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10-25-1905 Paducah Daily Register, October 25, 1905 Paducah Daily Register

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PADUCAH DAILY REGISTER. Standird, Est. April, 1884 Register, Est. May, 1896. PA.DDCAH, KY., WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25, 1905. VOL 22, NO. 152 MYSTERY SOLVED COUNTY TRUSTEES RUSSIA'S DANGER HAPPILY UNITEDI rECUT , .1 lie.i.t1 TO PIECES CABINET CHANGES ...,••••••••••www11 refiffn THE SUPERINTENDENT FINDS `Xell-tc-do Man Arrested as A BOB ONLY ABOUT HALF Revolution Spreading in Marriage of Miss Reed and HAYES VICTIM OF MANY SLASHES FROM POCKET An Almost Complete Reor7 a Burglar. CHOSEN. all Directions. Mr. Noble Last Night KNIFE. ganization Expected. POLICE SURPRISED Protealor Rudolph Takes Place of 1L MANY DEMANDS Got Into Argument With Stranger OVER THE DISCOVERY. Wes Edna Barnett at Washing- ARE BEING Who Left Pair of Shoes SHAW AND MOODY ton Building. MADE. SOCIAL With EVENT MARKED J. C. Baker on Them. ARE BOTH TO LEAVE. FOR GENERAL ELEGANCE. Superintendent of the Middletown, From All Sections and t N. Y., Street Car System Proves Supt. Billington, of the county pub- Classes for Reforms of Various Bob FPayes, the barber, CJITIC Cortelyou to Be Transferred to the Common Thief . lic schools, has received reports from Important near a Several Other Similar Pleasing being cut to Treasury and Other Changes all the county districts and finds that Kinds. pieces last night short- Events Which Are Announced ly before Will Follow. :RED not over half of them held electious o'Clock during a fight in to Occur Today. front for the purpose of selecting trostees of the engine house on Noodi ,MUCH STOLEN GOODS Fourth between Broadway for the respective districts. The v5s- COUNT WITTE COMES and Jef- FOUND IN HIS HOME. ferson streets. The ters of each district choose their own IN FOR MUCH DISLIKE. right side of his BONAPARTE GOES TO MISS YOPP AND MLR. LONG face was laiid wide open from edge JT vi tru-tees by elections and as only HEAD OF THE NAVY. WEDDED YESTERDAY. of hair to jawbone, while there is about fifty per cent of them did this 'ebilicklietowe, N. Y., Oct. 24.—By another long, deep gash from center it kaves the supegintenderst to ap- St. Petersburg, Oct. 24.—"White the alleged confession of Chas. Boos, of rveick, at the rear, around on the point the trustees for those not con- feeble, disunited and intringuing min- Chicago, Oct. 24—A dispatch from until a few days ago 'superintendent Most gorgeous and charming right sidle, to a point underneath the duction the ekction. The election is isters are pursuing their own individ- was Washington, D. C., says: 'OU of the Wallkill Transit Company's the wedding bast evening of jawbone. It took just tablaut thirty always held the first Saturday in Oc- ual phrposes the conflagration is Miss Em- Soon after the return of President * lines in Orange county, a sipectactriar ma L. Reed and Mfr. Edmund stitches even for Dr. Jeff Robertson loIM tober, but the party chosen an trus- spreading," said Privy Councillor Pear- Roosevelt to Whehingtort from his police mystery has been solved son Noble, at the Palmer, winch was to sew up the gaping wounds from 13.00 tee at that time does not assume the Prince Obolensky this morning. Southern tour there will be a renewal Accoec:ing to the police he admit- converted into a most beautiful which blood sported in streams and duties of his office until the first of "Now the teamsters and. the water bower of the rumors regarding impending ted to them yesterday that he had of attreetion for the handsome dyed Hayes' clothing red. He sti- the following July. This means that works, postal and telegraph employes affair changes in the cabinet, and within robbed one of she largest ckpartment that 'was one of the most lt-reel from loss of blood considerably. the superintendent will not have to are joining the strike of the railroad elegant six months or so after the reopening ...tore* in the city besides several res- nuptials ocourring in this city The cutting was done by a strange name'the trustees for those districts men. The cities+ will soon be with for of congress it is more than likely • Meseta in the last few months. - many years. The profuse men who was in the Kenney Murray T failing to elect until the middle of cut food, fuel or water. floral dec- that the complexion of the cabinet orations Cries Police. next year. over the second floor of the poolroom, on North Fourth between will be completely chaoged. Boos jokingly reminded the police hostelry were dreams of elegance ar- Broadway and, Jefferson. The man The last district heard from where This does" not mean that every one teat he himeel had raised the .hue Many Demands. ranged by theptists from Brunsonh carried with hint a box of shoes, on the election was held is No. Jo, that of the present cabinet of milpiers and cry one night a few weeks ago, "The various patties io the calPisc establishment of this city. the outside of which was written the t return coining in yesterday to the is to go out, but there will be two or when a benirkir was chased out of the 41-e seeking different ends," he con- The name of J. C. Baker, white others say county superintendent and shows ceremony occurred at 9 o'olocic three new members and probably , residence of F. P. S. Crane, a wealthy tinued. "The Jews want their rights, and was they believe his name is Warner or that W H. Curinitighaim was chosen. performed beneath a beauti- three radical changes in position be- •,',man. He said the police were clqpe the Pules ware iracK•pendence, the Ar- foil florid Warmer. array in the specious din- fore the close of the current fiscal • • on him before he got out of the home men ans. want the Caucasus, the liber- Hayes New Teacher Gotten. ing halt o ftlse hostelry, which guar. and the stranger were not year. 6 • ..and that be ran ahead of them shout- als want a constitution, the working ter was crowded together, but drifted into the bi iard Supt. bleb, of the city schools yes- with several hurt- Secretary Shaw is to go out of the ing, "Stop thief. Catch that man." men Naar higher wages, the fanatical direct friends Parlor, and there got into game of terday procured the services of Prof. witnessing the charm-I a cabinet of his own motion as a pre- This ruse worked so well that Boos revolutionists are alter a social repub ing nuptials. Pool. They shortly fell into an at- Kenner Rudolph, of the Lone Oak The cerenissey was per liminary to his formal entry into the resorted to it a few tights later when tic, all of them ace acting together. formed2112to. gument over the game, and the pro- section of the county, to fili the place 7_.. W. E. Cave, of the presidential race. The vecancy of the he had forced his way into the home They are perfectly organized and First prietor made them go out if they made vacant in the sixth grade at the erian church, who spoke head pf the United States treasury of j. L Fendkton,-and from "Mich have plena* of money. Shiploads of the fir.;t7S wanted to fight. While parleying Washington building here in the city innrde uniting the well- department wilt be filled, according he was feightened by an alarm., ammunition have arrived from Fin- known cripple, they sauntered, down Fourth and by the resignation of Miss Edna Bar- while assistance was to the present outlook, by the trans- Boos is regarded as a modern so- land. Believing that revolutionary renidered by Rector when about in front of the engine nes., two weals* ego. Prof. Rudolph David Wright, of fer of Pinksaaster General Cortelyou. cid highwayman. He drew a excesses will some the people back Grace house commenced fighting. Hayes large is an able instttietor and Episcopal church. Attorsey General tudisoy as superintendient of the big yesterday into zealous support of the czar, the Moody has been when he took charge Mies Carrie Rieke served as maid knocked...the other down and kicked expected transmit coreoration and lived in good of the room police are not interfering." to go out for some time. Prof. of honor, while the matrons of honor hint' sesrerai timer, while the stranger remains style on one of the best streets of the Everitt returned to his own He at the head of the depart departmental work in the wreath and were Mesdamies Gustav Warnekin, of pulled his knife.isel comenced slash- merit of justice largely, if not entire- t' eitY• He was popular in society and Leaders Drive Thera eighth grades at that building. Mr. Clarksville, Thin., and Harry G. ing with result that the right side of ly, that be may carry on the prosecu dressed in the latest fashion. He was Prince Khilkoff, minister of pubic Hayes' Everitt has beat% the sixth Tandy, of Flrenkfort, Ky. The best face was laid wide open and tiott of the beef trust cases. His "4'ES e4 apparently one of the busiest men in works and railways, said to the cor- the long, grade since Mies Barnett resigaed. Min was 14" Robert Noble, brother deep neck gash inflicted. place probably will be filled by Chase town, and he was an exemplary man respondent: "I completely am sur- of the grnem, while groomsmen were The stranger kept cutting and sliced J. Bonaparte, the present of business. prised at secretary of "ii Fine Lecture. last Sunday's turn of events. M'eesrs. Chrbes Spi/fmas, Cook Hum the coat and pantaloons of Hayes the navy. , • • r. - Used High. AM was' quiet, when suddenly times, 5. Prof. Randle yesterday morning the em- hands and 'HAT Rieks. rhe bridal Many but miracelons to state This, in turn, will create , A search of Boos' fine apartments ployes of five railway . ariptim... cieliveied a lecture to the high school system, went party WaS .most boodaostely cos-2 ehlt h0029 was Dos reatbril and no vacancy, &gig the * revealed inhabit thunder, for which out on strike. new heed Of the monk at the Washington The majority of the tonged A the cerensrety the happy' wounds inflicted there. . navy, according . the police had long been looking., building. men are to ilve present slate. It was an effort highly wil4ing to work, but they are pair e .20.1i4reception,ppaa After fighting it out the granite(' will and, vitich it is alleged, had been appreciated terorrized b), the leaders, who have 'which be elaviand-hes.tiestillseag taken from 'department stores and chosen ehe U. & SENATOR season whim agricultural their • ditteretulatioos to the police, while Hayes was taken to the private residences. Confronted with TO BE TRIED.'products Washington, Oct. are being Shipped, causing new4y people, mho Felt this office of Dr. Robertson and his in- the goods Boos, it is said, confessed a4.—The supreme!inept:ruble court of the United States loge. rniornirsg the r:4o o'efock east juries dressed He was Oben taken today de- Count cided that State Witte, who continues to be bound traAfi for their bridal tour, home by his father, Mr. Mentz Senator George I. QUARANTINES disliked and suspected which Green, of New York, must come te by the revolu- keep4 them away for two Hayes, foomer owner of the Pa/met tionists, as the abettor HOUSE ROBBED Wailliniltnn for trial on the chergf of order, soma weeks.. Rdwisng they will take up barber shop. - to have become indispensable of conspiring with George W. Realm"' to the their home at the Taihner, to remain The shoe, left in the poolroont by BUSI&ESS FALLING OFF IN czar. until there ;Is era and others to defraud the govern- completed the elegant the stranger were taken charge of by HEALTH CERTIFICATE It is generally remarked 'SNEAK THIEF ENTERED THE ment in the purchase of supplies that Count home being erected by the room' on the authorities who now have theist LINE. for Witte and General ROOM OF YOUNG the poetoffice department. The Trepoff have been West at police headquarter4 decis- acting in harmony. LADIES. ion of the circuit court for the north- The latter has The flora Y. ions at the hotel experienced the impossibility ern district of New York was con- of co- were ng superior and loomed Mississippi Towns, Meemphis operating with czar, who and firmed. interferes a most beautiful scene. The pirior Other Points Have Raised with everything and Their Two Purses, Fine Gold Watch, Gold changes his mind chandelier 'vas adorned heavily with HOSPITAL BOARD Quarantines daily. • I Ring and $17 in Money Was smilax, while the mirror 'was draped Secured by Culprit. in asparagus, with window, mantle SAW HIS and wall YOUNG ATHLETES WIFE'S BODY DAILY. decoration, of palms and A MEETING WILL BE HELD Health Offices- .Graves this potted plants. The walls and ceiling THIS MORNING AT to of city states that the rush for health cer- Death of Abijah Humphrey', of the grill room, which was used fog O'CLOCK. On awakening yesterday morning in tificates by traveling people seems A GYMNASIUM CLASS ORGAN- AAdair County, Recalls the bridal loncheton, was gracefully ..• Musics Louisa Dietrich and Harriet Story. to b falling off somewhat as not as IZED LAST NIGHT AT Muer with sprays of Southern mike, I). Brady discovered that burgiara many are calling at present for Y. M. C. A. Glasgtow, Ky., Oct. 24.—With tied with white tulle bows, white doc- had broken into their room the night the Mayor Yeiser Calls Them Together teneents, as there have been death of Abijah Ittmvphreces, along the wails were bank, of palmy during before at the Sixth and Monroe res- who to Pass meat Drawn By-Laws the past few months. This lived a few mike west of Columbia, and ferns. idence retained by Mrs. Katie Craig and Regulations. is 'occasioned by the ,fact that the Board of Directors comes the strange story of his life The buffet table was beautifully ar- for rooming pommies for her hotel for Association yellow fever is dying out in the South Will Hold for the past ten years. He had al- ranged in smilax and tulle, with four overflow of hoarders. The thief had Called Meeting Fri- and the different cities and states are day ways been considered rather an ec- barge streamers of tulle, 'preyed with come in at the window leading into Evening. • Mlayor Yeieer caUed for yesterday rasing the quarantines established centric old man by his neighbors, but 91fTliblX, extending from the ceiling their room which is upon the ground afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at his of- and rigidly maintained since late in few except those who resided within chandelier to corners of table. The floor. It seemed that the culprit was fice a meeting of the board of direc- the eutrsner. _ of his 'home knew of his centerpiece was of Herrin lilies and after_ money and valuables alone, The youuK• men's gymnasium life tors for Riverside hospital Word from Mississippi is as clasi ite past ten years, and plenosest for the that the he swabbed for the Young Men's •r in stigh purpose state health authorities up the purse: each lady Christian Asso- *Steens and reverence of hearing, a report frorn the Wave lifted had viation was was the old The dining hall formed the recep- the let lying on the dresser arid de- organized last evening so committee regarding the by-laws and embargo that has existed since fe- gliiititentm held that is actions were tion quarter and was tniost entranc- cannihd with same. In the pocketbook the building by General Secretary; regulation being gotten up for guid- ver broke out in New Orleans, and seared), ever spoken of. The story. ing, an archway of Southern envilax of )4iee Brady there was some mon- Blake Godirey, and the athletic bodip ance that now every town is again open Which is vouthed kir by people whose being formed for the entire length of of the hospital and also nurses' . sy and a gold ring, while the purse stares off pith ten enthusiasts who training and the traveling public free to pass word cannot be questioned,'is as hal- the long room, and ending at a mag- school maintained there. b of the other contained a fine gold will meet Tuesday and Thursday ken.: Only one of the directors was able bock and forth at will. Upliftment evening nificently constructed bower of of Iwatch and coin. About $17 is cash of each week for their ex- Ten years to be ,present at this hour. so the this quarantine is regarded as the ago his wife dCed, and palms, which filled the end of the altogether was gotten by the thief. ercises. The secretary is being as- inlayer rniost impovtant in the South because a few days after the funeral he went hall and extended to the ceiling. In postponed the session until 2, After sisted in instructing the class by this morning being the amain oommonwealth of confiscating the valuables the to the graveyard and exhumed the the north side of the room was a at to o'clock, when the 'thief MesSre Ben Mlathis and Murray Ca- question that vicinity through which everyone departed and left the window body and carried it to a cave on his screen of pains helm behind whioh pending will be taken up. OS 1696 raised two gtod gymmaste has to pass. which was found standing up farm. Then he began to visit the floatedI sweeet strains; of music lost Some weeks ago the directors se- , come Mk. Godfrey and the others will Yesterday word came from Allem- trimeeso. distance when the occupants cavern two and three times a day at the occasion. The walls lected a committee from among shortly organize the gymeasiurn and door phis that the quarantine there ng war- of the quartersiewoke yesterday. first, which lengthened as he grew through which the bridal themselves to conipile the hook of had these to ornist of the business men party en- been raised also, while information The matter wae reported to the older, untit the past year he only tercel were decorated with...innfax in rules and regulations that will have' or over de- of the city, and arrange for them to. - from other cities of a similar nature ectives who arc now at work on the made one trip each day. keeping with the balance of the floral to be observe dhy the hospital and oating 3r bold their meetings every Friday and will now arrive with regularity until.. se. . . About trwo years ago a particular arrangements. oleo by three entering the training Monday afternoon from 5 until 6 all lift their doors to the world again Co., Chi- Mist, Dietrich is a teacher friend of Hunaphrese approached him The roicourse of people present school to /earn to bee's-me nurses: in the o'ckelo Quite a number of the and permit things to' return to their let , local tibiae schools, while MIMIC Brady on the subject, but wee unable to evidenced some of the moat The documents will be !tinnier ift is businese people of the 'city want to elegant normal condition. It is believed that rimfr for the Mies Zula gain any information in regard to the gowns ever viewed in this entire every respect to the observance; fdl- Cobb mil- join the chase and prospects are for city, the health officer will have nothing to nery establishment of mutterer, except that lw spent an hour the elite' appeasing at its lowed stiong this line in the big hos- Broadway be- a very large one . best at the do here inside the next week on ten t/ Fourth and Fifth ur more each day beside the corpse happy assemblage. pital, and infirmaries IOC country streets. :..: Board Meets Friday. days. During the period he has been of his wife, fie described as After the nuptials the couple in re- OVer Friday evening a called meeting of looking iicmng rertificates though there have New Orleans yeatefday as natural as life. ceiving their friends was assisted The mayor has called the board had hut 63 the board of directors will be held at by to- been many thomande of people at- see of fever under treatment and the foillowing visitors: Mr. and Mire gether a number of times, but busi- the asisociation, at which time the 711 d. was announced that BADLY HURT ON GRIDIRON. J. J. Kite-dee, of Anderson, ness and other engagements the coming financial end of matters will be dis- Ind; always would doubtlese Mk. and Mlas Mlartin Norton, of kept away more or see' these all cuseed, together with other business. An- less of the direc- Wm. H. Airtettel, a wealthy pub- seed and the fever La Porte, !n4, Oct. 24.—Hallet dereon, Ind; Mir. and Mks. tors, until he .has not yet scourge over. The caneparigners getting siubscrip- Chen been able Netter of New York, has had Mrs. any -more places Ilerkine, a player ont the La Porte Hoover, of Andkesion, Ind.; to get a meeting. As the hospital yesterday raised ticmi for the budget for next year Mr. and is Jessie K. Graeffe, a daughter of the r quarantines; fontbill lean is lying at fiis home in Mire. Gustave Nane kin, now in greet running this leaving but a have' dtme nothing this week on ac- of Clarke,- order and a late United States Judge McIntosh, w still holding out. this city in a serious rendition as the villee; Mr. and Mks. Walter very busy Owe nigh day, it neces- Many infected count of different business matters Baxter ie of Georgia, arrested for haring in- nts are entirely result of a Invikert windpipe, an injury Pare, of Vonisville; Mk. and sary that the regulations be decided free of !an fever. engaging their time. , Mrs. fluenced his daughter to leary.e home. evhichl physicians state may bring Chtirlee Jarret, of Hopkinsville; Mire. on and eirikeeed. The inenstigation of the charge prom Buried about a fatal result or cause total Harry Tandy, of Flunk-fort; Mks. Yesterday Afternoon. —Captain Joe Wood continues to An- ises something sensational, according Yesterday loss of speech. nie Berryman, of Charksvflie; afternoon at 7:30 o'clock improve at Riverside hospital and Mee. Norway and Sweden next Saturday to the police. relheins Sterling. Ilk. Oct. 24.—Wand Van,. James Black. of Terre Haute; of the late Mr. B. F. this morning at 3 o'clock was resting Mi. sign the papers which coniptetes their row were &mark. a tnernber of the local foot- Elizabeth Tandy, of Frankfort; Mk. buried at Oak Grove well. The doctors see nothing bend- divorce. This will be the laet act of Mr. ,George Robertson. Jr., the ice ry, following hall team, while practicing today Jack Lowry. of Otarksiville; Mr. Haste funeral services ing to develop complications, and the dissolution of the dual govern- man, expects to leave Saturday for d *tithe house. broke hie ankle and badly sprained have no fear for his condition. ment which has held them together his winter's hunt his back. (Contnuett on Fourth Page.), in Arkansas. He the many years past. takes about ys hotinds with him.

