Science Briefing March 5, 2020

Dr. Gabriela Gonzalez (Louisiana State Univ.) Women in Astronomy: Dr. Elizabeth Hays (GSFC) The Past Inspires the Future Dr. Farisa Morales (JPL) Facilitator: Dr. Quyen N. Hart (STScI) Outline of this Science Briefing

1. Dr. Gabriela Gonzalez (LIGO, Louisiana State University) Music of the Universe: Einstein’s gravitational waves 2. Dr. Elizabeth Hays (Goddard Space Flight Center) Gamma-ray Pulsars, Lighthouses in the Galaxy 3. Dr. Farisa Morales (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Formation of Planetary Systems 4. Q&A 5. Dr. Quyen Hart (Space Telescope Science Institute) [title] 6. Q&A

2 Music of the Universe: Einstein’s gravitational waves

Gabriela González Louisiana State University

Galina Sorokina [Image Credit: Henze/NASA]

3 Gravitational waves: a long history

• Predicted by Einstein in 1916: “ripples in space time” • First observation announced in 2016 (100 later!) • Signal “heard” by two LIGO observatories, from the dance and merger of two black holes.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 061102 (2016)

4 Interferometers to measure space(-time)

• LIGO = Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory

Strain detected: 1 part in 1021

Interferometer is 4km long.

Change in distance measured: 4/1000 of a proton diameter!

Credit: Johan Jarnestad/ The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

5 LIGO detectors are not alone

6 More discoveries 2015 - 2017

Ten black hole mergers and…

… a neutron merger with fireworks that followed!

NSF / LIGO / Sonoma State University / A. Simonnet7 More (public) music notes in 2019-20

Phone apps!

8 The next few years

9 And more instruments for different notes

10 The past inspires the future

Einstein, 1904

Thorne, ca. 1970Weiss, ca. 1970 Gonzalez, Saulson, 1995

Choquet-BruhatDeWitt, -Morette, 1974 ca.1955

Weiss, Cordova, Reitze, Gonzalez, Thorne, 2016 11 More resources

• Information : (at many different levels, with links to documentaries, articles, books, activities, multimedia, student/teacher activities, LIGO magazine, ... )’ resourc es,…) • Images/Movies:

• 1-hr public talk: the-universe-gabriela-gonzalez-public-lecture-webcast/

• Many TED, TEDx talks (search for LIGO TED)

12 Gamma-ray Pulsars, Lighthouses in the Galaxy

Liz Hays

Credit: NASA/Fermi/Cruz de Wilde Goddard Space Flight Center

13 What is a pulsar?

• Pulsars pulse. Regularly repeating radio signals were co-discovered by Jocelyn Bell Burnell in 1967. • A pulsar is a rotating neutron star with a very strong magnetic field. • A star stops burning fuel and collapses into extremely dense, rapidly spinning ball of neutrons. • Small! Size of a large city, ~12 miles across. • Fast! A few times a second up to a few hundred times a second. • 1000s of pulsars have been found in our Galaxy using radio telescopes.

14 Pulsars are gamma-ray power houses

The first seven gamma-ray pulsars and their pulse shapes at different wavelengths

15 Fermi maps the entire sky in gamma rays

Credit: Fermi/LAT

16 Fermi has found more than 250 gamma-ray pulsars

Credit: Fermi/LAT

17 Models predict gamma-ray emission from pulsars

Alice Harding, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

• Scientists at NASA use supercomputers to trace the paths of particles caught in a pulsar’s electric and magnetic fields. Their fate in these models helps explain the observed gamma-ray emission.

18 Gamma rays reveal a different lighthouse

The Fermi pulsars have changed the simple picture of a pulsar dramatically. gamma ray The gamma rays can come from a different part of the pulsars magnetic field and make a broad lighthouse beam.


19 Gamma-ray lighthouses in the sky

Pulsars appear prominently in the informal gamma-ray .

The brightest steady source in the Fermi sky, the Vela pulsar, marks the beacon of Pharos, the lighthouse of Alexandria.

The black widow spider represents a pulsar that is destroying a small companion star with its radiation.

The radio telescope dish symbolizes close partnerships between gamma-ray and radio astronomy.

