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Discon II PR 4 DISCON 2 Ze DN AGN iewm ji We gir WW Rae LLL | vd SS) ‘dng, ELS p progress report 4 5 a 5 eas 'T G you've- wanted. ag To knowA ouT SEbut didy’t_ know whereTo look. AMAGAZINE.about SCIENCE Fiction A¢ If yt "re oer fan who's interested in more than reading a good story; if you want. to know the why and how ¢ “writing, then ALGOL is the magazine fot you. ALGOL can answer your questions, and help you understand the forces. that. dictate what you buy in your bookstore. ALGOL takes you behind thescenes to. show you the inner workings of the SF field -- magazines, paperbacks, agents, editors, autho >. == and you!"11learn in AUGOL: : THE le OF MAGAZINEPUBLISHING FROM AN EDITOR'S VIEWPOINT, “MEHY AGENTS CAN BE. ‘BOTH GOOD AND BADFOR BEGINNING WRITERS. LEADING WRITERS. & EDITORS INTERVIEWED.TN EACH [SSUE. Miiow TOP WRITERS: CREATE mer STERWORKS BiH THE PUBLISHING COMPANIES. WORK, FROM THE INSIDE OUT. ‘BwHo DECIDES 70 ‘PUBLISH THE. BOOKS YOU. END UP BUYING. “Bach issuus of A features critical articles a the nee pest.writerson. Ted white, ciiton ‘of AMAZI poff. The current issue. features ar les . Poul aeae “hloch, perry. eeand others; anAintery ew with Aes Elwood; oe features; yCae egyaeae ‘and fine: art by the best artists in SF. ALGOL also | mntains a wide range of advertising including one of the oe SpeeaS inSF today, with bookstores arranged by most eeoe sues -- three years -- of ALGOL ¢ost only $5.00. A single copy costs ly $1.25. Copies of our sta -packed 10th anniversary issueare. iat avail- ableat only $2.00. Use the coupon below for fast service. Make checks payable -and mail oe ANDREW PORTER, P. esBox 4175, New York NY 10017. Please” send mea sub evibe lon to ALGOL. Easlaced is, $5.00 — ; [ } $ — Please send me on sue of ALGOL. Enclosed is $1. 25 Oe eee le Please sénd me ALGOL's 10th Anniversary ‘Issue. Enclosed is: $2.00 fel Name. Address: City. ; State Zip GUEST OF HONOR: Roger Zelazny FAN GUEST OF HONOR: Jay Kay Klein TOASIMASPER: Andy Offutt COMMITTEE GO-GHATRPEOPIE a tv rsaverersteeeecvene sree sJAY@ ALICE HALDEMAN WAGERGHATREERSONG sof) ce s1usees stati vanes sass RON? BOUNDS SIRESUREORM si sides vs essa ete sander sees DILL: EVANS SECREMARVANIIUER Vivcievssscvceeueeareescereds TED PAULS UMM cet kre steecsetstasnseesesssBOB PAVLAT, IRENE REDDICK, Ray RIDENOUR UGIMONSMEMET csc cussricteeceeessvensni si aa tUACK®CHAUKER PEVOUMMINNGMNG RG thcciuiit cnet ce tee re eeaaveds es tPAT POTTS BANCUEMPMIMERG rss issacseeecedaateedtateaas+BILEOEVANS BOOMERCCOMM Riis iicisiecervtavsnereervessedlM [HOMAS WOMPUMER ERVICES :ccissseaveereeucverge es av tJIM- LANDAU PROGR yrs st reetcvceeceedreenniv es eessKIM WESTON, CHARLIE ELLIS UMPIMCON cv etteaesteenevertsarsreaesea:BOB PAVLAT A HUCKSTER PROOVEM Rt hire rs sii ss cahted ah t¢es «BOB MADLE RRR. sc ke sa di ad deter savadiaeses JACK CHALKER PRESS/MEDIA RELATIONS: sssseeeveeesecesseesssDAVE KYLE, Don Sopwick PRRs sscecestesssecnscaesesess JOE HALDEMAN, ALAN HUFF, Dave BISCHOFF ECOSMU fe taiqitacscsvrcvetratvesserens TED PAULS PGMSOONG pivscedssts.acdivaetv bees sea ae SIM LANDAU PROGRESS REPORTS. +ssseereseeseeeeeeseseeses+RON BOUNDS, JACK CHALKER, BILL Evans, Ted Paucs, Barry