2009 Meeting Minutes (PDF)
2009 ELECTION OF COUNTY BOARD CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR WAS CONDUCTED BY THE CLERK TO THE COUNTY BOARD ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 06, 2009; 10:45 A.M. BY UNANIMOUS VOTE COMMISSIONER MIKE HANSON WAS ELECTED AS BOARD CHAIR AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE COMMISSIONER KEVIN ADEE WAS ELECTED AS VICE CHAIR. REGULAR MEETING OF THE KOOCHICHING COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Held on Tuesday, January 6, 2009; 10:50 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Hanson, McBride, Adee, Lepper, Pavleck MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Joel Maggert; Reporters Lisa Kaczke and Jerry Franzen 2009/01-01 Motion by Adee, seconded by Lepper to approve the agenda with additions and deletions. Voting yes: Hanson, McBride, Adee, Lepper, Pavleck. Motion carried. 2009/01-02 Motion by McBride, seconded by Lepper to approve the minutes from the December 23, 2008 regular meeting. Voting yes: Hanson, McBride, Adee, Lepper, Pavleck. Motion carried. 2009/01-03 Motion by Lepper, seconded by Adee to ratify year end payments of the Auditor, Health, Highway and Community Services claims in the amount of $179,424.29 under Board Motion 2008/12-20; to approve payment of the monthly County Board expense claims in the amount of $10,602.43; to approve payment of 2009 AMC general dues in the amount of $6,572.00, 2009 MACSSA dues in the amount of $741.00, and 2009 LPHA dues in the amount of $641.00; to authorize a fund transfer of $21,000 from the 2009 General Revenue Budget to the 2009 Community Service Budget for payment of Kootasca Senior Coordinator services through June 30, 2009 and for planning of the new non-profit senior services organization as set in the 2009 County Budget.
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