Credit: NASA

20 Formation of Planetary Systems

Farisa Y. Morales, PhD

Exoplanet Observations

Debris Disk Observations

21 Proto-planetary disks  perturbations of planetesimals

Stars Form with Proto- Planet Perturbations Induce Formation of Rubble Bands Planetary Disks building Dust Production Planetesimals audio/730-ssc2004-22v2-The-Evolution-of-a- audio/749-ssc2005-10v1-Band-of-Rubble audio/724-ssc2004-17v2-Swirling-Rings-of- Planet-Forming-Disk Dust

22 Clues to Planetary System Architecture

23 Clues to Planetary System Architecture

24 Clues to Planetary System Architecture

25 Clues to Planetary System Architecture


26 Clues to Planetary System Architecture


Figure 1 Morales et al. (2011)

27 Clues to Planetary System Architecture


Star Cold Model




Figure 1 Morales et al. (2011)

28 Two Belt Temperature

• Dust production is clearly favored at the same characteristic Tdust horizon — across the large stellar spectral range (B8-K0) — slightly above the ice evaporation temperature for inner belts!

• Note the relative void in Tdust ~ 100 K

Figure 2 Morales et al. (2011)

29 Two Belt Temperature

Median • Dust production is clearly ~190 K favored at the same characteristic Tdust horizon — across the large stellar spectral range (B8-K0) — slightly above the ice evaporation temperature for inner belts!

• Note the relative void in Tdust ~ 100 K

Figure 2 Morales et al. (2011)

30 Herschel Resolved Outer/Cold Rings! (PSF subtracted Mosaic)

HD 107146 HD 166 HD 38206 HD 61005 HD 70313


E HD 104860 HD 10939 HD 159492 HD 138965 HD 71722

HD 153053 HD 141378 HD 192425 HD 28355 HD 30422

Figure 1 Morales et al. (2016)

31 Water Ice Present in Kuiper-like Belts

HD 166 (K0V) • ~456 Myr • 13.7pc • Mcold ≈ 0.009 MMoon

32 Rocky Particles in Terrestrial Planet Zones

Stacked IRS Spectra Stellar Model Subtracted

• The presence of rocky grains have been recently confirmed via a Stellar/Cold Subtracted Stellar/Cold/Large Warm Subtracted spectra stacking technique.

Small grains

a < aBOS

33 Planet Hunting—Ongoing Effort, Keck

Figure 1: A mosaic of Palomar-PHARO and KeckII-NIRC2 NGS AO images of nine in our >5s candidates sample. The observations were obtained during our 2011A, 2012B, 2013A campaigns. Each image above results from the application of 34 the LOCI or KLIP algorithms, yielding contrast ratios up to 106. Candidate companions are indicated by white circles. Each star possesses dust debris as seen by Spitzer+Herschel and/or WISE. In all cases the warm dust is located inside the orbit of the candidate companion; in three cases, the candidates coincide with the inferred or resolved inner-edge of the outer cold dust location. Given the medium-to-large stellar proper motions for most candidate companions in our list, observations with Keck’s NIRC 2 over two to three years later will enable us to establish if they are gravitationally bound to the host stars. Angular Separations range from ~0.5 to 4.7 arcsec (~10 to 280 AU, median 95 AU).

Figure 2 (below and right three panels): The HD 38206 HD 70313 HD 141328 FiSguErDe of1: Athe m osdusaitc eofxc Pesaslom fromar-P HHR8799ARO a nd(be Klowec)kII-N IRC2 NGS AO images of nine stars in our >5s candidates sample. The obsise rvacomtipaonsre dw ewreit hobt thosaineed of duri threnge ourof 201our 1Atar,ge 2012B,t 2013A campaigns. Each image above results from the application of 6 thestars LO CI(upper or KL-right).IP algori Keythm s,stellar yieldi ngparameters contrast ra tios up to 10 . Candidate companions are indicated by white circles. Each star possesses dust debris as seen by Spitzer+Herschel and/or WISE. In all cases the warm dust is located inside the orbit of compared in table (bottom-right). the candidate companion; in three cases, the candidates coincide with the inferred or resolved inner-edge of the outer cold dus t location. Given the medium-to-large stellar proper motions for most candidate companions in our list, observations with Ke ck’s NIRC 2 over two to three yeaHRrs l8799ater will enable us to establish if they are gravitationally bound to the host stars. Infrared Excess Angular Separations range from ~0.5Su to e t4.7 al., a2rc00s9e c (~10 to 280 AU, median 95 AU). Name Spec V D Age Touter Resolved

Figure 2 (below and right three panels): The HDTyp 38206e (mag) HD(pc 70313) (M yrs) (KHD) 141328(" ) SED of the dust excess from HR8799 (below) HR8799 A5 5.95 39.4 30 45 1.8 is compared with those of three of our target HD 38206 A0 5.73 69.2 9 62 2.4 stars (upper-right). Key stellar parameters compared in table (bottom-right). HD 70313 A3 5.51 51.4 300 58 2.9 HD 141378 A5 6.42 49.2 150 59 2.4 HR 8799 Herschel Resolved sizes (bottom three rows; Morales et al., 2013). Infrared Excess Su et al., 2009 ! Name Spec V D Age Touter Resolved

