Congressional Record—Senate S9600

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Congressional Record—Senate S9600 S9600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 2, 2000 I look forward to working with my in supporting passage of this legisla- Cuban and Nicaraguan nationals from colleagues in the Senate to address this tion so we can move it on to the Presi- deportation from the United States. problem and to bring meaningful data dent for his signature. Those residents who have been in the access to all parts of this country. f U.S. since December 1995 can now ad- just to permanent resident status. But f THE LATINO IMMIGRATION Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, THE MARITIME ADMINISTRATION FAIRNESS ACT and Haitians are still not as fully pro- AUTHORIZATION ACT Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, last tected. Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, last week, the Senate majority blocked ef- In the last decade, Louisiana has pro- Thursday, the Senate passed S. 2487, forts to bring the Latino Immigration vided refuge to thousands of Hondurans the Maritime Administration Author- Fairness Act to the floor. This bill em- seeking relief from natural and human ization Act for Fiscal Year 2001. Pas- bodies the essence of America: pro- disasters. Displaced by storms, floods, sage of this measure will help to ensure viding safe haven to the persecuted and war, and social unrest, many of these our nation’s maritime industry has the down trodden, supporting equal oppor- people have found warm and com- support and guidance it needs to con- tunity for the disadvantaged, and pro- forting homes for their families in the tinue to compete in the world market. moting family values to our country’s American Bayou. The bill authorizes appropriations for residents. My State, particularly in New Orle- the Maritime Administration [MarAd] Many of my Senate colleagues per- ans, boasts a proud tradition of cul- for fiscal year 2001. It covers operations ceive this provision to be a necessary tural diversity. The Honduran commu- and training and the loan guarantee addition to the H–1B Visa bill, which nity was originally brought to Lou- program authorized by title XI of the extends temporary residence to 195,000 isiana through a thriving banana trade Merchant Marine Act 1936. The House foreign workers each year for the next between the Port of Louisiana and Gulf Committee on Armed Services, which two years. The Latino Immigration of Honduras in the early twentieth cen- has jurisdiction of maritime matters in Fairness Act legitimates certain work- tury. As the community grew, Louisi- that body, has chosen to include provi- ers who have been living in the U.S. for ana’s Honduran population became the sions relating to these authorizations over five years, and are ready, willing, largest outside of Honduras. For this in the House-passed version of H.R. and able to permanently contribute to reason, Louisiana seemed the most log- 4205, the National Defense Authoriza- our workforce and communities. ical destination for Hondurans fleeing tion Act for Fiscal Year 2001. Further, Unfortunately, the Majority’s leader- instability during the 1980s and 1990s. the House conferees on that measure ship has used parliamentary procedures Once again, my state, like many oth- have refused to fully accept S. 2487 as to block this bill from coming to the ers, opened her doors to our desperate the Senate position as part of the on- floor. I am disappointed that too few Central American brothers. going House-Senate conference delib- Republican leaders support this mean- The Latino Immigration Fairness erations in part, due to the Senate’s ingful legislation becoming law. I am Act will help fulfill a promise this gov- slow action on the measure. I hope by convinced that the Latino Immigration ernment has made to these refugees, passing S. 2487 we will change that Fairness bill has been proposed in the and attempt to finish the work of course. best interests of our country and in ac- Presidents Reagan and Clinton. Under In addition to the authorizations for cordance with our obligations to pro- the Reagan Administration, the Immi- operations and training and the loan moting democracy and freedom in our gration and Naturalization Service set guarantee program, S. 2487 amends hemisphere. up special asylum programs for these Title IX of the Merchant Marine Act of My support for this legislation is people to reside legally in the U.S. 1936 to provide a wavier to eliminate based on four fundamental reasons: Since then, they have greatly con- the three year period that bulk and First, this bill would provide Central tributed to American society—raising breakbulk vessels newly registered American immigrants previously ex- children, paying taxes, and estab- under the U.S. flag must wait in order cluded under the Nicaraguan and Cen- lishing successful businesses through- to carry government-impelled cargo. tral American Relief Act, NACARA, out our country—as well as contrib- The bill also provides a one year win- the opportunity to legalize their sta- uted direct support to their relatives dow of opportunity for vessels newly tus; it would allow immigrants apply- left behind in their homelands. registered under the U.S.