Corner Inlet Ramsar Site Ecological Character Description

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Corner Inlet Ramsar Site Ecological Character Description Corner Inlet Ramsar site Ecological Character Description June 2011 I CONTENTS CONTENTS Contents i List of Figures iii List of Tables iii Acknowledgements iii List of Abbreviations iii Executive Summary iii 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Background 3 1.2 Scope and Purpose 3 1.3 Relevant Treaties, Legislation and Regulations 3 1.3.1 Australian Government Legislation or Policy Instruments 3 1.3.2 Victorian Government Legislation or Policy Instruments 3 2 SITE DESCRIPTION 3 2.1 Description of the Site 3 2.1.1 General Features of the Site and Surrounds 3 2.1.2 Overview of Wetland Types 3 Information Sources 3 Marine/Coastal Wetland Types 3 Inland Wetland Types 3 2.1.3 Uses and Tenure 3 Adjacent Land Use 3 Tenure 3 2.1.4 Natural Values 3 2.1.5 Socio-Economic and Cultural Values 3 2.2 Ramsar Nomination Criteria 3 2.2.1 Original Criteria under which the Site was Listed 3 2.2.2 Assessment Based on Current Information and Ramsar Criteria 3 3 CRITICAL COMPONENTS , PROCESSES AND SERVICES /B ENEFITS 3 3.1 Background 3 3.2 Overview of Critical Components, Processes and Services/Benefits 3 3.3 Critical Components 3 3.3.1 C1 - Marine and Estuarine Wetland Habitats 3 II CONTENTS 3.3.2 C2 - Abundance and Diversity of Waterbirds 3 3.4 Supporting Components 3 3.4.1 Geomorphological Features 3 3.4.2 Invertebrate Megafauna 3 3.4.3 Fish Species Richness 3 3.5 Critical Processes 3 3.5.1 P1 - Waterbird Breeding 3 3.6 Supporting Processes 3 3.6.1 Regional Climate Patterns and Processes 3 3.6.2 Hydrodynamic Regime 3 3.6.3 Water Quality 3 3.6.4 Nutrient Cycling and Foodwebs 3 3.7 Critical Services/Benefits 3 3.7.1 S1 – Presence of Threatened Species 3 3.7.2 S2 – Fisheries Resource Values 3 3.8 Supporting Services/Benefits 3 3.8.1 Recreation and Tourism Values 3 3.8.2 Scientific Research 3 3.9 Conceptual Model 3 4 LIMITS OF ACCEPTABLE CHANGE 3 4.1 Background and Interpretation 3 4.2 Derivation of Limits of Acceptable Change 3 4.3 Characterising Baseline Information 3 4.4 Summary of Limits of Acceptable Change 3 5 CHANGES TO ECOLOGICAL CHARACTER AND THREATS 3 5.1 Overview of Threats 3 5.1.1 Recreational Activities 3 (*) identified as a key hazard for the site by Carey et al. (2007) 3 5.1.2 Natural Resource Utilisation 3 5.1.3 Modified Flow Regimes 3 5.1.4 Pollutant Inputs 3 5.1.5 Urban Encroachment and Habitat Modification 3 5.1.6 Acid Sulfate Soils 3 5.1.7 Oil Spills and Other Incidents 3 5.1.8 Climate Change 3 5.1.9 Weeds 3 III LIST OF FIGURES 5.1.10 Feral Pests 3 5.2 Changes to Ecological Character 3 5.2.1 Key Trends 3 5.2.2 Comparison to Limits of Acceptable Change 3 6 INFORMATION GAPS , MONITORING AND EDUCATION 3 6.1 Information Gaps 3 6.2 Monitoring Needs 3 6.3 Communication, Education, Participation and Awareness Messages 3 7 REFERENCES 3 8 GLOSSARY 3 APPENDIX A: DETAILED METHODOLOGY 3 APPENDIX B: NLWRA (2001) DATABASE RESULTS FOR ESTUARIES IN THE IMCRA BIOREGION 3 APPENDIX C: FAUNA SPECIES LIST 3 APPENDIX D: BIRD COUNT DATA ANALYSIS 3 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Locality plan showing key locations referred to in this document (Source: DSE unpublished) 3 Figure 1-2 Locality plan showing western portion of the site 3 Figure 1-3 Locality plan showing the eastern portion of the site 3 Figure 1-4 Key steps in preparing an Ecological Character Description 3 Figure 2-1 Victorian Wetland Classification System Wetland Types within the Corner Inlet Ramsar Site (Source: DSE unpublished) 3 Figure 2-2 EVC (2005) Map for the Corner Inlet Ramsar Site (Source: DSE unpublished) 3 Figure 2-3 DEM Showing Bathymetry of Corner Inlet (Reproduced from Ecos unpublished) 3 Figure 2-4 Corner Inlet Catchment and Land Use (Reproduced from Ecos unpublished) 3 Figure 2-5 Parks, Reserves and Other Land Tenure within and Surrounding the Corner Inlet Ramsar Site (Reproduced from Ecos unpublished) 3 IV LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-6 Vegetation Communities within the Site (Source: EVC mapping by DSE) 3 Figure 3-1 Generic Conceptual Model Showing Interactions between Wetland Ecosystem Components, Processes and Services/Benefits (Source: DEWHA 2008) 3 Figure 3-2 Conceptual Model Showing Interaction of Critical and Supporting Elements 3 Figure 3-3 Maximum Annual Shorebird Counts and Reporting Rate (number of survey episodes and stations per year) based on DSE Fauna Database Records for Corner Inlet (DSE 2009) 3 Figure 3-4 Mean Maximum Temperature and Mean Rainfall at Wilsons Promontory Lighthouse between 1872 and 2009 (source: BOM 2009) 3 Figure 3-5 Average Daily Flow (Calculated) for Tarra River at