President 2013-14 – Lyana Armstrong-Emery

Newsletter – July/August 2013


Welcome to a new Rotary year and the first of what will hopefully be a regular Newsletter to help keep you advised of the Club’s activities. You can also keep abreast of events and access minutes of meetings etc. by visiting the Club’s websites at either or

Firstly, I am sure you will all join me in wishing Lyana all the very best for her forthcoming year as our President and also to thank Jennifer for a wonderful year that has just concluded. Both Jennifer and Lyana have submitted articles for this Newsletter – so read on!

Next we should welcome five new members who joined the Club in the last few weeks of Jennifer’s year. These are (in no particular order) Nick Inglis, a Lieutenant Colonel with the Royal Engineers, Liz Jackson, a language teacher and wife of Father Mark Jackson who is the British Forces Chaplin at Kings Chapel, Karen Lawson, a retired Army Officer who now works locally as a Secretary/PA and tour advisor, Alan Lillywhite who is working with GHA as a consultant psychiatrist, Shirley Lillywhite who is a clinical psychologist. A big welcome to you all and we hope you will have a wonderful Rotary time with our Club. If the other members have not yet met these new people, please make an effort to come along to a Club meeting and introduce yourself.

Our Treasurer has asked this publication to remind all members who have not yet paid their annual subscription that they are now overdue. This has now been made much easier because it may now be done electronically using a bank transfer. The details are Barclay’s Bank plc a/c No.: 80936030 Sort code: 20-45-21 IBAN: G133 BARC 0204 5218 0936 030 SWIFT: BARCGIGI or to pay by old fashion cheque, please contact Barbara Sellors.


Club News

Past President Jennifer has kindly submitted the following for your information.

Presidential Year 2012 – 2013 – A Summary


We’ve only had one meeting without a speaker, who for whatever reason, did not arrive for the talk.

Our first speaker of the year being young Louis Frendo (aged 11) who gave us a very confidant talk on Singapore, where he is now living.

Other memorable speakers gave us talks on – Molecular Gastronomy, a former spoke on his mayoral experiences, marquetry was another topic and the films “Operation Felix” and “’ were shown by their director and producer. These are just to mention a few on a long and varied list. I’ sure that you will agree that the speakers we attract make our meetings more interesting and worthwhile attending.

We have had seven meetings when we went out from our usual Club meeting at which I feel has helped to bring the club together and make our Tuesday meetings more interesting

Our end of month “Dine Outs” have continued with one or two special ones, namely visiting a Japanese restaurant in , the dining out of David & Lizeth Lelliott and on Nelson’s Schooner Pickle.


Albeit, not on a very large scale this Rotary year. We had a cheese and wine evening, a quiz night, car boot sales and a very successful charity ball in aid of mental health, and of course, our annual flag day in May. During the Christmas period we had a Waterfront Christmas stall and a bric-a-brac stall in Casemates which raised smaller but worthwhile amounts and of course, our annual successful auction evening held in November.

There were two main fundraising projects for this year, locally for mental health and internationally, for our project in Mbarara, Uganda. The funds for our annual Flag day this year went to this Uganda project.

We’ve continued to support Women in Need at both Christmas, with presents and food and at Easter by the giving of Easter eggs to the children. Also Easter eggs were once again given to the children who had to spend Easter in the Rainbow Ward in St.Bernards. Also, as in previous years, the KGV Christmas party was well supported, as was ‘doing our bit’ for Clean Up The World.

Although poorly attended by our club and invited speakers our annual awards evening at The Royal Calpe was very much enjoyed by the recipients and their families. Additionally on that evening we made further cheque presentations to Jinson Lima for Calpe House, Phil Cartwright for The British Heart Foundation and The George Pusey Foundation and Women in Need.

Two Open Evenings were held to attract new members, although unfortunately, they were not very well attended.

Our Club as a whole.

We still have the same hard core of people who tirelessly turn up to help in our fundraising efforts. We need more input from members to support our incoming President. The overall attendance for


this year was only a sad 42.51%, which averages out at roughly 12 members attending at each meeting out of a total membership of 30 members. This is pretty poor.

