Document Language: 111
Date Printed: 06/11/2009 JTS Box Number: lFES 74 Tab Number: 111 Document Title: Minnesota Elected Officials 1989 Document Date: 1989 Document Country: United States Minnesota Document Language: English lFES ID: CE02343 MINNESOTA ELECTED OFFICIALS 1989 State Congressional Legislative Judicial County Compiled by Secretary of State ELECTION OIVISION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE 180 STATE OFFICE BUILDING· ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55155·1299 CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS Governor Rudy Perpich (DFL) 130 State Capitol, 51. Paul 55155, (612) 296-3391 Ueutenant Governor Marlene Johnson (DFL) 121 State Capitol, 51. Paul 55155. (612) 296-2374 Secretary of State Joan Anderson Growe (DFl) 180 State Office Building. SI. Paul 55155, (612) 296-3266 State Auditor Arne H, Carlson (IR) Suite 400. 525 Park St., SI. Paul 55103, (612) 296-2551 State Treasurer Michael A. McGrath (OFL) 303 State Administration Building, 51. Paul 55155, (612) 296-7091 Attorney General Hubert H. Humphrey III (DFL) 102 Slate Capitol. 51. Paul 55155, (612) 296-6196 UNITED STATES SENATORS Senator Dave Durenberger (tRI 154 Russell Senate Office Building. Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3244 1020 Plymouth Bldg .• 12 S. Sixth, Minneapolis 55402, (612)370-3382 Senator Rudy Boschwitz (tR) 506 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-5641 215 Kellogg Square Bldg., 111 E. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul 55101, (612) 221-0904 UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT: Representative TIm Penny (DFL) 436 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-2472 Park. Towers, 22 N. Broadway, Rochester 55901, (507) 281-6053 Blue Earth cry. Government Ctr., 410 S. 5th. St., P.O.
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