Page 1 St. John theVisit us at Evangelist November 22, 2020 Roman Catholic Community 29 N. Washington Ave. Bergenfield, N.J. 07621 201-384-0101 Fax: 201-384-2055 Parish Web Site:

Served by:

Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols Pastor

Rev. Raymond R. Filipski Rev. Oliver D. Nilo Parochial Vicars

Deacon James A. Detura Deacon Lynx J.M. Soliman

Lisa Oggioni Marciano Director of Music Ministries

Mary Ann C. Johnston Pastoral Council President

Mrs. Patricia D. Rickly Mr. Enrique G. Enriquez Trustees

Stephanie Escobar Past. Assoc.: Evangelization


15 N. Washington Ave., Bergenfield 201-384-3601 To say that Christ is king, that he reigns Rosemarie Flood ~ [email protected] over our lives, is to admit to a world Director of Religious Education bigger than our own. In Christ’s realm, each is cared for simply because each is Eric A. Acosta ~ [email protected] a part of the Kingdom. Director of Youth Ministry & Confirmation Retreats

Page 2 Visit us at November 22, 2020 READINGS FOR THE WEEK

Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Ps 100:1b-5; Please Note—You must reserve a seat: Lk 21:20-28 Thanksgiving Day (suggested): Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Visit our page at: & click the Lk 17:11-19 “Reserve a Seat” tab Friday: Rv 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36 Saturday November 21 Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; 5:30 pm Peter Kloeglen 7:30 pm (Spanish) Alicia Rustica Veras Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37 Sunday November 22 7:00 am People of the Parish The Parish Giving Tree 9:00 am Irene Graham 11:00 am Arthur Garcia & Maria Hernandez Our Giving Tree will be located in the Upper 1:00 pm (Spanish) Kevin Henao Church as of this weekend. All are invited to take a paper ornament from the tree. On the Monday November 23 back of the ornament is a gift request. 7:00 am John Cox 9:00 am William Martin Please wrap the gift, attach the ornament 7:30 pm Rosemarie Tugaoen & Necita Elpedal provided & bring to the church and place under the tree Tuesday November 24 any day or by the weekend of December 5th–6th.

7:00 am Andreina Socorro de Jesús PLEASE NOTE! If a gift request is for a “gift card 9:00 am Ulpiano Garcia certificate” or if you wish to give a certificate, please place it in 7:30 pm Merle De Jesús a box or holiday gift bag and bring it to the Rectory. Wednesday November 25 Please do not place it under the tree (as small envelopes, 7:00 am Sp. Int.: Thanksgiving bags or boxes can be easily misplaced.) 9:00 am Sp. Int.: D’Souza Family 7:30 pm Maria Hernandez Thursday November 26--ONLY 9AM MASS 9:00 am Thanksgiving Friday November 27 7:00 am David Hitch 9:00 am Joseph Fedele 7:30 pm Clara Garcia — 22nd Anniversary Saturday November 28 7:00 am Sp. Int.: Arcega Family--Thanksgiving 9:00 am Mario Atienza 5:30 pm Salvatore T. Cinque 7:30 pm (Spanish) Manuel Rodriguez Ruballos Sunday November 29 7:00 am People of the Parish 9:00 am Jean De Falco 11:00 am Richard Greene and All Souls of the D’Silva Family 1:00 pm (Spanish) Alicia Rustica Veras Prayers for the Deceased

Please remember Marie Morch, Epifanio Calcara, Deacon Joseph Vrindten,

Rev. Alan Savitt, Julius Daliva, Elvira Lynch and Louise Voccola Memorial Fund/Special Intention in your prayers. Week of November 21st—28th START WITH GRATITUDE Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Altar Flowers Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse. In loving memory of Clara Gavin

—Henry Van Dyke Requested by The Rube Family

Page 3 Visit us at November 22, 2020 Pastor’s Desk Dear Parishioners, Today is the Solemnity of Christ the King. Our Gospel reminds us that, in the simple acts of kindness and charity, we love and serve Christ in others. What a joy it will be one day to recognize Him in the many faces of those we have helped when we finally see Him face to face. Your faithful contributions to our Food Pantry and St. Vincent de Paul Fund for the poor are surely included on this list.

