November Issue
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ewsletterSept.-Nov. 2001 Vaccination Risk Awareness Network Inc. The Controversy of the Latent Period INSIDE THIS ISSUE Following Immunizations Page 10 - Smallpox as a Weapon? Harold E. Buttram, MD 14 - Shaken Baby Syndrome 16 - U.S. Vaccine Legislation September 21/2001 18 - Letters 21 - Alternative Modalities Introduction: 30 - CIPRO However, it has been observed that 33 - Newsclips In 1986 the U.S. Congress passed the many cases attributed to the SBS have 38 - Smallpox & Homeopathy National Childhood Vaccine Injury occurred in a time-related fashion fol- Act, which set up a system whereby the lowing routine childhood vaccines, families of vaccine-injured children especially in compromised children could be compensated for such injuries. that had been born from medically Based on personal experience and Editorial complicated pregnancies. (6) observation, there has been much criti- Consequently there are valid reasons Edda West cism of this system and question for questioning whether or not some or whether not it is serving its intended CANARIES IN A MINE SHAFT - THE many cases that have been accused of purpose. (1) CRISIS IN CHILDREN’S HEALTH SBS were not the result of mistaken One of the major areas of controver- diagnoses, the true causes of death or A cornerstone of the work we do sy surrounding the act involves its limi- injury of the child having been vac- here at VRAN is listening to the sto- tations in the latent periods, whereby cines. ries of distraught parents whose chil- certain defined reactions following vac- Since questions surrounding the dren have suffered vaccine related cines must be identified within a cer- latent period play a prominent role in injuries and who are looking for tain time period to qualify for compen- many of these cases, it is timely and some compassionate human contact sation by the childhood vaccine injury appropriate to review the background and acknowledgement that a vaccine act. For the complication of encephali- of this issue. could have caused their once healthy tis, the time limitation for the DTP or child to collapse in devastating ways DTaP vaccine is 3 days; for the Are Current Guidelines in the Latent - to succumb to health injuries from measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vac- Period Artifactual? which he/she may never fully recover. cine it is 5 to 15 days. Shell shocked parents retrace their The limitations in latent periods fol- A: The DTP (diphtheria-tetanus- steps and recount the sequence of lowing vaccines have been generally pertussis) Vaccine: events, having trustingly submitted accepted by our medical-legal system their children to the vaccinators nee- as guidelines in other areas as well. If we think in terms of a vaccine- dle, never imagining that their trust Prominent among these is the “shaken induced encephalitis, most of the earli- could be so bitterly betrayed by a baby syndrome” (SBS) in which a par- er literature deals with the pertussis system that promotes vaccination as ent or caretaker is accused of injuring vaccine. Flexner (1930) noted a strong THE cornerstone of preventive medi- or murdering an infant by violent tendency for the nervous system mani- cine – a system that fails to inform of shaking and causing a triad of findings festations to declare themselves the inherent risks associated with now commonly accepted as diagnostic between the 10th and 13th days. (7) In vaccines, a system that has never of SBS: retinal hemorrhages, subdural a review of 108 cases recorded before undertaken adequate studies to prove hematomas, and diffuse axonal injury. (2-5) Latent Period cont. on page 4 Editorial cont. on page 7 VRAN Newsletter Sept.-Nov. 2001 Page 1 VRAN NEWSLETTER The contents of this publication reflect the opinion of the authors only. The Vaccination Risk Awareness Network Inc. P.O. Box 169, Winlaw, B.C. V0G 2J0 authors are not licensed to practice medicine, nor are the opinions in any way Coordinator and newsletter editor: Edda West to be construed or intended as medical information. This publication is for infor- [email protected] 250-355-2525 mational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. The VRAN Board of Directors: particulars of any person’s concerns and circumstances should be discussed Mary James, Leona Rew, Edda West, Frank Luschak with a medical doctor prior to making any decision which may affect the health VRAN Core Members: and welfare of that individual or anyone under his or her care. DISCLAIMER Edda West, Susan Fletcher, Lana Beluis, Catherine Diodati, Andreas Schuld, Rita Hoffman, Mary James two year lobby effort of meetings with With thanks to Lisa Farr for the newsletter layout. VRAN NEWS members of parliament, hiring a con- Statement of Purpose stitutional lawyer, writing briefs, hold- •VRAN was formed in October of 1992 in response FUNDRAISING 2002 ing press conferences and meeting with to growing parental concern regarding the safety of families whose children had suffered current