However, it must be appreciated that we have had several members who have suffered ill health throughout the year, and I’m sure that you will join me in wishing them good health in the future.

On a brighter note, it was a pleasure to announce and present The Annual Attendance Award to Alf Smith. Well-done Alf, you set a fine example to the Club.

This time last year it was noted that we had had no new members since 2010, however, it is pleasing to note that six new members were inducted into the club throughout this Rotary year. These new members have a lot to offer. Let’s hope that this is the start of new era for The Rotary Club of Gibraltar.

One more thing after a very lengthy series of negotiations between the new airport authorities and Secretary Penny and with assistance from PP Tony, our Rotary Wheel has finally been moved from the old airport to the Customs Hall in the new airport. Well done all concerned. Let’s hope it attracts Rotarian visitors to our club meetings.

One of the highlights of the year for me was having our Rotary meeting in the City Hall with His Worship the Mayor of Gibraltar, Tony Lima, and also as our speaker. You may recall that the Club this year, made the holder and subsequent holders of the office of Mayor of Gibraltar, Honorary Members of the Club whilst they hold that office. This gave me the opportunity of presenting His Worship with a Club tie and badge. The other event being our Charity Ball at which I presented the Paul Harris Award to our Secretary, Penny. Congratulations Penny for all the wonderful work you do for our Club.

To conclude – it was a challenging year for the Club – however I feel that we have achieved a more cohesive Club and I sincerely hope with new members we will continue to prosper.

I would like to take this opportunity, once again, to thank the Council, the Club and my “personal secretary” for their continued support throughout the year.

Finally, may I wish Lyana every success throughout her year as President of The Rotary Club of Gibraltar. Please give her all your support to make her year a successful one.

STOP PRESS: the Director of Mental Health has just advised me that our recent donation will be used in the construction of an aviary in the grounds of the new hospital. The Director met with her team and after discussing it with patients, they have indicated they would like the funds to be spent on a new aviary for the birds that they have, but in the new facility so their much loved friends also get a nice new home, and they can continue to enjoy them as they relax in their new garden.

Now something from President Lyana who is setting out a few ideas for her year.

President’s Word

I think I speak for everyone in saying what a splendid job our previous President has done over the past twelve months, and we thank you very much Jennifer for all your efforts. Jennifer has succeeded in bringing us closer together and whilst doing this we've had a lot of fun as a Club. Your help and guidance in the future will be of great value to us in general, but to me in particular!

Our activities and events for this new year will start in earnest on 7th September with a ‘Las Vegas’ evening to be held at The Rock Hotel. Next we‘re planning a Bollywood evening


possibly for the beginning of November and of course we will have our usual major Fund Raising Auction Night towards the end of November. We will also be holding an event at Morrison’s for the donation of clothes, children’s toys and coats, so please make a start now and look for as many of these items as possible for donation to a good cause. December will see our usual KGV Christmas Party as well as our own get-together cum Christmas Party.

Looking ahead to 2014, we will feature a Masked Ball, the usual Speakers and Awards evening, a foot rally around the Rock and a 50’s evening. A busy schedule!

As I've said before, the programme is open to further development and suggestions from any of you at any time. So do feel free to come up with ideas. As you know I believe in all of us working together for our Club and your active participation is always of vital importance.

I look forward to working with you all during the exciting year ahead.

Our thanks go to both Jennifer & Lyana for keeping us informed not only of what we have, and can achieve as a Club, but also as a group of friends. The plans set out for our future projects sound interesting and are certainly ones that we should all be proud to be involved in as Rotarians.

