Experiences of a Lifetime Culinary Journey with a local market visit

Season your holiday in with a culinary journey to understand the subtle art of the island’s exotic cuisines. Visit the local market to pick the correct ingredients to cook that perfect rice and curry in an authentic mud-hut.

USD 50 per person (min. 2 guests) Mask Man

Spend time with a celebrated local artist from the village of Ambalangoda, and witness how the local masks are being carved and painted. If you want you can learn the art of how to do the carving and painting as well.

USD 80 per person (min. 2 guests) Walk with an Elephant Enjoy a peaceful elephant experience where you will walk with an elephant while the European volunteers who work at the foundation will explain what they are all about. Get up-close and personal with the elephants by bathing them in the river and you can get on their back while they sit in the river and the elephant will give you a nice river bath with its trunk.

USD 40 per person Virgin White Tea

4000 years ago the Chinese emperor employed virgins wearing soft silky gloves to cut the tea leaves with gold scissors into a golden bowl. It was a drink exclusively served in the Imperial court.

Virgin White Tea is the rarest type of white tea, completely untouched by humans from the tea bush to production and until it reaches the lips of the consumer. You will visit this tea factory who’s entire production is bought by Mariage Freres International – Paris. The only other place in the world that this brand is available for purchase will be at the factory that you are visiting.

USD 15 per person Royal Gardens of Peradeniya with a Botany Host

The Royal Botanical Gardens of Peradeniya is house to some of the best plants and herbs in the island. All the Kings, Queens and monarchs who had visited Sri Lanka used to take a stroll down these paths and they left their mark at the garden by planting various trees to remember their visit. Who best to explain about this magnificent story than a Professor of Botany from the Peradeniya University who will give you a private guided tour. He has written many books about the garden as well.

USD 65 per person Hummingbird Colombo Journey

Think you have seen it all in Colombo? Allow us to take you around and show the hidden gems in the city which are breathtaking to experience. Visit to a place which contains over 200 paintings and drawings which traces the development of art in the island from the 1920’s. These belongs to the original founders of the 43 Group who laid the foundation of modern art. Do you know that the actual hair relics of Lord Buddha is enshrined in a temple in Colombo and it’s visible? Witness the smallest Buddha statue in the world as well.

USD 20 per person UNESCO Galle Walk with an expert resident

Go on a walk around the 17th century Galle Fort with a 4th generation Galle based resident, exploring the many cobblestoned pathways of the Fort while discovering the secrets behind this UNESCO World Heritage site.

USD 65 per person (min. 2 guests) Leopard Man

Enjoy a personally guided wildlife safari experience with Noel Rodrigo – one of the best veterans in the island for leopards and bears. He discovered his passion for wildlife at a young age and loves sharing his knowledge of Sri Lanka’s national parks with like-minded individuals. This experience includes 2 game drives and doesn’t include the camping expenses.

USD 225 per person (2 game drives – min 2 guests) Hummingbird Journey Explore ruins from Colonial era, then from the Jaffna Kingdom times which was founded in 1215 and from the civil war times, during your journey through the North most city of the island. Discover a bottomless well even many European professional divers failed to find the bottom. Visit the Jaffna fort and the Nallur kovil while visiting Deegawapi temple which was visited by Lord Buddha himself. Bathe in a sacred pond in Keeramalai which is said to have healing powers.

USD 100 per person (min 2 guests – including private boat ride to Nagadeepa island) Black Prince of Ceylon

Visit the house of the most notorious monarch during the Colonial era where he lived like a king in his own domain. His house had 121 rooms and he controlled over 80,000 acres. Had his own courthouse in the house which could seat upto 100 people. The Black Prince decorated his floor with British coins with the Queen’s face upwards so that everyone would walk over.

USD 15 per person Underground Ancient Castle

Ever seen an ancient castle built underground, deep inside the Earth’s core? Gear up and climb down to the depths of the world and be amazed by how air circulation is provided even after several hundred meters in. Bathe in the Royal Pond which is also called the “Blue Pond” since the water is of clear blue color. From this point on you will see the chambers of the castle.

Rates on request Colonial Silence at the Delft

An island frozen in time with no vehicle sounds but filled with ancient colonial castles, courthouses, mythical shrines with growing stones and giant foot prints, hundred meter long horse stables, etc. This is the only place in Sri Lanka where you can see wild horses running around freely in their natural habitat.

USD 310 per person (min. 2 guests – including a private boat transfer to Delft Island + packed lunch) Hidden Rock Fortress in Ampara

A lost and forgotten rock fortress built in Ampara around 1st century BC where the man made 60 feet by 60 feet royal pond is at the top of the rock with ancient inscriptions and a stone paved pathway to the top.

USD 80 per person (min. 2 guests) Great Barrier Reef of Sri Lanka

Looking for something that only a few had explored? About ten kilometers away from the south east of Sri Lanka, there exists a place of great mysticism & romance.

