Volume 04 Index

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Volume 04 Index CAKE AND COCKHORSE VOLUME FOUR NUMBERS 1 - 12 Autumn 1968 - Summer 1971 BAN BURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY clo Public Library and Museum, Banbury, Oxon. *- I .I I .' .. a.;.* . , ; $ 7 1 +x --I (c) Banbury Historical Society, 1968-1971 Text printed by Express Litho Service, Cowley, Oxford Index printed by Autoprint, Chichester 209 CAKE AND COCKHORSE, VOLuE(E 4 INDW OF PLACES AND SUBJECTS -Note. Streets, churches, colleges, etc. in Banbury are listed under Banbury, in London, under London, and in Oxford, under Oxford. Acton, Middx. 135, 136. Banbury (Cont'd) Adderbury, Oxon. 49, 53, 97, 115-20; 140, 167 Carriers' carts a04 Addington, Little. N'hnnts. 79 Castle, 28, 31, 32, 72, 111, 118 Mlestrop, Glos. 94, 108 area 12% Agricultural Labourers' Union 119-23 Castle Gardens 130 Agricultural machinery 188 Castle Street 124 Agriculture 117, lP Castle Wharf 137, 145 Alexandra Dock Junction 134 Cattle Market 29 Alkerton, Oxon. 115, 117, 119, 125, 167, 171, 179 Causeway 49, 192 Allotments 119 Chartist Land Company district 19-24, 25 Irbropden, Oxon. 88. 94, 109 Chartists 27 America 39, 40, 59, 117, 155 Checkers Inn 127 prohibitionism 112 Cheese 29, 114, 182 Arbury, Yarn. 92, 109 Cherwell Britih Schools 187, 195 Archaeology 44, 78, 145 Christ Church 113 see alw Industrial Archaeology Christ Church Chapel ill Architecture 77, 79-110, 119, lP Christ Church Terrace 192 Archives 11, 184 Church - sec St. Wary' s Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leics. 191 Church Lane 24 Aston, Omn. 46 Circus 30 Bee also Middle Aston and Steeple Aston Civil War 178-79 Astrop. N'hants. 139, lr Clark's Mill 128 Spa 125, 183 Cloth industry 117 Atherston, Yam. 35 Cooke's Circus 30 Aylesbury, Bucks. P2. P3 Co-operative Society 17, 25, 26, 3'k Am,N'hants- 11, 67-72, 177 Corn Exchange 74 Gramar School 65 Cornhill 29, 7k "Babylonian HQWE" 32 Coronation procession 73 Baddesley, Wan. 127 Corporation 105 Balloons 47 see aleo Borough Council Balscot, Oxon. 115 cross 33 Banbury, Oxon. Crouch Hill 158 Agricultural machinery 188 Crouch Street 59, 191 AIbert Street 191 Crown Hotel 182 Alkins Mill 117_. Crown Yard 24 Back Lane (Factory Street) 55 Dashwod Road 76 Baptia and Burial Register. 1653-1723 14 I Dissent 112 BaDtist.6 76.- Eagle Inn 180 Baka &3 Ebenezer Chapel 76 Baughen' s Uills P3 Electric lighting 127-30 Beer 182 Factory Street (Back Lane) 55 Bluecoat School 141 Fair 29, 73. 169 Boat building yard 54-57, 73 Fergusson Road 131 Bodioote Gr-e - see Bodicote, Oxon. Fire-fighting 180-82 BoroUghCo~il 1727, 29, 47 Fish Street 193. 194 Bridge Street 182, 191 Flour mill (Co-operative Society) 17, 34 Bridge Vharf 137 Flower-dcLuce Inn 37 Britannia Road 190, 191, 194, 195 Foundry Street 111, 180 Britannia Vow 28, 45, 58-62, 187-95, Gaol ill British schools, Crouch Street 59, 187, 195 Gas-Light and Coke Company 47-53 Broad Street 34, 191 Gas-making 47-53 Brown's CJre Shop - C.lre Shop Gas Wharf 137 Butchers h al. 22 Gatteridge Street 192, 193 Butcher. i&w 21, 29 General Foods Ltd. 27 ClrkcShop 16, 25 Giant's Cave 73 Cakes, Ban- Pt31, 79 Gillett's factory 203 Twelfth 29 Globe Room I, 17 Calthorpe House 36, 39 ceiling 2 ' Calthorpe Rord 191, 192 Golby's Wharf 137 Caltbrpe Street (Lane) 180, 191 Grimsbury 47, 49, 73. 193 Canal 11, j4, 127, 137, a03 High Street 21. 180, 191 Canal Street 190, 194 Hiring fair 29 2 10 1 ! .; . Banbury (Cont'd) I-,- ' Banbury (Cont'd) Historical Society 17, 113, 141 'k Samuelson & Company Ltd. 187-93 Report and Accounts 1968 - 61-63 \ : Samuelson's Works - see Britsnnia Works Report and Accounts 1969 - 142-44 *< ''; Sanger's Hippodrome 30 Report and Accounts 1970 - 206-08 TQ- Schools 141 Hobley's Lane 180 Bluecoat 141 Holy Thursday fair 29 British, Crouch Street 59, 187. 