• • in that company. The suit is not a fight between/the estate and iiisur- IN COURT CIRCLES ance company, but to settle the ques- INTERURBAN LINE FROM COMMANDER I tion of who j entitled to the ineur- Are You Planning to Remodel? anee money, the estate or Dora En- contemplate remodeling KR. L) wards. The latter claims Boyd dur- THE CRUMP CHILDREN SOLD SECRETARY COONS GETS LET- If you Lynn To Be Released RO Tom ing his life assigned the policies to SYSTEM AT COLUMBUS, TER OF THANKS FOR your present home now or in the on $1,000 Bail. her to 'Satisfy the debt she had OHIO. LITERATURE. near future, you should study the against wlashing and otter him for subject of Plumbing. services, while Mr. Rudolph, as ad- JJ City ministrator, claims the money should Eastern Capitalists Will Extend Same Said Nothing About Coming Here ø. A little linowledge on the subject will Ens SURETIES BRING SUIT be paid to him. The company has al- Into an Interurban Line Run So Probably Has Not Received be beneficial to you in the selection of the of T1 TO MAKE GOOD A BOND. ready paid the money into court and to West Baden, Ind. Mayor's Letter. best material and fixtures and in their proper it remains until the judge decides home. who shall get it. locadon throughout the Judge Reed Files Opinion Settling ordered to exe- If you will call and consult us, we will ‘,11::veuligjnn The plaintiff was Wiped from Columbus, Ind., is that Secretary D. W. Coons, of the Corn tisftawireExvi the Question of Validity of Street cute bond for the costs of the suit Messrs. John, William and Charles rnercial club, yesterday received a give you attractive literature on modern sani- Week Contract. before there i5. tried the litigation of ;non Crump, of that city, Mrs. Dr. C. R. letter from Commander R. G. Win- tation and will show you the samples of wonl the Seacoast Mineral company against Whitesidie of here, and the other terhalta, of the gunboat Paducah, the vtalkapr Ware we have in our showrooms. s. Citizens Savings bank. brotihers and sisters have sold the acknowledging receipt of some litera- affidavits statement,. THE BUSINESS IN THE Some and were street car line and per plant of ture the secretary had sent the offi- CIRCUIT COURT YESTERDAY. filed in the suit of Lula Mankin vs. Columbus, to eastern capitalists who cers and crew of the craft. The com- abuttingvgriks 'Mary Allison, E. wlich action is for are prepasting to convert same into mander had wriften here for some n!'!, , eissemass—ses settlement of a coneroversy,over the headquarters and terminus for an in- data regarding Paducah, so the-offi- States rh C. Allison Yesterday the judge at Kiansas H. estate.. turborban line that mill run over to cers and crew could intelligibly talk get the I There was City, Mo., fixed bond of Tom Lynn set for trial yesterday Wiest Baden, Ind., passing through about the city after 'which the guns- bectiuse the of at n0000, and his father goes out to- suit Josie Sebastian against Seymour and other intermediate boat is named, and Mr. Coons sent wa, so Lucille morrow to execute same for the re- Thompson, but it was not cities, them circulars and other information they did reached. lease of the young man, who has Cxdonel Joilfh °romp, the mflti- that completely covered the subject, Does Your Watch cars to g On account been held over to the grand jury to of the jury being miiiionaire of Colsimbus, last year and for which the commander sends waived and actions submitted answer to the charge of killing Bert to the made his children a present of the the heartfelt thanks of. all aboard. judge, and also because of the dis- street car and power house system Repairing? **as Amoss, his friend from Sioux Falls, Regarding the silver service te be Need his Ares; missal of other suits, there was not which is valued at about $8o,000 com- bati Iowa, ten days ago. Until Mr. Lynn given the gunboat, Commander Imate Gerianal, tried yesterday by the jury any case bined It is a first-class plant for Win- gets out there the lad will be held terhalta said they would highly Do you want a first class job by an at all, as there was no need for the a city the size of Columbus, which ap- out there by the authorities. prnciate such a gift that would jurors. 'has 15,000 inhabitants. Eastern par- be The judge gave the boy an exam- religiously guarded forever and high- expert ;workman? if you do take ties want to run an interurban line ining trial last Saturday, but held up ly esteemed by all attached to ttt the liLc through that section. of dee country, the it to until yesterday the question of bond, Today's Docket. naval vessel. con} which fixed at the figure mention- The proceedings set down for trial and a deal has been effected where- Evansville he Additional information the com- ed. today are as follows: Effie Leigh by the Crane) childrere which in- city being mander asked for was the name of During quarrel Lynn picked against tile Citizens Savings bank; ckides Mks. Whitesidles of here, have John Bleich, leweler. akin Th a up a the gunboat sponsor, names of the bludgeon Amens who Thomas W. Green against the Padu- sold the street car and power house and struck died daily newspapers, name of the library shortly thereafter cah City Railway company; Thomas plants, but retained considerable 224 Broadway, Paducah, Ky. ttiliedhebribricke.i from the blow. president, etc. Prather against the Paducah City stock in the new erotnotion. It will win take In his letter to the secretary of Railway company; James Ferrimian take many hundreds of thousands of work, brie Divide Property. the Commercial club-the commander petition division property against H. P. Hawkins & Son; Felix dollars to make the interurban ex- A for of did not say what date the gunboat left by the late William Brown was G. Rudolph, guardian of Rogers, tensions, and work will be started +.4444-1-144-1-44444414++.14-1-14.44+++4-4 lkr, aridtrtrack, expectation get- would -Come around up the Missis- -free444 yesterday instituted in the circuit against.the Paducah Coharticus Manu- right away, with of next spring. sippi and Ohio to this city, and this court. It was filed by William Turns, facturing company. The action of ting same completed by' :-1)etliaipec on ial on interurban connect all the possibly indicates he had not gotten bo against Sarah Brown and is a Mrs. Leigh against the bank is regard The will thee places of that the letter of Mayor Yeiser when he J b... COULSON, friendly proceeding instigated so the ing some property at Fourth and Ken amen towns and large The city headquarters wrote the secretary. The mayor in real estate tucky avenue. Green and Prather portion of Indiana with diestreeting.etwol cart be sold and proceeds hi-- response to Mr. Winterhalta's et divided -between the heirs, sue the street railway 'company for at Columbus. which cbmmunication, suggested _that next comprise the two parties to the personal injuries. James Ferriman abut ac- SALOON. April would be the best tithe for the tion others. sues Hawkins 8r-Son for mom'y HORSE DRUNK IN A llI ad they boat to come here and be presented owe - him for needs-tuff he sold them. estimates12a dt w411 i Animal After Quaffing Two Buckets the fine silver service set. III Lem Jones Sued. Rudplph for Rogers sues Cohankus PLUMB NCIII mucdeljachetntheyi Barroom. The ladies of the Daughters of the Adolph peo!le for injuries sustained by the. of Beer Wrecks and Lee \e'eil riled suit yes- Confederacy and others are still at terday in the circuitscourt against J. boy ensile he was working there,. itid;it'Shint cot Chicago, III., Oct. 24.—The novel work daily enlarging the list of sub- Steam and Hot Water tleatino. Lent Janes for $1,000, and- got out an ever spectacle of a drunken horse in a sa- scriptions being gotten up from attachment against his property. Filed Schedule. 4:4:e loon owned by Frei* Weideman, 10.- among the public for the purpose of Jones is the sakionkeepee whose li- Referee Phone toeetiatites1 Fourth, Baby in the bankruptcy 66o Vincennes road, while fprnishing buying the service for the gunboat, 133. • 5iv Broadway. cense was taken away from him by court yesterday issued an order direct amusement to the frequenters of the and prospects are that it will he one ninon Yeiser when he vidated the ing Taylor ere will be 0. Fisher to fik by next place, so incensed the neighborhood, of the most costly and beautiful ever I Suoilay clawing law. He had execut- Monday a TheitiNo workheT list showing property now it is said, that, with other aggravat- presented. ed a $1,000 bond with the Weil in his hands that formerly belonged ing conditions, the matter was Brothers is sureties, guaranteeing to the firm until tfie_br of Henry Grace and Thy- brought to the attention of the author evot to violate any laws, else forfeit tor Fisher. Grace was forced kilo ities and the case received a hearing the bond. When he sold on Sunday bankruptcy and scheduled only his THE AS E in Justice Gain's court in West Mad- , ALLEN ESTATE GLOBE BANK & TRUST CO and his license was taken from bins, individual business. Now he seeks son street yesterday afternoon, when the city sued him on the $1,000 bond, to force the Of Padwuth,Kentucky. partnership business into a fine of $50 was imposed. American and he paid no attention to the suit the liabilities b and asets, The fact that the horse was taken JOHN WARD QUALIFIED AS Capital and Surplpa $15/5,000 Vaasa which he is letting go by default, and into the saloon and given beer and THE ADMINISTRATOR judgment go against him and his other intoxicants to &sink came out YESTERDAY. sureties, who were made party to the Caracas, the evidence introduced in the trinil suit. Now to protect themselves INSURANCE in ED P. NOBLE, PRES. G. W. ROBERTSON. W. PRE& , overnment ME of Weideman on three Charges, o Adolph and Lee Weil sue Jones for tn wooed it of which were dismissed',The com- Prisoners Bailing Out Basement of N. W. VAN CULIN CASHIER. $1,000 on the ground that they Innen, to will plainant was Ms. Fre, Nigg, who County Curt Home, Which Is Transacts all !eviler Making business.. Solicits your deposits. Pays 4 have to pay out that much for him HAVE ORGANIZED AN ASSOCI— Franco-Veni on claimed that drinks of an alcoholic Flooned With Water. the litigation irietituted by the ATION FOR THEIR per cent per annum on time certificate of deposits.. Safety boxes in Are dent. Mr 1 city nature were sold to her husband for the $1,000 bond if same BENEFIT. gees today gesm by while was intoxicated and after proof vault for rent at $3 to $ea per year as to nate. IrCia Carry your own defaelt altogether like be with Presad hadieations protested point to, she had and warned the Si- In the county court yesterday John key and no one but yourself has access. 11•1=•••• onnkeeper. Ward, the saloonkeeper of Second Mr. Judd K. Greer Has a Returned It was claimed by witnesses that and Kentucky avenue, was selected Opinion Filed. From St. Louis Where Gather- is Monuments Cemetery Yesterday recently several of the hangers-on as administrator of the estate of the Fer Vaults, and General Work Use MEDIC in the circuit court Judge , ing Was Held by Agents. around the saloon took a horse from Reed lodged his opinion late John H. Allen, the ship caulker, which holds a rig, led it into the saloon and stod that there is valid the who was killed Sunday morning by ordinance it before the bar. One of the crowd GREN RIVER STONE COUNTY adopted by the city legislative the freight cars of the I. C. at First au- 'Mk. Judd K. Greer; the insurance a rig, led it into the saloon and stood MEET: , thorities authorizing the and Jefferson streets. Judge Light- THE BEST STONE ON THE MARKET foe Monumental and reconstruc- name hats returned from St. Louis bees and to the surprise of all pres- tion of Kentucky avenue foot named Ward on the deceased's Building purposes, as it BLEACHES WHITE UPON EXPOS- and Jeffer- where he and other representatives of ent the hotse partook .of the bever- son street from First to Ninthi brothers. C. L. and R. H. Allen, re- - health and accident concerns organ- age. A second bucket, it is claimed, URE AND THEN RETAINS IlS WHITENESS; does nst be streets. The judge in his linquishing their right to serve in opinion ized a national association coneisting was offered ale animal, which it core dark and dscolored. says that the only thing the city this capacity. so- of the agents engaged in their line drank with avidity. Shortly after- LET ME TELL TO U MORE ABOUT britor sets up in his IT venSe°us tahvt contention that of business. Mr. Greer wan one of ward the horse manifested symptoms the ordinances arc invalid Property Sold. Fl is that the the active members in establishing thor of intoxication and a number of the board of works selected Luke Burradell has bonght from brick as the awroiation, and is a member of the inmates of the saloon sought to teed John S.Porteous Marble,Granite & Stone Works material for renonstruction Ed Thurman for $13o, property on of part advisory hearek it out. of the thoroughfare and Twenty-second between Trimble and SOLE AGENT, Ana TRIM BLE ST., PADUCAH, KY. This even' bitulithic nn speaking of the body the Globe- This elrotmed the ire of the animal, for the balance, while this Lindsay streets, and filed the deol ty Medical board had Democrat of Sunday says as fol- which proceeded to ten its heels .and nothing to do with the for record yeaterday with the county choosing of lows; "General agent) of a number teeth. After breaking up chairs and the material, but that the clerk. oulfarDrb. ie*re E. council was of occident and health insurance cone- converting, the place into a pile of . the proper body. The George C. Wallace sold to T II building, at judge decided panies# organized a national associa- debris, the,animal. overcome by New Century Hotel_ that the the Bridges for ninon two lots of ground be i'ised selection of material was the tion in St. Louie yesterday. The by t Positive drink and its exertions, placidly ii-. the Fountain park addition to the aet cd the council in these mime adiripted is the National asso- DAWS9N SPRINGS, KY. piogramme. instances, stretched itself- or. its side in front city. becatee the board of ciation of general agents of accident The meetil works of the bar and went to sleep, where Tobies Stegar Isold to Luther Car- simply recommended to the and health insurance. Thteny-laws This fine modern hotel is may open under a new terest eo sat council it remained until daylight despite ev- son and others for $4,966.65, proper- that certnin materials be used make eligible for membership an the State NI and the ery effort made to remove it ty at Sixth and Jackson streets. management council's concurrence therein managers and general agents in this for guests at the at Louisville made it Justice 'Grant decided to aTulster the officia% act of the latter, line of insurance in the United States, Paducah and n warning to Weide:nen with regard Licensed to Wed. FAMOUS KENTUCKY WATERING PLACE did not constitute a delegation numbering fully 10,000. •„rwinte att tf! by the to the sale of intoxicants to Nigg and Marriage licenses were issued by cournit ta the, beard of works "The organizers represent chiefly accommodations the to fine him fors conducting a place the clerk to the following pa ins: Very beat at reasonable rates power of naming the material. companies making a feature of 'These that was a public nuisance. W. H. Spicer, aged 24, of H ms- being the only grounds set up 'health e insurance, but they expect the ;7-at ft*I1 harm -keel° on vine, and Vuleina Bagby, aged of Price Bros.etc C.O., the invalidity contention the judge association to develop along broad ft.s, Kentucky. GlilEAT STRIKE THREATENED. this city; Ed FY Noble, legal se, and dismissed the ex parte petition of the lines and have a large membership. solicitor. Ernma L Reed, legal age, of t s Dawson Springs, Kentucky. "R .F. Court of Springfield, In.. city; Textile Operatives Not Satisfied J Evan Cassell, legal age, and Eliza- i 4 was elected president. The other of- With Proposed Operative Phan. One week Yesterday's beth Carney, legal age, of this city. Business, ficers dhoien are: S. 0. Webb, St. he convened Rosa Mundt was granted a divorce vice-pnetsidlent; R.. C. Magin- Fan River, Mass., Oct. 24. yesterday from --The Bailing Basement Out. arinnal' meet Henry E Mundt, and ity, St. Ixxiis. secretary; T. T. Read- textile situation Paducah Transfer Company here was more criti- County Jailer Fayette Jones Kentucky awarded possession of their two chil- ford,-St. Louis,.treasiirer; Edward. S. has cal last night than it has been at any some of the jail prisoners at (Incorporated) will remain dren, Adrian and John Mundt. Delaplane, Tao B. Heintieias, R T. work time since else close of the great bailing out the bksement of (lays. This ! There was /dismissed the suit of Beanfords St. Louis; J. K. Greer, the court General Cartage strike last January. The manufactur- house building where fhere • Business, the !largest Jennie Litton against the Paducah Paiduesh. Ky.. and 0. J. Chapim was flood ers' Association, representing all the ed the floor with the fee some ten city railway for damages, Springfield, IN., huge amount of Superior Facilities for the car Members of the ad- print cloth mills in the city, with the water let Office tors wino ate: company having visory off from the steam heating compromised the board. reception of those controlled by plant. mark ai matter by paying a M. It was several inches deep on Handling Freight, Machinery 2nd. and Monroe been certlairt sum to the The officers state that one reason C. D. Borden, of plaintiff for Nts4 York, held a the floor and took quite a while to fenv& injuries she sustained ter tfttor bringing. the association out at meeting yesterdy And Household Goods. Both Thoh t.s ing a afternoon and voted bail it out. collision, his time iJ the possibility of the to refuse the The jury request of the textile was waived and there sub- New York fitearance investigation council P.D. Fitzpatrick,$upt. mitted for the dirct restoration of GREAT DAY FOR SAILORS. 91111; next to the judge the suit of Geo. taking nein of the accident and health the H. wage schedule which prevailed c,,tray societ Petty, administrator for J. H. Pet- companiee. To Combat any injurious _ # previous to the 12% per cent. reduc- Reception at Tokio--Adruiral tonight ty, against the United States Health reaction Meng this line is one of Togo Ana tion of July as, two. The action, of Given Ovation by Emperor. ers at his r and Accident Inaurane company, for the objects, together with the pronto- the association will be considered at Abram L. Weit street. ;too claimed due on a policy the tilos% of general welfare of the agents & Co de- a special meeting of the textile comes Tokio, Orot.. I4.--Tokiqs reception ceased held in the defendant company by co-operation. The meeting ad- cil J. tomorrow right whim it is prob- today to the officers and men from FIRE INSURANCE H. Petty got thrown out of journed, subject to call by the sec- LONGE9 a rig able the entire matter will he referred the combiner, fleet vets a'most nota- December 27th of last year and sus- retary." to Accident Life, tained special meetings Wednesday even- ble affair. The day wiae extremely Liability, Stearn Boller- injuriets which proved fatal the • ing Rockport, I next of all the unions represented in fine and the public enthusiasm 'Woks day. The company refused St. Petersburg reports say that the largest pump to the council. anparalliebed The procession moved pay the amount of the Ruisians had a million inert in section was 1 policy, and is Man- Many of the business men fear from the Siiimbaahi railway station Campbell Block. now sued. churia when pence was declared/ The vine tries that another string, will be decided at Uyeno Peek, along the crowded The jury was waived Seven nunnner, tbouttenn pounds of pe and there sub men were upon by the unions, hut at this time streets. Office Plume 369. - - Residence mitted to the judge the on (be firing tines direct. Phone 726 the *Inc Th prqiteeding of it is impossible to indicate what The air was rent with thnneterode Felix G. Rudolph, ac- of this pimpl administrateir of tion the operatives wilt take. !cheers. Admiral Togo's carriage Dock Boyd, against was never culthat the Prudential The czar of Muesli has further hon- prciusely dIncorated with Life Insurance flowers and tato patch. ' company, for collec-

