The Luzerne Township
the luzerne township west central fayette region V- 3 The preparation of this report.was financed in part through an urban planning grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Developnent, under the provisions of Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended and administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Planning. BECKMAN, SWENSON 6 ASSOCIATES PI'ITSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 1 I WEST CENTRAL FAYETTE REGION I Reqional Planninq Commission: Roger Garofalo, Chairman William C. Westcoat A.J. D'Antonio I Clarence Sisk, Vice Chairman Thomas Novak Herbert Mitche I I ' Joseph Hall, Secretary Sidney R. Prinkey Lou is Sabat f n i Marshal I Capriotti, Treasurer Frank Ricco Nick Wi I1 iams I BROWNSV I LLE BOROUGH Borouqh Counci I I Marion C. Kllngensmith,Mayor Paul L. Strycula Donald R. Nee1 Hughey Otan ic Estel Knisley Edward T. Rohrer I John Citro Planninq Cammission I Wi I I iam C. Westcoat, Chairman WI I I iam Hunt, Treasurer Clarence Sisk, Vice Chairman &Wayne Swoger, Secretary Jack Boyd I BROWNSV I LLE TOWNSH IP I Townshfp Supervlsors Plannlnq Commtsslon Frank Ricco, Chairman Sidney R. Prtnkey, Chairman John E. Fertai, Jr. Joseph Hall, Secretary I Jack L. McCune, Secretary Donald Hudak Wi I1 iam Peters Donald Bartolomucci I LUZERNE TOWNSHIP I Township Supervisors Planninq Commission WI I1 iarn Sparvleri, Chairman RIchard Kenns inger, Chal rman A.J. D'Antonio, Secretary Herbert Mitchel I, Vlce Chairman I Wi I I lam Baker Roger Garof a Io, Secretary Howard Porter, Treasurer Frank Trun I REDSTONE TOWNSH I P Townsh
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