Peter Rollins | 185 pages | 04 Oct 2011 | SIMON & SCHUSTER | 9781451609004 | English | Nashville, TN, United States Insurrection: To Believe Is Human to Doubt, Divine PDF Book

March 15, See more. What a powerful, thought-provoking piece. Eventually they emerged from amidst the trees dragging behind them a huge bear. Thank you. Understanding this can help us unlock something fundamental about the nature of human desire—namely, that the most sought after material in the universe is not some precious metal or limited resource but rather the attention of those whom we desire. He actually makes sense. Bit of a mind-stretcher. You learn to live in this life without God's direct "deus ex machina". I hope this fine book receives the broad reading it deserves. But it is actually a philosophy which has nothing in common with Christian . Only then can you start living a life of freedom from Religion. Average Rating: 5. Preview — Insurrection by Peter Rollins. It felt more or less like the blabbering of an undergraduate student in a class. It is only as we submit our spiritual practices, religious rituals, and dogmatic affirmations to the flames of fearless interrogation that we come into contact with the reality that Christianity is in the business of transforming our world rather than offering a way of interpreting or escaping it. Yes, Rollins simply forgets to mention the litany of scriptures tha This book was two hundred pages of whiplash. Belief in the Resurrection means but one thing: Participation in an Insurrection. And finally, while his extrapolation of one Bible verse into an entire worldview is perhaps a little hasty, his exploration of Jesus' experience of divine absence is one that is revelatory for the human experience. Your email address will never be sold or distributed to a third party for any reason. It is a good read for those who want to seriously look at some tough questions. Insurrection: To Believe Is Human to Doubt, Divine Writer

Are we capable of living in life's tensions? Provocative and infuriating. Without the struggle of doubt, there is only assumption or ignorance, and neither is faith. Love is the most powerful force in the world. Rollins states as much in his introduction: Each epoch in the life of the Church arises from the white-hot fires of a fundamental question, a question that burns away the husk that was once thought to be essential in order to reveal once more the revolutionary event heralded… They offer us a unique opportunity to rethink what it means to be the Church, not merely critiquing the presently existing Church for failing to live up to its ideals, but rather for espousing the wrong ideals. Your email address will never be sold or distributed to a third party for any reason. As much as he would like to point everything to the rupturing moment on the cross, a more thorough study is needed if he is to convince people that his view is an authentic reading rather than just a personally meaningful reading. I have believed Scripture is pretty clear that God's direct interaction with man is limited and used only when nothing man can do will suffice. Others sound like a stoned frat boy quoting a Zizek video he saw on Youtube. I once heard someone say that you don't have to agree with everything someone says to agree with anything they say. Rollins also argues that living in doubt, as if there were no God, is the ultimate way of life. Download Image Download Image. Other points are interesting, but not convincing. He summarizes his book by saying, It is only when we are the site where Resurrection takes place that we truly affirm it. Christianity works to bring eternal life into the here and now. A brilliant new voice—an activist, a storyteller and a theologian all in one—and not a moment too soon. What if we expressed frustration and anger and doubt in our worship? We might even still be with the one we love, but if we feel that they no longer love us, we experience the profound pain and suffering described above. Kinda wanted to throw the book across the room a few times, but like, in a good way. In this incendiary new work, the controversial author and speaker Peter Rollins proclaims that the Christian faith is not primarily concerned with questions regarding life after death but with the possibility of life before death. They have got to be prepared to walk a difficult and often dangerous path if they wish to invite people into this murky and uncertain world, for in doing so they bring to the surface a whole host of anxieties that we spend so much of our time and resources repressing. I'm not one to appeal to tradition as the default position of truth, but the way in which Rollins packages thousands of years of theology as myth without proper theological analysis makes his thesis seem like a forgone conclusion in his head. We use cookies to improve this site Cookies are used to provide, analyse and improve our services; provide chat tools; and show you relevant content on advertising. There is an army of individuals who eagerly support their ministries, buy their books and fill their pews. The more connected you are, the more you actually ARE. Cookies are used to provide, analyse and improve our services; provide chat tools; and show you relevant content on advertising. Peter Rollins. More than anything, this book inspires me to question, to doubt, to learn, experience and grow. It feels like a lecture that's scheduled to be an hour long but the lecturer only prepared ten minutes of material and spends the next fifty minutes winging it. It is only as we submit our spiritual practices, religious rituals, and dogmatic affirmations to the flames of fearless interrogation that we come into contact with the reality that Christianity is in the business of transforming our world rather than offering a way of interpreting or escaping it. Brilliantly, candidly, and faithfully, Rollins wrestles here with that question. For Rollins, unless you come to a crisis point where you receive no religious consolation, you've never truly lived the crucifixion and resurrection life. Discuss whether, on the whole, you think that this type of faith community is a worthy goal to work toward. Peter Rollins. If we could just master this very basic yet revolutionary material, the church would make great leaps forward. Rollins rails against the certainty expressed in worship songs and sermons in church services, and condemns it a 'My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? Mar 16, Kath rated it really liked it. Oct 23, Keith Dow rated it liked it. Yes, Rollins simply forgets to mention the litany of scriptures that violate his thesis. Oct 30, Steven Fouse rated it it was amazing Shelves: religion-philosophy , favorites. There are many things that we take for granted in life, not because we have absolute proof, but because we have made a decision to trust. Really, this should have been two separate books. Here the God of philosophy— the deus ex machina—rises to the ascendancy, and we lose sight of the world-transforming message of Christianity. This book is short and easy to read, but filled with references to deep-thinking philosophers and theologians. What do you think is the Circumcision Question set forth in Insurrection, and what potential effect do you think it could have on the church as you know it? Yes, the central thesis for this book revolves around one particular interpretation of only one phrase Christ utters on the Cross. As he correctly points out, we are too often satisfied with the false God we've created for ourselves — an image that makes us feel better, a deus ex machina that is always there when we need our problems fixed. Jul 22, Brad Mullet rated it it was amazing. Christianity, for Rollins, ceases to be a religion. Some would argue that I view that as a modernist, which is why I can't see the validity of his theology. Insurrection: To Believe Is Human to Doubt, Divine Reviews