195 Horse Fair 47, 59, 111, 193, W4 Cherwell British 187, 195 Horsepool Lane 111 National 111 Horton General Hospital 187 Servant registry offices 29 Hove & Gushing's Great American Circull 30 Shell-filling factory 49 Hudson's Wax Works 30 Shoemaker's Window 11 Independent Labour Party 27 Shropshire, Worcestershire & Staffordshire Inns 141 Power Company 128, 130 Kench's mill 128 Social Survey 11 Lampet family 11 Society of Friends 141 hpitt's Foundry l& South Bar Street 19, 30, a04 Leather Hall 37 Southsl Road 130 Liberalism 112 Spittle, Spittle Closes 37 Library 27, 143 Staley's Wharf 137 Lower Cherwell Street 127, 185, 191 Stations 45, 47 Lower Windsor Street 194 See also Railways and Merton Street Markets 105 Star Inn 21 Market Place 24, 29. 47, 74, iii, 126, 192 Steam engines a03 Marlborough Place 191 Stone Landing 137 Marshalling yard 131-36 Swan Close 194 Mechanics' Institute Nagaaine 73 Temperance Christmas Club 25 Medicines, patent 29 Temperance Society 46, 112 Mmbers of Parlizment 74, 75, 146 Theatre p Merton Street 192 Tooley's Yard 54-57, 73 Railway Station 30. 47, 131. 205 Town Council - see under Borough Council Michaelmas fair 29, 73, 169 -and Corporation Middleton Road 192 Town Hall 47, 74 Midland Tar Distillers 51 Tomsend Square 111 Midlands Electricity Board 129 Tribe off Banbury 178-79 Municipal School 187 Tvelfth cakes 29 Muse- 1, 28, 143, 194 Twelfth fair 29 National SchDol ill Unicorn, "Sign of the" 79 Neithrop 36, 83, 94, 111, 180, 182, W2 Unitarian Chapel 111 Newland 190 Unity Fire Office 180 llwland Place 191, 192 Upper Windsor Street 191, 194 North Bar 191, 193 Vicars 141 Northern Aluini- Company 49 Volunteer Fire Brigade 180 Old Town Hall Wharf 185 Warwick Road Reception Area 28 Our Jubilee Story (Co-operative Society) 25, 26 Water Company 182 Oxford Road 193 Watermen 141 Parish clerks 141 Wesleyan Chapel 111 Parllons Street 16, 29, 79, 177 West Bar 76 Patent medicines 29 West Street, Grimsbury 58, 73, 191, 193 Paving and Lighting Commissioners 47 Wharf 137 Plush-weaving 28 White Horse Inn 145 Poor 37 Widows' Society 121-24 Post Office Savings Bank 122 Windsor Terrace 194, 195 Pound Yard ill Wombwell's Wild Beasts 301 Power Station 127-30 Banbury &Cheltenham Direct Railway 45, 119, 186 Presbyterian Chapel ill Banbury & District Electric Light Supply Company Presbyterians 141 127-30 Puritans 33, 35. 37, p6 Bangorian Controversy 89 Quakers 141 Bank of England 36, 40 Queen Street 192 Baptists 117 Railways 45, 112, 119, 131-36, 194, W5 Barbados 42 Marshalling yard 131-36 Barford, Warw. 166 Stations 45, 47, 131, 2x35 Barford St. John, Oxon. 24, 115, 116 See also Merton Street Barford St. Hichael (Great Barford), Oson. 46, 12%. Recreation 27, 112 122, 169 Red Lion Inn 179 Reference Library 27, 143 Barley (Barlow), Yorks. 149, 156, 157 Reform League 25 Barton, Middle, Oxon. 122, 124, 168 Reindeer Inn 37, 126 Basingstoke, Hants. 134-36 Riots 118 Bath, Som. 109, 171. 189 St. Mary's church and parish 27, 28 Battersea, Surrey z03 Salmon, pickled p Beckett, Berks. 86, 91, 92, 108 211 Bedford 200 Chartist Land Company 19-24 Belhus, Essex 95, 99, 108 Chelsea, Middx. 91 Beoley, Worcs. 35 Chexwell, River 93, 125 Bicester, Oxon. 120 Navigation 141 Bilston, Staffs. 136 Chetwynd, Salop. 36, 40 Birkenhead, Ches. 131 Chilson, Oxon. 122 Birmingham, Uarw. 30. 131, a00 Chipping Norton, Oxon. BiminghaP Insurance corpanr 182 Chartist branch 20 Wesleyan circuit 117 Bisham Abbey, Berks. 15 Chipping Warden, N'hants. 44, 107 warw. Bishops Itchington, 93 Churchill, Oxon. 120 Blakesware ( ? ) 40 Cirencester, Glos. 192 Blanket industry 75, 120 civil war 31, 33, 72, 89, -158, 178-79 Bletchingdon (Cement Sidings), Oxon. 135 Clapham, Surr. 157, 191 Bletchley, Bucks. 