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Myagdi-District-Prayer-Guide-Nepali g]kfn b]zsf] nfuL k|fy{fgf ug{' xf]: d':tfª DofUbL afUn'ª kj{t wf}nflu/L, DofUbL o]z" v|Li6sf] gfpFdf ;a}nfO{ ho dl;x Û xfd|f] ;'Gb/ b]zsf] x/]s ufpFsf] lglDt k|fy{gf ug{ cfk"mnfO{ xfdL ;Fu} ;lDk{t ug'{ ePsf] nfuL wGojfb lbbF5f}+ . o]z" cfk}mn] x/]s ufpFnfO{ k|]d ug'{ x'GYof] eGg] gd'gf cfkmgf] ;]jfsfO{sf] ;dodf cfkmg} r]nfx?nfO{ Pp6f zx/ b]lv csf]{ ufFpx?df hfFbf b]vfpg' eof] . csf]{ s'/f], o]z" cfkm}n] cfkmgf] r]nfx?nfO{ cfk'mn] u/]em}+ ug{ l;sfpg] / ljleGg ufpFdf k7fpg] sfd ug'{ eof] . afbdf, pxfFn] ;Q/L hgfnfO{ klg b'O{–b'O{ hgf u/L ljleGg ufpFdf k7fpg' eof] . n'sf *–!) cWofo . t/, xfdLx?n] cfh s;/L xfd|f] b]z g]kfnsf] #,(*$ uf=lj=;= sf] lglDt k|fy{gf ug]{< gx]Dofxsf] ;dodf, o?zn]dsf] kv{fn elTsPsf] va/ ox'bfsf bfHo–efO{x?n] NofP . o; kf7df kv{fn zAbn] /Iff, ;'/Iff, cflzif clg Pp6f eljiosf] cfzf b]vfpFb5 . gx]Dofxn] k|fy{gf u/], pkjf; a;], clg dflg;x?sf] kfksf] lglDt kZrtfk klg u/] . k/dk|e'n] gx]Dofxsf] k|fy{gfsf] pQ/ lbg'eof] . w]/} 7"nf] lhDd]jf/L ;f/f kv{fn k'g lgdf0f{ ug'{ kg]{ sfd pxfFsf] cflzif / cg'u|xdf ;Defj eof] . x/]sn] w]/} lj/f]w / ;tfj6 ;fdfgf ug'{ k/]tf klg cfkmgf] c3f8Lsf] kv{fnsf] lgdf0f{ ul//x] . o;/Lg}, xfd|f] nflu x/]s ufpF kv{fnsf] Pp6f O§f h:t} xf] . o;}n] ;a} ldn]/ x/]s ufpFsf] lglDt k|fy{gf u/f}+ tfls xfd|f] k|fy{gfsf] kv{fndf s'g} Kjfn g/x]sf] xf];\ . x/]s JolQm–JolQmn] cfkmgf] ufpFsf] 5]j}sf] ufpFsf] lglDt k|fy{gf ug{ ;S5f}+ tfls s'g} klg ufpF xfd|f] k|fy{gfdf g5'6]sf] xf];\ / x/]s ufpFsf] lglDt k|fy{gf ul/Psf] xf];\ . s;}n] s;}nfO{ ;f]w]5,ÆPp6f l;Ëf] xfQLnfO{ s;/L vfg ;Sg'x'G5<Æ -cyft{, s;/L 7"nf] kl/of]hgfsf] lglDt sfd ug]{<_ . s;}n] pQ/ lbP5, ÆPs k6sdf Ps ufF; dfq vfP/.Æ jf Ps k6ssf] ufF; ;fgf] ufF; vfP/ . t/ d eG5', Æ;f/f ufpFnfO{ lgDtf] lbpFm / ;a}nfO{ ef]h lbpmF,Æ cyf{t, s'g} klg 7"nf] kl/of]hgfnfO{ y'k|} hg zlQmsf] cefj kb{5 . s]jn cfk"mdfq Psn sfF6] eP/ k|fy{gf ug]{ gu/f}+ t/ ;a} hgfnfO{ ;d]6]/ of] k|fy{gfdf ;fd]n u/fpmF / k|fy{gf ug]{ pT;fx lbpm . s] xfdLn], =======s] xfdLx?n] cfkmgf] xfd|f] jl/kl/sf ufpFx?sf] lglDt k|fy{gf ul/ c?sf] lglDt gd'gf aGg ;S5f}+< =======s] k|fy{gf ug{sf] lglDt Pp6f ;fgf] e'm08 tof/ u/L plgx?nfO{ pT;fx / l;sfpg ;S5f}+< =======s] xfd|f] e'm08df Ps JolQmnfO{ lnO{ k|fy{gf ug{ / csf]{ k|fy{gfsf] e'm08 z'?jft ul/ pT;fx / l;sfpg ;s5f}< s] x/]s g]kfn b]zsf uf=lj=;=nfO{ k|fy{gfdf ;d]6g ;S5f}+< lsgeg] tkfO{ JolQmut z'?jftg} dflysf] k|Zgsf] ;lx pQ/ x'g ;S5 . k|fy{gf ug]{ gd'gf of] k|fy{gf ug]{ gd'gf x/]s ufpFsf] lglDt k|fy{gf ul/ k/d]Zj/n] sfd ug'{ ePsf] xf]; elg k|of]u ug{ ;S5f}+ . of] gd'gfnfO{ ljleGg tl/sfdf k|fy{gfsf] lglDt k|of]u ug{ ;S5f}+ . tkfO{n] Pp6f v08nfO{ lnP/, ufpF–ufpFsf] lglDt, x/]s ;ft a'FbfnfO{ xKtfsf] x/]s lbg k|fy{gf u/]/ k|of]u ug{ ;S5f}+ . pbfx/0fsf] lglDt M Ps cfO{taf/, Pp6f klxnf] v08sf] z'? b]lv cGt ;Dd k|fy{gf u/]/ . ;f]daf/ M bf];|f] v08nfO{ lnP/ k|fy{gf ug]{ . o;/Lg} rf/ lbgdf klxnf] kGgfdf b'O{ v08df /x]sf] ljleGg ufpFnfO{ k|fy{gf ul/ ;lsg]5 . o;/Lg}, lalxaf/ csf]{ kGgfnfO{ vf]Ng] To;sf] klxnf] v08nfO{ lnP/ k|fy{gf z'? ug]{==============lg/Gt/ ?kdf x/]s v08df /x]sf] ufpFx?sf] lglDt k|fy{gf hf/L /flv l;l4Pkl5 k'g ufpFsf] ;'lr cg';f/ k|fy{gfnfO{ k'gMz'? b]lv bf]xf]/ofpg] sfd ug{;S5f}+ . cyjf tkfO{n] Pp6f laifodf k|fy{gf ub}{ ;ft laifonfO{ ;ft lbg ;Dd k|fy{gf ul/ l;Wofpg' x'g]5 . pbfx/0fsf] lglDtM cfO{af/sf] lbg, cfkmgf] d08nLdf hfu[ltsf] lglDt k|fy{gf ug]{ / ;f]daf/, x/]s ufpFdf ;';drf/ k|rf/ ug]{ lgk'0f ;]jssf] lglDt k|fy{gf . cyjf x/]s lbg Ps Ps j6f ljleGg ufpFsf] lglDt k|fy{gf ub}{ k|fy{gfsf] laifox?df ufpF / a'Fbfx? g;lsP ;Dd nuftf/ ul//xg]] . wd{zf:q afOandf, oxf]z" clg pgsf dflg;x?n] ol/xf]sf] kv{fnsf] jl/kl/ cfkmgf] k|of; ;ft lbg;Dd 3]/f xfln hf/L /flv /x], ha plgx?n] kl/0ffd k|fKt u/] / cem pT;flxt klg eP . o;y{, lg/Gt/ k|fy{gfdf nflu/xf}+, ha ;Dd ljleGg ufpF / laifox?df xfdLx?n] k|fy{gfsf] k|ltpQ/ kfpFb}gf}+ . k|fy{gf sf ;ft a'Fbfx?M != d08nLx?df hfu[ltsf] lglDt k|fy{gf u/f}+ . @= g]kfnsf] ljleGg ufpF, uf=la=;+=, lhNnf, c~rn clg lasf; If]qx?af6 k/dk|e'n] lgk'0f k|e'sf ;]jsx? v8f x'g elg k|fy{gf u/f}+ . #= g]kfnsf] ljleGg ufpF, uf=la=;+=, lhNnf, c~rn clg lasf; If]qx?df sfd ug]{ ;+3–;+:yfx?dfem c;n d]nldnfk / ;xsfo{ /x]sf] xf];\ elg k|fy{gf u/f} . $= :yfgLo d08nLx?df :yfgLox?af6g} c;n k|e'sf ;]jsx? v8f eO{ l7s ?kdf jrg k|rf/ ug]{ / l;4fGtx? l;sfpg] x'g elg k|fy{gf u/f}+ . %= afnaflnsf tyf hjfg–hjfgL ;+ultsf] lglDt k|fy{gf ug'{ kg]{ . ^= x/]s ufpFsf kl/jf/x?sf] cflTds, cfly{s tyf ;fdflhs lasf; ePsf] xf]; elg k|fy{gf ug]{ . &= c;n /fhgLlts g]tfx?sf] lglDt k|fy{gf ug'{ kg]{ . Æolb d]/f] cfkmg} gfpF lbPsf] d]/f] k|hfn] cfk}mnfO{ gd| kf/]/ k|fy{gf|fy{gf u5{,u5{, // dnfO{dnfO{ vf]h]/vf]h]/ cfkmgf b'i6 rfnx?af6 kms{G5, ta d :ju{af6 ltgLx?sf] k|fy{gfk|fy{gf ;'Gg]5', / ltgLx?sf kfk Ifdf ug]{5' / ltgLx?sf] b]znfO{ d :jf:Yo kfg]{5' .Æ @ Oltxf; &M@$ M yagdi Do fUb L VDC_C VDC English VDC Nepali WNO Name ĂđĘć 440001 ARMAN \[ 4 Arman \[ 440001 ARMAN \[ 9 Bahundhara ¡ǕÛȡ 440001 ARMAN \[ 2 Changa Ȳȡ 440001 ARMAN \[ 3 Chhisbang ǓèȲ 440001 ARMAN \[ 2 Deurali ȯ`ȡȣ 440001 ARMAN \[ 6 Dhara ȡȡ 440001 ARMAN \[ 4 Dhara ȡȡ 440001 ARMAN \[ 3 Gahate ¡ȯ 440001 ARMAN \[ 6 Hari Bir ¡ǐ ǒ 440001 ARMAN \[ 2 Hilabang Ǒ¡ȡȲ 440001 ARMAN \[ 3 Khahare ¡ȯ 440001 ARMAN \[ 3 Kharpaini ȷȢ 440001 ARMAN \[ 8 Kimchaur ͩà ȫ 440001 ARMAN \[ 5 Koiralabot (Sheraphant) Ȫ^Ȫ (ȯȡȲ) 440001 ARMAN \[ 7 Neta ȯȡ 440001 ARMAN \[ 4 Pakhu ȡǕ 440001 ARMAN \[ 5 Pankhu ȲǕ 440001 ARMAN \[ 6 Pipalbot ͪȪ 440001 ARMAN \[ 6 Pok Ȫ 440001 ARMAN \[ 2 Sirkum ͧ Ǖ[ 440001 ARMAN \[ 1 Tikabang ǓȲ 440001 ARMAN \[ 1 Tikabung ǓǕȲ 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 5 Arthunga \Ǖ[ɨ 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 6 Basbot èȪ 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 2 Beni] ȯǓ 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 7 Chhap ȡ 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 9 Chutreni ǕğȯȢ 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 8 Dambara à 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 3 Jamunakharka ȡǕȡ[ 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 9 Khorgaira Ȫȷȡ 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 9 Kothe Sagu Ȫȯ Ǖ 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 8 M ajhkhet Ðȯ 1 M yagdi Do fUb L VDC_C VDC English VDC Nepali WNO Name ĂđĘć 440002 ARTHUNGE \Ǖɍȯ 2 M angalat Ȳ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 7 Ambot \àȪ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 5 Babiyachaur ȡǒȡ ȫ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 8 Darung