Ordo Virtutum, Conclusion, Hildegard von Bingen Liturgical drama In Principio Omnes

The music of ancient was tied to three main purposes: power, entertainment, and propaganda. The "power" of Rome (as "conqueror"), and it's relationship to it's vast "conquered" territories is very important to understanding the culture of . The Roman virtues of dignitas (dignity), authoritas (authority) and (seriousness of purpose) were practiced by all Romans as part of their "duty' to the State. The Romans borrowed many diverse musical traditions from the peoples they conquered, rather than developing a uniquely Roman tradition of their own. From a socio-cultural standpoint, music in ancient Rome was primarily associated with: 1) the military and military ceremonies, 2) the Roman Theater, 3) Roman religious practices, and 4) the ritual use of music at almost all public/civic occasions. Despite the diversity and richness of Rome, there are no known musical examples of Roman music that have survived to the present day.

Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), the first composer whose biography is known, was one of the most remarkable and forceful individuals in Medieval Europe. Placed in a convent as a child, she took vows and eventually became an abbess, founding two convents of her own. A visionary mystic, she was also accomplished as a poet, painter, naturalist, theologian, and preacher, and she served as an advisor to political and religious leaders. Her music, which is notable for its distinctive departures from the conventions of plainchant, includes over 70 hymns, antiphons, and sequences, and the first surviving liturgical drama Ordo Virtutem.