131, 205 Claydon, Oxon. 11 Blisworth, N'hants. 131 Clay tobacco pipes 196-Pi Blowers Green, WorCS. 1% Cleeve Prior, Worcs. 44 Own. la0, Bloxham, 22, 115-17, 124, 161. 166, 168, "Closed" villages 118 169, 171, 175. 176 Cogges, Oxon. 160 All Saints School 206 Collingbourne Ducis, Wilts- 39 Court House 18 Caissnry of Musters, Deputy 89, 91 Feofees 17. 118 CoMn land 125 Hundred 115-23 Compton, bng, Warw. 44, 46, 75, 76 Lord of the Manor 17 Compton wynyates, ~arw. 44 Parish school 164, 168 Concrete casting 119 Board of Agriculture 120 Congregationalists 117, 166 Boat-building 54-57, 73 Cookham. Berks. 40 Boats, flat-bottuned 79, 93, 125, 141 Copperworks Junction, Mon. 134, 136 B~COMOC, Cornw. 91, 97 Cork, Ireland 42 Boddington, Upper, N'hants. 11 Carse, Glos. 23, 2.4 Bodicote, Oxon. 115, 117, 124, 187, 193 Costume 163 Bolnhurst, Salop. 192 Cottisford, Oxon. 125 Bordeaux Merchant (ship) 41. 42 County Fire Office 181, 182 Bordesley, Warv. 134, 136 Coventry, Warw. 35, 192, 202, a03 Bourton, Oxon. 165, 168 hwley (Morris), Oxon. 135, 136 Boycott, Bucks. 77, 93 Crewe, Ches. 134, 136 Brackley, N'hants. 11, 30. 53, 85. 87, 95, 168, Crderne, Som. 58 180, 182, 192, P2, P3 Cricket St. Thoaas, Som. 109 St. Peter 9 Crimean War 30, 31, 196 Brailes, Warw. 44 Croes Newydd, Denbs. 134, 136 Bredy, Dors. 93 Croome d'Abitot, Worcs. 99, 110 Brick kiln 125 Cropredy, Oxon. 11, 122, 161, 165, 168 Brill, Bucks. 135 Bank 64 Bristol 40, 135, 200 Bridge (battle) 158, 160, 162 Broadwell, Oxon. 1- Croughton, N'hants. 6, 176 Broughton, Oxon. 13, 115, 118, 125 Crucks 120 Castle 1, 12-15. 17, 115, 145, 147-57, 159 Culworth, N'hants. 13 Church 15 Cunnor, Berks. 67 Broughton Poggs, Oxon. 160 Cutlers 177 Bmbo Ironworks, Hook Norton, Oxon. 138-40 Buckfast Abbey, Devon 3 D-Day 131 Buckingham 79, 191, 192 Dane Hill (Deddington) 125 Buckinghamshire Dartford, Kent 147, 149, 151, 155 Inclosures 175-77 Dauntsey, Wilts.
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    Biographical Appendix The following women are mentioned in the text and notes. Abney- Hastings, Flora. 1854–1887. Daughter of 1st Baron Donington and Edith Rawdon- Hastings, Countess of Loudon. Married Henry FitzAlan Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk, 1877. Acheson, Theodosia. 1882–1977. Daughter of 4th Earl of Gosford and Louisa Montagu (daughter of 7th Duke of Manchester and Luise von Alten). Married Hon. Alexander Cadogan, son of 5th Earl of Cadogan, 1912. Her scrapbook of country house visits is in the British Library, Add. 75295. Alten, Luise von. 1832–1911. Daughter of Karl von Alten. Married William Montagu, 7th Duke of Manchester, 1852. Secondly, married Spencer Cavendish, 8th Duke of Devonshire, 1892. Grandmother of Alexandra, Mary, and Theodosia Acheson. Annesley, Katherine. c. 1700–1736. Daughter of 3rd Earl of Anglesey and Catherine Darnley (illegitimate daughter of James II and Catherine Sedley, Countess of Dorchester). Married William Phipps, 1718. Apsley, Isabella. Daughter of Sir Allen Apsley. Married Sir William Wentworth in the late seventeenth century. Arbuthnot, Caroline. b. c. 1802. Daughter of Rt. Hon. Charles Arbuthnot. Stepdaughter of Harriet Fane. She did not marry. Arbuthnot, Marcia. 1804–1878. Daughter of Rt. Hon. Charles Arbuthnot. Stepdaughter of Harriet Fane. Married William Cholmondeley, 3rd Marquess of Cholmondeley, 1825. Aston, Barbara. 1744–1786. Daughter and co- heir of 5th Lord Faston of Forfar. Married Hon. Henry Clifford, son of 3rd Baron Clifford of Chudleigh, 1762. Bannister, Henrietta. d. 1796. Daughter of John Bannister. She married Rev. Hon. Brownlow North, son of 1st Earl of Guilford, 1771. Bassett, Anne. Daughter of Sir John Bassett and Honor Grenville.
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