This Thursday we celebrate Thanksgiving. Amid the many challenges and, in some cases, tragedies that this year has brought, there is still much in each of our lives for which we can give thanks to God. We can take so much of our daily lives for granted. In reality, it is God Who has given us life and sustains us in it. In every moment, Jesus walks with us on our life’s journey. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by Pilgrims who, despite much suffering and many deaths among them, realized that God had not abandoned them, and had provided them with the assistance of some of the indigenous people of this land.

Given the current Covid limitations, we will not be distributing blessed bread at our 9am Mass on Thanksgiving this year, but I invite you to bring some bread which can be blessed at the end of Mass. Please reserve a seat online as usual. We also plan to stream this Mass on our Parish Facebook page for those who cannot attend, and offer you the same blessing virtually at home.

This year we intend to decorate the Grotto with a Christmas display in time for the First Sunday of Advent, November 29th. We invite you to create your own weather-proof, non-returnable Christmas ornament, expressive of you or your family, and at any time during Advent to visit the grotto and place the ornament on one of the evergreen trees surrounding the Grotto. Please provide your own hook or ribbon to attach it. May this bring us some hope and joy in the darkest month of the year! Msgr. Richard Arnhols, Pastor

Reflection on Today’s Scripture Readings

Tom is allergic to cats, even when they’re not around but once were. His eyes turn red, and he starts to wheeze so that he has to excuse himself and leave. Oddly enough, he has lately befriended a neighborhood stray at his back door. He doesn’t touch it, and he won’t allow it into his house, but he feeds it regularly and even misses it when it doesn’t show up on his stoop. Something moves us to care for the lost among us. It is often instinctive, and at times even contrary to our own best interests, as with Tom and his allergy to cats.

Is such sympathy for the underdog written on the back of our psyches? Are lost souls really long-lost kin? Is it guilt that moves us to contribute to food pantries and bread lines or is it genuine compassion? If we are to believe in the Incarnation, that God has taken form in human flesh, then those instincts to visit shut-ins imprisoned in their own homes and to free those who still find themselves locked into poverty are Godly instincts. It is holiness bred in our bones, incapable of being held in.

Because someone is hungry, we find ourselves giving to a food pantry or volunteering at a soup kitchen. Because someone is a stranger, we welcome them into our neighborhood and seek ways to comfort the immigrant. Because someone is imprisoned by illness or old age, we visit them and check in on them. And because our own individual efforts often seem so meager in the face of so many needs, we seek ways to institutionalize our care through government policy and funding. It is all a Godly instinct. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis

Stewardship: Sharing our Time, Talent, and Treasure!

“…whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers, you did for me” – MATTHEW 25:40

Most of us are generous when it’s convenient for us. We are generous when we have the time or the money. But, generosity is the opposite of that. It means giving of one’s time, money, compassion, forgiveness or mercy when it’s not convenient; when it’s not on our schedule, but on the other person’s schedule.

Our Sunday Offering: Oct. 11, 2020 - $12,260.40 Oct. 13, 2019 - $17,009.75

Have you considered electronic giving for your Sunday offering? Go to our parish website,, click on the Parish Giving icon at the bottom of the home page, and follow the instructions to set up your account.

Shining the Light of Christ Annual Appeal

Pledge Total: $104,971.00 - 98.19% of our goal of $106,901.00 - 227 donors so far! Only another $1,930.00 to reach our goal! Please use pledge forms you received in the mail or envelopes at the doors of the Church.

Page 4 Visit us at November 22, 2020 Escritorio del Párroco Estimados Feligreses,

Hoy es la Solemnidad de Cristo Rey. Nuestro Evangelio nos recuerda que, en los simples actos de bondad y caridad, amamos y servimos a Cristo a los demás. Qué gozo será un día reconocerlo en los muchos rostros de los que hemos ayudado cuando finalmente lo veamos cara a cara. Sus fieles contribuciones a nuestra Despensa de Alimentos y al Fondo de San Vicente de Paul para los pobres seguramente están incluidas en esta lista.

