grade . lpound BROOK M5ENCY. 850 Hwy 35, Middle 046-1955. ranRTJT tn Donato, RIMSO EnterprlBes, 8 a.m.- Three liedroom*. 2'i baths, basement, Inc. trading an Joseph's Restaurant, teacher was accepted by the CRAP! town. 671-230O. hot wfltor bfl»p.bon.rrl heat. Two-cnr FAIR HAVEN — Two beautiful Monmouth Road, Went Dong Branch, RUMSON COLONIAL — Holy Oro: attached gnraKf, lovely patio. Aaklng Call N. J, the Plenary Retail Consumption Board of Education last night. S3<),!>7.1. RUSSELL. M. BOHUB REAL- 747-4552 Bctiool district. Eight rooms, 2'i hnth* TOUS, 600 Rlve-r Rrt., Fair Haven Liquor License '#2 heretofore Msueri Hp.m. CONT. HAIF GAL located on a beautifully lanrtflnflped T47-4S32. Member Multiple LiBtlnK Her to Joseph's Restaurant. Inc. Monmouth Mrs. Sachs, it was said, will at- 29 1-3 acren. Lnrtte living room, pin vice. SANDY HOOK BAY AREA Roatl. WeBt Long Branch, N. J. fex.. "*'?.' .V-"' ', i paneled den, [ormnl dining room, knotl Three mlleii to propscd Sandy Hook Objrctlorift, It any, should be made tend a mid-western university to pine Mtchen, four bedrooms, JHTK MIDDLETOWN — Three - he.lroom Inlet* 3WV hfach frontage 10 acres, immediately In writing to J. Russell further her educational back- •creened iKirch overlooklnR Shrewsbury one of the last available Bay frontage Woolley, Clerk ot the Borough o[ WeBt Cumberland farm* River. Right of way to rlpep \vntei ranch, locnted In nice neighborhood ground. Her letter of resignation Plo»tic I OUTDOOR ITEMS | charcoal channels. Low taxes. S52.500. For ap Living room has air conditioner. Auk this size. J60.000. Will finance. Lang Branch, N. J. Ing yiQ.SOO. Prlnclpali only. 747-3AB9. was forwarded from Jamaica, ointment call owner 842-2272. No bro UUMSON — Five bedrooms, one bath F. A. GEHLHAUS OFFICERS £ers please. Donnto, Jr.—President B.W.I. BREAD},,}! Knive» P*ltalilli Hapklni ll«l'»«r fluid and room for another, la.rgp living room Real Estate HONEYMOON RANCH - Move rich wilh flrpplacc, formal dining room, den, Hwy. 36 Uftnaril< Locust Point Rrt., Locust, N. J. In. Immaculate, ta&telully decoratet sun-porch, lfl.r«e e«t-ln kitchen, hoi Next to Blue A: White Bus Terminal S. Genla—Vice President water heat, full basement, two-car ga- 164 Chelton Avenue, Long Banch, N.J. Spoon! Muttard Relish „ three-bedroom home on excellently Innd. 24 Hour Telephone Bervlce Ruaso—Secretary-Treasurer Col. Piper Assigned full pound loaf •caped lot. Enjoy wall-to-wall carpet rnRp. Low, low taxea. Just reduced Paper Cup* inp; aluminum skllnir, full bfiflpment to J25.5OO. McALISTER AGENCY, Heal- 291-0488 15 Monmouth Terrace, Deal, N. J. and double garage. Convenient to stores, tora, 109 E. River Rii.. Itumaon. 842- Aug. 5, J2 511.90 To Logistics Post . transportation and pchooiB. Priced for TINTON FALLS — Wooded building o/ulck salt at $24,000. THE LOW Bite. Four acres. Privacy, anklng $10, NOTICE FORT MONMOUTH - Lt. Col. AGENCY, Realtors, 636 RJver ~' AilNT COLONIAL — Decorated In 000. C7I-2359. TO N. J. SWEEP SHOPS, INC., _ IN THE Fair Haven. 7«-((77. the Willlamsburg manner. Fireplace In TINTON FALLS — Two-flor« bulldlnp Corp. of N. J., 4 WILLY GRUETZEN- Donald W. Piper, recently in FAMOUS the living room. Lnrfte dining room. site. Magnificent trccn. Asking $6000 BACH * HELGA GRUETZENBACH, Paneled dm. Science kitchen. Tlir«i 67J2^1i9 his wife, t/a MIDDLE ROAD SWEET from Taipei, Taiwan, has been CUMBERLAND FARMS MILK JUS REAL ESTATE WANTED bedrooms, ne-w tiled bnth. Shade tree" SHOP * EDWARD BAHR 4 RONALD Convenient locations ASKING ONLY ATTENTION IIORS'EMEN — 16 acren BAHR: Take Notice that by virtue of a assigned to the U. S. Army Sig- $21,00(1. STANLEY K. DOWNS, ^editor, w»hury. 741-1017. bnrn Hike new). Several othpr build onditionals made by you to Eastern nal School, and will serve as Insfl. Jlft.OOO. HAROLD LINDEMANN, WE NEED YOUR MII>DLHTOWN - Three-bedrnnm split Ptore Fixtures Corp. a Corp. of the AED BANK — large family room, lAnt kitchen and Broker, Eatonlown. S43-<1103. State of N. J., I will sell at Public deputy director of logistics. FAIR HAVEN - HOUSE TO SELL ctfnfttp, Rarnge. (urge lot dt end Auction on August ID, 1965 at 10:00 street $18,R0O. 671-34*5. .M. nt (87 Laurel Ave., Hojmriel, He has taken quarters at U 164 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 604 RIVER RD. LIST WITH REAL ESTATE WANTED . J., wall ciises, wnll fixtures, coun- YOU'RE NOT DREAMING rs, colfee urn, Bain Marie (complete). Russel Ave. with his wife, the Charming three-bed room home In A-l EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE! LET THE ILLEGAL KU6 partment last year said a Tren- pick out of the flocks. It is not common In anyway. And if you want your plug un- TRAFFIC RUIN LIVE5, WELLY/ ton-Asbury Park toll road would Monmouth County, although we've been a&Ie hooked, sister, you can unhook it yourself." not bring in enough revenue to to find it fairly regularly during spring and pay for itself. It proposed a Whirh is no way to talk to a lady, even fall movements in recent years at the Union spur of