Type (mag) (pc) (Myrs) (K) (")

HR8799 A5 5.95 39.4 30 45 1.8 HD 38206 A0 5.73 69.2 9 62 2.4

HD 70313 A3 5.51 51.4 300 58 2.9 HD 141378 A5 6.42 49.2 150 59 2.4 Herschel Resolved sizes (bottom three rows; Morales et al., 2013). ! Planet Hunting—Ongoing Effort, Palomar

35 Planet Hunting—Ongoing Effort, Palomar

36 Summary

• Spitzer Space Telescope sees both warm and cold excess emission of debris around mature stars • Herschel Space Observatory confirmed the presence of cold-Kuiper belt like dust, measured the size of the outer cold belt, and revealed the presence of ice • Exopalent candidates have been identified using Keck and Palomar Observatories

• For more info on Spitzer Space Telescope, its Legacy, images and animations • •

37 Inspiration

• Cecilia Helena Payne-Gaposchkin was (1900-1979) was a British-born American and astrophysicist who proposed in her 1925 doctoral thesis that stars were composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.

• Harvard University (1923–1925)

38 Science Background Resources - LIGO

Website to find out about the most recent gravitational wave detections.

One hour public lecture on LIGO by Dr. Gabriela Gonzalez This includes an Educator's LIGO guide, and 2 online courses. handout The online course from 2016 for kids has a huge amount of useful information. 39 Science Background Resources – Fermi and Pulsars

More information on Fermi, a Gamma- ray Space Telescope

Supernova Educators Guide, including information and activities around pulsars. NASA Goddard Media Studios – Videos about Fermi and Pulsars NASA Visualizations of Pulsars: 10000/a010100/a010144/index .html 40 Science Background Resources – Fermi and Pulsars

Animation of rotating neutron 3D Multiwavelength representation of the Crab stars and sonification of their Nebula, a Pulsar Wind Nebula pulse frequency. hd-video mations/

41 Science Background Resources – Protoplanetary Disks

Videos related to protoplanetary disks ideo-audio/730-ssc2004-22v2- The-Evolution-of-a-Planet- audio/749-ssc2005-10v1-Band-of- audio/724-ssc2004-17v2-Swirling- Forming-Disk Rubble Rings-of-Dust

42 Resources to Celebrate Women’s History Month

Lithograph highlighting women who have contributed to high- energy astrophysics

Women in STEM poster series Women of Color: Pioneers and other printable resources and Innovators, two sided poster

43 Resources for engaging girls in astronomy and other STEM fields

National Girls SciGirls Strategies: How to Engage Girls in Creating Connections with Role Collaborative Project – STEM Resource page, including a guide book, Models: The Power of Collaboration Engaging girls in STEM framework, tips, and strategies to rework - Techbridge developed this role and exemplary models. current activities, model guide for the National Girls Collaborative Project. https://ngcproject.o strategies-engage-girls-stem/ rg/engaging-girls- role- in-stem leModel.pdf model/NGCP%20Role%20Model% 20Guide%20Web%20Version.pdf 44 Hubble 30th Anniversary –

This montage VIDEO of more Resources page, than 600 images from the including links to exhibit th Hubble Space Telescope 30 Anniversary Image Unveiling materials, lithographs, celebrates the telescope’s 30 in all 50 states posters, and activities years of discovery. ubble-30th- /media/videos/1273-Video 30th-anniversary/events anniversary/resources

45 Hubble 30th Anniversary –

Space Telescope Science Institute Public Lecture Series

April 7, 2020 8pm EST 30 Years of the Hubble Space Telescope: An All-Star Cast, Space Telescope Science Institute

Lecture will be streaming live OR you can watch the recorded lecture. lectures

46 Additional NASA’s UoL Resources

NASA’s UoL Viewspace video on NASA’s UoL Viewspace video - multi-messenger astronomy, discover infrared, the invisible light including gravitational waves. beyond the red end of the rainbow and what it reveals to use about the universe. August 2017 NASA’s UoL Science Briefing on Pulsars (PPT, PDF, audio recording)

https://www.universe-of- briefings/2017/7/21/cosmic- beacons

47 To ensure we meet the needs of the education community (you!), NASA’s UoL is committed to performing regular evaluations, to determine the effectiveness of Professional Learning opportunities like the Science Briefings.

If you prefer not to participate in the evaluation process, you can opt out by contacting Kay Ferrari .

This product is based upon work supported by NASA under award number NNX16AC65A to the Space Telescope Science Institute, working in partnership with Caltech/IPAC, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and Sonoma State University.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.