tikR. LANT SAYS THAT RAIL- IN TEN DAYS I. C. GOES INTO CABINET MEN ARE TELLING ROAD DID NOT GIVE NASHVILLEE The OVER NEW WHAT THE QUIET ORDER Ideal HIM CARS. Beer CONNECTION. MEANS. UDWEISER is the standard of quality by which B1-.) all other beers City Engineer Has Finished Drawing are judged. Through Passenger and Freight Runs Heads ef Departments Will Have of Third t9 Adams, Showing to Will Follow as Soon as Road Deal With Troublesome Office- Commanding the highest Feet Owned by All. price, yet leading in Can Be Ballasted. Seekers. sales, proves that its superiority is recognized through- out the world. Just as on as the brick arrive Nashville, Oct. 24.—President Stuy- Washinleon, D. C. Oct. 24.—ttot- What Evansville for the reconstruc- vesant Sales for 1904, Fish of the Illinois Central withetanding that they are supposed 130,388,320 Bottles. lion work on South Third street the railroad has announced that the I. C. to be hound by the president's in- evil" will be finished and that thor- and Southern will be running their structions to do no talking to the (labiate accepted by the board own trains of in and out of Nastivitle, press, members of the cabinet are exaks and esti/mates given against Tenn., the .overn the Tennessee Central hastening to explain the meaning abutting property owners. of tracks within the next ten days. How- the executive order knocking the ever, bot- Mr. Lint of the Evansvilie firm, it is not supposed that through tom out of a time-honored civil ser- Mates passenger that the reason he could not service will .he established vice ride in order that they may save from Wet the brick here before now was Chicago to Nashville by way of themselves fronn being stamped when beciuse the Illinois Central railroad this city for about three months. congress newohes Washington. was so crowded with business that The I. C. is wow engaged in relay- The new order gi4es the members ing and they did not have any spare freight. ballasting its tracks both of the cabinet full authority to re- north cars to give bins, therefore the con- of Evansville and south of it to MiOve any subordinate at will, with- Anheuser-Busch Brewing signments could not be forwarded on Hopkineville. It will be necessary to out the necessity of filing charges. Ass'n improve St. trim As soon as M. Lent gave this the Tennessee Central tracks This was brought into being to get Louis, U. S. A. from g? as his reason for not forwarding the Hopkineriffe to Nashville, be- rid of a chauffeur who bad the au- fore they Ilellaterial, City Engineer Washington wiih permit the fast service, dacity to run his automobile around Orders Promptly Filled but the by General Agent John Donavan, of work can be accomplished add in front of the president's car- Illinois Centred of this within three nvontles. riage, B. C. Loebletn, Mgr. city, to Nearly 5,000 mid it proved to be quick and Anheuser-Busch Branch, Paducah, Ky. the matter up with Supt. Egan, men are now at work baleasting the effective. Corl4ea or TM Capped tracks lirsthe Louisville con, and see if of the Evansville division and The difficulty, floweveer, emits to the could nibt be gotten over to work will soon be completeed be that nine-tenths of the political Evansville -for the stripmenitV; The through passenger and freight wiorkers villio are thirsting for office service city being on mir.. Egan's will in all probability be es- wilt aefuse to believe, even on a stack tablished also. The road officials leaversoni- as soon as the tracks are of bibles, any statement which a heaa impacrred pliedl with the re9uest and genie of and the first of the year of a department may make that he the brick should be here by now. It rail. see through passenger trains has no position open to a deserving NEW HARDWARE froirs HOUSE will take about 150,000 to finish the Chicabo to Nashville through and weil-recortunended party work- this city work, brick bAng akar to Third and over the T. C.. The South- er. Heretofore senators and repre- ern Broad, on one side of the street car will also make similar arrange- sentatives, when approached by the ments. We hock, and only a few hundred feet office-seekers, who dleecend upon have just opened an In up-to-dateland:wellTstocked hardware behind on the other side-, while the about tee days the actual taking Washington like the Hun". and Van- de- oveir partment -Jpecial brick inside the rails are right of the Tennessee Central by the de's when they think voile are in for our establishment, and tyro road% are: carrying a mammoth along there Mimi. be completed sight. could truthfully say that every stock recognized The city engineer has compieted hi' office was so comteletely protected as one of the finest in the state. It by the civil, includes towing on Third as far up as Adams IPOTATO FAMINE UP NORTH. service rules. that it wouki street, .showing the numb& of feet be easier to put the camel through the Stoves, Base Burners, Cuttlery, needle's eye than Tinware, Woodenware, abuiting property owner owns. Minnesota Fanners Will Be Com- to ooupie them with Gran- the federal payrolls iteware, 4C drawing is being ancle so that pelled to Get New Seed. , Carpenter and Brick-mason brToo1s1Wire estimates can be issued against the Senators and representatives after Nails, Builders' withstanding Ildljacent landowners, showing how Crooicton, Minn., Oct. 24.—Pota- the rush as long as they Hardware, and in fact a line of can, will goods equal toStlaat carried much they owe on their portion oft he eoes in Northern Mlmsesota are *ear- unkind their troubles on the by the departments', leading work's cost. The drawing will in- ly as wetly as apples.. Farmers who and it will then be seen houses of the country. whether clude every piece of property tyielg planted quarter sections of the tubers the cabinet officers will be able to hold on Thad. and around on Broad over are not receiving a yield large enough ,ont against the previa- sion, which is Being buyers in large to Fourth, and when convicted, the to warrant digging anil thousands of not always soft and quantities, andk-4an a basis gentle, that 'with lead- estimates against the property own- acres will be allowed to rot in the will be brought to bear. In scene inghouses, we are in position era Will be issued. ground rathter than create expense of the departments the ef- to give the7best forithe least fect of the money. No work at all ft going on now on through digging operations. new order has been very depressing. There Third where things are at a standstill According to potato experts in this, the uncertain ten- Dont buy before milling and seeing ure in the our varied stock. until tlw brick come. section, including Frank T. Haseltine atmosphere of petty ice& °users, conspinsicies of this city, the entire seed stock and the striving of for promiotione the Red river valley must be dhanged is better understood T CO AS DOVE OF PEACE. rhea' elsewhere, before the crop can again be profit- and naturally the able. He say.: comphint is bitter. American Minister Senator Clapp of win Try to Settle "Seed must be imported from some Minnesota today ite3 Venesnela.France Dispute. locality sir localities said he would join with Senator Doi- U. in which the Rehkopt rot Saddlery liver in an effort to report from Co., end bftht, so disastrous to the crop the interstate coiranerce Caracas, Venezuela, Oct. 24—The in tide deletion Mi. year, is not upper- comnittee a rail- road rate bill V. PRES. - oveenneent at Wisehington has coin- rent. Obberirtse the rot will continue embodying the presi- deist's views. Sena ineoned tile American minister, Mr. yeas by gear to devastate the fields tor Cullom recent- 109 South Znd Street, ly indicated that Paducah, Kentucky. kusell, to endeavor to arrange the of she tubers, and formers who plant be would give his ts. influence Pays 4 Franco-Venezuelan diplomatic inci- the vines will have their troopbbe to web measure, so that for 1,11rt PS in firs dent. Mr. Russell wil go to Los Te-% nothing. Room-wit appears to have the votes of three of coves today and have an interview 'The rot this year is widespread the eight republican your OWS members of dr committee with Presides* Castro. and leaves hardly a potato in the mi- assured ler Jihad' is fit for his prograrnme. • WILL for either the table ce DODGE a for use another year as seed. Mon- tana and southern districts in which ADMINISTRATION Use MEDICAL the tuber is gown have not LIKELY TO SOCIETY been af- HUMANE LET ISTHMUS CANAL PROJ- fected by SOCIETY the trouble to such a great extent, but the crop is nevertheless ECT TO CONTRACTORS. COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY short all arbund and importation from MAYOR YEISEER YESTERDAY I and MEETS TONIGHT VATH foreign potota districts will be the Tailored SELECTED Suits DR. PURCELL. only hope HIS BY-LAWS This Plan Regarded .POS- of again miming a success- by Secretary IN CHEVIOTS, BROADCLRTH ful crop COMMITTEE. Taft ac Best AND MIXTURES, SUCH PLEAS- o be- in the valley." Means to Build The rot is a peculiar Enterprise. ING SHADES affliction of AS BROWN, GREEN. BLACK, GREY MIXTURES, Southwesternthwestern Association Con the potato and is competed to the When the ETC., IN lie at Arlington One Week blight that spread over Ireland when By-Laws and Regulations EXTREMELY LONG COATS, THREE-QUARTER BOX " die famine Are Completed, All Other From Yesterday. in that potato country was Details Washington, D. C., Oct. ..24.—Seec- COATS AND so Will Be ETONS, ALL RIGHT UP TO THE MINUTE severe. The tubers, after reach Arranged. retary Taft talked interestingly about IN Works ing partial maturity in 14w ground. the future of the Panama canal to the STYLE. PRICES Sias° TO $35.00.% suddenly - •."( .nas evening the elicOnicken Coun- twin into a soft, mushy sub- members of the. pres. His atten- stance and ty Medical society will hold its reg- later on (try out into dust. Yesterday morning Mayor Yeisar tion was called to a story in a morn- Farmers who ular bi-eteekey meeting at the office void tfCeir crop early in selected Mesdames James Campbell, ing paper in which a prominent en- the season of Dr. C. E. Purcell in the Fraternity Ire rejoicing at their good Sr., Cook Husband, and Atrisrney W. gineer just returned from Panama Children's Cloaks fortune. F. building, at which time a paper will Brad/thaw, Sr., as the committee that the only way the canel will GARMENTS THAT ARE be read by the host, according to the to get up tie constitution and by-laws be bid* satisfactorily will be by pri- CHILDISH IN APPEARANCE, AND HOLDS EXPRESS for the liternite COMPANY reociety being organ- vate contract. Secretary Taft said he PLEASE NOT ONLY THE CHILDREN, BUT IS A ized here. thoroughly MOTHERS AS The meeting will have an added in- LIQUOR DEALER. AN three are arming the agreed' with the engineer, WELL, t4rtiest supporter', WILL RE FOUND HERE IN BEWILDERING - terest so same as it is the first since of the movement and that he thought the secretary of ASSORT- a new tt looks MENT. the State Minkel society gathering Shipping of Beet. Into Prohibition toward protection of dumb the administration would resolve it- PRICES &coo TO $15.00. brutes and at Louisville, where a number State Calls for Tax. oilier helpless creatures self in that direction. "With but lit- of t unable Paducah physicians participate to heti) themselves against e.* exception," said he, "I think the CE murky. They work' Those attelding will make a report St. Louis, Oct. 24.-)AnT opinion will shortly kik) a will be done by private con- meetings get together tract. rates 111 what transpired at the state as- handed down in t'be nited States the by-laws awl Events hays proven that OM Rugs and Oil regsdations for Cloths ,setriblage which was attended by sev- court of appeal,' yesterday, holcb government of the will tie a mom expeditious, econome body, and then when ical satisfactory WE CALL YOUR eral hundred medicoes fohm over that an express company *ripping done, ask and way of building ATTENTION TO OUR OFFERINGS OF RUGS )419 Mayor Yeiser to call the canal. Kentucky. beer into a prohibition state-ft to be another public It is the way the rail- PARTICULARLY massmeetinn of noway TO SOME WHICH WE HAVE considered a liquor dreier and is sub- those pushing the have found to be the most sat- HAD MADE OF anturity. project, at ject to the payment of internal which time the constitu- isfactory in great projects, and I am REMNANTS OF CARPETS •• Southwestern. rev- tion _ AND BORDER, BY THIS WE ARE enter tax. will be adopted, and perfection sure that we will find it the nem. one week from yesterday there will of the organiration Gontractore ABLE TO SAVE YOU The government brought jiiit effected, by eiee- will be paid so much per QUITE A BIT ON EVERY ONE. WE HAVE he convened at Adington the semi- tion of permanent chairman, secre- cubic fard for the against the Western Express com- ccayation, and the A LOT OF, annual' meetittg- of the Southwestern tary and standing committees. labor problem NEW ONES JUST MADE pany tr. collect $3,o38 internal rev- will not then be ours." )any Kentucky Nledical society, which lAt the meeting enue tax. In the petition the govern- to be held for•pur- Asked what part of the work would OIL CLOTH RUGS 6oc AND will remain in session probably two pewee of perfecting Soc. mient alleged that the express com- the organization, be excepted, Secretary Tsft replied days. This is expected to be one of those behind the movement that OIL CLOTHS BY pany shipped malt liquor to twenty- will de- he thought the government itself THE YARD AT 20C, 25C AND 35c. the largest gatherings of the body cide whether to select an especial would have undertake six 'towns in North Dakota. The de- to the excava- • LINOLEUMS for some time, And Dory local doc- officer to look atfer cases tion AT soc, 6oc AND 9oc PER YARi fendant, however, declared that it of cruelty. of Ctdebra cut. The expense in- .t tors wile atend, reduced rates having or Whether every Volved in handled the liquor neereey as a corn- member of the en- the disposition of the ex- been made and other inducements of- tire society on roe mon carried and was not !subject will in themselrees con- ca'vated' dirt off that cvt will be eo fered. to stitute internal revenue tax. an officer and when they run welt," said he, "that I doubt if we an es I: acros, cases demanding The case Was first tried before attention, re- will be able to find a responsible Meeting. port them to the regular police contractor \ Next Judge Aimicbon in the federal court of force who will be willing to ti mie next meeting lore/ and see nhapizr:tants are issued dertake it. cannot, of the North. Dakota, who imarected the and If we the govern- B. Ogilvie cotenty society will be heed two weeks vigneone item effected ment will have to do the work itself. Co. jury to return a verdict for the gov- The promoters believe However, fiten tonight with Dr. C. H. liroth- ernment. The case vim appealed to that with se may be able to find a several good, strong convictions repponsible Agents for Butterick ere at his office, on South Fourth the United States court of appeals; arid contractor even for that Patterns. puniethenents among the grielat undertaking. Co street. and Judge Phillips affirmed the de- people in- If we Cae. I ad- cisionof clined to be inconsiderate of animals, vacate letting that out, too." the lower court. that LONGEST PUMPKIN VPNE. the glood lesson will prove as an incentive 0•1•••••••11 for mit to treat the beasts No Need of Hurry. • GUARD WEDDING PRESVNTS. right. Rockport, Ky., bek 24 --One of the (Tatller.) The trial as usual crawled along— largest pumpkin vinell grown in this Detectives Protect Valuable Gifts to Girls of Today. Dangerous. was grown ARTHUR OF "MRS. you know the line—and then stopped section by J. T. Norris. Daughter of St. Lsuis Man. Knott Vette—You mean to say k. The vine measured 1,500 feet and 675 WIGGS" DELINQUENT. dead. "Guard," shouted a humorous Mud—I have just received an of- Louieville, that the use of hair-dye is danger- pounds of piampkina were grows eat Ky. Oct. 25—Alice passenger, "may I ged out and pick fer of marriage, which came by post 6t. Louis, Mn.. Oct. .4.—A dozen Rice, ous? one 726 the vine. The most interesting author of "Mrs. Wiwi of some flowerer this morning, fie said that his love part detectives have been detailed to guard lien Thayer—I do. Let me tell you the Cabbage Patch," today confessed "Afraid you sy,bn't find many about for rue of this pamplcin sexy is that`it was the wedding prevents of Mies Stella was very great, but that his something. A dear jeudgment on back Meet lor the lint here," said the guard good-humor- friend of mine, a never cultivated and came up in a.po- Wade, the daughter of iscoine was small. happy bachelor, Banker Feetui three years on acsesemente totaling edly. found his hair was tato patch. This is considered by J. Wade. The gifts Marie—What a pity! Wlhoni was it turning gray come from all ica6„ono. "Oh, there'll at thirty. Well, he had farmers to he the recordebrestking over the world esti he heaps of thine," re- from. it dyed their estimated pikd a deep black. Four weeks umpkin 4 tit jovial one; "Ire brought a Mited-1 really ster vise of Kentucky. value is ,305,e00. '' • 4d Mit notice. ha he married—Fliegen,7e4 Sulfaesibe for MHZ AN01111111111 *Wet 9f seals." rile was enough. e

