Proceedings of the Seminar on Eurochemic Experience
Proceedings of the Seminar on Eurochemic Experience June 9-11, 1983, Mol, Belgium W. Drtnt E. Delande (editors^ April, 1984 SEMINAR ON EUROCHEMIC EXPERIENCE June 9-11, 19*3, Mol, Belgium Honorary Committee P. Huet, Counsel of State, Paris, France. L.A. Nojd, Chairman of Eurochemic's Board of Liquidators. R. Rometsch, President of NAGRA, Baden, Switzerland. H.K. Shapar, Director-general of NEA, Paris, France. Y. Sousselier, Chairman of Eurochemic's Technical Committee. Organizing Committee E. Detilieux (president), Eurochemic, Mol, Belgium. W. Drent (secretary), Eurochemic, Mol, Belgium. H. Eschrich, Eurochemic, Mol, Belgium. R. Grolade, USSI, Bagneux, France. R. Kroebel, KfK, Karlsruhe, Germany (FR). F. Marcus, Ris«£ Establishment, Roskilde, Denmark. 0. Martinet le, Eurochemic, Mol, Belgium. F. Rolandi, ENEA, Rome, Italy. P. Strohl, NEA, Paris, France. Organized by the European Company for the Chemical Processing of Irradiated Fuels (Eurochem i c ) under the patronage of the OECP Nuclear Energy Agency TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Opening Remarks E. Det i Ileux Introductory Remarks H.K. Shapar First Session: HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF THE EUROCHEMIC COMPANY Introduct i on Y. SousseI i er Eurochemic, origine et principales étapes P. Huet 1 L'expérience d'Eurochemic en ce qui concerne les aspects institutionnels de la coopération internationale en matière scientifique et technique P. Strohl 9 Eurochemic and the Law of the Host Country 0. von Busekist 15 The United States - Eurochemic Assistance Programme E.M. Shank 29 Construction and Startup of the Reprocessing Plant T. Barendregt 37 Survey on Research and Development, Safety and Safeguards R. Rometsch 45 Operation of the Plant and the Period after Shutdown E.
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