the New Jersey Turnpike if she is your sister — and a fisherman. Beach spot. I reail one serious note Into the Incident. to Trenton plus widening of Rt. A little more unusual, especially this NUBBIN By JIM BURJNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW 33 from the turnpike at Hights- It struck me as typical of the bickering that goes on among the various factions of outdoor early in the season, was a golden plover town to Asbury Park. found at Sandy Hook last week by Georgs M. However, Hughes ordered the interest - hunter, fisherman, camper, hiker, HI,TWINK/ HOW A&JU? 0UYINS A Secley of Long Branch. WAY... task force' to take a new look birder - and prevents completely united ef- e OP STOCK IN MY Migration activity no longer Is limited' WHAT KINP OP at the problem. There have been Inrt in combatting the common enemies of COMPANY.'IT'S OMLV 0U5IN6S© conservation. to the beaches. The movement of inland hints at a new plan, based on a birds Is becoming apparent, now that August YOU IN? THE INVASION of our beaches by the triple effort using toll facilities is here. Among the transient species we can built by the Turnpike and Gar- hordes froir. the North is building to a climax, look for now are marsh and pigeon hawks, den- State- Parkway- plus toll these day*, and, therms' growi,nRVey!dence of THAT'S A """nighthawk,' bay-breasteif, Canada "and Teh-' free facilities constructed by the infiltration'inland, too. The fall bird migra- nessee warblers and red-breasted nuthatch. R6ASONA9U6 Highway Department tion is well tinder way. Keansburg School Plans Bridge Column Detailed for State Agency fuses the second apade. After KEANSBURG — Local school the project would'"cost »llghtly •winrtrtg the Ihitd round of spades, less than $2 million. The: Hand South leads a diamond to dum- SAUNDERS and KEN ERNST representative of the state Diyi The board wiH have to exceed my's ten. MARY WORTH its debt limit to finance the North dealer sion of Local Government to dis- Beth tides vulnerable The difference Is that South |ect. 'MOTHER WO*. BOKVEDMr1 FATHER cuss pplans for construction of an NORTH •till has two high olubs In His SO~ AFTER MAMA WAS l hl h Mrs. Boyle aaid the board hopes 4 6S2 WA5GDaTy-AHO«lONa*56H GONE-1 CAME HERE, HID.W5 inlermediate-high school here. V AK742 hand. He leads to the queen of a formal hearing at MOl ARE GOING TO HfiTt WE, UVED S«e TOOK WE HAW5VIOE BEHIND MY PROFESSIONS. NAME, School officials outlined finan- K10 club* to return the jack of dia- RON™ AS MUCH A5 YOU ONCE WITH JUST ONE AIM IN MIND... cial details of the the state agency as soon as pos- monds, and can get bade with WEST CLAMED TOLOV E ME!~A5 T informal hearing. sible so that a referendum can the ace of clubs to cash the rest MutHASIWWWUfiftTAU. -HAD'GOT IT5 JUST W5HO51" TO SEE voa DISGRACED! Mrs. Margaret Boyle, be held before November, 4KJ103 of Hie diamonds. South, wins three K/UFE. TO HATE TOE. NAME board ppresident, said the state toon policy, all children must be 10 diamonds instead of only one, 0FBRIGG5! dii five years of age by October 15 -HTHEOARJON!- epresentativep , left no indication H and this Is enough to assure die one way or another as to whethhh- in order to be eligible for kin- contract. ROIWD BWfifiS JR. er the board's plan is acceptable. • AQ7 40-room school on property off North EMS 8o*h West JOINS FLATTOP FRATERNITY Pus 2 NT Port Monmouth Rd. 1(3 Pa» Reade-Sterling — Marine 3 NT AH ra The building would Alexander Kirk, son Opentnt c lead — classrooms for grades 5, and of Mr. and Mrs. William V. Kirk To Build Theater in one section and for graded s 7, Shore BJvd., Keansburg DAILY (JUESnON to 12 in the other. Based on preliminary planning, N. J., recently made six arrested Partner opens with one heart, In Toms River THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK landings anrj the next player passes. You OAHHURST — Ground break- aiboard Hie USS Lexington, oper-• hold: Spades-8 8 7. Hearts-J 8 ing ceremonies are scheduled to ating in the GuB of Mexico. YOU PIP NOT YOU P|P\ I GOULD HOT, PRINCE I FyoU At-WiVS) POUT BE UPSET, ) YOU'lL GET HORSIE- 5 4. Diamonds-iA Q 8 4. Qulbs— take place this week foorr th the e EXAGGERATE, NOT \HALI. THE WAMBESI Prior to landing 8 5. What do you say? SIR BERTIE. BEAUTIFUL.' BUT CAPTURE / KINS THREATENEP new deluxe motion picture theatfiea- I YOU HAVE ONLY BROU6HT M/ LIFE-/ ten registratiog n for children en- Answer: Bid two hearts. You ter to be located In the shoppinlopping I MORE PHOTOS/ WHERE IS to qualify on field carrier landing have 7 points In high cards and center at the intersection of Rts. THE STALLION! tering the township public schools of Rts. I September will be helld ThursdaThd y 1 point for the doubleton. You ^J^^J^MUL^Ea-lL^it was - I may eusirvuumiiwini era Here the student adjusts himself annoifr»cea today by" WaReP strength in partner's bid suit, but Reade, Jr., president at Walter neighborhood elementary school to the restricted areas where he even with 9 points a single raise Reade-Sterliiig, Inc., operators