leilizens, those who would excite in our rrainds the most contemptuous ab- THE REGISTER who have READY THE horrence, are the men HAPPILY UNITED GETTING achieved great wealth, or any other success, in any save a clean PUBLISHED BY THE form of LAID OFF INTO CO., straightforwerdi manaer." (Continued from First Page.) THE TOWN REGISTER NEWSPAPER and DISTRICTS LAST EVEN- (Incorporated) Chi- of Clarksville; Mr.. parry ING. Building, 523 Broadway. Washington information via Caldwell, Mt Register Tandy, of Frankfort . cago says there V. to be a general re- The contracting pair are too vell President Roosevelt's cab- KOH JAMES E. WILHELM, organization of Mr. comment, RAUH known for any pereonab in Char. Treasurer. Ministers and Others Put JOHN WILHELM, inet just asvon as the president re- both being among the newt promi- of Territories for Religious WILHELM, Secretary. ROBERT S. turns to thapital from his trip nent and distinguished people of this Census. state. Ever since she made south. It is stated as a fact that end of the post-office of Padu- debut the chanming and talented 34 Entered at the Moody are to bee Question Messrs. Shaw and society Underwear matter. a noted Me second-class mail bride has always been cah, Ky., as A roirstOeg and interesting meeting, leave the dministration family and leader of this city and her elegare NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE BEEN ABLE TO DISCUSS KNIT 4 was held last evening at the Firsf SEASON, Terms to Subscribers. to fill the vacaiecies which will be personality graces all functions of im- UNDERWEAR SO INTELLIGENTLY AS WE ARE THIS e that Baptist church by the workers wle6 $5.00 present port. She is very popular over Ken- THE GOODS HAVE THE VALUES TO BACK UP OUR AR- One Year thus created some of the intend taking a religious census of AND 2.50 tucky and adjoining states where an WE MAKE A SPECIAL EFFORT ON KNIT UNDER- Six Months members of the cabinet will be the city next Saturday, and the' enthu- GUMENT. Three Months 1.25 extensive acquaintancee makes her a WEAR, IT IS ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE and new men siasm and depth withewhich they are Week changed to the places familiar personage. Being endowed IN OUR STORE. YOU CAN. ALWAYS FIND WHAT OT entering into the movement indicates STOCKS named for tle! open ones. There with an abundance of accomplish. IN PRICE, QUALITY AND KIND a most successful enumeration that YOU WANT Anyone failing to receive this paper be interesting times ia enents, much beauty a9d many promioes to will be the forerunner of mitcli good regulraly should report the matter to winsome manners, she is held in the Wahsirsgton the next two months to the Christian statue of affairs in and Vests The Register office at once. Tele- highest of estimation by everybody Ladies' Pants reports.. city. Cumberland 318. hom all She is the only daughter of Col. this WEIGHT LADIES' PART WOOL BLACK phone gathering was for the purpose LADIES' MEDIUM Charles Reek, proprietor of the The VESTS AND PANTS AT 98c GAR- If the laws of New York are not their plans and the num- PANTS AND VESTS IN CREAM— Palmer. of outlining MENT. mismanagers was unusually large, con- ANKLE AND KNEE LENGTH sufficient to make the Mk. Nioble stands pre-eminently ber present LADIES' FINE CASHMERE exceedingly disagreeable PANTS AT soc GARMENT. of the big life insurance companies prominent in the business and social sidering the VESTS AND PANTS IN WHITE, and other meetings attracting TUCKED RIBBED— companies the large world) of this city where he ttiJ re- night LADIES' AT 98c GARMENT. • give up to the AND PANTS, EX- sided all his fife. By nature he is many. CREAM VESTS LADIES' FINE CASHMERE sume; of which they have been filched, is being conducted under soc GARMENT. A Messed with high intetlectuality, be- The work TRA SIZE, AT VESTS AND PANTTS IN GREY AT then the laws of New York stand John the able direction of Rev. John VALUE Morning, Oct. 25, 1905. ing a son of the late Colonel SPLENDID 98c GARMENT. Weddnesday amending. press, whose one striking character- sadly in need of revision or Noble, nestor of the Kentucky Cheek, LADIES' GREY FLEECED LADIES' PART WOOL VESTS men of his istic is the fervency and &termites- That there was intent to defraud and one of the brainiest VESTS AND PANTS IN AN EX- AND PANTS AT 75c GARMENT— has eves been a eon with winch he vigorously enters REGULAR Municipal Ownership. in all the so-called managers did is day. The geoian TRA HEAVY GRADE, EXTRap.IZE. business man and everything and always succeeds well. SIZES be, most successful SIZES, elic EACH; EXTRA LADIES' SILK AND WOOL een The question if municipal. °Soler- clear as any point could possibly highest rung in Pa- With the others he laid the city off stands at the 5oc GARMENT. VESTS AND PANTS, SECONDS iereure in and this being the case the guilt of in the wholesale into seven districts and named what ohip is made an important ducah For years LADIES' VERY ELASTIC RIB- OF Silo VALUE, AT 7ec GAR- Let justice he bas of recent persons should supervise the work the New York City campaign. Not accused is made out. grocery business, BED VESTS AND PANTS IN MENT—CREAM. of the Globe Bank in those respective territories. Rev. rounicpal ois-nership stand the whole gang up and give been president PEELER AND GREY COTTON, LADIES' GLOVE-FITTING JER- ondy is Hearst a and in addition in- W. W. Armstrong, of the Trimble the pen- Trust company, GARMENT. RIBBED VESTS AND PANTS candidate for mayor, but 'vine., the them their deserts—terms in projects. Hk church, will hive AT asc SEY terested in many other street Methodist COTTON, AT sac GAR- do so without delay. of section LADIES' EXTRA SIZE VESTS —CREAM Republican nominee, is talking quite itentiaries—and isr also president of the board charge of the workers in that and in Row AND PANTS, 25c GARMENT. MENT. radically on the subject. In a speech works for the city government cornireencing at Atkins avenue The civil service rules are going to is never .Ivins held his dfiscreeet guiding' hand laneltown and running up to Harri- made Monday night Mr coming con- one of a get a black eye when the failing. His personality is son street, bounded by the river on Ladies' Union Suits Out the promise *.hat if he vere elect- an hon- gress meets. The recent keep quiet magnetic nature and he is the norttheast and corporate limits on LADIES' GLOVE-FITTING JER- legislature LADIES' FLEECE LINED RIB- ed rnayen the Reeptrblioan as gives to the ored citizen of the place. the opposite side. SEY RIBBED UNION SUITS IN order of the president called NON-SHRINKING WOOL would grant enabling legislation by Yesterday afternoon at a -Rector David Wright, of Grace BED CREAM COTTON, SIZES 3 TO 6. cabinet means this and perhaps more. directors of from $44.00. which New York City coukb take pos- meeting of the board of Episcopal church, has charge UNION SUITS, AT 98c.—EXTRA SIZES ft.00. anything between the lines company, Ii there is the Globe Bank and Trust Harrison to Broadway, and river to LADIES' GREY THREE-QUAle- LADIES' WHITE COTTON session of the gas plant of the Con- with a of the order—and there is no doubt Mr. Noble was preeented limits. TER WOOL UNION SUITS, AT UNION SUITS efic AND soc. solidated Company and furnish gas token of a great deal hidden there—the hun- handsome gold watch as a Rev .Eshrnan, of the Cumberland $1.50 LADIES' GREY ELASTIC RIB- cubic his business charge at from 50 to 75 cents per too° better fed hence- estimation and love from Presbyterian church, will have PART WOOL UNION BED UNION SUITS AT 'six gry horde is to be the pre- LADIES' feeet. He also hinted at city owner- associates. Dr. Murrell nude from Broadway to Tennessee street, VAL- LADIES' CREAM WHITE forth at the official crib than for recip- SUITS SECONDS OF $2.00 .#entation speech, to which the and river to Illinois Central railroad SUITS, LIGHTWEIGHT, ship of street eailways and said: pretty UES. AT $145. SIZES FROM 4 UNION years. The president has, it is ient happily and touchingly reponded tracks. "The result of ray programme, TOG. AT 69c. clear, had a change of heart since in acknowledging the gilt. The territory between Tennes-ee theiefoce, would be the ultimate mu- Mr. and Mrs. Noble were the re- street, Island creek, river and rail- nicipalization of all' of the great pub- the last national election. cipients on marvy- handsome bridal road tracks' was not aisigned, but the Children's Underwear lic-utility franchises, and I should Miexico, which some months since presents from their host. of friends. probabilities are Rev. B. W. Bass, of FLEEC- have the public, as the best and tilt CHILDREN'S PART WOOL BOYS' EXTRA HEAVY the Tenth street Chri,tian church, SUITS IN most oustworthy corporation, man- abandoned silver as money, is soon ED LINED UNXON Yopp-Long. will take it. UNION SUITS IN GREY, AT 75c AT soc. age thin business of that oorporafon to put gold coins in circulation, The JAEGER COTTON At i o'clock yesterday afternoon • Rev. Wiliam Bourquoin, of the CHILDREN'S CREAM COTTON UNION SUITS IN itself. Don't you think the chosen be by CHILDREN'S old salvo- coins will redeemed at St. Francis die Saks parennage Evangelical church of South Fifth ac representatives of the people of the UNION SUITS AT soc. GREY AND CREAM AT the new gold ones. The exchange Miss Frances Yopp and Mr. Hugh street, was assigned to all of Me- state of New York are equally , as will be liveliest about the beginning Long were united in marriage, the chanicsburg. • competent to manage the Verb ways of ceremony being performed in the Miss Jonnrie Neely, who resides at New York as, for instance, the pres- of the("kw year. presence of only the relatives and a the J. B. Steen home in Littleville, idents of the life ins:um:ice companies few friends, by Rev. Father Jansen. will have charge of 1Littleeilk, and have been to manage thet businese? 'Chicago is now bowleg to the After the ceremony they left for their O'Bryan addition, If anything can be worse than those horse and the prettiest of women. wedding tour through the South, and Rev. T. J. Newell, of the Broadway people have done, I would like to the horse The Garden City is 'doing" returning take up their ipoine at the Methodist church, will have charge know what it is." show act. of the bride's parents,. Mr. of Worten's addition and all that ter- We are Members of the Retail In onienerrting on the New York residence A Yopp, of Ineelfth and ritory between Broadway and city situation the Springfield Republican and Mrs. streets. limit's to the south and the, Illinois says: Jackson Merchants' Association couple are popular and well Central railroad tracks and city lim- "The situation politically in New The W. C. T. U. MEETS known young people of this city who its to the west. 4 York is not netlike that prevailing in the heartiest wishes of all for Each one of these ministers and Chicago prior to the recent upheavai, have and happlesies during their others will have about 15 or ao work- which placed a man flatly ootrunitted TO BE much blisti INVOCATIONS ARE ers under them in every territory, arid to immediate public ownership of the married life. GIVEN FOR NATIONAL expect to make the most thorough street railways in the Mayor's chair CONVENTION. PURCWITHOMPSON Carney'-C.- canvass ever held in this city, getting In 1899. for exarrip4e, ail, candidates in this naming Miss the names of every white person in the Chicago election stood for muni- At 8 o'clock KY. and Mr. J. Evan The pastor of each &nom-,1497 BROADWAY. PADUCAH. cipal ownership with more or less Elizabeth Carney Paducah. Number of Excellent Reports to Be united in marriage at Minion will take district qualification — Harrison, machine C,assell will be half his Made at Gathering Tomorrow St. Francis de amen his own and Democrat, hovering the principle in the nage of workers church, by Local Ladies. a quiet affair per- the other half from outside churches. general: Carter, Republican, declar- Sales. It will be Father Janiert, and There is fifty more ing guardedly for public ownership formed by Rev. needed about leave for their on a twenty-year limitation of exist- at noon the couple workers in addition to those who they take have ing franchises, and Attack% radical in- The W. C. T. U. of Paducah will bridal trip. Ott returning already volunteered their serv- Carney resi- dependent, favoring immediate ac- meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock up their home at the ice., and Rev. Cheek requeetin that street. tion. At the poll' Harrison led, with in the lecture room of the First Bap- dence on Jefferson near Tenth anyone desiring to irsei,t, cal/ on him or Carter secor.d and Mtgeld third. But tist church. leave word today. within four years the Chicago elec. Al it is the day preceding the na- Vincennes Nuptials. Vincen- Wrote was voting oveewhelminiely tional convention at Los Angeles, Miss Caroline Cullop, of Keller, of for immediate action. Col., a special prayer service will be nes, Ind., arxi Mr H. C. held by the local unions throughout San Antonio, Texas, were married INFANT DIED "Now, in New Yoceir, the machine bride. Democratic platform makes a general the country with imocations that the yesterday at the home of the was derlaration for municipal crwnership, convention may prove a mighty pow- Mico Louise Cox, of this city, CHILD OF CAPTAIN JOHNSON which is taken to have little or no er for the overthrow of evil and for maid of honor. • DIES AND WILL BE BUR- prartical meaning; but the Republica. the effectual hastening of the king- IED TODAY. candidate goes much further for. rad- dom of the Lord. Bagby-Spicer. ical measures than did Carter of Chi- Mrs. Julia Mile-s, evangelistic su- At 9 o'clock, this morning Mrs. Zu- cago in tf499, while Hearst holds a po- perintendent, will conduct thi# serv- lerna &why, of this city, and Mr. sition corresponding to that of Gov. ioe. William Spione of near Hopkineville, Body of Leslie Lee Griffin Will Be A:tgeld in his mayoralty candidacy.. As the roll is called the members will be united in marriage at the res- Taken to Dexter Today for Bur- Mleantime, howeveer, municipal own- will respond by repeating • passage idenoe of the bride on Husbands ial—Allen's Body Shipped. 141 ership sentiment all over the country of scripture. The general exercises street near Sixth. Rev. W. E. Cave, has apparently been making great will include important linen of the W. of the First Pres,byterian church, Last afternoon the two-clay-old son headway since 1899; hence the great- C. T. U. work. will officiate at the nuptiale, which of Capt. C. N. Johnson died aboard er uncertainty surrounding the high- An 'extract from an article by Dr. will be followed by the departure of the latter's steamboat, Grate Reeder, ly interesting situation which has de- C. Knox Bond, in the Medical Times, the couple at noon tor/their future which is lying in the local wharf. The With "The Fortune Teller" at The Kentuelty Tonight. home near the capitol of Christian remains will be interred this morning . 4 veloped in Newt York." will be read by Mire. J. M. Byrd, 6U- .• 4 county. The wedding will be a at to o'clock at Oak Grove cemetery, rerintendent of scientific temperance HONESTY THE BEST POLICY? dicate; he can give out that the oper- "Practical" Politics. instruction. home affair, very quiet, and vnitnessed ation has proven a low—no one is the a limited number of friends. Another Child Expired. The president is using some strong A selection entitled "The Value of by No Means the Case in Great Wall wiser, and the rule prescribes that ac- attractive young Yesterday Leslie Lee, the three- By Pu Opinion," will be read by Mrs. The charming and Says Mr. Lawson. counts, wherever they be, are to be language on his Southern trip. This, I. R. Gri(fin, Street Deals, A Wright. bride is the popular widow formerly meenthssold son of M. considered necessarily correct. De- for instance, is what he staid at At- article bearing cm the Portland caelrier for the Rudy, Philiipe & Co. died of congestion at their home on Arm • extremely plain statement of tection of robbery being' impossible,. lanta anent "pructical" politics: exhibition, entitled "Wear the White establishment of Broadway. She is a Kinkaid avenue, in Mlechaniceburg. the absence of ethic's- in matters of there has grown up the tradition that "There are men Who use the phrase Ribbon," willabe read by Mrs. Doro- very sweat and dainty •young woman The body wie today be taken for high finance is made by Mr. Lawson syndicates are inevitably pure. I de- 'practical politics' as merely a mph- thy Kogier. of many admirers and gate popular burial at Dexter. Callosviay county. in the November installment of "Fren scribed to my readers early In this einivm for dirty politics, and it is !inch Mrs. Petri Norviefl, superintendent with all. story how Mr. Rogers and William Retrains Shipped. lied Finance" in Everybody's. men. who have brought the word of mothers' ,meetings, will present A very enterprising and proeperotes Rockefeller erected the fifth-floor This morning at r:35 o'clock there "As a matter of fact," he says," 'po'itician' into discredit. There are the purpose .of these meetings arid farmer is the groom, velie comes of amalgamated structure and hocused a was skipped to Point Pleasant, ciicates are organized .in Wall street other men who use the noxious the ideals piasible to be reached an excellent Christian county family, number of most distieguished capital- W. Va., the neenaine of John Allen, by successful bankers or capitalists-- phrase Inuoinese is business' as an through inteOlgent and consecrated and takes unto himself a most charm- ists into that they were all who was killed Sus- men who have made a great deal of believing excuse and justification for every kind motherhood: ing bride. the ship caulker in on the engine on money—not by men noted for their grotind floor. Later the e 41/0F../...•••=0 the switch of mean and crooked work; and these A most corclial invitation toad! who day neatening by of the Illinois persbnal virtue' and'neeral purity. In cheatastianded out to the participaete men make honest Americans hang are in sympathy with the cause is Sullivan-Thomas. the river front track fact, the latter qualities never enter were considerably 1-tas than the actual their head because of some of the extended. This afternoon at 5:3o o'clock at Central. Two brothers from West into the consideration of those who share of profits due each." things they do. It is the duty of the Broadway Methodist church there Virginia arrived yesterday and pre- for chip in to form this pool. The head- every honest, patriot to rebuke in em- Good Advice to a will be condocted the marriage of pared) the body shipment hone. Tramp. o: the 'syndicate' may be a slick According to. report ot the inter- phatic fashion alike the politician who Minneapolis Journal.) Mise Bennie Sullivan and Mr Victor Empty. operator who takes full advantage of state comoniee commission just is- does not understand that the cmly The autumn night was chill. There Thomas., who right after the service have you a the traditional secrecy connected with sued there were 816 persems killed kind. of 'practical politics' which a na- was a hint of frost in the le-ava for their wedding trip through Little Girl—Please, air. The the syndicate to turn over to his part- And 13.783 persons injured by rail- tion can safely tolerate is that kind tramp's collar was turned up and his the North. sheep's head? Thy dear;.tiers only 4uch part of the gains of a roads in. the United States the past which we know as clean polities, and nose blue with cold. Yesterday a triimbef chi outs Wets Facetious 'Butcher—No, own. particular i7anture al will insure their year ending June 30. Of the killed that we are as severe in our con- "I have here 9 cents." he said. "If came to. atteod the nuptials, they be- only my do. Motberlgood will for his next. The attrniction and .woun1N1 the majority were paa- demnation of the business trickery von will give me one more penny, sir, ing Misses Etila and Dna Landrum Litttle Girl—It won't brains in it. for the others is not his 'honestiy,' but aetegere, There 'were neer collieiolic which ISETee31,3 as of the business can get a bed all to myself." and Terns Quarles, of Martin. Tenn; wants one with the privilege of sharing the profits he and t.e35 derailments, of which r83 trickery which fails. The scoundrel "No. I can't do that," said the Mrs. Carol Warren and Mr R. F.. and Mrs. is sure to capture. He can charge collisions and tt58 derailments af- who .fails can never, by any pre...Ability stranger. "But I advise you to ask Thomas. of 'Mermen, Kr; Mr. and W. T. Threlkeld and Mr. and Miss what he pleases for promotion costs: fected passenger trains 'rise Change be as dangerous to the community as the gentleman you are to sleep with Mrs. F.. Gemeincon of Calvert City; C. M Milher, of Senithiand Miss Joie Pies- he eta appropriate to himself ituch to ears. engines and roadt ay by these the !scoundrel who succeeds: and of for an ad4itional penny. He should Mrs. ly L. Chestnut And VIPs 'Min Dreit Cowper and stock bonuses as may fall to 'hit syn- aOtgdrenti itsitOkitioteir to *10.671. ail the men in the country, the worst give if to yen gladly." Duvall,of Gilbertsville; ter. luad Mrs lid, Of, Smfthsland. %Iola . ee. t • A, e, • ! nee Largest Stock Lowest Prices Satisfaction fiodranteed Paducah's Only Exclusive Furniture Dealers OR The Paducah Furniture Manufacturing Co. BOTH PHONES 72 SALES ROOMS 6 07 2 3 SOUTH THIRD STREET S KNIT 4 EASON, 4 LIR AR- JNDER- ,larm,mwmows_ LPLETE WHAT THE RIVER NEWS CABLE DUE BUSINESS WORLD REMODELING THEATRICAL NOTES