ǽȲ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 2 Kaseri ȣ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 3 Khumlyaha Ǖàãȡ¡ȡ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 5 Kotrebang ȪğȯȲ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 5 M ate bagar ȡȯ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 8 Nayan bajar ȡ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 2 Newaregaun ȯȡȯɋ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 8 Ranbang ȲȲ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 8 Sahasradhara ¡İȡ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 6 Salyan ãȡ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 5 Sim ͧ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 1 Simalchaur ͧ ȫ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 9 Tallo Hidi ãȪ Ǒ¡Ȣ 440003 BABIYACHAUR ȡǒȡ ȫ 5 Tarakhet ȯ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 9 Albot \ãȪ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 3 Alta \ã 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 6 Aran Tol ]Ȫ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 4 Arbhang \ɍ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 2 Arje \ȶ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 3 Arkuti \Ǖ[Ȣ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 2 Banaha ¡ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 2 Bandre ȡÛġȯ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 9 Barga [ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 8 Bhitriban ͧǒğ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 6 Chimkholagaun ͬ àȪȡɋ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 8 Dagdi Êȣ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 4 Daha ¡ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 9 Dhapung ǕȲ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 7 Dobta ȪÞȡ 2 M yagdi Do fUb L VDC_C VDC English VDC Nepali WNO Name ĂđĘć 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 6 Ghamtang àȲ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 1 Jimire ǔͧȯ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 2 Kalejigaira ȯǔȰȡ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 1 Kaskiri ǔèȣ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 3 Kharka [ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 1 Lucha Ǖ ȡ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 7 M aureni ȫȯȢ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 7 Namta ȡȡ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 2 Pakhare ȡȯ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 2 Pakher ȯ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 1 Rakhor Ȫ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 1 Rohote Ȫ¡Ȫȯ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 1 Satbise ǔ× ȯ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 8 Soldhara Ȫãȡ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 8 Tallo Bukeni ãȪ ǕȯȢ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 7 Tharpu Ǖ[ 440004 BARANJA Ȳȡ 8 Upallo Bukeni `ãȪ ǕȯȢ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 8 Baduk Ǖ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 1 Banskot ȡȱèȪ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 1 Barthang ɍ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 