Factors Regulating Trophic Status in a Large Subtropical Reservoir, China
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Environ Monit Assess (2010) 169:237–248 DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-1165-5 Factors regulating trophic status in a large subtropical reservoir, China Yaoyang Xu · Qinghua Cai · Xinqin Han · Meiling Shao · Ruiqiu Liu Received: 7 September 2008 / Accepted: 19 August 2009 / Published online: 16 September 2009 © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009 Abstract We evaluated a 4-year data set (July significant correlation among the values of 2003 to June 2007) to assess the trophic state and TSICHL − TSISD and nonvolatile suspended solids its limiting factors of Three-Gorges Reservoir and water residence time. The logarithmic model (TGR), China, a large subtropical reservoir. showed that an equivalent TSICHL and TSISD Based on Carlson-type trophic state index could be found at τ = 54 days in the TGR (Fig. (TSI)CHL, the trophic state of the system was oli- 7). Accordingly, nonalgal particulates dominated gotrophic (TSIS < 40) in most months after the light attenuation and limited algal biomass of the reservoir became operational, although both reservoir when τ<54 days. TSITP and TSITN were higher than the critical value of eutrophic state (TSIS > 50). Using Carlson’s (1991) two-dimensional approach, devi- Keywords Trophic state · Hydrological factors · · ations of the TSIS indicated that factors other than Three-Gorges Reservoir Empirical models phosphorus and nitrogen limited algal growth and that nonalgal particles affected light attenuation. These findings were further supported by the Introduction Lake eutrophication has been a major water quality problem for decades (Carpenter et al. · B · · Y. Xu Q. Cai ( ) X. Han R. Liu 1998; Portielje and Molen 1999; Genkai-Kato and State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Carpenter 2005; Kagalou et al. 2008). It can re- Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, sult in a shift in lake status from a macrophyte- People’s Republic of China dominated and clear water state to a e-mail: [email protected] phytoplankton-dominated and turbid state, im- Y. Xu posing detrimental effects on the ecosystem e-mail: [email protected] (Portielje and Molen 1999). Trophic state, an Y. Xu · X. Han indicator of biotic productivity, is often used to Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, classify aquatic ecosystems. As a fundamental Beijing 100039, People’s Republic of China property of ecosystem, this concept was first applied to aquatic ecosystems by Naumann in M. Shao College of Life Science, Anhui Normal University, the early twentieth century, who proposed the Wuhu 241000, People’s Republic of China terms “oligotrophic” and “eutrophic” (Dodds 238 Environ Monit Assess (2010) 169:237–248 and Cole 2007). With the increase in the research an urban impoundment, and they made use of of eutrophication process, ecologists made this control to alter the phytoplankton communi- the greatest efforts to define trophic state ty through the whole lake manipulation. Lehman (Schindler 2006). Carlson (1977) introduced a et al. (2007) showed that hydrological factors play set of lake trophic state indices (TSIs) based an important role in the development of a ver- on measurements of total phosphorus (TSITP), nal clear water phase in an urban impoundment. chlorophyll (TSICHL), and Secchi depth (TSISD). The relative importance and interplay of factors Kratzer and Brezonik (1981) developed an index controlling ecosystems vary greatly among dif- (TSITN) based on total nitrogen concentration. ferent waters, so that the larger the diversity of Furthermore, Carlson (1991) expanded the systems investigated, the more the information concept of TSI differences by providing a two- available to understand the interaction of these dimensional graphical approach for assessing lake factors. ecosystems. The deviations of TSISD,TSITP,and Generally, damming of rivers has the poten- TSITN from TSICHL were used to describe abiotic tial to induce cultural eutrophication, as well as and biotic relationships, gain insight about lake dramatic changes in the hydrology and ecology trophic structure, and infer additional information (Ha et al. 2003). Upon its planned completion about the functioning of the lake (Osgood 1982; in 2009, Three-Gorges Reservoir (TGR) located Havens 2000; Matthews et al. 2002;AnandPark in the mainstream of the Yangtze River (China) 2003). Therefore, the TSIs and their deviations will be one of the largest man-made lakes in the can be employed to access the state of lake world, with capacity of 3.93 × 1010 m3, water level ecosystems. of 175 m, and surface area of 1,080 km2 (Wang There are many factors regulating the change et al. 1997; Huang et al. 2006). The eutrophication of lake ecosystems (Kagalou et al. 2008). Gener- processes of TGR have drawn much attention ally, lake eutrophication processes are regarded and been a hot topic in freshwater ecology (Cai as a response