Stages Yesterday. MANAGER JOYNES WILL PUT THE POAGE CLOTHING ES- OF I .C. FREIGHT HOUSE TO Tonight's Great Show, [(midi° Cairo, 19.5; , IT DOWN ON ITS f' TABLISHMENT CLOSED BY. BE 'DEFERRED UNTIL warm reception is in store for Chattanooga, 2.0; thing. SHE "The Fortune Teller," which comes . BLACK ARRIVAL. AFTER RUSH. Cincinnati, 17.0; tieing. to the Kentucky tonight. Milton and 98c GAR- Evan.svible, 7.9; rising. ) Sargent Amorn offer . the original Florence, missing. production, SHMERE • The Electricians Are Daily Working Liveryman John Terrell Will Com- Industrial Commissioner Clair Comes Alice. Neilsen which is Johnsonville, 3.3; falling. sufficient . guarantee that the scenic Syringes WHITE, on Big Switchboard at Exchange mence Moving Soon—Cotton Here Today From Chicago— Louisville, 6.1; thing. Building. Brought Out. Movements of Road Men. equipment, costumes, and effects are Mt. Cannel, 10.5; fallings of the most lavish description. That SHMERE Nashville, 10.5; falling. this charming comic opera, contain- GREY AT Pit miners, 5.2; falling. ing the best efforts of Victor Herbert East Tern Lee Potter General Agent John Donovan, The kind that don't spring a Davis Island Dam, 7.3; failing. Manager Joyrses, of the Yesterday Sheriff of and Htarry B. Smith, will be admin- VESTS Telephone\company, is daily Poage clothing es- the Illinois .Central railroad, some L St. Louis, 147; billing. melee closed the W. K. ably presented is warranted by the leak every time you use them. cable between weeks ago got the higher authorities RMENT— Mt. Vernon, missing. expecting from Chicago the tablishment, on Broadway names in the cast. Grace Orr Myers on orders to general They are made of new rubber Paducah, 9.3; rising. which is to go tlwough the under- Thfrd and Fourth streets., empower him to have the sings the prima donna rose of Innia now WOOL ground conduits leading out from from the local au -cult court, and freight office building in Sixth and and Musette. to which she is admir- —rubber that has stretch in it SECONDS rear building on store. Campbell streets enlarged and Yesterday afternoon the steamer o f the Exchange has charge of this ably adapted, it. is said, both in voice' —new Paca rubber, the best 7ec OAR- Tennessee got away for the Tennes- South Fourth beneath the alley to Lag week in this court a judgment rerniodeled so as to properly care fer and histrionic talent; Grafton Baker business. Yesterday see river. She comes back again next Kentucky avenue and then out the ave- against the Paducah clothier was giv- their growing amply fine, the exacting requirements Yet stated, however, that ING JER- Sanity. She is thoroughly over- nue to points one hundred feet radi- en in favor of the Robert Wicks corn Mr. Donovan of the tenor role, Irene Langfottd; is started ID PANTS hauled, repainted and. put in good ating from the intersection of Fourth pany, of Chicago, for $5,433.22, claim- he wcrold not have the worn( charming in the part of Mlle. Porn 48c GAR- shape for the trade. and the avenue. Just as soon as the ed due on notes Mn. Poage executed until after the big fail rush usually Pom, and. Harry Tnrpin sings the cables come they will be run through in purchasing goods Isom that con- corning on in the freight line towards The &trainee Clyde came out of the basso numbers of the gypsy lover. the conduit, and the overhead wires cern. Being unable to give bond for the erni of the year. The working -Tennessee river yesterday and lays , The excellent comedy trio, Milton then taken down the verdict the execution was yester- of carpenters and others around the J. N. Oehlschlaeger, until torpor:sow afternoort at 5 o'clock Dawson, Herman Hischberg and concern building would hamper the freight before getting out on her return that A large force of expert electricians day awarded' the Chicago James IsncElhern, are cast for the DRUGGIST 7INO JER- feeces in handling their business duo- way. That is her reguiar day under continue daily at work installing the and the stock of clothifig of Mr. I three principal laugh-producing ohar- SUITS IN . in‘T the busy season, so the improve- SIXTH AND BROADWAY the schedule of departures for ,this fine new switchboard beiag placed in Poage taken charge of by the sheriff, I warm. °them who are most favor- ;S 3 TO 6. ments will be held over until about comgany's line of boats. at the exchange rooms. 'Mete are who ie directed to ..setl same within a ably nwntioned in the. cast are Ivy TELEPHONE 63. o. December or the first of the year. The City of Saltino should pass out thousands of small wires to be con- specified time if a. settlement of the Davis as Vaninka, Flossie Foreman COTTON " of the Tenneeeee river tomorrow nected up and other things to be at- judgment is not made. as Rafael, Charles Phiblips as Ko- Industrial Commissioner. Soc. night ben.ind back to St. Louis from tended to, WWI it will take 4110; pace), and James Feney as Potemkin. RIB. • Industrial Commissioner J. C. STIC 4 the Tenneco's river. yet to get things coriropletelf. About Ready to Move. Thome are sixty persons employed in Chili-, of the Illinois Central, will ar- Socl The Bofi Dudley coine l in this new board is in the rear portion of Liveryman John Terrell is pushing the presentation of "The Fortune rive here this morning at 7:30 o'clock WHITE morning henn the C anet river the building on the second floor,,things getting hi new stable finished Teller," net the least important factor frrnn Chicago, and leave immediately Bacon's Malarial WEIGHT, and gets out ierarwdiatety on her re- where emesiderably more roone exists on Jefferson between Fourth and. being the chorus of well trained male Colconda. Mir. turn that way. than eiehlere the present old board Fifth streets, and believes that he on the first boat for voices and ginle who are not only fair yesterday wired Secretary The Henry Harley gets in this • front part of that story. will have thing's finished enough to Clair to look upon, but who can sing and the Corrirniercia1 club to, meet .morning an leaves immediately on the switchboard new ma- begin moving day alter tomorrow Coon of dance. Iola Capsules did not state what his her return to Evansville. elisery and other apparntie is being born the old stand beside the post-- him here, but and Golcondla Y FLEILC- This morning the Dirk Fowler re' itletathirl and Manager Perms office on Fifth street between Broad- mission to Paducah Returns After Many Years. the bead of the ARE THE "ORIGINAL TONIC SUITS IN 'snows her old business in the Caine heves the pl-ant win be unexcelled way and Jefferson. The is as anxious comprised He is at "Where is the little boy who used maintained by. the rail- CAPSULES." Son. trade, leaving at ft o'ctock and com- when ?le new issegraerements are to get his new place finished and tnov department to sing in the gallery?" is a question purpose of helping locate in- THE ONES THAT HAVE SUITS IN ing back tnnight about it. The completed, it costing thnusands of ed into as the Elks are for thie, the road for that has been askedJ. A. Coburn, MADE dnetries'at the towns touched by the 7 asc %Woven which has been filling her dollars to do this. latter's desire being occasioned in: or- manager of the Great Barlow Min- SUCH , A REPUTATION IN PA- roach and in het assist in upbuilding pram, goes into the Evansville trade, The new switchboterd is the most der that the old stable oars be torn strel's which inlays here Saturday mat- DUCAH FOR CURING CHILLS IR business interests of cities en- keying here tomorrow morning 'kr Vitent of renowned electri- down to make room for the hand- inee and night. `kited by the Illinois Central. AND MALARIA. that city, 'This will put two boats SOTrie home the Some years ago, Arthein Samson, .1 and is a great convenience as lodge will erect on PRICE soc. back in the -Evansville trade again. eonigared with one. that site. It will take Mr. Terrell then a little fellow in knee pants and the old Movements of Railroaders. only about the possessor of a high soprano voice, TAKE NO OTHER. 11 1 one or two days to move A. Hill, of the joint Chairman John as singing in the THEY ARE GUARANTEED 2 as he jiset has to take his horses and Brotherhood will be remembered G000d Business. protective board for the vehicles over, and carry to the new gallery in answer to a song sung by A writer ss he spends Of Railway Carmen, yesterday morn- -BOAT DISABLED his summers place what hay and feedstuff one of the end men with this com- is ir the ing left for other places cm the Illi- at the seashore tetls the follow:ng loft of the old pany. stable. dons Central after visitir the car- BACON'S story: An ignorant countryman who His fathers Ed C. Samson, was a'so WRIST AN DCRASK BROKE ON saw the sea for the first time was Bringing Out Cotton. men's local order the nigft before. DRUG STORES. iation of the a member of the show at that time FERRYBOAT BETTIE much impressed with the effect of The strainers coining out Mir. W. E. Kelley left yesterday for are as interlocutor and bass singer, but & Jackson Sta. phone 137, OWEN. the blue water, and asked a fisher- Tennessee river every few days the Louis-vilie division after inspect- cotton unfortunately flied shortly afterward, 71h & Clay Sta., phone N man if he could tell the owner, as he now bringing some babes-of ing the local storeroom at the Illinois g& leaving Arthur his only child. from up nom waterway, and it looks 1;le is connected with the Iiiike to telly a gallon to take Central. Whine attending one of the New like okl times to see the white pro- storekeeper's office at Chi- It Will Take One Week to Fix he his wife. The fisherman re- general York theaters a short tmie ago Me. Same, Art: duct passing through the etreets, be- and Pending That Charleston plied, proudly: cago. Coburn noticed a young man who ap- 111111111111=1:1111811MMIMMINIMIMIMIMINIR ing transferred from boat to railroad. Given has returned from Fills the Track. "Us, me man—we own it!" M. Rens peared and began singing in a rich ti has been some years since cotton Louisville. "Land's sakes!" exclaimed the rus- a trip to baritone voice. The face and features The recollection of the quality of I. KY. was shipped through here by boat, Beyer has resigned his tic. "Could you sell me a gallon lot Mr. George seemed very familiar, but the voice our prescriptions remains long after because the railroads are gradually Illinois woodworking • 50 cents" place at the lw knew not. Looking at the pro- Tfelay the steamer Oharleeton will building up to the Tenneseee and few days leaves for the price is forgotten. shops, and in a gramme to 'his utter surprise he read, eoemmente making tripe for the ferry- "Sure," said the fisherman; and he Cumberland rivers, and get this trade Kan., with his family, to near Topeka, "Arthur Sinn." Not the little boy holgoilettie Owen between this city, nisappeared, returning in a few mo- because they -port the he has bought can trail cot- locate on the farm s'9 he knew him, when in knee pants Brookpoet and the Illinois Lauding ments with a jar of water, for which ton more quickly than any marine there. 1HAYES oppretrite. She will continue tempo- he receired the countryman's so he climbed the gallery stairs and craft. nightly thrilled the-hearts of hmidirs'ds rarity in that trade emelt the ferryboat cents. Unhappy Way. 7th and Broadway. Tel. 756. Long Distance Line. , Her as he sang from above, but instead a is repaired of the broken wrist and The Tauter departed with his pur- unfortunate idea Prescriptions called for and deliv- Manager ii. A. !Aye, of the inde- "That girl has an yonng man with a tone and quality crank which became impaired Mon- chase. Returning later in the day, pendent Telephone company, says ef repartee." of rare ability. ered free of charge anywhere in the day afternoon. after the tide had gone out, he gazed Cayenne. their king distance line from here to "Yes,", answered Miss -Remembering the question so often city. At that time the Owen wee return- in silent wonder at the water, whicT is saying Louisville will shortly be completed, "She has art idea that she asked him. Mir'. Coburn immediate- ing (runs Ilrookpert on one of her had receded far from the beach. merely say- and that when this is. done the new ,smart things when she is ly arranged an interview, in conse- regular trip., when she reached a "Isunerner he "—Washing- 1111111111.1111111111111111•1111111111111 exclaimed, "don't pfetile owning the local concern will ing things that smart quence of which, he once again offers point opmate the Illienis Central in- they 4,, a Weekly. trader—Harper'. make other ;limn-memoirs. tnn Star. the mtieh asked for little singer, not chins Sinklienly the wrist neunk broke as the little boy who responded night- on one Vide of her, and she wao com- ly to encores, that thundered from pit pered to dose down the engine fur- Lemon Chill Tonic to dome. but a young man of rich nishing piiwesr feu that side, and come powerful voice which still retains all * IS A GENERAL TONIC. on into *he .harbor by operating the sweetness and beauty as of olds A CERTAIN CHILL CURE only the engine for the other side. together with a volume which nature A PURE BLOOD REMEDY. of yenterday . the 'mechanics All ,bas been kind in bestowing as the WILL CURE NERVOUS TROU- worked with her, but it will take years have brought manhood to. "The BLES AND WILL RESTORE THE about one week to4 4-everythinter g little boy who used to sing in the WEAK AND SICKLY TO PER, running again, intro proper gallery." FECT HEALTH. lend pending that time t ' leston FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG Ws the place of the Owen. ifrioijN*";1,) i 1 Runs a Hotel. STORES. The Chatleston will carry her cram r,lill.,i s.Comadians• rHe—Nor I. That's a woman's singers,pancerslia • "I should think that "was demand- explained the dividend system of the and William \ Ift-mnedItyolupiothe inShouts Ragtime Hit3 ing too much," said the first man. company and said that at one time he fifth-floor Ototogut and nine Beet and in She—Ohl indeed"? "Not at all • I run a hotel." the company had almost.failirtil hocused a and Ile—Of course. That's why its -- adopted t ine industrial plan in- uished capital- exiled Eve's dropping At The Kentucky Saturday Matinee and Night. Subscribe fbr THE REGISTER. s uarrsce. they were all 4'1 it* r. Later the o, particiesants o' han the actual Best Kentucky Lump 13 Cents. Best Kentucky Nut 12 Cents of the inter- riveirm just is- pesenne killed There's More Heat and Less Dirt and Ashes to Our Coal Than the.OrdinaryiCoal. :hired by mil- itates the past Of the killed vrity were pass toner collittiode KENTUCKY at which 163 THE WEST COAL COMPANY lettilenents e- (INCORPORATED.) s The detillite ay by these a1 2 • Co M. BUDD, .4l0,1V7t Second and Ohio Streets. Manager. Both Telephone Numbers 234 - siseararaisealse-ser

