Approaches to Alcohol Education 1961
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Approaches to Alcohol Education 1961 Issued by: Kansas State Department of Public Instruction Adel F. Throckmorton, Superintendent Approaches to Alcohol Education 61 Issued by: Kansas State Department of Public Instruction Adel F. Throckmorton, Superintendent Prepared by: Lois Caffyn, Curriculum Consultant Booklet Design and Art: George Dial Approaches to Alcohol Education Foreword The State Department of Education supplies this booklet for Kansas teachers because of { 1) a desire to help schools prepare young citizens to cope with a major social problem of our time and {2) an obligation imposed by the legislature. The material contained in the booklet was pre pared for the purpose of ( 1) supplying teachers with objective information and bibliography suit able for classroom use and {2) presenting pertinent information which will have significance for stu dents in grades seven to twelve. Alcohol education has the same objective as that of all education: A knowledge of the world in which we live, a maturing personality able to make decisions and adjust to personal and social prob lems, and a regard for the social and mental health of the individual and society. Alcohol education is most effective if it is inte grated into science, humanities, home and family living, and health, and not treated as a separate body of learnings. Adel F. Throckmorton Kansas State Superintendent of Public Instruction Approaches to Alcohol Education s. Table of Contents PAGE (j Reliable Reports Show- 7 Experience Indicates- 8 You Should Realize- S The State Department of Public Instruction Believes- 9 Schools Share Responsibility tO The Positive Approach Says- 10 Saying "No" is a Matter of- 10 Values Become Apparent with the Realization- ! I Students Can Learn to Do Their Own Thinking by Discussing- 12 School Courses Can Contribute- 13 A Backward Glance Reveals IS In Kansas- 1 (j Frances Willard Day- 17 Study Materials- 6. Alcohol irritates the stomach lining rather than aiding digestion. Alcohol destroys body heat and makes one Reliable Reports Show- more susceptible to colds and pneumonia. • That alcohol is the waste product of the yeast Alcohol has no effect on snakebite except to plant and when used in the following ways is an reduce awareness of fear or pain. aid to man: Effects of alcohol on the body are usually A fuel which produces heat. slight compared to its effect on the nervous sys· An aseptic to resist bact~ia. tern. The liver carries the chief load. A solvent of drugs, varnishes, dyes, oils. Alcohol cuts down speed and precision in An antifreeze mixture for automobiles. physical activity. A preservative for laboratory plant and ani· Alcohol produces a tendency toward greater mal specimens. -impulsiveness and irregularity of motor per· A substance used in the manufacture of ther• formance. mometers, artificial silk, and films. Alcohol removes judgment rather than creat• e That when alcohol is consumed in beverage ing bravery. form- "There is no 'alcoholic personality' prior to Anyone who drinks it at all may become an alcoholism." The same traits common to alco· alcoholic. holies are also present in many moderate drink· Alcoholism without alcohol cannot occur. ers and many abstainers. Of those who begin to drink, at least one out The consumption of alcohol is a matter more of twelve becomes an alcoholic. of mental desire than of physical need. 70% of alcoholics began drinking in their teens. For a person of 1 50 pounds or more, two Most alcoholics develop from moderate or beers or cocktails increase his chances of a driv• social drinkers who have become habituated for ing accident from three to ten times. One drink a period of 15 to 50 years. does the same thing for a person of 120 pounds More than 450,000 alcoholics are recruited or less. each year from the ranks of moderate social One or two beers lengthen a driver's reaction drinkers. time as much as 30%. Alcoholism is a self·inflicted disease. 2 5% of all adult pedestrians killed in auto ac· Alcoholism is on the increase. cidents had been drinking. Roughly one·half of the alcoholics die before Alcohol is involved in at least 30% of all fatal age 51; only about 7V2% of the other half live traffic accidents. beyond age 70. 