to increased nutrient loading and Hu 2006). A large part of the Yangtze River (Verspagen et al. 2006; Brett and Benjamin 2008). Basin has a subtropical monsoon climate, and the Responding to a period of globally intensive eu- summer monsoon starts to influence the TGR in trophication, an increasing interest in freshwater May and generally retreats in October (Gemmer restoration has taken place over the last two or et al. 2008). Consequently, the inflow discharges three decades, and the reduction of nutrient load- of TGR mostly concentrated from June to Sep- ing is usually considered to be the first step in tember (the flood season), accounting for 61% of the recovery of lake ecosystems (Carpenter et al. annual total (Huang et al. 2006). In addition, sea- 1999; Smith et al. 1999; Howarth and Roxanne sonal changes in suspended particles and its sea- 2006; Verspagen et al. 2006; Brett and Benjamin sonal flooding account for the operational pattern 2008). In recent years, the response mechanisms of the TGR, i.e., storing clear water after the flood of lake ecosystems have been extensively stud- season and releasing muddy water by lowering ied and the importance of hydrological conditions the water level of the reservoir during the flood was gradually recognized. For example, Jones and season (Shao et al. 2008). Presumably, the eu- Elliott (2007) modeled the responses of abun- trophication process and ecosystem dynamics may dance and composition of phytoplankton species be closely related to the hydrological regime of the to the change of retention time in a small lake. Yangtze River regulated by monsoon activities Burford et al. (2007) argued that watershed in- and seasonal motion of subtropical highs. Here, puts, particularly nutrients, were not the only we present the changes in Carlson-type trophic driver of algal growth, and hydrological factors state index during a 4-year period (July 2003 to such as residence time also affected algal growth June 2007) after the reservoir became operational. in subtropical reservoirs. Ferris and Lehman The main objective is to determine the key factor (2007) demonstrated that hydrologic conditions regulating ecosystem dynamics in this large sub- strongly controlled spring diatom dynamics in tropical reservoir. Environ Monit Assess (2010) 169:237–248 239 Investigation area, data, and methods from Huang et al. (2006). The estimated residence time is generally calculated by relating the annual According to the operational pattern of the TGR, amount of water passing through the reservoir to after the first impoundment in June 2003, the the volume of the whole basin. Here, the residence water level of the reservoir remained at about time for each day of a year was calculated as 135 m a.s.l. in the flood season and about 139 m George and Hurley (2003): a.s.l. in the rest of a year; after the second im- V poundment in October 2006, the water level of τ = T , the reservoir remained at about 145 m a.s.l. in the QT flood season and about 156 m a.s.l. in the rest of a where τ is water residence time (days) for each year. During the sampling period, the data for the day, VT is the daily volume (cubic meter) of the inflow discharge and the water level of the reser- reservoir for T = 1,...,365, and QT is the daily voir were downloaded from the website of China inflow discharge (cubic meter per day). To obtain Three Gorges Project Corporation. The reservoir the monthly residence time, the daily residence capacity in the given water level was mainly taken time was averaged over the days in the month. Fig. 1 The map showing location of five sampling transects (CJ01–CJ05) in Three-Gorges Reservoir 240 Environ Monit Assess (2010) 169:237–248 Five transverse transects (CJ01–CJ05) were set immediately placed in a dark cooler and packed in up along the mainstream of the TGR, over a dis- ice until the laboratory analysis. tance of ca. 40 km (Fig. 1). CJ01 was just upstream The chl. a concentrations were determined on from the dam, and CJ05 was upstream from the a spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-1601, Japan) mouth of the Xiangxi Bay. Three sites, located according to the standard methods of APHA in the left, middle, and right part of the channel, (1989). The concentrations of TN and TP were respectively, were set up in each transect, except analyzed according to the user manual of Skalar CJ03 (only two sites) due to the narrow channel. on a segmented flow analyzer (Skalar SAN++, We monitored transparency (SD), concentrations The Netherlands). Total suspended solids (TSS) of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and and its nonvolatile suspended solids (NVSS) were chlorophyll a (chl. a) monthly from July 2003 to measured according to a Standard Operating Pro- June 2007. Twelve surveys for suspended solids cedure for Total Suspended Solids Analysis (EPA were performed monthly from August 2005 to 1997). July 2006. Transparency was in situ determined TSIS of the reservoir were calculated using with a 20-cm Secchi disc (Huang et al.