Remarks Following a Meeting with Prime Minister John Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden November 2, 2009

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Remarks Following a Meeting with Prime Minister John Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden November 2, 2009 Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 / Nov. 2 And I couldn’t ask for a better group of peo- vigorate that sector of our economy that’s based ple to bounce ideas off of, and we are going to on innovation and dynamism and entrepreneur- be soliciting ideas from the private sector, from ship, that there’s no reason why we’re not going businesses large and small, from academia and to be able to not only create jobs, but the kind from all political persuasions. If somebody can of sustainable economic growth that everybody show me a strategy that’s going to work, then is looking for. we are happy to consider it. So thank you very much, everybody. And just—I want to end by saying this. We anticipate that we’re going to continue to see NOTE: The President spoke at 11:24 a.m. in the some job losses in the weeks and months to Roosevelt Room at the White House. In his re- come. As I said before, there is a—always a lag marks, he referred to Paul A. Volcker, chair- of several months between businesses starting man, President’s Economic Recovery Advisory to make profits again and investing again and Board; L. John Doerr, partner, Kleiner, Per- then actually rehiring again. But I want to em- kins, Caufield & Byers; Jeffrey R. Immelt, phasize I am confident that having moved the chairman and chief executive officer, General economy on the right track, that if we apply Electric; and Richard L. Trumka, president, some good common sense and some—and rein- AFL–CIO. Remarks Following a Meeting With Prime Minister John Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden November 2, 2009 President Obama. I am thrilled to have the We also discussed Afghanistan. I thanked Prime Minister of Sweden with us here today. Fredrik for the contributions of Sweden to the We have had occasion to meet fairly frequently very important effort of stabilizing a country this year between all the various summits that that has been war-torn and is a source of securi- we’ve participated in. I’ve always been struck by ty concerns for all of us. And to the extent that the Prime Minister’s thoughtful, measured ap- the European Union continues to make contri- proach to some of the most important global butions on the civilian front, on the training of challenges that we face. police, on development issues like agriculture, We had a very constructive discussion on a then we think that we can see real progress. range of issues. At the top of the list was the is- I should use this moment to say that about an sue of climate change. We’re approaching the hour ago, I spoke with President Karzai, and I Copenhagen negotiations that will be taking congratulated him on his election for a second place in December, and both Sweden, the term as President of the Islamic Republic of Af- United States—and, I think it’s fair to say, the ghanistan. Although the process was messy, I’m EU as a whole and the world as a whole—are pleased to say that the final outcome was deter- interested in an outcome that can start moving mined in accordance with Afghan law, which I us down the path of a sustainable economy that think is very important, not only for the interna- is not accelerating the potential catastrophe of tional community that has so much invested in climate change. Afghan success but, most importantly, is impor- Sweden has been a real leader in this. We ap- tant for the Afghan people, that the results were preciate their leadership. We are confident that in accordance with and followed the rules laid if all countries involved recognize this is a down by the Afghan Constitution. unique opportunity, that we can get an impor- I did emphasize to President Karzai that the tant deal done, not that solves every problem on American people and the international commu- this issue, but takes an important step forward nity as a whole want to continue to partner with and lays the groundwork for further progress in him and his Government in achieving prosperi- the future. ty and security in Afghanistan. But I emphasized 1625 Nov. 2 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 that this has to be a point in time in which we very warm feelings that the United States peo- begin to write a new chapter based on im- ple have towards the people of Sweden. proved governance, a much more serious effort Prime Minister Reinfeldt. Yes, we will. to eradicate corruption, joint efforts to accel- Well, thank you very much, Barack. As you erate the training of Afghan security forces so said, we have met on several occasions. We that the Afghan people can provide for their share excellent bilateral relations. And this is own security. That kind of coordination and a also a strong transatlantic link, which is very sense on the part of President Karzai that after important for us. some difficult years in which there’s been We have discussed, as mentioned, the Af- some drift, that in fact, he’s going to move ghanistan situation. And the European Union boldly and forcefully forward and take advan- has also said that we’re glad that we now can tage of the international community’s interest see a second term for Karzai, that it’s now con- in his country to initiate reforms internally. cluded. We talked about long-term commit- That has to be one of our highest priorities. ment in Afghanistan. We actually have 500 He assured me that he understood the im- Swedish troops there. We’re up to 35,000 now portance of this moment, but as I indicated to on the European Union side. It’s very impor- him, the proof is not going to be in words; it’s tant, as Barack mentioned, to see this as both going to be in deeds. And we are looking for- creating security but also in governance issues, ward to consulting closely with his Govern- which would be of utmost importance to have ment in the weeks and months to come to as- a ownership of their own in creating sustain- sure that the Afghan people are actually seeing able working conditions, living conditions for the people of Afghanistan. progress on the ground. The main issue was, as it often is now, the The last point I would just make, the Euro- climate issue. We need to work together. We pean Union obviously is an important trading need to find ours—find each other in the pro- partner of ours. We are seeing a world econo- cess to meet the two-degree target when it my stabilize after a very difficult period of comes to Copenhagen and the time thereafter. time. I think Fredrik would agree that it is ab- And we have spoken today, I think, about that solutely critical that we continue to coordinate again. closely when it comes to our economic policies So I thank you very much for your leader- to assure that we are moving in a direction of ship on that issue. more robust growth that creates more jobs in President Obama. Thank you for the visit. the United States and in Europe and that we Prime Minister Reinfeldt. Thank you. continue to shy away from any protectionist President Obama. Okay, guys, thank you. measures that might actually reverse some of these positive trends. NOTE: The President spoke at 2:45 p.m. in the So once again, welcome. Thank you for your Oval Office at the White House. Prime Minis- outstanding work both as Prime Minister and ter Reinfeldt also spoke in his capacity as Pres- as President. And please communicate the ident of the European Council. Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany November 3, 2009 President Obama. Hello, everybody. Well, But the main reason she’s here is that a I’m just going to make a brief statement. I am great honor has been bestowed upon her. She thrilled to have Chancellor Merkel here today. is going to be the first German Chancellor in I want to congratulate her again for her victory 50 years to address Congress, the first Chan- in her recent election, the formation of a Gov- cellor ever to address a joint session of Con- ernment, and we are honored to have her visit gress. And it is, I think, a very appropriate the Oval Office. honor that’s been bestowed on Chancellor 1626.
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