Home Credit B.V., Strawinskylaan 933, Tower B Level 9, 1077 XX Amsterdam, Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0) 208 813 120, Fax: +31 (0) 208 813 129, E-mail:
[email protected], Web: www.homecredit.eu The company is incorporated in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce for Amsterdam under the file number 34126597. Announcement Home Credit B.V. acquires HC Asia N.V. for EUR 249 million Amsterdam, 11 July 2012: “Home Credit B.V.” today announces that it has acquired a 100% stake in “HC Asia N.V.” from “PPF Group N.V.”. The transaction is part of the PPF Group shareholders’ strategic intention to consolidate all Home Credit-branded companies gradually into one legal entity and reflects that in practice all Home Credit companies are managed as one Group. In connection with the deal, PPF Group N.V. increased the equity of Home Credit B.V. by the acquisition cost (i.e. EUR 249 million) through a capital contribution as a share premium on all shares. NOTES Home Credit B.V. is the holding company for Home Credit subsidiaries in CEE, Russia and CIS which operate in the consumer finance markets in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Belarus, and through its minority ownership interest in Home Credit Bank JSC, the consumer finance business in Kazakhstan. Home Credit B.V. is 100% owned by PPF Group N.V. and its main activity is to manage, finance and invest in other companies. HC Asia N.V. is the holding company for Home Credit subsidiaries in Asia which operate in the consumer finance markets in China, India and Indonesia (under development).