'Brigh Est of Stars' Interviewed R-- Live at Leeds

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'Brigh Est of Stars' Interviewed R-- Live at Leeds Litt e Boots: Leeds grad and 'brigh est of stars' interviewed r-­ Live at Leeds: reviews from a jam packed weekend of music Cl) N Friday / May 8 / 2009 1111, ,e.tr I lu: rc:., .. 1,n opcr.111on .11 1ht· ,1111h;1 \\ 111 ht <l1:-pu1c<l. dt,c,,minunl hut \1111(: \.\Ill n:m.-un ::--ll·H J1111cs, :.in i.:x c:mplP\1.:c. opt·n .... ,I rn~hl-111111.: \.COUC \l.m,.;, hl.tmc, nt.:,, hu'-llll L eeds U nivcrsjt) U nio n'i. (LUU) ~n, I ull un1c ..,ta! f<. 1oh.., u. ill he l mon. I le '"Id: '·\\ ht·n I Mine r c!'. 1aurnn1 is closing :,1 1hc Jffecrcd b, the "kci ion. !"he current \line, hu,mc,, ,, .1 .. grc.11 I .l t Ju .. 0 encl o f chis ~e :tr ;tmid fc:u s tha t 1he rt·:-t.1urrin1 tmpl11\1,;c, arc ,au! t•1 he r..:d\\ ,h111 1t,df Ul lhl l 1JtU Ii\ food o utle t "ill s uffer a no ther .. gum.. •d" .ind "alN1lu1t.·l) dc1;.1<.1:ttcd." 1ncrt~du,:1n~ 10,1 .. n1.1n, · Gu:\ nc i:\ l loti:s. 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Whether you have aspirations of being a top Students bemoan loss of Mine Journalist. or just enjoy writing and want to try From front something new, we want you to Join us. lu1cc.: lbr rhc; P.1u,· < omp.111, n1!,,:ht unu.: ind tht I lt,,,cHr. <.ruJcnts \\-ill ... 1111 he .ind Pina Un:,. I ht:<.,. 1111clt-t t:\pt:Tlatinn I thJt 1ht 11th~·1 ,tJlt .1hll ru huol.. \\\nc..· lor -.oc1t·tv nr gcnc.:r.11" rlnt fl.Vlnut .1l1h,1111.!.h 11 \\tll lit mu,·ci.l ht:r\\ccn tht othu J,?:tnup t H·nt,;; Junn~ the 1.l.n .ind Healthcare Got a Stor y? I" Jd1.ncd \\lu:1lu.:r lhlrr luu ~,, 1h1.: h11pc 1, th.11 1h1.rc Ill th~ C:\l'l"O!!' Ol" t \<.',lf. 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