Circumstances Unclear
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ME MEW Volume 124 Number 10 Established 1874 November 17 1995 Hayden to leave Oberlin circumstances unclear V by Sara Foss Members of the General Faculty ously if Hayden is gone it mean admissions committee when con- the College will have to rethink when Vice President of Admissions tacted were unaware of Haydcns it is with admissions and Financial Aid Thomas Hayden upcoming departure Miller said admissions has bee will not be employed by Oberlin next Associate Professor of English a major agenda item since Dye too year though the circumstances sur- Pat Day a member of the admissions office Admissions has been a re rounding his departure are unclear committee said During the time major problem he said adding thi Neither Hayden nor President Tom has been here admissions has a rethinking of the admissions pre Nancy Dye returned messages left at done a number of good things cess may allow for more opportuni their offices and homes throughout When Tom goes admissions will be ties for students especially student to the week in quite good shape He added that of color It Vfi Director of Admissions Debra admissions is in better shape than Associate Professor of Math Chermonte said I dont know any- it was when Hayden first took office ematics Susan Colley chair of th m thing about that Its not something Assistant Professor of Religion admissions committee pointed ou IF 5 I can talk about since it has not been AG Miller also a member of the that Oberlin is not the only school confirmed admissions committee said Obvi See Need page 21 MRC interns resign today 1 effective at semesters end it The resignations The resignations which are ef- Students this week said that th fective at the end of the semester appointment of Nieves to oversee th- follow a rash of come on the heels of several changes office was a problem because Deai changes and lack to the MRC an office which has had of Student Life and Service of stability little stability since it was created in Charlene Cole made it without con 1993 under the name of the Office of suiting students who use the office by Geoff Mulvihill Multicultural Affairs OMA I dont really see that student The most recent changes to the really had a voice on anything that Diem Nguyen and Robin Russell structure of the office came this week gone on there senior Vine Raising awareness Speakers discussed and presented the results are resigning from their jobs as in- as the office moved from its old home Schleitwiler said of the substance use survey during Drug and Alcohol Awareness week terns in the Multicultural Resource in Daub House to a new space in Schleitwiler also said that stu programs held throughout the week photo by Matt Yarrow Center MRC today Stevenson Hall Assistant Dean of dents did not hear about changes di Student Life Julia Nieves became the rectly from Cole supervisor for the four interns who Cole has not sent a formal lette looks of ii use work in the Committee at the office to campus describing changes Nieves is the second person who the MRC But she said the responsi drugs alcohol on campus has overseen the office this year Ear- bility for informing campus of th lier this year Ken Holmes assistant situation in the office is not her Were trying to get information out memory loss and vomiting to the dean of Student Life and Ser- alone Statistics for to students on things that are continu- I think the problem is probably vices supervised the office which Part of what the internship i ally problematic equal to other college campuses substance use at has never had a permanent director Oberlin were Six- hundred and forty- two stu- said Joe DiChristina co- chair of the See SCOPE page dents responded to the survey Out of Alcohol and Drug Education Com- displayed those people 43 percent were first- mittee by Jessica Christensen years 25 percent were sophomores With the survey was also a feed- Oberlin unable to During last weeks Drug and Al- and 32 percent were listed as other back section asking students How do cohol Awareness week programs the Of the respondents 61 percent were you perceive your drug and alcohol Alcohol and Drug Education Com- female Ninety- eight percent were in habits The responses ranged from retain coaches 8t- age mittee presented the results of a sur- the o22 yearsof- bracket complete abstinence to alcoholism by Hanna Miller letics as over half of the Yeowomc vey sent out last spring to assess the One answered I do teams have welcomed a new coac I think the problem student dont use of various substances among drugs Sometimes I feel like an out- Nobody is more familiar with in the past two seasons Oberlin students is probably equal to sider because of this Another stu- the agony of defeat than Oberlin ath- Coaches are reluctant to remai The