8 Batase ȡ ȯ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 2 Bega ȯ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 1 Chagbang ÊȲ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 6 Chappa Üȡ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 8 Dangrechaur ȲĒȯ ȫ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 7 Kuchudipuk Ǖ ǕǑǕ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 4 Kusipani Ǖͧ ȡȢ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 2 Lekphant ȯÈȲ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 7 M ahabhir ¡ȡͧ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 2 Phatgaun ×ɋ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 3 Sim ͧ 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 3 Sirbari ͧ [ȣ 3 M yagdi Do fUb L VDC_C VDC English VDC Nepali WNO Name ĂđĘć 440005 BEGKHOLA ȯȪȡ 9 Tiplyang ǓÜãȲ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 3 Adherikholagaun \ȯǐȪȡɋ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 2 Bashari ȡȣ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 7 Bhagawati Ȣ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 8 Deupurna ȯ`Ǖ[ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 9 Gadekholagaun ȯȪȡɋ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 1 Majhkharka ȡ[ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 2 Naya Basari ȡ ȣ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 5 Rakhu ȡǕ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 7 Ratamata ȡȡȡȡ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 2 Risinge Chautari ǐͧ Ȳȯ ȫȡȣ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 9 Sajhapani ȡȡȢ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 7 Sajhapani ȡȡȢ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 8 Simalgaun ͧ ãɋ 440006 BHAGAWATI Ȣ 1 Thadi Khoriya ȡȢ Ȫǐȡ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 2 Balam 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 5 Bhakimali ͩȡȣ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 3 Bhubhuke ǕǕȯ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 2 Chhepare ȯȡȯ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 8 Chinakhet ͬ ȡȯ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 9 Chutreni ǕğȯȢ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 6 Dadakhani ȡȢ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 8 Dokedanda ȪȯȲȡ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 2 Dole Ȫȯ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 7 Dudhekholagaun ǕȯȪȡɋ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 7 Hallegauda ¡ãȯȫȡ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 5 Jogidanda ȪͬȲȡ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 2 M arek ȯ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 1 M usung Ǖ ǕȲ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 3 Nathekate ȡȯȯ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 7 Paniswara Ǔèȡȡ 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 6 Thotneri Ȫ×ȯȣ 4 M yagdi Do fUb L VDC_C VDC English VDC Nepali WNO Name ĂđĘć 440007 BHAKIM LI ͩàȣ 9 Torakhet Ȫȡȯ 440023 BHALKBANG ãÈȲ 4 Bhedikhalta ȯǑȡȡ 440023 BHALKBANG ãÈȲ 9 Bibang ǒȲ 440023 BHALKBANG ãÈȲ 8 Bul Ǖ 440023 BHALKBANG ãÈȲ 8 Jhamarka
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