PRIF Report No. 132 Afghanistan and Central Asia in 2015 An Overview of Actors, Interests, and Relationships Arvid Bell the Special thanks are extended to Arundhati Bose, Botakoz Iliyas, and Kyara Klausmann for the contributions they made to this report. © Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) 2015 Contact: PRIF Baseler Str. 27–31 60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany Phone: +49 69 959104-0 Fax: +49 69 558481 E-Mail:
[email protected] Internet: ISBN: 978-3-942532-87-7 Euro 10,-- Summary This report assesses the interests of the most relevant state and non-state actors in Afghanistan and Central Asia in the aftermath of the 2014 Afghan presidential election. It is guided by the premise that the armed conflict in Afghanistan should be understood as being heavily inter- twined with regional politics. Its purpose is to serve as an overview of the negotiation environ- ment in Afghanistan and Central Asia. It identifies actors, interests, and relationships that are helpful to take into consideration when sequencing and orchestrating a peace process that could de-escalate the war in Afghanistan and help build a more stable and cooperative region. The ma- jority of the report focuses on relevant actors and their network of relationships, and the conclu- sion details three future scenarios and a set of recommendations that could facilitate a coordinat- ed negotiation process. The new Afghan Government of National Unity, led by President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah, includes politicians with a broad range of ideological back- grounds and interests. While Ghani has spoken out in favor of peace negotiations with the Af- ghan insurgency, it is so far unclear if his efforts will be more successful than those of his prede- cessor.