If I am in fact understanding him correctly, he constantly disappoints and frustrates me. Redeemed by the author's sincerity and the ingeniousness he exhibits seeking to dislodge comfortable Christians from an unexamined relationship to their faith and communities of faith. He will be happy even though it is all meaningless. Quotes from Insurrection: To Its difficulty lies in just how much Rollins packs into his writing and thinking and the level of deconstruction that is happening; it seems as though, just at the point at which he can't go any further that he does, and that step opens up a variety of questions about institutional implications and personal ramifications. We see this process most clearly in children, for they are less able to hide the process of rationalization than adults. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. But in the interview with NBC, George can't leave well enough alone. Even going further as to say out of the few actual Christ-followers only a smaller percentage live like Christ, love like Christ, experience like Christ. March 15, This technique can prove particularly effective when deep suffering and desperation strike a person; it is not uncommon for someone to be coaxed into a confession of faith on his or her deathbed or upon his or her return from the deathbed of one they love. However, I know Rollins is writing another book that he claims "deepens and develops" some of the themes brought up in this one, so I'll have to see where he takes things. So why on earth would I give it 2 stars instead of zero? Excellent thinking and excellent writing! Liked it. These structures hide reality from us and allow us to deceive ourselves into living lives that, while they may be comfortable, are not authentic, are not true to ourselves and our place in the world. It was recommended to me by a friend who thought that I'd like much of what Rollins has to say. I really hate this book. In general, I love Rollins philosophy. Evelyn Waugh: A Life Revisited. If it is true that we find meaning through the loving gaze of another and that the loss of this love leads to great suffering, then it is only natural that we would desire the gaze of one who would forever cradle us and never forsake us. Additional details. Rollins wants to style himself as a theologian--or others do perhaps--but there is very little theology in here. He is the founder of Ikon, a , , faith group that has gained an international reputation for blending live music, visual imagery, soundscapes, theater, ritual, and reflection. What haunting legacy waits deep beneath the barrios and wealthy enclaves of Southern California? About Peter Rollins. It will change lives, and our understanding of what religion is all about! Cavey, McLaren, and Bell have some investiture in "pastoring" readers through their new understanding as a result of their vocation as pastors, whereas Rollins seems to have much more interest in pursuing the thought experiment to its logical conclusion or even past that point at times as a philosopher and thinker, without the same kind of regard for caring for his audience as in those other works, a factor that seems to unfetter him in order to allow him to craft a "headier" argument. Then, he goes to the seminal event of the crucifixion. This beautiful book is dedicated to exploring the most wonderful adventure of the human heart—love! Reading Group Guide This reading group guide for Insurrection includes an introduction, discussion questions, and ideas for enhancing your book club. Rollins' central thesis is dead-on, for my money: the modern church has become a security blanket for people, a comfortable construct that shields us from the world and prevents us from facing the true nihilistic devastation that is at the heart of the Crucifixion: a loss of God, a loss of meaning, and a loss of hope. All of this sounds like theology, doesn't it? Rollins discusses pyrotheology as the burning away of any and all presuppositions and worldviews that would otherwise interfere with our theology, including especially the elements of religion and Christianity that have served as a security blanket to followers of Jesus. For Rollins, unless you come to a crisis point where you receive no religious consolation, you've never truly lived the crucifixion and resurrection life. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Customer Care. We often use the information we have just learned to pretend to others and ourselves that we have chosen our beliefs because of that information, instead of admitting that we believed beforehand and simply used the information to back it up. Thank you! God is seen when I show love to someone these days. Peter Rollins might just be the most interesting and creative-yet-ancient Christian theologian writing at the moment. Nov 17, David rated it really liked it Shelves: read He takes us to the crucifixion, points at Jesus, peaks with the verse "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? The men put on their flak jackets, loaded their weapons, and charged into the forest with batons raised. This is no argument that hell awaits those who do not believe, but rather that those who do not believe already dwell in a type of hell. In contrast to the FBI, they disappeared into the forest without a sound. In a healthy partnership, this transformation can help to bring about a more well-rounded and mature union, but it can also be a painful process, one that we often try desperately to avoid.

