BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 9st European Conference on Positive Psychology June 27–30, 2018 • Budapest, Hungary Akadémiai Kiadó / AKCongress ECPP 2018 June 27–30, 2018 Budapest, Hungary Akadémiai Kiadó / AKCongress P.O.Box 245, H-1519 Budapest, Hungary E-mail:
[email protected] © Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2018 P.O. Box 245, H-1519 Budapest, Hungary Phone: +36 1 464 8240 E-mail:
[email protected] / ISBN 978 963 05 9915 3 CONTENTS Keynote Speakers . 1 Symposia . 6 Workshops . 139 Oral Presentations . 197 Poster Presentations . 515 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS The Contextualization of Well-Being Research: Conceptual and Empirical Challenges Antonella Delle Fave Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, University of Milano, Milano, Italy, e-mail:
[email protected] The impressive expansion of knowledge in the well-being domain has opened several av- enues of conceptual speculation and empirical investigation, leading to the current lack of consensus on which variables could be the ideal and most reliable indicators of well-being. Contributions from different disciplines have further expanded the field of knowledge and exploration, highlighting the plurality of individual and contextual dimensions that should be taken into account in order to provide an exhaustive representation of the construct. This complexity raises a major question: is it possible to consider well-being a universally struc- tured concept, characterized by clearly defined and recurrent dimensions? Or would it be more realistic to differentially describe and measure well-being, according to the contexts in which it is investigated? Evidence derived from studies conducted in diverse environments such as nations, cultures, or workplaces, and in diverse individual conditions related to age, health, education or income suggest a much more articulated picture, still awaiting to be captured by researchers, and requiring a multi-method, interdisciplinary and intercultural approach.