Newton, Peaey Rac PAVLAT SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS: siseeceesteateseesssLEE SMOIRE A oe “SENDALL MAIL TO: DISCON II, P.O, Box 31127, Wasnineton, DC 20031, USA MaeE Films DisCon’s FILM PROGRAM IS BEING SLOWLY PIECED TOGETHER, SOME FILMS WILL BE OLD FAVORITES, OTHERS WILL BE RATHER MORE OBSCURE. ANIMATION, BOTH SHORTS AND FEATURES, WILL FIGURE MORE HEAVILY IN THE DisCon FILM PRO- GRAM THAN IS USUAL FOR A WorLD Con, THE FILM PROGRAM WILL RUN FROM AP- PROXIMATELY 10 am To 4 PM SATURDAY THROUGH MonpAy, AND 10 pm To 6 AM FRIDAY THROUGH SUNDAY, A SCHEDULE, A FILMOGRAPHY AND POSSIBLY PROGRAM NOTES ON THE MORE OBSCURE ITEMS WILL BE PROVIDED AT THE CONVENTION SO THAT EVERYONE WILL KNOW WHAT WILL BE SHOWN AND WHEN. EXPERIENCED PROJECTIONISTS ARE NEEDED TO VOLUNTEER NOW FOR THE PROGRAM, THOSE WILLING TO PROJECT SIX OR MORE HOURS OF FILM AT THE COMMITTEE S SCHEDULING AND WHO MAKE AN ADVANCE COMMITMENT TO DO SO WILL HAVE THEIR MEMBERSHIP FEES REFUNDED IN APPRECIATION, We ARE WORKING ON SCHEDULING NOW, PEOPLE WHO HAVE SHORT SUBJECTS OR EXPERIMENTAL SHORT FILMS SHOULD CON- TACT THE FILM CHAIRMAN DIRECTLY, HELP IS NEEDED IN LOCATING CERTAIN FILMS. WE ARE PARTICULARLY ANXIOUS TO LOCATE A PRINT OF VICTORY THROUGH AIR POWER. ANYONE WHO MIGHT BE ABLE TO HELP LOCATE OR SUPPLY OBSCURE OR “UNAVAILABLE” FILMS IS URGED TO CONTACT THE FILM CHAIRMAN IMMEDIATELY: Kim WESTON a 305-B N. CHAPLEGATE LANE BALTIMoRE, MD 21229 Auction THE LAST FREE MARKETPLACE LEFT IN THIS WORLD IS THE AUCTION, AND THE WoRLD ScIENCE FICTION CONVENTION IS THE BEST AUCTION CROWD FOR ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH SF OR FANTASY THAT YOU CAN FIND: ADMITTEDLY IT’S A GAMBLE, BUT YOU CAN DO FAR BETTER THAN THE HUCKSTER ROOM AND HAVE FUN, Too, THE DisCon I] GENERAL AUCTIONS ARE GOING TO BE IN THE BEST TRA~ DITION OF WoRLD CON AUCTIONS, SUPERVISED BY JACK CHALKERs WHO HAS AUC- j TIONEERED AT EVERY WorRLD Con since ST. Louls AND HAS THE HIGHEST GROSS- ES IN SF CON HISTORY. NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE--RARE BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, Re ee i LOTIVd TIVW S3HL NO 3714 LON GIG HOIHM 3/6T YOS GIa@ OL ONIHSIM JLIS ANY “dIHSYSEWAW VW AINO “3LOA V 33LNVYVND LONNVD 3M 3SIMYSHLO fG4LNNOD 3d OL HIGT Lsnony NWHL YaLV71 LON SM HOV4Y LSAW LoTIVa TVW ANY *NOITLVWYHOSNI Id IWLINAWSIddNS YOS GALINSNOD 3G AINOHS LYOday SSAY90Nd SIHL NI ONI ~SILYAAGY AWIL LVHL LV °'OL3 “NOILVWYOANI YONOH 30 41san) ONV STIVL3G AJONNONNV TIIM YANNIM AHL CNV ‘WALSAS ,LOTIVa NVITVaLsny,, CATIVI-OS SHL Ad 3d TIIM ONILNNOD) 'LNNOD V ONINVW CNV YSHLS9OL SLOTIVa JLIS-NO ANY TIVW ONTGGY Ad NOISSAS NOILOATSS 3LIS SHL LV G3ONNONNV 3a 171M sLlinsay “LINSAS ANV NI NIOPAYd OL 3AVH TIIM NOA LNd “SYusaadig TW WOYS SNOILVLNASSYd JHL ONIYVSH YAL4V NOISSAS NOILOA1S§ ALIS SHL LV S3LOA GNV NOILNSANOD SHL LV dN NOIS AVW TIVW AD GSLOA LON SVH OHM ANOANV J] NOJSIQ 4O AVGNNS NO 39V1d 3NVL TIM NOILOIISS 3LIS ‘TWWYO4 *XOd 3D1SAS0 1LSOd ]] NOJSIq AHL OL LNAS 3d GINOHS LAT SATALVUVdSS YO LOTIVE OSNH YNOA HLIM GANUYNLSY 3d AVW LOTIVE SH] 'ALOA YNOA ALVGITVANI GNV SWSH71d0ud ASNVD AVW LVHL--]] NOJSIQ OL ATGVAVd AOSHD SHL JXVW ION Od "NOILNSA -NOD NOILII4 JONIIIS TOM 9ZoT FHL OL JIGVAVd 00'S$ ¥O OO'Ss Yo4 Yaa -YO