a a otsmaia sias • awe a wess ...aizatimiae OUT OF EUROPE FOR WOMEN BIG DEFICIT EDGAR1N: WHITTEMORE, EXCIURSII S St. Louis and Tennessee River Pack- cheapest and best THE BLOOD RED TURK WILL IN SIGHT THROUGH COI4DUCT et company—the HAVE TO MOVE OF THE POSTAL excursion out of Paducah. AND SERVICE. SOON. WOMEN ONLY $8.00 for the Round Much That Every_Woman Desires to Indications Are That the Sum Will England Is Preparing to Leave Him Trip to 1 to the Mercies of the Know About Sangke, Antiseptic Reach $18,e00,000—Big Increase ennessee river Over Last Year. Powers. Cleansing and the Care of the and return. Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands, (London Cablegram.) (Washington Telegram.) It is a trip The Dardeirelles itself is a little Estimates made at the department of pleasure, comfort 4. and rest; 'over forty-three miles long and is iedieate that the postal deficit this good service, good table, WHAT CUTICURA year will be about $18,500,000. It was good rooms, etc. Boats leave each from thriee to four miles wide, but at 4 4 the narrowest part is not nacce than DOES FOR $14,350,000 during thealast fiscal year. Wednesday and Saturday at 5 p. WOMEN For r,000 yards across. This is at a point People directly and indirectly interest- other information apply to Jas. 'guarded by Chanak Kalesi Castle, ed in the question of carrying the &AL ESTATE AGEArCY Koger, superintendent; Frank L. Too much stress cannot be placed mails for the government are already Brown, &pat. where huge chains are used to bar the on the great value of Cuticura Soap; bestirring themselves, for in certain taUCAH REAL ESTATIS. WESTERN KENTUCICY FARMS. SAM passage. The strait connects the Sea Ointment, and Pills in the antisep- ••••• of Marmara with the Aegean and is tic cleansing of the mucous sur- quarters the suggestion has been MONTHLY PAYMENt LOTS FOR INVESTMENT. 'WM 11LKN supposed to be the key of the Turk-, faces, and of the blood and circulating made that inasmuch as the govern- KENTUCKY REAL ESTATE JOURNAL.AND PRICE LIST J. K. HENDRICK. J. G. MILLER fluids, thus affording aid/ capital. pure, sweet, and mient will have to take stet's to stop FREE TO EVERYBOWY. =ND FOR IT. WM. MARBLE. economical local and constitutional the big leaks that cripple its re- treatment for weakening ulcerations, IMO it Abdul Hamid's days as a European sources, it might be a good idea to W. wurrnattme.r.. pucka...ha inflammations, Itchings, irritations, an- -rnonardh are believed to be numbered.. relaxations, displacements, pains, and cut down the arnoures that are Hendrick, Miller An agitation now is being conducted irregularities peculiar to females. nually voted the railways and steam- %V. Mk* in Great Britain in favop of the with- Hence the Cuticura remedies have a ship and steamboat companies. It Oliver. Geo. W. Oliver. • wonderful NEW and drawal o fwhat up to now has been influence in restoring has been pointed out that the‘rates GOODS Ben*" Ky. Paducah, Ky, Marble. health, strength, and beauty to weary paid the companies are just as high Tiros B. McGregory, the keystone of England's foneign women, who have FOR been prematurely as they were ten or more years ago. Beaton, Ky. LAWYERS policy—the veto against the advance aged and invalided by these distress- the Russian empire to Constantin- ing ailments. as well as such sympa- But the question is also being asked, Rooms r, a and 3 Register Build- ople. The Brit- thetic afflictions as anwmia, chlorosis, who will have the nerve to buck Spectator, the great Fall and Winter ing, 523 1-2 Broadway. ish political weekly, has joined the hysteria, and nervousness. against the companiesoWill the move OLIVER, QL1VER Women from the very agitation, and it has come to be al- first 4ave be Made by President Roosevelt, or HAVE ARPNIVED Practice in all the courts of the fully appreciated the purity and sweet- Secretary Shaw assume such a • most a rule in British politics that ness, the power to afford iminodiate responsibility? & McGREGOR state. Both phones rt. measures supported by the Spectator relief, the certainty of speedy and I are bound sooner or later to become permanent cure, the absolute safety Meanwhile the annual expenditures and great economy which have made for the extension of the free rural de- accomplished facts. An elegant line of imported cloths LAWYERS Like Monroe Doctrine. Cuticura the standard humour rem- livery system are increasing with edy of the civilized world For generations Great Britain has amazing rapidity. It will not be long and suiting, for Fall and Winter. NOTICE! before this service will call for a OFFICES: Benton Ky., resu. bank - tiphekl the integrity of Xurkey Make your &elections now and Highest price paid for second-hand through a fear that if any European yearly approopriation of not less Marshall County; Paducah, Ky., than $2e,00cs00o. No one possessed, of avoid the rush. Power seized the sultan's country TORTURING HUMOR Room 14 Fraternity Building, ordinary gumption thinks for a mo- 4,4 England's sea route to India via the Cured by Cuticura. New Phone Lis. Oki Phone 3o3. StoVes arzcl ment that any but a reckless eon- Suez canal would be endangered in "I suffered five years with a terrible greseman would take the initiative in 4zUrtqittlArte. ,.. time of war. The integrity of Turkey Itching eczema, my body and face be- DICIKE 11), BLACK leum been to the government of India big covered with sores. Never in my trying to curtail a service that is such : i Buy anything What the Monroe doctrine is to the life did I experience such awful suffer- a woncierfid ,coneenience in nearly MERCHANT TAILOR& Paducah and sell everything. sib-sso Court -United States, and the sultan has re- ing, and I longed for death, which I eiery district in the Union except the street. Old phone 13111. felt was 516 Broadway, Opp. Fraternity Bid. -lied on the necessity of England' to near. I had tried doctors and Eleventh Kentucky, which hasn't yet medicines without success, but my Steam Dye .aepport his throne as his only had a route put in operation. Ap- Works mother insisted that I try Cuticula. parently free rural delivery will be Clem Franioli. saving hold on his European posses- I felt better after the first application TAfKE NO SUBSTITUTE -*ions. of Cuticura Ointment, and was soon increased rather than decreased. Moving In SCOTT BROS. & CO.'S CELE- wagon COnsalledalt. I. entirely well. Mrs. A. Etaon, Belle- The railway and steamboat com- " Now, however', the new Anglo-Jap- BRATED anese alliance is a guarantee of the vue, Mich. panies are getting about $40,000,000 5 a yawl out of the government for car- If you want safety of India, and Englishmen are tbsVZ" %•°61Ei=n g iraps2==ag your clothes cleaned, E. H. PI.JRY.Al2, eirsies toe"A Mar Wousa. rying the mails. If a fight is made -preparing to give op their objection dyed or repaired, take them to K. C. -to Russian occupation of Turkey. ors these oampanies there will be ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, within lively times here next winter, for' bigh Rose 3arg South Third Street. I have England realizes that Russia this, in addition to the rate question, Robins 3 and Register -the next few ream must have warm the nicest line cl samples for tints 6 Building, would still further complicate nat- ...-ileister seaports, and if these axe not ONE MORE CHANCE 1-41 In the gee BrOildliey, Paducah, Ky, ,c-abtained in Turkey, they will be on ters. city. Suits made to ardor. see some of •;elfhe Persian gulf, which is too un- Icople who want to New Phone ago. from the corn- Life flour oarfortably new India, even with the FOR LEGAL VOTERS TO REGIS- this "pie" Mien away • pert SPECIALTIES: Anglo-Japariene aliiance in begin, for TER EVE,BEFOREeihrdlualirdlu Panics insist that the greater WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST. A. S. DA_BNEY. Abstracting of Titlee, • • e complete tranquility. CONTEST. of the money spent for transporting short of Corporation Fear of an Alliance. the mails by rail is nothing insurance, and noteworthy fact. --DENTIST— Rail Estate Law. ' 'Mother reason for the startling a subsidy. It is a contract in England's near Eastern The Provision of the Law Grant- however, that about the only year Ueda toYarmers * is the fear of a tsong alliance ing This Chance and the Days that is fought vigorously each Thiablert Banding. be- Russia and Germany. The Therefore. is the contract for the fast mail We are preparing to advertise in Orleans, and 7. B. harrison, ',dearest desire of Englishmen at pros- tween Boston and New if you want to sec- the Northwest, and is to weaken Germ:illy and to the main objection is against the DR. ROBT. J. RIVERS '. eat Wash- sell your farm, list it with us and we CITY ATTORNEY destroy the growing inCrisacy be- tion of the country Foie ho! All legally qualified voters who to dim - think we can sell it for you. Try us. too NORTH FIFTH STREET tween the czar and the kaiser. Ger- ington.The men Who try were unavoidably out of town on year Attorney-at-Law. ' teeny is now the predominant power mate the appropriation every Both Mass 3ss Tuesday, October 3 to 17—the days in the II Constantinople, and the kaieer is overlook much larger contracts Roes 13 and re Columbla Building, of the general registration—or who slope S. T. RANDLE Office hours $ to to a. m., r to a -very ambitious to maintain his infltr- Welt* West and on the Pacific were sick themselves or kept at home the ranking Manage: Real Estate Department, p. m. and " fence in the Turkish capital, for Ger- 111-. Mionnof Tennessee, 7 to g p. so. Old Phone Tog. by the sickness of some named mem- Postoffice invested in Musa,.At on the House Mechanics' & Farmers' Savings Fmk, •••••11.111•11111MINIMMEM19, .' linen capital is heavily ber of the family may register on have emir Cornimittee. has a tusile each session 'Asia Ni6nor, and Germane and Wiednesday be- Room 3, Amer.-Gar. Nat. Bank. MOnday, Tuesday with the fatter question, and doubt- 10 regard Asia Minor as the place for November election by going FLOURNOY & REED fore the tem he will be pretty busy during the 0. D. Schmidt -*do next colonial venture. If Eng- to the county clerk's office and mak- to the next session, for the postal situation land withdraws her objection' ing affidavit to the fact. The law gov- Architect and Superintendent. LAWYERS Constan- is one that is apt to be most care- "'Russian flag floating. over erning the supplemental registration Dr. Stamper, the slow fully considered id the rt-rnirres* to 401 Fraternity Building. 3•04,m• 10, tz and ti Columbia Bldg. nople, the only bdr to is as follows: German asserntrie in December. Red; lieilarch on Turkey would be "Any person entitled to register Old Phone age New Phoebe p. PADUCAH. KY. of discord i'ticn. and an apple who was necessarily absent from the Dentist. between the What Gives a City a Bad Name. J. C. Flournoy Cecil Reed thus would be thrown city of his residence during the days Padocah, Kahlocky. would lead to (New York Pest.) Office over Lendler & Lydon. rear and kaiser which allowed for registration herein, or strong ties of However discouraged the ontlinok 309 Broadway. the severance of the who was ill during said time, or who the two for better government in this city for friendship that now bind was unable to attend the place of the next four years, it is gratifying 6. W. Arnold Dr. B. T. Hall monarchs together. registration on account of the sick- yet have and encouraging to note that the Englamrs statesmen as ness of some named member of his that they intend Movement for reformed municipal ad- Dr. Childress The real estate agents, hsw lingoes Office with Drs. Rivers & Rivera, rata -not declared openly family, may have his nine placed abandwi their anti-Russian policy ministration gees on apace elsesvhere worth of city property for sale and upon the registry for the lprecinct in EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT hFifth, Both Phase us. the decision is so mo- The Philadielphia City party, indorsed dairtp-five farms: also the.. safes. Nort in Tarkey, for which he lives, by attending the that the Britieli goy- by the Democrats, is vigorously at 4,Homes for rent. mentous a one county clerk's office on Monday, ace and Residence, Rooms 3 and 4, Raddlince too Clay, Old Phone alas sure Engliehmen as wewle to elect its candidate for sberiff, Telephone, old, 7863. • - eminent nista be Tuesday and Wednesday preceding favor the move before they while Mayor Weaver and his counsel, .-a 'Ante the November election in each year. Columbia Building. step. Jame, Gay Gordon, lire bringing the 'lake the fine' and making affidavit before the clerk R. T. LIGHTFOOT, Lansdowne Favors It. ireniteee to book. In Denver. the showing the facts required to be Phon however, that Lord minipters, having closed up public roar _Red. Taylor & Lucas. It is known, seated in the registry and showing suggestion gamMing, have bandied together to —LAWYLR— 'Lansdowne regards the the absence or sickness referred to. LAWYERS. favor, and it is believed that it !empress, the flaunting vice which dis- "with Any person prpsent in the county WM practice in all courts of Ken- a public an- graces the city. In Kansas City a NOTICE OF Both Phones 6ç—Rooms 203 and am will not be long before clerk's office my challenge the right aouncement is made which will indi- similar movement is well under way. of any voter to register under this RE-EXTENSION. tucky end are mov- In it dozen different cities, in fact, CHARTER Fraterity Illinois. - este how the undercurrents section, and thereupon the county is reform activity of one kind :iing. clerk shall examine sucd... voter and been informed by or another-4S in Lodisville, for in- The sultan has any witness who may be offered, un- TREASURY DEPARTMENT. in London of stanee, where there is now a City ALDEN W. --the Tin-kith ambassador der oath, and shall hear and deter- Office of Comptroller of the Currency. BARKLEY, D. Sidney Smith England is consid- Club, patterned after the New York , new direction mine the question of his right to reg- acting taking in the near East, and organization, as are the City Clubs ister. The duties herein imposed up- Washington, D. C., Oct. to, Noe. Attorney-at-Law, DENTIST. there is consternation in Yi:diz of Philadelphia and Chicago. The aim 4 on the county clerk may be per- insist WHEREAS, by satisfactory exidence Office over Globe Bank and Trust -11(iosk. Abdul Humid is helpless, and in Louise-We as elsewhere is to Rockia No. e, Colarnbia Building. formed by his deputy and he may ad- presented to the undersigned it has Co, 3o6 Broadway. .van kilo nothing to stop the inevitable upon a business adeninistsatirm. Peo- minister oaths under this law. appear that "The First :-Mescovite advance into Turkey, once ple now realize that a corrupt city been made to No fee is charged for tegistration of Paducah," located 'England's support of his rule vanish- arovernment not only demoralizes a National Bank under this section. Paducah, in the Coun- et. When that occurs the sick man city, and gives it a bad name abreact. in the City of Dr. B. B. Griffith DR. W. C. EUBANKS. and State of Ken- 11 be, moved back into Asia, and hut affects its business interests and ty of McCracken Worst Than No Excuse. With all the pro- TRUEHEAWT BUILDING. (Homeopathist.) mope no more will know a prophet retards kw growth. tucky, has complied (Pittsburg Dispatch.) visions of the Act of Congress "to en- .f Maherriet. Both phone en at the office, both Office, 3e6 Broadway—Phone 120. defense for mur- Banking Associations Drunkenness as a Low Rates to California. able National phones eao at residenc. Office hours der can be reduced to the plain state- to extend their corporate existence, Residence, are Junior's Philosophy. 3 p. p. in. Broadway. Poor Richard July 7 to g a. m.; 1 to m, 7 to — ment that a drpnIcen man bent on From Septendrer 15, to October 31, and for other purposes" approved ap- Phase ran (Saturday Evening Post.) commission of crime is as dangerous the Illinois Central Railraad com- 12, 18?-2, as amended by the Act Man little here below to the individual against wlibm his ef- pany will sell one-way teconel-olees proved April 12, 11902; who William ero forts are directed as is the man tickets to San Francisco, Los Ange- NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.T. Rivers,M. D. • phone 251, The al lion is often a white ele- is sober. If the courts are to take as lee, San Diego, Cal., for $33.00. B. Ridgely, Comptroller of the Cur- Office Residence phone 474 ant. argument for acquittal the work of a J. T Donovan, Agt. Paducah, Ky. rency, do hereby certify that "Th 07F1tE 120 NORTH FIFTH t' Musical comedy uncovers a multi- man charged with felony that he is G. C., Wasfield, T. A., Union Depot. First National Bank of Paducah," lo- the Vernon Blythe of shins. irresponsible because it was commit- cated in the City of Paducah, in TELEPHORES ted while he was drunk the possibil- County of McCracken and State of Woman votes in some states; she Has the Chills. Residence 2011 Ma In PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. •les everywhere. ities are dangerous. What is to pre- (St. Louis Republic.) Kentucky, is authorized to have suc- Rooms 204-6 Fraternity Building. Money may talk, but it has a poor vent every deliberate murderer from Stegoinyia fasciae' is t;ii against the cession for the period specified-!ft its . • y on the witness stand, hiding behind this defense, a's so principle that he who lives by the amendect articles of association; name- The big stick—yes, the big stkk at many of them have hidden behiod the mooed must die by th'e sword. The lit- ly, until close of business on October D.0. c)ARKsi accomplish it. ruling of a court that -there is .emo- tle messengers, of malaria are them- ro, teas thing until they ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, Dr. J. T. GILBERT - Some people who are too busy to tional insanity? Is it net possible, if oelvee stifforing with chills. In testimony whereof wilnes% nW, day . 'ralc call themselves conservatives. one man is *quitted of crime or Ins at' hand and seal of office this TentE PADUCAH. VA'. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Ten-dollar hospitality on a one- sentence is made nothing anore than Gives One the Chills. of ibetober, Igoe. General Practice. .r man ie eleven dollars wasted. a few years' confinement because the (Hawsville Plaindealer.) OBE A L) WM. B. KIDGELY,- sollaito Fraternity Building. Phone IA 440 1-2 Broadway, the Currency. Ky. arime was an act done while he was A reasonable lie will do, hut whet Comptroller of 011ee also Park litrto, Mayld PADUCAH, NY. \ The railroaders' strike in Russia under the influence of liquor, that it a man talks abort sliding down an Charter No. r5oes. Extmosioa Ne. 93e. - Dry Not Air Bathe slyest when in. . nearly tied up alo,• the lines. Tref- will serve to increde the number of icicle Os fast that t e friction set his Subscribe for WM REIDISTRR, . dhotis'. is about at a standistill. , I felonies of that clieracter? pants on fire, past bearing. Subic:Um For The Register. ft. fa' 011