-flag to enter ing for permanent residency to remain In a democracy such as ours, we must into the cargo preference trade without in the U.S. with their families instead be consistent in the principles we up- waiting the traditional three year pe- of forcing them to return to their coun- hold for our Latin neighbors seeking riod. try of origin to apply (a process that asylum. These people have fled polit- The bill also would amend the Na- can take months to years to complete); ical instability and social upheaval in tional Maritime Heritage Act of 1994 and it would change the registry cut- their native lands. and allow the Secretary to scrap obso- off date to 1986, which would resolve As the guardian of Democratic ideals lete vessels in both domestic and inter- the 14-year bureaucratic limbo that has and chief opponent of repression in the national market. It would further con- denied amnesty to qualified immi- Western Hemisphere, we must ensure vey ownership of the National Defense grants who sought to adjust their sta- that these residents adjust their status Reserve Fleet Vessel, Glacier to the tus under the 1986 Immigration Reform to legal resident under the same proce- Glacier Society for use as museum and and Control Act. Finally, this bill dure permitted for Cubans and Nica- require the Maritime Administration would resolve the status of so many raguans. to including the source and intended valuable members of American society. In sum, I urge my colleagues to con- use of all funding in reports to Con- There are an estimated 6 million immi- sider the United States’ historic com- gress. Finally, it amends Public Law grants in the United States who are mitment to fair immigration policies. 101–115 to recognize National Maritime not yet citizens. A majority of these Our country has been built and con- Enhancement Institutes as if they were immigrants have been here for many tinues to be sustained by immigrants. University Transportation Centers for years and are working hard, paying In her poem, The Colossus, Emma purposes of the award of research funds taxes, buying homes, opening busi- Lazarus named our country the ‘‘Moth- for maritime and intermodal research nesses and raising families. er of Exiles.’’ Personified by the Statue and requires the Secretary of Transpor- For years, U.S. immigration policy of Liberty, the United States of Amer- tation to review the funding of mari- has provided refuge to tens of thou- ica continues to shine her torch on ref- time research in relation to other sands of these Nicaraguans, Cubans, ugees from instability and strife—We modes of transportation. Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, have opened our doors to people of all I want to thank the cosponsors of and Haitians fleeing civil war and so- races and nationalities, and have pros- this measure, Senator HOLLINGS and cial unrest in their own countries. In pered from their valuable contributions Senator INOUYE for the assistance in 1997 the Nicaraguan Adjustment and to labor, community, and culture. moving this measure forward. I hope Central American Relief Act was Now, failure to pass Fairness legisla- my colleagues in the House will join us signed into law. This statute protects tion will take away our promise of VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:43 Dec 04, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2000SENATE\S02OC0.REC S02OC0 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY October 2, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9601 freedom to so many deserving resi- Lori Harrigan, Tasha Schwikert, and sacrifice for the gold medal that we dents, and deny us the gifts they have Charlene Tagaloa were three Nevadan won in the fast pitch softball competi- imparted to our shores. athletes who gave wholly to the U.S. tion. Contrary to what our critics say, sup- team in their respective sports. We should all remember the char- porting this bill does not condone ille- Lori Harrigan, a pitcher for the acter of the 2000 Olympic Games, both gal entry into this country. I am proud champion U.S. softball team, helped the smile evoking and heartbreaking of our historic value of the rule of law her team bring home a second gold moments, and continue to support the and territorial integrity. At the same medal in as many Olympic Games. Lori Nevadan and American athletes who time, I am equally concerned that once has had an amazing softball career for have the integrity, dedication, and certain people have resided in this many years now, and since she grad- ability to represent our nation, now country for years and contributed to uated from UNLV, Lori has won 13 and in the future.
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