Este Jueves celebramos Acción de Gracias. En medio de los muchos desafíos y, en algunos casos, tragedias que ha traído este año, todavía hay mucho en cada una de nuestras vidas por lo que podemos dar gracias a Dios. Podemos dar por sentado gran parte de nuestra vida diaria. En realidad, es Dios quien nos ha dado la vida y nos sostiene en ella. En todo momento, Jesús camina con nosotros en la jornada de nuestra vida. El primer Día de Acción de Gracias lo celebraron los peregrinos que, a pesar de muchos sufrimientos y muchas muertes entre ellos, se dieron cuenta de que Dios no los había abandonado y les había brindado la ayuda de algunos de los indígenas de esta tierra.

Dadas las limitaciones actuales de Covid, no distribuiremos pan bendecido en nuestra Misa de las 9am el Día de Acción de Gracias este año, pero los invito a traer un poco de pan que puede ser bendecido al final de la Misa. Por favor reserve un asiento electrónicamente como de costumbre. También planeamos transmitir esta Misa en la página de Facebook de la parroquia para aquellos que no pueden asistir, y ofrecerles la misma bendición virtualmente en casa.

Este año tenemos la intención de decorar la Gruta con una exhibición Navideña a tiempo para el primer Domingo de Adviento, el 29 de Noviembre. Les invitamos a crear su propio adorno Navideño resistente a la intemperie, no retornable, que exprese su identidad o la de su familia, y en cualquier momento durante el Adviento, visite la Gruta y coloque el adorno en uno de los árboles de hoja perenne que rodean la Gruta. Proporcione su propio gancho o cinta para sujetarlo. ¡Que esto nos traiga algo de esperanza y alegría en el mes más oscuro del año!

Mons. Richard Arnhols, Párroco

Reflexión de las Escrituras de Hoy

Tomás es alérgico a los gatos aunque hayan estado pero ya no estén en el lugar en que él se encuentra. Sus ojos se enrojecen y comienza a resollar, por lo que tiene que pedir permiso y salir. Curiosamente, se ha hecho amigo recientemente de un gato perdido en su vecindario que terminó en la puerta trasera de su casa. Él no lo toca ni deja que entre en su casa, pero le da de comer regularmente y hasta lo extraña cuando no aparece en su terraza. Algo nos mueve a cuidar de los perdidos entre nosotros. A es por instinto y hasta contrario a nuestros mejores intereses, como Tomás con su alergia a los gatos.

¿Está nuestra simpatía por los desvalidos escrita en nuestra mente? ¿Son las almas perdidas realmente nuestros parientes perdidos de tiempo atrás? ¿Es el remordimiento lo que nos mueve a contribuir con los bancos de alimentos y comedores públicos, o es una genuina compasión? Si creemos en la Encarnación, o sea, que Dios se hizo hombre, entonces esos instintos de visitar a los que están confinados y prisioneros en sus propios hogares, y de liberar a aquellas personas que se encuentran encerrados en la pobreza, no son otra cosa que inspiraciones divinas. Es la santidad que, engendrada en nuestros huesos, es incapaz de ser reprimida.

Alguien pasa hambre y nosotros contribuimos a un banco de alimento y prestamos un servicio voluntario en un comedor público. Alguien es un extranjero y acogemos a los inmigrantes en nuestro vecindario y buscamos maneras de hacerle sentir bien. Alguien está prisionera de su enfermedad o de su ancianidad, y nosotros le visitamos y atendemos. Y como sabemos que nuestros propios esfuerzos individuales parecen exiguos ante tanta necesidad, buscamos maneras de institucionalizar nuestro auxilio a través de normas y fondos gubernamentales. Y esos instintos nuestros no son ni más ni menos que inspiraciones divinas. —Padre Joseph J. Juknialis

Administradores: ¡Compartiendo Nuestro Tiempo, Talento, Y Tesoro!

"... todo lo que hiciste por uno de mis hermanos más pequeños, lo hiciste por mí" - MATEO 25:40

La mayoría de nosotros somos generosos cuando nos conviene. Somos generosos cuando tenemos el tiempo o el dinero. Pero la generosidad es lo opuesto a eso. Significa dar nuestro tiempo, dinero, compasión, perdón o misericordia cuando no es conveniente; cuando no está en nuestro horario, sino en el horario de la otra persona.

