Red Corundum, Sapphirine and Kornerupine from Kittilä, Finnish Lapland

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Red Corundum, Sapphirine and Kornerupine from Kittilä, Finnish Lapland RED CORUNDUM, SAPPHIRINE AND KORNERUPINE FROM KITTILÄ, FINNISH LAPLAND ILMARI HAAPALA, JAAKKO SIIVOLA, PENTTI OJANPERÄ and VEIJO YLETYINEN HAAPALA, I., SIIVOLA, J., OJANPERÄ, P. and YLETYINEN, V.: Red corundum, sapphirine and kornerupine from Kittilä, Finnish Lapland. Bull. Geol. Soc. Finland, 43, 221—231. Mineral assemblages containing corundum, sapphirine and kornerupine are present in a high-grade metamorphic amphibolite-hornblendite formation near the great granulite complex of Finnish Lapland. A low-grade metamorphism has slightly retrogressed the mineral assemblages and partly destroyed corun- dum, sapphirine and kornerupine. Chemical analyses and physical properties including single-crystal data are presented for hornblende, gedrite, sapphirine and kornerupine. Ilmari Haapala, Jaakko Siivola, Pentti Ojanperä and Veijo Yletyinen, Geological Survey of Finland, Otaniemi, Finland. Introduction conrundun (ruby), panning was carried out on the spot. A great deal of corundum was obtained In September, 1965 the Geological Survey of by panning the soft rock weathered during pre- Finland received a small boulder containing red glacial time and now located beneath the normal corundum (Fig. 1) from a place called Paaraskalla moraine. Many of the corundum crystals were in the Kittilä wilderness in Finnish Lapland. This weakly translucent and of a pink or red colour, sample was found by a school-boy, Mikko Tervo. but no precious corundum was found. Six During short periods in 1966—68 the area was crystals were polished by Mr. Tauno Paronen, studied for economic corundum deposits, and but no star figures were visible. The amount of many tens of boulders and some outcrops con- corundum in the rock is so small and the crystals taining corundum were found. The corundum so impure that quarrying for industrial corundum occurs in strongly tectonized amphibolitic- would not be economic. Nevetheless, the occur- hornblenditic rocks. When studying the Paa- rence is interesting because of its mineralogy, raskalla samples in the laboratory, sapphirine chemistry and metamorphic facies. and kornerupine were identified. Kornerupine is The field work for this study was done by a mineral new to Finland, and sapphirine has Haapala and Yletyinen. The chemical analyses been described from only one locality (Rouhun- were made by Siivola and Ojanperä, while Haa- koski 1969). Because it was considered that the pala is responsible for other mineralog:cal and gravel at Paaraskalla could contain some precious petrological studies and the conclusions. 222 Ilmari Haapala, Jaakko Siivola, Pentti Ojanperä and Veijo Yletyinen Fig. 1. The boulder sample containing red corundum and kornerupine from Paaraskalla, Kittilä. Natural size. Photo Erkki Halme. Geology 1. Hornblende-plagioclase ^ chlorite (most common type) The corundurr, sapphirine and kornerupine occur in medium-grained metamorphic mafic- 2. Hornblende-plagioclase-corundum ^ chlo- ultramafic rocks with indistinct layered or gneiss- rite ose structure. The mineral composition of the 3. Hornblende-gedrite-sapphirine-corundum rocks is variable but in general they are amphi- (-chlorite-plagioclase) bolite or, rarely, hornblendite. The main mine- 4. Hornblende-corundum-kornerupine-sericite- rals are hornblende and plagioclase. In places clinozoisite-chlorite (only one boulder) hornblende forms phenocrysts up to several centimeters in diameter. Plagioclase is often con- Alteration products of plagioclase, and alu- centrated in thin bands parallel to the foliation minous chromite are common accessories. The and to the elongation of the complex. However, kornerupine-bearing sample also contains some plagioclase