Yarram from 1965 to 2009. Data Sourced from Victorian Water Resources Data Warehouse 3 Figure 3-6 Corner Inlet Ramsar Site (red outline) with Locations of Waterwatch Sampling Sites (red stars) and Outfall Locations for Foster, Toora and Port Welshpool Wastewater Treatment Plants (black squares) 3 Figure 3-7 Discharge and Summed Annual Loads of Suspended Solids, TN and TP for Major Streams Discharging into Corner Inlet (Franklin River, Agnes River, Deep Creek) and Wastewater Treatment Plants (Toora, Foster, Port Welshpool). No Data Exists for the WWTP between 1994 and 1996. Annual Loads Based on Calculations in South Gippsland Water (2002) 3 Figure 3-8 Maximum Annual Count and Reporting Rate (Number of Episodes and Stations) for Fairy Tern Abundance (Total Records in each Year) at Corner Inlet Ramsar Site (Data source: DSE fauna database) 3 Figure 3-9 Long-term Trends in Commercial Fisheries Catch Data between 1978–2008 (Source: DPI 2008) 3 Figure 3-10 Conceptual Model of Components, Processes and Services/Benefits at Corner Inlet 3 V LIST OF TABLES LIST OF TABLES Table E-1 Summary of Critical Components, Processes and Services/Benefits iii Table E-2 Limits of Acceptable Change for each Critical Component and Service/Benefit – Corner Inlet Ramsar Site iii Table 2-1 Summary of Key Features of the Corner Inlet Ramsar Site 3 Table 2-2 Ramsar Wetland Types, as translated from the Victorian Wetland Classification System (VWCS) Wetland Types, within the Ramsar site 3 Table 2-3 Comparison of Current and Pre-1999 Ramsar Nomination Criteria 3 Table 3-1 Summary of Critical Components, Processes and Services/Benefits 3 Table 3-2 Summary of Total Areas of Various Seagrass Communities Mapped at Corner Inlet and Nooramunga by Roob et al. (1998) (surveyed in 1998) 3 Table 3-3 Mapped Area of Different Habitat Features in Corner Inlet (Source: NLWRA 2001) 3 Table 3-4 Migratory Shorebirds within the Site that are Listed Under Bilateral Agreements 3 Table 3-5 Patterns in Abundant Waterbird Species at Corner Inlet 3 Table 3-6 Waterwatch data of stations within the Ramsar site (refer to Figure 3-6). The data were calculated to give the 80 th Percentile (20 th and 80 th Percentiles for pH) and Compared against the ANZECC/ARMCANZ (2000) for Southeast Australian Estuaries where applicable* 3 Table 3-7 Key Fisheries Species present in the Corner Inlet Ramsar site, and their Primary Habitats at Different Stages of their Life-cycle (Data: Kailoa et al. 1993) 3 Table 3-8 Catch Per Unit Effort (Commercial Production in Tonnes Caught Divided by Number of Boats) for Corner Inlet (20 th , 50 th and 80 th Percentile Values) around the time of listing (1978/79 to 1988/89) and post 1989 3 Table 4-1 Limits of Acceptable Change for each Critical Service – Corner Inlet Ramsar Site 3 Table 5-1 Summary of Key Threats to the Ecological Character of the Corner Inlet Ramsar Site 3 Table 5-2 Comparison of LACs to Observed Trends Post-Ramsar Listing 3 Table 6-1 Stakeholder Groups of the Relevance to the Corner Inlet Ramsar Site 3 VI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was prepared by BMT WBM Pty Ltd with expert input from Austecology Pty Ltd under contract to the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. Paul Boon (Dodo Environmental) provided strategic advice to the project team and peer review comments on the draft report. The consultant project team wish to express their thanks to the members of the Inter-Governmental Steering Group formed for the project for their assistance and guidance. Appendix A provides details about the Steering Committee. Photos that appear in the report are supplied by BMT WBM or other organisations where noted. Figures that have been reproduced (without modification) from other sources have been referenced accordingly. Disclaimer: In undertaking this work the authors have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information used. Any conclusions drawn or recommendations made in the report are done in good faith and BMT WBM take no responsibility for how this information and report are used subsequently by others. Note also that the views expressed, and recommendations provided in this report are those of the report authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the persons or organisations that have contributed their views or other materials. The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government or the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities or the Administrative Authority for Ramsar in Australia. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the contents of this publication are factually correct, the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication.
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