Nuestra Ofrenda Dominical: 11 de Octubre 2020 - $12,260.40 ~ 13 de Octubre 2019 - $17,009.75

¿Has considerado hacer tu ofrenda electrónicamente? Visite nuestra página en internet, has clic en la opción Parish Giving en la parte inferior de la página, y siga las instrucciones para crear tú cuenta.

Llamada Anual de Brillando La Luz De Cristo Promesa total: $104,971.00 - 98.19% de nuestra meta de $106,901.00 - ¡227 donantes hasta ahora! ¡Solo otros $1,930.00 para alcanzar nuestra meta! Utilice los formularios de donación que usted recibe por correo o sobres en las puertas de la Iglesia.

Page 5 Visit us at November 22, 2020 This year we intend to decorate the Grotto Today, we acknowledge and celebrate Christ the King. It’s with a Christmas display in time for the hard to put this royal image together with today’s Gospel First Sunday of Advent, November 29th. passage, where Jesus is not asking to be treated like a king, We invite you to create your own but rather instructing us to perform merciful deeds for the weather-proof, non-returnable Christmas least of his brothers and sisters. Yet it is the perfect ornament, expressive of you or your family, follow-on to the previous three Sundays’ Scriptures, where and at any time during Advent to visit the grotto and place the Jesus tells us what it means to live a life of holiness, preparation, ornament on one of the evergreen trees surrounding the Grotto. and faithful investment in the Kingdom. Now we see what awaits Please provide your own hook or ribbon to attach it. May this those of us who turn over our lives to him, seeing the face of bring us some hope and joy in the darkest month of the year! Jesus in the least among us – the poor, the imprisoned, the thirsty, the stranger. “Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit St. John’s Troop 139 the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”

Troop 139 will again hold its Annual Sacraments Holiday Wreath & Blanket Sale after Penance - Saturday: 1:00pm-2:00pm in the Church & Grotto Sunday Masses on 12/6 and 12/13 (weather permitting). in the church parking lot. Baptisms - All will be scheduled now for 3:00pm. Wreaths will be $20.00 and Instructions for parents will be suspended for now. We will Blankets $30.00 provide some written material for parents having their first child Baptized. All parents must be registered parishioners and Due to the pandemic, this year we’re present child’s birth certificate at the time of arranging for the offering an option to place your order early for those who are baptism. Godparents must be practicing Catholics, at least unable to be at Sunday Mass in person. sixteen years of age, who have received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, and, if married, the Sacrament of We look forward to seeing you in December or to place your Matrimony. Sponsor certificate must be presented at least one week before Baptism. order “Cash on Delivery” to your home, please call 201-703-1390. PLEASE NOTE! We are accepting registrations for Baptisms for December and beyond. Please call the Rectory at 201-384- 0101 for information. St. John’s Food Pantry HOLIDAY FOOD COLLECTION: Matrimony - Arrangements for a wedding should be made at least Thanksgiving & Christmas one year in advance. Couples are required to attend Pre-Cana and God’s Plan. Please contact one of the priests, 201-384-0101. More than 80+ families are helped by our pantry on a monthly basis. We are now We invite you to make a video of a minute or preparing for the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays and of less, either offering a prayer/reflection about the course we depend on our parishioners for their generosity. season or showing a cherished Christmas ornament and explaining its meaningfulness. Non-perishable food items: Bring to the church at any time. You may send the video to us at [email protected]. If you would Monetary Donations: If you wish to make a monetary like to do this but are unfamiliar with the social media needed donation, mark the envelope “St. John’s Food Pantry” and drop to create one, please leave your name and phone number at the it in the collection basket at Mass or bring to the Rectory. rectory and we will try to schedule a time for you to do it here. Money is used to purchase non-perishable foods that are in We would hope to publish some of these on Facebook during short supply. the Advent and Christmas seasons. To help make the holiday more festive you may want to include: Canned Veggies, Turkey Gravy, Boxed Stuffing, On November 21st, the Church Canned Nuts, Cookies, Cake or Muffin Mixes, Canned Icing, Jell-O and Pudding Mixes. celebrates the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin. Donations of Turkeys: Please call Terry Ryan at 201-456- 9618 and leave your name and telephone number and he will What is your favorite title for Our Lady? return your call to let you know when you can bring it to the Rectory. Thank you for your cooperation. THE SHEPHERD KING

The job of shepherd and the job of king couldn’t be more different from each other. Shepherds are on the lowest rung of society, kings are at the top. But God says, through the prophet Ezekiel, that the Messiah will lead in a way very different from earthly authorities who lord it over their people and cause harm with their poor leadership.