of f must land at sea. is stiU proper. the new theater. The theater is THE HORSE to noon and from 1 until 3 1 scheduled for a fall 1965 open- IS OBVIOUS. / When a man goes out of hising, according to Mr. Reade. RUNNING WILD— Parents are requested to bring students are qualified to proceed way to give hLmseM a hotfoot you The new theater, which will CALL IN MV a birth certificate, proof of vac- to more advanced stages of avia- CAPTAIN. X can tell him exactly what you have 1,000 teats, will be of ul- oination, and any additional WAMT HIM-I , think of such foolishness. When tra-modern design and decor and WILL H/*/E HIM.' formation on the health record of the same sort of thing happens will have the most advanced pro- their child. The Daily Register at the bridge table, ell you can jection and sound equipment According to Board of Educa- say is: "very unlucky, partner." available, with luxury type push- By GEORGE SIXTA South won the first trick in back seating and extra wide rows his own Hand to lead a diarnond to assure ample leg room. Di- "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean toward dummy,. South didn't know rectly, adjacent to the theater will For Friday, August 13 it, but he was already a victim be the huge shopping center of his own foolishness. parking facilities which will be Present—For You and Your* . . . The your East took the king of diamonds available for theater patrons. wits and don't hesitate to pull strings while the stars with the ace and returned the Presently on an expansion pro- give you an assist in ahnost every direction. No idea nine of spades. South lost a fi gram in its theat«r division, Wal- should be considered too difficult to try. Boldness nesse to the king, and back came ter Reade-Sterling has recently will impress those who can make your dreams come the jack of spades. South held opened the Town Theater In Mid- off, but had to win the third true. However, act in such a way that you do not dletown Township. Last year the spade. appear to be too aggressive. company built the Community Now South had to lead a dia- Theater at the Eatontown Traf- mond to dummy's ten since he fic Circle in Momnouth County. Th* Day Under Your Sign couldn't afford to lead the jack With the addition of the new of diamonds. East shrewdly al- theater in Toms River, the coin- Arftfc Bern Mar. 21 to Apr. If Libra. Sapl. 21 <« Oct. 21 Dun't try to monopdiie the Words apoken without thought lowed dummy's ten of diamonds pany will be operating 56 thea- . converutiDB. Liitrn to yenr may fcteWire at tlie lenst-ex- :o hold the trick. ters throughout New Jersey, New experienced M-workera. peeted moment. Taurui. April 20 *6 M»y 20 Scorpio. Oct. 2} fa No/. 21 South could get back to hisYork and the Vest Coast. Walter MARK TRAIL By ED DODD Don't give the impression thai »Although you rieir the world hand with the ace of clubs to Reade-Sterling also owns the you think you are an authority situation with -alarm, don't be- on everything comB too emotional about it. set up the diamonds, but then three present theaters in Toms ™'i.e gURkE, VWITETRBE. J'M SOCBv:..I HAVE ftN could never get to his hand again River—the Community, the Toms 60UNDS NOW, MISS* JsORRV,rV\B. O Gwriini. May II toJuu 21 Sagitrir!m.Nov.22t9Dac.2l LIKE A >w .^ ^/ WWTOrrfiEE. .\OU_GETALAND.TD0WEV-. I COME IN ^ , ~ Someone with i flib tonrue Keep buy at your job and you to cash the diamonds. After a River and Bay Drtve-ins. BULLDOZER, 1 raijht try to '.Ml you > HlTef' »on;t-htTe tin* to nut rbnit long struggle South was down WEIL MAKE n-A pcueecmE / goou. Derft buy I diaaatisfactions, BLUE, AND two. ' I BELIEVE Ctixw. JUKI 22 fa July 21 Capricorn. Dae 121> Jan. 20 ENDING SCHISM IT'S COWING You know but Ijttw to luodta Don't tske your mate for (rant- Win In Dummy LONDON (AP) - The head rf the situation u it {• as extreme. TWS WAV/- ed Show affection as you did It was correct to go alter-the ]v penonil natter. before the "knot »aa tied." the Greek Orthodox Church In diamonds, but South could not Britain, Metropolitan Athenagor- Lao. July 22 to Aua. 21 Aquirius. Jan. 21 lo Fab. If Something ih*t )iu been puc Although you feel * rather dis> afford to waste one of his prec- as, praposes> that both Roman riinr you for some time mty courafra. planetary influences ious high olubs at the first trick. fuddenly Clear up now. nigrest thlnra will improre. Catholicism and Eastern Ortho- He must win the first trick in Virgo. Aug. 22 lo Sapf. 22 Pittas. Fab. 10 lo March 20 doxy revoke the "mutual excom- Re businesslike instead of in. Clear tip a miiunderstandlng dummy with the king of dubs munications" of each other, In- • jecting peiionaHties into, the sit- t>eiore the problem rets Cera, and lead the king of diamonds uation. pletely out of hand. voked more than 900 years ago. from dummy. as a step towards ending the an- 1565, PuWahctt Hmtestr, Syndics* East wins and toads spades, cient schism between churehei, tnd South loses a finesse and re- of the east and west i • i";'-;.V':