In addition to the Club Officers, whose details are on the last page of this Newsletter, President Lyana has asked various other members to take on certain responsibilities. Should you have a point to raise or an enquiry relating to any of these subjects, please initially contact the person in-charge. These are at present, and are subject to change, the following,

Fourth Avenue of Service - International/Foundation Committee Chairperson - Heather Butler-Rawlinson Attendance Officer - Roger Stentiford Social Activities and Speakers' Officer – Jennifer Stentiford Duty Offer (Club Host) - Alf Smith Public Relations Officer - Lyana Armstrong-Emery Newsletter Editor - Tony Nation Welfare Officer - Sylvia Leay

On to other news

The President has called an EGM for our next Business Meeting scheduled for 27 August. It is important that you make yourself familiar with the changes that have been proposed to the Club’s By- Laws and make every effort to attend this special meeting. As it is an EGM we request that it be attended by Club members only and please do not invite any guests. Thank you.

The hand-over Gala, held as usual on the pool terrace at The Rock Hotel was most enjoyable; some even say that it was one of the best for quite some time. Unfortunately our Patron, HE The Governor was unable to attend, so our guest of honour was the RN Fleet Chaplin, Scott Brown. Other guests were Government Health Minister Dr. , and Joseph Palmero President of the Lions Club of Gibraltar. There was also a good gathering of Club members and their guests. The evening wasn’t too hot; the food was good, the service good, musical entertainment excellent, and the dancing was to a fairly good standard!


On Tuesday 20 August we were visited by the District Governor of 1120 Chris Barnett and his wife Gloria. As always, it was a pleasure to be able to entertain and maintain our close relationship with our Rotary friends from & East Sussex. Chris gave us an interesting talk and up-dated us on current RI and RIBI philosophies and also told us a little bit about life as a District Governor. We wish him well for this year as DG.

We had our first away evening on 13 August when the Club visited the John Lennon exhibition in the Casemates Gallery. The Club was given a personal viewing, which included an audio guide and was a fascinating insight into Julian Lennon’s memories of his father. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a very pleasant meal at Café Solo.

The next Club ‘out evening’ will be on 17 September when we will be visiting the RN Base, which will include a tour of the tower. Full details will be circulated nearer the time but we would expect that names maybe needed to be submitted in advance for security clearance purposes.

Our first of the year social gathering and more importantly a fund raising event will be ‘Viva Las Vegas’. This will be held at The Rock Hotel on Saturday 7 September starting at 19.30 and is planned to go on until late! There will be a full evening of entertainment, including fun casino style table games, and cabaret acts from the Elvis tribute act “Stelvis’, who will be giving us all the heart throb’s old favorites as well as the superb vocalist ‘Daniela’ whose songs include hits from Adele, Abba, Tina Turner, Shirley Bassey and many, many more, so there will be plenty of opportunity to dance until late evening. Dress is smart casual, and the ticket price includes a three-course meal with half bottle of wine. Please gather together family and friends and help the Club make this a successful fund raising event in aid of local mental health charities. Early booking is strongly recommended, so get your tickets, priced at £37 per person, from The Rock Hotel, on 200 73000 or email [email protected] .

Jane & Lawrie have again offered to the Club members, their partners and friends an invitation to join them at their beach house in Campamento for what is becoming ‘the annual barbecue at Jane’s’. Jane will kindly supply the necessary ‘hardware’, all you need to bring is your food, a salad to share and something to drink. If you fancy a dip in the bay, don’t forget your swimming cossie & towel. Judging by past years, this is an excellent way to spend a relaxing afternoon with other Club members and our friends. The address is Huerta del Moro no 7, it starts from 2pm onwards and the date is Sunday 1st September. If you need help finding the place, don’t hesitate to ask. If the border is playing up, walk across and get a taxi, it will only be a few euros! I promise you, it will be an enjoyable afternoon.

Clean Up The World Day this year is 21 September, so it would be nice for as many Club members could join in with their family and friends and help us with this annual event. It is hoped that we will be able to be given the same area that we usually get assign, which is the road and surrounding area from Camp Bay to the mouth of the Keightley Tunnel. More details from Alf Smith as he is out point of contact with the ESG. I expect that there will be brunch provided by the Club for all helpers after the clean up!