Spanning almost Forty Kilometers and being the last frontier for an island against the merciless forces of a massive ocean which only ends at the frigid wastelands of Antarctica, this is the magnificent Basses Ridge, the great barrier reef of Sri Lanka. On the reef itself are two off shore lighthouses built by the British called Little Basses & Great Bases which even withstood the great tsunami without any damages. To this date the lighthouses are maintained by the UK Lighthouse Authorities.

USD 150 per person (min. 2 guests) Hummingbird Anuradhapura Journey

Tired of the guided tours visiting temple after temple? Our Journey through Anuradhapura is a highly personalized and hand picked collection of sites. Did you know that Mirisaveti, Ruwanweli and Jetavana temples align perfectly with the Orion’s Belt star constellation? The only other 3 places this happens in the world are with the great pyramids of Egypt, Mayans pyramids and in Angkor Wat. Also did you know that Sri Maha Bodhiya is the oldest living tree in the world with a known planting date?

USD 40 per person Ceylon Walkabout with the Veddas

At Gal Oya remains the last communities of a dying Vedda tribe - the ancient forest-dwelling, indigenous people of Sri Lanka. You will take a walk with the village Chief through the jungles of his ancestors. Discover and learn about local nature as he brings the forest alive, explaining his tribe’s use of medicinal plants, ancient hunting grounds and cave dwellings. It’s a fascinating insight into how the hunter- gatherers lived in the jungles of Gal Oya.

USD 60 per person High Tea with a Celebrity Author

Enjoy an evening with one of the island’s best recognized modern authors who had written many award winning books. Meet Ashok during high tea at the Galle Face Hotel and discuss what inspired him to write these many diversified books.

Rates on request Viceroy Vintage Train Carriage

Train travel in Sri Lanka is a unique experience. The train still runs on the legendary route built in the 19th century. The carriage has been refurbished in period style to reflect an ancient charm to be compatible with the authentic Viceroy Special. This special carriage has a scheduled train ride on the months of August and December.

USD 35 per person Ceylon Tea Journey by Cycle

Scotsman James Taylor planted the first tea bush in the island in 1867 and now Sri Lanka is very famous for its Tea. Start the journey by cycling to the Nuwara Eliya Golf Course for a morning Ceylon Black Tea and explore the golf club which was founded in 1889. Afterwards cycle to Pedro Tea estate to learn the art and secrets of Ceylon tea with a guided tour and taste the factory’s signature tea brand – “Champagne of Sri Lanka”. Then cycle through the tea estates and country side to the Hakgala Botanical Garden.

USD 105 per person (min. 2 guests) Lost World Exploration in Kumana National Park Kumana is very famous for its many varieties of birds, but deep inside the jungle lies a slumbering city, waiting to be discovered with 30 meter long giant sleeping Buddha statues, ancient caves with Brahmin inscriptions. Another well kept secret is that the jungles of Kumana is filled with leopards and sloth bears. Therefore this is another good substitute to Yala, without all the tourists. Discover ancient civilizations, abandoned villages and a diversified flora and fauna while camping next to a breathtaking river. USD 990 per person (min. 2 guests – including All Inclusive Premium Camping for 2 nights) Night Cycling in UNESCO Kandy

The Sacred city of Kandy’s UNESCO World Heritage status had been awarded for a collection of 34 ancient buildings including the Temple of the Tooth. Start the evening with a cup of Ceylon Tea around 4.30pm at the Royal Bar & Hotel (a UNESCO World Heritage building) and cycle your way through the city visiting important places like the Temple of the Tooth during the last 2 hours to avoid the crowds and also this will allow you to avoid the heat and the overwhelming Kandy city traffic.

USD 50 per person (min. 2 guests) Misty Mountain Top Camping at Knuckles Mountain Range This UNESCO World Heritage Site of Knuckles Mountain Range is home to some of the best and endangered flora and fauna. This is an amazing place in Asia for hiking and when you reach the top, your luxury campsite will be ready with a hot bath and a delicious gourmet meal. Be pampered at over 1500 meters to the best luxuries the country has to offer while you spend your magical nights under the stars. USD 525 per person (min. 2 guests – including All Inclusive Camping for 1 night) Waterfall Hunting in a UNESCO Virgin Rainforest Venture deep into one of the last remaining virgin rainforests in Asia – the Sinharaja rainforest which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. You will be searching for, yet to be named breathtaking waterfalls that hardly see any visitors. Along the way you will witness an amazing collection of endemic and migratory birds along with some small animals. Take a dip in this refreshing waters and afterwards enjoy a rainforest high tea next to the waterfall.

USD 35 per person (min. 2 guests) An Inspiring E v ening in K andy with a loc al artis t

Rahju has been living in Kandy for the last 30 years and has got an amazing collection of his own paintings. Tumble in- to his world of creativity and imagination while discussing his art and what inspired his work. Meet Rudrani, Rahju’s daughter who was home schooled and tutored in art by her father and has works of art on her own.

