Case: 09-36122 05/14/2010 Page: 1 of 112 ID: 7338518 DktEntry: 9 Docket No. 09-36122 (L), 09-36125, 09-36127 In the United States Court of Appeals For the Ninth Circuit KATIE JOHN, CHARLES ERHART, ALASKA INTER-TRIBAL COUNCIL and NATIVE VILLAGE OF TANANA, Plaintiffs-Appellants, and ALASKA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION FUND, ALASKA FISH AND WILDLIFE FEDERATION AND OUTDOOR COUNCIL, JOHN CONRAD and MICHAEL TINKER, Plaintiffs-Intervenors / Appellants, v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, MIKE JOHANNS and KEN SALAZAR, Secretary of the Interior, Defendants-Appellees, ALASKA FEDERATION OF NATIVES, Defendant-Intervenor / Appellee. _______________________________________ Appeal from a Decision of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, No. 05-CV-00006 · Honorable H. Russel Holland BRIEF OF APPELLANTS LLOYD B. MILLER HEATHER KENDALL-MILLER SONOSKY, CHAMBERS & MILLER ERIN C. DOUGHERTY 700 W. 5th Avenue NATIVE AMERICAN RIGHTS FUND Anchorage, Alaska 99510 801 B Street, Suite 401 (907) 258-6377 Telephone Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3657 E-Mail:
[email protected] (907) 276-0680 Telephone (907) 276-2466 Facsimile OF COUNSEL Attorneys for Appellants Katie John, Charles Erhart, Alaska Inter-Tribal Council and Native Village of Tanana Case: 09-36122 05/14/2010 Page: 2 of 112 ID: 7338518 DktEntry: 9 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Appellant Alaska Inter-Tribal Council states that there is no parent corporation and no subsidiary corporation. No publicly held company owns 10 percent or more of its stock. Appellant Native Village of Tanana states that there is no parent corporation and no subsidiary corporation. No publicly held company owns 10 percent or more of its stock.