Insurrection: To Believe Is Human to Doubt, Divine Read Online

I may use some of them again in my speaking. The insurrection that Rollins proclaims is rebellion against the power structures of the world: political, social, religious, etc. Yes, Rollins simply forgets to mention the litany of scriptures that violate his thesis. This reading group guide for Insurrection includes an introduction, discussion questions, and ideas for enhancing your book club. Those who have enjoyed its shade will want to stop him, but his strokes are so clean and true that his motive soon becomes clear: this man trusts the way of death and resurrection so much that he has become fearless of religion. In light of all this, it is perfectly understandable that we would find ourselves desiring someone who would love us unconditionally and absolutely. I wouldn't build my argument on that paragraph as Rollins seemed to do. They have jobs, friends, and other interests that draw their gaze away from us and steal their attention. Jan 08, Vegantrav rated it it was amazing. I have believed Scripture is pretty clear that God's direct interaction with man is limited and used only when nothing man can do will suffice. Having come through my own personal atheism, I can empathize with that, but I don't think I would want to write a book trying convince others of it. They want God to just do a miracle and save them from the logical outcome of living in this world. And so if we want to live in truth, then we must give up our identities as defined by the cultural constructs which define our world: we are, following Paul, no longer male nor female, rich nor poor, Christian nor Muslim nor Hindu, American nor Ethiopian nor Arabic; instead, we are all one in Christ: we are all one in our anxiety and our uncertainty and our sadness but also in our joy and our happiness. Rollins uses a lot of bellicose language the favourite seeming to be the word 'rupture' to describe what he thinks a Christological worldview does to religion. Although it took me years to finally get to reading one of his works, I would not be surprised if I read through all of the rest of his books in the next few months, judging by how much I appreciated his writing and his thought process in Insurrection. Insurrection sees Christianity as asking us to completely die to the self, to die to all the socially and culturally constructed identities that we have, to empty ourselves in the experience of the kenosis , to know the reality of a life without God that Christ knew when he cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Yes, Rollins simply forgets to mention the litany of scriptures tha This book was two hundred pages of whiplash. Rollins wants to style himself as a theologian--or others do perhaps--but there is very little theology in here. All the while the angels in heaven watched what took place in utter disbelief. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. Rollins rails against the certainty expressed in worship songs and sermons in church services, and condemns it a 'My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? The Good: This is a book that explains, in a satisfactory way, why actions are more important than beliefs, why doubt is so important and vital to faith, and how embracing our worst fears about the futi Insurrection: To Believe is Human, to Doubt Divine by Peter Rollins explores the philosophical importance of and the means by which we live out Incarnation, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. This book makes doubt and unbelie I like books which deal with Christians and doubt. His views on the value of Communism and the way economics should work are nonsense. When I bought this book it was because Goodreads recommended it to me as similar to other books on my shelves, I'm not sure how accurate that is but the title reeled me in. Chick Tract Christians believe that at some point, this god will resurrect everyone, punish the bad people, destroy the world and whisk away the good people i. Discuss whether, on the whole, you think that this type of faith community is a worthy goal to work toward. But as time goes by, the exigencies of daily life impact the relationship, and both find other activities they want to pursue. Harry Potter. We should pay attention. What do you think is the Circumcision Question set forth in Insurrection, and what potential effect do you think it could have on the church as you know it? The characters and their reactions are the key point. The only option left for the apologist who is confronted by someone who actually enjoys life is to attempt to show that they are really in denial and crying out for this God in a disavowed way.