'0 ,4 WILL DRAW NO LONGER. PROWLING THIEF MURDER- A DARING TEXAN IN RICKETY TIME TABLES OUSLY ASSAULTS A RESII- AEROPLONE GOES BAL- DENT OF FULTON, LOONING. Corrected MASTERFUL PEN LAID ASIDE AT COST OF $65,000 A YEAR TO Aug. 22nd, x9o5. GRATIFY ARTIST'S AMBITION TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN South Bound. No. on No. 103 NO. 121 The Hay Stack Murder Sensation of Drawn by Fast ' COLORS—WILL STUDY IN EUROPE. Moving Tug He Has Leave Cincinnati 8:2o a.m. 6:oo p.m. Mayfield Bobs Up Once More— to Slacken Speed and Apparatus Leave Louisville 12:20 c1.111. 9:40 lam 7:25a.m. Other Notes. Settles in Water. Leave Owensboro p.m. 6:30 p.m. *9:0oa.ra. draw no children, • Charles Dana Gibson will and now has determined to Leave Horse Branch 3:4o 12:08 a.m. :orja.tri. it vaite. The origi- more in black and btwn all his bridges and set out with Leave Central City 3:55 Pan. 1:o3 a.m. 12.:309.M. New nator of -"the Gibson Girl" wants to his sohoo4books under his arm to (Fulton Leader, 23d.) York, Oct. 23.—In the Nrorth Leave Nortonville 4:37 P.m. 1%40 a.m. :28a.m. &member study We that river, 4 enter a new field, and in art in Europe. He is filled with are eliably informed $300 off Seventieth street, yester- Leave Evensville 4:40 p.m. 8:3oa.m. Europe to study art. the was placed in the day afternoon, Leave be %via sail for freshness and enthusiasm of a boy 2,000 New Yorkers Hopkinsville :2oa.m. expresses it, "he has about Saturday as a supplementary reward saw one Leave As a friend it, and Plans a year ie Spain, a of the most thrilling spec- Princeton 5:6:4025 2:27 a m. 235p.m. boirglit his tilbedben," and, realizing year in France, and a year in Italy; to the $5oo offered by the common- tacles in the history of ballooning. Arrive lasflucah 3:40 a.m. ea5p.m. "that he has reaohed his limit in, black as he describes it, to let every influ- wealth for the apprehension of Em- From the open roadway leading to Leave Paducah 6:45 Pam 3:45 a.m. has detided upon ence play upon him. met Roatlis assassin, making a tol the dock, after ball Arrive 4:201:on. and white" he this He does not a dozen ludicrous Fulton 7:55 p.m. 6:oep.m. 'know tal of $800. 4:50 step. The cost of•Mr. Gihsion's free- what 'his medium will be or failures, a rickety, creaking, fragile Arrive Gibbs, Tenn, 8:31 p.m. 5:17 a.m. 'how 'Yesterday morning dom will be about $6,s,000 a year, th long he will be in the primary at 8 o'clock at aeroplane rose into the air as if pro- Arrive Rives 8:39 pan. 5:23 a.m. income he will sac-ri- class learning bio home near the Normal College, pelled amount of that the alphabet, but 'he be-,l from the muzzle of a cannon. Arrive Jackson 7:15 a.m. heves enough Dudley Newton, a well respected To t'ae centre, ce. in himself, in his ca- enmeshed in piano Arrive Memphis 10:30 p.m. 8:15 a.m. pacity for bard woe-la:and study, to be young man of South Fulton, died of wire, girders and guys and a work Arrive "My nand is made tys;" Mr. Giloen New Orleans 11:oo 8:15 p.m. 8:3op.rn. willing to make a big bet, as lie ex- paralysis following a prolonged ill- of frail bamboo poles, clung the aten- sold, ae be atoodi at the boor of las • pommel it, that he will win out. His ness of typhoid fevers The deceased ant, C K. Hamilton, a young Texan. Carnegie Halt studlo. "I have done North Bound. No. 102 No. toa whiote attiiude—realieetion that he had been married but a short flhne With hands and- legs No. 122 hat I set out to do in my chosen outstretched Leave New Orleans has reached his lima in black and and his, death comes as a great iock like a giant monkey, man and ma- 7:10 p.m. sphere, and dow I am free to do the Leave Memphis white, that while he slight continue to to his bereaved wife and relatives. chine went up, propeled by 6:5o a.m. work I want to do. When I sail in nothing, Leave Jackson, Tenr. make niony he would,do so at a Last night about 6 o'clock Mr. G. but drawn with a rope io:io p.m November with my wife arid children attached to Leave Rives sacrifice of his artistic sell-I-meet-- H. Beansford, one of Fulton's most the stern bitts of a tugboat, which, 9:42 am, 11:58 p.m. I will be virtually on vacation. I do Leave Gibbs I not mean by this that I shall be idle. ate fhe picture it gave me of his pronairwnt citizeme, was waylaid, far out in the river, was heading 9:15 p.m. ( Leave Fulton 10:109 Qs the contrary, will be inanities. and selflrestraint during knocked in the helad and robbed in clown stream as fast as its kicking 48 aj 12:35 a.m. I very busy, Arrive Paducah but I will be following my own ideals, the past twenty years, has increased the back yard of his home in East screw could send it. 11:20 1:43 a.m, a 7ooa.m. Paducah arid not working to order. my respect for him a hundredfold. Fulton and left iniconecious from a 11 :25 a.m..m. t:4 a.m. 7:5oaan. "It terrible wound which his asoailant in- Arrive Princeton I239 p 3:at arm. "For six nsoritha have been work- is :hard., at this distance, to Like a Monkey. 9:29a.m. make clear flicted upon the back of (ii, tread Arrive Hopkinsville 990533145:::::544310 ing in cob" and I find that I can- what a fine thing I think with The throng ashore he'd its breath. he is doing, or to describe the fine a brick. Mr. Bratisford was just re- The Arrive Evansville 61 05 • m not continue to dmw in line anti give aeroplane sheered, ..and rocked admixture humility are pride with turning from feeding some pigs and like Arrive Nortonvilk 1:28 p.m. the time 1 want to give ta.piinting. of a boy's kite in a gak. One hun- to:35.a.m. Which, he leaves behind what for was but a few steps from: his back Arrive Central City 2;0535 p.m.p a.m. In Ant TI am obit So do as I please dred, two, three hundred feet it II :36a. M. most men would have be-en a porch when he was struck down by cracking. No Arrive Horse Branch 3:00 p.m. I anaemia myself moot fortunate. I satisfy- soared, creaking and 12:55p.m. ing success, and starts, When nearly the miscreant and his pockets rifled spider Arrive Owensboro may be abroad a year. I may remain in.. a broken web ever strove 4:55 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 4:55Pala a forty, on an absolutely unknown of all their contents. It was not un- Arrive Louisville two years, or three, I do not know. mode dreneoately to hold for a few 7:50 a.m. road. Quite independent of til 30 minutes later that an old negro Arrive Cincinnati 9:15 pale I have not mapried out the minor What the minutes of :ife than did Hamilton. 11:55 a.m. results may be, I is man, Who does chores on the place, details of the nsove I have decided think it an in- As the machine dived to the right, spiritidg exanaile, and if this hasty was passing through the yard and upon. I will stay just as long as I the pale-faced tad in the meshes of ST. LOUIS DIVISION. note conveys any of the warmth of stumbled upon the prostrate form of feel that I am approaching more near- the aeroplane jumped to the left, (North sound.) (South Bound.) my appreciation ef it will not have his employer, who had bled' proftesely and vice versa. Not • ly to nhe ideals I have set up in aw an instant, from No. 306. N0. 374. No. 305. No. 375. been altogether useless.' and was to all appearances dead. the ground until it began slowly to heart, I want to reach the limit of Lv. Paducah.... z2:e0p.m. 4:2op.m. Lv. St. Louis.... 7:45a.rn. "I suppose be has," was the reply, After being removed to the house, settle into the waters the river 9:40tatn- my possibilities in color. of Ar. Carbondale.. 4:25p.m. 8:401) Lv. 2:50a.m. 6:eap.m. 4 "except that I dan't begin to beer ve pleysiciaro were sent for and upon did that frantic battle for equilib- to Ar. Chicago 5:30a.m. 8 Lv. Carbondale. 11:40a.1fl. 7:o5a.m. • "First, I will go Spain. After a the compliments he pays me." examination pronounced the wounded rium and life in the aeroplane cease. eminent Ar. St. Louis 8:05p.rn. 7:oaa.m. AT. Pada:IL.... 3:33p.m. II:ocean. time in that I v.ila visit Italy, Mr, Gibson is a native of Roxbury, man badly hurt, but not enough to Voices that had cheered this daring and from Italy I wall go to France. I Massa where he yaks born in 1867. cause great alarm. Mir. Bransfordi is aeronaut at the first dart into the air CAIRO-HOPKINSVILLE know that I will not return to Amer- The "Gibson Girl" relieved a place resting better today and said thatalre -ere stilled. Dozens of .women turn-. LINE. ica before next summer, but I will for hem* as soon as she made her bad only a few drillers in his pockets ed from the sight as Hamilton waved (North Bound.) (South Bound.) certainly visit my then, and if home bow to the public. Among his at the time of the robbery. in and out of his cage with the agil- to1-8o1 135-835 122-822 I 36-836 I continue my studies abroad I will sketches those Hoplcineville tt:mato 6:4caan. Cbicago.... 6:20p.m. depicting "The Educa- ity of a frightened monkey. - . 9:45a•m. get back once a year at least." tiori of Mr. Pipp," "The Americans,' (Mayfield Monitors 23d.) Lv. Princeton., 2:35p.m. 7:45a.m. ov. at. Louis .. 9:40p.m. 21503u. "Have you chosen the =seers un- "A Widbw and Her Friends," and Mk. J. Festus Gary. anti Miss Ruth Had to Slow Down. Ar. Paducah.... easpars. 9m5a.rn. Lv. Caro...... - 6:osa.m. 6:aop.rn. der whom you wilt studyr Mr. Gib- "The Special Ladder," hav been most Malone were united in mariviage at When the aeroplane had reached a Lv. Paducah.... 7:oopan. 9:3oa.m. Ar. Paducah.... 7 uani. :topan. son was asked. successful. iChapel Sunday afternoon, the point estimated at 350 feet, a ferry Ar. Cairo 8:38p.m. itaoa.m. Lv. Paducah.... :soom. 8:zspan- / '1 have not. There is plenty of time pastor, Rev. A. S. Castleberry, per- boot got its the course of the tug and Ar. St Louis 7:08a.M. 5:oop.m. Ar. Princeton .. 9:29a.m. that." 9:543P.M for Left-Hand Artists. forming the ceremony. convened that craft to veer up tr. Chicago a:05a•na 9:3olana Ar. Hopkinsvilk :000.111. That M. Gibson is fbereughty in Mr. Lester Usher, son of "i.sq. J. WL stream. That left the cranky thing earneo ate that the step he has tak- To that list of left-handea artists rsher. and Mist Lilian Alexander, in the air without propelling power, Train, marked thus (*) run daily except Sunday. Al) other trains run en in refusing to renew the contracts may be added litr. F. M. Townsend5 among the most prominent young and it gradually settled. As the rope daily. Trains 103 and ma curry through sleepers between Cincinnati, Ilhat bring him in anywhere trims the deft draughtsman in black and pelopit in the Farmingtorr section, became slack it fell sldwly with birds Memphis and New Orleans; trains tor and 102 Sleepers between Louisville, ids,oco to a year 4 the tesult $751000 whits, who has lately become art -ed- were united in marriage at the iheserie like, swinging motion from left to Mamciais and New Orleans. Trains 8oi and 822 sleepers between Paducah of no *mitten setins, but the offspring itor of Punch. But Ur. Townsend is of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. right into the river. Launches, sail- and St. Louie. For farther information, address of desies long Cherished. was Proved one of the "semi-left-banded." And W. P. Alexander, Sunday afternoon. ing boats, tug', row boats and yatchtsi J. T. DONOVAN, General Agent, Paducah, Ky. by tis every word and treater.. of these there are more than y mt. The remains of Frank Yerang, who wade for the aeroplane and. iescued GB). C. WARF1ELD, Agent, "1-bete's nothing more for me to Ticket Paducah, Ky. might seppose. Many of us, on was trilnet in Tennessee last Polley, the Texan. F. W. HARLOW, D. P. tell you," he said, when be had mode A., Louisville, Ky. watching ourseaves, will find that on were brought to Mayfield at nichight "I got au-ay with it," were his JOHN. A. SCOTT, A. G. P. Memphis, Tenn. the bare annoencernent that he timeline A., this or that excesian we use the left Saturday night, and were buried at first woods, "but I'll never- know just S. HATCH, to go abroad to study art. "I've G. G. P. A., Clioago, IIL hand when the ;light would be ex- the cemetery Sunday afternoon. how I did it." WCARTY, come to a point vAiere I have C. C. D. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. peeted. Mr. Townsend draws with Frank Young was about seventeeen "It was the most exciting experi- • enough to talie care of my family his left hand, but he deals cards with years of age, and was raised in this ence I have had in five years of bat- and educate my children, and I feel his right. This writer, being in all onamty, hie parents residiag near /noting, and I want no more of it." that if I can do better pork in broad- other respects right-handed, deals Hommel church, east of town. He litany of those who: tow yester- er fields' by giving a few years to cards with the left. The real equal- kit hoot a train. day's spectacle, declared they would study I can do so." ity between the hands would proba- It is mid that there will be some never look at another of its rhar- Special Sale "WhIll your friends see nothing of bly be established from many exper- startling dime/opt:vents in the straw atter. your ;work while you are abroad?" he iences —London Chronicle stark murder case before many days, was asked. as,infaretation from a reliable direc- Cannot as Czar of the House. "That deposits," he replied "As I tion bas promised' such Sunday night toia you, I am not to be idle, but am the officer at Kuttawa telephoned to (St. Louis Republic.) On Wall Paper. going to do the work I want to ors Chief MeNutt that a man in that Ex-Speaker Joseph G. Cannon of If anybody want* the work I want to WOMEN'S NEGLECT had manifested his desire to the fifty-eighth congress is not yet do, I are you I will be very glad THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER THAT give\ out some valuable information elected speaker of the fifty-ninth. His HAS .4 of it. If nobody ,wants it, then I am SUFFERINGTHESUREPENALTY about hflayfieldai mysterious moo friends take it for granted that he EVER BEEN OFFERED TO THE VUBLIC. YOU CAN PAPER afraid there won't be much of we - it trairder and Chief McNutt told the of- lei!l be, and as no ether Repnblican for a while." Wealth Thies TAM Is Lydte Restored br ficer to question the =nand find out candidate for the office -has yet ap- A ROOM, SIDE WALL, CEILING AND BORDiaR TO MATCH Mr. Gibson talked with the unaf- M. Phaltheraiis Vegetable compound. what he knew. The man des/revs of peared', they may be right. fected happiness of she schoolboy P0,12 THE WALL SUM OF ONLY 65 CENTS. NICE PLAIN telling something of the murdeaawas But if the majority in the new FLO- who has paseed his "exams" in the flow many women do you know who perfectly in hfayfielel ae the time and is }im- blouse of Representatives desires to preparatory school and is about keen- are well and strong? We RAL DESIGNS THAT OTHERS ARE. SELLING AT 6 CENTS PER bear every daythe name story over and posed to know mm' than Ins ever exercise its constitutional right of ter ooege. It is said that 0 he has over agate. "I do not feel well; lam been told. The chief will look into tratine on bills without hose dictation, ROLL, WE WILL SELL YOU AT ONLY t/12e PER SINGLE ROLL, been $25.o0o a year from drawing ao tired all the dine t" the matter a once. it will reject Mk. Cannon or sput a $acadho from Life, and that OR 3 CENTS PER DOUBLE ROLL, ALL NEW AND BEAUTIFUL emit) on the usurpations of control- the Yoyaltiee from the boob of (Mlayfield hfessengeo 234.) over the House which have clraracter- =-hes that be publi bed ever year DESIGNS. ALSO NICE HANDSOME DESIGNS AT 5c, roc, 15c, 20C Mr. I.Ona Royal. in the eastern ized every Republican speaker since at least $2o.000. • part of the county had the misfortnne Reed was put into the chair AND UP TO $3.00 PER SINGLE ROLL, ALL KINDS, ALL.PRTCES In Iasi weeek'r issue Collier's at the of toeing his twin babies, within the beginning of Harriece's: aderrinictra- Weekly printed this editorial: peat few dlays. tion. TO SUIT THE PEOPLE. NEW PA NELL EFFECT, INaRATN3 "It seem. almost averedible that we it was reported here today that Dr. The extent of Mir. Cannon's ustir'pa- saw:Add be bidding Ma. Gibson fare- DESIGNS IN CORIllitE AND—EVERY CONSIEVa.Ar.:_a: i• D. I'. Stanford and Dr. Lampkine en- tam is pointedly illustrated in a well: it seems unbelievable that this. gaged in' a fight at Milbarn. The dif- Woehrington s peel a I t ria the Rkl'iniond hie tenth, rhouhil be his last book of OR AND DOVELY AFFRINGiaD BORDERS TO MATCH. ALL ,4 ficulty came up over a telephone Dr. Dispatch which recites that President sketches, and that the present issue Lampkins was considerably cut on Roosevelt is heartily in favor of an COLORS IN BURLAPS...ALSO HANDSOME WOOD EFFECTS sin should be the last 'Gibson number' the right side, below the stomach, by arllequate appropriation for the James- that we may promise to our readers. JAPANESE FIBRE, ALL COLORS. THE VERY LATEST DE- Dr. Stanford. Both are prominent town Exposition and/ will strongly 'Yet it is all true. Mr. Gibson is going citizens of Milburn and the affair recommend it in his forthcoming abroad'. He is going to 'study art. created STGNS IN ALL NEW PAPERS. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE quite a good deal of excite- meesage, diet two-thirds of the House 4 The master goes to the OM World to ment.• will vote favorably on a bill making OF BEADINGS, ROOM MOULDING, PICTURE FRAMES, WIN- 4 learn from other meateni. It was such appropriation if they are allowed three yeare ago Mat Collier's made a Superiority,\ DOW SHADES, CANVAS, TACKS,AND BUILDING_Abi DROOPING Wernao**ii to vote an it at all; but that Cannon font year contraca. with)dir. Gibson. Prof. Chamberaiin, Uni- More than likely you speak the same of Clack has always been hostile to the expo- his dra.wings have been appearing in words yourself, and versity, has figured out that women PAPERS. .ALL AND SEE OUR NICE LINE OF SAMPLES AND no doubt you feel sition and it is feared his opposition thew pages regularly ever tar from well. The came maybe easily since. We have a whole lot more ability than Will defeat it. BE CONVINCED THAT WE WILL i'REAT YOU RIGHT AND believed they would continue to ap- traced to souse derint of the fe- men. Following is his little list: male whisk The fear is well founded. Under pear for a long time, for another year itself in "As an actor she has greater abit- GIVE YOU THE BEST VALUES FOR THE MONEY, giblatior the Reed rules, which Henderson and at least. Rut Mir. Gibson has become e to go ity es CIS . backache, and more frequently, shows it. Cannon have made worse, the speak- convinced that he her done all that bearinedown nerv- "She is noticeably better in adap- er ankt his committee on Tniek are lie, within him in the sphere that hag oneness, Misil•eastseds,IPocsa, tability. masters of the H'ente, and more pow- made him famous." These symptoms are but warnings "She is much more charitable—in erful than the president. The ma- In the same issue Was an that there is danger ahead, and unless article by money matters. jority of the HOU:Se is powerless so Robert W. Chambers; entitled 'Ave'heeded a life of suffering or a serious operatlbn is the inevitable result "Under reasonable opportunities gorg as it consents to wear the speak- Attue Vale, Gibson." article 11/ The Tbe never-faiths/remedy for an these she is more gifted at diplomacy-. er's collar, and allows him to gag it -quotes a letter friend of Mn from a Is Lydia W. Pinkham's Veg- "She has great genius in politics. by tig'hiteriing the collar whenever it Gibson, regarding decision which etable oo his rompound. • "She more commonly has executive pleases bins to sloop. LEE Miss Hate C.C. says McDonald,of Wood. bridge/ ability. it was mewed intended in the or- "A Gib W. J., writes: little over a week ago. otri - "Her }raring is more acute. ganization of our govcr11Ment that Corner 3rd & Kentucky Ave. son's return I Dear Mrs. fronODark Harbor. had "Ilkiak lia4a7=naturally "Her imaginationis greater. the epeakee should be the' Whole truncheon with him, although. dislikes to and, mho bar to the public, "Her intuition is greater. House, and the voters of the several have known hint restorsd health meant se much fafrly well for five to ens "Her memory is better. conoreseional anstrirts dlo not choose Undertakers and Embalmers. six vo-s. slid have alwave liked tagrano for thee of other Her patience is greater. representatives for tlw purapse of lite I never before bad each araop- toki " au= sea "Her preceptions are more rapid. having their free action nullified by prritunity of his with a PADUCAH. seeing real self. "She has greater religious devotion.1 his autocratic dictum. • #30 sourti THIRD ST K "For twenty years, he said, he has' which nide ass a I would "Her instinct for sacrifice is We shall sat sorry spectacle, fler- been working to get in the position rammtiltVe rtable greater. ing the coming session if the House in oared ma, which he finds himself today. Dur- "She, bears pain more heroicallly. re.'nacts the Reedal-fend -Term-Can- ing that time appeared I Iasi it he may have- wieM it *a "Her sympathy is greater. non rules. to many of his friends to have been MAUR., CO. has tact. EFINGER "She greater & It you are tu. doe% hesitate to get a , 'working with immediate Money as too bottlig Lydia IL Pinkhanas "Vegeta "She lias more acute taste. It is announced from New Yolk a toaster, bought his but Se has now Ma pound at once, and write to "She has greater vitality. that the bar of the city is almost son- freedom, aside'enourah to ides.nkham,Lynn. Mass., has put take for special "She has more fluency in the loWer i•y for- Jerome for ire-election as educate his advim—it is free and always belpfuL ' The Register Nei of his fertility and forms of speech."—Pittebtog Gantt*. district attorney. Subscribe for 4t • •

4r, r

. • •aaasis..s.00.4•410 •U444111' ,,iAPO *4040011,4K '4444k, • 4-.•••+ .1 ,••

%Mow ABOUT NE PEOPLE THE KENTUCKY POMO' WANTS•14/41,4611054545A.M54145110/6e TELEPHONE 548.