AANOW YO ADSHD YNOA HLIM SN OL NOVA LI ONIGNSS GNV CINITYd 4SVaTd) ssaduddv GNV SWVN YNOA HLIM LNO LI ONITIIS COAG SJDIOHD CYIHL Ge SDIOHD CNODSS oer JOIOHD LSYI4d) YACYO IWILNAYSS9Yd NI SHDIOHD YNOA HLIM LOTIVG GSSOTINS SHL ONINYVW Ad SATdMWIS LSOW--LSYI4 LI NIOF LSNW NOA *NO) (140M 9/6T AHL dO ALIS AHL LOATAS d13H OL YAdYO NJ ‘ONTCNSL -LV QO'S$ GNV ONILYOddNS QO'S$ 3M TIIM SA3d4d TWILINI YISHL GaLVLS JAVH THY 'OIHQ “SMAWN10) ANY “IYNOSSIy ALI) SVSNY) “WNVISINO] “SNVA7YQ MAN (ONT TI4 JO Y5qduO NI) Suv ANTIGVSd YyNO 3YOsSd CATS OHM SYACCIG ‘ANOZ NYSLSSMGI) JHL NI (15H Jad OL “NOILNAANO) NOILII4 JONATIS C1YOM 9/6T JHL ONILIATSS YOd LOTIVE TIVW V SI LYOdayUOC]}22]2§SSSyu90uq SIHL HLIM 3isCaanTN] jNN4 3HL NIor GNY 'OOL ‘WIH OL WWINSLVW NOILONY TvY3N39 Tv GNAS GNV--YSf “ZUZTZ CW CANOWILIVg “SAY SLHOISH ALUSEI] TTS ‘uaTvH) '] Novp 3LIYM ‘ASv9 STHL NI--3LIUM ‘L€Nod NI 4] 'SNOULVd NOILONY YO4 9OTVLVD V NI GaLSI7 34 TTIM HLQZ LSNONy OL YOTYd SM A@ GAAIZOIY WIYALV 'LAXYVW 1S4 YNOA S ,AUSH--ONTHIANY ‘SHdVY9OSWIW “SNND dVZ “LUV TVNISTYO “Sdo0¥d AaTIVO "It's difficult, if not impossible, @ And assorted other goodies in- to say enough about this prozine... cluding Roaches (ahem!), car= the balance of art and copy is per- toons, and some surprises, fect...but art doesn't grab the spotlight in this zine; the prose You may order #3 separately, or a and poetry does...As it stands,it's issue subscription can be had be- worth twice its price. I would rec- ginning with whichever issue you ommend this highly polished zine to like, Feel free to use either the anybody..." coupon OR simply include the neces- sary information with your check, This is a quote from a review of ETERNITY #2 in THE JOURNAL. Without #1 contains fiction by Andrew reservation we must state that Offutt, Joseph Green, Robert ETERNITY #3, which is now out, sur- Margroff, Edward Bryant, and passes that issue in quality. Why? Barry Malzberg; also articles by Dennis O'Neil & Philip K Dick g A beautiful cover illustration by Steve Fabian that perfectly #2 contains fiction by David R captures the mood of Roger Bunch, Gustav Hasford,Glen Cook, Zelazny's story within Barry Malzberg, and others; an interview with Thomas M Disch g Other fiction by Barry Malzberg, Janet Fox, Andrew Offutt and Robert Margroff, Robert Wissner, THE MAGALINE Arthur Cover, Pg Wyal, and David IS DAnceRous R Bunch To YouR. g An in-depth interview with Kate Wilhelm g "Pacem In Terris" a long poem by ETERNITY SF Gene Van Troyer, profusely illu- Box 193 Sandy Springs strated by Darrel Anderson,along sc 29677 USA with other poetry by Peter Dillingham, Scott Edelstein, and Enclosed is for: others — ETERNITY # 3 — $1 ETERNITY #2 — g Book and underground comix re- —— ETERNITY #1 — $1.25 views —— heissue subscription, Start with #_-$3.50 GA recordings columby Patricia Lupoff Send to: @ Along with some absolutely stun- ning artwork by Artie Romero, Jim Garrison, Connie Faddis,etc. eraFSSeeeetdtet I hl re _ SF Or Oo TT OT ee ee ayy Be FS fis My) U eee, Dee Be ce CONTENTS Ain EDITOR'S GRAVEYARD... ...ececcccccccscccccccccecs George Stover CRYPT OF LETTERS. 060003 Sees cccce sees edited by George Stover PLAYING HYDE AND SEEK WITH DR.
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