Charity News

At the President’s hand-over Gala, the Club was pleased to make two donations to local good causes. Firstly, £1500 was presented to the Gibraltar Health Authority for Mental Health Facilities, the cheque was accepted by KGV’s Consultant Psychiatrist, Doctor Alan Lillywhite. The second donation was to The Clubhouse Project for which Emily Adamberry-Olivero MBE gratefully accepted the cheque for £250.


Hopefully in the next Newsletter we will be able to report on the massive total raised during our Viva Las Vegas cabaret night in aid of local mental health charities. Watch this space!!

Future dates for your diary,

26 August Board Meeting - Rock Hotel, 18.30 27 August Business Meeting & EGM – Club members only - no guests please. 1 September Jane’s Annual Barbecue at her beach-house in Campamento – 14.00 onwards – all welcome with your own food & drinks (everything else supplied) 7 September Viva Las Vegas – Charity Cabaret Show at The Rock Hotel, 19.30 ‘til late. 10 September NO club meeting – National Day Holiday 17 September Club Outing to visit RN Base Gibraltar – full details to follow 30 September Board Meeting – Rock Hotel 18.30 17 September A visit to the in Gibraltar 21 September Clean Up The World – the Club’s annual outing to help clear litter from an area of Gibraltar, as many members and guests as possible please 24 September Hogar Betania – talking about the homeless refuge in La Linea run by volunteers 30 September Board Meeting – Rock Hotel 18.30 5 October Car Boot Sale 1 October Business Meeting - no guests please.

If you would like to contribute to the Newsletter, either as a one-off or as a regular, or have an announcement you wish to make, please contact Tony.


List of Club Officers and Members - 2013/14

President: Lyana Armstrong-Emery Immediate Past President & Sergeant-at-Arms: Jennifer Stentiford Vice President (President Elect): Jane Hart Deputy Vice President: Secretary: Penny Pilley Treasurer: Barbara Sellors / Liz Plummer International Service & Foundation: Heather Butler-Rawlinson

NAME PHONE No. E-mail Address PARTNER Kishin Alwani 20075578 [email protected] Rajni Raju Alwani 58008082 [email protected] Willie Anidjar-Serfaty 57090000 [email protected] Lyana Armstrong-Emery 57121000 [email protected] Don Attwood 56001704 [email protected] Connie Leif Bank-Jorgensen +34956616572 leif [email protected] Hella Maribel Burgos-Wilson 54007005 [email protected] Colin Heather Butler-Rawlinson +34952793969 [email protected] Chris Rob Cumbes 58009516 [email protected] Scylla Maricruz Flores 54014579 [email protected] Jane Hart +34629119777 [email protected] Lawrie Nick Inglis 58008237 [email protected] Liz Jackson 20066296 [email protected] Mark Kamlesh Khubchand 20078382 [email protected] Hanna Kjaersgaard 20072782 [email protected] Eddie Karen Lawson 54009309 [email protected] Steve Sylvia Leay 20049811 [email protected] Bill Martin Lennane 20074711 [email protected] Isabella Solomon (Momy) Levy 20077789 [email protected] Sarah Alan Lillywhite 54029532 [email protected] Shirley Shirley Lillywhite 54029537 [email protected] Alan Cecil Montegriffo 20077719 No E-Mail Lily Tony Nation 58008058 Anne Penny Pilley 54013421 [email protected] Liz Plummer 57295000 [email protected] Roger Dimitri Pluzhnikov +447734795552 [email protected] Chris Rawlinson +34658128496 [email protected] Heather Barbara Sellors 58191000 [email protected] Gordon Alf Smith 20062851 [email protected] Andrew Smith 58339000 [email protected] Jennifer Stentiford 54003095 [email protected] Roger Roger Stentiford 54016550 [email protected] Jennifer Gordon Vickers +447802396397 [email protected] George Williams +447919333675 [email protected] Joanne Joanne Williams 56000580 [email protected] George

If the information shown above is not correct, or if you wish it altered, please contact Roger or Lyana