70% of "drinking drivers" in personal-injury Alcohol is a depressant, an anesthetic. It is accidents have less than .15 percent of alcohol in not a stimulant. Alcohol affects the judgment their blood, or are not conspicuously drunk. first, motor and sensory controls second, and The number of annual traffic casualties caused consciousness third. by alcoholic beverages approximates the W odd Alcohol is not a food even though it depresses War II casualties outside the United States for the appetite. any average year of the war. Approaches to Alcohol Education Railroads and airlines require 24-48 hours of That problem drinkers may be of different abstinence before working time. types: the habituated, the maladjusted. Of the 375,000 divorces reported by the U.S. e That reasons given for using alcohol in- Public Health Service in 19S'S', 200,000 were clude- caused by the effects of alcohol. Social pressure. Prevention of alcoholism is much more im Desire to declare independence. portant than cure. Habit. Desire for excitement. Experience Indicates- Desire for relaxation. That the excessive use of alcohol lessens chances Desire for easy sociability. of success in life about 50%. Desire to escape. That many people prefer to discuss their fi Liking the effects. nancial and confidential affairs with a businessman Liking the taste. who is an abstainer because they can be confident Steps Toward Alcoholism: that his judgment will not be impaired. That tests with male typists show an increase in Susceptibility to every occasion for a drink. typing errors from 2 5% to 50% after one very small Touchiness, especially around home, as habitua- drink. tion develops. That great and lasting success can be attained Tiresome repetition. without alcohol. Periodic excessive drinking. That the improved dancing, great social poise, .. Unofficial," extracurricular, or pre-party drink and scintillating conversation following a drink are ing to be able to meet the others on their level. all imagined. Actually the ability to notice the .Blackouts, occasional loss of memory for events bobbling and be self-critical has been removed. that occur during the period of inebriation. That alcohol gives a false sense of security be Excessive boredom with and avoidance of all cause it distorts perspective and gives the illusion situations where alcohol will not be served. of superiority. Rationalizing occasions for drinking to console That social pressure is the greatest cause of be or to celebrate, to buoy up or to relax. ginning the use of alcohol. Habit follows. Advanced Steps: That doing something questionable loves com pany as much as misery. Reluctance to talk about one's own drinking. That the social drinker who is bored with non Rationalizing drinking at all times-mainte alcoholic refreshments is a potential alcoholic. nance drinking. ..1 drink no more than the others." The morning drink-the dividing line to com Progress Signs pulsive drinking. So that you may read the. danger signs, you Irritability and insomnia; a chip on the shoulder. should know- The fabulous personality. One feels he can That drinking is not an inherited characteristic. manage any deal with important, brilliant men and That there is no such thing as a permanent fascinating women. physical craving for alcohol. Warnings from friends, even drinking friends. 8. Critical Stage: The State Department of Public Antisocial conduct-fights, quitting jobs with Instruction Believes- out reason, violent resentment and neglect of fam The problem of alcohol is becoming more and ily, desire to escape from family life and responsi more difficult. More than 5'0 percent of the adult bility, deepening self-pity, oscillating periods of population of the United States drink alcoholic remorse and defiance. beverages to some extent. There is increasing evi Loss of routine living habits; increased use of 'dence to indicate that excessive use of alcoholic barbiturates. Catches catnaps anywhere any time. beverages results in serious problems of mental and Eats irregularly and sparingly. physical health. Each year the amount of alcoholic Deceptions-hidden supplies of alcohol for beverages consumed and the number of persons emergencies. Besetting fear that one will .. need" participating in the consumption of them increases. alcohol and not be able to get it. Alcohol education is an important part of the Loss of discrimination regarding taste and study of addiction, of the development of values potency of liquor. May drink anything. for the learner, and of the growth of personal and Growing despair with periods of acute remorse. social responsibility. It is concerned with the ma Real~ed loss of control. turing personality, the ability to think and act inde Surprisingly successful periods .. on the wagon., pendently, and the phases of critical thinking that Drinking or not drinking becomes total life. foresee consequences, observe advertising and propaganda with discernment, and draw careful You Should Realize- generalizations from evidence at hand. The study of addiction is much broader than it That the only sure prevention of alcoholism is is commonly conceived. It rightly includes learn abstinence. ing about alcohol, narcotics, and damaging psycho That the only real freedom comes when alcohol logical addiction. Addiction appears in widely does not matter. varying degrees ranging from a need for breakfast That will power alone brings neither freedom coffee to avoid a headache to a frantic need for an nor control. opiate to fend off convulsions. e That once habitual drinking begins, the ele Addiction education as such is an area of learn ments necessary for freedom include- ing which can scarcely be assigned to any one A new concept of living in which each new course taught.