USD 70 per per son (min. 2 gues ts) Authentic Sri Lankan Lunch at the home of a Batik artist

Visit the house of Ena De Silva and her Alvihare Kitchens where you will see how Ena had been inspiring the local village women in Matale for the past several decades to be independent by making a living for themselves through the art of Batik painting. A mouth watering rice and curry lunch awaits you after a walk around the property and the simple Batik factory.

USD 60 per person (min. 2 guests) Deep Sea Fishing one of the best destinations in Asia Deep Sea Fishing involves an early start, but is a great way to kick-start your day. The Indian Ocean is brimming with fish varieties like Tuna, Jackfish, Red & White Snappers, Barracuda, Small Sharks, Groupers and the stunning Wahoo. Our 30 foot boat will pick you up from the dock at 6am and take you out for 4 hours or longer on request. Aiming for your comfort and safety while at sea, the boat has GPS, lavatory facilities, a cabin and of course life jackets. Equipment, bait and refreshments will be provided. This is available from November to April every year from Bentota.

USD 105 per person (min. 2 guests) Old Colombo Walkabout with Mark Forbes & team

A personalized city walk through the city of Colombo, where you can experience firsthand the borrowed words from the Portuguese to the amazing architecture the Dutch/English left behind, see the vision and love the Englishman had for this land - all while learning and experiencing what being "Sri Lankan" is all about.

USD 80 per person (min. 2 guests) Architectural Walk in Lunuganga & Brief Gardens with local experts

Meet resident experts, during your walk and learn about their passion for art and architecture. They will give you an in-depth understanding into the creation of the Lunuganga and Brief gardens which are considered as some of the best kept gardens of Asia. Learn how the 2 brothers – Geoffrey and Bevis Bawa created their own oasis in Bentota during the 1940’s. Enjoy lunch after the tour in the gardens of Lunuganga as well.

USD 40 per person Hummingbird Substitute We are always on the lookout for new destinations in order to avoid the heavy crowds in popular sites, so that our guests can explore the location peacefully without being surrounded by bus loads of groups. Following are some options! Millennium Elephant Foundation substitute to Pinnawala Orphanage

This is a welcome substitute to many guests since the peace and the ability to have a personalized experience at the Millennium Elephant Foundation makes a world of a difference. The European volunteers provide a hands on experience to the guests.

Entrance Fees of USD 10 per person Rock Fortress substitute to Fortress

Visit this forgotten rock fortress in the cultural triangle which is an amazing substitute to Sigiriya. Just like Sigiriya, Yapahuwa was also an ancient Kingdom of Sri Lanka and it was one of the places where the sacred Tooth relic of Lord Buddha was kept back in the day. Climb to the top of this 100 meter high fortress which was built in the 1200’s.

Entrance fees of USD 10 per person Mulkirigala Painted Caves substitute to Dambulla cave temple This 2200 year old site has 7 caves with frescoes and Lord Buddha statues. The Dutch who invaded the island called this the Adam’s Berg and believed this to be the resting place of the graves of Adam and Eve. Situated 20 minutes off the coast of Tangalle, this is an amazing substitute to the Dambulla cave temple. This is a good option to who ever who wishes to avoid the rush of busy crowds.

Entrance fee is USD 5 per person Wilpattu National Park substitute to Yala National Park

Wilpattu National Park is centrally located next to the UNESCO city of Anuradhapura and off the coast of Kalpitiya At present Yala is over-populated with visitors and it had become a trouble for the animals as well. Therefore we would like to take you to another amazing park to witness Leopards and Sloth Bears without the hundreds of safari jeeps surrounding you.

Entrance + jeep hire charges are the same as Yala WHO WE ARE

The Hummingbird journey started over thirty years ago, when our father Kit Chambers started Hummingbird helicopters, the first air transfer operation in the Maldives. The company evolved into destination management and quickly expanded to Sri Lanka.

With a long family history in Sri Lanka going back generations we have been visiting and exploring the destination since childhood and have a breadth of experience, knowledge and passion that we are truly proud of.

With experienced teams in Colombo and London we are well placed to service clients efficiently and quickly and to make sure the right kind of advice is given to ensure your clients have unforgettable and unique holiday moments they will not get anywhere else.

Our aim is to go over and above expectations and give your clients experiences and memories that are off the beaten track and all the more rewarding for it. The standard tour is popular for a reason but our knowledge and personal contacts in Sri Lanka can give the visitor to this varied isle so much more and I hope we have demonstrated this in the information above.

We have chauffeur guides we have known and trusted for many years and offer SUV’s at normal car rates with wi-fi as standard. A team of national guides are on hand if clients want a more immersive experience and we have a number of specific experts, whether it be for birds, culture, yoga and much else besides.

Put simply we want to do justice to this beautiful country which offers a variety of experiences in a relatively small area that is unmatched anywhere else in the world.

Alex Chambers Managing Director E: [email protected] T +44 207 407 5122