veinlets cutting the foliation have dravite. also been found. Plagioclase of the amphibolite- Corundum occurs as crystals detectable with hornblendite formation may be almost fresh the naked eye in only a few outcrops (Nos. 40, anorthite, but often it is strongly altered to 41 and 44 in Fig. 2). Microscopically, small sericite, clinozoisite and, in small amounts, to remnants of replaced corundum can be detected carbonate. The unaltered plagioclase was identi- in outcrop 3. The corundum crystals often form fied as anorthite by microprobe technique. rows of grains parallel to the foliation of the rock On the basis of thin section studies, the follow- (Fig. 3). Boulders containing corundum can be ing main mineral associations were distinguished traced over a long narrow zone parallel to the in the amphibolite- hornblendite formation: formation, part of which is visible in Fig. 2. This Red corundum, sapphirine and kornerupine from Kittilä . 223 25°| 30' suggests that the corundum-bearing rock forms a conformable zone in the amphibolite-horn- blendite formation. Even in the richest part, the corundum content is only a few per cent. A hand specimen rich in corundum was polished and the corundum content (3.5 per cent) was determined with a planimeter. A corundum-bearing sample (type 2) taken from outcrop 41 was analysed chemically by Pentti Ojanperä. The result was: SiO, 45.09, TiOa 0.18, A1203 19.78, Cr203 0.05, Fe203 1.52, FeO 3.84, MnO 0.09, MgO 14.67, CaO 10.77, NaaO 1.29, K20 0.26, P2Oä 0.01, C02 0.00, H20+ 2.24, H20— 0.04, total 99.83. Sp. gr. 3.03. The corresponding Niggli numbers are: si 88.64, al 22.95, fm 51.58, c 22.68, alk 2.78, mg 0.87, k 0.12, ti 0.27 and p 0.01. The titanium content of this rock is much lower, and the alumina content higher, than in normal magmatic basic rocks (see e.g. Turner and Verhoogen, 1960). On the western side of the amphibolite-horn- blendite formation is granite gneiss — a strongly 25 "I 30' tectonized rock with quartz, microcline, plagio- clase, biotite and hornblende as the main mine- Fig. 2. A map showing the locations of corundum- bearing outcrops and boulders. 1. Granite gneiss; rals. 2. Amphibolite and hornblendite; 3. Banded hornblende In the east, the amphibolite-hornblendite for- gneiss and amphibolite; 4. Corundum in outcrop; 5. Corundum-bearing boulder; 6. Outcrop; 7. Foliation mation is in contact with a finer grained banded and lineation; 8. Number of important sample locality. amphibole gneiss-amphibolite formation. The banded structure is due to the concentration of quartz and plagioclase,and hornblende in differ- ent bands. Some quartz in these rocks occur as thin veins and is younger than the other main minerals. Hornblende is much darker than in the amphibolite-hornblendite formation. Plagioclase is commonly strongly altered. In some thin sections almost fresh andesine, and areas in which andesine is replaced by albite and clinozoi- site-epidote, can be seen. Titanite, calcite and opaque minerals occur in small amounts. Corundum Fig. 3. Corundum-bearing amphibolite, outcrop 41. The corundum crystals found in the outcrops Corundum is visible as white roundish spots, some of are generally about one centimeter or less in which are marked with a small arrow. 1/10 of natural size. Photo Ilmari Haapala. diameter, though crystals as large as 3—4 cm 224 Ilmari Haapala, Jaakko Siivola, Pentti Ojanperä and Veijo Yletyinen Hornblende In general, hornblende represents the most abundant mineral of the amphibolite-hornblen- dite formation, though in some samples the amount of plagioclase exceeds that of horn- blende. The colour of hornblende is green in a hand specimen, but in thin section the mineral is colourless. Hornblende was separated for chemical anal- ysis from a sapphirine-bearing sample (40/IH/67) taken from outcrop 40. The physical properties of this material are given