tripleC 9(2): 657-667, 2011 ISSN 1726-670X Avatar: A Marxist Saga on the Far Distant Planet Yong Tang
[email protected], Department of English and Journalism, Western Illinois University, USA Abstract: This article presents a critical and cultural study on Avatar, the Hollywood science fiction blockbuster. After using classical and current Marxist theories to examine James Cameron’s major films and using textual analysis to explore Chi- nese bloggers’ comments on the film Avatar, the paper argues that, like Cameron’s other major films, Avatar is a cinema- tographic manifesto of Marxism. The class struggle between capitalists and proletarians is evident throughout the movie’s whole narrative structure. Cameron is not neutral in his approach to cinematic worldview. Like in his previous films, also this time Cameron expresses solidarity with poor people and struggles against the rich. The confrontational nature of the world- view embedded in the movie has been used by audiences in China, Brazil, Palestine and elsewhere as a weapon to fight against social oppression. Keywords: Avatar, Marxism, capitalism, neoliberal capitalism, imperialism, primitive accumulation, accumulation by dispos- session, James Cameron, Hollywood, worldview, China, forced eviction, bloggers, social oppression Acknowledgement: This article owes a lot to inspirations from Dr. Matt McAllister, Professor and Assistant Graduate Pro- gram Chair at The Pennsylvania State University College of Communications. The paper was initially written for a graduate course (one of my favorite courses at Penn State!) taught by Dr. Matt McAllister. I was happy that Dr. McAllister was present when I presented this paper at the 2011 International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference in Boston.