You're invited! FASHION SHOW Friday, August 13 in Red Bank * TT JHT •* time: 2:30 p.m. place: Second Floor, Red Bank

Ite c&u|jht napping wtten the school bell rings. Get off to an early start by seeing our Children's Fashion "Tv. and all the Iresli, new fashions for fall,lor everyone from nurgery school to Junior High.

it'i th« To+iji Lock of dy«<) te nw+eK iwM+tri, tlrffh «nd bte-tiigh.techs.', W« *How «i'".erhm*^ M'**y..H».#*'«T »"P' on, ler »XM I to! 14. . 6.00 W&fn WiHiWoel Maid, Bex Pleattd «kirt; 7-14. ftOO i\ CWdl* swW to.rrvi+cH; tix»» ii»»«li«»tn, large. LOO

i : 41.«ls4-» *e»l3-.;te .6ic.. ' :•': '"\ '"''• "••;.:••. .;

For little Boy» ... "% i+'i tht hi-bib OV*NU in bright plaid wi+li k»ng-t(««v»<«ttsn

ilcni+thw+i. Slie$'2+o41;*. '')..'' X ".'•'': ov«rafl, 6.50 *hir». ;2.50: : \ Alto eerdurey hjVWb, averaMi : ' 4.00

f.-lr. • JTEINBACH'S CHILDREN'S AND 6IHLS1 SHOP, fttni We.r. «lto Ajfcury f*rlc,-*Helc Tewa '. ;

are in a i class by themsekes 'i' •• • ,.'.'i." •And here each child is just « .We assure you individual o"'-""" ^gn , IS see that the shoe and ft. child o«._^& ^1^ right for each other. Si««8Vitoi2... 9.00 I >"•.• Girls' 4I» »••• H«W If you're age 16 thru 20 12%toS... 10.00 f E, ENTER STEINBAGH'S BP^ 3i/ilo«... U.00 1 SWEEPSTAKES . . MN STEINBACH'S SHOES, Stteat Floor, J£S I'? oUoRrf.Boi*. Brick Town A MUSTANG CONVERTIBLEl Nothing to dpi Nothing to buyl 30 prizes w all!

R*J *w