in Table 1. The unit Fig. 4. Remants of corundum in a chlorite matrix. One nicol, magn. 50 x. Photo Erkki Halme. cell dimensions were determined by the Buerger precession method using Zr-filtered Mo radia- tion. The film skrinkage was calibrated by in diameter can be found. By far the largest and recording silicon [111]-axis zero-level precession most striking corundum crystal is that of the photographs on the same films. The specific original boulder sample (Fig. 1). The colour is gravity was determined with Clerici solution normally pink, white or red, but under the bino- and a Westphal balance. Refractive indices were cular microscope also some deep blue corundum measured in Na light by the immersion method. grains were detected in the material crushed for A universal stage was used in measuring the optic mineral separation. At the margins, the crystals angle. The same methods were also employed in are usually replaced by colourless optically posi- determining the physical properties of gedrite, tive chlorite (Fig. 4), and sometimes also by sapphirine and kornerupine. hornblende or sericite. The replacement is often On the basis of the formula calculated from almost complete so that only scattered remnants the chemical analysis (Table 1), the mineral is with a uniform orientation remain (Fig. 4). magnesio-hornblende (Leake 1968). In the three- TABLE 1 Chemical composition and physical properties of hornblende. Chemical analysis by Pentti Ojanperä Number of ions on the basis Wt% of 24 (O, OH) Physical properties Si 6.690 Si02 48.19 • Z = 8.00 The unit cell: Al[4] 1.310 Space group C2\m A1203 13.46 Al[6] 0.892' "a = 9.77 ± 0.01Å TiOä 0.20 Ti 0.021 b0 = 17.97 ±0.02A Cr203 0.17 Cr 0.019 f0 = 5.30 ± .005Å Fe203 1.18 Fe3+ 0.123 • Y = 5.09 ß = 104°58' ± 05' FeO 3.56 Fe2+ 0.413 V = 898.9Å3 MnO 0.0 9 Mn O.oii = 3.086 ± 0.005 MgO 17.43 Mg 3.607 3 CaO 12.5 5 Ca 1.867' Dcalc. =3.09 g/cm NaaO 1.16 Na 0.312 • X = 2.21 The optical properties: = 1.628 K20 0.17 K 0.030 a 1 P205 O.oi /Scare. = l-"8 [ ± 0.002 y = 1.652 H20+ 2.14 OH 1.982 ] J • 24.00 2Va = 101 ± 3° H20— 0.04 O 22.018 100.35 100 • Mg/(?v lg + Fe2+) = 89.7 Red corundum, sapphirine and kornerupine from Kittilä .
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    THE AMERICAN MINERAIOGIST, VOL. 44, MAY_JUNE, 1959 KYANITE-GARNET GEDRITITE NEAR OROFINO, IDAHO* ANNI HrBraNrN, U. S. GeologicalSuraey, Menlo Park, Californio. ABSTRACT In Clearwater County, Idaho, kyanite is found with amphibole in two rock types, (1) in kyanite-garnet gedritite near Orofino and (2) in hornblende-bearing iayers of anorthosite in the Boehls Butte quadrangle. The associated rocks near Orofilo are garnetiferous biotite gneisses,hornblende-biotite gneiss, garnet amphibolites, quartzites, and lime-silicate rocks of sedimentary origin. The major constituents in the kvanite-garnet gedritite are gedrite (38 per cent), quartz (26 per cent), oligoclase (16 per cent), and garnet (14 per cent). One to two per cent of kyanite in light bluish crystals is scattered throughout the rock. The formula of the gedrite calculated from the chemical analysis is (K6 s1Na6eoCao ooMg:.soFe 1.57Mn 6.6aTi" e.e7Pe.61Feo olAlno)>:z ca (Sie.nA1r.or)>-r. oo( >:2a. 00. The garnet consists of about 49 per cent almandite and 43 per cent pyrope with some spessartite, grossularite, and andradite The texture suggests that gedrite and garnet crystallized later than the other minerals. The chemical analysis of the gedritite shows more than 15 per cent Al:Or, about 8.5 per cent each of FeO and MgO, but only 0.2 per cent K2O and 1.7 per cent CaO. The hornblende- and kyanite-bearing layers of the anorthosite are described briefly for comparison. The kyanite in these layers is a relict mineral, inherited from the schist that formerly occupied the area now covered by anorthosite.
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