vaccination programs in use in Canada. Coming up is the 20th anniversary •VRAN continues the work of the Committee Against vaccine adverse reactions. This work of our visibility as a group of con- Compulsory Vaccination, who in 1982, challenged culminated in the amendment of the Ontario’s compulsory “Immunization of School Pupils cerned citizens, having worked for two Act in 1984, and the introduction of a Act”, which resulted in amendment of the Act, and decades to protect the informed con- guarantees an exemption of conscience from any ‘conscience” clause which guarantees sent rights of Canadians. We have put ‘required’ vaccine. philosophical exemptions from any •VRAN forwards the belief that all people have the medical policy makers on notice that vaccines for children from nursery right to draw on a broad information base when we will not tolerate attempts by gov- deciding on drugs offered themselves and/or their school age through high school. A ernment to force dogmatic vaccine children and in particular drugs associated with precedent was also set for the rest of potentially serious health risks, injury and death. policies on the people, and we have Canada – a precedent that says that VACCINES ARE SUCH DRUGS. been a key instrument in disseminating •VRAN is committed to gathering and distributing children cannot be excluded from vaccine risk information across information and resources that contribute to the school because of incomplete or no- creation of health and well being in our families and Canada to help parents make informed vaccine status. communities. decisions about vaccination. We are Today we hear vaccine policy mak- VRAN’s Mandate is: the place that parents turn to after ers lament that “the public is losing •To empower parents to make an informed decision they have been told by medical experts when considering vaccines for their children. confidence in vaccine programs”. Is it that their child’s neurological injuries, •To educate and inform parents about the risks, any surprise considering the decline of adverse reactions, and contraindications of immune problems, seizure disorders children’s health in the wake of accel- vaccinations. that developed following vaccination, •To respect parental choice in deciding whether or erated vaccine schedules in the last few is just a “coincidence”. This is where not to vaccinate their child. decades – the alarming increase in •To provide support to parents whose children have families turn to for compassionate sup- learning disabilities, epilepsy, mental suffered adverse reactions and health injuries as a port, acknowledgement of their plight, result of childhood vaccinations. retardation, autism, asthma, diabetes and alternative healing possibilities •To promote a multi-disciplinary approach to child and cancer? Is it really any surprise – and family health utilizing the following modalities: that are available to seek out. considering the absence of long term herbalist, chiropractor, naturopath, homeopath, In 1982 a small group of worried reflexologist, allopath (regular doctor), etc. vaccine safety studies comparing the parents, when faced with our chil- •To empower women to reclaim their position as pri- health of vaccinated and unvaccinated mary healers in the family. dren’s exclusion from school because people? Is it really any surprise that •To maintain links with consumer groups similar to of the newly enacted mandatory ours around the world through an exchange of infor- finally, parents are beginning to ques- mation, research and analysis, thereby enabling par- Immunization of School Pupils Act, tion the need to inject their babies with ents to reclaim health care choices for their families. decided to take action against this new 23-29 vaccine antigens in the first 18 •To support people in their fight for health freedom law which threatened our freedom to and to maintain and further the individual's freedom months of life, with many areas now from enforced medication. make important health care choices for adding hepatitis B vaccine to the early our families. The Act failed to provide VRAN publishes a newsletter 4 times a year as a infant schedule, and big pressure to adequate exemption for those families means of distributing information to members and accept chickenpox (another live virus the community. Suggested annual membership fees, who had philosophical objections to vaccine), Prevnar – the pneumococcal including quarterly newsletter and your on-going vaccination, and for the many families support to the Vaccination Risk Awareness Network: vaccine, and the new Conjugate C whose children had suffered vaccine $25.00—Individual $50.00—Professional meningococcal vaccine? The critical We would like to share the personal stories of our adverse reactions but didn’t qualify for question we must ask is “How much membership. If you would like to submit your a medical exemption. story, please contact Edda West by fax or e-mail, more vaccine assault can children Our direct challenge to government as indicated above.