• Attorney Let D. Tarelkeld has r e - LOST—Lady's seal ring engraved To Patrons of the Ilork i t ur ned; from Stnithland. "R. H. C." Return to Carnegie li- Deputy Warden Jesse Olive, of the SATURDAY OCT 28 brary. Reward. Eddlysible penitentiary, was hereattes- NIGHT. F. teriday. MATINEE AND FOR SALE—On North Sixth and Show TAKE A Mr. Porter Adams, the linotype op- Boyd, one 4 and one 5 room house. Inquire zoi8 Trimble street. line of GENUINE erator, left last night for Meridian, Great Barlow We desire to call MIS MINI la to cur Stand Mika., to locate. WHITMAN SADDLE, UMW IIIRIVEtiO HARNESS, ENG- Regis BILE CAPSULE. Rev. B. W. Bass has returned FOR RENT—Furnished room Mrs. LISH RIDING BRIDLE), 1•11111AI1 CROPS, GENUINE Irons visiting in Lexiagton, Ky., and MINSTRELS within three blocks of Fourth and F BLANKETS a a. Broadway. Ring old phone 61 HOLLY DRIVING WHIPS Old FANCY HORSE MANUFACTURED ONLY AT Chicago. Ill. J. A. COBURN, Owner and Manager. 3-4. Mr. George C. Wallace and J. Everything new this season. Flournoy leave today for WANTED—Room and board, pri- AL Campbell See the beautiful patriotic ensemble. Atlanta., Ga. vate family, by gentleman and wife. Josit Ross, of Riverside, Cal., Good location essential. G., care Reg- Co. Mrs,. Paducah Saddlery MTHERSONS will today return home after visiting ister. Stri relatives here. "The Admiral's Jubilee" HORSE OUTFITTERS The latest in Song and Story. airs. Lucille Landon, of Mayfield, FOR SALE—Several pieces of ma- Retail Department Corner Fourth and Jefferson erects. DRUG STORE. is here to attend the Carney-Cassen Real, interesting presentation of life hogany library furniture, also hard wedding. aboard an "American Mant-of-War." coal stove. Apply at 227 North ,Mr. Al Biahop and wife yest• erclay —:—s5--WHITE ARTISTS-35:— Ninth street. Weeldnesday Motaing, Oct. 25, 1905. 111311FMNMENISOWVISMitiFitjViallf • PRO went to Louisville. EVERY PROMISE FULFILLED.. SI Lawyer Wi V. Eaton went to Chi- New Singers New Comedians WANTED—By Chicago wholesale cago bast night New Songs New Jokes and mail order house, assistant man- of the New Stories ,New Novelties Route Agent C. M. Fisher, ager (man or woman) for this county Over LOCAL NEWS here New Specialties and Exclusive Southern Express company, was and adjoining territory. Salary $30 of yesterday atom. Nashville. Vaudeville Features. and expenses paid weekly; expense Nowhere in Paducah Mr. Harry G. Tandy, of F-rankfort, BIG STREET PARADE AND money advanced. Work pleasant; Mrs. E. L. Whiteside*, osteopath, arrived here last evening. CONCERT. position permanent. No investment DO YOU FIND SUCH BARGAINS IN GUITARS AS ARE OFFERED PRICES—Matinee—a5c , 6o9 I-2 Broadway; Phones, Old z434 M. P. Thompson, of the steamier and soc. or experience required. Write at CON and New 761. Geongia Lee, is here visiting his fam- Night-25c, 35c, 50C and 75C. once for fun particulars and enclose AT Jackson street. Seats on sale Friday. ., Edwin Paxtou is recovering ily on self-addressed envelope. Thomas J. ••••• rmiret fvts 'has, spell of fever Which has Masters Mechanic R. J. Turnbull, of Cooper & Co., 133 Lake street, Chi- HARBOUR'S BOOK DEPARTMENT the Illinois Central, went to Evans- kept him coafined the past month at aago, Ill. A BIG ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM. home on Jefferson street. ville yet y. THE KENTUCKY St. Miss Ethel Brooks is much better. Miss Salli‘e Thomas, of Louisville, of E TELEPHONE s48. Sbe has been ill three weeks with is here to attend the CarneyCassell the THE KENTUCKY Think of a solid Oak Guitar for $0.951111 WHAT -DO YOU malaria fever . wedding. She is the guest of Miss strik. The drizzling rain that started in Maude Anderson of South Fourth. TELEPHONE 548. THINK OF THIS? We will furnish you a fine guitar or mandolin all d Monday night continued all of yes- Miss Sarah Weeks has returned and a Oahe of 25 lessons by a fine teacher for $13.50, payable $ Th she attends terday, last night and until this morn- from Gracey, Ky., where a month. at a ing at press time, 3 o'clock. ed the nuariage of Mess Cuthbert MONDAY moGN 30 atriki The trustees of Carnegie library Roach of there to Mr. Singleton MATINEE AND main leave decided to give the librarian and Hiodfge of Princeton. KANE, SHIPMAN & COLVIN ersbi assistant one-half day off each week, Mr. Matt Carney, of Chicago, ar- PRESENT HARBOUR'S BOOK DEPARTMENT, Be because of the dose confinement in rived yeiterday to attend the wed- TO-NIGHT which they are kept from 8:30 a. mi. ding today of his sister, Miss Eliza- pectworl The Magnificent Alice Neilsen until 8:30 p. m. each day. beth Carney, and Mr. J. Evan Cas- I will ALBERTAI CALLATIII $4o,000 Production of '. and Mrs. Waker Leigh, a s-ell. poen West Harriaon, have a new boy at Mas. V. H. Thompson leaves this Ti . their house. morning for Bowling- Green to at- The London and New York Comedy the t '"THE Mr and Mrs. John Wanner, of tend the state meeting of the Daugh- Success FORTUNE USE KEVIL'S port a Fourth and Ohio streets, are the par- ters of the Confederacy. She will be adop ents of a fine girl baby. This makes accompanied by her daughter, Miss genie Colonel Frank Kiitvhboff grandpa Adah Thompson. TELLER" teleg again. 4 Miss Dora Hayden and Mir. Claude'COUSIN KATE' man Tompoirooie afternoot the Magazine Allen Thomas and Miss Delia Ma.y WITH lirietocrat flour road BY doh will! meet with Mrs. Robert B. Turner and Mr. Wins It Hayden, of lover 'Phillips at her residence in Arcadia. Fancy Farms, Graves county, passed HUBERT HENRY DAVIS GRACE ORR MYERS the The dance intended fbr this even- tbmiugh here yesterday en route home Direct from Hudson Theatre, N. Y. porna ing at the Pahner by the Cotillion fin_sileatitO, where they went and Prices: 25, 35, 50, 75, $1 and flap. BIG SINGING‘SHOW. club will not be given until next, tIgISA it being a double wedding Seats on sale Saturday at 9 a. m. 6o—SELECTED ARTISTS-6o Tuesday evening. A confusion of at the Cairo courthouse Judge Dewey Prices: Night, 25, 35, so, 75, $t and TI announcement of dates massed the offiating. STILL MOVING St 5o. Matinee: so, 75, and Si. nant for tonight. same THROUGH SOUTH, Seats on sale l'Unsday at 9 a. we. The The board of works will hold its —Jahn Griffin, colored, was arrest- The Very Best Flour That Money have afternoon regular weekly meeting this ed this morning at t o'clock by- Offi- President Yesterday Visited lack quarter in the City Hall. CUTTING CHARGE. at their and Cross and locked up. Points on His Tour. Can Buy. face! Mayor Yeiser yesteirday com- liaThrelidarky who engaged in a fami his family in from Case Against "Yellow Boy" Wm mencecj nwwing fight in Boyd's alley several nights Montgomery, Ala.., Oct. 24.—When Fc home in Arcadia, and Continue Uatil Today. their country ago +and got cut by. Will Childress, the presidpent *ft here this mos-ring A have expects to be in town by tomorrow shag "YeDow Boy," who has already to continue his tour of the state of Finli and take up their abode for the cold 'Yesterday morning the poace TI been caught 'and whose case comes Alabama, a busy day confroqted hiari months at his winter home on North up for trial this morning. mart ahem was continued =ea to- Has His program for the day included cave cheering Will Childress, Fourth near Monroe streets. visit to peso Tuaitegee. the home of tb - s "Yellow Boy" with cutting Jahn Thi, evening the Marine Engineers famous institute for negro**, a thet leeri Griffin in llorylYs alley. Both are col- Che Buffet • in c. We have e'm to sell—you want Beneficial association No. 24 will bokl turn trip to Montgomery and a visit 'em-5-A Plush Robes, $2.50 to $10. theiir fifth annual social at their hall to glo- I Berating/tem, at all of which places Jerry Davis, colored, was twiti to 107 SOUTH FOURTH STREET Powell-Rogers Co. Qi Bmadway. speeches hod to be able made. the grand juny on the charge of ob- At 6 o'clock this in' evening the presi- taining money under fa/se pretenses, dent's traits left Birmingham W. He ffir/TED TO A for Litt and then released on his own bond C. Gray, proprietor. YOU ARE IN tie Rock, Ark. avail of 8300. Te Ed Jee.ffries was fined $3 for figbt- FINE OLD WINES AND WHISKIES St. 1 HOMING PIGEONS. iing A. Perkins, while the latter was Everything seasonable in the eatable line served to order. A 11 disenisseed fine noonday lunch for 25 cents. join They Made Return Trip Home ia Greek was up for the second Demonstration Remarkably Good Tithe . wonl Free peace charge against breach of the • hirr% and same left open after partial _a Yesterday morning Mr. Danes evidence was taken. OF \Vieille received a letter front Min TI Albert Webster, of - Linton, lhare Ind, Money in Timber Lands. who stated that the homing pigeons sine. Fortunes have beat made and can Cheek-Neal Coffee Company's !eeleased here in Paducah Sunday by earth easily be made today by buying Ar- Mk. Wleille, arrived at the Webster Sc,49 ttoo kansas rich river bottom langs, heav- vt home in four hours and eighteeen as hi covered with timber, at a nominal minutes This is a good record, con- ily repo price, holding the ?and for a few years sidering it is nearly 200 miles front Ti and then selling the timber at twice At W. Central Business College Maxwell House Blend Coffee here to Linton. Mr. Webster also cis I price the land and timber both sent Ma. Weille a pair of the fine the thine cost and then have the- land cleared 306 Broadway, PADUCAH, KY. pigeons and made him a present of moc 'TIS RICH IN FLAVOR. 'TIS CHARMING AND A HEALTH and sell it for five times the original same. Their pefligree accompanied WRITE OR TELEGRAPH FOR CATALOGUE TODAY BEFORE Viejo pm-chnee price and sometimes ten PROMOTING BEVERAGE; A DRINK THAT WILL them, and showed they come from YOU GO ELSEWHERE. of NOT INEBRI- cost. We have a proposi- 1 fast flying stock. times the 11 ATE. IT SOOTHES AND COM FORTS THE AGED AND NERVES tion of this kind in 1,600 acres of ces Arkanoos at Only $3.50 per VI•1•111, RAILROAD FATALITIES GROW. land in non THE ARM OF THE WARRIOR I N BATTLE. COME, TASTE acre. One-third cash, balance t and 2 years, at 6 per cent. This land when AND SEE. ALL THIS WEEK AT Washington, Oct. 24.--During the mad per acre per L. L. BEBOUT twelve months ended June ao, 1905, clear will rent for $5.cio • a t particulars on request. 886 persons were killed and 13,783 in- year. Full cool • jured as the result of accidents on EGAR W. WHITTEMORE REAL him railroad trains. according to a report ESTATE AGENCY. General Insurance Agency alit phones 835. of the interstate commerce commis- Fraternity building. Both aloe. sion issued today. Comparison with not 1004 shows nit increase of eleven kill- —Butcher John Theobald has noti- We Write Anything in go V4 L fied the police that several mornings Insurance B. Oqilvie men & Co ed and 4,123 injured among passen- 6 gers, while the namber of employes ago he hang his vest on the honk Phones: Office rest, and Office 306 Broadway 385—Resi4ence 1696 killed shows a decrease of to6. There behind his market honse 'stall 328-330-332 BR.OADW AY. on were t,aat colliaions and 1,535 derail- proceeded to sell hie meth, when railr NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Dr. 'Allard D. Sanders has merits, of which 163 coliseions and taming around someone had stolen remova iy t IT IS A BLEND OF THE FIN EST Last si‘litior assessment ends the ed his office from the COFFEES GROWN. A RARE 168 derailments affected passenger his vest, gold watch, chain and all. Truehearta brid 28th of October, 1905. building to his residence, 318 TREAT—TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. trains. The damage to cars, engines Mayor Dunne, of Chicago, is going South and nipectfully, Sixth street, opposite court house. and roadway by these accidents to submit the question of saloons on mor K, City Assessor. i lb SEALES AIR TIGHT CANS 35e; 3 lb CANS 8i oo• amounted to 52410,671. Sunday to a vote of the people. He MOS' says he will abide'by the decision 5-4 Horse Blankets are the best. The BAKER, ECCLES & CO DISTRIBUTORS. Subscribe For The Register. of the people on the question. The Register. Sold by Powell-Rogeas Co. 10,0( I who the malt tin FULL LINE SASH, FLOORING AND ALL OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL. 44 dent DOOR.S, PINE ing

sem frag • IRO VI TePT T1 Sherrill-Russell Luntber Co. ter Con INCORPORATED. CI that of n Both 'Phones 295. /Prompt Delivery Eleventh anci'Tennessee Streets. of yak