committee sponsored sev- that at other college dent said I think I have a healthy letes Three of Oberlins five fall in a losing program And winnin eral discussions including one en- campuses drug and alcohol usage I wish how- teams finished dead last in the NCAC isnt easy when a teams leadershi titled Mixed messages surrounding Joe DiChristina ever I could quit smoking unable to win even one conference is shaky the use of drugs here there and ev- cigarrettes game It doesnt lend itself to stabil co- chair of the Alcohol erywhere to publicize survey re- and Drug Education Fifty- four percent of the respon- I think its dismal when five ity said junior Nell I lanssen co- cap sults dents said they did not know whether teams w in only four games in the con- tain of the womens volleyball team Committe Brochures with some of the sur- there were any drug or alcohol pre- ference lamented Director of Ath- Its really difficult because we hav vey results printed on them were Seventy percent of the respon- vention programs at the College letics Don Hunsinger to help the coaches adjust The vol placed in all of the dining halls and dents said they had used alcohol in Senior Kasey Melski a Resident Saddled with low recruiting bud- leyball team has had three coaches ii many co- ops the past 30 days Forty percent re- Coordinator on the Committee said gets a dearth of equipment and thus the last three years The main goal of Drug and Al- ported using marijuana in the past the Committee wants to make sure far a demonstrated inability to rise to The Athletics Department AD cohol Awareness week is education month that the student body is aware of re- the top Oberlin athletics arc in a sad is trying to reverse the trend of resig and awareness of potentially addic- The survey summarylisted sources at Oberlin She added state Its enough to make a coach nations However the search for tive or abusive substances according drunk driving suicide rape and ad- Great discussion has been happen- want to get out of tow n someone to blame has been futile to organizers Barbara Mchwald co- diction as serious possible conse- ing In the last two years eight The departments attempts to deter- chair of the Alcohol and Drug quences of drug and alcohol abuse Though Residential Life and Oberlin coaches have done exactly mine the source of the problem bear Fduetion Committee and Commons Some of the less serious problems Services docs not offer rehabilitation that The turnovers have been a strange rescmblencc to Abbot and Coordinator of Dascomb said listed included missing a class See Committee page 4 particuarly dramatic in womens ath See Turnover page 13 The Oberlin Review r Nicaragua Sister Theater and Dance rinri inu ruA yu iu Inside November 17 1995 Co- op vote held Dilemma Nationals Agaln Guide Members of OSCA voted on whether Renovation X Keely and Du and Fall Oberlins cross country team sent to continue to support the Nicaraguan Forward make this weekends perfor- 14 to Arts Calendar 9 Editorials 6 their top runners Regionals Sister Co- op but the votes have not mance choices particularly difficult and Hugh and Shannon Fox made Briefs 2 Letters 8 Finn yet been tallied rewarding Nationals for the second year Comics 1 1 Security Notebook 3 Sports standings 13 News 3 Arts 8 Sports 15 v vw the mmwvnii hot publish oia tiiaiicsciviig the user izzvz vllap f 1 J Pace 2 News The Oberlin Review November 17 1995 The Oberlin Review established IS74 The Bridge changes VOLUME I 24 NUMBER 10 ISSN 0029- 7256 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17 1995 Published by th tludenlt o ObwUn Cdkxja every Friday during the fall and spring semMtera eicept hokday and eiaminaliixi periods Subscription 30 per year Advertising rates 6 per column inch Second class postage paid at Oberlin OFSOME Ohio Entered as second class matter at the Oberlin Ohw post office April 2 1911 name to POSTMASTER SEND CHANGES TO Wilder Bca 90 OBERLIN OHIO 44074 1 08 1 Offee of Fjblicahon Burton Basement Oberlin Ohio 44074 2 1 6 775 8 1 23 by Julianne Walden campus awareness of multi- racial is- group we find similarities but we re- Editor m- Chief Geoff MufvihJI Managing Editor Traci Manning sues said Hemmasi alize there are differences Renard News Editor Sara Foss Business Manager Michael Murphy Juhanne Walden Photo Editors Allison Hales OFSOME Organization For Renard said they are doing more said Asaociste News Editor Kristen SchuKj Mike Cleson Students Of Multiple Ethnicities things to make more people aware Hemmasi said there were only Commentary Editor Ther ssa Giron Photo Adviser Alei Wsrnow Mara Nelson Production Managers Kirti Barnawal is the new name of an old group of the substantial group of people of six or seven members last year but Arts Editors Joshua Adam Sadie Ishee are around 12 Clsire Kociak Computer Manager Ross Patty The Bridge