Ready Issued Or in Preparation Include: Iiiiicc /Q Wills Pro,~D in Tk P,Ruliar Coutt If Banbury, 151"-1858
OXONIENSIA VOLUME XLI 1976 PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY THE OXFORDS HIRE ARCHITECTURAL & HISTORICAL SOCIETY ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM, OXFORD EDITORIAL NOTICE OXonUn.rid is issued annually to of the Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society (or a SU8SCJUPTION PRICE OF £4-. which sum will admit subscribers to full privileges of memben.hip of the Society. Intending subscribers should communicate with the Honorary Treasurer, Oxfordshire Architec. lural and Historical Society, 6.t., The Croft, \Vitney, Oxon. All ~{sS., whether of articles or notes, offered for inclusion in a future volume of Oxonimsia should be submitted to the Honorary Secretary of the Editorial Committee, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Southampton, who will be pleased to advise on preliminary drafts. All MS . should be typewritten, with double spacing. ThOle possessing early numbers of Oxonimria and not requiring them are asked to send them to the Hon. Treasurer, Oxfordshirc Architectural and Historical Society, 13 Park Street, Woodstock. Oxon. BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Hon. S«rtlary : Miss C. G. BLOXHAM, B.A., Oxford City and County Museum, Woodstock, Oxon. The Society's Records Section, started in 1959, publishes an annual volume of rttOrds of Banbury or it. neighbourhood (including parts ofNorthamptoruhire and Warwickshire a.s well as Oxfordshire). Publications already issued or in preparation include: IIIIicc /Q Wills Pro,~d in tk P,ruliar CoUTt if Banbury, 151"-1858. Marriag. R'gister if Banbury, 1558-1837 (3 par.. ). Baptism and Burial RtgisUr of BaJlbury, Part One, 1'58-1653 i Part Two, 16,;r17R3. Clockmalcing in Oxforrbhirt, 140()-1850, by Dr. C. F. C. Beeson, in co--operation with the Antiquarian Horological Society.
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