Our King takes on the job himself. Christ, like a shepherd, will give rest, seek out the lost, bring back the strayed and scattered ones. He will heal the wounded and bind up the injured. He does not delegate, but will “shepherd them rightly.” We have a king who cares for us and who is not afraid to We’re thankful for all of our wonderful “judge between one sheep and another” (Ezekiel 34:17). parishioners. What are you thankful for?

Page 6 Visit us at November 22, 2020 Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Hoy reconocemos y celebramos a Cristo Rey. Es difícil

unir esta imagen real con el pasaje del Evangelio de hoy, Decir que Cristo es Rey y que reina en nuestra vida donde Jesús no pide que lo traten como un rey, sino que es admitir que existe un mundo que nos sobrepasa. nos instruye a realizar obras misericordiosas por el más En el ámbito de Cristo todos y cada uno somos pequeño de sus hermanos y hermanas. Sin embargo, es la continuación perfecta de las Escrituras de los tres cuidados sencillamente por ser parte del Reino. Domingos anteriores, donde Jesús nos dice lo que Árbol de Regalos de Navidad significa vivir una vida de santidad, preparación e inversión fiel en el Reino. Ahora vemos lo que nos espera Nuestro Árbol de donaciones estará a los que le entregamos nuestra vida, viendo el rostro de ubicado en la Iglesia Principal a partir de este fin Jesús en el más pequeño de nosotros: el pobre, el preso, de semana. Todos están invitados a tomar un el sediento, el forastero. “Vengan, benditos de mi Padre; adorno del árbol. En la parte posterior del adorno tomen posesión del Reino preparado para ustedes desde hay una solicitud de regalo. la creación del mundo". Envuelva el regalo, coloque el adorno provisto y tráigalo a la iglesia y colóquelo debajo del árbol cualquier día o antes del fin de semana del 5 al 6 de Diciembre. Despensa de Alimentos ¡TENGA EN CUENTA! Si una solicitud de regalo es un de San Juan "certificado de regalo" o si desea regalar un certificado, COLECTA DE ALIMENTOS FESTIVOS: colóquelo en una caja o bolsa de regalo y llévelo a la Acción de Gracias y Navidad Rectoría. No lo coloque debajo del árbol (ya que los sobres pequeños, bolsas o cajas se pueden perder fácilmente). Nuestra despensa ayuda a más de 80 familias mensualmente. Ahora nos estamos preparando para la temporada de Acción de Gracias y Navidad y, por supuesto, dependemos de nuestros feligreses por su generosidad.

Alimentos no perecederos: tráigalos a la iglesia en cualquier momento. Donaciones monetarias: Si desea hacer una donación monetaria, marque el sobre “St. John's Food Pantry” y colóquelo en la canasta de la ofrenda en la Misa o llévelo a la Rectoría. El dinero se utiliza para comprar alimentos no perecederos que escasean. Para ayudar a que estas temporadas sean más festivas para nuestras familias, es posible que desee incluir: Verduras en lata, Salsa de Pavo, Relleno para Pavo en caja (Stuffing), Arroz, Frijoles, Galletas, Mezclas para pasteles o muffins, Creme para decorar pasteles, Mezclas para Gelatina o Pudín. Donaciones de Pavos: Llame a Terry Ryan al 201-456-9618 y deje su nombre y número de teléfono y él le devolverá la llamada para informarle cuándo puede llevarlo a la Rectoría. Gracias por su cooperación.

Ven y Ora

Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento

en la Iglesia Principal Martes, Miercoles, y Jueves

12pm - 6:30pm

Todos están invitados

El 21 de Noviembre, la Iglesia celebra la Presentación de la Santísima Virgen. Nosotros estamos muy agradecidos por todos ¿Cuál es tu título favorito para nuestros maravillosos feligreses. Nuestra Señora? Y ustedes, ¿qué es lo que agradecen?

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